4 Th OHCGOII STAHS24AIL Salts Oretjon. Sunday Morclng. SpUxnber 21. 1941 J- page inrrs y i. Where You Get The Most For The Least Stall lOiCs CbusiZed Advertising Statesman ! Classified Ads Call 9101 Three Insertions per line 25c Six Insertions per line .40c One month per line 21.25 Minimum charge 25c; t tL min Imam 5c; 6 tL mitt 45c No refunds. Copy for this page accepted un til 6:30 Xh evening before publica tion - for clansifWation. Copy re nntd after this tla wlU be run under the beading "Too Lata to Classify." r , The Statesman assumes no finan ctal responsibility for error whicn may appear tn advertisements pub Usaed la Its columna and In cases where this paper la at Isuit wUl reprint .that part of an advertlse ment In which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman rest rye the right to reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the right to - place all advertising under the prooer classification. A "Blind" Adan ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dressis tor the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman la -not at liberty to divulge Infor mation as to the identity of an advertiser using a 'Blind" ad. ! Livestock and Poultry HORSES MARK MULES LARGE ASSORTMENT of gentle, Chunky, well broke horses and mules on hand at su Times, uojm oi mwa teams. DISCOUNT for cash. CREDIT riven. No carrying charge. ALL STOCK PRICED TO SELL. Guaran teed as represented. Free delivery. Bar K Stock Ranch. Harry Kuenne, can ton. Ore, 6 ml. E. of Carlton. 7 ml. W of Newberg in West ChetuOem Valley WE PAY Tjp TO ,iC PER LB. FOR DEAD AND WORTHLESS HORSES AND COWS DT FRESH AND IN GOOD CONDITION. TOP PRICE FOR FOX FEED BUKau PHONE COLLECT 6411. SALEM. MONTGOMERY RENDERING WORKS Hop Pickers HOP PICKERS WANTED WIGRICH RANCH located five miles South of Independence, ore. will start picking Friday, Aug. 22nd. 400 acres, good picking, no seedless hops. Mod ern, shady, sanitary, policed camp, with store, butcher shop, restaurant, cabins, tents, stoves, wood, running water, electric lights, dance hall, nursery, straw, showers. Visit ranch or write for Job. Address: WIGRICH RANCH. Box N, Independence. Ore., or register at s. s. ieiner. inc., or fice at 3311k State street, Salem. Ore. HOP PICKING started at V. O, Keller Ranch on fit 2. Box 211. Aug tut 25th. Register at Western Hop Co. office in Steusloff Bids'. 229 Liberty St. Phone 5404 or 22440. A truck will call for ana deliver you at saiera. Help Wanted WANTED Teacher for grade school West Salem School board. Ph. 21609 Help Wanted Male REAL, ESTATE Salesman or office help, C. H. SANDERS 231 H. High 583S Help Wanted Female EXP. WAITRESS, over 25 years of age. Ben s Cafe. . . EXPERIENCED fountain girl. Apply 127 N. High. The Ace. EXP. Beauty operator. Phone 3943. Christmas Cards) "Jewel Box" 21 Card $1 Assortment. Other big-profit assortments. DeLuxe Personals, Sta tionery. Lowest priced Personals. Per sonal Card SAMPLES FREE. Box As sortment on approval. Wallace Brown, t2S Fifth Ave.. Dept. 14249, New York. WOMEN WANTED Address our cat alogs. 2c each paid In advance plus bonuses. Everything supplied. Free De tails Furnished. RALEIGH PREMIUM CO.. Lawyer's Bldg., Jersey. City, N. J. Sell Christmas Cards 50. with same, only 91.001 Huge selection. Amazing values. Magic money-male - crs. Three other low-priced lines; 'Magnificent Box Assortments. Gift Wrappings. FREE SAMPLES. Noel Studios. 9 E. 26th, Dept. 7653, New York. ...... . GIRL FOR general housework. .Full Charge; Good pay. Ph. 3798. EXPERIENCED SALESLADY for women's wear or drugs. See Miss War ren, 149 N. Liberty. 9-10 a. m. only. WANTED SINGLE Gilt 21 to 24 Sara for position as EXECUTIVE SEC IT ARY. Must have ability in short hand, typing, handling cash and meet ing the public. Reasonable salary to start and increase pay as you earn it. Please Do Not Apply Unless You Are Qualified. See Mr. Miller anytime this week up to pan,, at 512 State St. For Sale Miscellaneous - MUST DISPOSE of all furniture im mediately! Everything in excellent condition and all high grade. Includes Mohair Daveno and chairs, ottoman, rugs, walnut bedroom suite, box springs and mattress, extra bed. spring and mattress; dinette set, elee range, occ. fleces. etc. Call 1815 S. Church after 30 p.m. and all day Sunday. WATER HEATER, operated with oil. fully automatic for only 835. , A bar- fain, terms. ELSON BROS. ''Bonneville" STORE 305 N. Liberty 1 DINING table. 1 dresser. 1 bed. Spring. 1 wood heater. 1 Maytag wash er, 2 rocking ,. chairs, 1 daveno. F. P. Larno, ztT foruana Jtoaa, saiem. FOWLER WATER heater, fully auto matic Electric water heater, 30-gaL cap., with 10-year factory guarantee, only 959.95. terms. NELSON BROS. 'Bonneville" STORE . 305 N. Liberty - BRIGGS-STRATTON' enctne. One heater. Baby bed. 3 mi. on Dallas highway. Box 469. BRUNSWICK BILLIARD TABLE, email. $58.00 value. $17.50. Fruit Jars Cheap. Oil heater $1.75. 1709 8. Liberty. ,j "advertising .' Western Advertising : Representatives George D. Close, Inc. San Francisco Los Angeles Seattle Eastern Advertising; '. -' Representatives Bryant, Griffith tt Brunson, Inc. Chicago. New York. Detroit . Boston. Atlanta Entered at tne Postoftee at. Salem, Oregon, as Second Class Matter. Pub lished every tnomfno excel Monday. titess office 2U South Commttcial street.. : ' wmmmmmmmmmmmmm 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Matt Subscription Rates In Advance Within Oregon: Dally and Sunday, Mo. U cento; 3 Moe. $lio; 6 Mae $2 JO; 1 year $5.00. ' Elsewhere SO cents per mo. Or $3.00 for I year in advance Per CorT eenla. Newsstands 1 centa. I t City Carrier, 60 centa a month, riia a year tn advance tn Marion and adjacent counties. For Sale Miscellaneous VP STACKS FURNITURE STORE 439 Court St.. Salem. Oregon DOLLAR STRETCHING PRICES NEW FURNITURE Beautiful Walnut Dinette 49 JO Includes Buffet - 6 ft, India Numdah rugs ' (.00 1940 Coles Hot Blast Oil Cire 39 85 New Mohair Davenport & chair 99.50 New veiour Davenport suites Mi .30 Period type Black WaL Bed. Suite Dresser, twin beos tojo and a store full of Bargains USED FURNITURE 1 used Kitchen Cabinet 12 50 2230 1 used Kitchen Cabinet 1 used 4 Room Oil Circulator 34.50 Tapestry Davenport 6c chair - 29.50 Good Oak Buffet 5.00 and up Good Oak Dining Tables 4.00 and up l Electric Range 9.50 1 Electric Range - 12.50 Felt Base Remnants per yd .33 Buy Up Stairs and Save 1 Piece or a Housefull N. H. Fryers 214 to 4 lbs. 20c live weight. Opp. Liberty school. Ph. 22459. REAL CONCORDS. Stoddard. 1ft mi. on wauace Road. Bring container. WELL SELL $180 credit on new car tor slaw, cau eve, arcs. LATE FOSTER canning peaches now ready at uman Fruit farm. SPARK CIRCULATING oil heater with special enamel pine to match. Perfect condition. Only $40. 1399 D St. nSAfrSTOVERCOA new. Will trade for wood, etc Ph. 5778. GOOD PIANO. Can deliver. Box 301. independence. TWO USED ELECTRIC REFRIG ERATORS in excellent condition, terms. NELSON BROS. "Bonneville" STORE 305 N. Liberty GERMAN ROLLER canary. Sale or trade. 1172 Edgewater. GOLDEN CROSS canning corn. 75c, U pick. Bring sacks. T. C. Muller, 2 mi. so. Brumes corner. WASHING MACHINES at pre-war prices, wnue they last. Terms. NELSON BROS. ''Bonneville" STORE . 303 N. Liberty LG. SIZE oil burning floor furnace. Slightly used. Ph. 8196 evenings. THE APRON SHOP 679 N. High. OIL BURNERS for wood ranges and wood circulators, fn ouzo. OIL BURNING kitchen range, $43 1935 Maple Ave. Phone 8020. FROGIL OIL heater, slightly used. Quaker oil - heater, regular $99.50, now $35. NELSON BROS. 'Bonneville'' STORE 305 N. Liberty STOCK TRAILERS tt light trailers for rent, bought and sold. Kings Trailer Exchange. 519 N. Front St. ra. Z17W, Trade Miscellaneous USED DUO-THERM oil circulator. 3 to 6 room size. $39.50. Terms. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. Inc., 453 Court St. Wanted Furniture F. N. tt GLENTt WOODRY. Auc tioneers & furniture dealers will pay you more cash or trade for furniture It household goods. We buy or sell everything. Ph. 5110. CASH FOR -used furniture tt house hold goods R Forgey Ph. 7445 Wanted Miscellaneous WALNUT and FILBERT drying. F. E. Evans, Rt. 2, Box 66. FILBERT and WALNUT drying. Reasonable rates. Vz mile West of Keizer school. Phone 2-2163. WELL STORE PIANO for use. Ph. 6859. WANTED FILBERTS. Have harvest ing, washing and drying facilities for filberts. Pay cash on trees or harvest on shares. Phone 6454. night 7503. Miscellaneous MALE. Instruction. More cars on streets more bumps in fenders. Train ed auto body-fender men needed. Average pay over $35 weekly. Chance for own business. Learn easily, spare time. Write for facts. Utilities Inst., 1805 co Statesman. Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mail Your Plates for Repair. DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg.. State 6c Corn !. Ph. 3311 HOW IS YOUR ROOF? Buy a Johns Manville lifetime roof. We do all kinds of root repairing. Free estimates. Math is Bros 164 S. ComL Ph. 4642. GENERAL SHEET Metal Course, val ue $393. in the Adcox School. Portland, will seU It at substantial discount to someone not already enrolled owing to a death In the family. Write or contact Mrs. Alan Sheppard. 1655 South High street. Salem, or bring this ad and inquire at the Adcox School. For Rent Rooms HOTEL MARION Rooms, special weekly and monthly rates to perm, guests. Marion Coffee Shop, delicious- meals at low prices. - NICE. FUR. rm. 230 N. 18th. P. 2-1435 ROOMS. 840 Union. P. 3490 Eves. SLP. RM, near state bldgs Ph. 11449. HOTEL SALEM, low mo.-wk. rates. Furn. rnu sleep, porch, 723 Court. HOME Privileges. Furnace heat Gar. Phone 4723. 1185 Columbia. MOD. ROOMS, warm, comfortable, abundance hot water, gar. 480 N. 24th. Room and Board BD.-RM. Reasonable. 1271 Chemeketa RM. a BD. See 650 Marion. Ph. 6570. BETTER BRD. & rm. 749 S. ConVL St. For Rent Apartments 3-RM. corner, unfurh. Roberta Apts. CLEAN 2-RM. furn, court apt Priv. bath, laundry, gar, heat tt water rum, $15. 1807 Lee. t X RM. FURN. Apt Lights, water, garage, washer. $15. 112 Union. - BLOKDE unr mfni " nun 1 1 - s hi y l For Rent- Apartments Its. water, garage, adults. 860 Mill! NICE REDECORATED Turn. apts. Maytag, Its, w $10.50 mo. and up. Also furn. 2 gar. house. 624 li N. Capitol. . MOD 3 RM. furn. Close in. Ph. 8884. 2 ROOM Apt 326 Union. Ph. 8759. FURN. hskg. St sleep, r. 180 Division. 3-RM. MOD. turn. 776 N. Commercial. 1ST FLOOR, 3-rm. mod. 1411 Court. CLEAN 1 and 2 nn, turn. apt. 645 Ferry. FURN. 2-rm.. kitchenette, heat, lights, water. 983 Saginaw. APTS, clean 8c cozy. 259 Division. OCT. 1ST, 3-rm. turn, apt, pv. bath, refrig, ladies only. 668 So. Summer. 4 RM. unfurnished flat except dec. range and refrig. Phone 5248. CLOSE IN. 891 N. Com'L $18. MOD. 2 R. Apt Bus. Worn. 1833 Court MOD. 2 Rm. Furn, 991 N. Cottage. DESIRABLE APT. now obtainable at the Fisher. Ph. 9757. - SMALL APT. 250 S. Cottage. GROUND FLOOR 1 r. turn. Lts. Water. $18. 1620 Ferry. X Rm. Apt ret. Pri. Bath. 639 Center, UNF. 3 room. Call 6250 Eves. For Rent Houses 4-RM. MOD, FURN. house, lncl. frigidaire, 1865 N. Coml. CaU after 6 p. m. or Monday morning. 3 R. HOUSE partly turn. Oct 1. E. c Hoiiaday, ikhi Ferry. 7 RM. Mod, creek lot 795 N. Win. FURNISHED trailer house, lights. water. $5 month. 1647 Waller. S RM. HOUSE on E. State St Mod. conveniences. $20 for small family. Ph. 8888 before, noon or after a. 3 RM. furn. house. Phone 8198. 5 ROOM HOUSE, no children. In quire 1239 S. High. $25 My S-rm. mod. house to reliable party. l', ac. part woods. Base, furn, upst. flrd.. wtr. syst Near store. 1 mi. N. River Rd. Hugh Adams. Rt 2 Bx. 34. FOUR NEW up-to-date. 4-rm. mod ern houses, oak floors. lm Berry. 6-ROOM house, 3 bedrms, garage. $25 mo. Ph. 7767. 6-ROOM home. 3 B. R, 1920 N Summer. $40. 6-Room home. 1146 Oak. $2S. 8-Room home. Gaines St.. ST7.50. O." E. RAE 1255 SUte Ph. 6761 MORERN S room house, newly fin ished throughout 1188 Marion St 7-ROOM. desirable location, reason able rent to right party. Ph. 21324. 5-ROOM modern house. 2 miles north of city limits. Phone 8941. MOD. 6 R. hse. Good loca. Ph. 4581. ' HOUSE& Mel vln Johnson. Phf 2723. MOD. 7 rm. turn. 862 N. 16th. WE HAVE THE PROSPECT TV YOU Want to sell, exchange. lease, rent, see Mr. Larson or Mr. Col lins with Hawkins & Roberts. "sMAIXHbuSE '''tan HazeL For Rent Farms house furnished, very desirable for poultry or dairy. Colvin tarnw 1 mile west oi Aumsvuie, on l umer roaa. For Rent BRICK Store, living rooms. Main 8t and Hlway, $30. 237 state, ra. izs. For Sale Real Estate DELIGHTFUL NEW 4 R. country home. Cape Cod style. lYi A. tract, 2 miles from city limits. All mod. un provements. Can see Sat or Sun. Box 113 Pringle Rd, R- 4 or call 2-1201 eve. 30 ACRE ranch. 9 r. home, barn and chicken house. Owner unable to work and will sell for $3700. Half cash. W. G. KRUEGER. REALTOR. Phone 4728 . 147 N. Coml. St 2 FINE lots with bldgs. for sale, trade or rent. C. F. Curts, 259 Division. LARGE MODERN 8 room house for sale by owner. $500 down Balance like rent. 1810 N. 17th St FORKNER SPECIALS 1790 N. Capitol St 6-R, fully mod. Automatic heat. Owner leaving town. Might consider Portland property. Can be seen anytime. For sale or rent 1559 M. Summer. Can see anv time. Furn. house for sale. Will seU furni ture and rent 99 E. North. R. A. FORKNER REALTOR 1853 N. Capitol Ph. 3031 NEW DWELLING S Rms. Highland Diat $297$. Good terms. H. P. GRANT, Realtor 529 Court St Ph. 6744 OPEN SUNDAY 1-8 2 3-rm. mod. hses. Turn E. at Keizer sen. on N River rd. To 3rd A 7th hses on risht. One new. other 1 yr. old, Low dn. pmt tt small monthly terms on oau '. - 120 A., new unlm Droved Idaho land, near Nyssa. Ore, water available. $15 per A. Want valley or coast prop. 26 A, 22 cult, 7 R. house, elec water in house, barn, ereek. . spring, $5500, clear, trade vfor duplex, small ant . C J. JACKSON 341 State St. Salem $3700 $500 down, almost new mod, IB. R. house, near Englewood school. . $3700 $500 down, a-room modern home. Soutn. A-t district. Money to Loan Fire Insurance " C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 6838 2 BDRM. house, hardwood floor. fireplace, gar. Paving paid. $2400. terms. " 6-Rm. mod, hardwood floors. Full basement and furnace,. sssuo, terms. Fred Rawlins with R. A. FORKNER REALTOR I8S3 N. Capitol Ph. 2031 nazz i 1 l: : 7,.;, , .. ... ; : Money to Loan STATESMAN READERS CAN GET THIS WAY: 1. Come In or phone) and tell us how much you want 2. Answer a few simple questions about your Identity and ability to repay. 3. Quickly as your application is ap proved, aign ano get tne casn. $50 costs only $3.03 If paid in 3 equal monthly payments. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 812 SUte Street 2 door West of Capitol Theatre Ph. 3191. License Noa. S-122 St M-16S SCHOOLTTME LOANS If $30 to $300 WlU help you With your achooltime needs or other fall demands for money and you would like to obtain tt In a Signified confi dential manner and repay In small monthly payments, write, phone, or coma In and see us today. CALKINS FINANCE CO. "Salem's Personal Loan Center" SIS Court St, Salem Phone 4446 SUte license S-226 M-27S PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce payments. Money for new or used cars. No delay or red tape. You will retain possession of the vehicle 1 TO 20 MONTHS TO PAY ROY H. SIMMONS 138 South Commercial Street Phone 9162 Lie No. M-ltt For Sale Real Estate 3 BEDROOM house, good location near High School. A REAL BUY FOR $2600. 1 A. with (-room modern home, barn & chicken house, about 2 miles East. Will trade for a home in Salem. 67 A. about 50 in cultv, fair set of buildings, market road. A GOOD BUY FOR $4000. With $500 down. 60 A, 40 A. cultv., balance pasture & timber. Good 6 room house. Place can be irrigated. Price $6300. Will trade. 79 A, 65 A. in cultv, about 35 A. of fine bottom land, creek tt springs. 5 room house tt dairy barn. Trade for small place near Salem. 120 A. 9 miles from Salem, about 80 A. of timber, more than enough to pay for the land, all fenced with woven wire, 2 creeks. Would make a good stock farm. Priced to sell for $3500, or trade for home in Salem. 17 A. all in cultv, family orchard. large house tt barn, small creek. 8 miles from Salem. Priced at a bargain for $2000 cash, balance like rent. Large lot with 1 room house. 20x24. paved street and sidewalk, 2 large wamut trees. A fiARUAm run seou. With $100 cash. R OSTEIN It ADOLPH. INC. HOli N. Commercial St. 6-ROOM house, no basement, fire place at Z340 West Nob Hill, $18.00. Call for key S. M. EARLE. Phone 3865, A PARK OF YOUR OWN Half an acre, beautifully landscaped, inside city limits. 2 bedrm. house, bath, basement sunporcn. $3,000, Terms. . ANOTHER VIEW HOME Overlooking Salem and Willamette valley, only 2 miles irom city cen ter. Basement fireplace, double ga rage, Attractive $ rm. house, one acre, well landscaped. Only $2600. with a few hundred down and balance $25 per month. MYRTON MOORE REAL ESTATE 180 No. Commercial Suite. 17 NICE 8 bd. rm. home. Completely refinished Inside and out. Corner lot Owner leaving city. Priced to Mil at $3700. N. J. LTNDGREN 179 S. High Ph. 8890 Business Cards ia this directory rut a monthly bails 0017. Kate: $L25 per lis per month. Auto Brakes Mike Panek. ' 279 South Commercial Bicycle BICY New and reconditioned Harry W tt 14T 8. Com'eL P 461$ Brushes SMYTH. "Brush man." Ph. 6724. Chimney Sweeps TELEPHONE 4450. R E. NorttUMBB. Excavating EXCAVATION OF an meats dug Dirt hauled or moved.- Dirt for sale Salem Sand & GraveL P $406 Florists Brefthaupfa 447 Court Phone 9199. Funeral Directors TarwIUlger Funeral Home. Ph. 602$. House Trailers FACTORY Bullt-HJt.-Farm Trailers Built to order. Terms. -Free estimate. See King, $12 N. Front Ph. 21769. Mattresses SALEM FLUFF RUG tt MATTRESS Co. New Mattresses, old remade, rug cleaning tt weaving. S. 12th a WUbur Tea. S44L Zwfckere, CAPITOL BEDDING CO Phono Knights In Tin Axinour GASH Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL. WRITE or nhona 19183) to Salem's oldest largest home owned and home managed finance Institu tion. Your financial affairs will be discussed and loans mad la strictest privacy. You will be given every con sideration tn the repaying of your loan or. granting of extensions. 1 to 18 MONTHS TO REPAY You can pay la full any time, to reduce the cost , ONLY BORROWER SIGNS No endorsers. Loans made oa furni ture or note. -SEE ' ROY H.' SIMMONS. MGR. Lie. No. M-152 JM CLARK. ASST. MGR. GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION Lie. No. 8-138 124 So. Commercial St Phone 9168 First door south of Ladd tt Bush bank. Convenient ground floor location Auto) Loans Willamette Credit Co. STH FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE N. M-159 I HAVE $600 to loan oa property. E. C Hoiiaday. 1338 Ferry. WE LOAN on farm, residential tt business property. Will buy mortgages or- contracts. HAWKINS & ROBERTS, INC, Realtors. Guardian Buikung. FHA LOANS 44, also priv. loans. Abrams tt Ellis. Inc, Masonic Bldg. Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on good Salem real es tate. Will pay 6 interest. W. H. GRABENHORST tt CO. REALTORS For Sale Real Estate $3000 ONLY $60 DOWN 7 rm. home in S. Salem, lot 75x163 with space for rental units If desired. Ph. 7807 day, 8835 .even. SOCOLOFSKY & SON 1st Nat'L Bank Bldg. 8 RM. HOUSE, closets, porches, mod ern conveniences. Lars lot. Good loe. for either res. or business. Priced far quick sale. $2800. terms or less for cash. Ph. 8888 before noon or after 8. GOOD HOMES PRICED RIGHT Modern 6 R. Walnut Park. A new puce. Price $4750. $1350 down. 4 Lots tt good 6 R. house 6c Base ment lor S3250. m down. - 9 R. House tt good lot In nice loca tion, XZZ30. 1300 down. See JAS. D. SEARS. REALTOR 507 Center St Ph. 9442 CHIOCE of two maces each one 2 A, new houses, 9 r. modern. East of town, cnerriea 8c nuts. Price $1800, OC S23UU. ROBT. J. GALLAGHER Ph. 4559 139 N. High 4 NEW HOMES under construction in Lone Oak Village, Salem's finest new subdivision. City water and sewer yet no city taxes. 5 large rooms, full basement aut. oil furnace. F. H. A. inspected. $4,700. about $29.50 per mo. New 4 room house fully plastered, 4, acre, lots of trees. Citv water verv close in. $2.250 $100.00 dn. $20.00 per month. Good income apt house. 6 apts. fully furnished, furnace and refrig. Close to state house. $7,500 terms, some trade. RICH. L, RE1MANN . 167 S. High Street Phone 9203 "Salem s Largest Home Builder" REAL MODERN HOME 1 m uu iajw rnu.1 " MDAA1M V.. : 1 fwv.uv utts uiia iikb jiKjuern noun, naa two nice Dea rooms, suiitin kitch en. Dinette; nice living room. Oak floors. Automatic oil heater. Full base ment 6c furnace, nice lot in fine loca tion. $1500 down. Better hurry, see JAS. D. SEARS. REALTOR 507 Center St Ph. 9442 9 ROOM house, close to high school, hwd. floors, fireplace, bsmt, furnace, garage, price $4000.00. Just off SUte St. on N. 21st 3 bed room house, bsmt, furnace, double garage, partly furnished, large lot price $3MW. Money to Loan. 1 P. H. BELL. REALTOR 429 Oregon Bldg. Phone 8121 Directory Painting & Pa per hanging Experienced Reasonabla. Ph. 4325. FRANK LACY. PHONE $486. Plumbing PLUMBING. GENERAL repair work. Graber Bros, Urf S Liberty. Ph. 8594 Printing FOB STATIONERY cards, pamphlets. programs. Dooca or any Kino ox print ing, call The SUtesman Printing De partment 219 S Commercial. Tele- sioi Shingles SHINGLES. SIDEWALL SHAKES. Ce dar aiding, lath. Prices always the low eat. Ph. 3600 Brown's yard. 714 S 31st Trailer Houses WE BUY, sell, rent 2085 N. Coral. Transfer TRUCKS for hire. Carload lots moved anywhere in Oregon. Ph. 3354. U-DRTVE TRUCKS FOR RENT BUnkeU furn. 197 a Liberty. Ph. 9062. rOR LOCAL OR DISTANT transfer storage, burner oil briqueta, prest loga. Trucks to Portland daily Agent Pterce Auto Freight Including Calif. Points Larmer Transler Co Ph 3131 Vacuum Cleaner Service FREE Inspection la your homo. Au thorised Hoover service. We service ail snakes cleaners Hogg Bros Ph 6022 WeR Drilling ca. lTJGH. 2129 Myrtle. Ph. 9336.' R. A.' WEST. Rt 6. Bx 443. P. 2 For Sale Real Estate VERY Attractive well constructed Home, adjacent to city limits, 8 rooms. 2' bed rooms, dining room, air condi tioned oil furnace. Elect water beater. Double garage; S4Z00. $509 down. Fairmount HilL 6 rooms 6c breakfast nook. Automatic heat fireplace, liv ing room 9m teet long, well developed gardens. Non-resident owner says sell at once. Price $5000.00, 8450.00 cash wul handle. -' WINNIE PETTYJOHN. REALTOR . 477 Court St S-RM. house .by owner, 1861 N. Water, Phone 6429 after 3 p. m. MUST SET J., owner leaving, 7 -room house, 4 bedrooms, furnace, basement 2 -car garage, nice trees, shrubbery, near schools and bus lines, dose In. A bargain at $3500. was listed at $4500, $500 down, balance $35 a month. Hard er Real EsUte, 228 Oregon Bldg. Phone 6466. - $19006 rm. house tt garage. 1940 W. Nob HUL $209 down. Phone 6163. OWNER. Good 5 Room House, basement. 3 blocks from bus district $3X0. $1,009 cash. Bal ance Terms. A. B. Browning, 235 Union St . Exchange Real Estate WELL LOCATED cafe, -lunch and beer. Long established, fine - Income for one family. Owner must retire. WiQ trade for local acreage or city residence. WUl assume or pay cash difference. Write details to Box 1804. co SUtesman. i For Sale Farms STOCK FARM 236 acres located east of Silverton on the Silver Creek: highway. 4-room house, lights, plumbing, .well and springs, SO acres plow land. 1 acres Marshall strawberries, good barn. Here is your chance to make a good buy. Price $8500, $4000 down. This place has the finest of berry soil. See G. H. Grabenhorst jr, with W. XL GRABENHORST 6c CO, Realtors 134 S. Liberty street 240 A, 130 under plow. 30 A. oak, springs to house and large dairy barn. 9 mi. Salem. $7200, $2500 down or trade Salem. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 RICKEY DISTRICT 10 A. Best of land. Fine Dwelling with good dairy barn, pressure water. YOU WONT BE DISAPPOINTED WHEN YOU SEE THIS PROPERTY $4000; $1000 down. GOOD SOIL AND BUILDINGS 160 A. near 99 South of Salem: Elee. press, water, irrigation if you choose. 150 A. cult. Black soil $14,500 WITH ATTRACTIVE TERMS. H. P. GRANT, Realtor 529 Court St Phone 6744 A, 3 cabins, cherries and walnuts. 2 mi. on -Dallas highway. Box 469. PRICE REDUCED I Good 80 A, 45 culttv, 15 A. timber, creek, 6 A. mature walnuts, filberts, good plast. home, inside plumbing, base, furnace. Price $7000. Trade Salem. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 6838 FOR SALE 100-ACRE farm located 9 miles from Salem, buildings, mostly under, culti vation. This place ia an exceptional buy at $6000. cash, balance federal farm loan. Don't fail to see this place. See G. H. Grabenhorst ir. With W. H. GRABENHORST 6c CO, Realtors 134 S. Liberty Street MR. RANCH BUYER, before you buy see what I have for sale. Nice listings of farms from one to 800 acres. It will pay you. Bee Jas. D. Sears 807 Center St CHEAPEST 23 acres of orchard. Cher riea. pears, prunes. Realized $500 from prunes this year. Ideal location, good well, 3 mi. from Salem. Valued at $4000, but on account of heirs will sell at $3000 cash. For Information call at lea ti. list Phone 4034. Acreage OWNER SAYS SELL! 1 A., 8-room plast house, on Wallace road, close in $2750. Submit your offer. 1 A, all young fruit 3 mi. N, new 5-room mod. home. Sell or trade for Albany. Price $3200, $500 down. Money to Loan Fire Insurance C H. SANDERS 231 N. High 6638 6 A, 6-R. house. Elec. water system. Paved road. WUl consider Salem prop erty. $4200. R. A. FORKNER REALTOR 1853 N. Capitol Ph. 3031 SILVERTON ROAD 10 acres of fine land, nearly all under cultivation, family fruit paved road. Price $1600. $500 down, balance terms at 6 per cent 26 acres located on Silverton road. small house, well, best of soil, price $3900. . 23 acres, located on mala Silverton highway, large house and out-buildings, best of soiL a real buy at $6600. If it is land, aee G. H. Grabenhorst Jr, with W. H. GRABENHORST 6c CO, Realtors 134 S. Liberty Street YE HOMES EEKERS 29 Acres, modern, . six-room bouse. Elec water system, wired for range, basement all new bathroom fixtures, barn, hen house, garage, 3,a acres wal nuts, springs, 3 live creeks, family or chard, deep rich soil, husband trans ferred. Must sen at once. Price $4500. Sea my agents, Louis Bechtel or Mabel Needham. 341 SUte St ACRE HOME . Located south, sightly location, close in, 6-room home, basement furnace, plumbing, room . for several more houses, a real buy at $3650. $500 down. See Richard Grabenhorst, with W. H. GRABENHORST 6t CO, Realtors 134 S. Liberty Street. . PRICES REDUCED IV A. EAST with attractive 4-rm. dwelling. Paving, elec, pressure water. Price $1750. $300 down. $20 a mo. 8 A, nicely landscaped EAST with bldgs, outside fireplace. Fruit filberts and walnuts, elec, pressure water, pavement, $3000. $500 down. H. P. GRANT, Realtor sa court st. Pn-.744 INSTALLMENT TRACTS 8 Acres of rich dark prairie aoU. dose to Swegle school. Garden road dist rict Price $1150. $23 down and bal ance $10 per month, hit 6 per cent if you look at these tracts you will ouy one. See G. H. Grabenhorst 1r with W. H. GRABENHORST Ac CO, Realtors 134 S. Liberty Street GO SUBURBAN BUY NOW I 4 57 acres near Swegle school. Only $900, 8ID0 down. $ib month. 1 A. oak trees, large car. house. In. side plumbing, paved road. Price $1800, $200 down. $10 mo. C H. SANDERS 231 N. High 683$ By- CHIC TOU270 Acreage DONT PAY rent I A. 1 rm. house. fruit weu. 3 mi. N. Salem, only 8778. Easy terms, j :.-.. 12 A. onion, bean, or garden land. 4 rm. house. $ mi. N. of Salem, pave ment, reasonaote payment," oat crop payment basis. You had better see this. Also have good prospect for Urge farm. Let me know what you have. H. C. SHIELDS. Oregon Bldg. Ph. 2902 TEN ACRES Cheap house and out-bttildings. Im mediate possession, soring water. welL Price $1850, $325 down, balance $1$ per month, interest 6 per cent aee ti. h. uraoennorst. Jr, with W. H. GRABENHORST 6c CO, Realtors : 134 S. Liberty Street 263 A. IMPROVED Farm. Laree aet of buildings. 10 mi. from Salem. 120 A. in cult Balance timber and pasture. AH year creek through pasture. Price reduced to $7000 for immediate sale. $1400 cash will handle. Balance very easy terms. - N. J. LTNDGREN 175 S. High Ph. 8890 Wanted Real Estate WANTED Property near 4 comers for cash. Write Box 1806, co SUtes man. HAVE Calls every day for houses tt apartments for rent What have you? Try me if you want to rent or sell. J. D. Sears. 907 Center. Ph. 9442 property, give us your listings. Harder Real EsUte, 228 Oregon. Bldg, Phone 6466. Business Opportunities BUYING POWER IS INCREASING NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR BUSINESS LET tis show vAn Grocery Stores or cold lockers Meat Markets or Packing Plants Lunch Rooms or Restaurants Service SUtions or Garage Let me Ulk over your business prob lems wim you ana explain our busi ness survey methods. Talk to my clients They will send you here. MYRTON MOORE REAL ESTATE ISO No. Commercial Suite 17 RESTAURANT 6c eonfecCTaU equipped, 6 Ubles. 4 booths. 15 stools. rent modern bldg, neat furn ished, $2000. fine loc. C. J. JACKSON 341 SUte St, Salem A BARGAIN I Do not overlook this. Remarkable little restaurant doing big business. All for $660, $300 will handle. Living quarters. 9 rooms, rent $30. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High Ph $838 RESPONSIBLE couple, man em ployed elsewhere, to lease and lady to manage small apt house. Wonderful proposition in Salem. Box 1807, SUtes- SERVICE STATION for lease. Stock at invoice. Ph. 9892. Wayne Powers, 21st and SUte. INVESTMENT: Greenhouse 6c small Apt; Also 2 houses; Widow must sacri fice, at $3150. Might consider small house part payment See Mr. Potter, WINNIE PETTYJOHN, REALTOR 477 Court St. Phone 6524 OWNER WISHES to leave town, will seU stock and equipment Richfield Service SUtion. 1211 Broadway. H. L. Hendrickson with . P. H. Bell, Realtor 429 Oregon Bldg. Phone 8121 GROCERY AND meat market stocked and equipped, doing better than $2000 per month. Must sell on account of business. See Larsen with HAWKINS 6t ROBERTS. TNC, Realtors. SECRARLXSERVICTt mail Si month, mail and phone $5. Desk space $10. stenographer. 228 Oregon Bldg, raone owe. For Sale Used Cars 1929 DODGE $50 cash. Call Sun. and evenings. Ph. 9639. "31 CHEV. Tudor, excellent cond. $100 cash. 3422 Trade. Ph. 5952 after 6. 1939 TUDOR Ply. Org. owner. Good condition. Call after 6 p. m. 316 Les lie. Apt 2. For Sale Wood WOOD. Ph. $370 Oraen 412 N 21st Cross Word HORIZONTAL 1 bit with open hand 5 eertaia - color cooking Vtensil 11 Braiiliaa J state- 13 withhe 14 singi" n . 15 aharp nuran- tain spurs . IT liko IS Greek letter IS allowance ' for waste , ilebnrDOimd -' 44 more recent 4ft correlative of either 48 scoring 60 pertaining to bristles S3 expires M-eggs .. SS Dear (7 spoke 61 limb 62 principal : " ti river ia Sassta e before' i 66 cavities 67 to blind I - i 2 3 h s 6 i a p To" TT" rrrr H """" " " 20 21 mmmm """" 23 2H 25 " 26 21 p 30 m 32 33 HO" "T HI W2 443 HH , " 7 Wmmm" """" SO 52 ""1 II""ffl oT" ffi "ST" 63 4W 1 wr 11 H"l 1 I Answer to yoatarday'a pvaslo. 'j 9-20 ' -' -'- ' i ether ft .wade ' r--- i lorable ; ! 27 three-toed . - sloth ,23 anchors 29 Seine . 31 vehiclo ' f 4 eyprinoid &k 25 Jspanese ( coin ST pinch symooi lor teUoriom 40 spread for - dryinf 41- to soak 2. 5 sTALt Q VI6M CQR Rjg S P OIN DjSlNlT uXP xratfi. imtic Avemae tee ef aatattaat 84 lain'. vimthM sy ui mm aw at ii i fca- Wanted Used Cars Cash1 FOR YOUR CAR C Shop others, then try us. We coo tinue to par highest prices for good clean .cars. j. ; .... . Burgoyne Motor Co. , 440 Center. f t ' Phone 2iS3S . GET EVERY DIME YOUR CAR ' IS WORTH Highest Cash Prices Paid "C"SHR0CK To Buy or SeU Your Car 270 N. Church Phone 8502 N. E. Corn Church ft Chem. . Ph. 7922 MOTORCYCLE, 28-'33 model H-D, Cash. Write C DeHaven, Dallas. Personal Lonely people desiring wealthy mar riagee. Elite Box 95. Toledo. Ohio. LONESOME? Serving ah aces. Ctu8 Elite P O Bos 71 -Q. Los Angeles, Cat Gifted Spiritualist Reader Truthful advice on all affairs of life. No matter what your trouble may bo she can and win help you. Hrs. 19 to 6 Daily except Sunday. 1335 SUte St Lost and Found LOST Wide band gold wedding eft Names engraved on inside lib reward. 624a N. Capitol St Legal Notice NOTICE "On August 28, 1941, Charles B. Sewell retired from the partner ship In the lirm of Sewell & Wynn Lumber Company, Leb anon, Oregon and sold his interest and rights in said firm to J. F. Wynn, his copartner, who assumes all liabilities of said firm and will operate said firm under ths name of Sewell ic Wynn Lumber Company, Lebanon, Oregon." Sept 20-21-23. Lyons News LYONS Mrs. Hugo Hallin and son Charles ': cf Eugene visited friends in Lyons the first of the week. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Phillips, Lyons route one, were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Naveii from ML Vernon, Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Moffett from Detroit, Mich. Mrs. Phillips is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Navert and a niece of Mr. and Mrs. Moffett Rally day will be held at the Lyons Methodist Sunday school Sunday. A badcet dinner will be served at noon Mrs. Wayne Hickman and little daughter, Sherron, of Portland, are spending the week at the home of her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ransom. Those leaving Lyons Friday for eastern Oregon on hunting trips were Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lewis, Dick Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Nor man Garrison and son Jerald, Leland Manning, Earl Allen, D. W. Moore, Merrill Brassfield, Guy Maines, Don and Howard Naue, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Brotherton. Lodges Pacific Lodge No. 50, AF ac -AM. E A Degree. Wed.. Sept. 34. T JO p. m. Otto N. Hoppea, Wat. Puzzle VERTICAL written Inverse 10 poker, atako 11 close -16 robbed oak 20 number 22 continent (abbr.) spring 1 Etruscan 1 nd . measure i talks volubly vertical partoi stair 6 upon I 7 Loson negrito - t. orgaaof '. ' fWf H . 23 give oat 24 knot 25 perform 28 Jair 20 part of radder 22 son disk 83 icemasa 26 word! expresaiagT - negatiOQ IS peasant-. . (Ft.) 41 senility 43 cuahioa 45 fioteia tbescale 4T eoagod 49 wild beasts 60 foot part 61 4dwaya 62 illnminatiiij 63 Japahese . - . foodfiah ' 63 golf mound 63 eight before 60 split poise ' 63 pronoun