The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon. Iriday Morning. September 28. 1941 PAGE SEVEN Crisp, Tender Beets for Colorful Salads! rvr LvJ IBs no. z can B3 6 v D07. tmVi .(A Tour family or guests will praiM a tempting salad with the added color and rich flavor of these appetizing tender young beets. Quick-canned at the peak of their delicate, natural flavor, they're always tempting and de licious. Try them! Ugene Shredded Carrots or Beets, 8-oz. cans, 5c, 4 for 19c LibbyV Sliced Pineapple 2 No. VA S1.12 Cant I Doz. Morrcll's E-Z Serve. LIVER LOAF 10 Vl Ox. My-Te-Fine Peas & Diced Carrots No. 2 Can 12 St.39 Doz. MY-TE-FINE NO RUBBING LIQUID WAX, gallon can, $1.09 MY-TE-FiNE VEGETABLE JUICE COCKTAIL, 10-oz. 8c, 6" 45c ARMOUR'S BOUILLON CUBES, rich beef flavor, pkg. of 5, 9c R. W. ASSORTED SPICES IN SHAKERS, regular, 2 for25c " FRED MEYER HULLESS POPCORN, every kernel pops, 2 lbs. 15c MALTO MEAL, tempting breakfast cereal, large pkg., 21e MY-TE-FINE CHICKEN SANDWICH SPREAD, 3i2-oz., 3 for 25c Fred Meyer Giant Dried Black Figs, 2-1 b. cello, pkg ," 21c CREAMETTES MACARONI, tender, nutritious, 8-oz. pkg., 7c DAN-DEE 5-SEW BROOMS, firm, tight-sewn, regular, 79c DROMEDARY CITRON, LEMON or ORANGE PEEL,3-6z. can 8c MY-TE-FINE ALL-GREEN ASPARAGUS, 2 s, 23c, 6 for $1.35 VAN CAMP'S WHITE HOMINY, 2Ws. 3 for 25c MY-TE-FINE FULL SEGMENT GRAPEFRUIT, 8-oz. cans, 3 for 19c SPRECKLES SUGAR lbs. Cloth Sack 590 PRESTO LOGS 6 for 300 Dozen 59e 1 TRIPLE FRESH! My-To-Fino .Coffee 22c Delivered FRESH Daily! Roasted FRESH Daily! Ground FRESH As Too : Bay! Skillfully blended for supreme flavor always fresh! lb. 3 for 63c Wesson Oil 77c Half Gal. 4j rj9 7 Dan-Dee Coffee, 16c lb., 3 lbs. 47c Fifth Ave. Coffee 2 lbs. 49c In Vacuum Tins $1.00 Cattaragus E Cutlery Set &3 With Purchase 3 Cant Sunbrite Cleanser Snowdrift 3 ibs. 55c Youll want this attractive All l"fc cutlery set, made of well- - " m tempered, stainless steel. tqx - m Lava Chemical Soap 2bm17e 5 The Men-Folks Favorite 1 Chocolate Nut Fudge Caliex - - - . ? 2-layer .;19.c. Round in5 , Moist, fluffy fudge cakes " tilled with butter cream f and topped with creamy fudge nut Icing. Serve. 13 to 14 generous portions. 13c ea., 2 for 25c Topped with toasted Brazil nuts and poured . . with honey!-"'- Cinnamon Bread, rolled with cinnamon & sugar, 12c loaf Fred Meyer Bakery Section - Sperry Drifted Snow Flour ) : 494b. Sack sa.79 Chair Car Seats To Be Reserved, Says Railroad Beginning Sunday all chair car seats on . Southern Pacific's south bound Beaver will be numbered and reserved, according to an an nouncement made by J. A. Orm andy, general passenger agent for the road. Passengers should make their reservations in advance. There will be no charge. - Also effective Sunday are num erous schedule changes of inter est to travelers. The Beaver will leave here, southbound, at 6:57 instead of 7:22 p. m. Northbound, it will arrive here at 1:59 p. m. in stead of l:lf p. m. : ' The Oregonian will leave here at 11:38 p, ul, ten minutes later than formerly, and 15 minutes will be cut from the southbound schedule of the West Coast, through .train to Los Angeles, which i will leave here at 12:02 a. m. instead of 11:47 p. m. The southbound Klamath will leave Salem at 10:30 a. m 30 minutes later than now applies. Northbound it will arrive here at 7:10 instead of 6:37 p. m. . - The Rogue River, overnight tram to southern Oregon, will leave here at 9:35 p. m. instead of 9:04. Northbound it will leave Sa lem at 5:38 instead of 6 a. m. Tempting, Dainty Assortment Fifth Ave. Miniature Chocolates Delicious, tiny chocolate creams, nuts, cordial chews, etc; hand-dipped! 2-Lb. Box .25 "TINC-A-LING" 33c lb., 2 Ibs. 65c Ground centers with nuts, dipped in clusters In rich chocolate! Reg. X9c Reg. 55c lb. Salted Fancy Cashew Nuts, 49c lb. Regular 19c lb. White After-Dinner Mints 2 Ibs. 35 2 LBS. DOUBLE TREAT 1 lb. Ting-A-Ling," regularly 39c 1 lb. After Dinner Mints, regularly 19 Keep this combination Kte Value. on hand for guests! Both for 44c 15V Hallowe'en Party Suggestions ORANCE tx BLACK JELLY BEANS, ORANCE & BLACK SPICED MIDGETS, ORANCE & BLACK CUM DROPS, BUTTER CANDY CORN, BUTTER CREME CANDY CORN EARS, 1 Candy Butter WITCHCRAFT HALLOWI'INS, 5 HALLOWE'EN BRIDGE MIX, 1 Ib. PARTY FAVORS, GIFT ITEMS CANDY BARS. CUM. LIFE SAVERS. Baby Ruth, Butter finger, Jolly Jack, Charms and many others! k , . f m . i rrwm mwymr .mnay ummamm 5c and 10c each FROM 29c to $2.50 Sc each pSBJSBIBBBBBBSSSSBWMBSBBBBBBBBSMiSBBBSJSIBSSSlSBSBSSBBBlW HttWQtyttM - I V r My-TlS-l'lIMK III FLOUR j 49-lb. Cfl ! Sack JLuOW I - 1 r t . It s Here! It s Crammed With Savings!, FRED MEYER 1941 Coupon look i VI t - - Over $46.00 In Vh Savings All 1' y Valuable FREE Items! Drastic Reductions! Exclusive Savings! Use this exclusive Fred Meyer Coupon Book to' save many, many dol lars In purchasing items you and your family need. On sale in all Fred Meyer stores. BUYS YOURS NOW LUX or LIFEBUOY 3,w17 10' TOILET SOAP SWAN, Large, Floating Soap SPRY COc Shortening lbs.9 w LUX FLAKES, Large Package j2s2 r RINSO, Large, OOf Anti-Sneeze Soap m3 FREE Recipe Book with each purchase of Spry! vw.-.w....,.W-.A..w.wJ....w..-.w .u...J.....A....W-tAHMA.iaLH-.;.-. AS .V.V..CA. ..'l..lTft -f IBrM- 9 Mohimofh Ripe Olives Piquant ripe olives,' lTjC' mammoth size W each one a tempt- Cm lnar and nouriahlnv U Ins: and nourishing mouuxui: COOXED SALAMI, grand for sandwiches, COILED HAM, a savory luncheon meat, FEINSERG'S KOSHER SALAMI, very tasty. , CHILI CON CARNE, seaioned Just right, - At Fred Meyer Delicatessen Section 17c pint 31c lb. 63c lb. 47 lb. . 33c lb. . h i i! il 'sin : iTTUj ; 1 I. -v Economical, Nutritious Spread for School Sandwiches! OTIPfflliill: . Tour kiddies will thrive on temptlnjc sandwiches made with : this creamy,' nutritious peanut ' butter, with all' the rich, full flavor of fine roasted peanutaT It's grand, too, for cookies and .. candies! , - . Mj-Te-Fine Vitamin-Enriched Bread, 1 24b. IoafM 13c . ' 4S-ozl Alamo Grapefruit Juice, 18c; 2 for. 35c 'y. ' Mario Chicken Broth, Is, 3 for 25e :. : , ? Iibby.Grapefniit Jnice, 2s, 2 for 19e v Campbell's Pork & Beans, 16-0, 2 for lSejK? Oregon Maid Symp, ciuart bottle 32c v- FRED MEYER FRESHER FRUITS & VEGETABLES MUSSEL Ulah All Green Cckry ,KsJ Ban. ' Italian Broccoli Large Bun. Is SFIIOuTS . 23 s Boxes IIUSTAHD GQEEIIS Or. Large Bunches IDCALIY OWNEDOPctWED TwoHi-Yaubs Name Officers; Ronnie Gark and "Roger Wag ner were ' elected presidents Wednesday night Harrison El liott and Abel Gregg chapters, two of ? three Hi-Y clubs which year. The . Arthur Cotton group are to be conducted in Salem this is to meet today to elect ,In. addition to accepting the c o u n cil'a recommendation . of thrue clubs instead of lour the Joint , assembly voted to select new members .this fall by invi tation rather than by group as sembly.' Meetings are scheduled for Wednesday nights. ; . Other new officers are: 1 Harrison Elliott Bland Sim mons,' vice-president; Frank Ben nett, secretary; Bob Smith, sergeant-at-arfhs.' Abel GreggBrenner L u t h I , vice-president; Bill Egan, treas urer; John Caplan, secretary, and Lloyd .Griffiths, sergeant-at-arms. . Births Dawson To Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Dawson, 1530 klac:son street, a son, Stephen Dennis, oom September 20, Salem General hospital. : .'oictfr if Swift's Breokficld Spread Choose 2 5-ox. T9. 29 American, Pimento, or Olive Pimento flavorsome cheese spreads for luncheon sand wiches and appetizers! My-Te-Fine Trip Cheese Try this piquant 4fl mild-flavored cheese mt Lb. Tillamook -. Loaf Cheese Tangy cheddar CO cheese; grand with 9 1 C Za. salted crackers. My-Te-Fine Cottage Cheese For O sa Salads. lbs. Philadelphia Cream Cheese Rich, smooth, J for f Q spreadable cheese Jfc I TC tor crackers. Fred Meyer Delicatessen Section Judge E. M. Page Orders Probe By District Attorney When Suit Testimony Differs Diametrically opposed testimony presented by one party and one witness in a civil damage action 1 heard in Marion circuit court Thursday without jury caused Judge E. M. Page to call Dis trict Attorney Miller B. Hayden in to investigate what he termed "definite, evidence of perjury.' The case, that of Beulah Camp bell vs. Jean Eggers, centers around: injuries plaintiff alleges she 'received in an 'accident 34 miles west of Silverton on the Sil- verton 'road, January 28, 1940. Damages totaling $5070 are sought CIRCUIT COURT Ruth Hagen vs.. Hiram A. Ha- gen; complaint for divorce, asking custody of two minor .' children; married at Vancouver, Wash., in April, 1938. Minna Hain, executrix John L. Hain estate, vs. George Mealey and .Edna! N. - Mealey; amended complaint for $10,000 damages al legedly suffered by estate in acci dent at Park avenue and Garden road April 2, 1941. Ben W. Bunn vs. William Utley; time, to file transcript on appeal extended to December 1. Coke Garrison vs. Sam P. Math eny; complaint seeking $2000 gen eral and $430 special damages for injuries allegedly" sustained by plaintiff when operating a tractor for defendant in logging opera tions five weeks after defendant's rejection of provisions of work men's compensation act had be come effective. Pauline Gaub vs. Chris, Gaub; defendant cited to appear in court September 30 to show reason which he should not be held In contempt of court. PROBATE COURT Anna Hobson estate; order ap proving final account of E. H. Hobson and discharging him as administrator. Oscar Willis Moon estate; ap praised at $7003 by Walter Soco lofsky, Robert Sprague and Rob ert White: creditor's claim of $1321.36 entered by Max A. Moon. Elizabeth R. Macy estate; final account by Pearl Macy, adminis tratrix, shows receipts of $1785 and disbursements of $1082.40; hearing scheduled November 4, 10 ajn. David Drager estate; amended final decree including information as to heirs inadvertently left out of previous decree, Ross E. Moofes estate; order confirming sale of real property for $1000 to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Hoxie. Olaf Mortenson estate; final ac count filed. Albert E. Miller estate: J. P. aV Jenson, L. D. Lenon and J. Kaiser named appraisers. - . 'ft - , JUSTICE COURT . Kennoth L. Sheridan; driving after : operator's license revoked; pleaded innocent; no date for trial;. released under $50 bafl. William H. McClain; driving af ter operator's license revoked; case set for trial October 18 at 10 ajn. : . . . :-. Kieffer A. Wood;1 overloading truck axle; $20 and cost Henry P. Woodbury; " passing another moving vehicle when view ahead not clear; $5 and costs. Marion Miller; NSF check; giv en 24 hours to enter plea; released to attorney. MARRIAGE LICENSES Orrin E. Bussey, legal, sales man, Portland, and Blanche Brown, legal, . stenographer, 352 North Summer, Salem. MUNICIPAL COURT George P. Andrew, operating woodyard In class three zone, fine . of $25 suspended because he has disposed of yard. Jack Forrester, Portland, drunk, 3 0-day s sentence suspended on condition he leave town. Eugene L. Lovelace, 2219 Hyde street, failure to stop, paid $2.50 ban. . James Flahrity, transient, drunk, sentenced to 15 days in city jail. I. N. Bacon, 1810 North Liberty street, running through red light, fined $1. James Shields, Turner route one, running through red light, fined $1. . Del M. Feller, Hubbard route one, running through red light, fined $2,500. Valley Packing company, Sa lem, running through red light, fined $1. William Bauer," 1630 Lee street, running through red light, fined $1. Donate Craft to US NEWPORT, Sept 25-P)-Don Wolf and Leo Chesick announced Wednesday that they had donate ed their cabin cruiser Anna H to the coast guard. for patrol duty at Tongue Point for the duration of the national emergency. Wolf , and Chesick said they would re ceive no compensation for use of. the craft , i "Hi-Grade" ilU Steer Beef Hearts lb. 170 Swift Premium Sliced Vi lb. pkg. 1 CGc SIOIILESS V7IEIIERS lb. 230 Choice Quality Beef POT ROASTS KIPPERED SALIIOII lb. 280 it. V PORK TEIIDERLOIIIS 3 Patties IIAIFFER'S BETTER MEATS Loin Pork CHOPS Baby Bee! LIVER :sc mm -Hh Lb. iitfed Loin-o' Pork ROASTS Lb., KMIPFEQ'S It's Mince Pie Time . . . Try This Aged-For-Mellowness Mince Meat iY4 - i II ill My-Te-Rno Minco Meat Serve7 " moist, aromatie, de licious My-Te-Flne , Mince Heat la a hot mine pie to night! t's ready to use! y- lbs. fp)c 15c ILll lb. Dan-Dee Mince Meat, bulk, 2 lbs. 25c, Uc lb. Enriched peanut Butter Honey Crunch 2 S3 Fresh Whipt Peanut Butter, 2 lbs. 27c, 15e lb. Cider Vinegar. ; 40 19c Gallon, Plus Depeeit Strawberry Preserres, : : bulk,; 2 Jbs. 23c 1 Fresh Wh'vt " ':' ' ' " -r: -: ': V T; ' Real Salad Dressing, bulk, lie qr., 19c . Fred Meyer ' : Slendol, nen-fattenSng,lk) 41 c c,t 27c it. At AH Frmd Afjr Hfmmmt SmHUw ., , A Colorful Ice Cream Treat Delightfully Different! Fifth Ave. Strawberry. Rippla Log Rc!l Vanilla rou rtppiedwitn. - strawberry, fruit an fZmff the flavor of fresh berw WwiV W9 'v.Ti. k j ries! Coated with i . S- chopped pecans. Bern ; ft V-7j7 ; ittonighti - 5th Ave. Butterscotch Rpp Ice Creani, 25c Qt. '" Smooth, creamy butterscoUh sauce rippled gener ously through vanilla. Just' like a butterscotch Oregon Concord Fresh Crape Sherbet. 19e Qt 10c Ft. A different dessert, with sJl the delightful flavor of fresh Concord Grapes. Grand with fruit salads, too! At AS fr4 Crmtm Sttim f i ' I . r. V z V-'1 ' ' X J '' FOOD STORE - 179 N. LKESTY 1 n