The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 06, 1941, Page 6, Image 6

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1 1 PACT i EX
"A much feted bride-elect these
tutoma Sdays Is Misr Doris Dra
ger. who win become Mr. James
s bride on "Novem
ber 22.
Saturday afternoon Mrs. Dra-,
Cer Miihler, sister of "lb bride- i
to-be, win entertain. informally
at tea at, her apartment in Port
Isrd forj the pleasure of Miiss
Vttter. j , U?.
A crotfP of Gamma Phi Beta
sorority j sisters - and Portland
friends of the bride-elect hare
ben united to call between 3
and 5 efcleck. Attendinf 'from
Salem wjll be Miss Drager, Mrs.
Clareocc! Kamiltoa and Mrs.
Robert Draper.
Hiss Iffasine MeKillop, Miss
Helen WSedmer and Mrs. Har
vey Quiftad have arranged a
breakfast for Sunday morning
at Schneider's Dining room in
honor of I Miss Drager.
Mrs. Norman Bay of Portland
will also be a breakfast hostess
for Miss prater on Sunday, No
vember IB, at her home. Mr.
Bay is ie of Mr. Nicholson's
Uihcrf. s
Mr. sad Mrs. Ray 8. Keene
entertained 'with an informal
dessert supper party Wednes
day nigbtj in honor of the Salem
f Ik who bre planning to accom
pany the Willamette university
1 Abaft team to Hawaii on No-
ember 28. The travelers will
sail on the Lurline from San
Francisco Ion November 27. Dur
ing the eieninsj plans were dis
cused about the trip.
The yoirif and fluid lines of
Pattern 4012 lead the shirtwaist
er paraded It was designed by
.Anne Adorns, of course, to fit
Into a home or office background
with easy (grace. Watch these de
tails rise ln the fashion barom
. eter tty-ee-quarter sleeves.
Plunge neckline, set-in belt, in
visible packets set in the front
skirt seajms! Those two .skirt
: panels aije responsible for the
slimming effect of this frock, and
there's additional flattery in the
" shallow shoulder yokes cut in
' one with Jthe back. The back is
; cut in tvf o, main pieces, which
shortens kewing time. So does
the practical Sewing Instructor
which illustrates every dressmak
. ing step! I Short or long sleeves
and ,top-ktitching are optional
like the pockets.
, Pattemf 912 is available in
misses arcl women's sixes 14, 16,
18, 20, 32 34, St. 38. 40 and 42.
Sie IS tikes 24 yards 54 inch
fabric ' ., .
' 1 ' i
! ' Seixi fifteen cents 1 19c) In coins
. . 1 AcUun pattern.
Write plainly six, name, address
and it to; number.
; Jus this cream of the 1941-42
. fashion crop is shown in the new
Anno Adams Pattern Book. Order
..your copy today you'll find page
after pafe of orteinal, eaxv-to-tnak
medea for every age and
! hour. Ijimmiai mature-lady
-frocka. ?ay crib i college ap
parel. Kmart clothes for working,
for shopping, for epoetin, for do
dress or donWreM festivities.
completes bridal Srouseau. And
' as an extra feature frcc-for -the-makijng
hat and nag set Book
; fifteen Cents. - Pattern fifteen
. . cents. Book and pattern together,
twnty-tve Cent
Send your order to The Oregon
Statesman. Pattern Department,
Salon Oregon. . - ,. -:,yf, .
Hot 'Z'j.'i V
' TP
I laSaaassalSSst I t
1 t"'rUfiJi::fm
Kidnap Breakfast
At Knox Home
Mrs. Arthur Knox and Mrs. ,
Howard Bex were hostesses for
a kidnap breakfast for SL
Anne's Guild of St Paul's
Episcopal church Wednesday
morning at the former's home on
Park Lane.
Picking tip - the guests were
Miss Rovena Eyre, Mrs. Fred
Moxley. Mrs. Wilbur Berry and
Mrs. George Weller. The tables
were centered with bouquets of
lavender, yellow, pink and white
Guests were Mrs." Kenneth
Power, Mrs. Carleton Spencer,
Jrs. Arthur A. Rogers, Mrs.
Kenneth Bailey, Mrs. Breyman
Boise, Mrs. Kenneth Bell, Mrs.
T. O. Russell. Mrs. Brazier
Small. Mrs. Jerrold Owen, Mrs.
Robert Brennen, Mrs. Howard
Wilson, Mrs. Forrest Simmons,
Mrs. La ban Steeves, Mrs. E. M.
Page, Mrs. Kenneth Wilson and
-Mrs. James Humphrey.
Invitations to.
Rites Received
Invitations were received the
first of the week to the mar
riage of Miss Marian Steiger
wald, former Willamette univer
sity student, to Mr. Edward A.
Murphy of Oregon City. The
ceremony win take place at 8
pa, November 22, at Rose City
Methodist church in Portland.
Bishop Bruce R. Baxter will of
ficiate; assisted by the Rev. Ray
S. Dunn. A reception, will follow
at the home of the bride-elect's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira R.
Steigerwald. Miss Steigerwald's sister, Miss
Marine, will fee maid of honor
and Mr. William Murphy of Ore
gon City will be his brother's
best man. Bridesmaids will be
the Misses Dorothy Mihalcik,
Alma Sies, Marjorie Schmitt,.
Merry Dorothy Simmons, Mil
dred Scott and Bette Steiger
wald, cousin of the bride-to-be.
Delta Mothers
Hear Talk J
Mrs. J. H. Brown and Mrs.
M. M. Magee were hostesses' to
Delta Tau Gamma mothers Mon
day afternoon at Lausanne hall.
Miss Virginia Hubbs, who re
cently returned from studying in
Mexico City, was the speaker.
Ehawee Camp Fire girls met
at the Leslie school Monday af
ternoon. A council fire was plan
ned and two new members, Bar
bara Upjohn and Norma Cass,
were welcomed. Attending were
the Misses Adah Mae Teel, Rena
Skaggs, Deloies Clement, Nancy
ILAH MUXES, expert eeoetiere
direct from Artist Model, will be
at Miner's today. Frl, Sat. You
are invited to consult Miss Miller.
' Tfc!?" ith doehoWa brosi fits oil ma Mtoiriifkw't'
' (ours Ucauta V rfraJ and profterrionad to avary ktdiivot hip devalopina; That's '
wKy Artist Modal wi3 soiva yew Goura prpilams. AchralV tapwota tfroTa aftd brow"
lece. fo'! by four invisible tabs into slafidarizSno ollona mot oivas yea match;
fots comfort bacauia S's toUoredlor YOU Rgvra VaWeUnh, ready odaJwVle Rtl
rK. : . '
mm .
Club Calendar
Salem Dakota club, no-host son- -
per. WCTU. 9m p. m -rrumaad
Women's circle, wna
Kb. Harvey Armstrong, a pjn. "
Barbara Frietctvie camp. Daugh
ters of Union Veterans g toe '
Civil War, S p. m. .
Liberty Women's eta, at Shut
ueworth heme. 2 p. m.
ExecutiTe board of WSCS, First
Methodist cfanren, lS p. m. wttii ...
Mrs. Theodore Ulakko. 166 Court
PLEP chib with Mrs. Laura
Johnson. 763 Norto Winter street.
Pan American Study class. Wo
man's club with Mrs. A. L.
' Skewis. 1797 Center street. 2 p. m.
Junp,rederatiOB Uatie clubs.
- aus. Walter Denton's studio, 105
p. in.
JBPW Card cktb with Mrs. Bessie
perrance, 60S South Summer street,
S p. m.
. Maccabees S4d business meeting,
8 p. m. Fraternal temple.
.TeJS' Calvary Baptist
cnoxeb. f 30 p. m.
. Mothers of troop 9, with Mrs.
Juhus Hopps. 1370 Cbemeketa
-fS' 1 P- Semg for Brit
xsn. American Legion auxiliary sew
Croup, at Legion home.
YWCA Finance committee. YWCA
M a. m.
Woman's Alliance Unitarian
ehnrch with Mrs. i. R. Pouock.
602 North Winter street. 2 p. m.
Degree of Honor. KP halL S
p. m.
WHC at VFW baD, 2p.nL, regu-
Iar meeting.
American Legion auxiliary
membership tea. Legion home, 3
. p. m.
Salem Height's Woman's club,
community hall.
Salem Woman's club meeting.
clubhouse. 230 p. m. board meet
ing, 120 p. m.
Richmond PTA. at school. 7 JO
p. m.
VTW auviliary. at hall. 8 p. m.
MacJeay 4-M club, with Mrs. W.
Welch. 2 p. m.
AAUW Latin -American
group, YWCA. 7:30 p. m.
Surprise Party
At Burton's
Mrs. Robert Burton and Mrs.
Helen Taylor were joint host
esses on Saturday night1 at the
former's home for a surprise
birthday party complimenting
Miss Ethel Taylor.
Halloween appointments and
fall flowers formed the decora
tions. The evening was spent
informally with cards and Chi-j
nese checkers in play. Later re
freshments were served at small i
tables. . ,
Assisting Mrs. Burton was
Mrs. James Taylor. Those present
were Melvin Marker, John St
Jacque, Buck Bailey and Alvin
Coulson, all from Fort Lewis;
Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor, Leb
anon, Mr. Robert Burton, Mr.
Herbert Bainey, Mrs. Janet
Burton, Miss Dee Johnson, .Miss
Theresa Johnson, Miss Elizabeth
.Taylor, Miss Ethel Taylor, Mrs.
Taylor and Mrs. Robert Burton.
Farrar, Betty Lofton, Barbara
Upjohn, Norma Cass, Charlotte
Williams, Mary Elizabeth Rine
hart and Mrs. O. L. Donnelly. '
niMCMCinM -
Is Hostess
: Saturday ; :
!: Mist liaxjr lMcEdiugj.?
tex of Senator and Mrs. Doug
las McKay, win entertain with
r Sadie Hawkins Day parly csv
Saturday night at the home of
her parents on Jerris avenue.
Games win be in play in be
v recreation 'room and refresh
znents win be served at a late '
hoar. Seasraa! decorations will
be used about the -rooms. '.
i - Miss McKay's guests are Miss
Betty Manoles, Miss Janet Gib
son, Miss Janet Rilea, Miss
Joyce Beeves, Miss Shirley Ke
- nagy, Miss Shirley Severin, Miss
. Betty ZDiUIe,:-;-;-Messrs.
Delbert McLaughlin,
, Tom Bcardman, Bud Clark, Bud
samxn, Marshall Smith, Harold
McAuley, Jack. Slater and Eu
gene Lowe. -
Auxiliary Acts
As Host
The Salem FOE auxiliary was
hostess Tuesday to out-of-town
members from Portland, Oregon
City, Albany, Newberg and
MarshCeld for the annual birth
day parry.
The Portland drill team, as
sisted by officers from the vari
ous auxiliaries performed the in
itiation. Those elected to mem
bership were: Wilhelmina Rei
mer, FJnora Roth, Mabel Under
wood, LaVerne CoviUe and Helen
Charter members honored
were Mrs. Sam RrniTn?nj Mrs.
Gussie Shaw, Mrs. Cash Ro
berts, Mrs. Lucille Tumbleson,
Mrs. Pauline Lewis, . Mrs. Floyd
A Smith, Mrs. Mary Aplin, Mrs.
Albert Nixon and Mrs. Frank
The following committee chair
men were appointed for the spe
cial meeting: Mrs. Merritt
Brown, decorations, Mrs, FJvin
Pruitt, entertainment, and Mrs.
P. C. Harland, refreshments.
Preceding the meeting, mem
bers were entertained by the
Leslie quartet, Eileen Ulrich,
Evelyn Egelhoff and Dorothy Ul
rich, accompanied by Mrs. Ame
lia Bolton. Delpha Loewen gave
a military tap dance.
Following the meeting Robert
Maley, accompanied by Robert
Rowson, sang two numbers. The
Salem drill team gave a skit.
Mothers Have
New Officers
On Tuesday the American
War Mothers met for a business
meeting at the Legion home.
New officers for ensuing two
years were installed: Mrs. Eliza
beth Perkett, president; Mrs.
Addie Curtis,' vice president;
Mrs. Rose Hagedorn, recording
secretary; Mrs. Susie Botts,
treasurer; Mrs. Mabel Lock
wood, custodian; Mrs. Minnie
Humphreys, historian; Mrs. Ma-
.tilda Nadon, chaplain; Sarah
Peterson, corresponding secre
tary. '
Mrs. R. J. Hendricks was in
stalling officer, Mrs. T. W. Da
vies musician and Mrs. A. A.
Lee and Mrs. Ida Traglio were
color bearers. Mrs. Carrie Beech
ler was sergeant at arms, Mrs.
H. A. Smart is delegate, and
Mrs. Rose Hagedorn alternate
to the state convention at Al-
- bany" today and Friday,
- - J 'ja 1
Oregon. Thursday Morning. November 8. 1941
Ii. uBL ILrs. Gardoa SUaBer ;
have returned from Fort Moo-'
roe.VirgiiuXwfam LL Skinner .
attended a three months train
ing course. Before they leave '
for Fort Stevens. XI. and Mrs.
Skinner are the guests of their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie '
Skinner and Colonel and Mrs. .
Carle Abrams.
Thonksgivirlg Is
Date for Rites
Thanksgiving day has been
chosen by Miss Monira Hopfin
ger,. daughter of Mrs. John
French, for her marriage to Mr.
Albert George Boardman, son
of Jlr. and Mrs. Samuel H
Boardman. The rjerernony wfll
take place at SL Joseph's Cath
olic church.
The news was told at a des
sert supper parry Tuesday night
for which the bride-elect was
hostess at her home. SmaU cakes
bearing the names of the couple
and date revealed the news.
Guests were Mrs. Harry Mo-
ran. Miss Lucfle Bonner, Miss
Brady, Miss. June Curtis, Mrs. The Young Business and Pro
Dorothy McDowell, Mrs. Grace fessional Girl's club of the
Haines, Mrs. Orris Hoffman, YWCA held its regular meeting
'Miss Eunice Mackey, Miss Velma Monday night in the club rooms
rranxs, Mrs.,Jora Plank. Mrs.
Don Cllinsi iMiss "Normabelle
Weatherly, Msj. Franen?' Denni
son, Miss Verdf Sjvongren, Miss
Eva Koesseler, Miss Josephine
Bross and Mrs. John French.
The bride-elect attended Sac
red Heart- academy and is now
with the public utilities com
mission. Her fiance attended Sa
lem schools and Willamette uni
versity. He is now with the Sou
thern Pacific company in San
Francisco, where the couple wfll
Miss Lively Is
Honor Guest
Miss Eunice Johnson was hos
tess to a group of friends bidden
to honor Miss Joyce Lively,
bride-elect, at the country home
of her parents Tuesday night.
Games were played early but
the main portion of the evening
was spent in appliqueing dish
towels for the bride-elect. Miss
Evelyn Peterson won the award
for making the most interesting
and unique design.
Gifts were hidden about the
rooms, and the ringing of alarms
announced their hiding places.
Chrysanthemums i n autumn
shades decorated the rooms, and
refreshments planned to follow
the autumn colors were served.
Those honoring Miss Lively
were the Misses Alice Thomp
son, Gladys Crawford, Thelma
Gerig, Betty Lively, Charlotte
Hain, Sara Gerig, Jean Bates,
Rowena McDonald, Evelyn Pet
erson, Katherine Gerig, Mrs.
Archie Gardner, Mrs. James
Guhston, Mrs. Ralph Wilson,
Mrs. Roy G. Lively, Mrs. Joseph
Johnson, and Miss Eunice John
son. 3 Days
Here, is Tour oppor-,
I tunity to make Chris t-
mas gift purchases.'
I and lor your own . use.
I while ihese prices: are
I 'in efiect. The s23c tup
ply ' is f a s t becoming
r Today
! Beautiful Sheer W si l oAil siz
J ;-3hread j V; All Length-"
tiffin. ; jl ! ' : o AU Nw
mnprless pggl
Shower Will
Honor Mr !
Miss Maxioe Rogm will pre- r
side at a dessert supper tonight
at kex tact in conmltoent. to
married m early 0br.
i smau mote Tfiu oe tn
toed with autumn bouqut ta and
pink and white corsage will
mark places for the guests. A
linen shower wOl fete the brKi
and contract bridge will b in
play during the evening. .
Honoring Mrs. Plympton wUl
be Mrs. Russell K. Woodward.
Miss Helen Langflle, Miss Ruth
Starrett, Miss Doris Drager, Miss
Barbara Williams, Miss Helen
Wiedmer ancT Miss Rogers,
Girls Elect
-p. y
..attae YW.
The executive committee save
a report of its recent mtfrjj
and the5 fallowing committees
and chairmen were announced
for the coming year: Service,
Vera Wood; program, FJda
Ridgeway, Virginia MarthaUer;
social, Laurel Emerson, Marion
Mitchell; and publicity, Melba
At the meeting discussion was
held of the northwest Business
and Industrial Girl's conference
which is being held in Seattle
November 8 and 9. Sophy Popo
vich and Melba Conrad were
elected as voting delegates to
represent the club at the con
ference. Laurel Emerson and
Melba Conrad were elected as
nominees for chairman and sec
retary of the planning conference
Members who expect to go to
Seattle are Shirlee Lamb, Flor
ence Pedersen, Alice Schlender,
Margaret Canoy, Sophy Popo
vich, Laurel Emerson and Melba
Conrad. Mrs. Esther Little, club
advisor, will accompany the
girls. They expect to go with
the Portland girls on a char
tered bus to Seattle.
Delta Zetas at
The Delta Zeta alumnae were
entertained at the home of Mrs.
Bjarne Ericksen Tuesday night
A dessert supper was followed
by an evening of contract
Members attending were Mrs.
B. L. Bradley, Mrs. Edmund
Carleton, Mrs. Hugh Morrow,
Mrs. Charles Feike, Mrs. Virgil
Sexton, Mrs. E. M. Bradford,
Mrs. Emmett Kleinke and Mrs.
mip . nil jyiaat.i;
Special Purchase
: v pair Jr Pl5
: v 3 Pair;::.- cf
3 Pair
Kew York City Wednesday night
where "siewinjolnher.
a i ' a
daughter-ln4aw Mr. and Mrs,"
Earl IL Sande. .They plan to
leave immecuateiy on , Airs.
Sande's arrival for Florida'
where they wifl "spend. the win'
ter months.' ' '"
,r.-. '! ?
Veterans' Wives
KlB 'SeWillCf
The tewing group of the Vet
eran ot I'orelga Wars auxiliary
met at the home' of Mrs. Leon
Hansen Tuesday afternoon.
Present were: Mrs. Elvira'
Beard, Mrs. William Beard, Mrs.
Chris Free, Mr.. James Moor-
man, Mrs. Ward Wolfe, Mrs.
Gerald Kendall, Mrs. E. V. Bo
land, Mrs. Solon Shinkle, Mrs.
Frank Prince, Mrs. Cova Case,
Mrs. Arwin Strayer, Mrs. Effie
Wetsel, Mrs. Frank Hoereth,
Mrs. Charles Norton, Mrs. Onas
Qlaon,- Mrs. - David. Furlough,
Mrs. Ralph Harlan, Mrs. Russell
Mudd, Mrs. Joseph-Behoit, Mrs.
Elmer Ideen, Mrs. William Clare,
Miss Doris Hansen and the host
Table Decorating Exhibii
Courtesy of ,
Tri-County Medical Auxiliary
.. -x sam
Pmswxmmmi0r l' piminiim m mmm nana n mm i,j j, .
llll WlMiitMBSVlMiMass irrffni H -'"llilMII laaiaataff llllf ISWiriiij Mliiinilaaa-rHtt frfrlW 1
Cooperating in this Pre
Thanksgiving Table
Served to
J Visitors 12:30 to 5 p.m.
lVlOnnerS LeOVe j
t 4p sas aV BsBBSss4jsf
- .. -t..
jAtd ana Mrs. rrans: uonner.
left by trairr Sunday night for
three weeks vacation and bus!- ;
ness trip in, the east This ij
' their, first trip, in 35 years.
v The travelers went the north-
ern' route py way of Chicago,
' Indiana; Ohio and New, York.
They will return - through -the
south and Los Angeles. -
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Moxmer
entertained at dinner Sunday
. afternoon at their Sunnyside
home .in honor of Mrs. Frank"
"Monner't' birthday. ""
Covers were placed for Mr.
and Mrs. . Frank Monner, Mr.
and Mrs. George McKay, Ray
and. Edward, Mr. and .Mrs.
Charles Samples, Lois' and
Helen of Portland, Mr. and Mrs.
John Peters, Bernice, Eleanor,
wmiam and Roy of Vancouver,
Wash, Clarence, Robert .and
Lawrence Monner. of Salem and
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Monner.
' Mrs. 8. G. Sen warts was a
luncheon and bridge hostess
Wednesday afternoon at her
home on North 21st street in
honor of a group of her friends.
Nescafe Coffee
Table Exhibit
exhausted so" you an
7ards mipIete'slocks.:
$6.50 to $15.00
- fjc..-ic:.:c:xT
Perry's Dn:j Stcre
ID C - ...zzz rcml
f o V9 M 0 ZZ'ZZSl "ZVJ: - :; PHONE 3194
Miller' G