Tlx OETGON STATESMAN. Scdexa, Oregon. Friday Morning, October 10, 1141 pAcs mvcr 1 Turner Host At Parley District Odd Fellows Convention Slated : . For Saturday -Ideal Itebekah lodge held initiation for one candidate, aI E. Robertson, at its meeting in the Odd Fellow halL Greetings and a gift were sent to two mem bers, Mr, and Mr av Lawrence Roberts on their 25th, wedding an niversary, as they are unable to be Dresent. . -. -r- 1 : ! At the business, session, plans jvere -made for the district Odd Fellows convention at Turner Sat urday when the Rebekahs will serve the dinner - Appointed on that committee were Hester Crume, Velma Hatfield, Nora Robertson, Mabel Walker and Lu cille McKinney. Members ap pointed on the committee to pur chase new linoleum for : the hall include Lucille McKinney, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Titus, - and Nora Robertson..' . :Z-" : . , .... '. and tapers were used on, the ban quet tables. ' Members and guests attending ewer e Mrs. Dunn, Brownsville, Mrs. Alice C Harris, Wfflamina.- Mildred Davidson. Juanita'MouIett, : Hester Crume, Munel ' Salisbury, Gayette Bar nett, Velm Hatfield, Vera Waller, Martha- Barnett, Sophia Robert son, Mary Ball, Nellie Hamilton, JflabeV Walker, Stella : Barnett, mm i y n i 'Hi ,' V snore -i t. ri.,. . is .4a ;--r.l -., :--. TOO Wit OftUBM BOWW . . . I .M I . -i T IS "i i . Ye. Vsa Brite'i low price ttMUvacttuuivwvea you m much m 20 a pint over J outer brand. let. Van Brit yoa easier, fatter. Ill -e4---l HiWM h4lakltf LaA V UHUIM 11 at cot that eaves yoa ." real aaoneyl Bet that's not all Van Brit offers yoa a dou tc?zs ; ia 'ir. like Van Brit as welL or better, thaa any other liquid wax yoa . have ever used, scad the moused portion and a brief note telling your objections to the Adco Company J We will promptly return twin the amount yoa paid for Van Brite. Hue amarlng new Improved. liquid wax la easy to apply clf-toluhittg, no robbing. Because It i made from genuine Camauba wax,it lasts longer. Van Brite U nonnflammaMe,will not orerUp. But beat of all,VanBrlte do-ble-driea, doubUvhardens and WONT WATER SFUTI Trv U vounett. sou. too. wi3 incUt on Van BrUe from now on Call your dealer today! Alice Titus, Mr; and Mrs. Bert eebles. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Titus, Mr.- and , Mrs! Fay Webb, Mr. and Mrs, J. S. McKinney, Mr. and Mrs. Frank" CaspeE? and Wil liam Salisbury. Mrs. John Mitchell and Mrs. L. M. Small were joint hostesses at the Methodist parsonage for; the October silver tea and business meeting of the WSCS. ' tA "With the president, Mrs. Small, presiding, plans were made for the cooked food sale October 25 at Townsend's grocery under the su pervision of Mrs. Mollie Spiers, Mrs. Stella Miller and Mrs. M. E.TownsencL - ' '' - v : - New-officers of the society are to .be elected : in November and take office in January. The nom inating committee appointed in cludes 'Mrs. 1 John Mitchell, Mrs. O, Russell and Mrs. William Spiers. Bazaar ' plans ; were also discussed. fhe,devotions were In charge of Mrs. Mitchell. ;i - j At the tea hour a social time was enjoyed by- Mrs. M. A. Hill, Mrs. C. AI Bear, Mrs Anna Faxris, Mrs. William Spiers, Mrs. Frances Ball, Mrs, Ellison Whittaker.'Miss Loraine Vick, Miss Adelaide Ketchum, Mrs. Earl Bear, Mrs. J. O. Russell, Mrs. I M. Small and Mrs. John Mitchell. SJkYE WITH i ... . a CalSTuV. 1 Ttit rfirfkiii rrrrni r i I Lid diLltlAL UriLHIJ 1 i Peak THIS COUPON WHJL BE EXDEEMED AT PIGGLY IV.GGLY 1249 N. Capitol at Market ' OB TKY TOUR NEIGHBORHOOD STORE Guests Note Double Event BRUSH CREEK r- Brush Creek residents and ex-residents - as well as others gathered Sunday at the Alvin Williams home at Hubbard for a double event, cele bra ting the wedding of the Lester Hemmingsons and the birthday anniversary of Mrs. G. E. Moberg, now of Woodburn. Attending from Corvallis were Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hemmlng son, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hem- mingsen, Evelyn Hernmingsen; Salem, Mama Moberg, Patience Moberg and Esther Palmer; from Lebanon, Mrs. Sam Williams and Francis Williams: from Scotts Mills, Marion Chase, Conine Mo berg, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mo berg, S. P. Moberg; Claudia Hass ong, ML Angel; Mr. and Mrs. Severt Funrue, Mr. and Mrs. Ludvig Meyer, Karen Meyer, Mrs. 33ernie Oas, David Oas, Sil verton, and Althea Meyer and L. H. Meyer, Brush Creek. ! New Plastic Plane Demonstrated In New York According to Martin Jensen, pioneer Pacific plane designer, this new plastic plane, made of molded ma-. hogany plywood treated with plastic and asbestos, can be turned out at a faster rate of mats production than the present plane designs. Jensen, shown testing It over New York, said It will be cheaper and fireproof and pointed out that it uses no materials on which priorities have been, established. sale, which the group plans to hold in the near future. Mrs. Roy Woodman had charge of the business meeting. Refresh ments were served to Mrs. Lester Kimball, Mrs. E. W. Cruson, Mrs. Harvey Carpenter, Mrs. E. V. Dal ton, Mrs. J. F. Spooner, Mrs. C. H. Greenwood, Mrs. Maurice Dalton, Mrs. H. W. Friesen, Mrs. Morris Walton, Mrs. V. V. Grant, Mrs. Earle Richardson, Mrs. Oramel Shreeve and Mrs. Delwin Relne-mer. Teacher Hurt In Accident SILVERTON Mildred Larson, junior .high school teacher, sus tained a broken arm, her father, C H. Larson, Canbyr and Mrs. Edna M. DiehL Portland are in the local hospital, the former suf fering from cuts and abrasions as well as body bruises and the lat ter from minor bruises as a re sult of an accident Sunday. The accident occurred at the Paulson corner on the Silverton- Salem highway when the car Mr. Larson was driving failed to make the turn. PTA Slates First Meet SALEM HEIGHTS The first regular meeting of the PTA will be held at the school Monday, Oct 13th at 8 o'clock. A speaker has been secured. The community is invited to attend. C A. Graham left on a hunting trip to Prineville and will be gone for several days. Chris Shultz and his brother, who recently arrived from Iowa, has gone to Hood River district to held in the apple harvest. Mrs. M. L. Waring and a sister spent Wednesday in Portland. Leonard Helsler returned from hunting trip to eastern Oregon with a deer. Ed Wilson and Don Black, Sa lem, were . business callers in Portland last Tuesday. Rummage Sale Plans Made DALLAS Circle B of the Presbyterian church met recently at the - J. E. Johnson home and discussed; plans for a: rummage fQ c$ c& North I . VfV Kj3 InsP61 Yczzj, Tender i - .... Lb.5) , ; - . i - Boiling Cuis ri Dcasis 19c lb. I Slcaks 21c lb. hF3 !JVEn 'U a. EiGHDi Btash Side ; Pdsk Scjar Cured ttney . fift 1 ECIiiCS cm C Open Kettle Rendered ' LRD ,xb. V Ms f 1 .D3SS? I (1 Fresh!' 1 Alrf ground, lb. ilSCrl i i -.. - i i CL::c3 1 Jl!:-Fcd -". j w a . n!v J 'a Lv LJZ3 i . . --. -t Cbica Side cr Bsd: , livcrunrsl . Tasty ; 71 snack, lb. ii, B 2Xi S210S21GS n.,- c"- it, I kl w aw Jr 1 C:z:Is 221c lb. Legion Sons Plan Election SILVERTON Vale Dickerson was nominated captain of the Sons of American Legion at its annual nomination. Election will be held October 16. Other officers selected were first lieutenant. Earl Hartman. Marion Women at Red Cross Meet MARION Red Cross work was started Thursday under the direction of the women's auxiliary of which Mrs. Jim Wilson is pre sident. The next regular meeting for red cross work will be an all day meeting. Those assisting were Mrs. Wil liam Watson, Mrs. Guss Hageman, Mrs. L. H. Pilcher, Mrs. L. Eav ans, Mrs. C. EL Wilcox, Mrs. Mack Robbins, Mrs. Fred Schermacher, Mrs. Jim Wilson, Mrs. Charles, Mrs. FJiy Packard, Mrs. Warren Gray and Mrs. A. Kindred. Women V Circle Meets At Fruitland Home ,r FRUITLAND Women's Circle. under the leadership of Mrs. W, E. Branch, met at the home of Mrs. Nick Gerig. Special feature Gydesen. The next circle meetin ! Q jr.j second lieutenant, William Scarth, Jr.; adjutant, Kenneth Al len; finance officer, Richard Dick erson aergeant-at-arms, Henry Johnson, Jr.J chaplain, Collin Bragg. v, . The senior committee supervis ing the Sons is comp osed of T. M. Powell, who is also, a member of the ' state committee! - Glen Price, C. 'J; Towe; Henry Johnson, sr. and George Manolis. ' Club Chooses NewPrexy .Woodburn Juniors Raise Age Limit; v, NyurUiri Session WOODBURN w At a meeting of the Junior Woman's club with Marjory , t Foulconer, vice presi dent, in the chair, Freda Burt waa elected president '.to fill the vacancy caused by the resigna tion; of Floris DarnelL 'Agnes JCdarlcle was named sec ond vice president to take - the place f ; Mrs. Burt, Floris Dar nell was appointed on the publi city committee. ;. 'i ': An amendment . to the by-laws was adopted, raising the age limit for members to 35 years. . Alta Stoller- was voted to rep resent . the dub at' a luncheon October 6 in . Portland.. Women in the. defense of America" was the theme. of the meeting. ' ' .Wanda .Pavelek presented her resignation as guardian of the Camp Fire girls and Mary Jack son was . appointed to take her place. Floris;: Darnell was in charge of the program and gave a history of some of the features of Timberline lodge. Hostesses were Mildred Day and Peggy Dobson. The next regular meeting be ing the social' meeting will be held at the home of Freda Burt, 1132 East Cleveland street This will be a Halloween party and each member will bring a guest- Everyone must wear a print dress or slacks. Woodburn WCTU will hold its October meeting in the Methodist church today -at 230 p. m. Mrs. S. E. Zollinger,, vice pres ident will : preside and Mrs, Laura Rice will have charge of the program. The subject will be the Children's Farm home . and there will be special music. Re ports will be heard of the Marion County WCTU -annual convention held at Silverton September 12, Delegates will be elected to the state convention to be held in Portland October 14 to 17 at the First Baptist church. . - Study Clubs Start - . . WOODBURN The- autumn session ox studr . . clubs ot &L Luke's parish will take up it work next week. Mrs.. Charles Henkes wiU be parish, chairman. F02I DEUCIOUS, COLDETi FRESII-EGQ NOODLES; TWe tsmemi mtgW w$M$ every aeetewife wita gtaalae rRlL LETJ. Rkkly Mrklikig,) testy rfiJ weed nty a eUeheein ttaie ef pw yraHew. CHoalnet, wrspeW, at yenr greeers, GENUINE PYREX CASSEROLE 1 at. capacity. pUt r duk. , . . SM V i Part Brmai LbU tU 85c.1 ia eoim, Matpaid. Limited auntitr, OMttMp.U-Jl-41 twatomm vwm ca,roDUi K2 Pi Open Evenings g AND a FREE DRIVE-IN PARKING SPACE SALEM'S FOOD CENTER Sundays 1240 N. CAPITOL AT MARKET IIOTHEQ'S COCOA 2-lb.tia 190 CE1EAII OF UIIEAT K or 5 Minute Large package 230 S DOLLED OATS TrianfU Brand. Quick or Regular Large package 'r.-...- Buclxvhcal Poncolic Flour 210 -Trianrfe' --'Wf Xrge 2Ji-lbJ'pkg. 230 ADVERTISED PRICES EFFECTIVE i.,Qcl. 10 Sai., Ocl. 11 PICKET PA1ICME FLOUR No. 10 bag 370 Sfolcy's Golden Table Syrnp 3-ib. tm 230 z: n til. Tasty Salad Dressing or Sandvich Spl ?.Lr 190 3 for 290 II-D Brand WHOLE FIGS Dundee Drand EBlkUT No. 2V tins ... In Syrnp No. 1 tins 150 All Green ASPARAGUS Yamhill Brand Picnic tins ... Dundee1 Drand iDEETS 290 VAN BRITE Self - Polishing Redeem your Van Brite Coupons at Piggly Wiggly Pint Tin Only (hart Tin 69 c Nucoa Demonstration Friday & Saturday will be held at the home of Mrs. Harvey Armstrong. Inez and Dwight Bunner were home for the weekend from the Oregon College of Education and Oregon State college respectively. Apple Picking Starts; " Pumpkins Coming in ' - ; SILVERTON A p p 1 e packing started this?week at the Silverton Canning company Manager .V. V. Ernston reported. The run will probably be of six weeks dura tion. Beets, pumpkins, carrots and corn, are also coming In, Ernston said. . Officers Reelected UNIONVALE The Wheatland Social Service, club met at the home of : Mrs. Elmer Thomas Thursday, -All officers were re elected as follows: President, Vir ginia Magness; vice president, Mrs. t P. C. ; Magness; ; secretary treasurer, Mrs. Eugene: Wilson. The next meeting wQl be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W; Dry den.. ., , - --:: W '- Try m et CbHMM raseflcc AnustBt SUCCESS fee ywt tn CHINA. Ne mmtu wX nt ifflum yea ar ArfXICT r.D direrm, tioiultls, heart, tunc, liver, kldaeys. itMurk, fas, coastipatien, nieers, AU- kcux. lever, sun, iemxi Chinese Herb. Co. Office Rnn Only Tut. : ana Sat. ' t a.m. t p.m. and n n n cr lib.,2l0; 2ii.. 420 Dundee Brand Fruits at Saving Pricet PEAS, AFniCOTSr HALVED PEACHES - Your Chcico Assll 19c 6 ii S1.05 ie. S1.98 Large Ne, tJi Tins Ne. 1 tins smcLMQ'S cnn.i con cadiie SUAIISDOUII CAKE FLOUQ - Package .... ," DAEEDS FQEinUII DAKIIIG CUOCOLATE FOUDEQED DOII AIII 3 i.,29c MS 17 c 2eaas 23 C t-lb. Un The Thrift Spread for Bread With Vitamin A cakes for FOLGEilS XOFFES . Drip or Regnlar lb, tin 1 2 lb. tin L 300 5S0 LIT HALTED inLK UCODBUDY 'S FACIAL SOAP imnrfE iiaii coiicehtqated soup im Ilccdls. Vcgelaile cr Brclh wilh tica 14 ,k. ftnd On, ttr le ' t9t tn 4 Bin FRESH FRUITS and- Vegetables STTEET SFDD3 G ii25c Dh Szzzsh. 2 ,Sc 33mniES-i2.35ci CADII0Tg StlOc CURTIS MEBS -Quality Meats .3 4 i mm a4P 3 rolls... 200 uAlbobf sjtsaj A- :- -515 0 i?u t mim&sEm imh Blade cut. Uuild your Sunday dinner around one of these nicy roasts. Pound .... .,- 250 - s--r frrii . - Vat 'VV - f! Tiamn Kn asilr digested that dnetnm recoranerid it f or babies. rtHx 8-02. ceHa g igy. J inns izit New stock. Delicious for pies, cookies and fruit : 9 cakes lbs. dm w j . " runs lacd ' iiocie rendered. A lard that Is pure, sweet, and lushJy, dizestible. lbs. 2 290 Arnczr's Zizi till A popular sausage at a pop ular price. Pound 230 n a a a a a a o 'O a a a a o a a a a n a Smb. a4 Wed 9 sjb. t vjs " - j . nr., r T . mmrnW S FISH - POULTRY - RAESITS n a 121 N. Coral St, Salem, Or. fa--