Activities for. Auxiliary ; The 02EG0II STATESMAN. Salem, Oregonl Thursday Morning. November 6. 1941 The American Legion auxil iary met for the regular busi ness meeting Monday in Legion home. Mrs. Frank Marshall pre sided jnd Mr. Fred Gahlsdorf. Mrs.' Clifton MuddV Mrs. Anna -Conrad, Mrs. Melvin Conklin, Mrs. Bentley, Mrs. Nelson and Mrs. L. Bailey. Misa Florence Polster gave two numbers off the accordion. v-,-:i v Mr. Walter' Snyder! gave brief talk on the public school and democracy. ... ' ."V Delegates chosen , for Marion . county council are Mrs. Frank Marshal, Mrs. Fred Gahlsdort, Mrs. Harold Perkinv Mrs. Don Madison and Mrs. John Olson. Alternates are Kathrine Brown, Mrs. Stanley Krueger, Mrs. O. E. Palmateer, Mrs. 'Walter: Spauld lng and Mrs. Lloyd. Perkins. Members will attend the First Methodist church on Sunday and the unit will ride in the parade on Armisyce day. They will as semble with Capital post and families for a no-host dinner at 12:30 in Legion home. Mrs. J. E. Cannon Is chairman for! the din ner ; and her committee is Mrs. W. H. Baillie; Mrs. Julius Hopp, . Barbara t Lovcik, Mrs.; O. E. Palmateer, Mrs. John A. Olson, Mrs. Aubrey Tussing, Mrs. Guy Weaver, Mrs. C. V. Richardson, Mrs. Annie Conrad, Mrs -W..H. Lorenz, Elvira Beard, Ann Har- - old, Mrs. Richard Severns, Mrs. Harry Wechter, Mrs. L. S. Dot ton,' Gladys Mason and Mrs. Walter Spaulding. The annual past president tea will be given in. Legion home Friday from 3 to 5:30 o'clock with Mrs. H. F. Perkins in charge. Mrs. Leon Brown, department finance officer, gave a brief resume of the department meet ing held in Portland. Rehabilitation committee, with Mrs. James G arson as chairman, is planning to send gifts to the Christmas gift shop. This project makes it possible for veterans in hospitals to select gifts to send to their families. Mrs. Richard Severns, junior activities chairman, announced the Junior auxiliary will meet the second and fourth Mondays of each month. The auxiliary sponsored radio I program next Monday at 9:30 5 o'clock will feature numbers .by 1 the American Legion glee club. I ' Th sewing group will meet ( again Thursday to continue work for Red Cross. A Campfire group i from Parrish junior high was sponsored by the auxiliary. The Red Cross first aid class will . meet each Tuesday at 1:30 in the home, with Mrs. Lloyd Per- kins as instructor. ! Tuesday the members of the auxiliary chorus group will meet j for rehearsal. The executive board will meet at the home of Mrs. Fred Williams Monday. Matrons Fete Bridge. Clubs Mrs. Paul Hendricks will pre ' side at a bridge luncheon this afternoon at her Fairmount Hill home for the pleasure of her 'club. Tonight Mrs. Lee 'Crawford Will entertain at bridge and late supper in honor of her club members. Mrs. Arthur Knox -was host ess for a bridge luncheon on Wednesday afternoon for her club and Tuesday night Mrs. Frank Deckebach entertained for members of her club. Mrs. Walter Socolofsky was a special guest Mrs. Glenn Woodry was a bridge hostess Monday night for her club. Mrs. Donald Woodry was an additional guest. Members of the Salem Skat- , lng club and friends who motor - ed to. .Portland Tuesday lor a , ' skate were: Miss Zilpha Camp if bell. Miss- Beverly Armstrong, ' MlsS . Patricia Fitzpatrick. Miss Nadine Lewis, Miss Marianna '" Zwicker, Miss Betty Vandawar . ka, Mr. Don Douris, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Douris, Mr. Charles . Esplin, Mr. William Swlgart, . Miss Dorothy Everson, . Miss Pauline Stanley, Miss Ha Cot ; ton. Miss :; Margaret Crowley, Miss Cleona Naderman, Miss - .Betty Gallagher, Miss Jean Le "7- verick, Miss Leila ; Finden, Miss ' Helen Larson, - Mr: . and Mrs George Naderman, Mr. Lynn Martin, Mr.- Eugene Huff, Mr, Bud LloydVMr. Harold Johnson " and Mr. Robert Raker. Mr." and Mrs. David Chilles .' were hosts Saturday at a dinner IfcCi the: Argo .hotel for members uie nannuiur tiuu. nuiuiuu k Vfavors marked places for Mr. and r Mrs. : Milton Steward, Mr. and L Mrs. Frank Nieswander, Mr. and i . . . . m m r " i Mrs. loya ueara, mi, ana 1x1x5. H. L." Taylor of, Woodburn, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Newman-and the hosts. . Later ' tables , were made up for pinochle. The fem inine members will be enter tained this afternoon at the home of Mrs. William McKinney. , ' ., I,-.',-' m . '.. -. 1 .. :- r Miss Maxlne Paulsen win en tertain with a bridal party Fri day night In compliment to Miss Esther Nelsen, who will be mar ried on November 22 to Mr. George Belt V. - Salem Heights Woman's elub will meet at the community hall Friday with Mrs! Louis Ander son presiding. Hostesses win be Mrs. A. A. Taylor,- Mrs. R o y Burton and Mrs. Wflliam Nel- :. meyer. Rev. Joseph Knotts of the Leslie Methodist church will speak on Teru,M where he spent five .years.;;:--";'-''"- -r'P- ' " f - . v.."".Vi""7 J- , ' , - , . . ;- --' SILVERTON Miss Catherine Tomison, brideeiect of Mr. John Walker of Klamath Falls, was . honored at a luncheon and show , er Saturday with Mrs. Percy L. Brown, v. hostess. Mrs.. . Lowell Brown assisted in serving. ' The wedding will be at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Tomison, McClaine street, on November 19., Rev. J. M.' Jenson will officiate. Guests were Miss' Tomison, Mrs. W. R. Tomison, Miss Jean Tomison, Mrs. , James Case, of Victoria, BC, Mrs. . George Cus- iter, Mrs. A. F. Blackerby, Mrs. James Hollingsworth, Miss Jane .Graham, Mrs. F. E. Sylvester, Mrs. S. R. Morgan, Mrs.: Scott McPike, Mrs. Lottie Loomis, Mrs. : Christian Peterson, Mrs. George Christenson, Mrs. Alvina Mount, Mrs. George WinchelL Mrs. J." J. -Oeder, Mrs. R. E. Kleinsorge, Mrs. . R. A. . McCIanathan, Miss Jean McCIanathan, Mrs. Charles Hoyt, Mrs. Dale Lamar, Mrs. T. TACscvnr B. . Heidenstrom, Mist Vera Heidenstrom, Mrs. Henry Wald- Mrs. Roy Scalfe. ner. Clearance I COATS and SUITS LESS y3 Miller's -2nd Floor CHINA C95 MP 32 American Mad PIECE SET 'Althea" Pattern This special offer in china this week answers a two-fold purpose . . . for your Thanksgiving table . . . for Christmas gift giving! ALTHEA pattern is a gold-trimmed, rose, orchid, green combina tion of delicate flowers and spray. American made . . . American designed! Here is the opportunity to save on this splendid 32- piece set of chinaware this week at Miller's. (Downstairs). Turkey Size Porcelain (granite pattern) -.turkey size ' roasters at the old low price of 98c I Only a few dozen left at this price. Roaster 98c mmmmm BBS I 1. ed-JS& i I v: Tv'' i jejw s u Witn H 1 ml-4 'II I 'II it - f - 'III- r C li - r- i Lcryf r. r .a f hr? i f : .A; Sti f I. V -1KB -" . W JL f -.,( i WoXrt: f -. ' ill- r I a : fxix Shop Miller's downstairs kitchenwares department this week . . . decide now to save money by in vesting in the wares you need at the "old" prices! Pottery, glassware, kitchen utensils of all kinds are inexpensively priced ... it will pay you to buy now. Small Roasters. ... 79c Miller's Downstairs "CRAVENETTED" . RAINCOATS Genuine "Craven etted" gabardine coats in the new loose fitting styles so pop ular this season. Flan n el-lined for e-x warmth. Con vertible collar and cuffs. Large slash pockets. STYLE-MART SUITS 24.50 27.50 29.50 .32.50 Nationally advertised STYLE - MART suits are not 'premium priced!" Buy them the department store way and save money. Han dsomely tailored hr latest approved fashion . . . newest woolens in twists, gab ardine, worsteds, etc. Redecorated - Enlan Usual Wave fl.0t ' Perm ou Pnsli Wave Jl 7 Complete. Open Thurs. . Eve. y Vj - ty Appointment - C S Phone SSS3 ::5 rrt National Dank E15x. CASTLS WAVERS FA New Shirts 1.39 : New PARAGON shirts with the famous non-wilt collars are here! In new and smart patterns for now and later. Select your gift shirts now and save! All sizes. . - '- - . Main floor. 1 1 11 1 11,1 9" 4 --wl ".I I i LET'S SET A FINE TABLE THIS THANKSGIVINGl LET MILLER'S SHOW YOU THE WAY mm O S1VIART LINENS! O FINE GLASSWARE! O .SUPERB CHINA! O NEWEST NOVELTIES! LINENS AT THE OLD LOW PRICES! GLASSWARE WHICH WE PURCHASED MONTHS AGO TO KEEP THE PRICES DOWN! CHINA, GIFT NOVELTIES . . . ALL ARE HERE IN ANTICIPATION OP AN EARLY RUSH FOR GIFT GIVING. And, we do not say EARLY reservedly for we truly believe it the inherent right of everyone to practice economy by selecting their fall and winter needs, gifts for Christmas at the present low prices. Linen Double Damask $4.98 to $26.50 "Let's set a fine table for Thanksgiving" by beginning with the table cloth. If it's a fine linen damask family size, we have it If you need the large size, banquet size, we have that, too. These shimmering linens are a joy to use ... an investment in gracious manner of serving your guests ... Be sure to see these- fine damask linens this week, the prices are extremely modest consider ing their superb quality. In sets or single pieces. EXCLUSIVELY ! "Quaker Lace" TABLE CLOTHS "Exclusively yours" Quaker Lace table cloths are con sidered tlie Zenith in lace cloth patterns! For over -a half century QUAKER LACE have maintained this en viable reputation. 11 u V . : - v i iuv2 ' I . I MSI " Now! Shop Miller's for a large assortment in the newest as well as the "oldest" in lace pattern table cloths in all sizes from smallest to banquet size. Select them now, for self and gift giving! Use our con venient LAYAWAY department. 498 !850 t. MAIN FLOOR Sale! POTTERY LAMPS - - JUST ARRIVED! Dozens of new pottery lamps (Glazed pottery). In DuBonnet red, seafoam green, sunshine yellow, turquoise blue and white. Each -lamp is equipped . with, white parchment shade with edge trim in color to match lamp. Here is a beautiful stand lamp at an exceptionally low price! On sale today and balance of week. (Gift Shop) I 9 MAIN FLOOR DOWN IS UP ! 'BUT WE'RE KEEPING DOWN, DOWN1 Sale of lH araous Brand 100 Goose Down' Pillows Regular $9.00 Vdluo Down is up but we're keeping down down . . . sounds crazy but actually it's the truth. Goose down Is very, very scarce on the market now. Prices are up and, going higher. Until the balance of bur present stock is sold, we offer these' odd pairs to you at 50 less. These are nationally known pillows of standard size. MAIN FLOOR. MEADOW ROSE JOst6ria Meadow Rosa is only , -one . of many Fostorkx ; patterns shown at Mil- ler's fliis week! Com plete stocks , make gift" r buying a reed Joy . . . choose Fostoria and be . "assured that your gifts will reflect your taste. . Gift Shop, Main Floor. ! - Select ; Christmas -( Gifts Now I; : It's nof a bit too early to select your ;Christnas gifts ; . . especially if eg . Vjishes . choice of a large assortment .". ', or fiie unusual r. . or where quan tity has been necessarily limited.- - Use Our Layauxiy Department ; l It Was Established ';: r , . for Your Special C , .1 , . Convenience! v..-: .rl- Miller's iDepdHmeht -"Stored : - :m..