The OBEGON STATESMAN Salem, Oregon, jRJday Morning, September 19 1941 PAGE ELEVEN 1 I i. 1 Fall Results In Leg Injury Classes Open Monday 1 At Qoverdale; Dinner Given ' CLOVERDALEMn. A. A. I Dumbeck received a painful leg injury and possibly a cracked bone of the left leg when she fell recently while, assisting at the lunch at Maude Bones' sale. The injury is somewhat better but she 5 lias now contracted tonsilitis. Nazi U-Boais Hold Rendezvous in North Atlantic Mr. and Mrs. Will Fisher spent the past week end visiting their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fisher, West Fir. - Mrs. Joe Morris: received word Of the death of her sister-in-law, Mrs.-Elmer Dickson, Newberg. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cook and daughter , Martha, Hood River were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jarmans this week end. The Cooks formerly lived in this com munity. A birthday dinner party" given - In honor of Mrs. Henry Fellers was enjoyed Monday at the home of ' her mother, Mrs. Caroline Drager. Those present were Henry Feller and son, Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Drager, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Drager and children, Kar Meen and Margie, Hilda McMahan, Mrs. Caroline Drager and the hon ored guest. Gene Shilling, of this commu nity, has been called and will leave to take his place in the army October 10. Dinner guests - Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Pet ersen were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heard and. children, Dallas, and Mr. and Mrs. Nels Natson, Bor ing, Ore. The Cloverdale school will open Monday. Mrs. Gayette Barnett will again teach the primary rr,,.,.,,:, ..ww,..., u im i ni iiini 11.11 ill 11 I 11 .11 mnt . H'nu .-.wj.i.. .y.-w 1 , ., .,,-.. m, ,,,, ii,,i m,. ...y,,. Ll, ' yt ' " " ' " - ' f ' - 0 4 , V , , ; - ' , r ... . - 1 ' , . : ' 1 . . ; - , ; ; ' l: , t - r ' , - " ' . ' , - ' . j fH " - ' v - - i i( - - ' . - . - - ' r - I - . -'---' , ' , - , . - . - iJL" vX" - . jf . !r : " i' 1 ' 1 ' 11 torv, , I" , Xk , "f,, , , , , i - t?f '.'V -i :.f i ' --Ti : v , , T? r x . 1 1 1, 1 1 . 1 " " Mi im : . v . ? :,;-:: --;-:::-: ::v. :: ; :. :-.': Z- : w - - - 3 tmi f 1 in 1 ! 1 w - '- JM...i.Li..lA - I. I. N. RMdiophoto German submarines meet In the Atlantic, coming to the surface to permit their commanders to map further attacks on British shipping. A small rubber boat is shown going from on U-boat to the other. Note soms of the men wear shorts. This might Indicate a South Atlantic location. Thee U-boats are the "rattlesnakes" President Roosevelt aimed the U. S. navy at In his dramatic radio ad dress recently. S3: des and Mrs. Iverson, Marsh- eld, will teach the upper room. Aumsville News AUMSVILLE L. F. Mitchell, Arlington, arrived here the past week to take over the barber shop at Roberts store, conducting the work after Hastings moved. Mrs. Mitchell will join her husband here soon. At present she is in Portland caring for her husband's father who is ill with an infection of the leg, necessitating its amputation. He is 94 years of age. - Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mountain moved therr household goods here from Coburg, Saturday and are living in the D. A. Lowe house. Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Otto and daughters, Roma and Norma, Otto's mother, Mrs. Helen Otto, Portland, who is visiting them, moved back to their home here Saturday after being away for the summer. The Christian Sunday school, which had been dismissed for sev eral weeks, resumed ' work last Sunday with a good attendance. 1 Mrs. Claude Boone is superin tendent. New assistants in the Sunday school this year are Mrs. Lester Solman, song leader, and Mrs. Donna Davidson, teacher of the intermediate class. All people of the community who are not attending Sunday school else where she asked to join in this work. Mr. and Mrs. Oakey Gillespie and children have moved from the small Gildow house to another house in the east part of town. Gildow has rented his new house to Mr. and Mrs. Bidgood. Bidgood Party Held at West Salem has been elected to teach the sev enth and eighth grades here. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Roberts, Beverly, Patricia and Gerald ine are vacationing at coastal points for two weeks. Wilda Keith ac companied them. The parsonage being built for the pastor of the Wesleyan Meth odist church, Rev. J. B. Willis, is getting well under way and will be near enough finished for the pastor to move in by October 15. Much of the labor is being do nated. At a recent meeting of the school board, the second Monday night of each month was chosen for the regular meeting night. All patrons of the district are invited to visit these meetings and to of fer suggestions for the betterment of the school system. Farewell Given for Departing Families; Enrollment Down - WEST SALEM Mrs. Carl Quls- tad and Mrs. C J. Jackson enter tained a the Quistad home Friday with a farewell eartv honorine Mrs. C. H. Brown and Mrs. Eugene Krebs, who 'with their families are moving to other localities. Attending ' were Mrs.' Kjebs. Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Carrie Jennings, Mrs. . vioia. Clements, Mrs. Bert Flack, Mrs. Karl Mobley,; Mrs. C." A. Guderian. Mrs. Flora Rivett Mrs. G. E. Vosburgh.' Mrs.' Everett Lisle, Mrs. Jackson and Mrs. Qui-r stad. 1 WEST SALEM Principal Leighton Dashiell announced a total of 208 students present for the' opening day In the local schools. : This number is 40 less than that of last year. More pupils will be attending when the harvests are over. Pupils attending each grade are as follows: first, 35; second, 23; third, 28; fourth, 29; , fifth, 15; sixth, 31; seventh, 23, and eighth. 24. ' J Mrs. C. A. Guderian entertained Tuesday complimenting her sister and niece, Mrs. L. R. Frederick and Mildred, Lincoln, Neb. Present were Miss Frederick, Mrs. Frederick, Mrs. C. J. Jackson, Mrs. G. E. Vosburgh, Mrs. Eugene Krebs, Mrs. Everett Lisle, Mrs, G. Flecher, Mrs. M. Davis, Mrs, Carl Quistad. Mrs. Flora Rivett and Mrs. Guderian. Ray Faught, son of Mr. and Mrs. Preston Faught, . was taken last week to the Doernbecher hospital in Portland, where his illness was diagnosed as a very light attack of infantile paralysis. His doctor announced that Ray would be able to come home Ihis week ' Mr. -j and Mrs. Wendell Brown, who have -been living in .the Charles Vtj ant residence, moved to Salem. " ' Carl rParker, Newport, was a Sunday visitor at the Paul Parker home... . v - I. Mr. and Mrs. Theran Ashcraft and family returned to their home in San Francisco Saturday after spending a week here visiting relatives. . ; - Gladys Rogers, who is the new sixth grade teacher in the local school, is living at the home of Mr. and. Mrs., John S.t Friesen. Miss Rogers; taught in" the Buell school last year. JC, ' Retired Farmer :, Buried at; Lebanon LEBANON Thomas M -Ben nett who was bom in Quebec, Canada 82 years ago and who died at the family home on West Tan- genet street Sunday, was buried Tuesday "afternoon In the Pine Grove cemetery near Halsey after services at the Lowe mortuary, Lebanon. - Rev. Orville Mick. Al bany, officiated, l Six grandsons were the pallbearers. The deceased, who was a retired barber and farmer, had lived in the states 39 years, most of the time in or near Halsey and Leb anon. He Is survived by his wife, Ella, and by one son, M. J. Port land, and by eight daughters Sadie Robertson, Lila Miller and Bernice Gardner, Halsey; Faith Griffith, Portland; Opal . Mullins, CorvaUis; Evelyn Byers, Mon mouth; Hortense Applegate, Los Angeles and Elinor Richards, Leb anon. He had 17 grandchildren and five great grandchildren. WHY spend time : studying complicated "- i recipes? Jelly and jam making: need not be a complt . . i cated matter ifyou use the modern proved method, with PEN-JEL! Jrtillions of users, , from beginners to champions, endorse it I by CUP mm-h -ffoiC0P inathod Only one simple recipe for all fruits and berries.. the game for jam, jell, preserves. Easy, ?ukk...this, cup orcup measure makes more end better jelly every-time. m at Back turutet! h4W : ,Mmmi!li I X3 USE LESSSUGAR JBf MaUnfl Hia is mtr rdtD tMJE ti rl , - s. . " mm w 0 (lie (fHrdhaa $8 DIAJBOKD-CUTPAmMia EAXLY AfcEXJCAN BESIGN SfAtKUXC aTSTAl GLASS SMAIT "lASXir SHAPi OSf IT fOt G3EALS, JAMS, ro-ioxs( Kjrs, koiskis, etc it MACE BCUCKTFUl GIFTS ax ttoct rum. GET SEYHAL Red Cross Work Ready for Women i'errydale women who are in terested in doing Red Cross work met at the home of Mrs. Bob Mitchell Monday to get their work. There is work at her home for all the north end of Polk county. There are also scraps of material used in cutting the garments available for quilts for children's beds. HomeflBrown and Bud Kennen.1 Portland, flew up Sunday for a visit at the Robert Mitchell home. Mr. and Mrs. Don Massey re turned last week from a ten-day trip to Yellowstone Park. Felix Cimegys and Mrs. Ida Doneen spent last week at Pendle ton attending the round-up. They will visit relatives in Washington before returning. Mrs. Jack De Jong and children spent Friday in Salem. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Jensen and Mr. and Mrs. Norris Jensen, Port land, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Norris Jensen had spent the week end at the beach. Many here are preparing for their annual deer hunting trip. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Kurtz and Mr. and Mrs. Mark ODell are going with a group from Amity to south ern Oregon, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jennings and their group from McCoy are going to Lakeview, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Houk and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ketticken, Rickreall, are going to the Burns country. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Byerly are go ing to eastern Oregon. Mrs. Van Staavern and Jeanette were in Portland Saturday. While there they met May Van Staavern and Jack, who had just arrived I from Chicago for a surprise visit with his parents. Jack will stay another week before returning to his studies. f 5 -this sparkling crystal glass bowl In an attractive "Bascef" design AT YOUft GROCER'S NOW Stock up on Kellogg' Corn Flakes and treat jour family to the Sclf - Starter Breakfast mil A This is a gift offer yon mast not miss ; s s so note is the time to stock up on America favorite ready-to-eat cereaJu Keep a good supply of KeDogg's delicious toasted Cora . Flakes on hand all the time and treat your family to the Self -Starter Breakfast; 1 1 a big bowl of Kellogg toasted Corn Flakes with some fruit and milk) This famous way of starting the day off "on your toes is a regu larliabittvitiithoiisanasofbiisyi active people Terywherei Ens joy It yourself;!; tee if it doesn't help yon feel at jova best 3 morning long! Jeff ergon Men Move to Gates GATES Mrs. Lany Hindman and son and Mr. and Mrs. S. D George, Jefferson, have moved to gates and expect to make their home here for some time. Hindman and George win be employed in the logging operations on the hill north of Gates. Adam Shepherd is starting the project The logs will be trucked to Salem and to the Frank Etzel sawmilL Lem Young, who was seriously injured at the ML Jefferson log ging camp several months ago, was returned to the Deaconess Hospital In ' Salem ' Wednesday where he will undergo an opera tion of bone grafting on his arm. in ni DEL CHAri lxAM CbSmn MecictB ce 141 Nerta Uatrty CTtatain Portland Qaacrai 13ce Co. Oiiicc pk XoMAar ae Sacwday alywl u, t 1 yjDM S to 1 PA aria tests ara traa f caarga, M Tmts ta Basteessr mm Open Evening&and Sundays Plenty of FREE Drive-In Parking SALEM'S FOOD CENTER 1240 N. Capitol ! At Market St. Camay Toilet Soap 6 Ban 25C (6 Bars to a Customer) Dundee Brand . Minced Razor Clams 2tt Flat Tins Ad Prices Effective Friday and SaturdaySept. 19tH and 20th DINNER BELL MARGARINE . . . . 2 lbs. 25c RED MEXICAN BEANS . . , 3 lbs, 19,c BABY LIMA BEANS v, . . . . 2 lbs. 19c Kellogg Corn Flakes, lge. pkg. . . 2 for 17c . Free Cereal Bowl With Each Purchase - COMB HONEY, No. 1 new crop . . . . . 19c Mb. Tin Tin JWS While Stocks Last Limit 2 lbs. to a Customer SPAGHETTI in Tomato Sauce - LYNDEN 1-lb. Jar 10c IXL .. Chicken Broth Orange Juice ..46-oz. tin Hershey Cocoa .ib. tin Rolled Oats cans No. 10 bag 10c 35c Armour's Corn Beef '230' 2 for 45 (U-es. Tut) CIGARETTES Carton ... Lackys - Camels - Chesterfields 1.23 MUSHROOMS 2sTZ Stems IOC Whole Kernel Corn Tins Del Monte No. 300 Tins Mity Nice Bread l-lb.'loaf White or Whole Wheat 11c TOMATO JUICE. CJiB. No. 1 tall tins 3 for 25 c Fisher's 2-Ib. Handisacks Sptutcake Flour FARINA Pancake Flour Choice 14c Pacific Soda Crackers 17c Z-Ib. GAIIIIED FOODS AT SAVniG PDICES T7T1 RTTT Dnndee IkUilU 1 Lars No. tyx ., . ,., SPHIACH IArge No. zHs. . DICED CADHOTS No. X ! Tins SLICED BEETS Na. 2 Tms . hew spuds is r a l-l 3 for 2 for 3 for .3 for 10c SNIDER'S CATSUP 15 c 14-os. Bottle HONEY S-Ib. Tin 4QA U.S.,No. lO? V . . - . . . - Sunkist Yalendas "1 FnUITS and VEGETABLES I King I I Oranges m Apples ; O K AB Prick ...... ... rr : i -p for rjj) Aj n" cu" - Z i.z.3g0 LETiDCE 2 15c 6 250 BISCUIT MIX Fisher's Large Pkg. 27c Beans with Chili IXI Brand 1-Ih. Tla Tin 10c PANCAKE FLOtm 4? L.20C TOHsETRYDEPARTMENT Vlcka Vapo-Rnb, 35c size 60e ADca Seltzer 30e Feen-a-Mint Laxative 30c Sal Hepatlca 25e Anacin L J7c .49c JZSc .25c 50c Ipana Tooth Paste -19c -89c CURTIS MARKETV FOR QUALITY MEATS Pore Pork Ciusxje fCf, ptr. li. -aJ DEMONSTRATION SATURDAY AlttlOUR'S PURE PORK LINK SAUSAGE SERVED. . FREE ALL DAY SATURDAY TASTE Eif Armour's Star Bacon- i. 33c Horb's Special Cure " Bonelcfus Corn Beef Pot Roast Steer Beef; lb. ii.,:l22c Prima itib Boast Boned and Rolled .35 c