The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 10, 1941, Page 14, Image 14

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    Affiant KoHdo
Salem-.1 ik Promise
To Stage
Thriller ''Herfei Toniglut
j kis
"Whether it was Roscoe J.
Rumplefeather or Ira D. Ding
woodie who struck that first
note may or may not be de
cided j by the musicians' local,
No; Z94673, into whose capable
hands! I have placed the sub
ject for investigation, but at
least the boys are giving it the
Id once over thrice.
' The! reedy section leans toward
Rumpiefeath'er, I'm told which
would please him no end, no
doubt if he knew, which I'm
pretty certain he doesn't
! The horny bnnch bends to
ward Dingwoodie, I hear, while
4Y, fcraea hav ft man Of their .
wnj Bat I might as well tell
them right new hell never be :
' As far as I'm concerned, it was
Rumplefeather or Dingwoodie
who struck that first note away
back there in the distant past
when ' one of the other of these
gentlemen happened onto it while
punching at a gold inlay with 8
falcon's claw, or it wasn't any
body. .
While the musicians local takes
notes I on who struck that first
note, Rumplefeather or Ding
woodie, suppose you give us a
note, Maizie. t
'An, note- that note:
I, without blinking,
; Give you this' pick:
- Over Albany, the Viking
' Be it bone dry or slick.
P.S.--19-13, I sling.
Chorus: Yippee-io-kyay, or
' something like that
hek a tear for Linfield,
Be you Methodist or Baptist,
As and please heed
i For WU it's a scorfest
PJSJ 40-0, I attest
Raid Backfires
. First open house held by the
Gemmell Poetry and Limerick
Society was raided by the capi
tal cttyAgendarmery. Chief Minto,
who led' the raid, saw his mistake
and joined up, so you'll have to
see the district attorney if you
want to get this stopped.'
Would like to predict
! OSC to cross the T
But Albert's too perfect
i So itll be Shaughnessy.
P.S. 19-14, I elect
; Rumplefeather (or was it
Dingwoodie?) never knew what
be was starting, did he? .
With tongue in cheeky.
I :say Oregon will
The Trojans leek
i In a battle uphill.
P.S. 20-7, the peek.
.'!' i
i Nothing like kicking a horse
when he's down.'exneciaIlv the
Trojan horse.
This week Washington
I Will be resurgent , -i
Which means, son of a gun!
i The Cougar despondent
P.S.i-13-7, for fun.
I.-! - .. . . .
Anyone' wanting autographed
copies: of this, please write direct
'Footbaltosophy -
i Football is a fine. game. It
brings the beast out in men. It
brings: men. (and women)- out to
see the beast come out in men.
It teaches a sock for a sock and
a push, for a shove. But some
how or other, it doesn't teach a
touchdown , 'for J a touchdown.
Mpre 'often, one side gets more
touchdowns than the 'other. ,
(The football philosophy Is
free, 'too.)
. j 1 -
What Santa Clara, zestful;
Is apt to do to Cal
1 Am awful, awful, awful!
(And this, too, eh pal?)
1 S PJ5.20-6, the totaL
! De you think now would be
a good time to ask the boss for
that raise? ;
' Ain't a bit certain,
But figure Tula's Bruin
: On the Grizzly urchin "
To do some chewin.
IPJS.14-0, no burpinV
.That's a bare estimate of a
, bear conflict Bear in mind that
neither bear outfit is entirely
bereft of talent
Tis: high time Schmidt '
( ' A win should throw,
So Gonzagi goes phhht
Against the Idaho.
PJ5. 19-0, pssst? :
: Okebi Maizie, yon can let up
n that note new.
Linfield Boasts
Silyerton Boys
i SILYERTON A number Of ex
Sllverton high school athletes- are
now attending linfield : college,
thus eliciting more .than ordinary
Interest here In Linfield sports.
! Included are Harry Hagedorn,
who is listed as a halfback on the
Linfield football squad and its
fastest man; "Clarence Mellybe,
a guard on the football team and
a pitching prospect for the base
ball team; Bob Kellis, 233-pound
tackle on the grid team; and Don
Ilsgedorn, 180-pound football end.
Zlzlk Dot Trials
CT. FAUL, Ore- Oct S.-CTV
Cliootiiii dcj field trials will be
Jttld here Sunday by the Oregon
twA Trial asiaciation. More than
C7 C'Zi n exptctd to ccrpet
W w -
Hope to Help Muzzle the Bulldog Eleven
j I "
'i i
I ll I in in "I I III I II I I miiir l l ii Tl l ii . n .limni t tx
A trio of Salem high Viks who will be In the thljk of tonight's fracas with the highly touted Albany
Bulldogs. From left: Owen Garland, sturdy blocking back, who is the .first Junior high school grid
der in Salem history to make the high school var Hy, Jim Wenger. husky end, who Is a sopohomore;
and Ray Loter, 212-pound senior tackle. Statesman photo.
To Take
Regulars May
Be Withheld
From Contest
Though ' somewhat crippled,
Spec Keene's Bearcat football
juggernaut is not expected to en
counter much trouble In ' its
Northwest conference battle with
the Linfield Wildcats at McMinn
ville. tonight
The 'Cats, unscored upon In
three games while running op
an aggregate count of 97 points,
may be without the services of
Teddy Ogdahl, star "man -in -motion"
right halfback, and
may not have fall strength
from Tony Fralola, fiery guard,
but still rate to hand their
Baptist neighbors quite a beat
- ing.
Ogdahl is nursing an injured
ankle and a severe cold, while
Fraiola is still hampered 'by a
pulled muscle. Gene Stewart,
regular left halfback, and Ken
Jacobsen, regular quarterback,
may also be held out because of
minor injuries.
Keene announced his start
ing .lineup would probably be
Bill Beder and Marvin Good
man at ends, Martin Barstad
and Nell Morely at tackles,
Fralola and Gordon Moore at
guards, Jim Burgess at quarter,
Buddy Reynolds and Chuck
Furno at halfbacks and Al Wal
den at fullback.
The Linfield team is largely
comprised of freshmen, including
Don Hagedorn, ex-Silverton high,
at left halfback.
Oliver Flies
Ahead to Hear
Scout's Ideas
Oregon, with one of the strong
est football teams in its history,
will roll into Los Angeles Friday
to find itself favored to defeat the
University of ' Southern Califor
nia Trojans.
Oregon hasn't defeated TJSC
since that memorable 35-0 wreck
ing Job in 1915. Two years ago
Coach Tex Oliver's team held the
Trojans to a tie, and almost won
the game. USC went oh to the
Rose Bowl and whipped Tennes
see. :
Against the Webfoots combi
nation of halfbacks Curt Me
cham and Tom Koblln, Coach
Sam Barry will pit a backfield
made up of Bobby Robertson,
Mel Bleeker, Bill Bledsoe and
Bob Mustek. Injuries, and the
memory of a S3- licking by '
Ohio state last week, still lin
ger with the harassed Trojans.
In a surprise move, Coach Oli
ver sent word he was flying into
Los Angeles! from Sacramento
ahead of his squad. Oliver, a ca
gey strategist was believed to
have scheduled a conference with
local Oregon scouts. He may want
to add to his instructions to the
team after talking with his Los
Angeles representatives. , -
Gervais Lists Sked
GEBVAIS The six-game foot
ball schedule Coach Manion has
adopted for his Gervais high team
include Molalia Bees there. Oct
15; Dayton there, Oct 24; St Paul
here, Oct 31; St Jehn'g here, Nov.
?; Woodburn Bees here, Nov. 14;
uubbard here, Nov. 19.
Airbase to Play r
PORTLAND, . Oct 9-tfVThe
Portland airbase football team,
which dropped decisions to WII
lamette and Pacific universities
ia its fint two starts, wil meet
the Boise airbase team at Mult-
ncrc&h' stadium here Saturday
'Cats Are Expected
Linfield in Stride
To Pitch for Bearcats
1 ) .( V ' .
.7. --l- -"
j , - "t ' " ' r ' ' -
r , i ' I -
Earl ; Hampton, freshman fullback
for the Willamette Bearcats h
with Linfield at McMlnnville.
Chiefs Slate
Big Gresliams
CHEMAWA Gresham's gigan
tic- grid ' team, averaging 190
pounds in the line and 180 pounds
in - the backfield. invades the
Chemawa gridiron. Friday t after
noon to tangle with Coach Doug
Should Dog Steal Sausage, Kick the Cat;
That's Way Commission Acts With Carlen
NEW: YORK, Oct 9.-(Special
to The Statesman ) -Some day the
Newj York state athletic commis
sion: is going to get all tangled
lesi sentences
and floating
phrases and
wind up by sus
pending itself,, a
situation no
more confusing
than the suspen
sion of Bay Car
len. .' V: ' -Ray
manages Lou
Nova, v the boy
who didn't know
The commission.
Wbtt&ey SUrtia
It was loaded.
dissatisfied with Nova's showing
against Joe Louis, has put Carlen
in dry dock for six months, ap
parently acting. under the theory
that if the dog gets away with
the sausages you can get even by
kicking the cat
The commission contends that
Carlen was not acting in the best
interests of boxing in telling Nova
from Molalia. wholl see service
tonight's Northwest conference clash
Olds' Chieftains
in a Big Nine
league game.
The down-valley eleven is ex
pected to provide the Indians with
their toughest competition of the
season, r.
Coach Olds said bis starting
lineup, which averages 149
pounds to the man, would prob
ably include: Ed Nkholson and
Tony Van Pelt ends; Elnathaa
Davis and Pete George, guards:
to hold back against Louis. Nova
obeyed, neglecting only to - hold
back his chin.
The result was a fight : which
made a head cold a blessing. As
an original Nova man we haven't
been so disappointed since we
stuck a penny in the slot and no
gum came out and, in the future
well keep our trap-' shut, If we
have the urge to say something
about somebody beating Louis.
However that's beside the
point The point Is that Carlen;
mapped out a strategy which'
he thought might win for Nova,
and, like it or not a guy is en
titled to de that The commls- '
sion's theory, seems to be that
a fighter should come out from
his corner and .start swinging, 4
If be gets knocked kicking do
ing It that's his tough luck.
That theory is too much like
disqualifying a marathon runner
because he didn't sprint the first
200 yards. If Nova bad . been able
to stay away for IS rounds and
peck out a decision and win the
championship, no action would
have been taken against Carlen,
Coaches Report Teams
In Top Shape for Mix
Albany Salem :
Deniiyiler , LE..' :::.;JL....: Rollie Haae
John Hayes ..LT.J ; Ray Lofjer
Gale Sorenson i
Thad Looney
Bob Herman
Lyle McHugh
Ralph Hassman
Bud Long .
Ray Wordehof
Bob Jacobson
John Schlegel
Game time:
. 1f.
No "hear stories" about injuries from these high school
coaches. : " '
Both Tommy Swanson, the Albany mentor, and Coach Har
old Hauk of the Saleih high Vikings, whose teams tangle here
tonight in what promises to be the top prep thriller of the season
for Salem, said, Thursday night their clubs are intact and rarin'
to go. j .
"We think well be able to
give a good account of our
selves,"said Swanson, in a tele
phone message from Albany. He
said his starting line averages
172 pounds per man and his
backfield 170.
Hauk, in announcing his starting
lineup, said the Viks are aU in
fine fettle and ready for the bat
tle. His starting aggregation, as
listed, averages 179 in the line and
162 in the backfield. -
Vera Gilmore, director of ath
letics, advised that all students
holding studentbody tickets will
be admitted through the north
west gate, heretofore the main
gate. There will be both adult
and student ticket booths at the
southwest gate.
Salem students and townspeople
will sit in the old grandstand, said
Gilmore; while Albany students
and townspeople, an expected
1500, will be seated in the new
Game time is 8 p.m.
Vandal Hopes
Receive Jolt
MOSCOW, Idaho, Oct 9-(JP)-
The University of Idaho hopes fori
a Friday night ending to their
string of i shutout defeats at the
hands of Gonzaga were given an
other kicking around Thursday
when Coach Francis Schmidt dis
closed George Nixon, -veteran
quarterback, had turned in his
suit j-
Squad members said Nixon
wanted the left halfback assign
ment and refused to continue at
quarter, j S e h m 1 d t switched
Ralph Hepworth f r m guard
Into the; vacated spot
The air force, which accepted
Center Tony Aschenbrenner and
Guard Bill Lockey earlier in the
week, added Halfback Fred Nich
ols to its list Thursday. The men
are to report for training near
the end Of the season.
Bums Take Lead
In WU Passball
l -
Dem Burns, an independent
team, shellacked Kappa Gamma
Rho 25 to 0 Thursday to wind, up
week's play in the Willamette uni
versity's intramural passball
league. ! - . ' ,
: The win gave Dem Bums the
league lead, inasmuch as Sigma
Tau and Alpha Psi Delta played
to a 6-6 tie Wednesday. T
Preston Davis and Edgar Salus
kln, tackles; Hjnry HiHalre,
center; George Bice, quarter;
Lewis Beaudry . and Clarence
LaSocqae, halfbacks; and Har
old Joseph, fullback.
even if tne zignx leu we roio
grounds in need of fumigation.
As a matter of fact, Louis
himself was no ball of fire n- .
til be exploded with that right
To date we haven't heard any ,
criticism of Joe's tactics. 1
The' whole thing simmers down
to the question of where the com
mission's legal authority ends and
dictatorship begins. When a
fighter must take his orders as to
the kind; of fight he must fight
from three men who dont care
whether he finished 16 rounds or
on the floor so long as the cus
tomers t get ' a show, welt iVs
pretty bad. 'r::if-:,.
Bad as Nova looked, his per
formance left - lilac aroma
compared with some of the de
cisions we've seen banded down
hereabouts, and we've "yet to
t bear a word of censure; from
the earn m l s s 1 n concerning
these miscarriages of Justice.
At any rate, the. suspension
shouldn't hurt Carlen too much.
It will be more than six months
before anyone wants to see Nova
again. r
Bob Palmateer
Bob Sederstrom
BiH ' Lind
Lloyd Griffith
: Jim Wenger
Owen Garland
Dutch Simmons
Rer Hardy
Bad Coons
8 P.M.
Rollie Haag, veteran wlngman of
the Viking team, wholl be In
action "against the Albany team
Greenough Is
Bevo Captain
For Stanford
tin Greenough, Oregon State col
lege center, was named captain
for the Stanford game Saturday
by Coach Lon Stiner. .
Greenough calls signals for the
defense formations and has been
particularly strong against passes. 1
The Stanford squad will ar
rive here Friday afternoon and ,
will workout immediately on
BeU field. .
There has been no rain here for
several days, although clouds blew
in on a southwest wind late today.
Armstrong Hurt'
PALO ALTO, Calif, Oct 9-JPi
Coach Clark Shaughnessy express
ed considerable concern over the
condition of Right Halfback Eric
Armstrong, as the Stanford grid
sauad entrained Thursday for Cor
vallis for the battle with Oregon
State college Saturday.
Armstrong's injured leg re
ceived another battering In
Wednesday's drill and Shaugh
nessy said he wasn't sure wheth
er Armstrong, ont of action last
week, or Sophomore Buck Faw
eett would get the starting call.
Thirty-eight players were on
the north-bound trip, j
Angling Fine
For Weekend
PORTLAND, Oct o.-iSy-Cen
erally excellent fishing is in store
for Oregon anglers this weekend,
the state.' game ' department's
weekly fishing bulletin said
Thursday. - - - -
The bulletin by counties in
cluded: SiP
Lima Calapooya South SantUm and
Its' Quartxviile fork good lor trout. -
. JToMpalao Good steelbead and trout
catches made in Rogue. . " ;
-- Doaglaa Umpqua river fishing fa
Torable but Winchevter river beet for
salmon trout Steelbead ziahing at
tandstilL -.. -
; lacks oo Angling good. Some steel
bead atriking at Gold Ray dam.
Tiilaiasok Trout fishing poor, jack
salmon (air. Occasional, aaimon atrik
ing and weekend prospects fair.
: Cooa AU anxbng in county fair.
LJncalB) Ail Uree streama filled
with aaimon. Bay . and rock sning
:.- "ii
aiso gooa. ,. .,--'-...;.
- S I lmm -
Solem, Orecm. Triday Morning, October' 10, 1341 : ' Pagt 14
Hey Goaclies! Statisticians
Pass Defense; no Others, TIio
' . : . By GAIL FOWLER
SEATTLE, Oct. 9 -M- If Stanford's T-formation Indians
have a weakness, it's pass defense. ' -
Because American football statistical btreau figures releas
ed Thursday disclosed that Stanford ranks one-two-three in all
other phases of team offense and defense in the Pacific Coast
Stanford Is first in total offense
gains rushing and passing hav
ing averaged 296.5 yards per game
in their two games against Ore
gon and UCLA. .
The Indjans are second as a
rushing team with 2013 yards
per game collected on the
ground. And they are third as
a forward passing unit com
pleting 18 out of 30, or 60 per
cent of their passes, with two
interceptions, for 186 yards or
a yard average gabs per
Stanford is third in; total de
fense against rushes and passes,
holding enemy attacks by all
means to 152.5 yards per game.
The Indian line has held oppo
nents' ground thrusts to 73.5 yards
per game; which ranks the Red
shirts second.
But in pass defense Stanford is
eighth, allowing 12 completions
out of 33 attempts good for 79
yards per game:
And the team Stanford plays
Saturday - at Corvallis Oregon
State nominally ranks first in
forward passing offense, averag
ing 93.5 yards per -game in the
air. : .- j !
Washington State's j Cougars,
who licked California but week,
are the coast's best defensive
club against rushing and pass
ing, allowing . opponents UZJS
yards per game. And the Cou
gars play Washington Saturday,
a club which ranks last in to
tal offense.
Team rankings:
Total offense (Gains rushing
and passing) Stanford, 296.5
yards per game; Oregon, 250; Mon-
tana28; Oregon State, 222; Cal
ifornia, 215.5; Washington State,
159.5; USC, 154,5; UCLA, 144.5;
Washington, 125; Idaho, 118.5.
Rushing offense Oregon, 216.5;
Stanford 203.5; California, ' 160;
Oregon State, 128.5; Montana, 123;
Washington 87; USC, 75-5; Wash
ington State, 68; UCLA, 60; Ida
ho, 50.5. - ; .
Forward passing offense
Montana, 105 yards average per
game (one game missing); Ore--gon
State, 83.5; Stanford, 93.0;
Washington State, 91; UCLA,
84J; USC, 79; Idaho, 66; Cali
fornia, 55.5; Washington, 38;
Oregon 33.5.
Total defense (against rushing
and passing) Washington State,
142.5 yards average yielded per
game; California " 144; 7 Stanford
152.5; Oregon, 171; Montana 192:
UCLA, 193; Oregon State, 209.5;
Washington, 2L5; Idaho, 302; USC,
356.5. : .
Rushing defense California,
51.5 yards yielded per game; Stan
ford, 73.5; Washington State, 90;
Oregon 99; UCLA, 133.5; Oregon
State 144.5; USC 179; Washing
ton, 196.5; Idaho 260. -
Forward pass defense Wash
ington, 25 yards yielded per,
game; Idaho 42; Washington
SUte, 52.5; Montana, 53; UCLA,
Husky Expects
Trouble From
?That Cougar9
S EATLE, Oct J-tfVThe
Washington.;: Huskies , raced
through a stiff workout this af
ternoon before boarding their
train for Pullman where they
meet Washington State's Cougars
for the state championship Sat
urday, r v , -,
Ringing In their ears as they
headed for the Palouse coun
try were -the week-long warn
ings of the coaching staff that
they- can expect plenty of trou
' ble from the Cougars. " ; : .
Coach Jimmy Phelan ' has re
vealed he will start a -backfield
composed of two sophomores, a
former halfback playing his sec
ond game as quarterback and one
experienced fullback. A veteran
line will open" the contest
" PUIXMAN,; Wash, Oct 9-UfJ-Thn
first stringers and
Jay Stoves, jmderstudy to Baiy
, Sewell at left half, took easg
-workouts . Thursday to favor
bruises . as , the rest , of the
Washington State, college foot
ball team worked on defensive
tactics designed to stop Wash
ington's Ernie Steele' Saturday.
Curry Rogu.- Eixpa and Cbetco riv
ers good for Chinook and silver sal
mon trolling. Rogue also good for
stpeQiead. 1 :- ,
BJaaaathv Odell and Crescent lakes
good for trolling. Davis lake oen
Liue fSshingv.
59.5; Oregon SUte, 65; Oregon,
72; Stanford 19; California 14 X;
usc, 177. . .i t r -
.ranting aiamora, yarus-
average per punt; UCLA, 40.57;
Washington State, 39.28; Washing
ton, S8.50; Oregon t State, 36.68;
Oregon 36.43; Idaho 38.32; Cali
fornia 35.83; Montana 35.73; USC,
35.06. '
And the Leader in Top
coat Fabrics for FALL
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