The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 10, 1941, Page 12, Image 12

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i r.
Banquet Is 1
Event of
One of the outstanding events
! held during 'National -Business
i WomenY week was the public
relations banquet Thursday night
; In iVim Mii-mr rnnm eit the Mflr-
ion hotel with' members of -the
Salem Business and Professional
Women's club acting as hostesses.
" j National defense was the
theme for1 the formal banquet
and the red, white and blue color'
scheme was , carried out in tne
decorations and appointments.
- The tables were arranged to
centered with a bouquet of red
and white dahlias and blue del
" phiniums encircling a Victory V.
The other tables carried out the
patriotic colors in the flower ar
rangements and all the candles
were white. .
Patriotic Motif
Favors were red nut cups set
on blue and. silver stars and the
: programs were defense postal
savings stamp books with red.
White and blue sheets. The club
emblem,' state and national flags
' and bouquets of fall flowers
completed the decorations about
the room.
J Miss Carolyn Wilson, presi
Ident of the club, presided at the
banquet and gave an address of
welcome to the guests with
Mayor W. W. Chadwick giving
ithe response. Marguerite Shelley
led the singing of the national
anthem and "God Bless Ameri
ca." Mrs. Byron B. Herrick, past
president of the Oregon Federa
jtion, read the club collect
i Mrs. Josephine Albert Spauld
ing was the soloist and sang "I
IPledge Allegiance'; and "The
jYears at the Spring.! Her ac
companist was Miss Alice Crary
'Brown. Miss , Ruthyn Thomas
'gave a group of violin selections
I with Mrs. P. F. Thomas fie ac
companist. The guest speaker was Colonel
Joseph H. Stromme, commanding
officer of the Portland air base.
His topic was "National De
fense" to carry.out the theme of
the banquet.
Special Guests
Special guests who were in
troduced during the dinner hour
included Col. and Mrs. Stromme,
Miss Eleanor Raney, Eeclesia;
Mr. and Mrs. Trone H. . Hammond,-
Junior Woman's club;
Mrs. Ruth Norris, Credit Wom
en's Breakfast club; Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Marshall, Amreican Le
gion auxiliary; Rev. and Mrs.
George H. Swift, Salem' Woman's
club; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rahe,
Miss Helen Barrett, Zonta; Miss
Mirpha Blair, Altruists; Gover
nor and Mrs. Charles A. Sprague,
Mayor and Mrs. W. W. Chad
wick; Mr. and Mrs. Maurice
Walker, 20-30; Mr. and Mrs. V.
E. Kuhn, Kiwanis; Mr. and Mrs.
Reed Hanson, Active; Mr. and
Mrs. Ray .Yocom, Rotary; Mr.
and Mrs. Virgil T. Golden, Lions;
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Miller, cham-
- ; "Bet you. z million dollars
Vou can make
a bad Gtnp of
Says Lloyd Nolan to Constant Moor wbiU
filming Paramount' s "BUY MB THAT TOWN"
CONSTANCIt wtut wumuUthtft stag money!
llOtDi WtU, ibt nwuft tsht, but tht slogn'f
.: good ms 4 gowtrnmtmt bond. Just try tbtt pot of AL.B. '
COHSTAHCIi Wbj,'it'$ JttlUiouu Strong, but not
btotrtadkZ; . ,,; i: -
; j.OT0t Good. Not m mki m pot of weaker toffee.
CONSTANCIt Yon were right if s iwell this wj too;
full of red fiapor," - . -
llOTDi I v$ betting on 4 sure thing; Connie, M.J.S.
" it good my'woy yon mske h. , - 1 " ?" . ' v . V
Cere's why it never failsl Uak :
your coffee with the same cart as
you bav in tb past These two .
exclusive. M. J. B. features a?,
ricJur roast- and doubU blending :
r-l-wia give you the finest cup of
coffee you ever tasted! .
C U A " A UTI eV Buy a pound of.;
II. J. K. Try it for a week; U yoa
don't a?r better than any
other coffee return tbe lid to
U. J, B. Co.1, San Francisco, and we
refund doubii your purchase
price. 1 -,
r r , w
tjor 3rip mt flhm cofFM wkan.lMWJUl MMBwfer pwceioter or eoft pot.
Editor '
ber of commerce; Mrs. Wheeler '
R. English, Miss Maxine Buren,
Mrs. Ronald GemmelL Miss Mar
garet Magee, Mr. Floyd Emmons,
Junior chamber of commerce;
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Majek,
toastmasters; Mrs. Dorothy Cas
sellius, Rotanas.
Miss Edna McFJhaney was
chairman of the affair and as
sisting her were Miss Letha Pel
ley, Miss Hilda Fries, Mrs. Anna
Morgan Miss Helen Fletcher,
Mrs. Or a McKenzie, Miss Helen
Hiller, Miss Velma Rominger
and Mrs. Dovie Hatfield. Miss
Betty Elofson headed the ticket
committee for the banquet
Past Presidents
Will Be Guests
Past presidents and charter
, members will be honored at the -Salem
Woman's club luncheon
meeting Saturday afternoon at
the clubhouse at 1 o'clock. The
charter members are Mrs. W. C.
Dibble, Mrs. R. J. Hendricks,
Mrs. Russell Catlin and Mrs. C.
P. Bishop.
The luncheon is being ar
ranged by Mrs. A. L. Skewis and
Mrs. D. D. Olmsted. Mrs. George
H. Swift will preside at the
business session and Mrs. Her
bert Rahe, vice president will
welcome the honor guests. Mrs.
David Wright will give the re
sponse. Captain Alfred P. Kelley, in
telligence officer of the Portland
air base, will be the guest speak
er. He is past state commander
of the American Legion. Miss
Jean Fidler will play several
piano, numbers.
Club Bidden to
Robb Home
Mrs. Verne Robb was hostess
to members of her club. Thurs
day night. Bridge was in play
during the evening with a late
supper following
Mrs: Charles Foulger was a
special guest and members are
Mrs. Clinton Standish, Mrs. Jo
seph Feton, Mrs. Maurice Heat
er, Mrs Delbert Schwabbauer,
, Mrs. John Ficklin, Mrs. Kenneth
. Barker, Mrs. Lee Crawford and
Mrs. Robb.
Mrs. Fry Is
Hostess to
The home 6f Mrs. Daniel J.
Fry, jr., was the scene of the.
Kappa Kappa Gamma alumnae
association meeting Wednesday
night The assisting; hostesses,
were Mrs. Arthur T. Fox and
Mrs. Leah Ross Hogue.
A dessert supper was served
and guests were seated at small
tables. Bouquets of autumn
flowers provided the decorative
note about the guest rooms.
Mrs. Kenneth Bailey is presi
dent of the group; Mrs. Mary
Louise Olliver, secretary; an d
Mrs. Brazier Small, vice presi
dent Bundles for Britain will
again be the project of the group
this year and members will knit
and sew at the meetings.
Attending were Mrs. Kenneth
Bailey, Mrs. Helen Webster Bee
lar, Mrs. Charles Claggett, Mrs.
David Eason, Mrs. Arthur Fox,
Mrs. Daniel Fry, jr.," Mrs. Leah
Ross Hogue, Mrs. R." S. Kreason
of Dallas, Mrs. William -Martin,
Mrs. Harvey Quistad, Mrs. Wal
ter Snyder, Mrs. George Ross
man, Mrs.. Brazier SmalL Mrs.
Walter Synder, Miss Margaret
Wagner, Mrs. Karl Babb of Val
setz, Mrs. James J. Hague, jr.,
and Miss Mary Louise Olliver.
Women Meet at
Mrs. David Furlough was host-".
ess to member of the Cootiette
club and Irs. Ralph Harlon pre
sided on Wednesday. Commit
tees appointed included: Mrs.
Furlough, membership; Mrs. Ar
win Strayer, finance; Mrs. Wal
ter Wickert, hospital. Mrs. Bert
Tompkins was named publicity
chairman temporarily. The next
meeting will be on October 2?
The Cooties joined the Cooti
ettes after the business meeting,
and presented them with a ban
ner. Attending the woman's
meeting were: Mrs. Ralph Har
lan, Mrs. Frank Prince, Mrs.
Walter Wickert, Mrs,. Lester
Davis, Mrs. Charlie Hunt, Mrs.
David Furlough, Mrs. Bert
Tompkins, Mrs. Arwin Strayer,
Mrs. Laura Collins, Ocean Lake,
Mrs. Lew Devericks, Silverton,
Mrs. Allie Murphy and Mrs.
Oliver Michaels, Stayton. '
Mrs. Wallace Carson was host-
ess to members of her club Tues
day night and special ; guests
were Mrs. Keith Brown and Miss
FJoise Buck. '
Club Calendar
' Finance committee of YWCA
meet at YW, 10 a. m.
Nebraska club, KP hall. S p.m.
Juvenile Neighbors of Wood
craft, Fraternal Temple. 4 p. m.
Marion county council , of
American Legion auxiliary meet
In Woodburn. - '
Philatbea class First Christian, Guy L. Drill home. 885
North Winter, 8 pjn. Installation
k of Officers.' -j :, i
' SATXRDAV " ' : 1
. Salem Woman's - club, board
meeting, 12:30. Luncheon 1 pan
program at 2 p.m. .
Pro-America at Marion hotel,
. Ip. ID. ....
American Legion auxiliary ex
' ecutive board , with ' Mrs. Don
. Madison, 920 Tammarack, 8 p. m.
Royal Neighbors of America,
Fraternal temple. S pjn.
VFW auxiliary. Veteran's hall,
8 pjn. - ' '
AAUW Latin American study
class. YWCA. 7:30 p. m.
Delta Phi mothers, chapter
East Central circle of the First
. Methodist church, 2:30 pjn. with
Mrs. D. H. Mosher, 354 North
:" Winter street.
. South Circle of First. .Christian
- church, with- Mrs. J. . Cannon,
- 1923 South High street, all day.
serves -
Tan Daily Haads
Menthol turn brings delightfully
soothing relief from:.
- 1. Discomfort of colds. 3. Chapped
fkli 3. StuBy Nostrils, 4 Neuralgic
Headache. 4. Nasal Irritatioa due
to colds. . Cracked Lipa. 7. Cuts
and Scratches. 8. Minoe Btnua
- Dry Nostrils. 19. . Sore Vssra.
Throat, due to colds. Jars C- -TT
or tubes. 800. , ... ;- - .;, ViTj
. ; ,
Salem Folk
To Attend .
. The Stanford-Oregon State
college grid classic on the Ore-
gon State campus at. Corvallis
Saturday will attract a number
of Salem people. v . 1
In one group will be Dr. and
Mrs. Harold Olinger, Mr. and
Mrs. Chandler Brown, Mr. and
Mrs. A. S. Hussey and Dr. and
Mrs. H. H. Olinger. -i '
- Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Benson and
their sons, Steven and Whitney,
will be among the rooters and
with them will be Dr. and Mrs.
Frank Prime.
. - Other ' foursomes will include
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mapes and
Mr, and Mrs. William McClary.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Joseph will
be among those attending the
game as will Mr. and Mrs. Ken
neth G. Manning, -Mr.'and Mrs.
Lawrence Anderson, Mr. and
Mrs.: Fred S. Anunsen, Mr. and
Mrs.1 Raymond Bonesteele, Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Campbell,-Mr.
and Mrs. P. D. Quisenberry, Dr.
and Mrs. C. E. Bates, Mr. and
Mrs. Paul B. Wallace, Mr. and '
Mrs. Roy S. Keene and Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Maple.
Mr. . and . Mrs. Brazier Small
and Mrs. Roger Mything will
. make up another party and Sen
ator Douglas McKay will take
his : daughter Shirley to the
game. : Shirley attended Oregon
State last year but transferred
to Willamete this fall.
Judge and Mrs. Max Page
and . their son, Richard, will be
among the football fans attend
ing the game. A group of the
men folk going are Mr. G. F.
Chambers, Mr. Dan McLellan, '
Mr. Allan and Mr. Wallace Carson..-
Vows Read
Mrs. Lola M. Dumas - became
the bride of Mr. Truman Pragoo
at a ceremony performed in the
First Christian church by Rev.
Guy L. Drill on Sunday. Mrs.
Betty Hamreus of Portland and
Mr. Chester Douglas sang dur
ing the service and -were ac
companied by Mrs. John
Schmidt, jr.
Mrs. Kay Simmons and Mr.
Jesse Crossler attended the
Presiding at the punch bowl
during a reception which fol
lowed were Miss La Verne Du
mas and Miss Sarah Lea Dragoo.
.Miss Madeline Simmons and
Miss Darlene Simmons, Miss Hel
en Stevenson, and Miss Katherine
Moore served. " Others assisting
were Mrs. William Dumas, Mrs.
Iva Bell, Mrs. Chester 'Douglas,
Mrs. John Sohrt and Mrs. Gor
don Laidlaw. . -
The bride has been employed
at Sears and Roebuck for several
years. .The couple will live in
" v Eyerythi
WASH CLOTHS, package of 1 10c
BABY BLANKET, 30-40-inch.i29c
CIUU SHEET, 3S-50-inchi..35c
Oregon, f! ridery jffcaruagv OtSSkm
Laura Wheeler SuggestsThese Doilies
For All Year
com ttm. NuoLEOtArr ssavict aw.
Crocheting doilies In three dif
ferent sizes makes It possible to
use them together in so many
different ways. These, in filet
crochet, are . simple to crochet
fromj an easy to follow chart.
Pattern 2761 contains charts and
Wives Honored
At Party
' Wives and guests of the Sa
lem j police reserve were hon
ored at an informal dinner and
program Wednesday night at
the Cherry City auditorium.
Captain Malcom Mitchell pre-1
sided at the first annual affair.
Mr. Irl McSherry, assistant
state coordinator of civilian de
fense, was the guest speaker and
his subject was "National De
fense." Florence Polster played
a group of accordion numbers
and later in the evening dancing
was enjoyed with music fur
nished by the police reserve or
chestra. Attending the affair were Cap
tain and Mrs. Malcolm Mitchell,
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Madison,
Mr. i and Mrs. J. C. Howard, Mr.
and; Mrs. William S. Wilson and
son, William, Mr. Alvin Luhr,
Miss Blanche Gretzenberg, Mr.
Eddie Burk, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Hindman, Mr., and Mrs. H. B.
Read, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dewey,
Mr. and Mrs. Lisle Foree, Mr.
" John Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Clar
ence . Frey, Mr. and Mrs. Dean
.W. Seiple, Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
Allen,. Mr. and Mrs. Norval Ed
wards, Mr. and Mrs. John
Beardshear, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle
Rains, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Lav-
- erty, Miss M. Leibe, Mr. Ray
- Staler, '.Jin- and. .'Mrs H. E.
BrameL Mr. and Mrs. Emil Jor
gensen, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Adair, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Rein
holdt, . Mr. Eldon Morse, Mr.
Robert Beecroft, Mr.. John
Coombs, Mr. and Mrs. Claude
Reinoehl, Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Howard and. Mr. and Mrs. Irl
mm irmwmmmimm -t
Scled thoe oP J
484 State Street
10. 1811
directions for doilies; illustra
tions of them and stitches; ma
terials required.
Send ten cents In coin for this'
pattern to The Oregon States
man, Needlecraft Dept. Writ
your NAME and ADDRESS. :
Congratulations are being ex
tended to Mr. and Mrs. Willard
Marshall on the birth of their
second daughter, Julia, on Thurs
day morning at the Salem Gen
eral hospital. The little girl has
a sister, Martha. The baby's ma
ternal grandmother, is Mrs. Wal
ter T. Stolz.
Auxiliary Is
Mrs. Paul Lee entertained
wives of the Junior Chamber of
Commerce Wednesday night at
her home. The purpose of the
meeting was to organize an aux
iliary to the chamber. The
group will meet the second and
fourth Tuesdays of each month.
The first meeting will be a busi
ness session and the last a so
cial gathering. The next meet
ing will be October 28 at the
home of Mrs. Donald Black.
Temporary officers were elec
ted with Mrs. Paul Lee named
president; Mrs. Donald Black,
vice-president; Mrs. Merton
Cooke, secretary-treasurer. The
project of the auxiliary will be
discussed at the next meeting.
Attending the first meeting
were Mrs. .Milan Bonifaqe, Mrs.
Roy Gray, Mrs. William Bell,
Mrs. Merton Cooke, Mrs. J. C.
Pike, Mrs. Donald Black, Mrs.
Joseph Burton, Mrs. William
Stevenson and Mrs. Paul Lee.
Mrs. Julia Henningsen has re
turned from a six months visit
in Kansas and other middle
western states.-She also visited
in Denver and is now at the
home of her son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Otto
u t
Enameled Hardwood
Fram-33x 20x41 In.
. Duck dressinsr table lifts
' over rubber coated tub, -by,
means ; of ; hand4 gripi
Safety strap on dressing
table. .Rubber' hose with
patented shut off, towel
rack. V-
fop Qabl
Smrm I.eJfP
Clrds-ege Diaper
Firmly . woven long; white t cotton
yams. Full aize." a
Ommdmmdst - JJCC
Infants9 Slips tPOf
Cotton- batiste -Ruffled, hand-em- j
.... broidered bottoms. ,
Infant, Dresses , ! y
Cotton batiste, handmade. Assorted
i : hand embroideries, . . - - . .
Infants , Unit DCC
Cmttmn Gotrns '
. Drawstring; at cuffs, tape ties at bot-
BaateeB JVUf9
An. wooL knit. White' with blue or
pink," "t - - ' . ---- -Infants9
AXU ;;; ffl
Xiaol Sweaters - :i -VWU
., "Hand crocheted, assortefstyles.
White with pink or bfcj-y -
Poke connetM - oDowU?
poke styreaT.
&ott -
.' Lambskin moccasin toe.' White with.
blue or pink. ' s -
ill! '
W 1
Olivers Will
- Dr. and Mri Egbert s. OUver
will entertain Saturday night at
their home , in compliment to ft
group of their friends.
Contract bridge wfl be in play
"during the evening r and a ; late
supper will : be served by the
hostess. Bouquets of . autumn
flowers ' will provide the deco
rative note about the rooms.
Guests, will be Mr. and, Mrs,
Roy S. Keene, Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Maple, ; Dr. and; Mrs.
Charles H. Johnson, Mr. and
Mrs. Melvin Geist, Mr. and Mrs.
Ivan Rhodes, Dr. and Mrs. Her
bert Rahe and Dr. and Mrs. R.
Franklin Thompson.' .
Visitor Feted
. Mrs. Duane Gibson and Mrs.
Charles E. Wagner were host
esses at a party on Wednesday
for Mrs. Wagner's sister, Mrs.
Willard Welch Eddy who Is visit
ing from Everett, Wash. j. -
" Luncheon was served at Mil
ler's tea room, and later the
group went to the country home
of Mrs. Gibson for an-afternoon
Guests were Mrs. Eddy, Mrs.
George Alexander, Mrs. Mose
Adams, Mrs. Ray A. Yocom, Mrs.'
David Wright, Mrs. E. H. Burrell,
Mrs. Frank Crawford, Mrs. Hal
Wiley, Mrs. Gene Vandeneynde,
Mrs. Adam Engle, Mrs. T. J.
Brabec, Mrs. Wagner, and Mrs.
Gibson. Mrs. Vandeneynde and
Mrs. Brabec won prizes at cards,
Mrs.. Eddy .was given a guest
The hostesses arranged yellow
chrysanthemums on the table
and in the living rooms. .
Dr. and Mrs. Vernon A. Dong-
las by car left Wednesday for
Atlantic City, NJ, where he will
attend the American Public
Health association meeting. Dr.
and Mrs. Douglas will travel
in the eastern states before re-
, turning home the first of No
vember. Miss Flavia Downs ac
companied Dr. and Mrs. Doug
las to Chicago where she will
spend the winter months.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene "Graben
horst are enjoying a hunting trio
in eastern and central Oregon for
several days. - ,
Think of the perky curtains
you can' make from these
gay marquisettes and nets.
At sucn a smaix cost!
aner..,!.. 25C
CURTAIN MATERIALS Fine group of - '
dS" check marquisettes, cushion '. Jf
and tub fast. Three delignUulTarM?. ?
Rayon and cotton.
Sunfast colors. Leaf,
horizontal chevron
and stripe patterns."
50-in. wide.?-
5 ' .... ' .
Siafsit, tmW
fast. ' Tub
- wUth
M si 1 a awai mm
r. CLUHI sunfastcolorg pw-v
Green, rust, blue and red. 43 inches wide. . e5 Ij &
FANCY tOKZZPVH Vertical stripe ifufre
with clover leaf design.; Jt-3
jfnenes yiy -yiya - am
llr; to RsbPiHcbrii's
b ttSbtaf, new, eri ocil ,
- V'. I
f-ln. pic shdl, Winr bmitmmi PUUhnry'a
tad Haar. Chill Jagredientt before asixiaf.
Work qaicUr, wiUl a -lighl" hind- Add
ice water to Bour aiixturc a hale at a time
(Enriched Tilbbarf Best hat the sum
perfect Savor and tne battnc eaaUtr ss
ahrart. but two B-vitamins and horn have
bow been added-ckmcnts everyone needs
for toond nerves and food appetite.) Z.
Tba iiii uismy Miaft Combine Vi c
Pill Amy's M e. owm. .and H tw.
act in lop of doable boiler- Add C. mOk,
slowlr: Kir cOOJtantlr. A the mixture thick
cat, note the rich creamy color, the smooth,
ancnined texture to necessary to perfect
filling. rUhhuTy't Best is tested every bour
for creamy-white color I S.Cook mixture
over boiling water until thick and smooth
(10 min.). i. Add little of the hot filling
to X evaa, well-beaten. Mix vaell. Return
to hot mixture. Stir and cook about 1 min.
longer. (.Remove from fire add 1 tip.
vanilla. Turn Vi mixture into your tender,
flaky pie shell (it 's mlmey tender and flaky
if you use Pillbury' Best, for we test by
Eftwi baking 4 to timet daily to make
sure that Pilltbory'i Best will mlwoyt do its
very best for yoaf riUsbury's Best it truly
boat pfved, to protect your ttaking.) ft.
-Add 1V4 sqs. (1V4 ot.) unsweetened choas
lava, melted, and 1 Tbsps. swgs to other
half. 1. Ttm over the smooth vanilla fill,
inc cool. Toss thick, sweetened whipped
mm ver all and sprinkle grated choco
late over top. Four-Layer Cream Pie looks
like a cheft dream. And as you cut It, note
how sender, bow delicate and flaky pie
crust can be whea yoa tue PiUsburr't Best!
four-Layer stream rie tastes as tusewwra
at it Moks, so we'd advise making an
extra one. Then you can answer tnosc
welcome compliment with "Have
' unetktr piece of pic 1" -
un m mmnxtn nemnM ir
WL8AILE ritllUMJ...
silverware, towel sets, kitchen
ware, etc...Toari for Tsaurf
STAkt, packed with PtfUbarf'i
'Best Flour.,.;;
wf VAL8AIIE ritllUMJ...
'iff ail vet waie. towel sets, kitchen- w3
Y ' ware, etc.;..yourt for nourr ' VI
V tTA, packed with PiHburft a
tilKE -P0Ea U nratect yoar iakkfj
Dig Hcivs JFor
Your Windows
Sunfast, : tubfast.
dustite and pre-,
shrunk. In three
patterns and five"
stimulating ' eol o r s.
48-in. wide. ;
- J
mi r Pit 'i
If 11