TAGS HEVCT The OUTGO!? STATESMAN, Salem Oregon. Saturday I-Iorning. October II, 1341 Tested and improved, for Results!! That's Classified iidveytising ClassiSed Adrertlslos Classified Ads Call 9101 Three insertions per Un 23c Sis insertions per line i40e One month per line .$123 ITWrnnTw charge 23c; I tt. min imum 15c; tt. mln. 45c. No - refunds. yv :-l:jyyf-i::r ' Copy for this "peg ocepted on tU 630 th evening before publica tion for eJassificattoa. Copy r rvtved after thia Urn will bo cub under tb beading "Too Late to Classify." .j-: "Hie Statesman arwimaa no finan cial responsibility tor errora whicb may appear In advortlaemonta pub-, liaaed In Ha columns and la caaea where this paper Is at fault wtil reprint that part ol a advertise ment la which the typographical 'mistake occur. - . - ilia Statesman leaenres the right .to reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the right i to Dlaeo - all advertising under the prooer classification. A "Blind" Ad en ad eontalnlni a statesman box number for an ad dress is for the protection of the advertiser and must therefor be answered by letter. The Statesman . Is not at liberty to divulge infor mation as to the Identity of an advertiser using a "Blind" ad. Livestock and Poultry i DEAD ANIMALS? T - CaU Salem, 9000 CoUeet Salem Fertilizer and By Products. Wf PICK UP DEAD AND WORTH- LESS STOCK ANYWHERE IN THE ' WILLAMETTE VALLEY. TOP PRICES PAID FOR FOX FEED HORSES. . PHONE 6411 SALEM COLLECT. MONTGOMERY RENDERING WORKS FIVE 9-mons. old heifers &-1 cow for sale. Phone 2208X WANTED. Straw. ton or more. Ernest Lehman, Rt. i. Beaverton also In market for - Hereford or Durham 'cattle. . , -iAnctiona AUCTION SALE All my household ooda and tools at mr home in Tur ner. Tues.. Oct. 14. at 1 pjn. Willard ' Hall. . -, Help Ranted Female WANTEDWOMAN, X9-3S years, for - modern eountry home. General house work, two in family, no washing, good ' living quarters with private bath. Will Consider rename country giri wuung to learn. Please state experience, refer 'nce and wages expected. Box 1832. Statesman. NOV. 1ST Reliable woman or girl for care of 2 yr. child and housework for 2 weeks. Give references. Box 75, Statesman. ! GIRL OR woman, haewrk. 699 N. Lib. WANTED exper. woman for housewk. jGooa, home, -gooa wages, raone eszs. WOMAN for housework and care of I S children in motherless home." 789 rear of N. 18th. LADY COOK: See bus. opportunities. HOUSEKEEPER Reliable. Pel ill. po sition. Rm, bd. at gd salary, 449 S. 21st - Situations Wanted EXP. STENOG. Bx 183L Stetesman. WANTED JOB as night watchman or ... Jam tor. .753 S. 13 tn. . ; - YOUNG MARRIED ex-soldier wants - Job, anything considered. 1067 S. 13th. CHILDREN KEPT. Close taFh.WO. OFFICE GIRL, exper- good recora-1 sendauons. Box 1829, statesman. - CHILDREN kept 659 Breys. Ph. 6327. CARE FOR Children. 1707 N. 4th. : v For : Sale Miscellaneous ' USED SIMMONS yojth bed, com- plete with springs and mattress $29 JO GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 179 N. Liberty Ph. 4615 " -USED ELECTRIC refrigerators. OTATVD ADD? fiurr VI 255 N. Liberty ....... b1 . USED drsperles, good condition. 3649. USED' FOLDING Couch, spring . filled, like new. 922J0 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 179 N. Liberty f h. 4615 FOR artistic floral arrangements, cut flowers or potted plants, phone 8637, jay Moms, j-jonsx. j USED UPRIGHT Piano, small size, in excellent condition 969 JO j GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 178 N. Uberty Pb, a615 CANARIES Choic atngera and par- . ejkeets. 1509 Jeiierson. fa. okw. USED WOOD, electric and gas I .ranges, popular makes, tio una up. - YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 199 N.Liberty , . Ph. 4311 HADLEYSTlCFinTntt S. 12th St or Phon 9491., : . . . . GOOD USED Coleman circulating ell I heater. 9 room capacity. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 178 N. Liberty , Ph. 4619 VAUGHN TRACTOR, little used. See tt at 503 S. Com L HOW IS YOUR ROOFt Buy a Johns Manvill lifetime roof. W do all kinds of roof repairing. Free estimates. Mathla Broc 164 S. ComL Pb, 4641. USED EASY Spinner Washer..$39J0 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 17S N. Liberty Ph. 4615 - WILL SELL $180 credit ea new car for $130.. call eve. Q7ZS. : ' "" THE APRON SHOP-679 N. High. DROP LEAF Kitchen Table like $9 new GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 179 TW. .y;;.rX-u-.n' SUIT & Overcoat weekend special. Suits 9215a Overcoats $1650. Thos. Kay Woolen Mill Retail Store. 160 S. 12th. - v cjt (jit fiohG3Clnbraiui ADVERTISINO -, Western Advertising Representatives . Georg D. Close, lnc San Francisco Los Angeles Seattle Eastern Advertising Representatives : j Bryant Griffith St Brunaon, lnc ' Chicago, New York, Detroit Boston. Atlanta . Entered at- the Postotflce Salem,! Oreoon. as Second Class Matter. ruo- II mm nutrnino except Monddv. Basinass eic' 215 South Commercial street. . SUBSCRIPTION BATES: Mall Subscription Rates to Advance Within Oregon: Daily and Sunday. Mo. 90 cents: 3 Mos. $L50; 6 Mos $220: 1 year 85.00. Elsewhere 99 eenU per me or 98.00 for 1 year to advance Per - .t. Msnrsstands 8 cents. By City Carrier. fe cents a month. 87J0 a year ta advance to Marlon and Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL. WRITE or phone 9163) to Salem's oldest, largest bom owned and home managed finance Institu tion. Your financial affairs will be discussed and loans made la strictest privacy. You will be given every con sideration in the repaying of your loan or granting of extensions. ; 1 U II MONTHS TU KfAI. You can pay ta tun any - tlm to reduce the cost. - - ONLY ' BORROWER SIGNS No' endorsers. Loans mad on funU- ture or not. ;-. - :,- i SEE' ROY H. SIMMONS. MGR. Lie. Ne M-152 - ' i JOt CLARK, ASST. MGR. GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION - Lie- No. S-138 134 So. Commercial St Phone IBS First door - south of Ladd as Bush bank. Convenient ground floor location . PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED t I due nurments. Money for new or used cars No daisy or red tap. You will mala possession of tn vernci 1 TO 26 MONTHS TO PAY ROY H. SIMMONS lit South Commercial Street Phone SIM Uc No. M-153 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 8TH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING UCENSJE ri. M-US FHA LOANS 4'V also prlv. loans. Abrama at EUis, lnc. Masonic tuog, WE LOAN on farm, residential & business property. Will buy mortgages or contracts. HAWKINS & ROBERTS, INC.. Realtors, Guardian Building. For Sale Miscellaneous USED LEONARD Refrigerator. A-l condition . 969.50 GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 979 N. Liberty Ph. 4815 'TOMATOES. TURN left Junction N. River Rd. & Cherry Av. L. L Pearmine. """TSArNropo Also good shotguns for sale. L. D. Rob inson. 8 1. Box 04. Kicareau, urc. COILED ESTATE wood range with I water tank. ilZ.OO. Phone 333. - MODEL D John Deere tractor, plows and discs. Good eond. 9395, Rt 3, Box 732. 2 mi. s.W. Liberty. W. tU snreve 4 MO. old Guernsey bull calf. 3 young horses. Also fir stum page. Ph. 23216.- CANNING TOMATOES to sett. S. O, Kif, Chemawa. Route 1. Trade Miscellaneous 17-JEWEL wateh for good deer gun. I 434 N. Water, sen cain. Wanted Furniture P. N. A GLENN WOODRY. Auc tioneers St furniture dealers will pay you more cash or trad for furniture & Household cooas. we ouy or sou everything. Ph. 9110. CASH FOR used furniture house hold goods a Forgey Ph. 745. Wanted Miscellaneous WILL STORI piano for use. 2-1783 Mon. WALNUT DRYING. Reasonable rates: ?4 ml. W. of Keizer school. Ph. 221698- : ' V- T ' . Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mail Your Plates for Repair. DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg, State St Com'l. Ph. 3311 For Rent Rooms HOTEL MARION Rooms, aneclal weekiv and monthly rates to perm, guests. Marion Coffee Shop, delicious meals at low prices. RM. Hollywood dist Gar. Ph. 6198. SLEEPING RM. for gentleman. M, hot tt cold water in rm. zaa center. SLP. RM, near state btdgs. Ph. 21449. HOTEL SAluElC ioVW-wit ratosT Room and Board LG. RMS. Running wat 219 S. Winter "" yriZK. MeiaJ Ph. limT CLOSE IN. 1496 Court Ph. 9630. ' BETTER BHD. 6k rm. 749 S. Comt St For Rent Apartments HOUSEKEEPING room. 432 Marion. i RM. furn. ant- elderly couple or one. Lights, water, siu. a, ioui. Ph. 6680. 2 RMS, well furn. Wat, Its. Phone. I Washer. Close to. 914. 941MU1. FURN. APT. Prt bath, 486 N. Liberty. I DESntABLEfurn. apt 3 rmc, dose in. Private entrance. Ph. BZ3. NEAT 3-rm, turn, upstairs apt. adults. 653 N. Front St . 1-BOOM apt, $14. 484 HCbvaxh ,. SMALL furn. apt, 645 rfryi Furn. apt, kitchenette. 292 S. Cottage M I WeU-heated pullman, $15. 1589 Center. 2 AND 3 RMS. furn, 1440 Waller. a-RU. flat unfurnished except dec pane and refria. Fnon Wa .f Unfurn. It; apt prt. bth, ftee w. Ktrig. gar. Inq. eves 1430 u. m.-vu. NEWLY DECORATED 1 rm. un furn. Lghts.amd waiter. $ 16 Ferry. FURN.. APTS. 1396 N. 4th, - . Nice furn. 3 rm. apt 590 Uiilon DESIRABLE API." new oOtainable at the Flafay.--fWS a R. rum- heated. Prt bath. Frig. I . .. I- d a a- aa. p i2 Adults. 30 Union. - x-.u...,,. .m. , ... .. CLOKDIS - r " , ; : niTake the Ham and Egasl . : ' ; - ' B J lijj- -' . " HipipjpM gpjWtli' , ' ; - - j immune - ,. l ipLr I Ml Nr 1 I lltWL-"1" Money, to Loan AUTO XOANS PERSONAL LOANS - CALKINS FINANCE CO. "Salem's Personal Loan Center" I 319 Court St, Salem Phon 4448 Stat license S-ZZ9 M-X78 . FOB Cash ma Hurry PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 812 Stat Street 9 Doors West of Capitol Theatre Ph. 9191 License .No. S-122 & M-165 Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. Will pay 6 V interest W. H. GRABENHORST CO. REALTORS For Rent Apartments SMALL APT. 9S0 S. Cottage. S RM. rum. Gar. 94. Union. For Rent Houses SMALL HOUSE 912. CI oat, Road. CaU 7439 or S30 Union- Wallace CLEAN FURNISHED 4 room house, elect & furnace, gar. Reas. to steady renters. Call evenings, 1310 Mission. 9 R. mod. 930. R. mod. 935. R. mod., with auto, neat, w. R. A. Forkner, Realtor 1853 N. Capitol ATTRACTIVE 4 room house, bath. 3239 Portland Road. Phone 4799 after 6. 919.003 rooms, turn, adults. 820.00 o-room house. . $20.00 6-room house. $22.50 6-room house, furnished. $50.00 5-bedroom house. ISO 00 d-room modern. H. P. GRANT. 529 Court Ph. 9744 s-RM. FTTRN- fireDlace. water. Very close in. 920. Inq. 669 N. Front Owner there Sun. small HOUSE for rent In good condition. 1538 Ferry st 3 RM. knotty pin int Oil heat $22.50. inq. 1880 Kansas. Ph. 6344. 1 NEW 4-rm. mod. houses. Out standing in design, complete tn detail. 1595 Berry. TRANSFERRED Win rent at low rate to resoonslble party, new home. subject to sale, can szoi or asia. SEMI-MOD, 6-rm, bargain. P. 4581. NEAT COTTAGE for couple, all ap- pliances furnished. 522 N. itn. ssei.mi. 3-RM.. adults, $6. Ph. 7277 evenings. NEW. mod, "funu elec 209911117 HOUSES. Melvin Johnson. Ph. 3723. MOD. T rnv furau 863 N. MUu" WE HAVE THE PROSPECT DT YOU Want to sell, exchange. lease, rent, see Mr. Larsen.Mr. Coiltna or Mr. Goodwin with uawaina et Roberts. ' , For Rent Farms 10-ACRE truck or bernr farm. 5-room house, electricity, well, good chicken house, fair barn, small orchard, fenced. 12 miles north saiem. Mrs. suu i unci. route 5. Idaho Fans, laano. Wanted to Rent SMALL FAMILY wants small farm. 4 or 9 rm. house, partly furn, Gooa i references. 1067 S. 13th. Business Cards In this directory a a monthly basis only. Kate: $L2S per Ilae per nth. Auto Brakes ink Panek. 275 South Cotninarelal Bicycles BICY New and reconditioned Barry 147 a Convci. r ia Chimney Sweeps TELEPHONE 450l Bv K Northnea. ExcaYating rrn av&tiAn OF an kmds. ments dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sal saiem &ana as wravu. r Florists Brelthaupfa. 447 Court Phon 9199. Funeral Directors TtrwOngar Fttaerai Some. Pa, C321 Klattresses I CAPITOL BEDD1NO CO. KALEU FLUFF RUO A MATTRESS Co. New Mattresses, old remade, rug clean las St weaving. , uo as wuow Tel 944L Zwtckara. . . nJU9-U i a tuuu& i syviiwpwa For Sale Real Estate SUBURBAN -5 rm. nearly new house. Wett located. $2450. Will take ear. Easy terms. 3 A. close in. t rm. bouse, rrun ana nuts. Elec water system. 94000. Terms. 5 Av Paved road. 9 rm. bouse. Barn and chicken house. Fruit and nuts. 6 rm. house. Mod. Paving and side-1 walks paid. $2450. Terms. West Salem. hirncTH 9 rna, fully modern. Auto, oil heat I A SSaSV UiVSf aaa J ww-w wawwnrw Fred Rawlins wiu R. A. Forkner, Realtor 1853 N. Capitol INVESTMEN1 BARGAIN . . 2 new 4 rm. homes, on rented for 920, the other for $24 per mo. Right on I bus line. N. Salem. $3050. New ultra modern S rm. bom. Auto matic heat me lot on block from new high schooL $5000. . S A. walnuts, prunes ana enema. Old 9 rm. house, barn, chicken house. 3 ml. South. 92200. $200 down, $20 mo. I ok KENT -a rm xurnisnea nouae, V- J raon Aai MAintn S4O0O a rm. housa. south. In good condition, basement furnace, fireplace. double aaraae. lot 50X150. I m . eat a. mwwim ' $22007 rm. house on aasv wuson St basement furnace, firepiace, paved street - . ! t300 down s rm. niasterea nous. north, t lots, several trees, paving paid. $1700. Money to jon ai MELVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR 725 Court St Phon 3723 "uRGENTTWNERcaltediwayT fers his house and 2 tots at low price of $1600. Small down payment will handle. See Mrs. EUis with CHILDS & MILLER. KEALTUKS 344 State St Ph. 9261 2 . LOTS with buildings. Inquire Z55 Division, AvSrOBEEirraM toPort land. I wfll sacrifice my new. view home 9 rooms, fully modern, lndud-1 ing alr-conaiuonea on lurnace xor onij $5400.00 on terms or Disc, for cash. See my agents. Mr. naray wun maw&u & ROBERTS inc., Heauors. NEWSbedroom housV nr. Leslie Jr. high. Oil heat Terms. 740 Electric FORCED TO sell new. lovely, mod ern home, 9 large rrai., unfinished attic See this before you buy. Easy terms. Near school, i860 N. lBtn. 8-RM. house .toy owner. 1887 N. Water, Phone 6429 after 1p.m. TRATJE YOUR car on a home We have two good homes for sale that will consider late model car as down pay ment. See Mr. Hardy with HAWKINS St ROBERTS, INC Realtors. $200 EQUITY in 91800 home $16.50 mo. Owner. Sudden illness reason for selling. 555 S. 21st Exchange Real Estate FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE: 21 acres In San tiara district; about S A. I timber and nasture. balance cultivated: excellent sou: small Dion.: weii. rnc only $1800. Will sell on easy terms or exchange for Salem home. See CHILDS at MILLER. REALTORS 344 State St Ph. 9261 WILL TRADE 26ft acres, fair bldgs.. electricity, paved road, 1 mile from Keizer school. 9 miles N. of Salem, Trade on larae stock ranch, some cultl. land preferred. Bt X box mi, aaiem. D. K. McGinty. 101 A, good bldgs. an tn cult, lis WiU trade for mi. from city limits, pasture land. F. H, Weir 465 Center Realtor , Ph. 9411 roTiiTY IN S-fedrm. house for old or smaller house or acreage. Close to. dbL gar, hdwd. firs, ven. blinds, utiL rm, dbl plumbing. 355 E. Miller. - ; Acreage 11 ACRES. A real buy. Onion & garden land. Will take some trade, or down payment baL on crop payment basis. It win pay for itseu. umy miiaa frnm K1m on navement H. C. SHIELDS, Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 8902 v. ACRE. 4-room house lights & city water. Soma fruit South saiem. Close to school, equity cbbd. , Dwum $10 mo, 320 Vista Ave Directory Plumbing Minffimo.' GENERAL rebatr Graber Bros, UA S. .Liberty. Ph. 6594. Printing FOR STATIONERY cards, pamphleta. programs, books or any anno ox print ing, can The Statesman PrinOngDe- BirmMB. zia n. tomnwum pnon 9101 - v ; Schools SALEM SECRETARIAL SCHOOL STREAMLINED COURSES . Write. Phon or CaU for Booklet 360 N. Capitol TraUers FOR RENT. 1205 N. CapitoL Ph. 6500. tb ATT.nts for Smt Dav or Week. P. 11768, Kings Trailer Ex. 619 N. Front Trailer Houses WE BUY. sett, rent 2089 N. ComX "Transfer rr-rPTve TRunr for RENT Blanketa furn. 197 S. Liberty. Ph. B062. FOR LOCAL OR DISTANT vmnaza storage burner ou, briquets, pres. logs. Trucks to Portland dally Agent Pierce Auto Freight includlnf Caiif pointa Lartner Transier Co Ph 3131 Vacuum Qeaner Service mm imrvnrtinn in vour home Au thorized Hoover service.-We servicesa makes cleaners Hogg Bros , w. w Well Drilling C J. Pugh. 1129 Myrtle "Ph. tSM. -: For Salt Used Cars , La Salle 1Q9: TjlSalli Tnnr Syrian XVOO IJaoaiie XOUr. OCUan is in the best of mechanical condition. Or- iginal paint. Upholstery in best of shape. Has radio and heater, excellent tires. Yours for-$395.00 Loder Bros 460 CENTER SALEM YOUXL GET A BETTER DEAL FROM 36 MASTER Chev. sedan, just over 1939 TUDOR Pry. Org. owner. Good condition. CaU after 6 p. m. 319 Les lie Apt a. Wanted Used Cars j "Cash" FOB YOUR CAR i ' Shon others, men try us. Wa con tinue to pay highest-prices for good dean cars. Burgoyne Motor Co. : 440 Center. Phon 21539 Acreage TALK ABOUT REAL BARGAINS You never heard of bargains like these. Choice on A. tract 3 R. house for; $1100. Also three lots, corner. Pav in naid. for 9850. Fin location. Mod- ernVhome, double plumbing, fireplace. furnace, garage. Ideal location, owner coin east 93500. for a quick deal. Choice 9 A- mod. Bun.. $5500. An other five A., dark soil, 6 R. house for 9500 down. Full oric 92250. House, 5 R bath, fin lot for $1000. North. For real Bargains see Louis Becntet or Mabel Needham. 341 State. Boon CREEK ACREAGE 2-3 A attractive home. 3 bed rms.. ! bath, garage, elec water system, all yr. creek, some trees, 3 ml. out $2500. MELVIN JOHNSON. HEALIUK ' - 729 Court St Ph. 3723 I A. Keizer, fair Improvements. Easy terms or trade. 10 A, creek, trade city. Fine view on hill, corner lot Will sacrifice. If it's real estate, see H. C SHIELDS, Oregon Bldg. Ph. 8902 10 A. 7 mL from city, 4 rm. house, nice dairy barn, garage, chicken house, electric water system. 8 A. berries, $2000 MELVIN JOHNSON, REALTOR ' 725 Court St Phon 3723 For Sale Farms J RANCHES PRICED TO SELL, Hi acre, four room house, good well, chicken houses, etc, trees, berries, a dandy little place $2200. Terms. - 90 ACRE TURKEY RANCH. Mostly to cultivation, large brooder, 9 room house, sheds, etc A nice place Price $10,000. Easy terms. 55 acre ranch. 10 acres nrunes. bal- i anc grass and grain land. Modern 6 room bouse, Darn, cmcaen house, etc Nice soil, a money maker. Price $5000. Easy terms. WiU consider some trade. 'If you wieli ta -buy or aeU a ranch, see us. We give nationwide service : , H. J. Harder 226 Oregon Building Phone 6466 Suburban SUBURBAN HOME: Sightly loca tion, 7 rms, oak floors in living and dining rooms, built-in kitchen, oil fur nace A real buy at $3500 now vacant See Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS & MILLER, REALTORS 344 State St Ph. 9261 Business Opportunities ; LADY COOK for dining rm. No investment good opportunity for right person. Box 1830 Statesman. FOR SALE by owner, small neat grocery, with living quarters, including stock, fixtures and long lease Ph. 7192. FOR SALE or lease: Garage and service station, doing excellent busi ness, owner leaving town reason for i selling, inquire at 483 center street Salem, Oregon. STORE ROOM. 2084 N. Capitol. St 1 For SaleWood ASH AND Willow. Ph. 13183. WOOD. Ph, 9379 Oraen. 411 N flat , Personal BEST OF care given sick or elderly. 93 S. Commercial. - LONESOME? Serving an ages. Chn Bite. P. o Bos H Q. Los Angelas. Cat Legal Notice Statement of the owaershlp, manage ment circulation, etc, required by the acts of congress of August 14. 1912, and March 3. 1933. of The Oregon States man, published daily and Sunday, ex cept -Monday at Salem, Oregon, for October 1. 1941, State of Oregon, Coun ty of Marion. Before me, a notary public to and tor the State and county aforesaid, personally appeared Ralph C Curtis. whA. havinsf h.-n dulv sworn accord- i ing to law, deposes and says that he is I the assistant publisher of The Oregon Statesman, and that the following ia. to the beat of his knowledge and be lief, 'a true statement of the owner ship, management (and if a dally pa per, the circulation), etc, of the afore said publication for tn date shown ia the above caption, required by the Act of August 24, 1812r ss amended by the Act of March 3. 1933, embodied in section 537. Postal Laws and Regula tions, printed on the reverse of this form, to wttl-.T- a .- a- ---.'v . 1. That the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing edi tor, and business managers are: Pub lisher. C. A. Snrague. Pres, Statesman Pub. Co, Salem, Oregon; Ralph C For Sale Used Cars 4- 50 CARS TO CHOOSE FROM 1940 Ply. DeLuxe Sedan 1939 Dodge DeLuxe Sed. 1939 Ply. DeLuxe Tudor 1939 Ford Coupe 1 1938 Ford Coupe, 1938 Ford DeLuxe Tudor 1937 Ford DeLuxe Sedan 1937 Chev. DeLuxe Sed. 1936 Chev Del. Tudor 1936 Chev. DeLuxe Sed. Jg Ford 1936 Plv. DeLuxe Sedan ivD rora meLiUxe luaor 1935 Ply. DeLuxe Sedan 1934 Ply. DeLuxe Sedan 1935 Willys Sedan 1934 Ford Coupe 1934 Ford Sedan 1933 Plymouth Sedan USED CARS Two Lots Center St Church Sts. 455 Chemeketa Phone 4702 Pb, 7817 : - Legal Notice Curtis, Asst Publisher, Salem. Ore gon; Stephen C Mergler. Executive News Editor, Salem, Oregon. -2. That the owner la: (It owned by a corooration. its name and address must be stated and also Immediately there under the names and addresses of stockholders owning or holding one per cent or more of total amount of stock. If not owned by a corporation, the names and addresses of the individ ual owners must be given. If owned by a firm, company, or other unin corporated concern. Its name and ad dress, as well as those of each indi vidual member, must be given.) States man Pub. Co, Salem. Oregon. C A. SDraaue Salem. Oregon. individually and as purchaser under contract from R. J. Hendricks and Carl Abrams, Salem, Oregon. W. A. Sprague, Salem, Ore j:--1 3. That the known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security hold ers owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mort gages, or other securities are: (If there are none so state) None4 4. That the two paragrapha next above giving the names of the own ers, stockholders, and security hold ers, if any, contain not only the list of stockholders and security holders they appear upon the books of the company but also, tn cases where the .stockholder or security bolder ap pears upon the books of the company as trustee or in any other fiduciary relation, the name of the person or corporation for whom such trustee is acting, la given also that the said two paragraphs contain statements em bracing affiant's full knowledge and belief as to the circumstances and conditions under which stockholders and security holders who do not ap pear upon the books of the company as trustees, hold stock and securities In a capacity other than that of a bona fid owner; and this affiant has no reason to believe that any other per son, association, or corporation has any interest direct or indirect tn -me stock, bonds, or other securities than as so stated by him. 5. That the average number of conies of each issue of this publication soldi or distributed, through the mails otherwise to paid subscribers during the twelve months preceding the date , shown above la 9617. (This Information is required from daily publicaUons only.) i Ralph C. Curtis, (Assistant pub ; Usher). Sworn to and subscribed before me this 7th day of October. 1941. Wendell wiumartn. (My commission expires Apr, 28. 1945.) NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATE) K i NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That h nrrii nt tha rirnitt Cmtrt uio ouiie u. vrvgou iw ute County of Marion, LEE HASKTNS has been appointed as and for Administrator cum , testamento annexo of the estate of Jemima Bason, deceased. AH persons having claims against said i : estate are hereby ! notified to present the same to said administrator at ithe office I law, 310 Pioneer Trust Building. Salem, Oregon, within six months i from the date of this notice. Dated this 19th day of Septem ber, 1941. . j ' I LEE HASKTNS t " fj" Administrator Cum Testa mento Annexo of the es- tate ' of Jemima Bason, ; Deceased. " i RHOTEN & RHOTEN I 310 Pioneer Trust Building I Calom Orocfrm aem UIgon, Attorneys for Estate. S 20-27 0 4-11-18. 1 Lodges Salem Lodge No. 4, AT. & AJC. Mon, Oct 13. FX de-1 gree -T30 PJL j . Pacific Lodge No. 50. AFc AM. Stated meeting. Frt, Oct 17, 730 pjn. Otto N. Hoppes. WM. ORVAL'S A - 1 - JA i "VI vv i Legal Notice - I NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY OWNED LANDS Public notice hereby ig given that pursuant to an order duljr i made and entered of record by the Oregon, of the 17th day of September, 1941, L A. C Burk, Sheriff of said county, will sell, on the 17th day of October, 1941, beginning at the hour of 10 o'clock son, at the front door of the county court house in the City of Salem, State of minimum price herein stated, the real Appraisal N. Nam f Foresee Owner Sec . 7 9 Crader, : Isaac S Hartley, C W, LSO Jack son's Act. ; .21 4 1W 27 Waiters, A. B, K E. et al S 5 1W 12 Laidlaw, W. Trustees . A. & J. H. .17 11 Dehut, David & Satter, Ade line et al 18 8 1W. 67 Hofstetter, Ben .18 4 Gleason, Cecelia Jl 22 1 Sievers, Fred & Sadie O 28 S3 Brown, P. L. Trustee -S4 19 Ackley, S. S. & D. B. -84 28 Fischer Flouring Mills 85 85 Drake, Lavina H. Est. . 85 70 84 14 Smith, Guy O. Loken, M. M. -24 .18 McCoy, Vina F. L.15 McDonald Fruit Farm 14 100 Claxton, Richard Clazton, Robert S. Fate, Nellie L. .19 -20 101 75 .34 25 Schmaltz, Elizabeth -22 Aaaraisal Ne N asae of Farmer Owner 90 91 92 Fry. D. J. tc H. E, Sal Fnr. D. J. & H. E, Sail Fry, D. J. & H. E. also vacated alley Salem 87 Lord, E. B, Wa F., Wiebba C, Salem 86 Fletcher, Silas, Jlansen'g Add Salem 123 125 123 130 131 133 134 102 '30 50 65 62 49 Lear, Dwight, Kay's Add, Salem. . Churchill, H. North Salem Add, Salem . Becke, Karl G, North 17th St, Add, Salem Randall Ben. M-, Randall's Add, Salem Eighney, Mary, Randall's Add, Salem ty, Salem L - Lynch, Mrs. Lela (Martin, Ivan) Uni versity, Salem Claxton, Richard, Aumsville Merrefield, Reasoner, Sophia, Logan ville Shannander, H.-A & J. E, . SUverton Johnson's Addition Laidlaw. Cora M, Wood burn Doty, J. J. Mrs. Remington Sub. Div- Lot, Wood burn Drake, Lavina K. Est, Silverton Tiralra'a Artrlition Silvertnn In addition to the minimum price advertising. miariTNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto affixed my hand of- firlalW thia 18th rlav of SeDtember. i s . Sept 20-27; Oct 4-11. Gross Word Puzzle -1 I" t5 lb 21 22 25 4 8 40 41 142 4T 43 34 HORIZONTAL 1 wis man 5 serpent, -4iarTest 12 epio poem.' 18 compete 14feminin name 44 CooiedertU general 47 showing off erpensivo bOIreland 81-emal of , the ruff B2 ing t 63 extinct . w 1. 4- 18-We.t Indian Scotland Islands 18 bustle 19 delre 20 devastates 21 merry ' jesting. 24 skinner 28 Hebrew prophet 27 -extinct New Zealand bird - -' SO robs out 32 be present 34 college . . cheer ' 85 Spanish ; 1 hero 87 military " . assistants S3 streaked 40 rogsed - - mountain -' range 1 43 proseeste Jaiicially ' 85 being . ' Answer to yestarday'r puxsla. io-o TO ILt-iA: S!Ar S'L! I d tf-r - PVi Tiw Avstag Usm f OlairifcBtod ay Xkm Legal Notice County Court of Marion County, Oregon, for not less than the property described as follows: Eeettrg ".. Deed i Page ; Mm. Act. Vet . Frie 2 V.208 PJ38 . $ 129.00 5.51 V.144 P.552 140.00 10 V.220 - P.C24 V.127 P.4,10 750.00 1.89 V.207 P.294 450.00 1.905 V.187 ! P.248 1000.00 fr. V.118 . P.558 75.00 85.79 V.189 P. 18 V.137 P.598 700.00 15 V.218 P.102 300.00 1.12 V.176 P.581 -582 400.00 fr. V.180 P.493 750.00 6.88 V. P. 6500.00 54 VJ02 . . P.557 1500.00 10-V.164 P.438 1000.00 14.36 V. P. 400.00 1 V.213 P. 69 900.00 40 V. 79 P.542 1200.00 17 V. P. 250.00 5 V.125 , PJ41 Twp. Kg. 4 1W S 1W 8 1W S 1W 5 2W 9 1W 1W , 6 1W 6 1W 8 SW 7 1W 7 8W 8 1W 8 1W 9 SW V.164 P.538 V.216 P.259 Except IE 1.09 250.00 1000.00 6 Let Block Price 4 10 $ 600.00 1 11 600.00 2 11 700.00 8 15 1200.00 I- 2 3-4 250.01 Fr. 1 A 300.00 Fr. 6 4 500.00 6 3 500.00 II- 1 300.00 8 3 500.00 I SJt. 1-2 34 1500.00 NJr. 1-2 84 1000.00 7-8 9 100.00 5 7 20.00 8 750.00 Fr. 4-5 6 3500.00 13-14 15 1000.00 1-2 Add. 8 1 1000.09 the purchaser shall pay cost of f 1941. AC. BURK, Sheriff of Marion County. v TO 25j 5 3T1 set A4 t)5 VERTICAL 10-to the sheU 1 bristi otAto 2 without feet 11 go by 8-BibUcal city X7-nnoy ? 4 S-shaped 19 guided worm . . 6 make sse of 6 unmarried 7 favorite . 8 type of foot race boos additions 22 and eht eopi -per money 23 note in . Guido'g 4 seal . . 24 by meaas ef 25 Southera eonstallatloa 27 busybodiea 23 einglt unit 29 paid notices 31 title ef - respect 83 fasten wlta cord ; . 83 producer ef cartoon tnories Si endure s -S3 boring tool 43 Imitated 41 ancommoa 42 Assam 7.? r, A siXkwona " 45 anditory organ 43 Gaelic 48 mascullat :.. , name . .--., - 49 river ta Scotland r -- 1 -Li ' i. I : Ti t- - sslaUsnt 89 fmmm Ijsilaaa 1 TZfc HP 2 2q X777X VA ma adjacent counuea. - -