The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 21, 1941, Page 12, Image 12

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    - ,1 M -
ds CCH CTATEZMA1L Bcdsta, Oregon, Cuaday KotB!a.Cpts2ibl; 1SU - j-
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Couple Will
Vows .
The studio of Professor and
Mrs. T. S. Roberts will be the
setting for a wedding ceremony
this afternoon when Miss Gladys
Bartelle, daughter of Mrs. Ag
neatha Bartelle, and Mr. Wil
liam Giesbrecht, son of Mr. and
Mrs. George Giesbrecht of Dal--
las, exchange vows. '
, Rev. Homer Liesy of Dallas
will read the service at 4 o'clock
before an altar of pink and
white gladioluses, delphinium
and candles Interspersed with '
palms and fern. The aisle will be
marked with baskets of flowers
and white satin ribbon. .
Mr. R. D. Barton will be the
soloist singing "O Promise Me"
and "A Perfect Day" with Pro
fessor Roberts at the organ. Jim
. my Bradshaw and Patricia Mel
singer will light the candles.
The bride has chosen a white
taffeta gown trimmed In old
English lace for her wedding.
The tight-fitting bodice Is fash
ioned with a low waistline and
ithe gathered skirt fails Into a
long train. The short puffed
. Sleeves are trimmed in lace and
,: the neckline Is sweetheart shape.
; She will wear elbow length lace
Her full length bridal veil of
tulle and lace Is train length
and designed with a shorter -veiL
It cascades from a Mary
Stuart headdress. She will wear
her mother's pearl cross and
carry a white prayer book with
a white orchid and a shower of
baby roses. Mr. F. F. Bradshaw
will give the bride in marriage.
Bridal Party
Miss Eleanor Sherman is the
maid of honor and her gown is
of mist blue fashioned with a
full, lace skirt and a chiffon
bodice. She will wear white lace
gloves and a shoulder length
pink veil held to her hair with
a cluster of gardenias and roses.
She will carry a nosegay of
roses and bouvardia.
The bridesmaids are Miss
Zora Rice and Miss Dorothy
Liesy of Dallas and Miss Lee
1 Ryan. They will wear Identical
frocks of heaven pink taffeta
made with full skirts, tight
bodices and short puffed sleeves.
They will wear matching veils
caught with roses and garden
las, and their nosegays will be
of roses and bouvardia. The at
tendants will wear pearls, gifts
of the bride.
Mr. John Schmidt will stand
with the -groom and ushers are
Mr. Chester Anderson and Mr.
Nick Neufeld of Dallas.
For her daughter's marriage
Mrs. Bartelle will wear a char
treuse taffeta frock with match
ing hat trimmed in orchid flow
ers and a corsage of gardenias.
The groom's mother will be
gowned in a navy blue frock and
will wear a corsage of roses.
Reception te Follow
. A3 reception will follow the
- ceremony.
The bride's table will be cen
tered with a crystal bowl filled
- with small, pink roses and flank
ed by white tapers in crystal
holders. The four tiered bride's
cake will be arranged on the
buffet and will be topped with
clusters of pastel flowers.
Mrs. Peter H. Derksen of
Vancouver, BC, aunt of the
bride, will cut the cake. Pre
siding at the urns will be Mrs.
J Nellie Bollman of Dallas and
Mrs, T. S. Roberts. Assisting
- .will be Mrs. Charles Sherman
and Mrs. Nick Neufeld. Miss
Margaret Gosen and Miss Ruby
Giesbrecht of Dallas and Mrs.
F. J. Bradshaw. Mrs. Karl Neu
enschwander will be in charge
of the gift room. Patricia Mie
singer will pass the dream cakes
and Jimmy Bradshaw the guest
' book.
For- traveling the bride has
' chosen a pastel blue dress with
black accessories and a black
hat, caught with a veil and a
bow on each side. A white or
chid will be pinned to the shoul
der of her dress.
The couple will make their
home in Portland where Mr.
Giesbrecht Is with the Willam
ette Hyster company. The bride
Is a former Willamette univer
sity student.-
YWCA Groups
To Meet
The public affairs committee
of the YWCA will meet on Mon
day at the YWCA at 2 o'clock
with Mrs. A. E. Utley, chair
man, presiding. Also attending
the meeting will be Mrs. Karl
Becke, president of the YWCA,
and Mrs. Esther Little, general
secretary. ;
Members of the committee are
Mrs. : Ralph I Barnes, Mrs. Eric
Butler, Mrs. Ira L. Darby, Mrs.
B. Daugherty, Mrs. J. K. Law,
Mrs N. J. Lingren, Mrs William
Merriott, Mrs. Roy H. Mills, Mrs.
. W. W. Moore, Mrs. Rex Putnam
and Mrs. Charles Ratcliffe. '
This committee meets monthly
to plan an educational program
and classes in the interest of
community problems. :
The Young Business girls of
the YWCA will meet on Monday
night at the YW to elect their
officers' for the year. v
, Miss ZUlaa Prosier, dasghter.
of Mr. and Mrs. O. C Frogley,
left Thursday to take up her
studies at the Advertising Art
School in- Portland. Miss Frog
ley has been attending Willam
ette university and is a member
cf Delta Phi sorority.
1 1 v
AT HOME RITES Mrs. Fred Andrews, Jr.. th former
Harriet Grivey before her wedding on Sunday, September
14 at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Grivey. The
groom is the son of Mr. Fred Andrews, sr., of Sacramento
and Mrs. Joe Black of Salem. A reception followed the service
and they will be at home in the capital city. (Kennell-Ellis).
Miss Clare Marshall to
Marry John Pollock
At Church Rites
At a quiet but impressive wedding ceremony this after
noon in Portland Miss Clare Marshall, daughter of Dr. L. C.
Marshall, will become the bride of Mr. John S. Pollock, son of
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Pollock, all of Salem.
The marriage rites will be performed at the Church of Our
Father (Unitarian) at 3 o'clock with Rev. Richard M. Steiner
officiating assisted by Dr. Will- :
iam H. Eliot. Bouquets of white
gladioluses and candles will
decorate the altar.
Dr. Marshall will give his
daughter in marriage. She will
wear an attractive brown faille
dress fashioned with a full skirt,
tight bodice, bell shaped sleeves
and high neckline. Her beige
coat is embellished with nutria
fur collar and cuffs. She will
wear brown accessories and pill
box hot of nutria. To her
shoulder will be pinned a white
orchid corsage.
Miss Margaret Sehon will be
the honor attendant and she will
wear an afternoon frock of mus
tard crepe and a corsage of gar
denias. Mr. Robert DePrez will
be Mr. Pollock's best man.
Mrs. Pollock will wear a black
ensemble trimmed in white with
black accessories to attend her,
son's marriage. Her corsage will
be of gardenias and roses.
There will be a wedding din
ner at L'Abbe, Roosevelt hotel
after the ceremony for the wed
ding party and guests. The
table centerpiece will be of
white gladioluses.
The couple will spend their
honeymoon at Gearhart and will
return to Salem to reside at 1209
Court street
Miss Marshall will continue
her studies at Willamette uni
versity this fall and is a mem
ber of Beta Chi sorority. She
is a past worthy advisor of
Chadwick" Assembly, Order of
Rainbow for Girls. Mr. Pollock
will receive his degree from
" Willamette university this year
and is now with Sears Roebuck
and Company.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Crawford,
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Standish,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Felton and
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mink are
spending the weekend at the
Crawford beach house at Pacific
Elizabeth Grant
Is Hostess
- Miss Elizabeth Grant was hos-
teas for an informal party at the
home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. H. P. Grant, Friday night.
After an evening of court whist
a late "supper was served and
autumn flowers were used about
the rooms.
Miss Grant's guests were Miss
Virginia Martin, Miss J ere Sim
mons, Miss June Earle, Miss
Marcelle Herbster, Miss Maxine
Holt, Miss ZUlah Frogley, Miss
Esther Mae DeVore, Miss Row
ena Upjohn, Miss dare Mar
shall, Miss Ruth Anunsen, Miss
Jean Moore and Mrs. Phyllis
Clark of Corvallis.
Mrs. Fred Evensea ef Fergus
Falls, Minnesota will return to
her home today after a visit in
the capital with her brother, Mr.
Theodore Jesten, and niece, Mrs.
Donald W. Poole.
t.' .
mona Huddleston, daughter
of Mrs. Lola Huddleston, who
has left for Pacific university
at Forest Grove to enroll for
her freshman year. She is a
Salem high school graduate.
but ... we got an SOS
about canning from a reader.
mat on Friday night she had
tomatoes, enough green beans
I:, v.'::
f - x v
I - ;
: '- . - . -
" '
'J -A '- r
quarts, 20 pounds of crucumbers for pickles
and three children with the mumps. Her
beans, she thought, were about to blow up.
Secretly, we wouldn't have blamed her if
she had.
Willamette Heights or bust . . . The
Tinkham 1 Gilberts think war ; Is all it's
cracked up to be. All summer they have
been trying to get materials for their new
home, but it's always, "Sorry, used for de
fense you know". Now mey aim to move,
whether or na They report the telephone as
dose as the pole in the road, but no wires .
to reach the house. That Isn't even a long
distance phone. When the war's over mey
can be reached by phone, until then, their
friends will just have to shout ;,
Fair trade . . . Johnny Wilbur, . after'
C Ttltkn se te Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Dawson - on the
birth of a boy at the Salem Gen
eral hospital on Saturday after
noon. The baby's grandparents
are Mr. and Mrs.' Eugene Gra
benhorst : and Mr. and Mrs.
George Dawson of Joseph. Mrs.
Dawson is the former Anna Mae
Grabenhorst. ,
Mr. Clifford L. Bnmk ex San
ta Barbara, Calif, formerly of .
Salem, has" arrived in the capi
tal . to spend several days with
Ids mother, Mrs. Mary F.
Crunk, and his sister, Mrs. Ethel
VL Nlles.
off to eo:
September Exodus
Students Choose Schools
Summer vacations are over, swim parties and picnics are
shelved for the winter months and the young. American finds ,
school the important business of the day.
Dozens of Sa)em college and university students are leav
ing this week, or have already left for schools of their choices.
Oregon State and University of Oregon are drawing a large
number of Salem students this fall. Suitcases and trunks were -packed
this week as rush week opened on both campuses. Fresh
men week begins Monday and regular classes take up on the ;
29th of September. " i
Oregon Bound v4
Entering Oregon as freshmen are Evelyn Collins, Mary
Jane Simmons, Betty Childs and Edna Fisher. Harriet Craw-
ford Is transferring from Willamette and will be a junior. Re
turning as a senior to the Pi Beta Phi house is Patricia Van-1
deneynde. Leone Spaulding who entered as a freshman spring ;
term on the Oregon campus will return and will also reside at
; the Pi Phi house. :
Elizabeth Steed, AWS president this year, will complete her
: senior year and wears the -Gamma Phi Beta pin. Shirley Hunt-
ington, another Ganuna Phi will be a sophomore. Eleanor Se-,
derstrom. Alpha Phi, will also be a senior student as will Helen
Angell, Delta Delta Delta, editor of the Emerald. Other Tri
Delts returning are Beth Siewert and Molly Jean Maison. Re
turning also to the Oregon campus are Barbara Jean Vincent, a
sophomore in journalism and Mildred Meaney. Nancy Dutton,
who has been in Salem during the summer, will be a sophomore
at Oregon this falL
Freshmen men who will be on the Oregon campus are Keith
Hoppes, who has a scholarship, Robert Mundt, Robert Pope,
Reed Nelson, Tom Kay and Eddie Salstrom.
Beta Theta Pi men returning are Bill Snell and Ray Farm
er. Others who will be on hand include Bud Vandeneynde, Al
pha Tau Omega, George Arbuckle, Pi Delta Theta; Richard Gra
benhorst and Allan Siewert, Delta Tau Delta. Allan was a del
egate to the national convention of his fraternity, at White Sul
phur Springs, West Virginia, this summer. George Otten, jr.
will be a sophomore at Oregon, transferring from Wjllamette.
Freshmen at Oregon State
Freshmen coeds at Oregon State college are Pat Higgins,
Barbara Ann Ricketts, Jean Donaldson, Betty Jean Smith, Dor
othy Pyeatt, Cleda Mae Edwards, Arlene Sholseth and Doris
Harrington. Transfers include Georgia Cook, a junior from Wil
lamette university, and Peggy Reinholdt, a sophomore from
Willamette. Betty Byrd, who has been attending the Univer
sity of Arizona, will be on the Oregon State college campus this
At the Delta Delta Delta house are Ruth and Betty Anun
sen, the latter transferring from Oregon, Mary Jane Conmy and
Florence Upjohn. Kappa Alpha Theta claims Frances Ann Mott,
Shirley McKay and Bene Paulson. Also" on the Beaver roll
again will be Mary Ellen Bywater.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon will claim Bill Shinn, Oscar Paulson,
Norman Hinges and Ron Blundell while at the Phi Delta Theta
bouse will be Ed Bishop, Tom Hill and Gene Holstein. Jack
Hayes is returning to the Oregon State campus and wears the
Beta ThetaPi pin as does Victor Gibson, a senior. Ray Wood
will be on the campus this year with headquarters at the Kappa
Sig house. Transferring from Willamette will be Robert Rein
holdt, a sophomore. v
Scheduled to go through their first Oregon State college
freshmen days are Lester Pearnine, Jim Hatfield, Bill Bowes,
Don Bower, Robert Irish, Norman Sholseth and Denny Vere.
Marylee Fry left on Monday for the University of Wash
ington to enter her junior year. Her first two years were taken
at the University of Oregon. Marylee wears the Kappa Kappa
Gamma key and has been assisting with rushing on the Wash
ington campus this week.
Leave or Southern Schools
Southward bound the end of this week went Patricia Lives
ley and Betty Simmons, who will again enroll at Leland Stan
ford at Palo Alto. Patricia will be a senior and Betty a junior.
Civilla Reeher is taking her freshman year at Occidental col
lege in Los Angeles.
Marjorie Ann Johnson and Vera Beechler have an apart
ment in San Francisco for the winter months. Both formerly
attended Oregon State college and Willamette university. Mar
jorie is enrolled at the Livingstone School for Art and Design
ing and Vera is attending the Institute of Dental Assistants.
Doris Harold, who has been attending Willamette,' has al
ready left for Peoria, nl, to enter Bradley college as a jun
ior in business administration.
Betty Buchanan, an Oregon alumna, is continuing her ed
ucation at Washington State college this winter and will work
on her master's degree. She also has a teaching fellowship for
the year.
Frances Paris entrained a week ago for Madison, Wiscon
sin where she will begin her junior year at the University of
telephone call
being pressed
She revealed
thoughtless man,
two bushels of "rister Mary for a
to make 80
his mother until
deal, and saying the pony would be deliv
ered soon. By way of a lesson, she sug
gested that as long as they had had him
for a long time, and Mary was so new, they
had better trade him for the pony. "But"
said Johnny, desperately, rThat wouldn't
work, because Mary couldn't ride the pony."
News report . . Isabel McGilchiist,
OSG graduate' this spring, has been teach
ing a kindergarten in a migrant camp this
summer.-' '
We wooden know . . . A hen . out m
our chicken house is setting on three wooden
eggs. We've seen many wooden ducks in
the sportmg1 goods windowsbut, amateur
farmer mat we -are, we never expected our
hens to hatch out a flock of decoy chickens
i 'Maxine Buren
: The Alpha Chi Osiers al
nae will meet at the home
Mrs. Claude Steusloft on North,
13th street Monday night for a
dessert ; supper. Mrs. Vernon
Gflmore will assist the hostess
and Miss Dorothea y: Steusloff,.
president, ; wiU preside at the
.business meeting.
Arriving today enrevte from
California to their home in Ev
erett. Washington, are Mrs. Rob-9
ert Mills and her daughter, Mrs.
E L. Poorman. They , will re
main for several days as guests ,
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Phillip Shobar.
by a well-meaning buf
promised to trade his new
pony. Worried, he didn't tell
a letter came closing the
: The Cheschamay camp fire
group' of which Mrs. Edna Bag
nail is guardian, held its first
meeting of the year at the club
room of the First Presbyterian
church. The new officers elect
ed were: Corrie .Wade, presi
dent; Artie Mae Phillips, vice
president; Mary Parker, secretary-treasurer;
Leona Wallace,
' scribe.' -
Wednesdays will be the regu
lar meeting . day, : alternating
afternoons and evenings. A ten
tative program was sketched for
the next three months, with
handcrafts being used as a gen
eral theme. ! A council fire will
be held at the next meeting.
CHURCH CEREMONYr-Mr. and Mrs. Bert Broer (Kath
erine Kuhn) were maried at the First Baptist church on Friday,
September 12. The couple met while they were students at
Wheaton college, Illinois and she is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. W. F. Kuhn of Belvidere, South Dakota Mr. Broer is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Broer, sr., of Salem. The couple
are now making their home in the capital. (Kennell-Ellis).
To Fete
A much feted bride these
autumn days is Mrs. Russell K.
Woodward, who was Margaret
Bell before her marriage in early
For Tuesday night Miss Helen
Wiedmer and Mrs. Harvey Quis
tad are arranging a party to
compliment Mrs. Woodward.
The affair will be held at the
Harry Wiedmer home on North
Cottage street.
Bridge will be in play during
the evening and a late supper
will be served by the hostesses.
A linen shower will fete the
honor guest and autumn flowers
wil provide the decorative note.
Honoring Mrs. Woodward will
be her mother, Mrs. Kate G.
Bell, Mrs. Harold dinger, Mrs.
Glenn Stevens, Mrs. John
Hughes, Mrs. Russell McJury,
Mrs. Robert Cannon, Mrs. Les
ter Carter, Mrs. Harry Wied
mer, Mrs. Meredith Huggins,
Mrs. Claybourne Dyer, Miss
Jeanne Patton, Miss ' Maxine
McKillop, Miss Doris Drager,
Miss Helen Wiedmer and Mrs.
Harvey Quistad.
Mrs. E. H. Gwinn, the former
Althea Jones, who was mar
ried in Kelso in August ; She
is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Ray A. Jones. (Bruno
Book Club Is
At Smart's
The Book-a-month club met
for the first fall session on Fri
day at the home of Mrs. J. P.
Smart - for a dessert luncheon..
Later the book, 'They Came
Upon a River" by Allis McKay
was reviewed by Mrs. F. S.
The next meeting, scheduled
for October 21 win be at the
home of Mrs. H. O. White, and
Mrs. David Wright will review
a new book.
Present were Mrs. J. P. Smart,
Mrs. F. S. Anunsen, Mrs. Eric
Butler, Mrs, C. A. Ratdlff, Mrs.
W. H KidCMrs. a W. Noble,
MnC Ray A. Yocom, Mrs. Frank
Bennett and Mrs. A. A. Reed.
Special guests were Mrs.; Cora
Dunaven, who celebrated her
75th birthday, Mrs. C H. Fisher.
Mrs. A. B. Kaeass and Mrs.
Robert WorraL
"Redecorated - Enlarred
Vsaal Wave $UI
Perm oa .
yl rush Wave fti fZ
Complete, v ' v
1 .
V m bv Armointment
. Phon 1SS1
SOS Ffrst NaUonal Bask Elig.
daughter and grandson, Mrs. H.
m mm. a :. m M . . 11 . '
Nelson and Bobby of Seatte as
guests. They will return borne
this weekend.
I :..'V
X f
if. -, i;-
. inn rn'T Umi i ...i.-.ijr i iifcAiivai
Study Course
To Begin .
Mrs. C A. Ratdiff, will direct
an interesting course of study
for the international education
committee of the Salem Branch
of the American Association of
University Women at 7:30 on
the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of.
each month. The course, open
to the public, for both men and
women, will be held in the fire
place room of the Salem public
The course of study will take
the group on an imaginary .
goodwill tour to Latin America.
Tuesday night's tour will be
from New York to Brazil, Mrs.
Herbert Rahe and Mrs. Lloyd L.
Hockett and Mrs. Elmer Berg
will assist Mrs. Ratcliff at the
first meeting.
Surprise Party
For Aliens
. Lt, and Mrs. Reynolds Allen -were
the honor guests at a pro
gressive dinner party Saturday
night The affair was a sur
prise and was arranged by a
group of their friends. Lt Allen
is leaving around the first of the
month for Georgia where he
has been called to active duty.
The affair was held at the
homes of Mr. and Mrs. James J.
Hague, jr, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Needham and Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Potts.
Covers were .placed for Lt
and Mrs. Reynolds Allen, Mr.
and Mrs. Leon Perry, Lt and
Mrs. Homer L. Goulet, Mr. and
Mrs. James J. Hague, Jr., Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Needham and
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth'Potts.
Miss Irene Taylor, dasghter
of Mr. and Mrs. Milo H. Taylor
of Salem, left Saturday night for
Los Angeles where she will visit
with Mr. and Mrs. T. M Davis,
jr, (Doris Enke). Before re-?
turning home in a fortnight she
will visit with friends in San
Francisco. Miss Taylor makes
her home in Portland.
98 :
b thing abeat bsT
Why- iesi't. they- de
aay short wemea every
where." Xegolar sixes are
tee long-walsted er just
tee long. We're tired ef
hemming." Ever fay a
half sixe? l We've many
as pretty as this slim
twe-pieee ray es crepe.
Sbes from 1IH te 24H.
Phone 214
Miss Crumo.
' "
Mr. Smith 1
To Wed
At a military wedding this
afternoon. Miss Maxine Crump,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James
B. Crump, will become Mr.
Ervin Richard . Smith's bride.
The groom is the son of Mr. and
Mrs.1 Scott Smith. ' The First
Christian j church wiU be the
setting for the ceremony with
Rev. Guy Drill reading the 42,
o'clock service.
Mr. Elton Benedict will sing
0 Promise Me" and "I Love
You Truly" and Mrs. Benedict
will be the accompanist The
church altar will be decorated
with baskets ' of white asters,
gladioluses and white candles.
Mr. Boyd Van Santer of Camp
Murray will light the tapers.
Mr. Crump will give his
daughter in marriage. Her wed
ding gown is of white taffeta -'
fashioned with a shirred, floor
length skirt The bodice is made
with a sweetheart neckline and
extends to a point at the waist
line. The long sleeves are puff
ed at the shoulders.
Her fingertip length tulle veil
will be held in place with a
cluster of orange blossoms. She
will carry a bride's bouquet of
yellow roses and gardenias. -
Miss Gerald ine Crump will
be her sister's only attendant
and she will wear a pink taffeta
frock designed similar to the
bride's. She will carry a bou
quet of pink gladioluses.
A Ring Bearer
Shirley Smith, niece of the
bridegroom, will be the ring
bearer. She will wear a pastel
green silk dress and will carry
the ring in a lily.
Mr. Dave Talmadge will stand
with Mr. Smith as best man and
the ushers will be Mr. Clifford
Foster, Mr. Jay Crump, brother
of the bride, and Mr. Elmer
Smith, Astoria, brother of the
Mrs. Crump will wear a blue
silk crepe afternoon frock for
her daughter's wedding and
Mrs. Smith will wear black lace
and velvet They will have cor
sages of yellow roses, :
There will be a reception in
the church parlors after the
wedding. Assisting will be Miss
Jean Crump, Mrs. Elmer Smith
of Astoria and Mrs. Scott Smith.
White asters and Gladioluses
will decorate the bride's table.
After October 1 the couple
will, make their home in Olym
pia. For going away the bride
has chosen a black dress and
matching princess coat and
black velvet hat
Mr. Smith is with the field
artillery band at Camp Murray
and after January 1 expects to
go east to Monmouth, New Jer
sey for officers training signal
corps. Both Miss Crump and
Mr. Smith attended Salem
schools. ta
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sterna
man of Springfield, Illinois an
nounce the engagement of their
daughter. Miss Edna Sternaman
of 468 North 'Winter street to
Mr. Edward Prince, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Jess Prince. No date
has been set for the wedding.
Members ef the Salem Sad
dle club will hold a meeting on
Monday night at the fairgrounds
stadium. The meeting, presided
over by Abner Kline,, president
will feature plans for the year.
Rev. G. H. Qaigley and
daughters, Mrs. Roy Nelson of
Salem and Mrs. Arthur E. Ken
man of Grand Island, Neb, are
leaving Monday for a motor trip
to Minneapolis, and other mid
west points. They will be gone
a month. '