Where You Get The Most For The Least. ..Statesman Classified Page CUsslflefi Advertising Statesman Classified' Ads Call 9101 Three Insertions per Une25c Six. Insertions per line 40e One month per line . 1 15 Mlnlrrurm chars 25c; 2 tL mln- Imum SSc; 8 tL min. 45e No refunds. ' Copy (or this par accepted un til JM tn venlag beiore publics tion for class tflcation. Copy ra retved aflar this tun will ba run under tb needing "Too Lata to Clastf.- - Th Statesman assume na finan cial responsibility Cor srrora wnica may appear tn advertisements pub lished la Its columns and la esses wher this paper is si laalt will reprint that part of an advertlee ment la which th typographical sntstasa occurs. The Statesman rssarvss the right to reject questionable odvarUaioc. It further laasrvus ttao rlht to place ail advertising under the prooer classlflcauoa. i A "Blind" Ad ad containing Statesman box number (or an d dries is (or the protection of the advertiser sad must therefor be answered by letter. The Statesman Is not at liberty to divulge infor mation as to the identity of an advertiser nstng "BUnd" ad. ' QUICK CASH LOANS CALL. WRITS or nhona f 81831 tn Salem's oldest, largest home owned and homo managed finance Institu tion. Your, financial affairs will be discussed and loans mad In strictest privacy, you win b given every con sideration In tb repaying of your loan or granting of extensions. 1 to It MONTHS TO REPAY You can pay in fuQ any tiro to reduce the cost. , ' I ONLY BORROWER SIGNS No endorsers. Loans mad on furni ture or not. - '- SEE ROY H, SIMMONS. MGR. Lie. No, M-15S ' JIM CLARK. ASST. MGR. General finance CORPORATION Lie. No. s-ua 1M So. Commercial St Phone Ma rust floor south of Ladd c ' Bush bank. Convenient ground floor location PRIVATE MONEY AOTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to ro- auc payments. Money (or ' livestock and Poultry DEAD ANIMALS? T Call Salem, 6000 Collect. Salem Fertilizer and By Products. Wt PICK VP DEAD AND WORTH LESS STOCK ANYWHERE IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. TOP PRICES PAID FOR FOX FEED HORSES. PHONE Mil SALEM COLLECT. MONTGOMERY RENDERING WORKS or posse horse. Gentle for lady -or umui, xviua o. b xxoisjaie. rvruaoo. tOR SALE, rabbits tc hutches Cheap. JPhona 2137 8. WANTED, Straw, S ton or more. Ernest Lehman. Rt. X, Beaverton- also In market lor Hereford or Durham cattle. Help Wanted HELP wanted Married man for dairy mi in. no iBiv, auionun. Help Wanled Male WANTED Exn. aervicct station at. tendant, steady employment. Raymond ssotor service, sse n. nigh. ' 1 SINGLE men to cut wood, do cnores, cau ie a. m. so Ferry. ELDERLY MAN or couple to help run small farm. Writ Box 1785. co nuuesman. Help Wanted Female GIRL for gen, hswk. Ph. 6251. RETAIL salesgirls. Openings In can dy, tobacco and drug depts. Good starting salary and chance for ad vancement. Stat experience, educa tion, age. Box 181 S. Statesman. GIRL for general housework, sge as to m years. n nan St. WOMEN 25 to 49 for outside contact work. Easy and profitable. See Mr. Armstrong or Mr. Graham mornings. wun ua xearce ohix. Situations Wanted EXPERIENCED Grocery OerkVanU Steady work. Good references. Ph. 8680 For Sale -Miscellaneous NORTHERN SEAL fur cost, size 14, gooa conaiuon. rn. xxu. ALMOST NEW Blltwell dsveno, $30 U25 ChemekeU, after S. 4 BURNER Hotpoint stove. 1483 N Summer. Used combination electric range wiui irasn ourner . hd GEVURTZ iTTRNrrtrkK rn 173 N. Liberty Phone 461S Used Maytag Washer $19.93. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. Xa N. Liberty Phone 419 NEARLY NEW KIMI nnmrt chair, 6 ft. Leonard Refrigerator. 1232 n. usenj. Samson card tables $2.99 . GEVURTZ. FURNITURE CO. 173 N. Liberty Phone 4813 Rummage sale Oct. J-4. Parish hse. episcopal church, MZ.Chemeketa LATE SALWAY Peaches. U pick. Aspinwall Orchards, Brooks. Phone ZZ489. . Used electric washer $29 50. GEVURTZ rURNirURE CO. TO N. Liberty r . n . . -Pon?.4? Wood Rang $19. dining table $3.00, kitchen cabinet $4.00. $89 No. Church. Used upright piano $50. Terms. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 179 N. Liberty Phone 4815 Like new Alroflame oil clr. heater. Brown finlslv. 824. Ph. 8195. Used ; Leonard electric refrigerator BfAr-OU. v i GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. 175 N. Liberty" Phone 4615 REPOSSESSED Electric Sewing Ma- cmna. -uargain. bears Koeouca; c CO. VAUGHN TRACTOR, little used. See n at am s. com l HOW 13 YOUR ROOF Buy a Johns Man villa uf etim roof, w do all kinds of roof repairing. Free estimates. Mathls Bros 194 S. win ra. wia. WILL SELL $189 credit on new car roc 8130. call ey. 728. THE APRON SHOP 79 N. High. ' ; MOHAIR Davenport and chair in good condition. ISO JL Buab. . Trade Mjgcellaneoafl CHILD'S crib and mattress and drop leaf table for apples or chickens. Ph. X2061. - . CrtjaouGDiitateraatt ADVERTTSINO 4 ' Western Advertising Representatives Georc D. dosa. In. ' Baa Francisco Los Angeles , Seattle Eastern Advertising Representatives Bryant, Griffith eV Branson. Inc. Chicago. New York. Detroit Boston, Atlanta Money to Loan used cars. No daisy er red tap. You vui retain powtmon or tn vemci 1 TO 20 MONTHS TO PAY ROY H. SIMMONS US South Commercial Street SIS Lie. NO. M-182 ssssaassaaaaatawsaassaassai Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. FTH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDINO UCENSE N. M-159 $600 to loan on property 1338 Ferry street. FHA LOANS 4. also Driv. loans. Abrama & Uis, inc.. Masonic Blag. WE LOAN on farm, residential & business property. Will buy mortgagea or contracts. HAWKINS c ROBERTS, IMC, Keaitors, Guardian Building. Wanted Furniture F. N. S G LENTS WOODRY. Auc tioneers St furniture dealers will pay you more cash or trade tot furniture Af household goods. Ws buy or sell everything. Ph. sua CASH FOR used furniture & house hold goods R Forgey. Ph. 7445. Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Pistes for Repair. DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg, SUte & ComX Ph. 3311 For Rent Rooms HOTEL MARION Rooms, special weekly and monthly rates to perm, guests. Marion Coffee Shop, delicious meals at low prices. HEATED sleep rm.. 941 N. Capitol. MOD. rm. Gar. Near State Insti tutions. 480 N. 24th. SLP. RM, near state Mdgs. Ph. 21449 HOTEL SALEM, tow mo.-wk. rates. Room and Board Bd. Rm. Rates for two. Ph. 2-1337. - CLOSE IN. 1496 Court. Ph. 8630. BETTER BRD. St rm. 745 S. Com'L St For 'Rent --Apartments 3-RM. furn. apt. 435 Division. Marion, $30 mo. Ph. 9718. 3-R. APT, $20. 132 S. 13th. P. 5222. 2 AND 3 R. furn, 1st fir. 1 Frigid, pri. bath. Its, h. w, washer, 1234 S. Commercial St. . 3-RM. heated apt.. $18 mo. 1135 N. 13th. 2 biles, north high school. BANCROFT 340 N. Church. Nice furn. 3 rm. apt. 590 Union. 1 HSKPG. rm. 432 Marion. hskpg. rm. 2054 N. TJapitoL '2 AND 3 RMS. furn. 1440 Waller. MOD S RM. furn. Cloa In. Ph. 8884. 4-RM. flat, unfurnished except elec, range and remg. mon SJ4. DESIRABLE APT. at the Fisher. Ph. $757. obtainable SMALL APT. 250 S. Cottag. refrig, gar. Inq. eves 1430 D. Ph. 6250. For Rent Houses t BOUSES, on mod, 3397 HazeL 4-RM. with basement. $30. 6 ran. $40. rms. $35. R.t A. Forkner, Realtor 1853 N. CapitoL $188 rms, 2197 Ferry at. $20-5 rms, 1157 HaU st. $507 rms., mod, 985 N. Winter. H. P. GRANT 529 Court St. 6744 Fence. Ph. 3096. nished. Call at 1938 Ferry St. 1 f KM. HOUSE, automatic heat. Close m. $35, Ph. 6057 or 7657. i Duplex, newly redecorated. Cloee In. 995 Union. Apply Max Buren. 7tf court, in). Money to Loan For Sale Real Estate sasssasssaBasasasassSjaaajB eBBSBBBBBBBSSBnSBBBBBBSBBBBBSSSSBSSBBBBBn y j . roa vv Another Open House Ak in o Hlimr house we advertised last week VsOSU in a liUrry was bought by the lfnrt couple who saw J it If you have been seeking for a good , buy in a home, com early, don't be - w, v a V disappointed. Modern S rooms and un- DCDCnM A I finished upstairs, floor furnace, flre- I rrvll JIN ML. Place, oak floor. Venetian blinds, low A UlVUyi tX a-a-l taxes, paved street Total price $3100. -i-TTVT a Tvrrrn fr Small down payment, balance like rent rlIlAiiLlli L.U. Turn north at 3311 Center street or 812 Stat Street jjjg Doors West of Capitol Theatre FORCED TO sell new. lovely, mod Ph. 3191 License Nos. S-122 it M-165 ern home, S large rms, unfinished attic m See this before you buy. Easy terms. AUTO LOANS y - nnnnoivr iT r a inn ' SPECIAL Beautiful view property PERSONAL LOANS frs???"? ,lem -roora modernistic house, fully modern: lot n . w . . ' 79x101. Price $5400 with $3800 federal CALKINS FINANCE CO. lojm- u n7 time. See Mrs. Elis rr - . . Ti z!r wltn ChiW Miller;- Realtors. 244 "Salem's Personal Loan Center" Stat St, Ph. 928L 313 Court St, Salem Phone 4446 Stat license S-228 M-278 $4000 9-room modern home, must be ' sold, closing estate, real buy, terms. Loans Wanted jg fw' siem- mt Rt L WANT $6000.00 on coast Income ,V f'S . . . . property to (inane mor buildings. UL, T.LZ .JJ: Can repay in monthly Installments, J,,"'- .."T,,! !' Writ Box 1817 co Statesman. fireplace, double garage, fruit trees. J??. Zrr Located overlooking the entire city, WANTED PRIVATE MONEY " reanable terms TO LOAN on good Salem real es- See JU Gaborst with Ute. Will pay 6 Interest ,W- HjGRABENHORST & CO. W. H. GRABENHORST St CO. : berty St Phon 4131 REALTORS LARGE. MODERN 5-r. house (or sale by owner. $400 down. 1810 N. 17th. For Rent Houses '7&S3jrf&oZT2 . best of view property, at good lnvest- MOD. 7 rm. ton. $62 N. 16th. ment prices, by owner. 740 Shipping St . Jy 738 PROSPECT 5 RMrouse by ewner 1887 n! D? YOU Want to sen. exchange. Water. Phone 6429 after 3 p. m. - lease, rent see Mr. Lsrsen or Mr. Col- . Una with Hawkins & Roberts. , - tor Sale Farms r. hse, gar. $22.50. Phone 4581. ; GOOD GOAT RANCH 1 for Rent "Farms 114 A- 19 mL south, soo cords ttm- ber, old bldgs, good road. Bachelors . . attention, your chance, $1730 cash. 10-ACRE truck or berry farm, 6-room c. H. Sanders 231 N. High 5838 house, electricity, well, good chicken hous. fair barn, small orchard, fenced, 12 miles north" Salem. Mrs. Sim TuUet AcreaSe route 5, Idaho Falls, Idaho. . . 160 A.. 13 mi. from Salem, on paved For Sale Real Estate jo. 150 a. under cuit., 10 a. nice - timber, large dairy barn, modern 6 " EXCEPTIONAL VALUE rm. house, fenced & 1 yr. creek, $90 ,?"s .kt.iaftd iJ60 South 25 a!, 4-rm. house, nice barn, garage. L?b5.rty tret- 9&2 ?h-. ,S?" 2'i A. young Royal Ann cherries, 2 A. Pf'te !2!v xXS'VLi" strawberries, good soil. 5 mi. from Ss- ING FOR A REAL BUY DO NOT FAIL igm $2500 S2i2yESTIGATE 17113 CLOSE-IN 10 a, 7' ml. from courthouse. 1 A. PROPERTY. bearing filberts, 100 young cherry trees, icj?rd9r.sV 2? 15 walnuts, good well. smaU house, , cWx?l-S??110"57 -CO- $1250, $150 down. 134 S. Liberty St Phone 4131 Money to Loan at 6 MEL V IN JOHNSON. REALTOR FOR SALE OR TRADE 725 Court St. - Phone 3723 68 acres with large house, lovely view. Small tenant house. Irrigation equip- CUTE suburban home, elec. water ment on place. Will accept property in system. Beautiful lawn and shrubs. Kansas or Idaho for trade. outside fireplace, $2950. 1 acres with nice 5-room house. t a f o VTVTTT'TJ Would accept Portland property in 1. A. H UHrviX Hill trade or self for $3500. 1R53 N. CspltoL Grocery store and gas station with apptapt goobu prtcOO0" TllU " cres withgtod driHed well. .11 n acres eslrom Salem. Price lLlZ, buy " ,U50' 2200 $50 down. $15 per mo. 3. F. ULRICH CO, REALTORS ' Sf "rar?'!. 802 m- 3" Court St Ph. 6672. 134 sSuto h FURNISHED HOME 5 A, 6-rm. house. Close to Salem, A good 5-room house completely fur- $4200 nished Tun basement, furnace, garage 23 A, 5-rm. house. Good barn. elec. S.XloV lhU P0 - a real buy at icreen. timber, $5500. $2850. All furnishings go. . rrTVKrrT See Richard Grabenhorst. with K. A. FORKNER W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. .... 134 S. Liberty St T Phone 4131 1853 N. CapitoL M hdwi floo be Business Opportunities . ment furnace and fireplace. Automatic heat. Hollywood Dist . . R. v-irvv-rvTnTs FOR SALE by owner, small neat . A. r ORKNER grocery, with living quarters, including 1853 N Capitol stock, fixtures and long lease Ph. 7192. XTZZZZrl COUNTRY groc, and gas st. Will -C ' . VTEW PROPERTY . selT stock at Invoice. Lr. quarters. New, modern, five-room home with SmaU Investment Easy living. PArt full basement, oil furnace, fireplace, office pays overhead. Call owner 4289. hardwood floors, garage.. -Wonderful 1 view overlooking entire countryside. ALL or part of business bldg (or Find out about this place today. A rent Close in. Ph. 5211. . bargain at $4600. See Richard Grabenhorst with FOR SALE or lease: Garag and W. H. GRABENHORST St CO. service station, doing excellent bust- , 134 S. Liberty St Phon 4131 ness. owner leaving town reason (or . ''' selling. Inquire at 493 Center street, PRICES WILL INCREASE BUY Salem. Oregon. NOW 5-rm. cottage, semi-modern, gar- XTrT TTT: 7. age. 2 choice lots, east frontage, shrubs , STO ROOM. 2064 N. CapitoL Oct and trees. A good buy r $2250. part St heat ton. JPh 7184. " Wid'ow says sell her 6-rm. house for SERVICE STATION for lease. Stock $1500 with considerable furniture. $300 fL, I5?I!n elL 00P -P1?on cash will handle a real snap. Wayne Powers, list and SUte. Small 4-room house on Claude street, i rm. house. West Salem. $500. To buy For Sale Wood your homes see Childs St Miller, . ; Realtors, 344 State St, Ph. 9261. WOOD. Ph 5370 Qraen. 412 N. 21st Business Directory Cards in this directory run Painting & PaperhanpinK n a monthly basts only. sapcrimuBuuj Rate: fL24 per Una per serlewsed-Re-sonabl. Ph. 432. 1 month. Plumbing Auto Brakes . . m PLUMBING. GENERAL repair work. MOt Panek. 273 South Commercial Crmber Bros, lA S. Uberty. Ph. 6594. Bicyclet Printing BICYCLES, New and raconditloned TZjLVZSFS .TIhS: ; Harry W Scott 147 8. Cornel. P 4516 fgftSJ&gfZl partment Slf & Commercial. Tai- Brushes tm - SMYTH. "Brush man." Ph. 6724. Trailers , FOR RENT, 1203 N. CapitoL Ph. 6500. Chimney Sweeps -' teijbphon 4450. a. a. Horthnass. Trailer Hopseg ... -. -. ... - WaT. BUY. sen. rent 2065 N. ComX : Examillng - EXCAVATION OF all kinds. Bass- ' 6-R. house. 129 LefeH. Ph. 22698. a.RUT NIW eottase. eomoletely furn. including refg, light gas. wster. TO bath, garag. .Bus by door. 3335 Port land Kd. 4 , 't - s-odrm. bouse. Soma furniture. Good Iocs tion. Ph, 27L 7 RM. Mod, creek lot 79$ N. Win ter. Ph. axa. - ... , MORERN S room housw, newly fin ished throughout 1188 Marion st. HOUSES. Mervtn Johnson. Ph. S72X For Sale Used Cars For Sale Used Cars Legal Notice I Legal Notice ANNOUNCING ' , The Opening of Qrvals Lot No. 2 NOTICE OF SALE OF CQTJNTY OWNED LANDS Public notice hereby is given that, pursuant to an order duly made and entered of record by the County Court of Marlon County, Oregon, of the Hth day of September, 1941, V A. a Burk, Sheriff of said county, will sell, on the 17th day of October, 1941, besJhnirig at the hour of 10 o'clock a.m., at the front door of the county court I house In the City of Salem, State of Oregon, for not less than the ' minimum price herein stated, the real property described as follows: at r " 455 Chemeketa St. Across from downtown fire station in conjnnction with Orval's Lot No. 1 at Center and Church Sts. IN ORDER TO ACCOMMODATE AND TO BETTER SERVE HIS MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS. ORVAL LAMA. THE PROPRIETOR OF ORVAL'S USED CARS. ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF A SECOND LOT AT 445 CHE MEKETA ST. WITH THE ADDITIONAL SPACE PROVIDED BY THE NEW LOT IT NOW BECOMES POSSIBLE FOR ORVAL'S TO CARRY A MORE COM PLETE STOCK OF MODELS AND BODY TYPES TO MORE COMPLETELY SAlurX THE LJiSlKES UF THE USED CAR BUYING PUBLIC. IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE TWO SALES LOCATIONS ORVAL MAIN TAINS A COMPLETE REPAIR SHOP FOR RECONDITIONING AND SERVICING- HIS CARS. IN THE FUTURE AS IN THE PAST. ALL CARS ARE GUARANTEED PER SONALLY BY ORVAL. -CUSTOMER SATISFACTION' IS HIS SLOGAN. You are invited to call today and inspect the new lot and the large stock of used cars on display at bottL-lots. Real Values at Orval's Ford Coupe 1940 Plymouth 'foeLnxe DeSoto Sedan Sedan Plymouth TuJor 1939 Ford Tudor Chev. Town Sedan 1939 Pontiac Sedan Nash 5pass. Coupe 1939 Dodge Sedan l Appraisal N. . Haas C F eraser Owner 1939 1938 1937 1936 1937 1937 1935 1934 1928 1935 1935 1934 ments dug.' Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sal Satam Sand Gravel. P 8406 Florists Breithaupt'a. 441 Court phone SIM. Funeral Directors Tsjrwtaiger Elattressea CAPITOL BEDDING CO Phon Salem runr rdo mattress Co. New Mattresses, old remade, rug B. I2ta a wumir rleaihiar it weavtna. tl sau. Ewtcaara. 1 U-DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT. Blankets rum. 187 8. Libert. Ph. S061 FOB LOCAL OR DISTANT transfer storae. Burner ou. erlaueta, pre logs. Trucks to Portland daily Agent Fierce Auto Freight, tachxiirit Callt points I si mar Transtar Co. Pn. SlU Vacuum Qeaner Service thorUed Hoover servlea. We serrlc all Cleaners. BOgg tare, rav T7ell Drilling C J. Pugh. 2123 MyrU. Ph. S33S. St A WEST. St. S. .BS 448 P S-S2M 1939 Plymouth Tudor 1939 Ford Coupe 1937 Chev. Sport Sedan 1937 Chevrolet Tudor 1937 Ford 60 Sedan 1936 Ford Tudor Chevrolet Standard 1936 Chev. Sport Sedan Tudor and many more ORVAL'S USED CAR LOTS No. 1 Center & Church No. 2 455 ChemekeU Phone 4702 Phone 3797 Ford 60 Tudor Ford Tudor Chev. Sedan Ford Sedan' Ford Sedan Ford Coupe Quality Used Cars are becoming Scared You can save by buying now at BONESTEELES 370 N. Church Phone 4545 1937 BUICK TUDOR Large trunk, only 31,000 miles, new g-ply tires, seat covers, spotlight; new iintsh. . 1938 PLYMOUTH TUDOR DeLUXE Original black finish, good tires. Motor Just reconditioned. 1940 STUDEBAXER CHAMPION SEDAN Trunk. 13.000 miles. like new. 1940 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION CLUB SEDAN Overdrive & climatiser. low mileage Car has had exceptional care. 1938 GRAHAM SUPERCHARGER SpoUess car. new rings and file valves ground Original Fern-leaf green finish. 1941 DODGE CONVERTIBLE CLUB COUPE AH possible extras Radio. Heater, etc. New tires. Only 18.000 miles on this car. 1937 STUDEBAKER DICT. CRUISING SEDAN Overdrive Sc heater. New fin ish and motor reconditioned. SELECT A QUALITY. GUARANTEED CAR FOR LASTING ECONOMICAL SERVICE 1939 TUDOR Ply. Org. owner. Good condition. Call after 8 p. m. 310 Les lie. Apt. 3. Wanted Used Cars Wanted: Used Cars Top CASH Price for Good Used Cars; 435 N. Com'L St. PHONE f Cash . FOR YOUR CAR Shop others, then try us. We con tinue to pajr highest prices for good clean cars. Burgoyne Motor Co. 449 Center. Phon 21839 GXT EVERY DIME YOUR CAB IS WORTH Highest Cash Prices Paid "C SHROCK To Buy or Sell Your Car 270 N. Church Phone 8503 N. E. Corn Church Si Chem, Ph. 7923 Lost and Found LOST Nurses graduation pin, en graved Mercy Hospital. Nampa. Re ward. Ph. 8948. .. , Personal ' BEST OF car given sick r elderly. S3 S. OsmmerciaL - LONESOME? Sarvtng at ace. Clan Eli to. P o Boar n-Los Angel. Cal Transportation 4 tn family want transportation to North Piatt. Neb. about Nov. 2. Help driv and shar expenses. Edw. Jae ntcke. Qervaia. Rt. L Legal Notice Lodges 9 5 Crader, -Isaac See.Twp.Eg.; - 7 A 1W " Hartley, C Wl L20 Jack son's Act. li 27 Waiters, A. B, R. . et 2W 1W Aer. .a 5.51 10 12 11 (7 4 4 1 33 19 23 70 84 14 100 101 75 Laidlaw, W. Trustees A. . & J. H. .17 5f 1W 1.88 Defaut, David & Setter, Ade line et al . te Hotstetter, Ben ; Gleasor4 Cecelia .18 J21 22 Sievers, Fred & Sadie J. 28 Brown, P. L. Trustee 34 Ackley, S. S. tt D. B. -34 Fischer Flouring: Mills Drake, Lavina H. EsL . Smithy Guy O. Loken, M. M. -33 -35 -24 -13 McCoy, Vina F. L.13 McDonald Fruit Farm ...14 Claxton, Richard . Claxton, Robert S. Pate, Nellie L. .19 .20 54 8. 5 Y 6 8 9 1W 1W 1W, 2W 1W 1W 1W 1W 3W 1W SW 1W 1W 3W 1.903 ,33.79 15 1.12 fr. 8.88 84 10 14.38 1 -40 17 5 25 Schmaltz, Elizabeth -.22 6 Except IE 1.09 Berd . Deed Fste "Vs. 1 V.206 ' p88; V.144 P.552 VJ20 P.624 V.127 P.410 V.207 PJE94 V.187 P.248 V.118 P.558 V.139 P. 18 V.137 P.598 V.218 P.102 V.176 P.581 582 V.180 P.493 V. P. V.202 P.557J V.164 P.438 V. P. V.213 P. 69 V, 79 P.542 V. P. V.125 P.241 V.164 P.538 V.218 P.259 Appraisal we, 90 91 92 87 88 123 125 128 130, 131 133 134 102 30 50 83 62 49 Nasae of Former Owner Fry, D. J. Ac H. R, Salem Fry, D. J. & H. E., Salem. ... Fry, D. J. & H. E. also vacated alley Lord, E. B., Wm. F Wiebba CSalenL!! Fletcher, Silas, Hansen's Add., Salem Let Block 4 10 1 11 Mia. 8 125.00 140.00 750.00 450.00 1000.00; 73.00 700.00 300.00 400.00 ' 750.00 6500.00 1500.00 1000.00 400.00 900.00 1200.00 250.00 250.00 1000.00 Min. Price $ 600.00 600.00 Kay's Add., Salem. B., North Salem Add, North 17th St Add, Lear, Dwight, Churchill, H. Salem Becke, Karl G. Randall Berij. M, Randall's Add, Salem Eighney, Mary, Randall's Add, Salem Lynch, Mrs. Lela (Frank Co.) Universi ty, Salem . Lynch, Mrs. Lela (Martin, Ivan) Uni versity. Salem . Claxton, Richard, Aumsville Metre field.. Reasoner, Sophia, Logan ville . Shannander, H. A. & J. E., Silverton, Johnson's Addition , , . Laidlaw, Cora M, Woodburn Add. Dety, J. J. Mrs. Remington's Sub. Div Lot, Woodburn 2 11 700.00 3 15 1200.00 1-2 3-4 250.00 Fr. 1 A 300.00 Fr. 6 4 500.00 6 3 500.00 11 1 300.00 6 3 500.00 SFr. NJr. 1-2 34 1500.00 1-2 34 7-8 9 5 7 8 Fr. 4-5 6 13-14 13 1-2 3 1000.00 100.00 20.00 750.00 3500.00 1000.00 1000.00 Drake. Lavina H. Est. Silverton... . Drake's Addition. Silverton 3 1 In addition to the minimum price the purchaser shall pay cost oi fltvrfictntf I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto allixed my Hand of ficially this 18th day of September, 1941. Sept 20-27; Oct 4-11. A. C. BURK, Sheriff of Marion County. Cross Word Puzzle 39 GRAHAM Sedsn. Radio. Heater. Good cond. Take older car. 1390 3rd. W. Salem. EQUITY in Dodge Luxury Liner ae- aan, li.ouo miles, mcea ior quicK ssie. 2-1533 Evenings aner a. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That by order of the; Circuit Court of the State of Oregon -for the County of Marion, LEE HASKINS has been appointed as and for Administrator cum testamento annexo of the estate, of. Jemima Bason, deceased. AH persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to said administrator at the office of Rhoten Sc Rhoten, attorneys at law, 310 Pioneer Trust Building. Salem, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 19th day of Septem ber, 1941. LEE HASKINS Administrator Cum .Testa mento Annexo of the tate of Jemima Bason, Deceased. RHOTEN Se RHOTEN 310 Pioneer Trust Building; " Salem, Oregon 1 Attorneys for Estate. - S 20-27 0 4-11-18. -1- III I" II 111 m 1 11 ' Pacific Lodge No. 80, AT AM. F. C. Degree. Wed, Oct 8. 1 TJepjcuOtto N.Hoppea. WM. I SubtTitrnaa Totcfica Sj GXCC TOUI.Q Entered at the Pottoffic mt Salem, Orepon, as Second doss Matter. Pub Ujfcml mumi u mutrmtma mx eeot Mondaw. Business oiic tit South Commrctal srrrrt. i '. KTTRJVJtTPTION RATES: Usa Subserlprloa Rates tn Advance wruun urecon: vaiiy ana oumuj, 8 cents; 8 Mos. 10: Mos. 8X50: 1 wa-- rm riuniM SA enta omr mo. or 1$jd for 1 rear in set vanes. Per . eopy a cents, Newsstanas a cent. EM a year tn advano tn MarsM and I jaceni cossmUea. - BLOKDES ' I f EMMAS VtOUN RECTTAL v- -BAJiJUJ; V V . , LJ L I FT Tr LJLLJ - -f a i x, , i i v- ? : II ..-Tt, :.i,,.h.tMi i ; - . . ... ... , -..,.- - '- HORIZONTAL I short con versatioa S4ssue f high bill 12 Scotch historian 13 devastate 14 maiden in Fairie Queen' 18 -eoxreete4 17-feminme - Baste 19 origin 20 whirlpools 21 heep4ik 23 eseapes . 24 moeeaglns 25 window ledges 28 pronoun -23 note in Gaido's .scale 29 month SO expression r Ofdis 4 srproral 81 eymbolfor 'neon - 82 rids 33 herb 34 ewmded. tone - - S3 male - animals : 85-faxed fixedly - ' 38 Araerieaa actor 89 forest in England 40 devices for. clinibing 43 cover . 44 brain passage 48 Assam silkworm 47 plaything 43 river lilftfg 43 discover YFJOTCAL 1 Chines tea 2 drone 3 land of the free 4 pieces rat , to lit in sockets I wuiiy 6 youth - T bone 8 former presidential candidate; first nam ' Aiunrerto jesterdar's ptrxsla. i HI llo CigRiTIAMN OU T !A hi " ' lA'KI ilDl D if.OO r'lA k!A 1 9 French Afrieam ' .city; 19 one time 11 beams i 1 w deer 18 citrus drtntj 29 island la i NewToi: harbor 21 vnclosed 22 maU i alley . . a3-44a.es 23 hasta 28- nuul ' moaatsin n-xeIoflgated fish 29 Asiatic SiUii S3-ptrrUe LlUg 82 lf term 33 Scottish A H v" seaport 34 father . 23-tTjreut 38 eeasonlcj 87 group oJ . three 13 rtroicsj - heselioil gods 40 lease ' 41 tear 5 42 tpesi' 45 aetata tag"