PAGE TfcLSS Boast of Nazis That Russians Shattered on Long Front Seen As Premature but Foreboding By KIRKE L. SIMPSON Special to The Statesman Mayor Shot Woodburn Woman Feted on 99th Anniversary O. M. Anonby home north of Woodburn. Mrs. Anonby was 89. During the afternoon a program of music and prayer was given by Rev, Oluf Asper, Woodburn, and Mr." Kiev, Silverton. : 2 Those calling were: Mr. and Mrs. H. N- Kiev, Mr. ;and Mrs. O. L. Olson, . Mrs. Alma Fossen, Silverton,1 Mrs. Oscar Nelson and Thelma Anonby Schwab, Port- land; Mr. and Mrs. A. F Williams, Hubbard; Rev. Oluf Asper,- Mrs. A. Halverson, H. J. and Melena Falnea, Mrs.. Hans Bjelland, Mr. and Mrs. Tim Bjelland and child ren, Mrs.. Sam Benson, Mrs. John Johnson, Mrs. W. Alexander, Mrs. C W. McCarthy, Mrs. A. D. Ques nel, Mrs. Oscar C Anderson and John, Mrs. O. H. Tangen, Mrs. H. Rogan and Hjordis, Mr. and Mrs. Hermanson, Mrs. Dena Haugen, Mrs. H. Haraldson and Muriel, Mrs Freeman and '; Wylas, Mrs. Ostrom, Mrs. Nehr Ashland, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Darling and Dor othy, Mr. and Mrs. M. G, Hender son and children. ' '' V Others who called earlier were Mr. , and Mrs. , Ben Larson and small daughter and Muriel per son, "the Nuffield children and Mrs. S. R. Kallak. f A group of Christian Endeavor young people from the Presbyter ian church in Woodburn attended a pre-convention rally In Gervais Thursday. Those attending were: Georgia. Frentz, Faith and Emir Templeton, Arlene and Hazel Smolenisky, Dale and Marie Mor-. rison. .WOODBURN The annual cus tom of holding open house in hon or of Grandma Anonbys birthday, was' observed r e c e n 1 1 y at the lh OBEGOX? STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. Friday Meaning. October 10. 1841 4 ' Orel. By whatever route German forces reached that city, they are now in a position to lash south ward down the Moscow-Kharkov- Rostov railway. That would take Russian defenders of Kharkov in the rear. " The badly battered red army of the Ukraine could again be caught in a great encirclement trap as it was east of Kiev. . . Germany's boast that Russian power of organized resist ance has been shattered "from the springs of the Volga to the Sea of Azov" may be premature; but there is enough grim real- - Ity in that nazi-drawn picture to justify foreboding. JfTom tne source ; of the Volga to the Sea of Azov is a thousand miles, as the crow flies. The Vol ga rises on the ; lake-studded southeastern slopes of the Valdai hills, nearly. 200 miles northwest of Moscow. It is the mother stream of Russia, s the Mississ ippi is the father of American waters; And it empties not into the Black sea or the. Sea of Azov; but into the Caspian sea 2000 miles and more from its springs, looping far eastward on its way south. ' There are indications that - Hitler hopes to hurl the Rus sians back beyond the river - within a few weeks If not days. It Is by no means certain that German forces are not already on the upper Volga. Hitler has asserted that a large number of Russians have been encircled at Vyazma, which is some 70 miles doe sooth of Rjev on the Volga.; ,, It still seems possible that the ,nazi push to Vyazma came from the north, via Velikie Luki and Rjev, as well , as eastward from Smolensk. If so, Moscow is men aced from. Rjev down another spoke of the far-flung wheel of railroads and highways which converge from all directions on the Kremlin. 'fhe outer rim of that wheel, on which Russian defense of Mos cow was rebuilt after the fall of . t"ie Stalin line on the .Dnieper, Is already broken. Along several routes from the west, north and fcouth .Hitler's troops and war machines have driven forward with giant strides.?1 Every western spoke of the Moscow communications web is Involved. And in desperate Rus sian fighting north of fallen Orel a southern approach to the city Is at stake, probably the best approach for German use. For a doable rail system connects .Orel and Moscow through Tula. If the nazis also take or have taken. Tola, they will have broken also the inner rim of the Moscow defense wheel. There, is another grave danger for the Russians in the loss of PTA Makes Plans For Year's Work FOX VALLEY The Fox Valley Parent Teacher club women met at the school. Plans for the club work were discussed and arrange ments will be made to serve lunches at the school when bad weather comes. Thirty seven pu pils are in school. Some road work is to be under way here soon. Stakes have been set to widen the highway to 60 feet from Lyons to Mill City. The state has taken over that portion of the highway from Mehama bridge to Mill City and widening the 40 foot oiled surface to 0 feet will begin this month. Dick Day at SALEII ADIIODY Toaighi.0d.10lh 25c Before Nine o'clock Community Clubs SILVERTON HILLS Cards will be played on the second Sat urday night in each month at the Silverton Hills community hall. starting October 11, according to decision reached by the board of directors of the club. This will not be a money mak ing affair but simply a get-to gether for club members and friends. Anyone interested to at tend is welcome, the directors re port. Prizes will be offered each night of play and at the close of the season. Serving on the board are Virgil Tschantz, Walter Larson, Walter Parish, Frank Porter, Ida Benson and Chester Maulding. v . otakar Kl&pka : j According to a Reuters dispatch from Vichy, Otakar Klapka, mayor of Prague, former capital of what was once Czechoslovakia, has been executed by a German firing squad. Wave of executions in Nazi-dominated countries fol lows growing revolt movements throughout Europe. Willamette Valley Briefs Takes Dairy Job OAK POINT Claud Munkers and family have moved to the Joe Rogers dairy farm. He lived in this community about 14 years years ago. Song Born at Silverton SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Satrum report the birth of a son October 4 at the Sil verton hospital. Mr. and Mrs. William Charpilloz are the par ents of a son, October 8 j at the Silverton hospital. KEIZER The first meeting of the Keizer Community club was called to order with the new pres ident, Mrs. Fred McCall, presiding. Standing- committees were ap pointed as . follows: Program, chairman, Arthur "Cummings, Mrs. Lois Sawyer, Mrs. Evelyn Franz and B. E. Stratten; refreshment, Mrs. Shackman, Mrs. Paul Pierce, Mrs. Long, Mrs. PicKell and Mrs. Nuttbrock; executive, Mrs. Fred Rose, I. W. Lewis, J. A. Gardner; membership and hospitality, Fred McCall chairman, Mrs. Dora Cum-' mings, H. En gel; courtesy com mittee, Mrs. Joe Bartruff, Mrs. Brinkley and Mrs. Gardner; ush er, Mr. Saucy; publicity, Mrs. Harry W. Irvine, Miss Nellie Pearmine, W. L. Robinson.' The Chemawa grange voted favoring the hiring of a county home demonstration agent Rites Held for Baby j SCIO - Funeral rites were held Sunday at Scio's Franklin Butte cemetery for Steve Page,! infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cren shaw, Sweet Home, formerly of Scio. The Rev. V. L. Loucks read graveside services. Husband Entertained PEDEE The Womenfs Mis sionary society members will en tertain their husbands and fam ilies at dinner at the home of Rev. and Mrs.: Backer at 6:30 o'clock tonight... j At Central Howell CENTRAL HOWELL Mrs. F, B. Isom, Brownsville, spent sev eral days with jier sister, Mrs. C. L. Simmons. Isom and their daughter, Beryl, drove down on Saturday and returned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. j O. P. Wigle were additional guests Sun day, i This Startling Low Price For a Limited Time Only! fT' ca mmrT"nnrTnrrnn ii ii ii i uuuu $3.50 Values Choose from dozens of exciting styles . . For street For after noon . . For business! Rayolin Sanco-Finish fabrics in attractive fall shades wrinkle-resisting. Sizes 12 to 44. Remember, we can offer these unusually fine dresses at this low price for a LIMITED TIME ONLY! Delightful Fall Shades! Full Fashioned SILK HOSIERY to 89c . CO Choose from sheer t or e-thread in slight irregulars of our better ; hosiery.' All-silk full fashioned hose with reinforced heel and toe. Very attractive fall 'shades. Sixes 8tt to 10& 69c Large, Cay-Colored Head Scarfs ? 49 89c Toe Rubbers, black only, 69 Run-Stop, for hosiery runs, 10c 10c Prix Baby Safety Pins, U $2.50 Oil Si3t Umbrellas, $1.93 A"S' 1:11 ' U) j AS: V U I !':. ' ' - v m a ' V I I 1 Women's Wear Sections Main Floor and Lower Level. Drug Building ; j I 13c Straw Slippers ! With "7c j Coupon j Coupon void after j uciooer s, ivu. Warn UetUmt n a a a a D ) p j Lb 1 BLUE niBBOII TTIIUIEnS THAT- DAIIH FEIST III QUALITY MID ECOIIOIIY check Tms p; f Linoleoum fl (Fkm fj im MATS JCLUC V Tf Felt base mats, 18x36 D Y in. size. Choice of pat- k terns in a variety of A LDIE-UP OF FALL HEEDS F0Q TOUU FAIIILY AIID HOIIE Our store Is oacked from back to front with money saving values! Come in this very day ! Rayon Slips fu APRONS Y II Pinafore styles in crisp Q percale. Fast-to-wash- w k ing colors. Nice qual- k A 59c Value! Classic tailored slip in ray on taffeta, cut to fit beau tifully. Tea rose. BRASSIERES J WORK fl AM D ip GLOVES JLUC I V 8-oz. canton flannel or D A 8-oz. solid brown flex- 1 fl ible jersey. Men's sizes. n Candy Specials! DELICIOUS! CHOCOLATE CILEAIIS LA CLEANSING V TISSUES A A 400 for I5c l Special! jfu I SERVING fl H IVs BOWLS I Semi-porcelain. 8 in. "o k size. Colorful designs. I rl for many uses! H BAEIIIG PAHS Your 4 Choice, Each ,lr utility pans. All good big size. ! I HAIR CZn & JM DRESSING V n 3-oz. bottle of amber Q T olive oil Brilliantint Y k in sprinkler top bottle. A U 10c value. w Cannon Balh fowels 20x40 in. size Husky, absorbent and gay with color. Cannon's de pendable quality. Smart plaids in red, green, blue, black. 12x12 in. matching C f WASH CLOTH. fl DRESS U UN SOCKS oC I Y New fall patterns in a V I choice of dark colors. A fj Men's sizes, 10 to 12. u Old-fashioned chocolate coated cream drops in assorted flavors.. "Curtis" CiUIDY BARS Special! 2 for ' J16-OZ. 4 f!Zm W L1M Antiseptic V II A value you can't af- fl Y ford to pass up. Guard k . against germs that A Lj cause colds. Reg. 25c U (cm lid i J "chic 4anL v vr bob pins JL UC I If Choice of black, U Y brown, crimped or Y A curved. 30 pins on A LJ card. 15c value! ll White and Red Enameled Ware Each piece 250 Mop Head )ftr & Holder Reg. 25c, 4-ply, 12 ounce cotton mop and wood handle mop stick. Choice of 8 qt dish pan; 3Vi qt pudding pan; 2 qt. sauce pan; 3 qt sauce pan. Welded handles. InJ Blankets V f "Made by TeppereU." fl V Soft, fleecy cotton in V k pink or blue checks. A Q 30x40w size. d Bayon Paniies hi POT 2 for I fl MM CLEANERS ?C. Y 1 Glistening copper knit M I sponges. Securely tied, I rl no splinters. 10c value! Ql J f-M 1 flk 1 III Three styles . . Each 250 I 16-oz. Furn. 4 W ly4 Polish AVC Y y Blue Ribbon special y X Cedar odor, amber col- ' I rl or. Regular 20c value! Black and Orange Jelly Gun Drops Ounces 90 Black and Orange Jelly Beans 16 Ounces W Hallowe'en SUCKERS, 5 for.. Hallowe'en Candy Corn, lb.. Satin striped Celanese, lace trimmed; lace and ribbon trimmed style; eyelet em broidered style. , FRICTION Of. H 14 TAPE, 26 ft. OC V Yf ' inch wide," coated U Y four times to give last- Y A ing adhesion. Will not A 6-oz. . Custard Cups 8 in. Fie Plates.. rWJH 3 f orl fT fl m cloths IUC y Tf Made by Cannon, fl Y Plaid with colored dot- A ders. Big size, sturdy A U quality. U VZI I 8x5H in. Loaf Pans. 1 qt Covered Casserols 39 c Ladies' Handbags 68c Style, fir i Stamped 1.00 Values quality and workman ship found only in higher priced bags. J CEMENT-ON fljis' U If SOLES , wC I y Made of higher quali- y I ty black rubber. Sizes A fl for the entire family. U PIIILH,(S)V. (5 AGE 0 ' : Made of .Genuine r! ' ' y Tequot" Tubinj ; Special! - : It may be hard for you to believe but nevertheless it's true! Genuine "Pequot" tubing at an . unbeliev ably low price. It's a big value today even at LOO per pair. v (y Safe, asbestos lined, 6- ' ij Y foot cord set for elec- ' V A trie irons. Inspected ;, A U. and approved. ' y NOISE MAKERS I Scare 'away the gob- Y': lins with these bright colored noise makers! GAY HORNS! Bright with Hallowe'en fjjs . designs and floating pa per streamers! ; - SCARY MASKS! . Lots and Iota of em! Painted features, - wigs 5j C beards, etcj v JACK 0 LANTERNS! . With spooky.' e y e s ;fl g and grinning mouths! Put one in ' each window! " 0) (c) US) fo) (3) The Store of BETTER VALUES SflLSEl 0DSSGI 1 1 1 1 &ffli')i:'WU!llj