PAGE SIXTEEN Xb OrXGON STATESMAH, Salem. Oregon. Thursday Morning. October 23. IS11 Church Obsm Special Services, SlatedS unday and Monday INDEPENDENCE Calvary Presbyterian church -will ob serve its sixtieth anniversary The plan' for the two day services, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. land, guest speaker; special music by the vested choir; and histori cal record by Dr. George C. Knott. Sunday an "at home will be held at the manse from 2 to 5 pjn., honoring the older members of the church, with all members and friends invited; Monday at 6:15 pjn. the first men's fellow ship dinner will be held. Rev, James Millar of Portland, field ' man of christian education for Oregon and Washington, will be guest speaker. At 8 p.m. Monday a Scotch con cert will be given by Mrs. Wallace Spence, LRCM, London; R. S. Mc- Auley, accompanist; and Eliza beth Reger, all of Portland. The church was organized Sep tember 9, 1881, with Mr. and Mrs. William Riddel!,' Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Godley, Mrs. Mary Whyte, Mr. D. Rae, Mrs. Julia E. Whiting. Mrs. L. A. Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Denman and Mr. C. C. Godley as charter members. The meeting was held at the M. E. church south, and Rev. An thony Simpson. Member of the Presbytery of Oregon was mod erator. All member and friends are in vited to the two-day celebration. INDEPENDENCE Mrs. Hugh Van Loan, worthy matron of Adah chapter, order of the Eastern Star, will honor all affiliated members at the meeting Tuesday at 'the Masonic ball. - A Halloween party will follow. All members are asked to come dressed informally to take part in the games and stunts. Hosts and hostesses will be Mr. and Mrs. Miles E. Branch, Miss Beverly Branch, Mrs. Belle Mc Knight, Mr. and Mrs. John Don aldson, Mrs. Charlotte Colgan, Mrs. A. U. Toster and Mrs. How ard Morlan. m Costume Salem's Leading Credit J liberty and Cosrt SU AM Necklacet & Bracelets J&2 Brooches -.. fwTvvs z?r Ear Rings - jj jjjj Compacts- ' . :'J Values to j' : J,.. Open House October 26 and 27. program: Morning and evening m., with James W. Palmer, Port Community Clubs HAZEL GREEN The commun ly club will assemble for 'the first meeting of the season Fri day at 8 o'clock. 4H club work will be the topic and Wayne Harding is to be the speaker. Marie Phillips will re port on the 4H, summer school at Corvalli&J The school is sponsoring a car nival to raise money for school purposes. Refreshments will be sold and coffee served by Mrs. Otis Phillips and Mrs. Charles Van Cleave. MACLEAY Macleay commun ity club will meet at the school house Friday. The program will be put on by the school children after which lunch will be served and a sale put on. A special invitation is extended ten new families in the commun ity. . Committees are: Program, Mrs. A. Johnson and Mrs. J. J. McGovern; luncheon, Mrs: A. Baker and Mrs. Wilbur Miller. MACLEAY The following program will be put on at the community club meeting Friday: Halloween Surprise, school reci tation, Francis Wodzewoda; vocal trio, Francis and Patricia Wodzi woda and Delbert Johnson; vocal solo, Hubert Aspen wall; skit, But ton Button, Mike McGovern and Mamie Jean McGool; vocal duet, Mollie and Gertrude Hernert, ac cordion music, Ann Marie Doerf ler and June Stowell, and piano solo, Mrs. C. Barrows. BETHEL The Community club meets Friday. Entertainment will feature an address by a speaker from the secretary of state's of fice and musical numbers. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Matten will be in charge. Sparkling Seeing Is Believing Yes, Folks, we invite you in to see for your self the beautiful se lections of lovely cos tume jewelry, "gath ered from the markets of the world," as Hol lywood would say. Jeivelery OUr Gift Items Avail able a Ow C m cmlBt Xay -Away PUa - Jewelers and OptometrfeU . ; : Phone 4129 r w- w i .in , s u Diplomat Is Back From Moscow ' - ' ' vt ' W. Averell Harriman, head of the American delegation of the British American mission to Moscow, is greeted by his daughter on his return to London. The mission went to Moscow to plan for all possible war aid to the Soviets. Service Men Height requirements for men enlisting in the navy have been changed to a minimum of 6-foot-4, according to Chief Quartermaster Robert B. Fallon, in charge of the naval recruiting quirements were 5-foot-4 and 6-foot-2. Enlisted through the local navy recruiting station and sent to the naval training station, San Diego, for six weeks training were Walter Clyde Landon, Scotts Mills, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Clyde Landon; Vernon Adair Morton, son of Mrs. Rossa mond ;Ashmon, Salem; George Calvin Almond, Salem; Clare Hilton Jarvis, jr., Salem. The group was enlisted through the American Legion post in connec tion with the recruiting campaign to enlist 140 Oregon men as a company to be sent to the naval training station at San Diego. Ralph Eugene Cox, route No. 3, Salem, is spending 10 days with his parents. Cox enlisted through the local station and af ter six weeks training entered the navy electrical school. He will be assigned to one of the ships of the Pacific fleet after his re turn to San Diego, according to Chief Quartermaster R. B. Fal lon, Salem naval recruiter. Assignment to the 248th coast artillery at Fort Worden, Wash, has been given to Capt Louvera B. Schmidt of Salem, dental corps. A six weeks course in army administration at Arlington can A Friday, Saturday Holiday OIILY! .may I ROME , QUALITY -fe-SA " . .-- .v"li!' ' 1tti; - - I IX - ' . rsL Hi v i ygm I DeLoxe OnU - V-- jT Jl (Regularly Valued at $26.95) -Tf9 ' 'Ml . Save $7.07 How! ; : k nf iKrZci jf yJ Specification - U" Xs2 i-Crx. Woven Stripe Ticking : ilfe SAVE V3 Deep, Resilient, Oa-Tempered - 1.-- VfTVl iTV ' ' 'l Fully Guaranteed 1 V MCl f4Y(Tr-l flll Prtitched Border " Y '-'Ti I lllil Note: Box Spring Same Price "Simmons'- V " VJ Dsi3spiCad DTTn NX : ilaSr Whe Comblaatlosi la ParchaMd ; biiii!ib b spring s Z $20own DEfivcrs or i-ll' ' ' n - "r 'pnAn' I I II t"-3 Open Saturday Rights ,1 : I j J 1 : ' , Where They Are What They're Doing 5-foot-2 and a maximum of station here. The former re tonment, Virginia, is ahead for Maj. Willis E. Vincent of Salem, assistant adjutant general of the 41st division, who left Fort Lewis Wednesday with Mrs. Vincent. Leonard R. Boyd, native of Lebanon, has been advanced to temporary rank of colonel from his regular rating of lieutenant colonel, infantry, in the army at Fort Lewis, Wash., according to the war department. He is one of 133 officers so promoted re cently. ' EUGENE, Oct 22 -)- Private Chuck Green, Fort Lewis, Wash., has found his dream girl. Private Chuck Green, Fort Lewis, Wash., has lost his dream girl. And the Eugene chamber of commerce has a headache. The chamber sought to play Cupid when a Private Chuck Green asked for aid in finding a pretty girl he met in Eugene when returning to Fort Lewis from California maneuvers. Awake to publicity values, the chamber found the girl, and she started correspondence with the soldier. Newspapers were kept informed of the search and dis covery. Now comes the headache. There are two Chock Greens at Fort Lewis the ene who lost his girl, and another whose Farmers Union New. MARION The Friday meeting of Marion local was attended by visitors from Santiam local, Mr. and Mrs. . W. E. Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Mullen, A. C. Hymen and Leland. Chambers. Mrs. Homer Smith was song leader with Mrs. Claud Overhol son pianist Reports from both the Marion and Linn county conven tions were given by Mr. and Mrs. Homer Smith ad Mrs Warren Gray. . President Louis Scofield an nounced a chicken noodle supper to be prepared and served by the men November 15 for members and invited friends only. The colored pictures of the oyster beds at North Bend and the junior camp at Cleowax, shown by J. R. Barton and Fred Roberts' were enjoyed. Barton and Roberts are two of the promoters of the Coos Bay Farmers' Oyster co-op. This local voted to have the secretary write senators and con gressmen urging them to work for the passage of the Andresen and Gillette bill, which would make,oleo stand on its own feet as afood product Today is meeting date for the ladies' club and October 30 is Red Cross day. dream girl In Salem, Ore awaited his discharge from the army. That is, until she read ef the Eugene chamber's search and Private Chuck Green's apparent happiness. "Now," wrote the second Chuck Green, "what are you going to do to get back my dream girl?" The chamber doesn't know. Dorsey L. Tweddie, son of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Tweddie, has returned to Hamilton Field, Calif., where he is a member of the 56th air base squadron, after a vacation here. Tweedie enlisted through the local army recruit ing office. Tech. Sgt Willis S. Estep, who has been at the induction center in Portland, has reopened the army recruiting station 'in the post office. PORTLAND, Ore., Oct 22-JF)-Officers ordered continued on ac tive duty with the army for an other year Wednesday included: First Lieut Willard J. Chand ler, medical corps, Woodburn, Ore., at Fort Lewis, and First Lieut. Floyd L. Siegmund, field artillery, Salem, at Geiger field, Spokane. Services Due Thursday, ; DAYTON Funeral services will be held Thursday at 2 p. m. at Whitfield's chapel in McMinnville for C. A. Wilson, 69, who died at his home in the. Webfoot. district Sunday. ' Vets to Hold Annual Meet . Members of Salem's old Com pany M, volunteers , of 1917, will hold their 24th annual reunion Saturday .night, " with a banquet at, 6:30; at the. Senator hoteL Twenty four years ago the com pany, under the command of Capt Roy Neer, entrained along with the 162nd Infantry from Clacka mas. Formerly the Third Oregon, the 162nd was the first regiment in the northwest to reach full war time strength. f Many Salem men appear on the roster of the old company. Among them are Paul Wallace, Carl Hul- tenberg, Phil Ringle, Frank Prince, Frank 2ann, Roy Garde, Roy "Spec" Keene, Floyd . White, Earle Headrick, Jacob Fuhrer, Harry Plant, Eugene Ecklin, Chester Horner, Archie Holt Max Alford, Carl Abrams, Breyman Boise, By ron Conley, Virgil Golden, Paul Hendricks, Ed Payne, Frank Rose-' braugh. Roy Remington, Elmer Ross, Herbert Savage, Emil Sund berg, Aubrey Tussing, Henry Nei- ger, Theron Hoover and others in nearby communities. This year's reunion is headed by Phil Ringle. Willamette. Valleyr Briefs Sponsors Food Sale " TURNER Women of the Meth odist WSCS -are sponsoring a cooked food sale Saturday from 10 a. m. to 5 o'clock at the Town send grocery. Mrs. William Spiers, Mrs. Stella Miller and Mrs. M. E. Townsehd are on the committee. Takes;, New Members PLEASANTDALE Mrs. Bert McFarlane entertained the Aloha Needle club Thursday. Mrs. Joe Russeff became a new member. Mrs. Will Dennis, Mrs. Henry Freshour, Mrs. H. Murphy, Mrs. J. A. McFarlane, Mrs. Howard Lockwood, Mrs. Russeff and the hostess were present Entertains at Bridge DAYTON Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Cooper entertained with a no host supper at their home Wednes day. Two tables of bridge were in play. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lon dershausen won high. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dower won low. The next meeting will be with Mr. and Mrs. Dower. Wrist Infected MARION Stanley Russell is at a Salem hospital being treated for an infected wrist Jake Kniel ing has a fractured leg, and is convalescing at the home of his parents at Marion. puqcbase on coiivEinEirr in tree Chopper "Pays" State An Albany . resident, con scloas stricken because he ent down two fir trees on state property without consent of the proper officials, Wednesday sent three one-dollar bills' to the state highway department. "I hope this will cover the cost of the trees and square my conscience with the state," an accompanying letter read. The letter wa wnstgned. Deaf School to Get Beauty Shop Course Beauty culture is to be taught at the state school for the deaf here, the state board of control decided at a meeting Wednesday. The board approved the em ployment of a woman instructor who wil work 30 hours a week at the school. Goes to Log Angeles . TURNER Mrs. Lloyd Duncan and daughter of Los Angeles left Monday on their return home, after spending the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Given, who have lived on the Duncan farm here for a number of years. ' . . Spends Week in Seattle - . PERBYDALEt-Charlie Strict werda left . Saturday for Seattle for a week's visit .with relatives and bring his small son, Chuckle, home. ' Rhododendrons Bloom AUBURN Eastern people al ways say that the Oregonians claim more unusual weather than any other states in the union, but here is something very unusual The rhododendron bush in the yard at Mrs. Clara Massey's is in bloom now, this being the sec ond blooming this year. IWccdry's (474 So; SLE C'OE WOOED - .. . . ..-.' it v. X 5 ji, Exactly Eastern Made Porcelain Enamel (AH the way around.) Designed especially for westerjn use. (Very large door.) Regularly Sold for 57.50 - You Save 17.62 Slightly Chipped Liberal Term as Always Woodinfs Are Now Authorised Dealers for the Famous GJUO - THEISM and Duo-Therm with Power-Alr, Deo Thern Ilcdels Priced fromu. W 1 rT a - "i 11 Lb 1 Watson Will Accept Gnirt Tax Ruling Attorneys. j for Tom Watson, Multnomah county assessor, will not file an answer in event, the state supreme court overrules their demurrer to a mandamus proceeding to compel Watson to comply with a recent order of the state tax commission directing a method for levying the 1941 prop erty assessments, Arthur Benson, court clerk, announced here Wed nesday. " 1 t John Logan, attorney for, Wat son, announced during the man damus arguments Tuesday, that in case the demurrer was over ruled he would file an answer. He later decided not to file an an swer and so informed the court, Benson said. Attorneys for the state tax com mission announced t h a t they would stand on the supreme court decision on the demurrer. Delake Span : Temporary DELAKE, Oct 22-P)-County Commissioner E. G. Calkins said Wednesday that a temporary bridge was being constructed over D river to reolace the OriTcon Coast highway structure washed out by a tidal wave last week. ? The span may be open to traf fic within 10 days.. i , VAIITED Filberts and filbert Meats Walnuts and Walnut Meats Cash Paid on Delivery Kelley Farqnhar . Salem, Oregon Ccn'l. Si.) SpeciaTT Mil' tl as Illustrated 20 Down Balance CtCS ' as low as Mow 1 . 3 4 Zjl