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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1941)
FACE OXvi; MatronsWill at Luncheon Mrs. George Arbuckle and lir Harry Worth have Invited a group of matrons to luncheon this afternoon . at Godfreys.-. Chrysanthemums : in pastel shades will provide the decora tive note oA the luncheon tables. The hostesses and their guests wilf enjoy an afternoon of con-: tract bridge at Ihe home on Mrs.' Worth on North Capitol 'street after the luncheon hour. Covers wm be placed for Mrs. W.EL Needham, Mrs. Ralph H. Cociley; Mrs. E. J. Scellars, Mrs. C. fB. McCulIough, Mrs. Frank Myfcrs, Mrs. Harry V. Collins, 1 Mr. Paul Van Scoy, Mri Walter Spaulding, Mrs. Homer Carpen ter.: Mrs. Harry Crain, Mrs. Rob ert iShinn, Mrs. William L. Phil- lipaj, Mrs. James Nicholson, Mrs.. U. i Scott Page, Mrs. Homer Smith, sr., Mrs. W. H. Darby, Mri Charles A. Spragae, Mrs. William Burghardt, Mrs. C. W. Parker,' Mrs. c. E. Bates, Mrs. Lecjna Johnson, Mrs. Frank Brown, Mrs. J. N. Bishop, Mrs. A. A. Siewert, Mrs. Percy Kelly, Mri. George Waters, Mrs. Claude Murphy, Mrs. T. O. Russell, Mrs. Ervjn Smith, Mrs. William Mc- Gilchrist, Jr., Mrs. G. Frederick Chambers, Miss Porathea Sfeus loff, Mrs. Arbuckle and Mrs. Wofth. j ss Patton Now Mrs. Elsey i WSiss Beulah Patton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Pat ton of Salem, became the bride of Mr. -Hermit R. Elsey, son of Mr.? and Mrs. F. M. Elsey of Salem, at a quiet ceremony at the , parsonage of. the First Pres byterian church in Vancouver, Wash., Saturday afternoon at z:3 o'clock. Rev. John Pressly officiated in the presence of members of the tVo families. "Ehe bride wore a beige her ringbone tweed suit with brown accessories and a corsage of taliiman roses for her wedding. Ths couple was unattended. Mr. and Mrs. Elsey will re aide in Seattle where he is con- necjted with Boeing Aircraft. Thai newlyweds are graduates of 5alem schools. Pattern JGoing places this Jolly Jumper; ensemble with its little Scotch bonnet to match! Ann. Adams designed Pattern 4846 for the active junior crowd. There's a V-necked, front-buttoned Jumper, whose bib-like bodice continues as-- nanl in th v:.t Tjhe same effect lis repeated In the back. , The side sections of the skirt, which has no side aams, are cut on the bias.. If you like, the jumper may be tap-fastened down the . front, tifcing buttons only for trim. The ' contrast Mouse has a little Peter Pan collar and Ions or short sleeves. Add the big bow at the neck, unless you -use a - high round neckline on , the jumper., Tfcls ensemble Is finished quick ly with the Sewing Instructor's fcflp.' : - ? !:vv; I Pattern ; 4143 is available in girls sizes 8, S, 10, 12 and 14. Size 10, Jumper and cap, takes IV yards 54 inch fabric and blouse, ltt yards 39 Inch fabric. r I Send fifteen cent (15c) In coins i or nut Anne Aum pattern. Write plainly size, nunt, address and style number. - :.- Just the cream of the XM1-42 I fashion crop Is shown In the new ' i Anne Adams Pattern Book. Order I your copy today you'll find page . ; 'after' page of original, ease-to- A -) make modes for every . age and .hour. Slimming maturelady J frocks. Gay crib to college ap-. parel. Smart clothes for working, for shopping, for sporting, for do- , -(dress or. doat-dreas festivities. A $ complete bridal trouseau. And . tas an extra featurea free-for- " ; t he-making hat and ban set. Book -i f .i teen crnts. Pattern fifteen -. cents. iVtolc and pattern together, ., ' i twenty-live cents. Preside 4- m Y MAXINE BURKN Editor Shower Will Fete Miss Drager November brides-elect are the honor guests at many parties these days. Miss Doris Drager, whose marriage to Mr. James Nicholson, jr., Is calendared for November 22, will be- the guest of honor at a bridal party Wed nesday night when Mrs. Lester Carter and Mrs. Clay bourne Dyer entertain at the former's home. Contract bridge will be In play during the evening and a late supper will be served by the hostess. A bathroom shower will fete the bride-to-be. Boo-" quets of chrysaninemums and other autumn flowers will deco rate the guest rooms. Bidden to? honor Miss Drager are Mrs. Rue Drager, Mrs. James H. Nicholson, Mrs. Clarence Hamilton, Mrs. Robert ' Drager, -Mrs. Richard Nelson, Mrs. Mere dith Huggins, Mrs. Russell Mc Jury, Mrs. Robert Cannon, Mrs. Russell K. Woodward, Mrs. Har vey Quistad, Mrs. John Hughes, Miss Frances Roth, Miss. Maxine McKillop, Miss Helen Wiedmer, Miss Barbara Williams, Miss Dorothy Blaisdell and 5 Miss Helen Langille. Anniversary Is Celebrated Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Snyder celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary at the Royal Neighbors hall at Quinaby. Table decoration was a large cake with pink tapers. Mrs. Ruby Emery and Mrs. James C. Jones received the guests. Mrs. C. Walter Bennett had charge of the gift table. Re freshments were in charge of Mrs. Clifford Robertson, Mrs. Orville Harold, Mrs. Claire Mc Candlish and Mrs. Howard Weese. Mr. Ernest Snyder, son of : the honor guests, was in charge of dancing. Lena Belle, and Emma Mae Atkins sang two numbers. Out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. William T. . Hudson, Vera, Jeannette and Franklin. Mrs. Hudson was Mrs. Snyder's maid of honor. Mr. and Mrs. John White, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Snyder all of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. C. Walter Bennett of Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Robert son, Glenn and Barbara Jean, Mrs-. Ruby Emery, Mrs. James C. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Harold, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Martin, Mr. Sam Weese, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kropp, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Sloans Mr. and Mrs. Low ell Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Atkins, Lena Belle and Emma Mae, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Holtz jnan, Mr. and Mrs. j Howard weese, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Weese, Mr. and Mrs. Claire Mc Candlish, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wittwer, Mr. Ernest i Snyder, Mr. Louie Frohmader, Mr. and Mrs. James Falk, Mr. Charles Rogers, Miss Faye Boetger, Mr. and Mrs. Tom RitcheyJ Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hathaway, Mr. Harvey Girod, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Montgomery, Mrs. Frank Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Rolow, Mrs. Helen Hanson and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snyder, j ' The Wesnan's Society of Chris tian Service of the Leslie Meth- 6dist church will meet ! Wednes day afternoon at 2 o'clock with Mrs. C. F. French, 1745 South Church street. Mrs. A. W. Metz ger will conduct the Bible study. Mrs. C. A. Downs win present the topic on world problems, re viewing portion of the book "The Christian Imperative.? As sisting Mrs. French will be Mrs. C A. Graham, Mrs. T.i W. Con-" ner and Mrs. Daisy Mclntyre. - v ' . -. .. . Miss Del Vea Long'wu host- -ess at masked Halloween par ty on .Thursday night at the ; home of her parents. The .guests ,twere members of ? he high . school endeavor ' of the " First Christian; church, and Rev. and Mrs. Guy L. Drill, turervisors. Assisting: the hostess were Miss i Patsy Mansfield i'Miss Nyla ' Phijlips and Miss Patricia Mc- UUUUS. ' Mr. aatsl Mrs. Am as Yaw were hosts at dessert supper given on Thursday.' French marigolds In a crystal bowL placed on a mirror were flanked by candles. Mrs. . Marie Flin McCalland Mrs.1 George Henderson were guests at the dinner. Cards were in play In the evening: j - ' '- - 1 ' ' M . 1 ' A dessert luncheon ani. regu lar meeting of the Salem Hi-Y Mothers club ' is to be held at the home of Mrs. C A. Kells this . afternoon at 120 o'clock. Mrs. Ray Yocom is president."' - . . Th SOCIETY tti&tt ThpIIfiME J Club Calendar vtTKsnav Rlm rVntnl U)f I'll tin Tn. fSth street. 1 pan m'smbershiS tea. . Junior Guild, St Paul's lfrlsco. pal church, parish hauTl o'clock luncheon., . j YWCA Girl Reserves committee. TWCA, 10 a, m. Hi Y mothers, with Mrs. A. P. Acus, iw Bsiem Heights, Hi. Theater arta M. Devers, 137 n. m wiia jbus.i , irket street, I Ith Mrs. American War Mathers. Legion home. Installation. , North Salem WCTU, at Jason 19 church, a p. m. VFW auxilianr- MHn. rii ftLeon Hansen, 160 East Href Social Rnir i.l,,K itK u E. Vosbureh. Cascade DHv 7i 7 sewing, no-host dinner. Alpha Phi Alpha Mothers, 1:30 at chapter house. Tea, 3 p. 2u Wednesday South Circle, - First Christian onureh, Mrs. Guy uy Drill, 885 No Winter. atrMt rtn iu-aay meeting, ry benefit VFW miviltanr card jw. vrw nail Mavflowr inillrl Clrat gational church, 1 p. m. WSCS study class, high school room, First Methodist church, I p. m. aauw Radio Literature jnrs. Vjruy rucKOK, liw CM aircci, .ia p. m. WSCS Leslie Methodist church, F1UL 9- French, lfie South Church street, a p. m. aauw executive board, 7 with Miss Doris Neptune, ouuui ipiioi sireet. Missionary and Ladies' Aid of fvmgni Memorial church wi Mrs. Howard C. Stover, 12: v crocs no-nost lunch neon, busi- ness meeting. With Mrs. Ruth Hall. CSvered. dish luncheon at nnnn AAUW Literature grou A. T. Fox, 1065 South Street, 8 p. m. Mr THURSDAY Salem Dakota club, no-host suo per, WCTU, 6:30 p. ik. P Fruitland Women's circle, with Mrs. Harvey Armstrong, i p.m. Barbara Frietchie camp, Daugh- C WarUn.10?. metrwS 0t Liberty Women's club, at Shut tleworth home, 2 p. m. Execuuve Jboard of WSCS, First Methodist church. 1:45 p. m. with Mrs. Theodore Ulakko. 1756 Court street. . HayesviHt Woman's club, with Mrs. E. B. Taylor. 2 p. tn. FRIDAY YW rCA Finance committee, YWCA 10 SM. Daughters of Nil Sew Monday Salem Daturhters nf tha Nil, met at the Maannfo tanai .wuxjpvs WI Monday to sew for the Shrine hospital. Boys' clothes were made during the day. Luncheon was served at noon and hostesses were Mrs. J. L. Sweeney, Mrs. Letha Staats and Mrs. W. J. Lil Jequist. Attending were Mrs. DL X. Beechler, Mrs. A. Bombeck, Miss FJfreda and Miss Jeanette Bom beck, Mrs. W. E. Brown, Mrs. David H. Comeron, Mrs. Walter Dry, Mrs. George Dunsford, Mrs. Paul H. Hauser., sr, Mrs. Arthur Hunt, Mrs. John Imlah, Mrs-'L. F. LeGarie, Mrs. Marvin: Lewis, Mrs. W. J. Liljequlst, Mrs. Law rence Lister, Mrs. F. Z. Loos, Mrs. O. A. Olson, Mrs. M. C retteys, Mrs. E. S. Severance, Mrs. Albert C. Smith, Mrs. Le tha Stoats, Mrs. J. L. Sweeney, Mrs. Kex A. Turner and Mrs. uavid Wright. Supper After Rehearsal - -I Miss Ruth Jean Garijobsi and her fiance, Mr. Frank H. Spears, jr., will be honored at a buffet upper tonight at 8 o'clock; fol lowing the wedding rehearsal when the bride-elect's parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Garnjobst, en tertained at their Oak street home. The couple will be mar ried Thursday night at St Paul's Episcopal church. , Members of the bridal party and the im mediate family will be" guests at the dinner. V . Mr. and Mrs. John Boyd of Hood River will arrive in Salem today to" remain until after the wedding. Mr. Boyd will be one of the ushers.' j ; A rreap ef Sslen high school atudents gathered at the Ernst Crockatt home following I the Bend-Saleni football game for a Halloween tii p e r..Atteiding were Lorraine Murdock, Clarice BusseUe, Bemice Bowersox and Marion Lou Wampler. Escorts were Ben Valdez, Friti Anun aen. Bob Smith and John Crock att. -s --r- -3 . Clinton IVanvpler. sophosiore, DelU Tjir Delta at Oregon State , college spent, part. Of the week end at the home pf his parents, Mr.; and Mrs.i Lewis Wanipler. Be returned to Corvallis, Satur day morning to attend the foot ball game. f , - Mrs. Bjarae Ericksea will entertain- the Delta Zeta alumnae at a dessert supper Tuesday night at o'clock.-: where you feel it-rub f rsr throat, chest nd V 4J back with time-tested AVapoRub CSSQON CTATESifllL" Ccdaal Hostesses to: Honor Mrs; Benson- "'. ' Mrs. W. E. Hanson, Mrs. W. H. Wood and Mrs, Max O. Buren will entertain informally OxIm af- cxaun vie laners pome on ' -Court street for the pleasure, of TTN T Mrs. Frank Benson, who is tak- HO.I.. IS uin ma aparonent in Salem for the winter. . , Guests 'have been tlnvtMi a dessert luncheon and, contract bridge wfll be in pjay ' during -the afternoon.' The small tables will be centered with bouquets of chrysantherauiM and autumn, flowers. '' Bidden to honor Mrs. Benson -arai Mrs. W. X. Staley, Mrs. Ar thur Benson, Mrs. Gertrude Wells, Mrs. ; Jessie -Singleton, Mrs. W. W4 Rosebraugh, Mrs. John E. Cdtfin of Whittier, CaliL, Mrs. L. H. Hausler of ' Portland, Mrs.' Wilmer C. Page, Mrs. Russell 'Caflin, Mrs. T. O. Russell, Mrs. RoUin K. Page, Mrs. William Burghardt, Mrs, Reuben P. Boise, Mrs. Frank Snedecor, Mrs.' John L. Rand, Mrs. Joseph Albert, Mrs. John Griffith, Mrs. J. T. Whittig, Mrs. ' Charles Robertson, Mrs. Thomas B. Kay, Mrs. Percy Kelly, Mrs. Joseph Beveridge, Mrs. U. G. Shipley, Mrs. George A. White, Mrs. Frank Spencer, Mrs. Sey mour Jones, Mrs. Homer Goulet and Mrs. Charles Gray. Newcomer Js -Guest at Tea Mrs. Fred Humphrey was honored Saturday afternoon at an informal tea held at the home of her sister-in-law, Miss Gladys Humphrey. .A few intimate friends of Miss Humphreys called to meet Mrs. Humphrey, who plans to make Salem her home. Mr, Humphrey has been a high school teacher in the California schools for a number of years, but has'Yecently accepted a posi tion in the secretary of state's of fice as a state aduitor. Fall flowers were arranged about the rooms and the tea ta ble and dining room decorations carried out the Halloween theme. An amber bowl filled with yel low chrysantoemums, and bank- ed by yellow tafers in black candle sticks, eraced the servin table, which was covered with a hand made lace cloth. Mrs. Arminta Humphrey, mother-in-law of the honored guest, poured and assisting in the dining room were Miss Etta White and Curtis Humphrey, small son of Mrs. Fred Humph rey. Alpha Psi Delta Mothers Meet The Alpha Psi Delta mothers were entertained at the chapter house Monday afternoon New officers were elected with Mrs. Marie Putnam, president; Mrs. F. E. Barnick, vice-president; Mrs. W. A. Merriott, secretary treasurer. The affair honored the new mothers of the fraternity pledges. Dr. R. Franklin Thompson spoke to the group on "Behind the Scenes at Willamette Univer sity." ; Hostesses at the tea hour were Mrs. P. W. Geiser, Mrs. H. R. Woodburn and Mrs. C. F. French. Bouquets jof chrysanthemums from the gardens of Mrs. Wood burn were Used about the rooms. Mothers present were Mrs. F. I. Barnick, Mrs. A. L. McDdw tli, Mrs. Charles Strickfaden, Mrs. F. O. Bradshaw, Mrs. W. A. Merriptt, Mrs. Lloyd Drorbaugh, Mrs. S. B. Laughlin, Mrs. Flor ian Von Eschen, Mrs. R. Ivan Lovell, Mrs. Minnie Humphreys, Mrs. C. F, French, Mrs. Marie Putnam, Mrs. P. W. Geiser and Mrs. L. C. Reinholdt. ' Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bowers are now at home at their resi dence on North 15th street -ft Fidler's Furniture Go. 255, N. Commercial r. Salem, Ore. Oregon, Tuttdayl-Iomlag; November L 1841 Members ;. of - Willamette v3d-: versitv vesners nresented a mu- sicale Sunday night at the First " Methodist church. Taking" part " were Virginia Knight and. Ma- .; rian Francis,1 piano-cello duet; esii,;uings, ertr Mealer. baritoner' Marza- - - - tHoooY piano; Ruth Burgoyne, ' sonrano and- Don .Wilson.' bari no1 and Don sWilsonv bari- tone and' Lenore Myers, violin. : r Tn FriPTlHc! ' 1 11V?11UQ JJIhs Mildred Zielinski, -daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. ZielinskL ir. of Salem, has an. nounced the date of her coming marriage to Mr. Joseph L. Ken ny, ion Of Mr. and Mrs. John Henny, sr. of Brooks. The news was told at a smartly arrancred party Saturday afternoon when -tne Dnde-eiecrs cousin. Miss Gertrude ZielinskL entertained in her honor. The wedding day is Tuesday, November 23. The engagement of the young cou ple was revealed in late July. ' A bridal shower honored M'sa Zielinslu and the romantic news was revealed at the tea hour when the date was found con cealed in an autumn floral ccn terpiece. Miss Delia Kleen and Miss Roseann Henny won cHzm tnr various games played during the auernoon. Bidden to honor Miss Zielin ki were Miss Eleanor Fallen, juss rioseann Henny, Miss Charlotte ZielinskL Miss Delia Kleen, Miss Irene Wacken, Miss Irene Wickman, Miss Maxine Bach, Miss Dorothy Bach, Miss Betty Gregg, Miss Aileen Zie linskL Miss Florence Fail an Miss Katherine Montandon, Miss -iviomanaon, Miss Gladys ZielinskL Mrs. J. A. ZieUncH Mrs. Charles A. Zielinski and me nostess, Miss Gertrude Zie- unsiu The bride-elect is a graduate ot oacrea Heart Academy and her fiance Is a graduate of Ger vais schools and attends Oregon oiaie couege where he was af- miated with Alpha Gamma Rho Traveler Is T T riOnOr Guest Mrs. Marguerite DeVore, who is leaving soon to spend five or six weeks in California, was uuuuicu a i a luncneon and a nandkerchief shower last Sat urday. Mrs. Georffe Smvth n Mrs. Charles Pickett were hos tesses at the former's home at a luncheon for Mrs. A. L. DarV Mrs. Paul Deuber and Mrs. De- ,Vore Later in the afternoon the fol lowing friends came with a handkerchief shower for the traveler: Mrs. Arthur Girod, Mrs. Gordon Black, Mrs. C. A. Gies, Mrs. W. L. Lewis, Mrs. M. . Bunnell, Mrs. S. P. Phipps, Mrs. Robert Forkner, Mrs. C. F. Hageman, Mrs. George Martin, Mrs. C. M. Roberts, Mrs. C. L. Reasor, Mrs. T. H. Barnes and Mrs. J. E. Putnam. Mrs. Rldgley Miller and her twin daughters, Kris tine and Katherine, are visiting in La Grande at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Landon. Nor. 5, ,7,8 SAT ""S Perry Drug- Store X 129 g. Cesa Salesa, Ore. . . . Tb9 Sua Flane! .Attractive saedera styl- ' Ins;.., . - Ecoaemlser heatings mnit which fanctlans as heat extraeter. Lowers fel. eenavnaptlen sad tn- ..- creases warn air drcvla- : ' KevBdi drasa heating mnit ' - 1c adaptable te poor draft: - condittonav. ' -r Eeeaa-Lnx and 8oi ar-' Zone models have aa ad-: Jastable hnnldifler that ' - east .be removed for easy Approved by U aider writers' laboratories, I Party WED THUR FRI VALU AilxU iT-llL?-:-- yf yAU"eS - - - , ; , ; u;U1uYemsr W'-vreaon mothers" entertained. Informally; i-mt t VTnnria-r efWnrvm t v v ... , , ,iv'j - TTorth 14th . streeC - Dirrlrii fhB t afternoon ' tLe croup, sewed "for itlie Red Cross. lr L At the tea hour Ma X yman Steed and Mrs. , Glenn Sedey i.Miiii.ii. t::::::::::t:s:; . mXI imi sifMaas MMaiMMmitniMiMtttf ttssanamMii . , Htiiiiiiiii o )) esa' ssk saanmmiMiasmaaas MttMasftianMmtMiitMtatMMsf , - snm aw alll ;? A j-ify f .1 fcw Sir??!:' teimiittmsMiimanMttemeMMemMsfatMeittmmaeestn ' 0r rTZmi? ooooeosft- witJm vy m , 147 ail?li, 9t7 rJ fTU IVvinW lllllllllllliattflllfMtlltllMMMIS(IIM' . W AaC-K V 9 IVJfW ) tttinmmmntMttti4tmaaaasistitsntn isasy A ai r ff 1 a' ssFw )( eeeteesteteaeeaaeeeieMai ml ! MeeeeMeatat ExWJ"m 1jLJ& TV ?bw r - t . aaa yafcWatBar gjaP I a Tlafalalaai f TaT"l CT earns - e ' . ' ' X. 1" ltM JmmmmfTwmmmWZ aaaLeam. 1 JB a e eee eeeajr f v V imfZ Ta sO . ff Xaenm ea. leaT J y., ": M' II ; X 3ny-- af SadV' . SsWI JVL. jjjjjjjjjjjjjf' r I ' SMSHJ -' cJsSC ::::::::::::;, itti .1 Lar" I i - I fm mm inis p Wlm M jmsjl Alm What Wman dosn't fine table linens! Man 019 teUln? u lovely linens we've fLj, "1 fy CC3SQinbled or Ail event is one of the finest HlBfe y Tvfe coll9ction3 they've seen. Get in the mood for a ftive Thanksgiving .. . Plan to visit Penney'a :!!:; I J 2:1(1 floor iodcr 001(1 & decorating SSStttift. I r exhibit On rHmlrrv rre urall m .1 ill: 1 Miftt j m via uiu uuuung anow- I I Hand Embroidered Table Set This gorgeous linen set has a cloth 72x108 and 12 napkins 22x22. It Is heavy in design but the cut work and embroidering will show off on your table as truly a work of artl W9 :Xi: ::X-: A pure linen l-XS'XWX'Xl X5-X-X-Xj Ww.:.H"'i o:-a 22x22 with matchina lace. With CW4 mmmffl circles, stars stjas fmsfsm " ioremo jx3 resits K' W.V.VAV.V. .VIr, .PHSBBBSeajBSB Sx:$:xx :xx.:x$::xix l?ssswx:xxwp:: Hand Worked Linen Table Set .... This cloth was selected by the Salem Garden club for their table oxhibit on Monday. Hand. rrryr somely designed embroidery and punch work, UvJOU Ideal Ji you want a simple but beautiful set- Z)Z) fffJrrTrrrw--,. .' .-TTi ixWS$3 -J3 pc. HandEmbroidered tvSxX!Xw.K.x.:. mmm cioth,7ix9a KfiSHXX rXX'Xv.X-:J 26 lxiiiiiiiii xxxx::. ;":x:?? f iiiimmUUmmmu; 17 pc. Linen Table Set ...... . . Intricaie cut work designs, massive "in effect a r-r r-, with on all over pattern of cut -work and solid O A 75 mbroidery-a truly lovely tet ' ' ZaT - 5;pc. Hcj Special for this ery.4rifully r rmlded It Bie tinu. New moth r - 'trt Whb.Wt hortet-toduded'Ma. J. Lymaa Steed andflri. MrC Roy H;Simmohs, Mrs. Wal- - tei Rrati1f?T ' Vw'lilim tn'ml wr- tl tm, turn n aAd Mrs. Chflds: r.i?v;. : 4 : . Attend -were Mrs.Olnn -i Mrs! Cln. Vtnimf) it ,wwuu, : Hoppes.; Mrs.r Howard -eriks. Hoppes, ; Mrs.i Howard" ;Jenks,- Mrs. H.' RTCrawf ordV Mrs.' W J. ' : - DogIas Otho Is the n ei Bishop, MnLDave Caplan, Mrs,' the littlo boy born to Mr. and Joseph E. Goodfellow, Mrs The- Mm Robert White on Friday r ter. lC.C. Tler9 Uit. Bar . ing ot exquisite table linens. Listrl UU,., I I m sirvawn uia m m l a l9W outstanding table linen values. j J - . . I I $195. Hand Made Lace Table Set lace cloth 72x126 cmd 12 nrmVine and acorns, its originality places a show-piece and its weight in- practical use tor a lifetime. Hand Made Linen The 72x108 cloth and 12 napkins comDinqiion ot delicate lace and handsome embroidered linen, making a dining set to de light the most cUscrlminatingl Made in Madeira Island ... of Pure Irish Linen Breathtaking In its loveliness. p& Lace ; Table 1 runner 16x4gUl3 place mats 12x16-and 12 ! napklng 17x17 This set is all hand made lace. A iiC very becratiful and different. Has the acorn del 1 0 .Bridge Set:'lt occasion! Real hand embroid- s ' ! - designed on real llnen.v -V i " ' H.". Kfmmnrit-' Mr. Adam Znnl Mrs. Fraak urban eatertala ed members of her kindergarten m Halloween cartv rrM. - . A . 'mv iaay lWram sit ner noma on court . . . " . " hot . nerai . ::xX:xsyX: $195. yx-XjX"XXvj'Xv fXvXXX"XX a""a..x."N 11 1V1 Table Set 22x22 are' a .wNw.v.wv i i r..V.'.'.V'.".-.-.-.'. . vri . . v.rrv . . ,., Wvy.'.ViV.'.,A?,v,vwi,'. . -vo . mmmmmm ."1".' . -ft.X'V.X-X0 I X,XX"XvXnvX'.,X,.-.v.".v.,.".v.v.v.;.j I" 'vXwX,XvXwXvX"WvXv.wJ 1 1; Table Set :-x-xsvX-x- ;:x:x-:;j:y::X;: :;:S$::: x- X-Xs 5975 X' Set ssx ' jjdO 1 Matesman, mi J 5.tlin. Oregon. 2 ' ' - . i ? J W'' '' 1 W,---U..J r .. . .... ..- ...... 1 -f -ft .if I,