PAC2 QYCI 4 cient! Economical! That's Classified JMs Tlx OHTGON STATESMAN. Scdexn, Oragoo. Tuesday Morning. October 23. 1941 Swift! Em Classified Advertising I Statesman - Classified Ads Call 9101 Three insertions per line23e Six insertions per line 40c On month per lint I1.23 Minimum charge 25c; 2 tL min imum 25c; tL mia. 45c, No :- refund Copy for this par accepted un til (30 the evening before publics tioa for classification. Copy re retved after tola time win be run under tha needing Too Lata to Classify T - Tha Statesman attunes do cnan. eUl rcsponaibiuty for. anon which may appaar tn advertisements pub Usded In Its columns and tn cases whera this paper ia at tault wttl reprint that part of aa adrsrttsa soent tn which tha typographical mistake occurs. Tha Statesman reaenres tha right to reject questionable, advertising. It further reserves tha right to place all advertising - under the prooef edification, A "Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for aa ad drtae Is for. the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. Tha Statesman la not at liberty to divulge infor. nation aa to the Identity of an advertiser using a "Blind" ad. -V Livestock and Poultry BEAUTirLTL TEAM black Percheron mares. Yrs.. 2700 lbs. Gentle and true. Vet.-cert, for health and soundness $229. - - Fine reg. Jersey bull, 3 yrs., from Gunderson herd. $150. Crawler tractor. John Deere, model BO. Handles t 15-ln. bottom plows and comparable loads. Burns stove oil. Bought new May. '41. Cost $1379. Sac- rince xor sws. . Cream seDarator. De Laval F-1T. ca. pac. gal. Fine cond. $50. Autom. hop sprayer, grain Dinaer, io-in. suuey plow 'and other items offered. Durbin farm. 9 mi. t. ox saiem, nr. central Howell. XL B. BOX 404. Salem. Ph. 32784. """ DIAD ANTMALS7, " We Pay ud to 50 cents ner hundred for dead horses and cows. Top prices 'paid for feed horses. Phone 84 11 Salem collect. MONTGOMERY RENDERING WORKS ,W UEADGALS?t,lX, CaU Salem. 5000 Collect -Salem Fertilizer and By Products. WANTED. Straw. ton or more. Ernest Lehman, Rt 2, Beaverton also In market for Herefo.-d or Durham cattle. Help Wanted AVON PRODUCTS. Inc., has opening xor energetic women wno wisn to in crease Income. Snlendid ODDortunitv. Profitable business. Box 1887 States man. MAN AND woman for general work. TO. 7488. Help Wanted Male ' MAN, PART-TIME work, can grow to full time witn established concern. State occunatilon and time available. Xo house to house. Write or call at 478 Court St. Salem. Ore. Dick Wil liams. MACHINISTS. LATHE, boring mill and planer men in Puget "Sound dis trict; also layer out for structurall shop. Give details and experience. Write Box 1582, co statesman. Help Wanted Female GIRL OR woman to assist In board-' ft ; house. Call at 450 Marion or Ph. 0. GIRL FOR general house work and fare for children. Age 18-30. Ph. 8270. Housekeeper, ph. 4173. 1342 N. CapitoL Situations Wanted - EXP. GIRL wishes office work, morn- sags only. cxc. rei. Ph. 8334. EXP. CAPABLE lady wishes hskpg. ft day work. 1411 court SPECIALLY EQUIPPED to clean cess pools St septic tanks. P. 8743. Gene rite. For Sale Miscellaneous SHINGLES ARE lower. All grade! CaU 714 S. 21st street. Phone 3600. APPLES Several varieties. 25c uc Ernest Anderson, Orchard Heights Rd 1 mi. off Wallace Rd. Bring boxes. . WILL SELL $180 credit on new car tor 130. call eve. 6728. USED COLES Oil neater', like new. 839.50. Terms. . . USED Wood circulators $19.50 and up. 453 Court St For Sale Miscellaneous WALNUT shells. 5c sack, dring sacks. auorfein Packing Co. 60 N. Front. : '"UlInVERSAirOO Coils. 459 N. 33rd. range. New ' USED -ELECTRIC refrigvrators. ItAItK ArlUJUlM tU. ESS N. Liberty Ph. 4311 Oil circulator, cheap. 1925 N. 4th. ' Marshall ttrawberry plants. P. 2-2281. tuSED WASHER-popular makes. ' . VfATFR APPLIANCE CO. XSS N. Liberty Ph. 4311 J SEE OUR factoW 'bciktaai burning range. Fu& porcetein with nnmtain nv.n snd utility drawer. Kelson bros. bonnevtlle store 05 N. Liberty i - ione iwm PURE VETCH seed, first house south Of Hazel Green Pars, mm xiunigan, tn. T. Box 337. . - : j j j 4 WK. OLD calf. ilO Vista Ave. -. USED WOOD, electric and gas ranges. Popular ma ices, io ana up. ? VTiATER - APPLIANCE CO. S59 N. Liberty ? Ph. 4311 .Cotysnu steawriTP KITCHEN RANGE. A-l condition, burns 16-ln. wood. $20.00. 1345 N. 16th. A-I EICYCLE. Cheap. 867 S. Church. : -: " ADVERTISING Western Advertiaina Representatives . George D. Close, Inc. Eaa rrandsco , Los Angeles : Seattle ? Eastern Advertising 'Representatives rant, Griffith & Branson, the, Chicago, New York., Detroit Bryan Chi 1 . Boston. Atlanta . . ; '. tnttrtd at the PoHoffic at Salem, -Orepon, as Second Class Matter. Pub lished every mornlns except Monday. Lusiness ice 225 South Commercial arrest SUBSCRIPTION RATES: v" v Mail Subscription Rates in Advance Within Oregon? Daily and Sunday, Ma. SO cents: 3 Moa. $li0; 6 Mos U-50: 1 year S3 .00. Elsewhere aa cents per mo. r $5i)0 for 1 year in advance Per -aopy eetrts. Newsstands cents. ; By -City Carrier. 68 cents a month. ; flJO a year tn advance in Marioat and adjacent countiea " Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL WRITI or nhona (B1S31 to Salem's oldest, largest home owned ana noma managed finance institu tion. Your financial affairs will be discussed and loans made tn strictest privacy, you will be given every iteration tn tha repaying of your loan or granting of extensions. 1 to It MONTHS TO REPAY You can pay ia full any tuna to reduce the cost. ONLY BORROWER SIGNS No endorsers. Loans made on furni ture or note. SEX ROY H. SIMMONS. MGR. Lie. No. M-15J JIM CLARK. ASST. MGR GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION Lie NO.S-138 134 So. Commercial St Phone S1S8 first door south of Ladd at Bush bank. Convenient ground floor location PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce Daymen ts. Money for new or used ears No delay or red tape. You WU1 retain possession of ui venioe 1 TO 29 MONTHS TO PAY - ROY H. SIMMONS ' 138 South Commercial Street Phone BIOS Ue. No. af -183 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. $TH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N. M-158 FHA LOANS 4 also Driv. loans. Abrama & Ellis, Inc, Masonic Biag. WE LOAN on farm, residential & business property. Will buy mortgages or contract. Hawkins & kubchis. INC. Realtors, Guardian tsuuaing. For Sale- Miscellaneous FINE STRING bass with bow, case and stand. 370 N. 19th. Pn. 8908. WICKER BABY buggy In first class ' cond. S3. 1308 N. com i. PERENNIAL PLANTS 5c each. Jay Moms. Florist Phone 8637. Wanted Furniture F. N. GLENN WOODRY. Auc tioneers & furniture deaiera will pay you more cash or trade for furniture &t nousehoid goons, we ouy or sen everything. Ph. 5110. CASH rOR used furniture & house hold goods R rorgey. Ph. 7445. Wanted Miscellaneous FURNITURE, tools & Runs. Oregon Trading post 332 N. Com 1, Salem, WANTED WALNUTS 11c in shell. 38c in meats. Lenaburg & Lenaburg, 660 Bieber st Six. East state Hospital. Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repair. DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg State & Cora!. Ph. 3311 For Rent Rooms HOTEL MARION ) Rooms, special weekly and monthly rates to Perm.; guests. Marlon Coffee oop, aeuaous meais at low prices. FRONT R.. single or twin beds. Also closed in sleeping porch, hest 254 a. cnurcn. pnone si. WELL-FURNISHED room. Nov. 1. 696 N. Cottage. Ph. 6917. ROOM IN orivate home. Gentleman preferred, f none aavs. FOR RENT light housekeeping room. Keasonaoie. iwh uax street ROOM. GARAGE. 960 Center. 6630 VERT DESIRABLE, heated sloe, rm hot cold water. 255 Center. NICE ROOM, quiet home. Ph. 7772. HEATED RM. Twin beds, boys pre ferred. 1344 Center. CABIN, rm.. close in. Ph. 8229. 2 SLEEPING RMS., with or without brkf ., day, wk. or mo. 1370 Chemeketa. MODERN, large room, twin beds, girls. 1577 court St. COMF. RM., nr. capt 966 Center. ROOM. Hollywood Dist Ph. 4723. SLP. RM, near state bidgs. Ph. 21449 HOTEL SALEM, low mo.-wx. rates. Room and Board ROOM. BOARD, 'sundry for one or just room for X men or students. 923 S. High. LG. RMS. Running wet 215 S. Winter I BETTER BRD. & rm. 743 S. Com! St For Rent -Apartments 3-RM. FURN. apts. Heated, garage. 3455 Stale. 3 RMS., newlv finished, adults. 315 580 N. Liberty. Ph. 679Z. ONE AND 2-rm. apts. 432 Marion. 3-RM. APT. 1932 Chemeketa. Call Sunday or evenings, FURNISHED, warm downtown front apt Patton apts.. szs. rn. 4m or 4370. 3-R , PRI. ent. its. ht, wat.. tel. Also l-t. 839 N. Liberty. . . BANCROFT. 340 H. Church, 1 3-rm. ant 1 1-rm. apt. kitchenette, closet, 2nd soor, zront ) RM. furn. apt & gar. 643 Union. x ml lum., .ia, on waicr, wasucr. 2 2-RM. FURN. sot- 1st fir.. prL bath. Its., n. water, wasner. uh b. conn. v 3 RM. ground fir PrL ent Reason able rent, sw m. i. rn. own. FURN. rm. heated. 444 S. High. FURN., APT . tlKjm Water. ; $15 AND $16 furn. downstairs apts. dose in. ughta at water xurn. rp. &i ELOKDXZ' QUAMUS(UaOKE j t SPEMT-ALL LWEOME MORS I f HAD PLStNTV'- w jtV tTTt v.7rt K vURrr plays tue - aptcwjooh J coooe? f-Z. S wow, go TO a L Jf .jsjl Irs - Money to Loan STATESMAN READERS . CAN GET CASH , THIS WAY: ; L Come tn or phone and ten us how much you want. - - X Answer a few simple questions aooux your, idennrjr. ana ability to repay. -' X Quickly as your application Is ap-' provea, sign ana get tne casn. $50 Costs Only $3.03 It paid In S equal monthly payments. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 511 State Street 3 doors West of CaDitol Theatre Ph. 3191. License Noa. S-123 & M-165 AUTO LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CALKINS FINANCE CO. "Salem's Personal Lass Center 31 Court St. Salem Phone 4446 State license S-2ZB 14-278 Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on rood Salem real es tate. Will pay 6 Interest W. U. UKABISMHOBST 4k CO. REALTORS YOUNG COUPLE wants 11500 loan for two years. Steady salary and in surance only security. Box 1885 co is tatesman. For Rent Apartments 1 RM. Apt $19. 152 S. 13th. Ph. 5222. NICE FUR. 3 r. Refrig. 590 Union NICE SMALL Apt 658 Center. FURN. 2 Bit apt 671 N. CapitoL CHARMING, comnact furn. ant. elec. stove, refrig., $20 and up. Adonis, 1340 m. capitot COZY BSMT. apt 966 Center. 2 RMS. furn. bath. Its. and heat 815. 1440 wauer. 4-RM. flat unfurnished except elec. range and refrig. Phone 5248. ' 2 RM. unfurn. Lts- wat. SIX. 1620 ferry. SMALL furn. apt.. 645 Ferry. DESIRABLE APT. now obtainable at the Fisher. Ph. 9757. Unfurn. 3 r. aot on. bth. elee rge. refrig, gar. Inq. eves 1430 D. Ph. 6250. SMALL APT. 250 S. Cottage. $13 3-R. furn, 1st fL 1397 N. ComL For Rent Houses ATTRACTIVE 4 room house, bath. 3Z35 Portland Road. Phone 4796. $353 bdrm.. mod. home, adults only. $252 bedroom, partly furnished. $23 5 rooms, partly furnished. $303 room furnished, close in. RALPH BADGER. REAL ESTATE 150 S. Liberty Ph. 6469 SMALL HOUSE. Close In. Wallace Road. Phone 7435 or 630 Union. SMALL 5 rm. house, semi mod. $1150. Inq. Box S, Duncan Ave. VERY DESIRABLE new modern two bedroom home in excellent district 1860 N. 18th. 4 RMS. and bath. Partly furn. Inq. 1331 riaza. rn. omi. bdrms. Unfurn. bdrms. Strictly mod. Vnfurn. -rm. mod. Adults. H. P. GRANT, Realtor 529 Court St Ph. 6744 6 RM. partly furnished house at 351 N. Cottage. $25.00. 5 rmi bungalow at 152S Bellevue, basement furnace, szz. MELVTN JOHNSON, 725 Court St Business Cards In this directory ran on a monthly b a a I a only. Rate: $L25 per line per month. Auto Brakes Mike Panek. 275 South Commercial Bicycles BICYCLES, New and recondltJoned. Harry W Scott, 147 & Com'cL P 4516 Chimney Sweeps T VACUUM cleaned - chimney furnace. Roof repairing. Free estimate. Ken nedy. Phone 8056. TELEPHONE 4450. 8. E. Northnesa. Excavating EXCAVATION OF all kinds. Base ments dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt tor sale Salem Sand 6s CravcL P 9406 Florists Breltnaupra. 447 Court Phone tl5. Funeral Directors Terwllliger Funeral Borne. Ph. 692$. Mattresses CAPITOL BEDDING CO Phono 4068 SALEM . FLUFF RUG g MATTRESS Co New Mattresses, old remade, rug eleanug at weaving. 8- Uth s wuour TaL S44L Zwtckan. v Painting & Paperhanging Experienced nesaonsbla. Ph. 4325.. For Rent Houses S-ROOM. strictly mod. house, close in. Adults only. Ph, 7576. - - - FURNISHED - CO.OO Basement apt, 3 rooms. 125.00 S. 25th, 2 bedrooms. H5.00 N. 16 th. 4-bed room house. - UNFURNISHED 120.06 McCoy St. 3 bedrooms. : ps.00-Oak St, S bedrooms. 135 KV Two rood 3-bedroom homes. O. E. RAE, U55 State St Phone 676L s-RM. mod. furn. Adults. Automatic heat, $35. CaU after Sun. 1170 N. 14th. 3-RM. APT. in duplex cottage. Clean. nicely furnished. Prt bath, garage, 1 blk. to bus. Lights, water furn. Elderly or working couple preferred. - 407 S. IStn. St. ;. :fV;r.., - , MOD. S-RM. house with 1 acre. J. C Courtnier, route 6, box lie. MOD. 3-RM, bath, utility. Ph. S21L NEWLY DEC HO. 2345 State. CaU at 253 Center. 4-RM. FURN. $11 997 S. 20th. Inq. 996 S. 20th. 8-RM, 1132 Hinea. Ph. 6650. FURN S-rm. hae near school, aood locality. Phone Howard 4458. . NEW mad. 4-rm. house. $22 JO. 373 E. Washington. Ph. $753 LARGE HOUSE & acreage on Gard en Road. Ph. 5987 during day. MOD. 5-rm. house, sawdust furnace, oak floors. $37. 3480 Center. Ph. 22526. WE HAVE THE PROSPECT D7 YOU' Want to sell, exchange, lease, rent see Mr. Larsen. Mr. Collins or Mr. Goodwin with Hawkins t Roberts, HOUSES. Melvtn Johnson. Ph. ST21 MOD. T rm. furn. 862 N. 16th. For Rent 2 A, small house, close In. Chicken house ana Darn. inq. m s. utn. 3-RM. furn. apt, $22 JO. (-Rm. house, $25. 6-Rm. mod, autom heat $45. R. A. Forkner, Realtor 1853 N. Capitol Wanted to Rent WANT 2 or 3 bedroom house, wired for range, about $20. Permanent 1410 Mines. Fo Sale Real Estate 5-RM. MOD. house. Automatic heat hdwd. firs, fireplace. Full cement base ment Unfin. upstairs. Big yard. Beau tiful shrub and fruit trees. Close to school. Very good dist $5500, $1500 dwon. 1700 N. 18th. 2 A, E, house, barn, chicken hse, $1800, terms. 16 A, 8 mi. Salem, 5-rm. hse, $2500, terms. 70 A, 35 in cult, bidgs, $4200, terms. Will take eastern ore. property. R. A. Forkner, Realtor 1863 N. Capitol OUR BETTER HOME VALUES $4000. $250 down, $35 per month New 5-room home, full basement fur nace, fireplace, hardwood floors, ga rage, unfinished attic. Four blocks outside the city limits. This is really a bargain and worthy of your consid erstion. $3500 Good 6-room house at 1160 South Liberty St A REAL HOME. Let us show you this house today. 82850 Five-room home at 519 Jud son. Can be bought oo good terms If . 1 1,1 jM V... j uu u. wuMiiK iw m im wvu . fail to see this house. $1950. 8250 down. $20 per month In West Salem, good five-room house, with furnice, hardwood floors. Large lot just the place for that garden and flowers. 83300. 8250 down. 830 per month New four-room house with all modern con veniences. Let us show you this house, ITS A BARGAIN. $5300 7 -room family home, com nletelr modern throughout double ga rage. Beautiful yard, flowers and shrubs. Outside fireplace. ONE OF THE BEST. See Richard Grabenhorst with W. H. GRABENHORST Jk CO. 134 S. Liberty Phone 4131 S-RM. mod. house by owner, proper ty clear. In Hollywood. CaU evenings after p.m. zot? Mccoy Ave. Directory Plumbing PLUMBING. GENERAL reoalr work. Grabar Bros, 8. Liberty. Ph, 1694. Printing FOR STATIONERY cards, pamphlets, programs, books or any kind of print ing, call The Statesman Printing De partment, sis b. r.'nmmarnai. xesa- aioi Schools SALEM SECRETARIAL SCHOOL STREAMLINED COURSES Write. Phone or Call for Booklet 360 N. Capitol Trailers FOR RENT. 154S N. CapitoL Ph. 9006. TRAILERS FOR Rent Day or Week. P. 31768. Kings Trailer Ex. 519 N. Front Trailer Houses WE BUY. aeO. rent 2089 N. ComX Transfer U-DRTVE TRUCKS FOB RENT Blankets furn 197 S. Liberty. Ph. 9062 FOR LOCAL OR DISTANT transfer storage, burner oil. briquets, prest togs. Trucks to Portland s daily Agent Pierce Auto Freight, including .Calif, points Larmer Transfer Ca. Pa. 313L Vacuum Cleaner Service FSEX Inspection ta your: home. Ash thorbsed Hoover service. We sun Its afl makes deanera Hogg Broa Ph. 6023 Well Drilling C. J. Pugb, 2125 Myrtle. Ph. 9336. at A. WEST. Rt 6. Bx 44 P MM Invasion In Amerlcxz! For Sale Real Estato 8-RM. house ' .hV owner. 1B8T M Water. Phone 6429 after 3 p. m. ; S-RMS. Hollywood dist Will trade lor a-rra. house. , , . 11800 5-rm. house with 1 lots. t2na down. $15 per mo. . s-Km. moa. noma. N. Salem. $4750. R. A. Forkner, Realtor 1 ;-;V,y? CapitoL S3S7S BUNGALOW ta Hollvwood district g nra, basement, furnace, ga rage, pa rea street. 850B a own 3 rm. house. 6 bDrs. from State House, basement furnace, fire place. Only $2200. MELVTN JOHNSON, REALTOR 725 Court St - Phone 3723 EMERGENCY Owner must - have eash immediately offers fine home on large corner tot; many fruit and orna mental trees: 7 large airy rooms; full basement with hot water heating plant Worm SeOOQ will accept S4600 for quick deal carries 83500 mortgage. See Mrs. Ellis with Childs & Miller, Realtors, 344 State St Ph. $261. . FOR SALE To settle estate a-rm home, cor. and two building, sites. Paved st, hat water heat Rented at $58 per mo. Suitable for 1 apts. On business st, main hwy. through city. Write M. S, 340 N. 21st St, Corvallis, Oregon. FORCED TO sell new. lovelr. mod ern home, S large rms, unfmtahed attic See this before you buy. Easy terms. Near school. 1660 N. 18th. - 4 ROOM plastered house. Terms. On Croisan Creek road. John Croisan, Rt J. BOX TIOA. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Com fortable 7-rm. house with basement choice corner lot 60x102 ft. trees. shrubs, flowers. Price only $2250 cash. IZ50. naiance lice rent see Childs & Miller. Realtors. 344 State St Ph. S26L SUB. HOME. Inq. SOS N. Cottage. LARGE HOME. t block state house. 4 bed rms. 2 sleeping porches, double olumbing. 3 garages. Israe lot a buy at $8000. Will consider small house part payment. -Fairmount Hill 6-rm. home, air con ditioned. automatic heat a home of character for $5000. $450 will handle this ana montruy pmts. W1MM1S PETTY 3 Unn, KIALTUH 477 Court Street NEW NO. 17th Sr. HOME 8-room home, fun basement pipe furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, large fenced lot This home can be purchased for lesa than replacement costs. See Mr. Lfooa win with HAWKINS & ROBERTS, Inc., Realtors. NEW 3-bedroom house near schools, $500 down direct from owner. 740 Electric. Exchange Real Estate TRADE $3000 Portland house. Want timber land to $1500. 1510 N. 21st For Sale Farms 80 ACRES on 99E Hi-War. all cult 7 room house and good bidgs. Berries, nUtS. S0400. O. E. RAE 1255 State St Ph. 6761 Acreage 30 A. FARM East Good buildings and soil 86500. IV A. NUKTU Good buildings, fruit at berries. 60 A, Grand Island. Mod. home. Peaches, filberts and walnuts. Attrac tive price. H. P. GRANT, Realtor 529 Court ' -Phone 6744 SPECIAL LOW PRICE To close an estate. S A. some fruit 4 R. house, not far out for $1250. Also another 6 A. rich dark soil, fruit 6 rm. house, barn, electricity, SZ230. Ana beautiful ten A. farm. 1 A. filberts, fruit New mod. bungalow. 3 bed rms, bath, elec, water system, nut sed. See it Louis Bechtel or Mabel Needham. 341 state. Room 4, are sole agents. 60 A, 19 ml. from Salem. 1 mL from paved road, 60 A. nice oak timber, easy to get out no waste land, $25.00 per A. l A- close to Reiser school, nice bungalow, 4 rms. ana nook, Z bedrms garage, wooasnea. sziso szuo aown. MELVTN JOHNSON. REALTOR 725 Court St Phone 3723 4 ACRE, cute new 4 room cottage. nicely finished, a little dream home. price sisw, Slav cash, sza a month. Don't miss this. 1 acre, unfinished 8 room house in Oak Grove, shed, chicken house. place with possibilities. Price - $1300, terms. H. J. HARDER Real Estate Exchanges 228 Oregon Building Phone 6466 Wanted Real Estate WANT TO buy 4-5 rm. house. Priced from fiew to siyoo. Terms, p. o, BOX 461. 1 OR 2 acre, rood S rm. house. Pre- rer Monn saiem. no agents. Sox 1B80, statesman. Business Opportunities PARTNER NOT OVER 35 with $500 to invest in Salem cigar store, foun tain, general sports headquarters. Prefer local man. Must have good cnaracter references, write et once. Exnect to ooen about Jan. 1st. P. W. Hughes. 7018. East End Ave, Chicago. uunois. - FOR SALE or lease: Uaraga and service station, doinr excellent busi ness, owner leaving town reason for selling. Inquire at 493 Center street paiem. uregon. " For Sale Wood MILL-EDGING. 4 ft long, 8X50 per cord, while they last You haul. In quire 724 so. 12th, i . . WANTED Someone to clear 10 A. of grub oa at young fir for )i the wooo. trn. ma. . . , Wood Sawing S3 If. ComV Pn. 3523. Lost and Found POMERANIAN MALE, came to my place S months ago, Owner pay for feed and ad. A. W, Frye, Rt , Box kimv. oaiem. LOST LADY'S white gold Elgin on uieiocKria or court . auza. FOUND-Revohrer. P. 535L 206 N. IS For Sale Used Cars Plymouth 1940 PLYMOUTH DeLUXX SEDAN. A-l condition throughout Has good heater and excellent tores. Test must drive this car to appreciate It - Yours for $745.00 Loder Bros. CENTER ST. SALEM . . You'll Get a Better Deal From Your Olds Dealer LATE 36 Terr. pkJcup. 248 P St issa rwirv mrmL esta rm Ave. Phone 6380. 37 DODGE sed- perfect- A real hu. Stevens, 678 S. 12th. 41 CHEV. 4-dr. sda. Like new. STEVENS-478 S. 12th. SEE STEVENS USED CARS before you buy. 678 S. 12th. . 183 TUDOR Pry. Ore. owner. Good eondition. Call after 6 p. m. 316 Les lie, Apt a. v Wanted Used Cars GET EVERT DIME TOUR CAR IS WORTH i mfcat fMh XrleM ViU 5 " C" SHROCK To Buy or Sen Your Car 270 N. Church Phone SSOt N. E. Corn. Church 6c Chem. Ph. 7922 "Cash" FOR YOUR CAR Shop others, then try us. Wa con tinuo to pay highest prices for good ciean cars. Burgoyne Motor Co. 440 Center. Phone 21535 Personal LONESOME? Serving an ares. Club Elite, p. o Boa 71 -tj. Los Angeles, Cai WILL TAKE bd. and rm. or bed na ttent Lemon Care Home, 2310 N. 4th. WILL LADY, or anyone knowing wno got Diacx spaniel rxom Ht a, box 7Z7. please write to same address. Transportation LEAVING FOR Glendale Thurs. Take passengers for part expense. Good car, carerui onver. box 18B4, sutesman. Legal Notice NOT7CE OF TRADE-MAKK OWNERSHIP TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN General Shoe Corporation, t corporation fof the State of Ten nessee, witSjMts principal offices and place tef business in the City of Nashvillei Tennessee, gives no tice that it is owner of the trade mark consisting of the design of a flag upon which is superimposed the words "FLAGG BROS." This mark has been used by General Shoe Corporation and is intended to be used by it as a trademark upon wearing apparel, particular ly Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes, of its manufacture, and the trademark was registered with the Secretary of State of Oregon on October 14, lt4. GENERAL SHOE CORPORATION. Oct 28, Nov. 4-11. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION CRAFTON C. CARROLL, Plain tiff, vs. MYRTLE VIOLA CAR- ROLL, Defendant SUMMONS TO MYRTLE VIOLA CAR ROLL, DEFENDANT: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you are hereby re quired to appear before the above entitled court and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled court and cause on or before the last day of the time required herein for the publication of this summons and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will take judgment against you for the dissolution of the marriage . bonds heretofore existing between yourself and the plaintiff and for such other, fur ther and different relief as to the court may seem Just and equit able. This summons is being pub lished in pursuance of an tirder of the Honorable E. M. Page, Judge of the above entitled court, entered under date of October 20, 1941, and will be published in the Oregon Statesman once week, for four consecutive weeks, the first i publication berinnlng October 21, 1941, and the last publication being November 18, 1141.- RHOTEN St RHOTEN, , , Attorneys for Plaintiff, 21 Pioneer' Trust Building, Sa lem, Oregon. . - 0. 21, 28. N. 4, 11, 18. By cmc rouno i v. immmitmmm.i n. . . ,iwwwiiiw,hi,, .. i I'limwuniKW. wwm,uiwwuw.wmw'.'.-i mill i imr - - III iiiiiim i ...J1L (Left te right) Ranald Reagan. WillUm Landigan and Cliff Edwards and their nylng xnaseet. Pinkie, the canary, la s scene front the ex citing- new picture, international Squadron' el the RAF. Starts Wednesday at the EUtnere. t N A A v - IS There's never a blaekoat when Star Tyrone Power thinks in his latest pictere for 20th Centnry Foi, "A Yank in the RAF," which is scheduled te open today at the Grand theatre. Highlighting the thrilling picture are the actual combat photographs taken by the RAF-in action and processed into the film. , Three Choirs Will Feature Church Fete Featuring the three choirs of the church a music festival will be held Wednesday at 7:45 pjn. at the First Baptist church. The latest group to be organized is the Junior choir under the direc tion of Mrs. Dolores Bailey. This group made its first appearance at the morning service last Sun day. Their pianist is Louis Pent ney and Mrs. J. W. Nash U the choir mother. A girls' chorus with Mrs. A. G. Lindstrand as director and Mrs. Frederick Broer, accompanist, will give several numbers during the concert. - The senior choir under the di rection of Fred Broer will present four anthems. Other features will Cross Word IS id 11 2.3 25 31 33 139 40 141 43 44 49 51 52. HORIZONTAL 1 address t-portion 45 -become weaker' 48 plant Juice 49 opposed to a weather 50 bone of forearm II eight organ S2 etringed - instrument (3 give tern- -porarily 12 S-shaped molding - It et an end v 14 the self 15 used, as a Mrment 18-4ineag 18 employ . tO moat capa ble of being drawn into . a thread , 21 whalebone , 24 bowl under ;hand -25 spotted -' 27 multitude SO stiver tl embrown - . 82 be in a rage 23 female bird 24 borer 83 eorrelsUre . of neither tt dining tS withook "' ;- wings .42 dry, as wine Answer te An vAs 30 m P 3 I lAtVlAi U ATn f lTiA" 5 4 1 V?J " 0 JL N S -iil ill s u 4 u nttu i n si dPm w O JtUTo u i) f 43 talked - childisldr Avarate thaa ef Bs V::" n Betty Grable's around that's what include a marimba solo by H. Sterling Howard, a trombone solo, selected by Bert Broer and a violin solo "Cavatina" by Kath leen Broer. I Humane Society Names Officers Three directors were elected Monday night by the Marion Polk county Humane society, presided1 over by L e r o y R. Grote of Salem. Election of offi cers by the board is scheduled for next Monday. Grote was reelected to the board, and Lee Crawford "and 7. H. Willett of Salem were chosen to succeed Henry Cochran and Donald A. Young, whose terms expired. , Lodges Pacific Lodge No. 50. AT as AM. E.A. Degree Wed.. Oct 20, 7 JO p. m. Otto N. Hoppes. WK. Puzzle d IO 14 17 zo 24 26 31 35 37 42 44 45 44 41 SO S3 YEETICaL 1 to pull along' 2 put 2 sky-blue 4 rigidly 5 beverage afflra 7 fragrance thrco-leggcd Stand ... . 9 skin on ; InW'ibeal, lt Eong : ' 11-bard ': ' IT tomcat s 19-enake-lIkff ttk ' 21 the two : ; 22 land measure tt Withonti ' . effort . . 2-coal . distillate 17-Hdalentav tainment ;! 23 4 f or WIa3 W tnaasoiicfij S2 portentont' 84 door . Satnrday'a puixle. SS poesesset 49-engngre 4 23 T art of - ' , church . 23 entree 43 narrow - ' '. won ' ; i 2abri 41 anrml'naj 44 river in J . 45 public torn 4J.jijatli aclatbs: tl adaatas. 1 i WA 1 m