page ssvcrmn Tested ' and Kppzaved loz Results !!; That's GlassiSed 'V. Yh OSSGON STATESMAN. Solera, Orecjon. Friday Homing, October 10. 1941 . ; ft -i - 1 1 u ( Classified Advertising Statesman ; dmlled'Adi Call 9101 Three Insertions per line 23c Six Insertion per lint .40c On month per line . $L2S Ijnnimirm charge 23c; 8 tL min imum SSc; 9 tL mln. 43c. Mo ; refund. Copy for this page accepted tm til 8 30 the evening before public turn for classification. Copy re reived after this time will be run under the heading "Too Late to Classify." - The Statesman assumes bo nnan eial responsibility tor errors which may appear in advertisements pub listed in its columns and in esses where this paper is at fault will renrint that oart of an advertise ment In which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the right to reiect Questionable advertising1 It further reserves the right te place all advertising under the Droter classification. A "Blind" Ad an ad contalnlnt a Statesman box number for an ad dressis for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. Tha Statesman la not at liberty to dlvul Infor mation as to the Identity of an advertiser using e "Blind" ad. . Livestock and Poultry WE PICK UP DEAD AND WORTH INESS STOCK ANYWHERE IN THE Willamette VALLEY. TOP PRICES PAID FOR FOX FEED HORSES. 3. . m m m vrf-v W VWH PHUNE . 6411 ,l,lA,t, Hwiwiiuai wwmww rrrr I DEAD ANIMALS? T Call Salem. 5000 Collect. Salem Fertilizer and By Products. FIVE S-mona. old heifers St cow for sale. Phone 22083. wanted, straw. - ton or more. KrnMt Lehman. Rt. 8. Beaverton also in .market for Hereford or Durham .., tattle. , ,. . : Help Wanted Female WANTED exper. woman for housewk. Good home, good wages. Phone 4429. CHILDREN KEPT, Close in. Ph, 9843. 1 WOMAN for housework and care of I children in motherless home. 783 rear of N. 18th. 2 GIRLS, a second girl and a nurse ta Portland home where a cook is employed. Salary 830. Apply 433 Court St. 2. to pjn. rnoay. .. LADY COOK. See bus. opportunities. HOUSEKEEPER Reliable. Perm, po sition. Rm., bd. St gd salary. 443 S. 21st ' Salesmen Wanted REAL - ESTATE salesman with car. H. P. GRANT 929 Court St f . . ; Situations Wanted CAPABLE woman wants hsrk. for bachelor. More homo than wages, me. i. Box 632, co Cecil Sargent. - OFFICE GIRL, exper, good recom- aaendations. Box 1829, Statesman. JCHnJREN kep CARE FOR children. 1707 N. 4th. For . Sale Miscellaneous I .---UPSTAIRS iTJRNTTURE. STORK . - - 439 Court St. Salem Special: $3.50 card tables $2.49 Mew Davenports St Chairs 855.00 $65.00 $75.00 ' Slightly damaged New Daveno $32.50 i ssoaern cocniau xaoie Felt Base Remnants 35c yard. Large Assortment 9x12 Rug close outs. New 1940 Coles Hot Blast Oil Circu lator Was 884.50. NOW $55. s USED FURNITURE S-room Oil Circulator Dinette 4 chairs ..$40.00 ..$27.50 i Kitchen Cabinets $10 and $22.50 1 -Vl20 Used Mohsir Davenport Wood Heater ..$5.75 Walnut Dining Table .$12 JO Hundreds of Furniture Items at Buy upstairs & save -Prices WOOD CIRCULATING heater, like' gMW. 494 University St : BLANKET St ROBE weekend spe cial Robes $2.23 to $7.50; blankets X2S to $9.93. Thos. Kay Woolen Mill Betall Store, zwi.. lztn. DRESSER, table & 3 Chairs for $10. S. High. USED ELECTRIC refrigerators. YEATER APPLIANCE W. ta N. Liberty Ph. 4311 - US ED draperleaT go cond ition. 364 FOR artistic floral arrangements, cut flowers or potted plants, phone 8637, Jay . Morris, Florist CANARIES Choice singers and par keets. 1503 Jefferson. Ph. 6859. USED WOOD, electric and gas ' ranges. Popular makes, $10 and up. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 233 N. Liberty Ph. 4311 HJUJLEY O. K Ftmiture poUs at 12th St or Phone 8491. VAUGHN TRACTOR, little used. See tt at 893 S. com-L HOW IS YOUR ROOF? " Rinr m Johns Manvillo lifotimo roof. Wo do all kinds ' of roof repairing. : Free estimates. Mathls Bros, . 164 & Coml. Ph. 4642. WILL SELL $180 credit on new ear for $130. Call eve. ezs. THE APRON SHOP 679 N. Hlgh. TOMATOES. TURN left. Junction N. ' River Rd. St Cherry Av. L. L Pearmino. Trade Miscellaneous : 17-JEWEL" watch for good deer gun. . 434 N. Water. Ben Cain. , - 7anted Blicellaneous WALNUT DRYXNO. BeasonaWe Etes; i mi. W. of Keiser school. Ph. 163. . ......... ADVERTISING . Western AdveiHsiixg i i- Representatives.. , , " Rmm D. caooo. Inc. San Francisco Los Angeles Seattle Eastern Adverujinj " '4 . Representativea , Bryant Griffith tt Branson, tne Chicago, New York, Detroit Boston. Atlanta Entered ot th Postoffice at SIn. Oreoon, as Second Class Katttr, PyJ ,hmA uni anorniao cjtcept Monday . tsualntu oice SIS South Commercial i strwvw . - ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES: rn s,iTim4n-inn Sates In Advance Within Oregon: Daily and Sunday, Mo sa nti I Mot. tl JiO: 6 Mos. $20; 1 year $3.00. Elsewhere 60 cents per. mo. or $.0O for 1 year ta advance. Per gey 3 cants. Newsstands 8 cents. ty City Carrier, ta cents a month. fTiO a year la aJvanco In Marion and adjacent counties. Honey to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALX, WBITK or phone (9183) to Salem's oldest, largest home owned and home managed finance Institu tion. Your financial affairs will be n U. .neffigVo7 W discussed and loans privacy. You will siaerauon in am repaying -v. ;vw loan or rrantln of extensions. X to 18 MONTHS TO REPAY You can par ta full any time .to reduce tha cost ONLY BORROWER SIGNS No endorsers. Loans made on furni ture or not. SEE - ROT a SIMMONS, MGR. ' Lie. No. M-152 JIM CLARK. ASST. MGR. GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION Lie. No. S-13S 134 So. Commercial St. Phone tlSS First door south of Ladd St Bush bank. Convenient ground floor location PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce pay men ta. Money for new ot used cars: No delay or red tape. You will retain possession of the vehicle. 1 TO SO MONTHS TO PAY ROY H. SIMMONS 138 South Commercial Street Phone 9168 Lie. No. M-132 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. - STH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N. M-158 ral T r k XT a Alt. or nHv lninl Abrams St Ellis, Inc., Masonic Bidg. WE LOAN on farm, residential St business property. Will buy mortgages or contracts. HAWKINS St ROBERTS, INC, Realtors. Guardian Building. Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED Duck lake. Ph. 21533. Wanted -Furniture P. N. & GLENN WOODRY.v Auc tioneers St furniture dealers will pay i you more cash or trade for furniture & household goods. We bur or sell oyerKthing. Ph. 8110. CASH FOR used furniture St house hold goods BL Forgey. Ph. 7443. Miscellaneous Dental Plate "Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mail Your Plates for Repair. DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bidg., State St Com'l. Ph. 3311 For Rent Rooms HOTEL MARION Rooms, special weekly and monthly rates to perm, guests. Marion Coffee Shop, delicious meals at low prices. RM. Hollywood dist. Gar. Ph. 6198. RT.TTKPTOfJ rm. for Kentleman. ht. hot & cold water m rm. Zd9 corner. SLP. RM, near state bldgs. Ph. 21449. HOTIX SAlIqOow ma-wk.tesT . Room and Board close in. 1496 court Ph863o. BETTER BRD. St rm. 743 S. Coro St For Rent- Apartments DESIRABLE furn. apt. 3 rms, close in. Private enhance. Ph. 8825. NEWLY DECORATED 2 rm. un- furn. Lghts. and water. $12. 1620 Ferry. "URAPTsTlTOlit Nice furn. 2 rm. apt 590 Union. NEAT 3-rro, furn, upstairs apt. adults. 653 N. Front St ,J 2-ROOM apt., $14. 484 N. Church. $1830 Ground fir, lovely 2-r. furn, prL bath, new oil heater. 1397 N. ComL i MOD. 3-RM. front apt, adults. Ph. 4494. 590 N. Summer. SMALL furnJ apt843 Frry """T Furn. apt, kitchenette, 292 S. Cottage. Well-heated Pullman, 813, 1580 Center. 3-RCOM FURN, Private Bath, Refg. Adults. 668 S. Summer. 3-RM. furn. apt 439 Division. 2-RM. FURN. bachelor apt at the I Marion, $30 mo. Ph. 9718. 2 AND 3 R. turn, 1st fir. apts. Frigid, pri. bath. Its., h. w, washer. 1234 S. Commercial st 2 R. APT. pri. bath, st heat Also I hskpg. rm. 2054 N. Capitol. t AND 2 RMS. furn. 1440 Waller. 4-RM. flat unfurnished except elec. range- and refrig. Phono tw. DESIRABLE APT. now obtelnable at the Fisher. Ph. 1757. SMALL APT. 250 S. Cottage. Unfurn. 3 r. apt pri. bth. elec rge. refrig. gar. Inq. eves 1430 D. Ph. 6250. , 1 RM. furn. Gsr. 64 Union. j 2 R. furn, heated, Pri. bath, Frig. Adults. 340 Union. - i -. j mmmmm mmm j For Rent Houses 2-RM. FURN, fireplace, water. Very close in, $20. Inq. 669 N. Front Owner there Sun. 1 RM. furnished house, toilet lights a, water and 9 rm. furnished, -oil burn er -furnace, fireplace. MELVIN JOHNSON, REALTOR .... . , Ph. 3723 "SMALL" HOUSE "for ' renV 'to gopd condition. 1538 Ferry St. - a, 2 RM. knotty pine int. OH heat, $22 JO. Inq. 1880 Kansas. Ph. 6344. 2 NEW 4-rm. mod. houses. Out tanding in design, complete in detail. 1595 Berry. ----- - ' TRANSFERRED Will Tent at low a ncsoftaiblo nartv. new home. I subject to sale. Call 9201 or 8918. SEMI-MOD, 8-rm, bargain. P. 458L BLONDS t BOUGHT SOMS WAMN j ' (VILLTWEV A 1 WAMTTO BS SJ ArXG(VS 0O W&FsL4 YUV f V MSTWS V TOMAKEVOOTAKSONE ) ( OOWTSPBOM J ADCHVS. f?Wl i&SiSSf VvV?0l & St moy . ccfj (JJ-1 1 ' Money to Loan j AUTO LOANS PERSONAL LOANS CALKINS FINANCE CO. V"r Cen.i. ... ,, c, Phone 4448 1 State license S-228 M-278 FOB Cash i in a See PERSONAL FINANCE CO' 811 State Street " , Doors West of Capitol Theatre Ph. 3191 -License -Nos, S-122 Ac M-183 ' Loans Wanted. WANTED PRIVATE MONEY ! TO LOAN on good Salem real es-' lUte. Will pay 6 interest. W. H. UHABIWHUiOT Ot W - REALTORS j For Rent Houses 5-ROOM furn. bouse. 760 N. Cottage. NEAT COTTAGE for couple, all ap pliances furnished. 522 N. mh. SZZ.50. 1SUUKUW tUC-FOs K)lA16-ra. 9VD3. " 3-RM., adults, 88. Ph. 7277 evenings. NEW. mod, turn, elec. 2090 MiR. 2 HOUSES, one mod, 2397 Hazel. HOUSES. Melvin Johnson. Ph. 2723. MOD. 7 rm. furn. 862 N. 18th. WE HAVE THE PROSPECT D7 YOU Want to sell, exchange. ! lease, rent, see Mr. Larsen, Mr. Collins I or Mr. Goodwin with Hawkins St I Roberts. For Rent Farms lluACUtt trark ar Ivrn farm. S-room I house, electricity, well, good chicken j house, fair barn, small orcnara. lencea, i 12 miles north Salem. Mrs; sun Timet, route 5, Idaho Falls, Idaho. Wanted to Rent by OCT. 15. 2 or 4 room furn. house. $15 to flS. adults. Box 1825 Statesman. For Sale Real Estate NEW 8 laree rooms, full basement, 2 fireplaces, auL oil heat. Garage lot. Northeast saiem. sua., duui ana in snected. 84700, monthly payments about 830, including taxes and insur ance. New 4 rooms, ft acre, close in. City water. 82250, 850 down, 820 per month. 21 acres all in fruit, no building. close in. 81500. terms. 91 acres for rent, on Portland high way, north; all in cultivation. No building. Very good soil. RICH L REIMANN 167 S. High Street. Phone 9203 Salem's Largest Home Builder NEW 3-bedroom house nr. Leslie Jr. high. Oil heat Terms. 740 Electric SEE THIS New 5-nri. modern hse. beautifully decorated, artistically de signed, unobstructed view oi city ana mountains. Owner- being - transferred: ask to see It. Worth $8900 submit oner for auick deal. See Mrs. Ellis wun cmias ee Miner. Realtors, 344 State St, Ph, 9261. - ern home. 5 lares rms, unfinished attic. See this before you buy.' Easy- terms. Near school, 1860 If, 18th. 82600 Duplex, newly dec, corner lot fine location. Income. $38. A bar gain with possibilities. 83700 uooa z-oearm. nome, case ment, auto-heat fireplace, large beau tiful landscaped lot Must be seen to bo appreciated. Call Mr. Hardy with HAWKINS St ROBERTS, INC Realtors. SPECIAL Out of town owner says! submit an offer on his sub. home; stehtlv location: good 7-rm, hse, oil ch..M avsnn See Mrs. Ellis with chtids & Miner, . . ataa a 4 A. -M Business Hiirry Cards la this directory rB Plumbing en s monthly basis only, i . ' w 'J PLUMBING. GENERAL repair work. ate I SL25 per line per craoor Bros, M S. Uborty Ph, 8594, month. - : . Printing AutO Brakes roR STATIONERY cards, pamphlets. programs, books or any kind of prtnt- MJkoPanok. 273 South Commercial SutS'TonlnSSatTS: pbgot WM , Bicycles I Schools BICYCLES. New and reconditioned . 1 ' Harry W Scott, 147 & Cotn'ck P 4514 ' SALEM SECRETARIAL SCHOOL . STREAMLINED COURSES . . Write, Phono or CaU Chininey Sweeps for Booklet, seo n. capitoi TELEPHONE 4459. R. E. Northnesa 4 Trailers Excavating ' for rent. 120a n. capitoi. ph. gsoo.; ' TRAILERS FOR 'Rent Day or Week. EXCAVATION OF aB Idnda. Base. P 21768, Kings Trailer Ex. 519 N. Front monts dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt ' for sal. Salem Sand d, Gravel. P $408 TrafleT HoUSCS J 'Florists WE BUY, sell, rent 2083 N. Coml. Brolthaupt-a 447 Court Phono 9199. Transfer . r.. . U-DRTVE TRUCKS FOB RENT. Funeral Directors Biankots turn, m & Liberty, ph. 9062. .,,.7 FOB LOCAL OR DISTANT transfer Tsrwilllger Funeral Borne. Ph. 6328. storage, burner oil. briquets, prest- ' logs. Trucks to Portland dairy. Agent i Pierce Auto Freight, including Calil . KlattreSSeS : points Lamer Tranater Co Ph. 2131 Capitol BEDDiNO co. phono 4088 Vacuum Qeaner Service SALEM FLUFF RUO St MATTRESS FREE Inspection in foot home, Au- Co. New Mattresses, old remade, rug fhorixed Hoover servteo. We serrice ad deaniug St weaving. & 12th St Wilbur makes cleaners Hogg Bros. Ph. 8022 Tot 844L Zwtckers. - - ' " - ' WeU DriUing Painting & Paperlianging ;am -aperlenced Reaaonablo. Ph. 4323. R A WEST. Et a, a. 448 P 2-2298 It For Sale Real Estate r LARGE, MODERN - S r. house for sale by owner, $400 down 1810 N. 17th. 8-RM. house -y ' owner. 1887 N. Water. Phono 8429 after 3 p. m. TRADE YOUR ear on a homo. We have two good homes for sale that will consider late model car as down Day- ment. See Mr. Hardy with HAWKINS St ROBERTS. INC, Realtors. 8200 EQUITY in 21800 home, 81830 mo. Owner. Sudden illness reason for selling. 555 S. 21st Exchange Real Estate EQUITY IN ; 2-bdrnv house for old i or smaller houw or creaxe. Close In. I dbL gar,, hdwd. firs.. en. blinds, util. rm, dbl piumDing. s g sauier. For Sale-rFarms -. RANCHES PRICED TO SELL. ll,i acre, four room house, good well, chicken houses, etc, trees, berries, a dandy little place. 82200. Terms. 80 ACRE TURKEY RANCH. Mostly in cultivation, largo brooder. 8 room house, sheds, etc A nice place. Price 810.000. Easv terms. SS acre ranch. 10 acres prunes, bal ance grass and grain land. Modern 8 room house, barn, chicken house, etc Nice soil, a money maker. Price $5000. Easy terms. Will consider some trade. If you wish to buy or sell a ranch, see us. We give nationwide service. H. J. Harder Oregon Building Phono 8468 WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMS ISO una. near hlehwav 99. Willamet te silt loam sou. 124 acres cult, Dai a nee pasture and some timber. B-rm. I plastered home, electricity and bath. I Dairy barn for 20 cows. Now growing I alfalfa, clover, etc. The nest ot ou i In a ami location. 814.800. terms. 258 acres, ll mues zrom buod, ia acres cult, bai. pasture ana vmoer. 8-rra. home, electricity, gravity water system. Fair barn, a fine opportunity for stock. 84700, terms or trade in small acreage. 178 acres in rine xarnung aecuon, north of Woodburn. 1 cultivated. 40 limed for alfalfa. 8-rm. home with lctrlcitv and bath. Large dairy born. a ffnori navins farm for 815.500. terms. For Willamette Valley Farms, See Mr. Collins with HAWiuns at uia, INC, Realtors. Acreage A. Nice house, large living rm, 2 bedrms, beautiful kitchen and nook. bath, garage, electric water system. all yr. creek, 3 mi. north. $2500. 10 A. 4 rm. house, nice barn, wooa- shed, garage, electric water system, 3 A. strawberries. 82000. MeLVTN JOHNSON. KEAL1VK 725 Court St Phone 3723 11 ACRES. A real buy. Onion St I garden land. Will take some trade, or down payment, Dai. on crop par men i basis. It will pay tor iiseu. inuy a mil from Salem on Davetnent H. C. SHIELDS. Oreg. Bidg. Ph. 8902 10 ACRES, located north of town. rood S room house, electric water sys tem, chicken house, barn. Price 84000. Money to Joan. P. H. Bell, Realtor 428 Oree.-Bldg. Phone 8121 U ACRE. 4-room house, lights . St cKy water. Some fruit. South Salem. Close to school. Equity cash, balance $10 mo, 320 Vista Ave. Wanted Real Estate BssBsaBSBBSSSBmsBasasaoBassasasasBsaoBBasasBOBBsOBsHio WANT TO BUY FOR CASH Modern bungalow with 2 or 3 bed rooms, $3000 to 84000.; See my agents. Louis. Beehtel or Mabel Needhanv341 SUteyRoom . r" '. . Business Opportunities LISTEN You may add to your in-1 that the undersigned, Administra-.ZL1'!-1 tor of the Estate of Olal Morten- see this Old house, large lot fine ioc.tion.cei$i5w.iwdrn. sismo. Realtors. 344 Stete St.. Ph. 9261. T"7r Tm. " na investment, good opportunity for right I person. Box 1830 Statesman. I -s..y. I for SALE by owner, small neat i grocery, wim uvmg quarwrs. inauu., I tnal, M anil latt OA Ph 7lU2 Directory Should Hoys Been Cod-Livsr For Sale- Used Cars ( n t n ine iNew Lars are nere Sure-We Aie 1 94 1 Ford Super Deluxe . Coupe; Sedan Maroon color. Clean as new. Broadcloth upholstery. Driven less than 8000 miles. ' - . Save $275 on this nearly new car VALLEY MOTOR CO. Used Car Lot : Marion & Liberty St. 38 MASTER Cher, sedan, lust over hauled. 8323. 34S S. 22nd. - SALE OR TRADE Equity in 33 V-8 unatairs. " ;Xx-u X939 TUDOR Pry. Org. owner. Good condition. Call after 6p. m. 310 Les lie, Apt. 2. Wanted Used Cars Wanted: Used Cars Top CASH Price for Good Used Cars 435 N. Com'l. St. Phono 4673 .44 Cash' FOR YOUR CAR Shoo others, then try us. Wo tinue to pay highest prices for good clean cars. Burgoyne Motor Co. 440 Center. Phone 21533 Business Opportunities FOR SALE or lease: Garage and service station, doing excellent busl neso, owner leaving town reason for selling. Inquire at 493 Center street. Salem, Oregon. STORE ROOM. 2084 N. Capitol, St, beat furn. Ph. 7184. For Sale Wood WOOD. Ph. S37S oraen. 412 N. Hat Personal BEST OF care ven sick or elderly. 893 S. LONESOME? Serving an axes. Crab Cite. P. O Box 71-Q. Los Angeles, Cal Legal Notice. NOTICE ON FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN j son, deceased, has filed in and with circuit Court of the State I of Oregon; for Marion County, its I Final Account, and, by Order of said Court, said Account will be I heard before said Court on Octo- i . I per is, at au.uu o ciock. ajb. at me courtroom oi said court, in I ' Seize Convicts Who Freed 43 & J. ScarboroaEk tm Us cell . Free since Aug;. 14, when they escaped from a Georgia prison camp, " Forrest Turner and S.. J. (Slim) Scarborough, were trapped and ' captured in south Georgia near Norman Park with another convict . they liberated and a woman claiming to be Turner's wife. Federal . and state offlcera seized the group without a shot being fired, al ; though Turner and Scarborough were heavily armed when they had " raided a state prison camp the day before, freeing 43 convicts. ' Scarborough, who was serving a life term for murder and who has escaped nine times, Is shown in his jail cell at IXoultrea, Ga, after, his capture.. The two also are suspected of the slaying, of Marion - Muey, noted golfer, and her mother at Lexington, Ky. OQI For Sale Used Cars I a tt Getting Trades Legal Notice the County Court House, at Sa lem, Oregon. PIONEER TRUST COMPANY, As Administrator of the Estate of Oiif Mortenson, deceased. ROSS & FORD Attorneys for said Estate. S 26-0 S-10-17-24 Leads Race Boa Collins Representative Ross Collins ot Meridan, Miss, led, in early re turns, In the special senatorial election in Mississippi to choose a successor for the late Senator Pat Harrison, Lodges Salem Lodge No. 4. A J. St AM. Mon, Oct. 13. TXZ. de gree. 1M PM. a By cmc youi:q 1 Schenck DehieS i .-.. . 1 A." Senator dark, Nkbolaa &L Schenck and Wendefl I AnUkSe Appearing before the senate mter-state commerce tub-committee considering charges at "propaganda" and "monopoly" in the film Industry, Nicholas M. Schenck, president of Loews, Inc. told his listeners that be would consider it "the worst kind of crime" for a group of companies to "get together" to prevent another, company, from doing business. Schenck is shown, center above, with Senator D. Worth Clark of Idaho, left, chairman of the committee, and Wendell Lv Willkie, right, counsel for the movie industry. Evacuate Pets, too, in Flood w,;ji.yf -v r - , - - '1 'n ( as sv 1 ' ' i faja .-.-i!KAf Pets, too, are evacuated by residents along the east Texas coast where gale-driven tides swamped coastal towns, and swept 100 miles U Inland. The tropical storm struck the Matagorda bay area so severely inat xne enure population ox Aiatagoraa were evacuated. , hove, the Strenge family of Irish Bayou evacuate a rooster, cat doc and goat. ; i . 0BWBS-HBS Cross Word 13 A 21 17 73 YA Trrr s 6 5 144 to HORIZONTAL 1 Sailor Winged Cookinr utensQ 12 Southern constellation 13 Courage T- 14 Silkworm 15 Softening 17 Short sleep It What Bluff city it in Arkantatt 19 Sister N. 21 Pain 23 Plant juke SS Fodder atorara tank t What Italian river wot known iV ancient ftmf as tht radial SO Symbol for sodium 32 Pedal digit 24 Paddle 25 Forebodings S9 Meadow . - . 40 Ocean 41 Solicitor at law (abbr.) ' 42 Maiden loved by Zeus 43 Auditory organs . 45 Endeavor W- tfWkat America tiuoator Uvtd 17BS-II591 - 4 Afternoon party 51 Filled with reverential fear 53 Exclamation of disgust - 65 Easy gaUoping; ... 60 Saiutatios ' ' 61 Cornered " . s . 62 Mound for golf ball; . ... 63 Harried ? 64 Contrasted with lea . . . e 65 Place ... ; - VERTICAL ; ; 1 Scotch cap ... 2 Land measure (Ft.) S Masculine name " I On what Englitk rivet Skaketptarft komt loeaUdi i SWkat prison - vardrn. wrot "rtreitfy rAoKsaad Tsars in fL ITonammed's adopted son 7 Heavy weight 6 UiiU of work Film Mono poly 'if ' 7 i, v' K i. isi mmm' " N N v u W. tr . . Puzzle II V4 tt TO 2b S2 54 a 41 51 58 3 6'2 6t 0.F nen hnardinr honsa 10 Anglo-Saxon money of aecounj 11 Summit 6 Leeal claims - " 20 Exists 21 A fruit -: tt Who it anotktr nam fo Car , 24 Rose perfume '' 25 Hawaiian food -i 27 Classic languagt . zs Mascuuae namf ,v SI Ancient bronxe , SS Tmo meaanrea " ' - 86 Made of earth 87 Seine - - ' 88 Masculine nam - 44 Symbol for selenhua , IS Who was governor IJUnoit durina tks Cirril Wart 48 Entrances 60 Deeds . 52 Marries 53 Obstruction ' - 54 Topas hamming bird ' 66 Dexterity , 57 New: combining xona 68 Born 6 Obtain ' Answer to yesterdaj'i punla, crt-r LXJ S3, Ul I tsl '- AJ ,5, ?v!rrr iSs U BWB Ja. i -'T f' "1""" Aforas tnao of 28 lay VXA VA -1C Z''jjma'-i