pace sn Mrs. Brand . ? Welcomed ' At Tea . . ' One of ; the -loveliest of .the early autumn teas was given on ; Monday afternoon when Mrs... Percy R. Kelly entertained at her home lor the pleasure 01 Mrs. James T. Brand, a newcbm- . er to the capital from Marshfield. Several ' hundred matrons - and maids called between the hours J ' of 3 and 8 o'clock.. " Miss Dorothy Cornelius wear ing a chatreuse -chiffon" gown 1 trimmed in brown velvet greeted ' the guests at, the door. Her cor sage was of yellow roses , and gladiolus blossoms." . In the hallway and living room were large baskets of pink ' and purple asters, gladioluses and zinnias. In the receiving line were Mrs. Kelly, Mrs. Brand and . other wives of ' the supreme court Justices. For the tea Mrs. Kelly received in a gown of pas tel pink chiffon combined with lace and Mrs. Brand wore a' navy blue -and white print silk crepe ' frock. Also receiving were Mrs. " George Rossman, who' wore a handsome brocaded gown in soft shades of green and orchid, Mrs. Harry R. Belt in a burgan dy crepe gown with gold nail heads embellishing the bodice, Mrs. John L. Rand in a good looking robin's egg blue silk jer- sey frock and Mrs. Hall S. Lusk down from Portland and wearing 1 a black velvet gown fashioned with long sleeves. They all . wore Corsages of gladiolus blos soms, roses and gardenias to match their dresses. - ; Roses on Tea Table Simplicity marked the dining room table with its beautiful centerpiece of red roses in a crystal bowl flanked by tall white tapers in crystal candela bra!. Presiding at the urns dur ing the afternoon were Mrs. Charles A. Sprague, Mrs. Leslie Scott of Portland, Mrs. Earl Snell, Mrs. Frederick Lamport, '. Mrs. L. G. Lewelling of Albany, Mrs. E. M. Page and Mrs. L. H. McMahan. Serving were Mrs. Charles Claggett Mrs. Ward Davis, Mrs. Louis B. Schoel, Mrs. Luke Shields, Mrs. Harris Lietz, Mrs. R. D. Woodrow and Miss Rovena . Eyre. . Assisting in the living room were Mrs. Jerrold Owen, Mrs. W. Carlton Smith, Mrs. Miller B. Hayden, Mrs. Claude Mur phy, Mrs. ReX Davis, Mrs. C. W. . Parker, Mrs. George Waters, Mrs; Harry V. Collins and Mrs. Arthur O. Hunt ! Patterson-Bynon Vows Said . On Saturday afternoon at the home , of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bynon, sr., Mr. George Bynon and Miss Esther G. Patterson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, J. C; Tucker of Medford, were married. i The couple exchanged their Vows before the immediate fam ily at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, with Rev. F.-R. Smith officiat ing. ' The bride wore a floor length white gown fashioned with a full skirt . and a short Jacket She . wore a corsage of orchids. Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Bynon, sr., father and mother of the bridegroom, who celebrated their golden wedding Friday, were the only attendants. Mrs. Bynon wore a black chiffon frock with a pastel blue jacket embroidered in gold and a corsage of garde nias tied with gold ribbon. Mrs. Bynon wore for traveling navy blue suit with touches of white. Her accessories ; were of navy blue. , Mr. and Mrs. Bynon left im mediately on a wedding trip to British Columbia. After October I they will be at home in Salem. Mrs. Bynon attended Univer sity of Oregon and Willamette university and is affiliated with Alpha Xi Delta. Mr. Bynon attended Salem schools and is now field super visor for the state board of prop erty controL.'- , s.v-.V--' ; .a "; ' ;.. XLDRIEDGE Friends f Mf s. Ivan - Brundidge honored '- her Saturday Aight with a sur-1 prise birthday party at her home. Jn the group, were Mr. . and Mrs. A. J. Rasmussen, Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Stafford, Mr. and ' Mrs. Arthur Coffin,. Mr,- and Mrs. Peter Russ, Barbara Jean , Russ, Miss Arlene Rasmussen, - Mr. and Mr Allyn Nusom this and LAoish -. Center : com munities. ; . , IX - ' Five; Hundred was.; enjoyed and prizes were won by Mrs. Henry Stafford, Mrs. Peter Russ and Henry Stafford. . . '- . - ? - - - . " ' . - -.- i. . " .- " . ,' I - - - - V WOODBURN -The Woodbura - Garden club .will meet on. Sep-.-tembeT 9 at the Woodburn Li- brary at 8 o'clock. Plans for the coming fair and flower, show will , " be nade. The program topic will me Hobby Gardens, with Mrs. L C Austin as leader. Members are asked to bring flower ar rangements of dahlias. Hostesses ' for the evening with Include Mrs. Kenneth - McGrativ Mrs. . Ray Glatt - aid -Mrs. George Timm.- Mrs. Rnssell Catlin and Mrs. Frank H. Spears will entertain members of St Paul's Guild of t Paul's Episcopal church Wed nesday afternoon at'tBeir .Che mcketa street home at 2:30 o'clock."..',-,. - MAXINE BUKjsN Ediior Mrs. Paige, lylr. Kugel Marry Of "interest to their many friends in the capital is the mar riage of Mrs. Charles Frederick Paige of - Portland and Mr. K. Burgard Kugel of ; Salem. The wedding took place on Monday, September .8 at the home ? of Mrs. Paige's daughter, Mrs. M. . R. Wilkinson, in Yakima, Wash. Rev. Hutten of the First Christian church performed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Kierulff, daughter and son-in-law of Mrs. Paige, attended the couple. For her wedding the bride wore a purple silk ensemble combined with orchid and matching accessories. After a wedding trip to Van couver and Victoria, BC, Mr. and Mrs. Kugel will return to Salem to make their home at 735 North Capitol street Presbyterians At Church The Missionary society of the First Presbyterian church will meet on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the church. Mrs. E. A. Kenney is leading devotions and Mrs. William Hartley is in charge of the study when the topic is "Challenging facts." On the committee are Mrs. Abner Kline,' chairman, Mrs. E. Wagner, Mrs. R. Mitchell and Mrs. R. L. Smith. This will be a mother and daughter meeting. Pattern Here's- gay, enchanting style or the twixt-teens in a new frock by -Anne Adams. Pattern' 4870 may be used for either everyday or best depending upon your fabric and trim. For in stance, enriched by colorful star flower embroidery (done from the transfer pattern, with direc tions included in the Sewing In structor) it's,a dress to wear to the nicest parties. ' But with simple button tim and perhaps a r contrasting ? front bodice panel and collar, it becomes a perfect .iSw gathers at the front skirt panel . that give-the popular skirt full .., ness. And see how the half-sash ties neatly to back where there's " "a trim bodice buttoning to the waist' The sleeves' may be short or long. Do order this style to day! . . "V-.,, JPattern 4870 . u available in 'teen-age sizes 10, 12, 14 and 16. Size 14 takes 3H yards of 35-inch . fabric -,'. snd nrruN CENTS U5C to coins for this Anne Adams pt - tern.' Write plainly SIZE. NAME, -ADDRESS and STYLE NUMBER. Extra I - The new Anne Adam 1941-1S4S Pattern book brings you , . extra chic this fall and winter! Pagea of easy-to-make patterns .' , for everyone highlighting gUm- t or gowns, snow-and-sun togs, tai- - , lor modes, fashions for fuller fig- tires, complete school wardrobes. : You'll find slants on silhouettes, fabric, and color a Home De fense sewing plan and FREE DI- - BECTIONS for hat snd ba? set I t - - ORDER YOUR- COPY TODAY I ' -BOOK, FIFTEEN CENTS. PAT- . TERN, FIFTEEN CENTS. BOOK PLUS PATTERN, ONLY TWEN- TY-FIVE CENTS. Bend your order to The Oregon . . statesman. Pattern department. -- 4670 7ff "V S OC IETY MUSIC The! J Club Calendar TUESDAY Alpha Phi Alpha alumnae with Mrs. N. E. Edwards, Stata street, S pjri. Eastern Star social afternoon club, dessert luncheon. Masonic temple. 1:30 p.m. Eastern Star Social club. Ma sonic temple, 1:30 luncheon and afternoon of cards. Junior guild. St Paul's Epis copal church, 1 p. m. Willamette Tent-Hive No. 6. ' Maccabees with Leiia Ohlsen, 719 South 12th street. 7 JO p.m. reg ular business meeting. I Chadwick Assembly. Order of Rainbow for Girls meet at Ma sonic temple, 7 JO p.m., election of officers. WEDNESDAY Salem branch AAUW directors, with Mrs. Charles Ratcliff, 170 Ratcliff drive. 7:45 p. m. Laurel Guild of Knight Memor ial church with Mrs. N. E. Ed wards, 7:30 p.m. - WSCS First Methodist church meet in Carrier room, 2 p.m. . WSCS of 1st church. Carrier room, 2 p. m. Missionary society. First Pres byterian church, J p. m. WSCS. Jason Lee church, 10 JO a. m. in church parlors. ' -Ladiea Aid of Knight Memorial church meet at' country home of Mrs. J. W. McCune, covered dish luncheon, ' 12:30 p.m., missionary and business meeting follows. , Missionary meeting of First Congregational church with Miss -Constance Kantner, South Pacific highway, 2:30 p.m. f THURSDAY Woman's Missionary society of First Baptist church meet at church. 2 p.m. Maccabee Thimble club, Wil lamette Tent No. 6, first winter sewing class with Mrs. XI ma Brooks. 493 North Mth street, 1:30 p.m. FRIDAY i Englewood Woman's club with Mrs. N. E. Skewls. 1797 Center street, 2 p.m. MiSS 0000 Home rrom Last Miss Margaret Hogg has re- ' turned from a summer of study ing and vacationing in the east In New York City she attend ed the summer session at the Juilliard School of Music and was also a member of the master, class of Alfred Mirovitch, re . nowned teacher nd concert ar tist. Following tne courses in the city, she continued her study " of piano with Mr. Mirovitch in the Elk a Park Music colony in the beautiful J Catskill moun tains. Students from many states studied at the colony, V While in New York she visited Ruth Bradley, a former Port land pianist and Mr. and Mrs. . Ferenz Steiner. Mrs. Steiner will be remembered as Elizabeth Levy. Enroute, visits were made in Washington, DC, Nebraska and San Francisco. . ' ' Miss Hogg will reopen her studio at 158 South . Liberty street Monday, September 15th. Mrs. Drury Will Remain in West Friends of Mrs. James C. Drury will be interested to learn that she and her children, Joan, Jimmy and John, will make their home in Oregon this year. Mrs. Drury and her children will be at home at their Sandune Ranch,' Yaquina - South Beach, south j of Newport - Professor. Drury j returned to New York City on the streamliner Sunday night after a summer's stay at Agate beach with his family. He is on the faculty of the School of Commerce at "New -York uni- " '- versity; ( ', ;. , V."".- Jimmy Drury -will attend school at Newport this winter. Until this year the Drurys have made their home in New York City and spent their summers In Oregon. Prof essor and . Mrs. Drury and children spent sev eral days in Salem with her par ents, - Mr. and Mrs. John H. Crawford, at their home on Sun nyview avenue, before Professor Drury returned east Miss Shirley Evenson and Miss Charlotte i McClary en trained on the Portland Rose Monday night for Lawton, Ok lahoma, wheije Miss Evenson andLt Roy Edgerton wOl be married on Saturday. Miss Mc I011E Clary will be the .only attendant -for the bride and she will re turn home by way of Niw Or leans and California. Miss Kaebel Tceom, davghier of Mr. and Mrs. . Ray Yocom, left Saturday night for Cald- ' well, Idaho where fshe will be a member of the physical edu- cation department af the College of Idaho this year." Miss "Yocom has been a member of the Sa--; lem high school faculty and is a" Willamette university graduate.- - v i - - ...... ,t .. . : , ' . . Mrs. Neel Cavender has re-' turned from Portland where she has been the guest of her par ents, Mr., and Mrs. George T. Walker. - , The Past Presidents' club of the Woman!s Relief corps sched uled to meet this afternoon has .been postponed. ...... . , ftbm OSEGON STATESMAN. Scdem." Oregon. Tuesday Morning, .avpiraum . m t Luncheon to r ete Mrs. . Dawes ''. Mrs. Loring Schmidt and Mrs. Charles Claggett are arranging a ' delightful luncheon for Wednes day afternoon at the former's home on Fairmount HAL The affair will compliment Mrs. Pal mer Dawes. (Mildi Roberts) who has been spending the summer . months at Agate Beach from her , home in Florida.' Mr. Dawes is expected to? arrive ,the. end, of September to join his wife and they I will ' return to Florida ' in early October ( Guests will be seated at small' tables centered, with small bou quets: of autumn flowers and other bouquets will be used about the rooms. Contract bridge will be in play during the after-' noon. . ' . Places will be laid for Mrs. Palmer Dawes) , Mrs. James Wal ton, Mrs. Conrad W. Paulus, Mrs. S Thomas DeBeck Livesley, Mrs. i Warner Brown, Mrs. Ver non Perry, Mrs. Clayton Fore- "man, Mrs. Harold Olinger, Mrs. Robert Herrall, Mrs. Garlen Simpson, Mrs. . William Ham mond, Mrs.' Chandler Brown, Mrs. ; Robert Drager, Mrs. Glenn Wilbur of Valley Junction, Mrs. Charles Claggett and Mrs. Lor ing Schmidt Alumnae Fete Miss Barrett . Miss-Margaret Barrett, the po pular bride-elect of Mr. Amos Jahn, was the honor guest at a delightful party Monday night when the Chi Omega alumnae entertained at the country home of Miss Edith LIbby near Jef ferson. A C.30 o'clock supper was served and bridge was in play after the dinner hour. A bridal shower honored Miss Barrett. Bouquets of zinnias and other autumn flowers decorated the rooms and tables. Assisting Miss Iibby with arrangements were Mrs. Noel Cavender and Mrs. Paul Harden. Alumnae and ac tive members attended- the af fair. Mr. Harry D. Mosher, who has been visiting bis mother, Mrs. J. H. Mosher, entrained Sunday for- the east where he will re sume his work toward his PhD degree in chemistry at State college, Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs." Kenneth Mosher and young son, Melvyn, of Palo Alto, Calif., were also guests of Mrs. Mosher. . They returned to their home Monday. Miss Margaret Arant who was with the public utilities commis sioner here until August of this year, is now working for the Ha waiian Construction company in conjunction with the construc tion quartermaster for the war department in San Francisco. She is also studying at the Uni versity of California In Berkeley and working for her solo pilot's license at the Oakland airport Junior Guild of St. Paul's Episcopal church will' meet for 1 o'clock luncheon in 'the parish hall today. Mrs. V. E. Kuhn is chairman of the hostess com mittee and will be assisted by Mrs. Harry Wiedmer, Mrs. Rose W. Babcock, Mrs. John H. Lau terman, Mrs. C. B. McCullough, Mrs. I. M. Schannep is president -This is the initial fall, meeting. Making up a box at the horse show at the stadium Saturday night were Dr. and Mrs. John Evans of Portland, Dr. and Mrs. William Lidbeck, Dr. and Mrs. Willard N. Thompson, Dr. and, Mrs. Irvin B. Hill, Dr. and Mrs. j Paul Wolfe, Dr.1 and Mrs. Ben- j " jamin Williams and Dr. and Mrs. i Horace Miller. j ;' - " S Mrs. Graver C. Bellinger has been elected first vice president! of the Women's auxiliary to the Oregon State Medical society.! She was installed at a luncheon? of the auxiliary on ' Friday at r, the Portland hotel. Mrs. Charles! ' . Hunt of Eugene was named president i; ; .:. -v SILVERTON Mrs. Walter: " Bryson and daughter, Miss Col-i leen, were recent . guests of , friends at Alturas, California.! . Miss Mary jane . Nofsker ' left ; Thursday . for fWasc - where shej i is teaching. Her parents, Mr. and I Mrs. P, W. Nofsker, are visiting ? -her this weekend. ' " ' i . Miss Eunice Fuhr, daughter of ' Rev. and Mrs. M. J. K. PuhrJ ; and Miss Juanita Moe, daughter; of Mr. and. Mrs. John Moe, left ! Friday for Parkland, Washing-) . ton, where they will enter Pa cuic Lutheran college. Weekend . guests at the - hm i of Mr. and Mrs. Homer H. Smithi Jr, were her sister; Miss Miriam , S waff ord - of . Oregon City, and brother-in-law " and sister, Mr. i and Mrs. Joseph; Boyington of Portland. ' - ) -; - - . - - -.1 Mr. Byron and Mr. Harold Shobar, sons of . Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Shobar, stationed to' San Diego with the USN are spend ing the week to Salem with their parents. t Mr. and Mrs. Donald Speer of Sacramento, Calif, have left for . their 'home after a fortnight's stay in the capital. . , . 7Th Missionary society of the t T First Congregational church will ; J XllVGrol 1 meet Wednesday afternoon at i . the suburban home of Miss Con- ( -n! "I Y I O' . ? stance Kantner on the South Pa- iUUUIU , ; cific highway at 230 ociock. ;tit j The topic for the meeting is W 0QS Veterans oi wiuu , . s ., Mary Fake will' preside. Assist-r -! Members' of the Willamette ing Miss Kantner will be Mrs.' i university set will be interested L. H. McMahan, Mrs. Jay Mor- - j to 6f the marriage of Miss ris, Mrs. Nellie. Harris and Mrs. . Margaret Hope Coan, daughter 'AdaFJgin. ; of Rev.; and Mr John Byron i ; 1 - Coan ol Bender to; Mr. jThomas Mr and Mrs. Tom Mix are f Terjeson, son Of Mrl ahd Mrs. receiving congratulations on the j Neils Terjeson of Pendleton, on birth of .a -boy, Anthony Carl, . August-25 at the First! Metho born August 30 at the, Salem t dist church in Bend 'with the i wnitaL. Mrs. Mix .is ? bride's father officiating.. . the former Berneice Vittpne. : Mrs. and Mrs. Silas Galser are entertaining as their, guests this Week her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Oestreich and her sister ThX inlaT i Mid , andl brother-in-law, , jar. ana Mrs. Victor Rogel of Ridgeville, Wash. Tie Gaisers will, take their guests', to the beach and i Silver Creek falls. "' : Mrs. Keith to Entertain Mrs. Stanley Keith has invited ; a group of friends to a dessert luncheon ! at 1:30 o'clock this : afternoon for the pleasure of ; Mrs. Darr Mennis. A shower will hMiorMrs. Mennis and bouquets of autumn flowers will be used ; about the rooms and on the luncheon tables. Assisting Mrs. ; Keith Will be her daughters, ; Mrs. Ted J. Smith and Miss Priscilla Keith. Honoring Mrs. Mennis will .be : Mrs. Elwood C Mennis, Mrs.' William Cladek, Mrs. Elsie Pap- ; enfus, Mrs.' Frank Haberman, Mrs. Earl Cooley, Mrs. Homer Schubert, Mrs., T. J. Smith, Miss i Priscilla Keith and Mrs. Stanley ! Keith. Joan Elliott TQ Urknoror . Barbara Zumwalt was hostess for a wiener roast and. supper party at th -home of her par-' ents, Mr; and Mrs. Chester Zum-. wait; . Monday night in honor of Joan Elliott, Who is leaving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Elliott, to reside in Portland. Guests . enjoyed the supper around the outdoor fireplace.;. Honoring Joan were Marjorie Becke, Beverly Beakey, Irene McLeod, Margaret Bown, Fran ces Baum, Barbara Owens, Bev erly Hofstetter, Louise Dotten, Mary Lou and Barbara Zum walt Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ross (Jean Bailey) of Omaha, Neb. are guests in the capital of the latter's brother-in-law and sis ter, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph South- wick, and parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Bailey. Ms.r Ross is also, a sister of Mrs. Al Petre. The travellers will be here for sev eral days and came west by car. SU VER At a candlelight ceremony Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock, f Miss Rosemary - Parisa, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. . Sam Parisa , of Lansing, Kans., be came the bride of Dr. Delberf C. . Miller of Pullman, Wash., son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin C, , Miller of Finley, Ohio, at the) home of the bride's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Stockhoff. Rev. Ellsworth Til ton, pastor of the Dallas Metho dist church, read the service. Preceding the ceremony a group of counselors from Camp . Westwind, near . Otis, of which the bride was -a member, sang "TeU Me Why with Miss Jen nie Hall, Portland, at the piano, The bride entered oh the ami of her father and was preceded by little Marian ; Couey, who carried the. ring In a pink and white basket of rose "petals. - : The bride wore a brown af ternoon dress with gold trim and carried a nosegay of roses. On each arm she wore' an old gold bracelet with turquoise setting. The twin set had , belonged to her maternal grandmother. me ) nride s mother wore a green and' brown eyelet jersey ' dress with a single gardenia. Mrs. Stockhoff, who received the guests, ,wore . aqua green crepe and a corsage of rust baby snapdragons. , t - The decorations were of white gladioluses banked , with wild I fern and, tall candelabras. " Miss Isobel Cook, Seattle, ser ved the wedding cake and Miss Betty j Clark, Portland, presided at the punch bowl. Serving were Mrs. M, I. Conger, Mrs. E. w. Anderson and Mrs. H. F. Couey. The couple will ' make their j home in Pullman, Wash. ; . DALLAS 'i-i Mrs. Sidney Han- : son entertained her sewing club this week with a one . o'clock : dessert luncheon, with Airs. Ar thur Smith as a special guest i Place cards were : set - for Mrs. i W. H. Effenberger, Mrs. Elmer Ray. Mrs. Harold Mulkey, Mrs. I W. R. Tull, Mrs. Henry G. Frie- sen,' (Mrs. Roy . Woodman and Mrs. A. J. Brown. : FHEsencaL -.FliiYEKICDL . : Open House Sept 13 :r . Progressive Kindergarten Provides activities and learning situaUons designed to best prepare your aula zor kihiw. Music Dalcrore . S AJHk lJUu - -Constructive methods Separate miraery school class MRS. CECIL R. MONK i ' - Assisted y Mrs-ArtlwrKofcerts 102S U, Capitol r ' ; Ph. 8430 f i . TheJ bride wore- traditional ' white satin with a train and a ! tram-length veil with a coro ; net of seed pearls. She carried a ' spray ' of - white gladiolus and . bouvardia,' : delphiniums . ' and rosebuds. The maid of honor, Miss Helen Chirgwin of Medford, wore periwinkle' blue marqui sette with matching - shoulder length veil and the bridesmaids, the Misses Ann Terjeson of Pen dleton and Mrs.' Albert' Klassen (Delma Jean Jones) of Salem, were dressed In pink organdy. They carried maroon- asters and bouvardia. Mr. Olaf Terjeson of Portland was - best man for his brother. Ushers were Messrs. t William Thomas and Albert Klassen of Salem. A reception was held at the church. , I Mr. and Mrs. Terjeson will be at home in Camas, Wash., where Mr. Terjeson will be a member of the high school faculty. The bride is a graduate of Willamette university and a member of Pi Gamma Mu. Mr.- Terjeson is also a Willamette graduate .'and a member of Kappa Gamma Rho fraternity and Tau Kappa Al pha. ,-.'.- The Missouri . club : auxiliary has postponed its regular mett- ing from September 9 to the "fourth Tuesday of the month, September 23. Ice CredrrHTop Is Smooth "'There are fudge sauces and fudge sauces, but the com syrup hi this one makes t an extra smooth recipe: FUDGE SAUCE FOR ICECREAM 1 cup sugar Va cup cocoa cup white corn syrup Yt cup water Yt. cup light cream or evapo rated milk i V teaspoon salt . teaspoons vanillat Mix sugar, cocoa, corn syrup and water in saucepan; stir -over low heat until sugar is dissolv ed. Cook to 230 degrees (small amount in cold Water makes' very solid ball). Remove from heat; cool slightly; add cream, salt and vanilla. Serve warm or cold on ice cream. Makes 2 cups sauce. , rin easy There's nothina mysierio vertising works., r '-.'"; It's like .the salesmen jWiQ go from house to house looking .for customers.- Advertising does the same job scale. -7. , It's quicker er cost per call. - , ; In other ;Words, it's a time saver, i it's a money Today's Menu . The morning's tang these late' summer days inspires, the fam- fly cook to look up a recipe for pumpkin pie A special on can- ned pumpkin in one of the local markets further "aids and abets" the cook in her plans. ; - Celery ; stuffed with cottage cheese. : . : Calves liver Supper .squash, creamed Riced potatoes Pumpkin pie, ginger crust . GINGER CEUST, 18 ginger snaps i 2 tablespoons brown sugar V4 teaspoon salt i V cup softened butter. Roll gingersnaps to maks crumbs and combine with other ingredients: Press firmly in bot tom and sides of pan. Bake 10 minutes at 375 degrees. Fill with pumpkin dling" and bake. Blueberries in Bran Muffins ; ' Blueberries are to and you're out of a lot of good eating if you pass up bran blueberry muf-.. fins at a time like this. Choose huckle or blue; this recipe's for you! BRAN BLUEBERRY MUFFINS 3 tablespoons shortening Vi cup sugar '-"' 1 egg ; 1 cup bran A cup milk 1 cup flour Yi teaspoon salt' . 2H teaspoons baking powder ti cup fresh huckleberries or blueberries. . . Cream shortening and sugar thoroughly; add egg and beat well. Stir in bran and milk; let soak until most of the moisture is taken up. Sift flour with salt and baking powder; add to first mixture with the berries and stir only until flour disappears. Fill greased' muffin pans full and bake in moderately hot oven (400 degrees) about SO minutes. Yield: 8 large muffins (3 to diameter) or 12 small " muffins. Deep Fat ; Fried Balls New 1 Here are cheese balls that fry to deep fat HOT CHEESE . BALLS 2 teaspoons flour . Cayenne pepper . , . Yt teaspoon salt 1 cup grated cheese 1 egg white Yt cup finely chopped nuts. Mix flour and seasonings with grated cheese and fold into the stiffly beaten egg white. Mix well, roll into small balls and roH, 4n chopped nuts. Fry to deep fat, 375 . degrees,; ;juntil golden, brown. Serve hot on. tooth picks as an appetizer, or with salad. Mr. Robert Batdorf and Mr. Milton Freeman left Monday for Long Beach Junior college where they will enter as freshmen. iiooroeii : style us about :"; '' reaches - more people at a low- saver as well. Frosting On ( - rc KAVckC! VwCUS-V ilVlCLTxCTO ,-' VrriPlV ; V-J AV Even the best baker finds that her frosting is the complet ing touch to a cake. Variety is gained through changing the Ic ing. ; ' ORNAMENTAL BUTTER FROSTING t ' 4 tablespoons butter ' 5 cups sifted confectioners' " ' sugar - ; ' 2 egg whites, unbeaten 2 tablespoons cream (about) Yt teaspoon vanilla Y4 teaspoon salt Cream butter; add part of eu? ' gar' gradually blending after each addition. - Add remaining sugar, alternately w ith , egg whites, then with cream, until of right consistency to - spread. Beat after each addition until smooth. Add vanilla and salt Spread frosting smoothly on top and sides of cake. With remain ing frosting make borders, fes toons, and rosettes for decora tions, using pastry tube, or deco rate with candies. Makes enough frosting to cover 10-inch tube cake and to use for special deco rating.. HARVEST MOON FROSTING 2 egg whites, unbeaten 1 cup brown sugar, firmly packed Dash of salt Vl cup water 1 teaspoon vanilla ; 4 cup almonds, blanched, i chopped and toasted . Combine egg whites, sugar, salt and water to top of double boiler, beating with rotary egg beater until thoroughly mixed. Place over rapidly boiling 'wa ter, beat constantly with rotary egg beater, and cook 7 minutes, or until frosting will stand in peaks. "Remove from boiling water; add vanilla and beat un til thick enough to spread. Add nuU. Makes enough frosting to cover tops and sides of 8x8x2 inch cake, tops, and sides of two S-tochE layers, or about 2 dozen -cupcakes...-: . , s . -'- LEMON SEVEN- MINUTE FROSTING 3 egg whites unbeaten 2ft cups sugar $ tablespoons, water 1 tablespoon light corn syrup 2 teaspoons lemon juice Combine egg whites, sugar, water, and corn syrup to top of double boiler, beating with ro tary egg beater until thoroughly ' mixed. Place over rapidly boil ing water, beating constantly with rotary egg beater, and cook 7 minutes, or until frosting will stand to peaks. Remove from boiling water. Beat until slightly -thickened and add lemon, juice. Continue'1 beatings until thick enough to spread. Makes enough frosting to cover tops and sides of three 9-inch layers (gener ously) or tops and sides of four 9-inch layers, or tops and sides of two 8x8x2 Inch cakes. the way d3- on a larger which means L