The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 06, 1941, Page 5, Image 5

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    lb OREGON STATESMAN Salem.-Oregon. Thursday Morning, Norember 6. 1941
'.pAcs nvs ; l
Local Nevs Briefs
Autos Collide Emma V. Seely, I Garages Okehed Permits were
855 Center street, and Clarence J Issued jWednesday, by; the city
Collins, 2645 Maple ivenue," were I building ; department to" S. S.
operators of autos which collided (Macklin fo erect private garage
Wednesday morning at Hood and at 810 North Cottage street, $40;
Broadway streets. Mrs. Maurice Stevens Used Cars to 'erect prl
W. , Brennen, 1488 State street, vate garage at 679 : South 12th
received first aid lor a small street, $300; H. G. Smith to re
lace cut alter Mr. Brennen's car pair roof ol dwelling at 1140
collided at Cottage and Chemek- Center street, $45; R. Blischke to
eta streets Tuesday with . : one alter dwelling at 1020 Howard
driven by Morton U. Giesy of street, $75.
' Amltv. Driver Af can urhfrfa nl I
.lided i at . Cottage ., and Center Gifts lor everyone and Jorevery
trt Ta ,i'wa,w w occasion will be found at The
Quistad, 732 North Cottage street, Moderne.. Court & Commercial.-
ana -mts. jaomer, itio i; Prepare Defense Insignia Sew-
street mts. jvionier. was cnargea j mg armbands which are. to carry
wwn lauure ia siap ana xinea civil reserve insignia . occupied
Marion County Circuit Court
Jury Awards $5000 to Estate
Of Small Girl Auto Victim
. directing Dovie Odom Hatfield and Mark Odom Hatfield to
pay $5000 to Harold Lane as administrator of the estate of Alice
Marie Lane a Marion county; circuit court jury brought in its
verdict Wednesday afternoon following 1 hours deliberation.
Little Alice Marie died as re-
Awaiting-Vord From Husband
Savings r- Insured to $5,000.00
are earning 3 at Salem Fed
eral. 130 South Ohwtv.
Knopf to - Speak Dr. Carl
Sumner Knopf, president of Wil
lamette university, is to address painted stenciled
the Lions club at their luncheon I nesday night.
today noon in the Marion hotel.
between 40 and 50 members of
the Royal Neighbors of America
at an all-day session Wednesday
for which Mrs. Matt Hall was
hostess in her home on Duncan
avenue. Members of the women's
ambulance corps applied the
insignia Wed-
sult ?of injuries received !f when
struck by the" Hatfield automobile
near' her parents' home last year.
Ten T thousand dollars -had been
asked in the action. 1' '
In Justice court a jury failed to
agfee7on 'evidence presented in
the case' of the state vs. Roy Wal-
lace Mciniyre, cnargea wun mix
ing alcoholic drinks without a li
cense' at the Alder, club eight
miles south of Salem. ,
Because of the illness of Judge
IX H. McMahan, who returned to
the bene h Wednesday morning
The Lions plan a no-host dinner Auction . 'tortfte Woodry's 8 p..m. only long enough to hear argu-
- Monday night in the Cherry City mmi xv M-,afftt ments ol attorneys in tne iane-
r t Baking comnanv auditorium un u.. u . l . a tr I Hauield case, the $5200. damage
--- v J vi a 1
couver,. Wash., to Corwin John 01 ? . u. i
Widwell and Celestine E. Judd, I Ior( once scneauiea to open wea
both of 191 South Church street: nesuay was,
Vernon B. Gaulhaber and Blanche Scheduled today in Justice court
M. Dunn, both ol Woodburn, and is the tnal of Dave, Earl, Velma
tov airolane was stolen Tuesday to Millard E. CimobeU.' Aums- and PhyUisTDeHut and Iflva Kau-
night from her lawn at 1192 South ville, and Marjorie Brown, Sil- tenberg bn a charge: growing out
16th street Mrs. W. J. Howe told verton. - oi tne auegea removal oi cuuum
city police Wednesday. Irmal ," bark from trees belonging to
Smith, 336 Oak street, said two Midseason dress sale, $7.95, $10.95 ward Dunigan.
foglights were stolen from her and s.14.83. spiencna reductions,
Monday night in the Cherry City
Baking company auditorium un
der sponsorship of the club, aux
Luta florist Ph. 9592. 1276 N. Lib.
Plane, Lights Stolen A large
auto at that address.
Plan ahead for gilts while stocks
are complete. Henry's Photo Shop.
Girl Located Doris Schober,
state employe who was reported
jGilmore Senator Dress Shop.
Helen Peterson vs. Harold Pet-
Mother Dies Funeral services erson; formal decreed divorce
for Mrs. Margaret Viesko, mother gives custody ol minor child to
ol George and Henry Viesko ol plaintiff with $25 a month sup
Salem, were held Tuesday at the oort money. $75 attorney's lee
Little Chapel ol the Chimes, Port-
missing Monday, was listed on land other survivors include a
city police records Wednesday as
bavin ' returned safely to her
residence, 1563; Court street
Ini this city, Harve Allen
Knowles, aged 76 years. Late res
ident ol 100 Carlton Way. Father
ol RaiDh A. Knowles ol Salem
. and Elmer R. Knowles ol Stock
port, Iowa; brother ol Lafe and
John Knowles ol Stockport, Iowa,
Jess Knowles ol Fairfield, Iowa,
Mrs. Eva Greggroy and Mrs. P.
D. Wilson of Stockport Iowa.
daughter, Mrs. Arthur Gleie,
brothers, Henry and Edward
Wagner, all of Minnesota; sister,
Mrs. Delia Coulter, Alaska.
Top Hatter's Haunted MOl Sat
Deposit Required A $."5 de
and $30,75 costs.
George A. Hankins and Edna
C. Hankins Vs. H. E. Gonn, Sophia
Gronn and A. P. Erpelding; com
plaint lor $1000, alleging that Er
pelding as real estate agent and
Gronns as Owners misrepresented
house sold to plaintiffs when they
declared it had been built only
der of dismissal based on stipula
tion of settlement
Charles Zielinski estate; Thom
as A. Roberts, Keith Powell and
A. A; Larsen named appraisers.
Chr istopher O'Shaughnessy
guardianship; annual report -by
Pioneer Trust company. " '
Martin Zuber estate; final re
port shows receipts of $663.31 and
disbursements ol $625.32; hearing
called lor December 6.
George M. Sargent estate; final
account ol Karl M. Brown admin'
istrator shows receipts ol $811.90
and disbursements of $655.91
hearing set for December 6.
William F. Kelly; final order
granted Lena M. Hewitt, admini
stratrix. .
Jack N. Anderson: no stop lighl
on logging trailer; pleaded guilty;
continued for sentence to Novem
ber 12.
Lee E. Leighty: no operator's
license; $1 and costs.
Ralph Dean Bethel; no operat
or's license; $?.50 and costs; com
mitted to jail on failure to pay.
Frederick Lassie; no operator's
license; $2.50 and costs; commit
ted to county jail on failure to
Henjy I. Morrow, 30, dairy far
II - -
1 V
- m
In her home in New York, Mrs. Josephine. Jaeggi, 17, gazes at a picture
of her husband, Seaman Earl Jaeggi, who was aboard the U. S. de
stroyer Reuben James, sunk hi the North Atlantic. Two days previous
to the sinking, Mrs. Jaeggi had received a letter from her husband
enclosing $50 for a new eoat.
Coast Plane Plants Employ 43
County SheetMetal Trainees
Committees for Salem
Named bv Mrs. W. Ei Anderson :
Members of the Salem "committees for the nation-wide art
fair to be held at the Art Center from November 17 to the 23rd
were announced Wednesday by Mrs. - W. E. Anderson, - general
committee chairman as follows:: - . ; ' -
: PablieUr, (Will Taa .Naita,
Generieve Mergaa, rerena
Eyre; reglsterVxg af exhibit,
Mrs. C. C Clrxins. Mrs. A. T. -
. Fox; promotioav Mrs. Vera Fear?
.man, Mrs. Marias F. Field, Mrs.
JL B. LaaghUa; stagtag exUbita, .
Mia Constance Fawter,. Mrs.
Ann Ziiuley, Mrs. C. C HlggiBs;
school entiiev Miss. Jeaa Ken .
dalL Mrs. Rath SetXlager, C A.
Whera Thry Ara' ,
What TheTra Doing
'Observance of
day,". November
"Marine Corps
10, was urged
by Gov. Charles A; Sprague in a
statement released here Wednes
"The marine corps has a long
and honorable career." "Gov.
Sprague said, "and commands re
spect wherever its force, appears."
A conference of Astoria citi
zens, CoL Elmer V. Woo ton, act
ing adjutant general, and a fed
eral .official, In connection with
the proposed new Astoria arm
ory, is scheduled for later this
week, probably in Portland.
The plan proposes that the
federal government shall contri
bute $65,000, the state $40,000,
Clatsop county $25,000 and As
toria a site Valued at $15,000.
Among 16 reserve officers from
Pacific northwest cities now do
ing a tour of duty with the 41st
division notified they will remain
Mrs. Clifton Mudd. chairman ol
the sales committee will be assist
ed by members of the Salem Wo
man's club, the Junior Woman
club and the AAUW. . . -
All artists and craftsmen Ja the
Salem area are Invited to enter
their handiwork for sale in the
fair. AH work must be original
and have been completed la the
past five years. While each ex
hibitor must set his own sale price
on his articles. It is suggested that
they be priced moderately, as arti
cles, ranging from $1 to $25 sell
more readily.
Art object en sale will In
clude palatini, ell or water
colors, wood blocks, ceramic,
metals, wood earrings, wea ring
and hooked rags.
for another year In active service
218th field artillery: Lieut.
Harold Alexander Thomas, Sal
em: Gilbert George Erlandson.
Employment of 43 aviation sheet metal trainees from the Parkdale. Ore.
Salem area by Boeing and Lockheed-Vega airplane factories was 146th field artillery: Lieuts. Al- together the- artists of America
mpf. Indonpnrtpnw nnrt Remlra onnmmiw' WAHnse 'gv Monnn T.amK salam liofanca amninv. I DeTC dWin UMenweVBT. HlllS- I f wjv
L. McVeigh, 26, waitress, Mt An- ment officer with the state emolovment service. boro, Ore WilUam BoveU Morse,
gel. : ; 1 vmh ma f I Corvallis.
AU exhibits must be brought to
the Art Center on November 13
from 10 ajn. to 9 pjn.
Mrs. Anderson said "It is that
aU local art lovers will -cooperate
in this nationwide effort to bring
nosit henceforth is to be reauired I a year and had had only one f am
bv the eountv court before Issu- ily as tenants whereas, plaintiffs
ance of any permit to lay water declare, house was a number of
mains across public highways, the
court has announced. The deposit
is to assure repayment for dam
age done, to roads involved and
any portion not Used is to be
W. T. Rigdon company Wednesday,
November 5, to Stockport, Iowa,
for services and interment.
Bros., 164 S. Coml. Ph. 4642.
years old but remodeled, and had
served many tenants, that actual
value was only $3000 rather than
$4000 as charged.
Robert jj Rick vs. Beatrice C.
Rick; amended complaint for di
vorce, alleging desertion, offering
sole" property rights valued at
$9000 to defendant and asking re
turn of his tools and personal ef
fects; married April 10, 1933, in
Waldo E. Gibbens, 27, book
keeper, and Annette Lytle, 21,
domestic, both of Woodburn.
Lester Albert Tehle, 24, aircraft
employe, Seattle, and Phyllis
Myrna Miller, 21, stenographer,
1596 Franklin, Salem.
Mrs. C. E. Mohler, 1775 C street,
xciiiuAc iu siup, lineu $i.ou.
Guest Speaker,
j .u ei r:v 1,.V. r, m6"i
Ul xC";: Alfred Struntz vs,
Mrs. Irene Love, at a local hos- Friday night before the Salem
pital at the age of 44, Monday, No- Eugene football game there. A
vember 3. Survived by parents, dinner is scheduled, at 6 p. m.
Mr. and Mrs. George Cotton of Sa- The Salem Hi-Y council, meet
lem. and a brother, Rev. Earl B. ing Tuesday night, postponed
Cotton of Fossil. Ore. Funeral election of officers,
services at Rose Lawn Funeral
home Thursday, Nov. 6, at 3 p.
m.. Rev. Joseph Knotta officiating.
Concluding services at Belcrest
Memorial park.
, Perry George Wheeler, late
resident of West Salem, at a local
ViAcnital Tiio1av November 4.
at the age of 73 years. Brother of sation commission were urged by
Leslie Honor
Roll Numbers
64 Students
Sixty four pupils attained the
honor roll for the first six weeks
at Leslie junior high school, Prin
cipal R. W. Tavenner announced
Pupils listed "were:
Seventh grade Marcille Al
len, Peggy Burroughs, Robert
ITnellrl T3aiVa..a TTn T
Emma Conrad Olson vs. Carrie ;:"Tw?",?uT!
Apron Sale Sat.. Nov. 8. Neimeyer Kraut; reply containing general I T.'":' .
Drug Store, 175 N. Corn! White denial and asking Judgment ; of Mohruhan, Charles Robin's. Mari-
Shrine oi Jerusalem. 1UUU ueiH1Qaai wgemer lv Snrintr r,
Philip Weston, Bob Wiper.
Eighth grade Bette Albers,
Ted Baum, Betty Buhler, Jane
Henry Zorn
and Augusta Zorn; reply contain
ing generalj denial.
Roy E. Boatwright vs. Lena
Anna Boatwright; order allows
defendant $35 suit money and $75
attorney's fees.
I' t'T'!
X -1
I ; I;
ft , I
t - '
. t- - " -
$ S HUT a - -. U:
I ft! u
trainees were created at Salem
high school and Chemawa NYA
shops, said Lamb, and persons
interested are to apply at the
employment office. Age limits
are 18 to 45 years and the ap
plicant must be an American
Reporting to Boeing at Seattle
this morning are:
Loren Andrew, Ervin Burk-
hardt, Ellsworth Weatherby, Doyle
Shipp, Edgar Dick, Gilbert Chip
man, Dallas GotchalL Eugene Ro-
welL Earl Shaw, Lief Sundlie,
Harland Small, Loris Gritton,
Lloyd Parker, Frank Johnson, jr.,
Marshall Peters, Donald Whelan
and Ira Fitts, all of Salem.
Fred Scharer, Albert Scharer,
Ernest Lewis, Edward Buckheit
and Bernard Light, all of Silver-
ton; Ben Werner and Dorwin
Armistice Day
WATin T tmrrt. t w m. a
undisclosed number of new 30- UlieiS iX 31116(1
ton tanks were unloaded from
railroad cars Tuesday and Wed- j Committee chairmen for Armis
nesdav for use by the 752nd tank tice dav observance in Salem were
battalion. I announced Wednesday by CoL"
Equipped with 75 mm cannon, 1 Carle Abrams, chairman of the
several 37 mm rifles and rapid I American Legion and Federation
fire machine guns, the tanks are I of Patriotic Societies committees
the product of an eastern auto- for Tuesday i program.
mobile firm and are considered by I Chairmen are Paul Thoraldson, .
military authorities to be the most parade; Phil Ringle, ceremonies;
effective combination fire power Tom Hill, bands; Oliver " Huston,
and armor ever constructed. games; Ray Bassett, dance; Fred
Lieut CoL G. H. Anderson, Gahlsdorf, flag dedication.
commander of the battalion, said
Wednesday he was not at liberty
Dance Top Hatter's Rickreall Sat
E. J. Chamberlain, above, pastor
of the First Christian church,
Newberr, U conducting special
, services each night this week at
7:30 o'clock at the Court Street
Christian church.
to announce the number of tanks
arriving this week, but that he
soon expected the -752nd to have
its full quota of 54 machines.
CoL Anderson said his troops
rharbonneau of Toledo: Leonard Probably soon would launch into
Ptilslanrt of Woodburn ? Harold 8 new Phase field training
Rohrs and Harold Davis of Dal- wmca wouia consist of assault j
las: John Sisk and Bernard Miller methods by glide bombers in co-
Going to Boeing Friday morning DomDrs wouia come rrom nearoy
Since the battalion's activation
rue nir. RtENT
with costs and disbursements.
Beulah Campbell vs. Jean Rog
ers; order of voluntary non-suit
A. J. Bagley vs. Manhattan Fire
a i & Marine Insurance comoanv: or- J t- ir.i t '
expeirung 10 yutiiixjr iui juua wtwtx i . ; . - I uavia, vcuiid xjexvis, c iciiLK. iJtCJie- I
the state unemployment compen-1 bach, Goldie Hagel, Mary Eliza- Till fill 11 PPil
Applications Urged Typists
and tabulating machine operators
Carson, Dolores Clement Carolyn
Sermon Topics
Contract j Filed Contract for beth
Franklin Snelgrove and Theo
dore Schroeder of Salem, Elbert
Collins of Woodburn, Jan Rags
dale of Rickreall, Carl Herron
of MR! City, Vernon Hunt of
Albany, Roland Brooks of To
ledo, Carl Knutson of Gates,
Rex Kingsbury of Dallas and
Robert Jahn of Monmouth.
New Lockheed employes, to re-
summer with troops trained
in -the armored forces at Fort
Knox, Ky the outfit has used
out-moded light tanks weighing
about 42 tons for field practice.
Perry's Drug Store
129 8. Commercial St
W Myrtle Osborne of Marsh- Based on the general theme of j J?T5
nrt Mr Lee wheeler of with the board of exannners in crop, at 30! cents from James T. Ninth grade Jane Acton, "Christian Living," special serv-1 Rierson and Vernon Frahm, all of
o.4i.m.n.m w0v AicA mirviv- PortlsEBtd. The time for filing ex- McKay and Helen M. McKay, Betty Zo Allen, Grace Ashford, I icei are being held each night this I Salem, and Francis Burkheit of
w., I. "KT 1 ,A TU I ntsa iluT VCTonnAntr tr WilKome I Cill D 1 ... T T7 I . . . 1 1
ed by several nieces and nephews i pirra-jiuveiuu v. jwmuuu, u. usuinavug j . um ooiww, v.mmu ouues, wees at i .ou pjn. ai me coun uuvawo.
Funeral services from Walker and Pay from $960 to-$1440 a year. & Hart ..The hops are to come Lou Barrett, Carolyn Carson, street christian
Makes Appointment Gov. ,14 mfl of St Paul. Hn Wail TmrH wa.r, oi E. J. Chamberlain, pastor of the
Charles A. Sprague Wednesday , unwimH narwa
announceu uie oiJiuiiiuiicin, uii v uci uiii I T., Mo T vir T.0n, I ..
Howell funeral home Thursday,
Nov. 6; at 1:30 p. m. Rev. J. C,
Wilson officiating
E. J. Chamberlain, pastor of the rj- - XI ' V
First Christian church, Newberg, utSte lUffllWay
Mrs. 'Nellie Collins Janzen, at
tee on -nrotecuon 01 consumers idonana wassmiuer. wno is warn- 1 , . - . , T xnuajr, iub iuuui
her home on routes seven, Salem, interest m connection with. civU- ed by Folsom prison officials. Hel EUzabeth Nelson. Florence k Master's' Hand," Saturday,
Monaay, iNovemuer o. ue i u. defense. She is also being ap- escaped; from tne cainornia ins. Nel - pinBJ Mnri TrflnSfdrmed and Sundav "The
tj. janzen 01 oaiem; sister wi tan. pointed a member of tne stai
Dora Thurman and Mrs. T. A. advigary council of defense, Gov- i at Pendleton.
Dunn, botn 01 uauas, ana waiter ernor sprague said.
Swarts, of Kiddie, ure.; survivea
also bv niece. Mrs. Walter Duff
escapeo, irpm me uamornia inc. Nelson Darlene Pjnneo, Marjorie I "Transformed," and Sunday
!r " arrest I Powell, Janet Rilea, Robert Rob- True Test of Discipleship.'
. , v ' ims, Arden Shepard, Jack Slater,
T insnLt Srhoftl A a ppent- i Marjorie Smith, Don Starr, Alden
Rocking Finished Work' of ance of a luncheon .engagement at I Sundlie, Doris TulL Louis Weibe, hyfar:ft n SollOolfi
. 1. t Lv- j.t. . (Jean Wolcott ' , U'ltUlUIl
industrial school for f Jean Wolcott
thel principal business
of Portland, and Allen Dunn of putting a rock surface on 35 miles the state
Thursday, November 6, at 2 p.m. area is to be completed this week at a meeting of the state board KnIeWOOtl r 1 A
1 from Oough-BarriCK cnapei, Wltn 1 ana uw uiu oujf iuu uusua ui coniroi acie weuaesaay.
Close Friday
xnuu wuju-iiv - . 1 - n. .
Rev. Guy L. Drill officiating, there closed so far as county or- j Members of the board will in- iPlanS AllIlUcll
Concluding services in Hayesville ders are concerned, N. C. Hubbs, spect the
county engineer, said Wednesday. I luncheon, they said.
school following the
Objective of Nazi Offensive
Friday is a holiday in' Marion
schools so far as pupils are con
cerned, Mrs. Agnes C. Booth,
C. Booth, county school lupernT
Judge Assigned Chief Justice . . . - M xenaent, saia weanesaay. acn-
Haww trAii A tv,. I Annual enienamment sponsored ers are xo auena meir ai-couniy
court Tuesday assigned Circuit 1 J uie jigiewoou raii-icui 1 mauiui . t vregou v-iyr. xr
Judge a
county, to
1 . A . . A 1 J I . , , M . A. k.
T. fiMir TTmstnia 1 associauon is siaieu x nuaj, 1 pan. session is cauea iot m. m. i
go to Jefferson county I111 the form of a carnival. L. L. the high school building there.
The two-day meeting of the
state highway commission, sched
uled for November 12 and 13, has
been postponed until November
17 and 18, R. H. Baldock, state
highway engineer, announced
Wednesday. The meeting will be
held in Portland.
Baldock said bids would be re
ceived for road and bridge pro
jects aggregating a cost of ap
proximately $1,000,000.
For Quid; Relief Rob On i
or ,-. I monomn, nr-nmoAXrut IMoore U chairman, assisted by I prineinal sneaker for the dav'ia
involving !a proposed tax on ; 1 toert Sirith Dr,. Brunk to be President Carl Sumner
irrigation ; district Circuit Judge
Concessions will include ice j
tjoiv wint nA ; cream and candy, popcorn, merry-
"ZXZ ' ' go-round and beauty parlor. The
Phone Income Up Net ope-1 the association, which provides
ratina income of telephone com-1 some medical and dental care for I
panies in Oregon during 1940 ag- i pupils and sponsors, a Boy Scout
gregated $19483, or an increase troop, Cub Scout pack and three
of approximately l- $454,359 over I units .of Camp nre gu-is.
their income for 1939, the public : Teachers and parents onjeom
utnities denartment announced I mittees are: v ".
Wednesday., ; 1 First grade--Mrs. . Sadie Grant
r Mrs. Iaura i-axon. un. una
State Ranks High , Oregon's Frank Beerr Mrs; Chester Johns.
state employment offices with Second e r a d e- Mrs. Martha
11,900 complete job placements m j Adams, Mrs. Martha Fox, Mr. and
September stood 13th among the Mrs. K. Brunfield, Mr, and Mrs.
48 states, while the $77,600 paid 1 Robert Jones. .
in ' unemployment benefits was I . Third trade Mrs. ' Dora Wal-
36th, the social security board adj lace, Mrs." Myrtle Barkley, Mr. and
vised officials here Wednesday. Imts. Martin EUe, Mr. and Mrs.
Knopf of Willamette university.
Court in Portland j Members
uienn sxevens. - -.
F 0 u r t h grade Mrs. Caroline
of Marion i county court .spent jaa. EUzabetb: Lewis, Mrs.
Zt I Robert Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. N.
"shopping tour," inspecting cer
tain road machinery,' and on oth
er official business.
C. Hastings.
Fifth grade Miss Grace Geibel,
I Miss Blanche Grenuenberg, Mr.
and, Mrs. W. Karsten,. Mr. ; and
Mrs.-IT K. Lawrence.
Sixth " grade Mrs.'' Ethel -: Ran-
Lulay. route one. Scio, a son, Michael Lloyd Moore, Mrs. D. B. Kleihege.
Antnony, corn October za, Salem tien
eral bospital.
wnue to Mr. ana Mrs. Kooen
White, route three, a son; - Douglas
Otho. bom October 31, Salem General
Hospital. -
crump to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie B.
Crump, Salem, a on, - born October
29. Salem General hosuital. 1
weicji to Mr. ana Mrs. Maiuana je. '
. ' 1- n ilu Ptvm Tinrt rifl bfctive of Ger-
JT TVdof Rian front GerW forces I hoGa.nes, . jon. nA
rc-ortci to have advaesed to within 19 to 15 miles of the city.
born October 28. Salem General hos
pital . . -
. Daily Trips to Portland
Phone 6S -'' t - 2S5
in - 1
Pnel On 1
Jlrne is precious these days save valuable hours
by flying; Go in utmost luxury, too, enjoy deli- "
cious meals served tree aloft,1 competent steward- -ess"
service. Low fares' include f everything, air- ;
port to airport no. extras to pay.' Go' by airl.-v
. For fares and reservations," phone JR 0474,
Portland, 614 S. W. Broadway y. V! or your :
travel agent - " ' ' t '
(DdD A U
III Offers tho Greatest Values
in Salem
II 8-11 ifffl I ini ini llH B I n I II
Values to 16.95 Values to 4.95
: Values to 65
Values to 22.50
: : . Valuoa to 20 gClfcto
. ; ' - i-LvlL' ' . '.I .v;:nil;Tji,A4'.
K-'?r hi j??? yr " nn i s j
n .... ' --' ; ' -
' -