PAGE TWELVE T1i OSEGOH STATESMAN, Salem.- Oregon, Tuesday Morning, Juno 24, 1S41 Retreat Ends For en AY.Vm.TT --"wa y Residents Leave for- " Eucharistic Meet MT. ANGEL Following the three-day laymen's retreat clos ing at ML Anzel college Sunday, the annual election of the Retreat Guild again placed Charles Bech told, Portland, at the head of 4he organization. Bechtold was elect ed active president last year when P. N. Smith, ML" Angel, resigned and was made honorary president for life. - ".. Other officers elected were: first vice-president, Linus Fuller, Portland;, second vice-president, Tony Rogers, Tillamook; third viee-nresident Rudy Windishar. McMinnville: secretary, James Murphy, Portland; treasurer, Alois Keber, ML Angel. Another retreat for laymen will be held at the college on August 22, 23 and 24. MT. ANGEL Miss Helen Ke ber and Miss Dorothy Keber left by train Sunday for, SL Paul, Minn., to attend the eucharistic congress being held there. They will also visit relatives and friends in Madelia and other Min nesota towns. ' Other ML Angel people who left previously to attend the na tional Catholic meet are, Miss Elizabeth Keber, Miss Minnie Weis, MisS Eustelle B a urn an, Alois Keber and Rev. Hildebrand Melchior. ' MT. ANGEL The ML Angel school board announced that Mrs. Dave Traviss has been hired to r teach in the place of Hugh, Emry, ! seventh grade teacher ofSL Mary's school, who . was drawn into the selective service. Mr. Emry was athletic coach and teacher at ML Angel for two years and had been rehired. Church Class T TT r I Host JL iaV8 XAUSt ; LYONS The Beacon class of young ladies rom , the Lyons Methodist Sunday school enter tained the young men with a for mal banquet at the Rebekah hall Thursday. Miss Evelyn Vaughn, toast- mistress, gave the welcome and Leland Manning, president of the young mens class, gave the re- sponse. Group singing was lead by Betty Jean Bodeker, and short talks were given by Mr. and Mrs. George Clipfell and G. Paul Johnston. I Covers Were laid for Mr. and Mrs, Clipfell, Mr. and Mrs. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Robert 1 Ftherston, Leland Ma n n i n g , u 4Uiii, wiuuu r ei t- i man, Constance Bodeker, Rex - Julian, Evelyn Vaughn, Gene Mil ler, Cleta Crabtree, Stanley Weit- man, Marion Nye. Donald Huber. Burk, Violet Weitman, Lucille Lewis, Harvie Weitman, Elaine CUpfell, Beulah Lewis and Dor othy BassetL Dallas Circle Entertained DALLAS Members of Circle A of the First Presbyterian church met Friday at the home of Mrs. L. W. Plummer. Guests present were Mrs. Jam es Ferry, Mrs. M. K. Ferry, Mrs. . . Eveland, Mrs. Edward Torgen- son and Mrs. Paul Kliever. Members included Mrs. Nora M i j -m m m a a rmer, Mrs. u. w. ueximann, Mrs. a v . . jwiwara j. Mimes, Mrs. w. L. r 3. " t-1" o. sveuii fl VJULVllCi. 1X19 W VT seph E. Plummer, Mrs. Carl Swanstrom, Mrs. A. Fred Toner, Mrs. Joe' Vine and the hostess, Mrs. L. W. Plummer. Grangers' News NORTH HOWELL Among Marion county grange . members who returned Saturday from the state grange all week session at Newport were Mr. and Mrs. W. H. -Stevens, representing the coun ty pomona grange; Mr. and Mrs. W. ' A. Jones, Maclea; Mr. : and Mrs. W. H. Tate, Josephine Fox and children, Floyd and Frances, Union Hill; Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Joanson, Silverton; Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Wiener, North Howell, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wolf, Chexnawa; Mr. and Mrs. C. Donahue and Gus Cole, ButtevUle; Mrs. Effie Sweaney, Woodburn, Mrs. J. Mc Donald and A. A. Geer, Salem; Harriet Blankenship, Frances Zielke and Mabel Higgins, Rob erts; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Giel- vin and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mit chell, Turner, and Maurice Ben son, Silverton Hills. Marion county pomona grange will meet with Stayton grange entertaining Wednesday. . The -meeting is a week later than usual because of the state grange convention in Newport last week. MONMOUTH Monmouth rranee will hold its annual Fourth of July picnic in Helmick -state ' park, following a custom of many yeafs. A sports' program with ramea and races is always feat- cred; a basket dinner at noon, and gwiininicg in the aiternoon. - llany members attended state rjranjs meeting Thursday at New Laym port She's Selected as ; . i A V ' Jean Cavanaugh "".- Selected "Miss Washington of 1941 Jean Cavanaugb, 18, of Wash ington win represent the nation's capital in the annual beauty con test to be held in Atlantic City, Labor Day. . Scoutis Feted at West Salem; USO Committee Appointed WEST SALEM The Kincwood American Leeion auxiliary met at the legion hall Thursday mer. .... I ITM 1 1 T" C 4 SCOut ceremonial work. Mrs. Ray 1 Lacey presented a large flag to the boys in memory of her son, Gordon Lacey. Mrs. Warren Baker explained the USO work. A committee was appointed to work with the le- gion committee. The legion dona- ted 5. The auxiliary committee mem- bers are Mrs. Marian Jessup. Mrs. Kasper Neiger, Mrs. Elmer Cook, Mrs. Karl M o b 1 e y, Mrs. E. J. ntr and Mrs. Warren Baker. Lffion committee. E. J. Dietz. Karl MnhlfT. Thomas Inn and Frank Hunt. e. tm,- Dicksoni Howard Keith, Jack Mi- rhapl. Bill Moblev. Kenneth La- throp, Wayne Lathrop, Claud Boyd, assistant eader; and Emmet Dickson,' scout leader. Guests were Alene Axelson, Mrs. H. W. Ashford and Patricia Long. Members present were Mrs. Kenneth Abbott, Mrs. Lilian Wil liams, Mrs. E. A. Dickson, Mrs. George Combs, Mrs. Verne Axel- son, Mrs. L. B. McClendon, Mrs, O. B. Long, Mrs. Fannie Smith, Mrs. Floyd White, Mrs. P. R. Or chard, Mrs. Ray Lacey, Mrs. E. J. Dietz, Mrs. K. Simmons, Mrs. Kasper Neiger and Mrs. Baker. Tom Dalke and daughter Irene, went deep sea fishing at Depoe Bay with a group of people who had attended the Mennonite Bre- thern church convention at Dal las over the weekend. C. E. Howell, Florence, was guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Roger McVey Wednesday. How- All Ia4 Aa1w wlrlMA 'PWaaVMB ay tor New York, where he will attend a defense conference in conjunction with opening an air- Secret Weapon 4 i; Robert A W. Watt ; -.. . -; u -' This Is Robert Alexander Watson Watt, Scottish scientist, who is credited with the development of Britain's secret war weapon a "radio location" that .spots ap proaching planes miles away.- The device is given much credit for winning the battle of Britain last fan. The radiolocator 'is "on duty" 24 hours a day. Watt be gan working en the electrical . -phenomenon in 1933. Capital Queen for the last meeting of the sum- ...,'.1 4 4-J plane factory in Florence. Rhoe Herring accompanied Howell Mr. and Mrs. James Mitchael and daughters moved on Thurs- da tn Portland. Mr. hnntrht the Mitchael property on Sixth street as a business venture. WEST SALEM-Stanton Dos- sett and friends of Shreeveport, stopped enroute to Seattle at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. McClendon Wednesday. The Mc Clendon had never seen Dos- sett before, although he is their son-in-law. Dossett was married to Bess McClendon several years ago, and they have three child ren. He Is in the box factory bus iness in Shreeveport. Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Griffen, were Mrs. Samuel Cook, Neilsville, Wis., and Mr. and Mrs. C. S. StockwelL Eau Claire. Wis- who are making a tour of the west coast. Mrs. Griffen is their niece. Monitor News MONITOR Mrs. Albert Ram- berg and daughter of Canyonvflle are visiting at the E. J. Anderson homer - Mrs. C Rector. of Lincoln. Nebr, and Mrs. Frances Chris tenson of Gaston spent last Wed nesday visiting Mrs, T. W. Ver- steeg. The women's father, Mr. 3ail1Snwv .tviAvavAil 4l a v?t 1ua mill here about 35 years ago when it was owned by J. F. Short. a nv. va tv.. a ASAAo AVa JVaa ViU(SU A CUiU son, Tommy, spent the weekend in their cottage at Neskowin. They had as their guests Mr: and Mrs. Willard Hunt of Newberg. Miss Susie Brantner , returned home Saturday after a two weeks' visit in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Schram of Beavercreek were visitors at the Susie Brantner home. HT or. Tori U-1.AKA. VM sr mm frm -r-HfAmin . tn Montana. nr,rvH nff fnr a W days to visit the Byron Ballweber family. At the school meeting, T. Q. Thornton was reelected clerk and Mrs. Harry Nelson reelected di rector: A special tax of $580 was voted. The bonded indebtedness will be paid off this year and with the increase in the elemen tary school fund, no doubt this will be the last year that a special tax will be needed. M. Lundstrom and Mrs. Ferguson have been re- elected to teach the ' Monitor SSJEL : . Ma Au&uwat muvt JL OUU Mrs. Stanley Dimick and children wlmm. MUOe VUVCA I B rougher in Scotts Mills Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Fauske of Mulino were Sunday guests at the Thomas Keefe home. Callers in the afternoon were Mrs. John Denwodie of Woodburn and Miss Ruth Denwodie and Mrs. Marsh of Portland. ' , Mrs. Lester Nofzerger returned Sunday to her home in Los An g'eles after a month's visit with relatives. ,Mr. and Mrs. Ray Baker and family, Mrs. ; May Saylor and Ed Ransdel and . Vernon ' Ransdel went on a picnic to Silver Creek Thirty two persons attended the flax meeting Wednesday, at the tnn tr77 w ,. tisuvi a AOUa siwii aw aa sfc-"- pose of signing forms for Cax subsidy. Army Service Gets Seven 375 Taken From North Marion County ; Trip Plans Revealed WOODBURN Seven regis trants were accepted into the army service last week when sent to Portland from here. They were sent on to Fort Lewis. - They were Lester Raymond Wampole, Laurence Wilfred Long, Alfred Frederick Boye, Stephen Zollner, Leland Floyd Ryther, Herbert Frank Hubert, Roy Tak ashi Miyake. Raymond LeRoy Deneke, who had been listed for induction Tuesday, had volunteered in the marines and was removed ; from the list -Virgil Laveijie Coburn was also in the group to be ac cepted but he was not credited to this area as he registered in Iowa. Lacy Peter Zenner, Leland Ed ward Morley and Henry Heinle Budeau failed to pass their phy sical examinations. , No further call for men is ex pected before July 15, after which some rather heavy calls are fore seen by the local draft board. The total of the men in service of North Marion county Is 375. WOODBURN Miss Fern Parr left Wednesday by train for Washington, DC Enroute she will make stops at Duluth and Chica go, She will . return to Lansing. Mich., and drive home a new car. She plans to return in a month. Mrs. Katherine Olson. Mrs. John Gregory, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Gill, Herbert and Wayne jr., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Olson Eugene. Ex-Students i At Reunion LEBANON The annual reun ion of former students of the Bishop- school, founded in 1860 by Rev. W. R. Bishop, was held in Crawfordsville with a good at tendance though each year some of 'the earlier members of the school'pass on. Charles P. Bishop, Salem, was among those who took part in the Informal program. Alumni came from Salem, Oregon City, Roseburg, Eugene, Shedd, Alba ny, Bonneville, Foster and Brownsville. George Finley of the US land office, Roseburg, a son of Rich- Ots9 ITirklA-v urrtA ' VhiiiTt f a fire! to the c7awfordsviUe vicinity In 1847, presided. Rev. Bishop moved from Craw fordsville to Brownsville and there also opened a school known as Bishop's academy. His last years were spent in Portland. Twin Sons Born To Ex-Resident Of Silverton SILVERTON Twin boys were born to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Allen McClung Thursday at Chi cago, according to word received here Mr- McClung's parents, ait. ana jars. HUgn o. LJiinam. The boys, weighing five pounds each and being cared for in an incubator, have been named Hugh Burtrant Latham and Paul Frank. Mr. and Mrs. Tatham will leave Tuesday nieht on the Portland Rose to be with Mrs. McClung when she and the lit tle boys return from the hospi tal. Mrs. McClung is well known at Silverton having graduated from Suverton schools and later at tended ML Angel college. She was an honor graduate from the Uni- I wreson tnree? years ago. The Lathams plan to return in late July or early August. - Dallas Woman Buried Sunday DALLAS Mrs. Mary Eliza- I wuw UiCU . 1 home ta Dallas Thursday after I n . i m UUWUJ ouiwusy. She was born in the Lewisville community in Polk county and was married to Sam Davis on Oc tober 10, 1880. Only Immediate surviving rela tives are her husband, Sam Davis, and a nephew, Al Cherry, both of Dallas. Interment was In the Smith cemetery at Lewisville. Rev. K. Wishart, pastor of the local Evangelical church, officiated. Needle Club at I I PlnncoTitrlolni PLEASANTDALE Mrs. Ivan Gubser entertained tha. Arra wannah Needle club at her home Wednesday. Mrs. Marion Boulden, Mrs. FJ JiT" F7!. Mf.ScottEdwards, Mrs. Glen McFarlane, -Mrs. Les ter Leach and the hostess were the members who were present. The next meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Max well. Valloy Event I rox and 1" PJHl!!? Jy' Jn. L.JuIy li-20-Snuara Bean TestivaJ. I oLiyXOH, - - August 8 Mt. Ansel flax Festival. July 29. 30. 31 Annual Willamette valley livestock tour. Am TodavJbeaSDn m '4 WESn&plsycd with a graft of other fiags. the Amtrkaa flag should b at tht Cnr or tb hightat point of Ow crap. Whin olspbyt on a staff projecting from a building, the field of hlu should acleatM tht peak of the staff xgim the t h being flown at half-etaff, We display th AmartcaA flag with the wtion 4oa except aa a signal of tfe- When displayed over a street between twt buUdinra, the American flag should be suspended vertically with the onion to the north in an east and west street, or o the cast in a north and south street' When used in connection with the un veiling of a statue or monument, the Sag should be prominently featured but should never be used as a covering for a statue. Fathers Feted At Banquet LYONS The second annual Fathers and Sons banquet was held at the Rebekah hall Tues day. imatAlv 7n father and mm ninv-d the occasion, with Rev. Irvine? Fox. Salem, sneaker, nv . Nt was toastmaster and minted the following urogram. in which Billie Avres. G. Paul JnWtnn. oHrla trio from Kalem. and E. Leroy Hiatt, Roseburg, took nart. ' Albert Ring received the prize for being the oldest father pres- "T wlJ T " X ent and Mervin Berry for the youngest father. The banquet was oreDared by the ladies of the WSCS and served by the Beacon I class of young ladies from the! Lyons Sunday school. This affair is sponsored by the Sunday! school. Returning home Friday after spending two weeks in Corvallis attending 4H club summer school were, Helen Hiatt, Charymaine Westenhouse, Betty Kinzer, Char lotte Burk, Junior Owen and Hal lie Stevens. Flovd Baet ha mrilA M oi,lr- men tin his welding shop and with his family !wul move to Bremer- ton. Wash- where he will be -m- ployed. The Bassetts plan to visit relatives in Klamath, Fall before moving, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kribs have rented the Bassett house, . .. . -' Mr. Kribs is employed at the Mt Jefferson Lumber company. Election Held For Director AUrvuKA ward Kussell was reelected school director for term of three years and Mrs. B. w. S toner was reelected clerk. The patrons voted to remove the bell belfry , from the school building. Miss Ruby Schantz, Woodburn, nas neen hired, principal and teacher of the upper grades. Miss Dorothy Dental has been hired as primary teacher. Mrs. E. C. Diller teacher of music and Frank Morns, Janitor. Eldriedge News ELDRTEDGE Guests at the A W. Nuiom and Allyn Nusom homes this week were Miss Rose mary Nusom, Ronnie Nusom of Clatskanie and Miss Dorothy Mae runong or Portland. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Rasmussen were hosts this week to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hansen of Underwood, Minn., also Mr. and Mrs. - Jesse Howard and daughter Ruth of Dunn Center, ND. - Mr. and Mrs, C. W, Thurmon of Clatskanie were Salem visitors last week on their return home from an extended trip to southern I California and Mexico. The Thurmons formerly lived here. Cannery Workers The "recently; organized can nery workers union will hold another open meeting - Wednesday, Jane 25, at 8 PJIL in the Labor Temple 259 Court Street Come and Hear Charles K. Smith If. of L. Organizer 1 tMas.' - . Amity Club Has Picnic i Qub's Activities Are Subject of Report; Officers Named AMITY The Amity Study club's annual picnic was held Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorenson. The business meeting was held with Mrs. J. A. Breeding presid ing. The treasurer, Mrs. Evelyn Umphulte, gave a report. The club has contributed to the Red Cross fund, Christmas Seal sale, march of dimes, entertained with the Civic club with a luncheon for the county dub .officers and bought a new book for the Amity Public library. There are 16 mem bers in the club. Officers were elected for next year: Mrs. Howard Stephens, pre sident; Mrs.' Soren Sorenson, vice president; Mrs. H. J. Richter, sec retary; Mrs. J. M. Umphutti, treasurer.- ; j v - v ' Mrs. Stephens - appointed the following program committee: committee: Miss Laura Judy, Mrs. Soren Sorenson and Mrs. E. O. Morse. Others present included Mrs. Rilla B. Thomas, Mrs. E. Wad- dell and Mrs. W. S. Fuller. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Taylor, Mrs. M. E. Brown and W. S. Ful ler.. The club will meet again October. ' Lyons Scene Of Wedding LYONS The home of Mr. and the Mrs. James Stockwell was scene of a quiet wedding Thurs day when Miss Dorothy May Ayres, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Art Ayres, Lyons, became the bride of Melvin Stockwell, son of I Mr. and Mrs. James Stockwell. Rev. Crockett, Church of Christ, at Mill City, read the ceremony before a small group of relatives and friends. Preceding the cere mony Mrs. George Clipfell sang. The bride wore a white lace afternoon dress and was unat tended. . Those attending the ceremony were Mr. and Mrs. An Ayres, Harold and Billie, Mr. and Mrs. James Stockwell, Rev. and Mrs. Crockett, Rev. and Mrs. Earle Miller, Mr. and Mrs. George Clip- eUi Mr. and Mrs. G. Paul Johns ton, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fethers- ton, - Lucille and Beulah Lewis, Daisy and Violet Weitman, Con I stance and Betty Jean Bodeker, I Cleta Crabtree, Evelyn Vaughn, I axrimx ioranw, 1 Yvonne Hiatt, Elaine and Evelyn I a M il M A A . V ; Clipell, Charles Burk, Gene Mil- ler. Rex Julian, Leland Manning, lT tfL Donald Huber, Gordon, Stanley " Ater a short honeymoon at the Oregon beaches they will be at home in Lyons.-Mrs. btocxweu graduated from the Mill City high school this spring. Mr. Stockwell is employed: as a planerman for the Mill City planing milL Farmers Union News MARION The semi-monthly meeting of Marion Farmers Union local Friday night was presided over ny we vice-p rinaeni, I cnaries oarver. tomnuuee reporu were given. I rm i - j : .i ...vni vi.s their meeting Wednesday. Three of the club members, Mrs. Jim Wilson, Mrs. Charles Sarver and Mrs. Fred Scher- macher spoke over KOAC during the farm hour on Thursday. . AV) Tht lowtslfinandng cost l L0) 4IkJ ? l.2f for home building tn sL- " T-'"'iCKJ;A history Ask for cJtlaili. ' ' ASST. VICE-PRESIDENTS , Roy Nelson .. George H. Riches ASST. MANAGERS J. Fuhrer Tmkham Gabert Leo G. Page ILaaOdl x nBnnoCn-SallecaD DBiraim'fljIla .-of th& - m.. ,.mm M l !4kT J Tf '- 11S i VT v ' USO Quota Over Cupid Busy in DALLAS Polk county's quo ta for the USO will be over Its 1800 quota this weekend, accord ing to those in charge. Dallas, whose quota was $350, has already raised $541.51. In dependence, wKh a quota of $150, has raised $169. Monmouth has given assurance that its quo ta of $100 wOl be subscribed. No report has been received from West Salem where the quota was $200. Golf Players Are Hosts WOODBURN Women of the Forest Hills Golf club were enter tained atv the Woodburn golf course Thursday for play and luncheon. , . : Ruth West of Hillsboro won the guest prize for low net with a score of 56-12 44. Viola Henning won for the Woodburn players in class A with a 48-936. Floris Darnell in the B class won with 57-2037, ' - The luncheon tables were deco rated by Elizabeth G 1 a 1 1 and Alma Timm. - In charge of the menu were Virginia Austin,' La vern Adams and Jessie Sims. ; The Woodburn club accepted an invitation to play at Forest Hills June 25. Next Thursday the women will entertain the women of Hirters Golf club, near New berg, and on July 10 will enter tain the Oak Knoll women of Salem and Dallas. Guests from Forest Hills were Bessie Mills, ' Margaret Lockett, Vivian Forsythe and Mamie Miller of Forest Grove- Ruth West, Ellen Stout and Mabel Gross of Hillsboro. Woodburn players present were Alma Elizabeth Glatt, Julia Bras- seL Agnes Jones, Phyllis De Jar din, Floris Darnell, Myrtle Smith, Arlene Harwood. Mame Cuts- forth. Hazel Enos, Lou Shorey, Viola Henning, Ruth Rue, Beryl Grilley, Virginia Austin, Ann Withers, La Vera Adams, Chris McGrath, Mamie Willeford, Mary Scollard, Aletha Miller, Gladys McLaughlin, Addie Smith, Min nie Richards and Jessie Sims. Tuesday there will be a two- ball mixed foursome tournament at the home course, play to begin not later than 6:15. p. m., followed by a no-host supper at 6:30. All men and women who enjoy play ing golf are invited. WOODBURN G en McNulty of Woodburn, senior in forestry at Oregon State college. Is field representative for the Keep Ore gon Green program. Marion Girl Wins Honor MARION Lucile Bobbins, who returned home Friday from the 4-H club summer school at Cor vallis, has again brought honors to the Marion grade school by winning third place in the sew ing judging with all classes com peting. Mrs. FJzy Pickard returned this week from San Francisco, where she had been the guest of her daughter, Mrs. William Cline. Birthdays Honored AURORA Mrs. W. P. Wurster entertained Sunday with a dinner in honor of the birthdays of her husband and son Henry, whose birthdays are on the same day and also for her sister, Mrs. L. B. Ir vin whose birthday is the same week. Wa also maka FHA Modernization Loans which cores practically overy typo of permanent homo improvement VICE-PRESIDENTS ' d. W. Eyre W. S. Walton of Portland i- Subscribed Polls County Dallas marriage licenses havt, been issued v in the office ct County Clerk Carl 8. Graves to Frank Albert Fait and Ardeth Bonita Dart, both of Dallas: to Bryce Warren Trefethen, Inde pendence, and Helen Louise Neu- feld, Monmouth: to Ralph W, Chaffin and Mazie Browning. both of Airlie. DALLAS The June social meeting of the auxiliary of the VFW was held at the home ef Mrs. L. R. Wilson Tuesday with Mrs. Forrest Martin as assistant hostess. "t : '. '' . . ' The time was spent In work ing on a quilt Present were Mrs. .Melvin G. Cutler, Mrs. V. Ray Boydston, Mrs. Lester Martin, Mrs. Bertie Martin, Mrs. Arthur Davis, Mrs. Elmer Ray,, Miss Fannie Demp sey,,. Mrs. "Viola Hanson, Mrs. Forrest Martin and Mra. L. R. Wilson. , - - v vvwjvwOWJaiertiiti by JOHN CUNTOti My neighbor's wife, that al most sinfully pretty lady who graces the hone next door, is begin ning to think I'm pretty smart She has a little roadster of her own, and about six months ago she began to fret . about it. It didn't have any oomph, .,:'.". Walt yaaslwa Id tJMma fact tthtft afJl4,fceSev 91V(I OMIfc fF twe, I suggested Hiof she might be vsldg ike wreng Idstd f 4I la H. Swt, srtsl skey H stralty wch lfkef she cfctrgW. "Ah, , I said, "far yae sea seme Us fersa swere eerbaa tham tsiera tkat black ak tka sSBsaSaaA Vbs ssssilaBsBBaa asi V aaMBassas aBHBaP kft vHN l7"""- sjasjeaajasaaaa asg jraaaaf - BJBaai'aBa(t She wanted to know what I thought she ought to do about it And, as you know very well. I recommended Triton Motor OiL "On account of why?" asked the lady. lecaese frltea is jaada by Ualaa's awa, aateated frajMa Salveaf Cafialaf racss. It Is a 100 pare peraWa-fc all Ike ast klad af tabricaat ' , . , - Now because Triton forms tery little carbon it very neatly cuts down one of the causes of slug gish motors. And just to show Eer how neighborly I am, I got in her car ana drove down to the Union Oil station with her and had them drain the crankcase and 11 it up with Triton. Now aha tfclaks I'm weaderfat If to Trltaa Metar OU. Tall aai CWataa aaat yaal U?i:ofJOILCOVJANY L. C Smith X. H. Thompson - ' ""Tu i mi ) "tin----- Amn A" txjL A tobawaaJar WwC - switch vm