T1i OHEGOII STATECMA2L Solera. Oregon, Tuesday Morning. September 16, 1S41 PAG2 IZ3 Tested ClassiSed Advertising . Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Threa Insertions per Una,, 35c Six insertions per lint 40c One month per line - ., $1.28 Minimum charge 25c; 8 tL mln- imum 83c; 0 tL rain, 45c No . , refunds. Copy for this pact accepted un til 6:30 the renins before publica tion for classification. Copy re reived after this time wUl be run under the beading "Toe Late te Cialfy." The Statesman sffnitnes no finan cial responsibility for errors which may appear tn advertisements pub lished la its columns and la cases where this paper is at fault will reprint that part of aa advertise ment la which the typographical mistake occurs Yne Statesman reserves the right te reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the right to place all advertising under the prooer classification. A "Blind" Adan ad eontalnlas a Statesman box number for an ad dressIs for the protection ef the - advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman is not at liberty to divulge Infor mation as to the Identity of aa advertiser using a "Blind" ad. livestock and Poultry HAVE FIVE acres of greea fenced-in pasture, close-in. Running water, good barn and piety of hay. Would consider room and board for a saddle horse for the privilege of riding. Write Box 1785 0o statesman. WE PAY UP TO UC PER LB. FOR DEAD AND WORTHLESS HORSES AND COWS IF FRESH AND IN GOOD CONDITION. TOP PRICE FOR FOX FEED HORSES. PHONE COLLECT 6411. SALEM. MONTGOMERY RENDERING WORKS Hop Pickers HOP PICKERS Trucks to take pickers to yard leave 30 sjn. from 12th and Rural streets, 12th and Mission. 6:40 a.m.; South Commercial and Mission Sts., 6:45 a.m.: South Commercial and Miller Sts 6:50 a.m. Hollywood and Jr. Canito! Sts.. 6:30 a.m.; Fairgrounds Road and Market St. at Broadway. 6:45 a.m.; North' Com- rnercial at Union. SO a.m.: South Commercial and Miller Sts., 6:55 a.m E. A. MILLER . 1 244 State St. Phone 8980 or 8281 HOP PICKERS $250 Per hundred. Excellent pickings Dur- bia Hop Ranch, nr. Central Howell, V ml. S. of Silverton-Salem Hwy, Kt 6. Bx 404. Come now. HOP PICKERS WANTED WIGRICH RANCH located five miles South of Independence. Ore. Will start picking Friday. Aug. 22nd. 400 acres good picking, no seedless hops. - Modern shady sanitary policed camp. with store, butcher shop, restaurant. cabins, tents, stoves, wood, running water, electric lights, dance hall, nur sery, straw, showers. Visit ranch or : write for job. Address: WIGRICH RANCH. Box N, Independence, Oreor register at S. S. Steiner, Inc.. office at WllV-Stgte street, Salem, Ore. ." PICKING LATE , hops, Mlnto Yard. zc per pouna. HOP PICKERS wanted, early & late . hops, 3 to 4 weeks picking, good hops, good accommodations. Will start Aug. 20. Write Adam Orey, RR No. 2, Bx. 197. Salem, Ore., or phone 22766. . START PICKING late hops Sept. 1. mi. W. of Salem, Williams St Thach er. Ph. 21331-or 21204. HOP PICKERS WANTED Exceptional good picking conditions 4 mi. from town See Transportation Schedule t Ads. E. A. Miller, Browns Island. ; HOP PICKING started at V. O. Kelley Ranch on Rt. 2. Box 217. Aug ust 25th. Register at Western Hop Co. office in Steusloff Bldg, 229 Liberty St. Phone 5404 or 22449. A truck will call for and deliver you at Salem. WE ARE now registering hop pick ers for' early and late hops. 4 miles West of Salem. Williams St Tnacher, Phone 21331. HOP PICKERS wanted Williams & Thacker. Paying $2.00 per hundred. 4 miles west' of Salem. Phone 21331 or 21204. HOP PICKERS WANTED Roberts Hop Yard : Bus leaving at 6 a.m. from Lee and Turner Road; 19th and State and from Hines and 12th. At 6:15 a. m. from Ladd St Bush Bank, from Hoyt and Commercial Sts., and from Miller and Commercial Sts. Yard 4 miles out on South River Road. For further infor mation phone 9623. Ilelp Wanted IF YOU like to DRAW. SKETCH or PAINT, see TALENT- TEST ad in Miscellaneous column. Help Wanted Male MID.' AGE, single or married to do poultry work year around. No accom. for children. Edwards Poultry Farm St Hatchery, Rt. 5 Box 01. "ACCOUNTANT FOR national mer chandise concern in Portland. 23 to 30 years old. College education, account' big major. Preferably at least one year accounting experience. Perma nent position with excellent prospects zor advancement, uive oeiauea lnior mation covering education, experience. age, marital status, etc., aa well as bust photo." Write Box 1784 eo Statesman. WANTED Two experienced grocery Clerks. 825 per week. Box 179S States man. . c&i Orej&on0tate$mau ADVERTISING Western Advertising . Representatives George D. Close. Inc. Saa Francisco Los Angeles ' Seattle Eastern Advertising Representatives Bryant. Griffith St Branson, Ino. Chicago. New York. Detroit Boston. Atlanta V Entered at the Pontoffic et Salem, Oregon, as Second Class Matter. fy fished eeerv morning except Mondav. Business otfice 215 South Commercial street. - ' ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mail SuhscrtDtlon Rates in Advance Within Oregon: Daily and Sunday. Mo. ; M cents: 2 Mos. 81.50; 6 Mos . S20; 1 year $5.00. Elsewhere 80 unti per mo. or 86.00 for 1 year In advance. Per corr 2 cents,' Newsstands 2 cents. By City. Carrier, 60 cents a month. 87.20 a year In advance in Marion and a J;aceet counties. . . and Approved for Results ! ! That's Classified iidveriising Help Wanted Female AN ELDERLY or middle axed lady for housework in modern country home. Mrs. Alfred Flicking er, Mon mouth, Oregon, Rt X. WANTED SINGLE 'fcirt It to 14 years for position as EXECUTIVE SEC RETARY. Must have ability in short hand, typing, handling cash and meet ing the public. Reasonable salary to start and Increase pay as you earn it. Please Do Not Apply Unless You Are (juauxieav see Mr. Miner anytime this week up to 6 pjn. at SIS State St. GIRL OR woman for housework. 223 per month. Call 383 Court St, WANTED GIRL for general house work in Portland, home, permanent position, good wages. Write Box 1783 co Statesman. - ,:,... Situations Wanted CARPENTER WORK of any kind. Ph. 851L - HOUSEKEEPER, 740 Chemeketa, or Phone 8512. For Sale Miscellaneous SET OF Encyclopedia, 1937 edition. 109 Mill St. HUNTERS ATTENTION For sale A pack burrow. Alfred F licking er, Mon mouth, Oregon, Rt. 2. SLIGHTLY USED Spinett Piano. rirst quality and like new. Real bar' gain If taken at once. Terms. Jaquith MUSIC CO., 191 s. Hgn. SMALL BALDWIN Piano, bungalow size. Jaquith Music Co., 191 S. High. 30-40 KRAG S porter, a dandy deer ruie. consider trade, pn. 7553 Eves. GOOD DEER RIFLE St SHOTGUN FOR SALE. 1200 Cross. WILL SELL $180 credit on new car for 1130. caii eve. 6728. GOLDEN CROSS sweet corn, melons, T. C, Muller. 2 mi. So. Brunk's corner, THOSE EXTRA fine melons - torn a toes are now ready at Jess Math is fruit stand, 6 miles north on Pacific Highway TRY OUR HOME DECORATING AND REMODELING SERVICE Twelve months or longer in which to pay. Mo down payment. Details ar ranged at your home. Only responsible contractors and decorators do your lot), can Mr. Eyre at R. L. ELFSTROM COMPANY. Ph. 0221 PIANO almost like new. little studio size.. Reas. 16M So. Cottage St. JUICE & Canning tomatoes 35 & 50 cents. Bring boxes. B. E. stratum, Rt, 2. Bx 178. NW of Keizer school. TENOR SAX. Reasonable for cash, Good cond. 857 N. 15th. 3 MILK GOATS 1 fresh. $15.00 for an. 1740 state. Wanted Furniture CASH FOR used furniture St house' hold goods ft. Forgey. Ph. 7445. F. N. Si GLENN WOODRY. Auc tioneers St furniture dealers will pay you more cash or trade for furniture St household goods, we ouy or sen everything Ph. duo. Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repair, DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST - Adolpb JBldg., State & Coml Ph. 3311 if- you Like to craw, sketch or PAINTx-write for Talent Test (No Fee). Give age and occupation. Box 1783, co Statesman. . MALE. INSTRUCTION. Are you me chanically inclined? Train to fill need for mechanics to install, service and overhaul air conditioning and refnger. ation equipment. Also planning, esti mating. Excellent opportunity. No in terference with present job while learning, white for free facts. Include age, occupation, utilities Inst., 1792 co Statesman. HOW IS YOUR ROOF Buy a Johns Manville lifetime roof. We do all kinds of roof repairing. Free estimates. Mathis Bros, 164 S. ComL Ph. 4642. For RentRooms HOTEL MARION Rooms, special weekly and monthly rates to perm, guests. Marion coffee Shop, delicious meals at low prices. SLP. RM, near state bldgs. Ph. 21443. HOTEL SALEM, low mo.-wk rates. Furn. rm.. sleep, porch, 72S Court. HOME Privileges. Furnace heat. Gar. Phone 4723. 1185 Columbia. MOD. ROOMS, warm, comfortable abundance hot water, gar. 480 N. 24th Room and Board 9 LARGE sleeping rooms. 10 board ers, close in. Sawdust -heat. You can own a lovely home and a profitable business. CHAS. HUDKTNS St SON 275 State St. Phone 9494 168 N. 12th. heated rms., twin beds. RM. a BD See 650 Marion. Ph. 6570. BETTER BRD. St rm. 743 S. CoroX St For Rent Apartments NEW BASEMENT Apt. One girl, $18. 657 Center, rn. sz4o. 2 ROOM ant- electric range. Frigid gas heat. Reasonable rental. Also rooms. 593 i. ittn. rn. srr. 3 RM, 1st floor. 570 Union. 2 ROOM semi-basement apt, nicely furnished, private bath. 1116 uax St. 3 RM. MOD. furn. 776 N. Commerical. 2 ROOM 3nJRN . ElalaaAptik 4 RM. unfurnished flat except elec, range and retrlg. raone sz4. CLOSE IN 3 rm. furn. apt, shower, lights, water, garage. 860 Mill Jt. CLOSE IN. 891 N. Coml. 618. KICK 1 rm. heated ant 11250 mo. 1135 N. 13th St. 2 blks. No. Hi School. 2 RM. upstairs apt. Ut, Wat,' $10, 450 1. cnurcn. -m. aii. BLOKDE For Rent Apartment s UNUSUAL PULLMAN suite.' S'rm and bath. Reas. 446 Oak Ph. 0534. MODERN S room first floor automat ic heat. Also am. apartment. 1411 Court MOD. S R. Apt Bus. Worn. 1833 Court MOD. 3 Rm. Furn., Ml N. Cottage. DESIRABLE - APT. now obtainable at the Fisher.. Ph. . 8757. SMALL APTTzSoXottaeT 'gROUNd"' Water. 818., 1620 Ferry. RED EC. FURN. 69.50 ud. Adults. Prking space. 624','s N. CapitoL - 2 RM..' FURN. Ant. 625' ner mo. 594 N. Coml. or call 7383. '. 2 Rm. Apt. ret. Pri. Bath. 639 Center. S r. furn. sot. Lights, water. $2.73 week. 1290 Oak. Ph. 5276. i UNF. 3 room. Call 6250 Eves. For Rent Houses PARTLY FURN. hse. Inq. 1479 N.Llb. RM. mod. furn. hse. 1150 N. Church. 2 RMS, water furnished. $15. , nu modern. $30. - 4 rms, with basement. $23. R. A, FORKNER 1853 N. Capitol Ph. 2031 7 RM. Mod, creek lot. 789 N. Win ter. Ph. 6539. RM. house. No children. Inquire 1238 S. High. 6 RM. modern house. Phone 6271. MOD. COZY bungalow, furn. P. 6728 MORERN 5 room house, newly fin ished throughout. 1188 Marion St. MOD, 6 R. hse. Good Iocs. Ph. 4581. HOUSES. Melvin Johnson. Ph. 3723. MOD. 7 rm. furn. 862 N. 16th. WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF YOU Want to sell, exchange lesse. rent, see Mr. Larsen or Mr. Col lins wita uawsins at uooerxa. IsMALLHWS S25.00 a mon.. move In today. 4 rm. bungalow. 2 bdrms. large living room. wired for elect, range. - cement oase ment Ac furnace. See Bechtel or Need ham, 341 State St. Apt. 4. HOUSES for rent R. A. FORKNER 1853 N. Capitol St. For Rent Farms FARM TO lease, oossession Oct. 1. 81 acres. Phone 8X2, Turner, Mrs. J, M. Bones. 40 A. FARM for rent near Salem. electricity, water Piped from spring reference required. Address W States man. For Sale Real Estate $5700 WALNUT Park, new English type home, 2 yrs. old. Dmnette, liv ing room, dining room, bedroom, kitch en, bath. Upstairs, 2 B. Rms, bath with shower and hall rm. Auto, gas, air condition furn. 546 N. 22nd St. For Sale- Real Estate EXCEPTIONAL BUY in mod. subur ban home, hdwd. floors, fireplace, full basement. R. A. FORKNER 1853 N. Capitol Ph. 3031 $1400 4 room plastered, paved street $26506 rooms, all in fine condition. has full ' basement, near Grade and Hum' sen oL S3350 Nice home on n. summer. Hdwd. -floors, fireplace, basement and furnace. 64450 Fully modern home, Hdwd, floors, fireplace, basement and furnace, R. A. i OKlUNtK 1853 N. Capitol Ph. 3031 FOR RENT APT. 4 room apartment, furnished. at 348 N. 12th St. $25. FOR SALE A duplex house in good condition and good location. Bargain at $3000. Terms. Seven room modern house, close In. SDlendid buv at S3800. we own and operate the commercial Sand St Gravel Supply. Call us for any of your needs in this line. J. f. ULK1CH CO. 202 Pearce Bldg. Phone 8672 Sunday and Tuesday only, ATTRACTIVE BUY IN FURNISHED HOUSE: 6 room comfortable home: street paved and walks in. Price with furniture only S1500 saw cash. Dai a nee terms. See Chi Ids & Miller, Real' tors, 344 State St Phone 9261. NEW 8 rm. house and S rm. house. both modern. Must see to appreciate, Terms. 4th house on Glen Creek Drive off Wallace Road. Rt. 1 Box 115. A. S. Parnell. OPEN HOUSE OWN FOR RENT HOME New district, paved road, low taxes. Mo. 5 rm. and bath. Unfinished up stairs. Tiled fireplace, oil heat, Vene tian blinds, hardwood floors. Total price $3100. Small down payment. You make the terms. North at 3311 Center. Ph. 5292. . IMMEDIATE POSSESSION: Good 4 room house: oak floors in living room: 2 nice bedrooms; large lot for only 12100: reasonable terms. " FAIRMOUNT HILL HOME: Espe cially well built on sightly east front lot; rms. with basement, rurnace, and fireplace. Price $4000 half cash. See Mrs. Ellis with CHTLDS St MILLER. REALTORS 344 State St. Phone 9261 FAIRMOUNT HILLS NAP ' This attractive modern 6 r. home with laree. lot. nice shade trees, sprin kler system, fine location, in first class condition,flre place, oil heat, all nice large rooms. A sackimce at seuw. $1000 down. bal. $50 per mo. to Include int. at 5. See this home today, it's offered below its actual value. W. H. GRABENHORST St Co, Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131 SELL OR lease for year, 3 bedroom bouse, ni l s. umi'L $3600; VIEW. PROPERTY; Salem heights Dis't; 6 room home; Oil fur nace, garage, lot 110 x 195;' would con aider exchange for Eugene. - WINNIE PETTYJOHN. Realtor, 477 Court St. Phone 6524 LARGE SUBURBAN home suitable for most any kind of business needing lots of room, on 1 acre of land. Nice trees and lawn. The house has a large basement and good furnace. F. H. Weir 468 Center Realtor 1 ' Ph 04ll For Sale Real Estate $2900.00 BEST buy on the market. I room COLONIAL HOME, furnace, fire place, Hdw. floors; attractive kitchen. view 01 snow capped mountains; usmjh loan can be assumed. 13000.00 newly decorated, f room home. 2 bed rooms, dining room, fur nace, fireplace, double garage. 63600.00 a rooms and breakfast nook. all on one floor, furnace, fireplace. Hdw. floors; investment at this price. Winnie riTi JJOHN. .Realtor. 477 Court St, Phone 6524 - $2650 BUYS a new 4 room and floored attic home and 1 acre on paved - highway $ mi. W. A lovely place ana you should see lti It costs more to build today than it did a ' year ago. Prices are still in creasing. We have hundreds of prop erties at pre-war orices. Now is the time to buy. See Mr. Hardy with . . Hawkins dc ROBERTS, IMC, Realtors $1900$ rm. house St garage. 1940 W. Nob Hill. $200 down. Phone 6163. 2 BED RM. House, large lot, cash or -terms.-Ph. 3952. 4 RM. MODERN, nifty home near Bush school. $100 down, $22 JO mo. $2950. 1 year old. see us tor other attractive nomes. H. P. GRANT, Realtor 529 Court St Ph. 6744 For Sale Farms GOOD SOIL AND BUILDINGS 160 A., near 99 South of Salem. Elec. Press, water, irrigation if you choose. 150 A. cult. Black soiL $14,500 WITH ATTRACTIVE TERMS. H. P. GRANT, Realtor 529 Court Ph. 6744 Acreage 10 ACRE tract east of Salem. 6 room home, large barn, garage, chicken house, on pavement and near school. O. E. Rae 1255 State Ph. 6761 2'. 4 A. lust E. of town on Center St. Good hse, barn, chick, hse, tool shed St garage. Easy terms. F. H. Weir 463 Center Realton Ph. 9411 Suburban IMMEDIATE POSSESSION OF A NEAT SUBURBAN HOME: 4 cheerful rooms, plumbing, electric lights, city water, basement, garage, a real snap for $1500 $500 cash balance like rent. see Mr. ingersoii witn CHTLDS & MILLER. REALTORS 344 State St Ph. 9261 Wanted Real Estate WANT TO BUY a five room house: room for garden. Price not over $2500. Box 1795, Statesman. WANTED I Real Estate lutings, farm and city. Improved and unimproved. C. H. SANUEK5-Z31 M. High 5838 WILL BUY large farm. Have com plete equipment. A real farmer must ouy on reasonable terms. H. C. Shields, Oreg. Bldg. Ph. 8902 Business Opportunities GROCERY STORE, well located, liv ing quarters. Also restaurant and fountain fixtures cheap. 484 N. Church. SMALL HOUSE and 6 splendid busi ness lots ih Newport Beach, right on highway, suitable for service station,, cafe and motel. Unusual set-up. Price $4250.00, $500.00 down, balance to suit. Would consider Salem property in a trade. Harder Real Estate, 228 Oregon Building, Phone 6466. 12 ROOM Furnished home with 5 garages, close in. operated now as Rooming and . Boarding, 'owner retir ing, offers property at $8500. u. jc Rae, The Realtor,- 1255 state For Sale Wood WOOD. Ph. 8370 Oraen. 413 N 21st Lost and Found LOST Wide band gold wedding ring. Names engraved on inside lib eral reward. 624ft N. Capitol St Business Cards in this directory ran on a monthly basis only. Rate: L2S per line per month. Auto Brakes Mike Panek. 275 South Commercial Bicycles BICYCLES, New and reconditioned Harry W Scott. 147 & Cora'cL P 4516. Brushes SMYTH. "Brush man." Ph. 6724. Chimney Sweeps TELEPHONE 4450 R B. Northnesa. Excavating EXCAVATION OF all kinds. Base ments dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sale Salem Sand St Gravel F 9406 Florists Brelthaupfs. 447 Court Phone 9199. Funeral Directors TerwUllger Funeral Borne. Ph. 6928. House Trailers FACTORY Bullt-H.M.-Farm Trailers Built to order. Terms. Free estimate. See , King. 518 N. Front Ph. 21768. filattresses SALEM FLUFF RUG St MATTRESS Co. New Mattresses, old remade, rug cleaning ft weaving. 8. 12th St WUbur TeL 844L Z wickers. CAPITOL BEDDING CO Phone 06 -To Sooths Oxt) Scmxqn BeastI Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL, WRITE or phono (9163) to Salem's oldest, largest home owned and home managed finance institu tion. Your financial affairs will fee discussed and loans made in strictest privacy. You will be given every con sideration in the repaying of your loan or granting of extensions. 1 to 18 MONTHS TO REPAY i You can pay in full any time to reduce the cost ONLY BORROWER SIGNS No endorsers. Loans 'made oa furni ture or note. ' , SEE ,. .'I ' ROY H. SIMMONS, MGR. Lie. No. M-1S2 JIM CLARK, ASST. MGR. GENERAL FINANCE CORPORATION Lie. No. S-138 134 So. Commercial St Phone 9168 First door south of Ladd St Bush bank. Convenient ground floor location PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce payment Money for new ot used can. No delay or red tape. Too will retain poraession of the vehicle 1 TO 20 MONTHS TO PAY ROY H. SIMMONS 136 South Commercial street Phone 9169 : Lie. No M-1S2 SCHOOLTIME LOANS If $30 to $300 will help you with your schooltime needs or other fall demands for money and you would like to obtain it in a dignified confi dential manner and repay in small monthly payments, write, phone, or come in and see us today. CALKINS FINANCE CO. "Salem's Personal Loan Center" 313 Court St, Salem Phone 4446 State license S-228 M-278 Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. STB FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING . LICENSE NO. M-159 WE LOAN on rarm, residential A business property. Will buy mortgages or contracts, HAWKINS St ROBERTS INC, Realtors. Guardian BuUdinc FHA LOANS 4tt, also pnv. loans A brains St EUis Inc. Maaonie Bldg. fOR Gash in a Hurry PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 512 State Street S Doors West' of Capitol Theatre Ph. 3191 License No. S-122 a, M-163 Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LCAN on good Salem real ea ts te. Will pay 6 interest W. H. GRABENHORST St CO. REALTORS Personal HARVEY. WHEELER, write to' Erma. box sue, Martdan, IM. Dakota. BEST OF care given sick or elderly. 593 S. Commercial. LONESOME? Serving an ages. Club Elite f u box 11-w. las Angeles, cat Gifted Spiritualist Reader Truthful advice on an affairs of life. No matter what your trouble may be she can and will help you. Hrs. 10 to 8 Daily except Sunday. 1333 State St Directory Painting & Paperhanging JERRY JOHNSON, Ph. 4616 Evenings. Experienced Reasonable. Ph. 4325. FRANK LACY. PHONE 5486. Plumbing PLUMBING. GENERAL repair work. Graber Bros. Iu4 S. Liberty. Ph. 6594. Printing FOB STATIONERY cards, pamphlets. programs, books or any kind of print ing, cau j ne statesman fruiting De partment. zi a commercial. Tele phone 9101 Shingles SHINGLES. SIDEWALL SHAKES. Ce dar siding, lath. Prices always the low est Ph. 3600. Brown's yard. 714 S. 21st trailer Houses WE BUY. sell, 1 ant- 2085 N. ComX Transfer TRUCKS for hire. Carload lots moved anywhere in Oregon. Ph. 3354. U-DRIVE TRUCKS . IY1R RRNT Blankets furn. 197 S. Liberty. Ph. 9062. roa LOCAL OR DISTANT transfer Storager burner OIL briquets, - prest- togs -j tucks to Portland natty A gem Pierce Auto Freight including Calif. wnu urmu Transfer co ra tut Vacuum Cleaner Service FREE Inspection tn Tour home. ' Au thorized Hoover service. We service ail makes cleaners Hogg Bros Pb, 6022 Well Drilling C.J. PUGH. 2123 Myrtle. Ph. 9338. a A WEST. St 0. Bm 44ft. P. 8-23M For Sale Used Cars: State Motors, Inc; ' . . Transportation " Merchants Offer 41 Ply. Cluh Cpe ....$895 40 Hudson Sedan 825 39 Packard 6 Sedan 795 38 Packard Convert ible Sedan- 795 39 Ford Sedan 595 38 Hudson Sedan...! 595 37 Packard 6 Sedan 525 37 Terraplane Cpe 425 36 Packard -edan.. 395 34 Graham Sedan.... 185 28 Pontiac Sedan 25 Cars above $300 have been recondition ed and carry our one year guarantee. State Motors, Inc. 360 No. High Packard & Hudson Dealers OAKLAND SEDAN 230. 2342 Myrtle. 38 CHEV. , Town .'Sedan. A-l Cond. E. J. Stanard. llll Pacific Hwy. Wood burn. Oregon. 1933 VS Tudor. 18 in. wheel, eood tires, recontd. motor. Would like to sell my equity. Bal pays off at $700 per mo. 1740 State. 1939 TXTDOR PI ywOrg ownerTcood condition. Call after "6 p. m. 310 Les lie, Apt 2. 1 : Wanted Used Cars Cash FOR YOUR CAR Shop others, then try us. We con- tlnue to pay highest prices for good clean cars. 3u'rgoyne Motor Co. 440 Center. Phone 21535 GET EVERY DIME YOUR CAR . IS WORTH Highest Cash Prices Paid "C" SHROCK To Buy or Sell Your Car 270 N. Church Phone 8502 ! N. K. Corn Church St Chem. Ph. 7922 Lodges SALEM LODGE, No. 4. AF 6c AM. Mon., Sept IS. X. A. de gree at Turner.- Pacific Lodge No. SO, AF St AM. Stated meeting FrL, Sept 19.8 pjn. OttoN.Hoppes.WJI. In FBI Profe !!! 1 ( 4 -i Paula von Luckner, who. claims to be" a cousin of Court Felix - Ton Lnckner, ! famed German sea raider In the first World war, was held at Albany, NT, la connection with charges of posing as a representative of : - the department of Justice. Three federal agents have been fired from the FBI following Invest! gatlon ef a series of gay part ies at a mid town New York hotel where Miss yob Lackner lived. f - f , I' I I ! i r 1- ' ; ll ' i s - - , . t i i 1 ' S i ft , 4 It 5 ' - I ' ' It"", ' ' v i ' I . - i - , 4 -I rr ci - v ivt ouviei . r f. I. Tt. Pkomepkolm A "V" for victory Is pinned on the lapel of Brig. Gen. MikhaQ GroaaoT leader of the Soviet flying mission, in Seattle, Wash. The 47 men, who) came with Gen. Gromov in two huge seaplanes from Moscow, will stai jg airplane, production in the U. & scording la th war depsxtmeat. Sub-Machine Gun Gals Si !al jtkL xsLaaT im4 HUU Mrs. Otis Lewis (left) and daughter, Janet, draw a bead ea the cameraman as they show their advanced knowledge in the use ef the sub-machine gun. They are members of the women's organization in Easton, Conn., learning under police instruction how to handle modem firearms. The women had already proved themselves sharpshooters with other weapons. J. They start oat as a song-writing wife. Ann Sothern and Robert Young who, together with dancing Eleanor Powell, form the stellar threesome of "Lady Be Good,' M-G-M's new musical, opening Wednesday at the FJsinore for 4 day ran. Cross Word 12 IS IS 18 11 22 24 5 7h SO 51 34 55 36 AO r42 4i An so 5i ST HORIZONTAL 1 coagulata 5 chop 8 expression ! of sorrow .12 heavy cord ' 13 yellow buglo 14 halt 16 a foretoken 18 detect . 18 armed conflict m It lair 20 pointless 21 fining 24 appraiser 26 age ,T 87 plump S9 unaccented 82 essence 84 through kip,as stonoover water 17 devilSsh 83 apron 4 type of automobile . 48 wickedness 44 tatter t 47 to water . 49 vend 50 king of beasts 51 pro 62 comfort 3 held 54 attempt 55 plant of lily family YEETTCAL 1 Blackbird Answer to Saturday's puxxle. laid sujostON- cm - "O iTj' MNrSotog hf Klaa . tm - TTC r uer in uo - t K". ' r - : -' - , team, bat end vp as husband and Puzzle to it n. f2Q 2 52 S3 91 149 44, 52 55" t membran ous f ring (ool) 8 one who operates - 4 twiee five 5 concealer ' 6 exhibit 7 existed ' 8 onward . melted rock 10 o be it 11 dry 17 epico- f: 18 mocking 22 pieces la ' chess ; W electriilod particle 4 24 quick, smart blow 25 devoured 27 mournful 28 dexterity 9 social gathering 21 metal eontalnag 88 dark, - viscous Uaoid 88 eninistog S3 to tinge BJ-hement 49 fabrio 41 canal fa New York. 42 toletfaU 45 too 48 mirth 48 dearths - stern. 43 body of watMP HOIN 5AJSilAl -,AlN twtam Inttato fca, 1 1 yzy, 2t 1 m : v777 mm Ml