The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 06, 1941, Page 10, Image 10

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    -(Sfct '39fc -t"m' t
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First School
ist Named lor Drama
it Silverton;. Place -j
Of Meeting Changed
ILVERTONUnder the direc
tion of John Metcalf, the first high
school play of the season la sched
uled for December 5. Rehearsals
began Monday. " .
The play is "One.; Mad Night,"
with the plot centering around the
escapades of Rodney Dodd, who
has been ill and suddenly decides
not to be ill. This part will be
pliyed by Ken Mathieson. Others
taing part are Edna Roop, Lee
Giinde, Matilda Elhl, Ken Cook,
Diane Doyle, Joan Libby, Barbara
Jean McDonald, Steve Mead, Mel
viifr Gihlstrom, Bernice Spencer,
Bilie Hannan, Audrey Severson,
Bill Hutton.
The production crew includes
Florence Lee, assistant director;
Stive Mead, stage manager; Mel
via Gihlstrom, carpenter; Neville
Johanson, electrician; Joan Leon
ard, prompter; La Verne Anderson,
Bftty Spencer and Pat Lincoln,
costumes and make-up; Colleen
Roberts, business manager; Nor
ma Finlay, house manager; Nor
ma Monson, Rowena Skipper, as
jfrhe Bethel, club, made up f
former women members of the
ol(d Congregational church at Sil
vdjrton, scheduled to meet with
Mrs. Lida Usher Friday; will meet
instead with Mrs. George Chris
tejnsen. Jack Burton, son of Mr. and
Mrs. E. K. Burton, is at Silverton
With his parents for two weeks,
pjpor to beginning army duty.
I Mr. and Mrs. Rex Albright
nioved 'Monday from their Fifth
street residence to the new home
purchased on Third street.
Silverton friends are receiving
amusing letters from Mrs. J. C.
Schlador, former mayor of Silver
tori, who is attending special
classes at Oregon State college
tjhis winter.
I The high school student body
! planning a special Armistice
4y assembly for Monday.
Grangers' News
I MACLEAY The annual elec
tion of grange officers will be
held Friday.
if Members are asked to bring
articles for the white elephant
sale during the lecturer's hour to
purchase lecturer's supplies. Mrs.
itenry Martin, sr., and Mrs. A.
Veils will serve luncheon.
Retiring officers are: Master,
Barry" Martin, jr.; overseer, Wil
IBam ,Dunegan; lecturer, Mrs."M.
A. Wells; steward, Raymond Stry
ijier; assistant steward, Howard
Mader; chaplain, Mrs. M. M. Ma
g;ee; treasurer, Mrs. Clarence
Johnson; secretary, Mrs. W. A.
Jjpncs; gatekeeper, Gene McAllis
ter; Cores, Mrs. Harry Martin, jr.;
Iflomona, Mrs. William Dunigan;
Sora, Mrs. C. A. Lynds; lady as
stant, Gerry Keene, and mu-
"fcian, Mrs. Lloyd Keene.
s SIDNEY Ankeny grange met
Saturday night with Master C. F.
Jjbhnston in the chair.
I Jake Gilmour, chairman of the
agricultural committee, gave a re
port on increasing the various
fod commodities in Marion
I Mrs. George Marlott, chairman
I the home economics club, gave
' report on the grange 'fair and
tsazaar held recently.
I The next home economics club
Meeting will be held at Mrs. Rex
Hartley's home November 14.
I Mrs. George Henderson, lec
turer, furnished a program. Re
freshments were' served "after the
njeeting by Mr. and Mrs. George
I SWEGLE Monday night dele
gates from Salem grange and
Sjegle community met at Swegle
school to organize a group to study
apd produce short plays.
UNION HILL The juvenile
(range will hold its first meeting
05 the month Friday. Election of
officers ' will take place.
jGillis, county health nurse, will
b the principal speaker on the
plogram for Brush College grange
tHer subject will be "Nutrition,
' Rjtfph Howe will : show colored
iripving pictures1 of ; Oregon and
. Washington scenes. Mrs. - A. E.
Uiley is local grange lecturer. ,
sFor the 7 o'clock supper Mrs,
Fred Gibson and Mrs. R. C. Shep
ard are the committee on all ar
rangements. oneer Church
Member Feted
- .- I "" lit w . ': "
P&EEUncle Lew Rlt
pioneer member of ie Pedee
charch, was honored "on his 85th
' . birthday at the close of Sunday
? schJool services.
A .birthday dinner at his home
'wafc attended by .Mr. and.; Mrs.
Fr4nk"Sheythe, Mr. and Mrs. Pete
Ritker, Mrs. Rittie Kerber vand
Frib, Mr. anJ Mrs. J. C, Kerber
and Rose,. Madeline - Womer and
the! hostess, Mrs. Anna Arnold
and Debney. They were Joined in
thef afternoon by Mr. and - Mrs.
Francis .Sheythe and sons. ' :
! V,'cr.tcJ Wabcts,,
$xh Delivery, Orchar4 Eon
I r.:or.r.i3 sklosfon
f 4G9 N. Tront St
r Cora. - TeL 7S2J
: ..Urt3 tr.3 Net Meats
ay Ch
"Strictly Private
AP Ftttn
Legion Groups at
Speaker; Make Armistice Plans
MT. ANGEL Senator Thomas Mahonev addressed Mt
Angel post and unit of the American Legion at the Memorial hall
luesday night on measures enacted in favor of world war ?et
erans' compensation. ?
The talk was given at a Joint
meeting of the two organizations
that 'followed earlier separate
business meetings and a still ear
lier club supper. A decorated cake
honored the birthday of Past Com
mSnder Fred Lucht Several mu
sical numbers, arranged by the
auxiliary added pleasant variety
to the speaking program.
The Legion is planning an af
ternoon and evening of enter
tainment for the public at the Me
morial hall on Armistice day. The
auxiliary will assist by serving
The announcement was made
Tuesday night that Mt. Angel
has once again gone over the top
in membership.
The Legionnaires have set them
selves to see that all graves of
veterans in the local cemeteries
will receive an engraved marker.
The post is also planning to have
Rites Held fop
Jefferson Boy j
JEFFER SON-Ttfe Christian
church was filled to capacity Mon
day for the funeral services of
Donald Harold' Smith, 16, who
died October 31 at the home of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs! Irvine
Students of the Jefferson high
school and the Boy -SJcouts at
tended in a body. Re&. James
Whitaker conducted, the service,
assisted by Rev. William Elmer.
Mrs. Ross Mitchell of Woodburn
was soloist and Mrs. William El
mer presided at the piano.
Pallbearers were Stanley Miller,
Royal Hart, Gary Barna, Jack
Parrish, Charlie Brown, and John
Finlay. Mrs.- Leo Weddle, Mrs.
Hugh Bilyeu, Mrs. R. B. Kelly
and Mrs. E. C. Fisher arranged
the flowers. Interment was made
in the Belcrest Memorial park, in
charge of the Fisher Funeral
Donald was born In Portland
and has resided in Jefferson for
seven years. He was a member
of the local Christian church, and
a member of the Boy Scouts. He
also was a member of the junior
class of the Jefferson high school.
Surviving include his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Wright, one
sister, Lois, and two brothers,
John and Robert
Valley Events
Navember 14 Oregon Turkey Grow
ers association. aU day meeting, cham
ber of commerce.
December 2, 3 Western Nut Growers J
annual meeting, cnamber of commerce.
December 9-13 Northwest - Turkey
how, Oakland.
January 1-State Grange Confer
ence. ,
--hsten to millions of experienced
rfvt miseries with the
IMPROVED Vicks treatment that takes
3 imiputes and makes good okj
ATONCf to bring relief.
' ,TI0,C,v
r ukiwihw upper
' 'nvPaasaes r
f t With aoothlnar nu. " I
rauiRniisto upper
wiui aoouung me
didnal vapors,
narouns chest and
oacK sunaces like a
panning poultice.
osso rca Kmstoeasecoughs,reIkve
muscular soreness or tightness, and
4 Togetmisbnproved treatment . ".V
Just massage VapoRub for 3 minutes
ONBACKaswllas - T
throat and chest, For Esafcss
then spread thick tl?C
layer on chest and T f 4J
cover with warmed V VaoRu -doth.
Try itt ; TSs taoiftJ Way
1 1
By Quinn HaU
Mt, Angel Hear
a large woodside marker at the
entrance to Mt Angel.
The food sales of. the auxiliary
have always been a great success
in Mt Angel, and the women are
arranging another one lor No-
Lvember 19. It will be held at Os
wald's store.
The junior auxiliary has decided
to make scrap books and donate
them to some hospital, Mrs. Bob
Prysdale has donated two hand
woven linen towels for the gift
shop at the Veterans' hospital at
Designed to solve the problem
of sending a suitable contribu
tion to child welfare, the unit
has arranged a boy shower for
the members on November 18,
the next meeting. All clothes re
ceived will be sent to th child
welfare department
MTV ANGEL Members of
the young Men's and Young La
dies' sodalities met in separate
sessions at St. Mary's school Mon
day night to discuss plans for the
parish festival and dance ' tonight
and the continuance of the festi
val on Saturday night.
Father Alcuin addressed both
meetings. The dialogue mass was
practiced and will be recited by
the sodalities one Sunday each
month in the 8 o'clock mass.
Tentative plans for joint meet-
ing with young people of other
parishes were made but no date
set. .
Arrangements will be made to I
have Otto Knab, author and lec
turer, address the gathering.
Members of the Young Ladies'
sodality, Woodburn, were special
guests at the meeting Monday
night and the dance that followed
in the auditorium
International I
Group Attends
SILVERTON Five countries
were represented in Rotary's noon
program Monday when Dean D.
H. Schulze, Willamette university,
ana lour students gave brief talks;
Macario Corbuz, of the PhiliD-
pines, William Herricq, Bolivia.
Kenji Kurita, Hawaii, and Alice
Labby of China were the "inter
national group." i-
President Gary S. Knopf, Wil-
lamette university, will speak
next Monday at the Silverton Ro-!
tary club.' ,
How long
since you've had
breakfast b bed?
wive your wife a short vaca
tion spend a week end at jrour
enjoy breakfast in bed sod all
the other thonghtful, courteous
services only a hotel can offerl
Let her dance in the evening
while she dines. You'll find life
at the hotel fasdnanng. The
kind of adventure that sends
you home refreshed
It CMff a fpf hti ihoa y think
On4i.s.a.w. If
0I2G0:i STATESMAN, Solera,
Golf Plaviriff
Season Ends
Championship Cup, and
1 Other Awards Made
At Woodburn Dinner
WOODBURN The playing sea
son for members of the Wood
burn club came to a close with
the annual dinner at the Lutheran
hall. Sixty members and guests
attended. 1
Ray Glatt, president of the
club, acted as master of cere
monies. Viola Henning was
awarded the championship cup
for the third consecutive year.
Runnerup was Mary Scollard,
In the men's contest, R, L.
Guiss was awarded the champion
ship and Anton DeJardin was
Other awards in the women's
division were: First flight winner,
Elizabeth Glatt, and runnerup,
Aletha Miller; second flight win
I II VII I 111 I I I I
- io, j y II 11
IMI X'Ccgw NrJiLV v Usual lU Pavmon ' il l 11 II
I fl r X eJ .. 5S:iJ 1
I 1 V2g r ""' 1 ' 1
111 1 fssisrZ - U run ramuy size
Sealed Unit Mi U WUSHkU
I, 1 $5 Month
k liS- X 1 washer! And it's eouipped with famous
I CS - x Tj Loyell adjustable wringer! Compare!
1 x "V r S """ -V X. X. Ks5ai
1 r V. -V X X 2s 4 3-5 5TN
I i I . f2 a ?
1 1- TTl 1M If U bLi
m - . u 11 00 ixonh
Clean any room -without mov- I I ! V-itsoS
'1! Int fomitare! This jOl-purpose - L .; '-TitfiBVXrl J
1.. mi fS vacuum - comes complete with" r J' s rLrti&jZ
yjWyggSS3Av , all attacbmentS" rug nozzle, - i m
h CXv radiator nozzle, upholstery tool, - g ' " , , 7
- - JJLrs! extension wands ana swtvei n n ' ' t
I M Immediate'deliveiyl Buy " B BmmmE
Motor-Driven Brush
Floor Cleaners
Slandard Kodol
Famous beating, sweeping, suction
Daliiuw Elodol ; :
Compare with others at '39.35 1
Supremo ll&M
Wards finest-with .headUght! Com
pare at 49.95. ' ' .
1 155 North Liberty Street
Oregon. Thursday Morning, November 6. 1841
ner, Hazel Enos, runnerup, Violet
Burlingham. 2 ,
In 1 the - yearly eclectic- contest,
Viola Henning won in class A with
a-32 and Gwendolyn Uhrhammer
in class B with a 45. Viola Henning
had the lowest score on any one
hole during ' the . year with a 3
on number 3, 3 on number 0 and
a 4 on number 8. The women of
the club presented Mrs. Henning
with a gift in appreciation of her
work as their chairman. "
Other prizes awarded to . the
men were: First flight .winner,
Frank Chappelle, runnerup, Frank
Proctor; second flight winner,
Robert Harper, runnerup, C A.
Rue; third flight winner, C R.
Enos, runnerup, , Donald Toomb;
fourth flight, Clyde Smith, run
nerup, Carol Foster;- fifth flight,
Kenneth McGrath,' runnerup, Wil
liam BrasselL All men who en
tered the tournament were pre
sented with golf balls.
Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Lyman
Shorey, Air. and Mrs. Ray J. Glatt,
Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Henning, Jake
Hershberger, Miss Mabel Hershberger,
Mrs. Amelia Auld, Miss Mary Scol
lard, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burlingham,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller, Mr. - and
Mrs. A. De Jardin, Dr. and Mrs. Rich-
Clean any room -without mov
ing furniture! This .all-purpose
vacuum -comes complete with '
all attacbmentS' rug -nozzle,
radiator nozzle, upholstery tool,
extension wands and swivel
hose! Immediate delivery! Buy
Usual Down Payment and :
I Carrying Charge
,; c : .. ..'...'..., ,. - .
Guests Feted
At Fox Valley
FOX yAXLEY-Ir.- and 1 Mrs.'
Allan Cole Mrsv Ellen Lobef,
Stayton, and Mr.- and Mrs. Ernest
Ingram and 4f am ily,' Lebanon,
were recent guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Will Ingram. Mrs.
Lober, Ingriun's sister, will; re-v
main -. for sometime with the In
grams. -. Mrs. ? Lober , has - been - in
Oregon: the past year and has de
cided to spend another year -in
ard Rich, Mr. and Mrs George Tlmm.
Mr. and Mrs.. Fred Evenden, Mr, and
Mrs. William BrasseU. Mr. and Mrs.
O. U Withers, Mr. and Mrs. R. C
Enos, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Guiss, Mr.
and Mrs. George Jones, .Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth McGrath, Mrs. Mollie Hunt,
Mr. and Mrs. Pat McLaughlin, Mr.
and Mr. . Winton Hunt, -Blaine Mc
ConL Mr. jemd Mrs. J. Melvln Ringo,
ton Willeford. Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Harper, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Hoexer,
Mr. and Mrs. Don GriUey, Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Richards, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
Smith, Robert Harper r Mrs. Homer
McWain. Wesley McWain and Mr. and
Mrs. Tony Painter ot Salem.
Saive i to
Supreme Quality
long Shuttle ;
t-to-needl iht eliminates annoying shadows. Sinw '
; plifies threading. .: . .v -tK . - ,;
sf?n backward or forward without stepping, the ma ,
. chine. Saves time. Grand fordarning. .
Hinged pressure foot rides easily over cording,' woolens A
, w. yuu. uuo away
the west Her home is in, Ma
Comb, m. v - , -
: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston bad
as recent guests Mr. and Mrs.
Clair Humphreys and children
Betty and Leland, Salem. Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh Johnston,-Fox Valley.
The occasion was in honor of
Mrs; Hilda Humphreys and her
son-Leland's : birthday anniver
sary. r-w V'::; ! :-,r -: v :
Mr. and Mrs. W, R. Surry, Mr.
Ed. Kellenburger, Lebanon, . and
Mrs. Ralph Frame and daughter,
iDina Lee of Lacomb, were Sun
day: guests at the C B. Surry
home' in Lyons; " . - f , " .
. Paul Johnston went to Salem
Friday to bring Mrs. Paul John
ston and'-George home. Mrs.
Johnston has been with the boy
since he had broken his leg last
week. - ' . ; 'r . " . .
Entertains at Party. .
UNION HILL Yolanda Bobl
entertained with ' Halloween
party at the home of her parents.
See This Multi-Featured 6 cu. ft.
Refrigerator! Compare it with
Others Priced up to 30 Morel
It has Wards hermetically sealed unit backed
by 5-year Protection and it uses famous re
frigerant (Freon 12). All moving parts are
sealed-in for life. Enjoy this big M-W today!
iflcr now. .to protect your family's food during
the sweltering summer, heat! '
6 Cn. Ft. Befrigeralor
Usual Down
Payment and '
Carrying Charge
Compare It! v
on Your
win Dasung. ; :
Soup Making
PRATUM How to make good
tomato soup was demonstrated by
Wanda" Rodgers and " Margaret
Keller at th Merry Mixers 4H
cooking dub, at the home ot the
local leader, Mrs. John Keller.
Patsy McGovern and Anna Marie
Keller were the judging team.
.Anna Marie Keller presided
over the business meeting; and
Dolores Spelbrink and Patsy Mc
Govern led, in songs and yells.
Cleone Lulay of Shaw was a
visitor at the club meeting. !
- -.-.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kellogg -and
Thelma AntiH of Corvallis
were visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Claude Trent Mrs. Kel
logg is the former Dorothy ArstOL
daughter of Mrs. Trent.
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Rodger of
Sdo were recent visitors at the
Clyde Rodger home. '
... 101.88
New 1942 radio : . . challeng
ing any make in America! It
gets Europe direct! It has Full
, Range Tone Control, new Lu
- cite Dial and built-in loop
aerial! With plug-in for rec-
-V 5$ F"M Television! Rec
tifier and tuning eye tabes ln
' eluded! -
See 11 Today! Get Airline...
ana liET MOKE!
W ar dr 6b e
Phone 3194 Salem