1 PAGET TWELVE - The OXSXrOZt STATEC3IAIL Salem, Or 090x1. Tuesday Morning. October 22. IS4I TFIHIi DAT! IM1 KWA lAc2 nvfq)r s - r i. : s : . i -v- .'-V- S A ' I, .IIMIII Mil If "II 'f ' " " it..jK....Jf W LASS PLUS BLAST Unexpected blast of wind from a drying machine exhibited at the American Institute of Laundering convention in Cleveland startled Snzanne Kiley, a dancer. The. machine was said to dry a skirt In SO seconds. V - - J. . POSTAL PROBLEM S Disrupted mail routes and chang ing boundaries are grave problems for John E. Lamiell of the U.S. ftostoffice, whose Job of routing mail for abroad is a ticklish one. requiring knowledge of diplomacy and geography. S 1 V4 iL.UlWfi ( -1 1 ' K ' yj. f'K. ' " f V' " v us 1- A 7- FAR EAST 0 M E N Armored trucks for troop transport rumble through Batavla. capital of the Dutch East Indies, those valuable Islands straddling the equator near the Philippines. BALI NESE B A B YWar may change such commonplace scenes as this m strategic Dutch East Indies. Here, a rooster cage Is slipped over a baby to five her s first taste of "home." y-v-... m-..-w.... ,v,v,w..vr M,miw,.,..,,,. ..,., ..1, ..... v-n...,. miiium M ..LH.... -U. L .hiii..i i .MinyiiiMiiiiij..... j i . - --'TSP---lr? " ' v , -n , , , ' - " ' ''"- -' l; t; " - i4 - -4,1 .--1I...iirOMIyV?'- 1 ... !idn S . a. HMntfSISB HEAVY, HEAVY. HANGS OVER THEIR HEADSNecks craned upward as crowds -attending dedication of the new $12,000,000 Douglas Aircraft plane factory at Long Beach, Calif., got this eloseup view of the B-19. The huge, four-motored bomber was hedge-hopping along railroad track back of plant - CHOI C E Piano-playing John Coolidge. S5. son of the late President Coolidge, has resigned his railroad connections to enter, the printing business. He lives at .. Orange, Conn. . 'Want -A 'hi ;l s 1 BOARDS R VntU he started complaining . about the food, tShotsie," a robin, was welcome at Eleanor : Shaffer's home ; la Oakland. Calif. He prefers eaU - tnr from Eleanor's hand. I' 7 A L Z 1 1 7 .?.V.t er.Iy can Lela i:ae nsri cf i3MTiee,.Ckla -, sc-r tsars, s;. surs about ; , -rry, tt s.e's equally good - - :r. his hepeg for aa . crriUJ career. O.K. FOR A MILD WINTE R-Oniy o,e tardiest fe Male would dare this sports costume worn by Alexis Smith of the aaevles. The midriff is bare, sleeves and panln are ef ceiTaphane. Cor some warmth, there are t&c red knitted sweater, CassHU : V A 4 tIV . BOY MADE COO D So well did Billy Kern, 149-pound waterboy with Pomona college (Calif.) team, hurl passes In practice with scrubs, that he's now promoted to a regular halfback berth. HOT ON THE SCEN TRumson Farm Loch, -year-old English setter declared winner ef the National pheasant cham pionship, follows a scent at Buffalo. Owned by Raymond Hoar--" land of Cartersville, Ga he's first ef breed to take the crown.- U . ' " ' . -i :'.: ;;:. ' .,(: IX: ' . ' .:.....": ' . ... i" ' ' (... 1 t ..... 1 ; j VlLUl!ifnULf.,M T!lEfcY?R.,i, CO-DcsIgnated fhe Cartlss lleKdiver E22C-1. thU new all-metal, two-place monoplane is 3 JiT?.f 1?rter bmb,?oil1 ble" tor distance than any dive-bomber developed in America or abroad, and Is i aIrcr" car1er ' ? V;8 Armament and performance deUils are a defers secret It has a 1.700-horsc- Bwtr t rlLt Cydcrae exrLae, wings that foli cpward te fxtLiltait tierate lUui si'p, tLrce-tlasieJ f sa-featerinf propeller - ' ,. NAZI COMMAND --Gen. Walter von Brauchitsch, field marshal and commander- in-chief of the German armies " .rVZ rAS 5 wrcaay at : field fceads&rtcrs en Oct. 4. " ' m