The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 10, 1941, Page 10, Image 10

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    TAGS TOl
Sale Slated
By Group :
" Silvcrton Auxiliary
Notes Membership;
Helps Willi Dance
members, paid up, were reported
at the meeting of the American
Legion auxiliary, Monday at the
armory club rooms with Mrs. Zan
ta Hutton presiding and Ruth
Lorenzen as secretary.
, Planned activities fqr the near
" future are a rummage sale: Octo
ber 25 and the sewing club at the
Brown "street home of Mrs. Ernest
II Starr (October 22, with Mrs. Al
Lerflad, Mrs. A. J. Titus and Mrs.
T. P. Heidensfrom assisting Mrs.
Mrs. Hutton named asJwr rum
mage sale committee .Mrs. A. J.
.Titus, Mrs. S. A. Pitney, Mrs. J.
J. Lewis, Mrs. E. A. Kern, Mrs.
E. L. Starr, Mrs. Lewis Hall, Mrs.
Carl Haugen, Mrs. Sam Lorenzen,
MrsL John Demas and Mrs.- Al
i Mrs. J. J. Lewis gave a report
of her work as state Parent
' Teacher association safety chair
. man.
, The members will assist the
I pos in plans for Saturday night's
dance at the armory as a benefit
affair for recreational projects at
army camps.
Mrs. Ernest L Starr, chairman,
w told of the health work at the
local school clinic, and named as
her, assisting committee selected
from the unit by the health nurse,
Catherine Lemke, Mrs. Harry Car
'son, Mrs. Sam Lorenzen, Mrs. J.
J. Lewis, Mrs. A. J. Titus and Mrs.
George Towe.
A 6:30 o'clock no-host supper
- will be served at the October fp
meeting. On the month's refresh-
meiit committee are Ina Harold,
Mri Clifton Dickerson, and Mrs.
S. A. Pitney.
Aiibiirn People
Plan Carnival
, AUBURN . The student body
elected the following officers:
President, James Webb; vice-
president, Nile Castor; secretary,
Pauline Miller, yell leader,
Charles Feskens; song leader,
? Lynn Woodward; cabinet mem
. bers, first grade, Philip Thomp
son j se:ond, Delbert Fox; third,
Victor Johns fourth, Delores Cas
tor;: fifth, Lambert Feskens; sixth,
Dorothy Engleheart; seventh,
Carl Beach; eighth, Doris Engle
heart. : The Auburn Woman's club is
working on a . carnival October
24. jThe proceeds are for the hot
lunch fund.
. .. . Animals Killed
Iri Accident;
People Unhurt
MONMOUTH A rather un
usual collision occurred here Sun
day night around 10:30, when L
p. Closter, Corvallis, driving south
on jhighway 99 West, encountered
twi horses directly in front of
i his; car. Both animals were killed
and the Closter car had to be
towed to town for repairs. Occu
. ; pants of the car were startled and
shaken, but otherwise unhurt
JThe horses, a 7-year-old mare
aTETher 5-month-old colt, had un
nacountably gotten out of a pas
ture on-the old Whitaker farm
operated by W. Ray Adams,and
bad strayed more than a mile to
the. highway north of Monmouth.
Adams recently had sold the
.horses, saddle-bred stock, the
mare to Ben Kuehn, Siletz, and
' the: colt to Glenn Robison; Mon
" ..
A lot has been.wriiien about advertising. .
i . . ' "
A lot of speeches have been made about .it.
But the whole fact in a nutshell is advertis
ing is simply d tinie-saver. : : : , : .
It saves time for the man or woman who wants
to buy something -j- and for the store or factory
with something jtd sell.; - : '
And like most time-savers, it's a money-saver
oo. : V: -1 - t
Long Mountain Top Imprisonment Ends With Rescue
1 V
in , ' i
George Hopkins was back among his fellowmen after a parachute jump marooned him on Devil's Tow
er, a rock spire near Sundance, Wyo. Hatless, he walked center foreground) ahead of the mountain
climbers who rescued him.
They Rescue Chutist From Rock
OfcSnii.i i mmHk mm ir 11 i i n iitfr'Tn .m-iii w wniiininmim i i n . I
Warren Gorrell (leftj government guide, and Park Ranger Ernest
Field set out on a hazardous climb up sheer Devil's Tower to drive
into its rocky sides iron rings on which they plan to stake their
lives in rescuing Georce Hopkins, parachutist stranded atop the
Editor Speaks
At Luncheon
terson, automobile editor of The
Oregon Journal, will be guest
speaker at the Monday luncheon
of the Silverton Rotary club, ac
cording tp E. H. Banks, program
chairman. ,
Peterson has just returned from
a tour of the east, in company
with 300 American newspaper
men invited to make a tour of
defense setups. He will speak oh
"Assembly Lines of Defense.'
Banks adds that he will be per
mitted tp make some statements
What is .
orally which he is not allowed to
publish in his wf itten stories con
cerning the trip.
Needle Club in '
Session Again
meeting following the summer va
cation of the Aloha Needle club
was held at the home of . Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. McFarlane. '
The guests were Mrs. Floyd Mc
Farlane and Betty Irene, Brooks,
and Mrs. Ralph Hadley. Members
were Mrs. Howard Lockwood,
Mrs. Henry Freshour ; and Bert
McFarlane arid the hostess. The
next meeting will be with Mrs. H.
Observed at
CLOVERDALE The home of
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Morris was the
setting for a large birthday and
anniversary party Sunday.
The occasion was in honor of
Morris 75th birthday and the 25th
wedding anniversary of his
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Ted Whitehead, jr.
Dinner guests included Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Crabtree, Newberg,
Walter L. Spaulding, Mr. and
Mrs. I. H. Vinson, Mr. and Mrs
Howard Hunsaker and son Mor-
ris, all of Salem, Mr. ana Mrs.
Will Lawson, Newberg, Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Osborn, Mill City, Mr.
and Mrs. J. D. Butler. Newport.
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Sweet, Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Struck, Mr.
and Mrs. Wesley Struck and i
daughter, Portland, -Mr. and Mrs.
Dee Himes, Joanna and John,
Rose Lodge, Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Tompkins, Redmond, Mr. and
Mrs. . Jack Kamberger, .Corvallis,
Mrs. Florence Jarmon and the
honored guests.
Club Holds
Fall Meet
WEST SALEM The members
of the Entre Nous club held their
first fall meeting at the city hall
recently with Mrs. Harry Smart
and Mrs. W. G. Krueger acting as
Four tables of "500" were in
play with prizes going to Lottie
McAdams, Mrs. W. G. Krueger,
H. C. Hummel and Lynn Sloper.
Officers elected were Elmer Cook,
president; Mrs. Hummel, vice-
president; and Captain Charles
Unruh, secretary.
Special guests were Lottie Mc
Adams and Lynn Sloper. Members
present were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gibson,
Captain and Mrs. Unruh, Mr. and
Mrs. Krueger, Mr. and Mrs. Hum
mel; Guy Newgent, Mrs. Clara
Gerhke, and Mi. and Mrs. Harry
Principal Leighton Dashiell an
nounced that at the end of three
weeks of school the enrollment
had increased to 245. It was 208
on the opening day. There are
now 47 pupils in the first grade.
Detroit Couple Move;
Guest From Seattle :
DETROIT Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Pitner are spending the winter in
Salem and Mr. and -Mrs. W. L.
Krause have moved into their
house. Mrs. Mabel Bearden will
live with the Krauses.
A guest at ihe home of Com
mander and Mrs. Byron Gray is
Mrs. Gray's mother, Mrs. E. G.
Phipps, Seattle.
Drama dub Meets at
Silverton Hills
Hills drama club will , hold its first
meeting of the year tonight at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Porter. All . of the members of
the c a t ol "Down- on Abbie'a
rFarmw are urged to attend.' Por
ter is "dub president and Mrs.
Porter, is acting secretary, ; -'
Club Hears Speaker
AMITY The" Amity Commer
cial club met jrecently to outline
plans ' for: the year' Dr.
Johnston, Linfidd . college,: was
guest speaker. Fifteen were pres
ent The next meeting will be held
m the Baptist .church - basement I
Wednesday noon. .. ,
Makes Plane trip . T
. . RICKEYi Mrs.-Grace Goff who
came by plane Saturday from San
Diego present at the golden
wedding deception of her. brother-
in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.
Wr H. Humphreys, leftv Tuesday
Oregon. Friday Morningj October
Lodge Group
Make Trip V
To Lebanon
. '.MILL CIT? Seven members
of the Mill City Eastern Star or
ganization attended an entertain
ment given for them i Monday
night by ' the "Lebanon ; lodge.
Those making the trip to Leba
ndn were Mesdames A. R. Hoe
nig Mabel Needham, Frank Pot
ter, E. S. McRobert, W. LT Quinn,
Tom Allen and Frank Smith.
-. .The i Rev. and Mrs. Max J.
Chance and. son, David Heydn,
Portland, were guests Sunday at
the h 6 m e of ibis mother, Mrs.
Pauline J. Chance, Chance is
secretary-treasurer . of the .Port'
land area Baptist educational as
sociation and Clackamas " county
tircuit missionary. . '
. - Mr. : and Mrs. Edward - Rada
spent the weekend here with his
parents. He has accepted a posi
tion with the division ol agricul
tural economics, Oregon State
college. Mrs. Rada is a senior at
"" 1 ' ' i '
Mr. and Mrs. William Best vis
ited their son, William, Jr., at
Camp Murray. Wash- over the
weekend. f s i
Bud Bruder, Camp : Murray,
spent the weekend with his par
Ethel Hickey, Salem, former
high school principal in Mill City,
visited the R. L. Fausts Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ross, Salem,
also visited her parents, the
Fausts. ;
George W. Asper has purchased
a farm on the river road west of
Mill City and has moved here
from Jefferson.
Mrs. J e s's e Moseman and
daughter, Jeanie, Salina, Kan.,
are guests at the W. J. Witt home.
Mrs. Moseman is Mrs. Witt's sister-in-law.
Mrs. John Martin and daughter
Gloria, Hollywood, Cam, are vis-
iting the Frank Radas
Mrs. R. D. Turpin returned
with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Rhodes
to Longview, Wash. -
School Society Electa
society will meet tonight at the
schoolhouse with election of of
ficers. Mrs. Grove Peterson is the
outgoing president.
just I A 5 : 1
r v.jolr?!' V
k AiTj-yt. rTK Jc "-L '::west . &
Auto Agency
Perry Arnsberger (at left), who has bought Carter Motor company 01 aaiem ,
ter (at rirht). and will be the Nash motor car distributor for Salem and Marion erartr A Naah aalea
man for 21 years in Oregon and Ohio, Arnsberger has been district Naah manager, working out of
Portland, for the last five years.
New Firm Takes Over Nash
Auto Agency for
, The Arnsbarger Motor company, 365 North Commercial
street, has been appointed authorized Nash , dealers for Salem
and Marion county, it was announced here Friday by Went
worth & Irwin, Inc:, Nash distributors for Oregon. The newly
formed dealership will replace
Carter Motor company, Salem
Nash representatives since 1934.
Perry Arnsbarger, who heads
the new concern, comes to Salem
from Portland, where, for the
past five years, he has served as
Nash district manager. He has
been associated with the sales and
servicing of Nash products for
the past 21 years in Oregon and
"It toes without sayinc that
I'm gl& to be here in Marion
county,-T representing Nash,".
Arnsbarger said. "As for future
curb on production, material
u lyi lyi Uu
-iV '
Switches Hands With Handshake
City v
shortages, increased ' taxes, I'm
no crystal gazer and won't even
venture a guess. But we do
know that cars will be manu
factured, sold and serviced in
1942 and. after looking over oar
new models just announced, I
am satisfied Nash Is offering
the finest appearis. .most eco
; nomical and beat performing
cars that this great independ
ent has yet produced.
"The keynote and guiding aim
of the Arnsbarger Motor company
will be establishment of good will
in this community- for Nash and
"Ibd- $t ' Into the cup, ONLY as mucK
uniform, mtllow smoothness as is contained ."
in the brand of coffee you buyr Tbafs the.
truth right' out of tb coffee pot!
vWhile you are tiff your grocery, it is so easy, '
to be sure. , Your grocer . has all the fiavor
of the world's finest coffees sealed in Yacuum
awaiting' your choice!' GOLDEN. .WEST -
:COrTEE! Select it today-in ea'RegulitVl
or Silex grind and tomorrow you'll knowl '
,what your coffee pot has been trjing to
tell you.
ourselves through fair dealing and
good service. It is our intention
to give Salem an "automotive de
partment store," offering new
cars, used cars, accessories, a
complete line of genuine Nash
parts and the best service facili
ties to be had. I'm a crank on
service myself and believe that
good service makes satisfied own
ers, who combine to make a deal
ership successful.
About the 1942 Nash line, Arns
barger said:
Nash Is again producing
three complete lines of quality
cars. The Ambassador 00,
which proved the 1941 sensa
tion in the lowest price class,
is still the 'xar of the hour. All
of the outstanding 1941 fea
tures, such as its fundamentally
different design its economy
comfort its durability, are not
retained but are e Yen, mora
distinctive and outstanding this
for Portland. :