rit-OZICOn STATESMAN, ZsUa, Onqon. Tuasdor Morelag, Jua St 1311 PACE ELEVDI Buy J Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 CUnUled AdrtrtWa Three Insertion per UnaI5e Six Insertions per line 40c Oat month per lint -$U9 futnimiim charge 25c; S tt. min imum 35c; 6 tt. mln. 45c. No refunds. Copy for this pg tccepUd -ttl 6 JO the evening before publics ttoo for claaaiflcattou. Copy re reived otter ttaia time win be run Lndr thVheading "Too Late to Classify." . The SUtefman assumes no Onan ctal responsibility for errors whlrt may appear la advertisements pub Usned in Its columns and la eeaea where this paper is at Uult wIU reprint that part I aa advertise ment in which the typographical mistake occurs. . 7"ne SUteamaa reaenres the right to reject questionable advertising. It further resenres the right to place all advertising under the prooer classification. A "Blind" Ad en ed containing a SUteamaa box number for an ad dress is for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman is not at liberty to divulge infor mation as to the identity of aa advertiser using a "Blind" ad. Livestock and Poultry WE PAY UP TO liC PER LB. FOR DEAD AND WORTHLESS HORSES AND COWS IF FRESH AND IN GOOD CONDITION. TOP PRICE FOR FOX FEED HORSES. PHONE COLLECT 6411. SALEM. MONTGOMERY RENDERING WORKS d a ov r-mr-ira xrarfaflM Immtdl ate delivery, custom hatching. Started Chicks, pullets and fryers. Phone S-286L Lee's Hatchery. PHONE SALEM 5000 ... COLLECT We remove dead and worthless stock and pay you money. ' SALEM FERT. BY PRODUCTS CO. Salem. Oregon Auctions NOTICE AUCTION SALE Every Sat, 1:30 p. m. List all live stock day before sale. Also farm ma chinery, household goods, anything of value. 619 N. Front. Salem. Ph. 21768. Help Wanted Male BARBER WANTED. Phone 3618. MAN FOR general farm and dairy worx. Ki. l, ox joo. rn. mil. MARRIED DAIRYMAN, reliable, ex perienced In B grade milk 3 -unit Surge milker. Furnished house, wood, milk, eggs, potatoes, some garden. Good wages. Write Statesman Box No. 166S. MEN TO cut ash and maple logs. J. F. Chamberlain, Monmouth, (cooper Hollow). STEADY OLDER man for farm. $49 mo. and board. B. Fen wick, 644 Ferry. Help Wanted Female ELDERLY, respectable woman who wants home as hsekeeper tor elderly man. Sm. wages. 2040 Ferry St. GIRL. OR elderly lady for fen. hsewrk. and care children. Ph. 2-3180. i BEAUTY OPERATOR with follow ing guarantee a commission. Box 1663. Statesman. Salesmen Wanted SALESMAN WITH car. good terrl tory, references. Box 1664, Statesman. Situations Wanted EXPERIENCED MIDDLE age farm band, single, desires steady place. Good home considered first. Last place six years.- Write fully wages, size faro Uy to Box 1670 co Statesman. WASH. DION. Call for. del. 1-1528. CARPENTER St repair work. PhJ-2162 WOULD LIKE position es office re ceptionist or typist. High school gradu ate. Ph. 8215. CARE FOR children. 11 Union For Sale Miscellaneous USED FRIGrDATREL good condition. only 839.50. Good Housekeeping. In a. n court sw. RAWLEIGH PDTS. 30 Morgan Ave. WHITE SEWING machines. Liberal trade ia allowance on old machines. Hogg Bros. Salem and Oregon City. SAME AS new GE Sun lamp. Was S38.50. win sen szxso. rn. ess. USED LUMBER for sale at Larmer warehouse. 370 Belmont St. 9x11 GREEN Broadloom rug. One 9 xll 33-os. waffle pad. 1910 N. summer. SCHOOL BUS body make a good trailer house. 800 East Turner Rd. PIE CHERRIES 4c lb. Phone 3684. SOU S. Cottage. STOCK IN State Finance Co. 8533 for 9400. paying 8. Box-189 Statesman. HEAVY WEIGHT 10x13 tent only $1X loo n. mn.- ---------- - ii-i-.--,-ii-yi-ir-inrmrir'i.nnjin TRAILER for sale. 1397 Hazel Ave. CHERRIES. YOU pick. Sc. Royal Annes k Lamberts. L Townsend, Mis sion noiiom. AUTOMATIC GAS water heater. excell. condition. 86 down. bal. of $M ini ma a do. mm si saiem. TRAILER HOUSE. Cheap. 839 Marlon. ''1J'-''J'T,i' TRY OUR HOME- - DECORATING ANT) orunnn ron crsvirt .w m.v.. una v. . u. Willi. 11 . 4 nav. Ma dam iw.n. Ar ranged at your home. Only responsible nmwwirn aira aecoraiors ao roar 100 liu Mr. Eyre at R L rLFSTWOM COMPANY Ph tm ce Ortfion0tatesxiau ADVERTISma ' Western AdvertWnf , Representatives 4 Georea D. Claae. InL San Frajcisco, Los Angeles, ' Seattle . Eastern Advertising. - Representatives Bryant. Griffith ft B run son. bio. Chicago. New York Detroit Boston. Atlanta Entered at the Pottofice of Salem, preaon. es Second Class Matter Pub. f ofice US South Commerciai warwaifa . SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mail Subscription Rates-In Advance. Ua v crnia: a saos. fiur f atos. 1 1 rear SS.Oa Elsewhere 80 cents 8X80: per mo. wr 86.00 for 1 - year ia advance. Per cony 3 cents. Newsstands 8 cents. By City Carrier. 0 cents a month Si .zo a year la advance ta Martoa adjacent counties. Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL. WRITS e shone 9168 ta Salem's oldest lama (inn.. m,xL home menaced finance Institution, four loans made la strictest privacy Tea will be given every considers Uee in the repaying of roue loan or granting ef exUasiona. 1 to 24 Months to Repay You can pay ta tun any time to reduce the east Only Borrower Signs No Loans made HOT a. STMMONS. mob. Us. No. M-1S3 . General Finance Corporation 134 8a Commercial St Lie. No, 3-13 Phone flos first door south of Ladd at Bush Bask. Convenient ground floor locatiea eaaiisassisBssss1ss1eeiss1essai aoaaa ft VifViVVT isfc ,--v-fcrt-ru--ytrj- Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. 8TB FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE NO. M-139 WX LOAN on farm, residential business property. Will buy mortgages or contracts. HAWKINS at ROBERTS. INC Realtors. Guardian Building. PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce payments. Money for new or used cars. No delay .or red tape. You will retain possession of the vehicle. 1 TO ZU MONTHS 1U fAX ROY H. SIMMONS 136 South Commercial Street Phone 9168 - Lie. No. M-1S3 FHA LOANS 4't4. also orlv. loans Abrams St Ellis. Inc. Masonic Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS ON REAL ESTATE OFFERED INVESTORS 13000 on Business property. .1500 on Business Property. 13000 on Large Modern .Residence. fheaa mortsasea to net investors to 6. We service loan for investors without cost. CHILD! & MILLER. INC Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LCAN on good Salem real es tate. Will pay 6 Interest W. H. CRABENHUKiT Si W. REALTORS For Sale Miscellaneous BUY YOUR PIANO NOW Piano prices are going up. We are still maintaining old prices for a short time longer only. If you plan, en buy ine a Diano this fall or winter, you can save by buying now. Large and com plete stock to choose irom. 469 STATE STREET Wanted Miscellaneous BEST PIANO 33 buy. 1847 Waller. Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg. State ft CoraX Ph. 3311 FURNACE AND chimney cleaning Mled brush with vacuum. 19 rears experience In Salem. Ph. 7178. MALE INSTRUCTION. Would like to hear from reliable men we can train to overhaul. Install and service Air Conditioning. andV. Refrigerating; equip ment. Must be mechanically Inclined. No interference with present occupa tion, lor interview wrue at once giv ing name, add cess, age. Utilities Inst. Box 1662, SUteeman. For Rent Rooms ROOMS. 296 N. Cottage. Ph. 6956. 8 R FURIT. Prlv. bath. 870 Union. HOTEL MARION Rnnmi iTvriil weeklv and monthlv rates to perm, guests. Marlon Coffee Shop, aeucioua .meajs at low pncea HTD. ROOM near capital. 6498. HOTEL SALEM, low mo.-wk. rates. HOUSEKEEPING ROOM. 260 Center. 1tjefBaSStk SLP. RMS., boys. men. 853 N. Ch'rch. 3 DESIRABLE sleeping rooms near State Buildings. Ph. 4328. SLP. R1L, near aUte bldgs. Ph. 21449. Room and Board EXCELL, BOARD ftt room. Ph. 8409. VACANCY NOW. 603 N. Liberty. NICE ROOMS. 219 S. Winter. GOOD MEALS. 1496 Court. Ph. 9630. BOARD. ROOMS. 850 E St., Estep. ROOM AND board for elderly eou-l pie or middle aged men or women, M center. RM. ft BD. See 690 Marion. Ph. 8570. For Rent Apartments UNFURN. S RM 1st Or. 1411 Court Hawthorne Ct, vae turn. 1000 N. Cap. APARMENTS, $8 and Up. 1310 & 13th. S a turn. Adults. 473 N. Capital l-RM. turn;, bath. Its- water. 918- 1440 waller. Trailer pax sung. 3 R. apt pvt bath, hot w. washer, rngidaire. 1234 s. comx ruRN. 3 R. Lt.. w. Gar. rrig. wash er. 913JO. Ph. 7113. 1 RM. Apt, prlv. bath, also It. house- Keeping room, sum n. capnoi. STRATTON APTS. 3-R. apt. P. 3843. LGE FURN hskoc rm. Reas. Ph. 8719, WELL FURN. apt.- Close In on Cen ter. Elec. range and frigldalre. Adults only. Room lo. Lead ec bush sidg, Ph. 8364. etsaarestataire FURN APTS. elec. washer. 88.90 up, 624 I. CSpltOL CLOSE IN MODERN FURNISHED APT. Adults only. Phone 8490. . CLEAN quiet, 1-3 rm. rum. 843 Ferry, MWIIIIWWWWIMWWIMMMWWWWWWM COZY PULLMAN, refrigerator, ori ate bath, private entrance. JS48 D St. BLONDE C owsmnuts I . -lowws - happens j . - )V or Bicker, Money to Loan financial affairs will be discussed and rursu tor or note. ILM CLARK. ASST. atua WHY IS IT SO MANY PEOPLE JUST LIKE YOU USE HUE CALKINS FINANCIAL SERVICE BECAUSE . . . you can obtain the amount of cash you seed today, and the repayment plan la arranged to especially suit you. Remember, too, this loan allows enough ready cash to pay oa car. indebtedness, furniture in debtedness, all of your other bills, and buy the things you need right now. Make your appointment today for your sree loan appraisal. - CALKINS FINANCE COMPANY "Salem's Personal Loan Center 313 Court St, Salem, Ore. Phone 4446 state uc. No's, s-zz and M-Z7S Wanted Furnilnre CASH FOR used furniture & house hold goods R, Forgey. Ph. 7443. T. N. St GLEKN WOODRY. Auc tioneers St furniture dealers will pay you more cash or trade for furniture St household goods, we ouy or ecu everything. Ph. 8110. . For Rent Apartments DESIRABLE APT. now obtainable at the Fisher, fa. 975L jfrr'im'tt,i''' t" " "" 3 R. APT, 486 N. Liberty. SMALL APT. 250 S. Cottage. FURN APTS. 255 Division. COOL 3 room $20. 1580 Center. DUPLEX APT. unfurn. 949 N. Winter CM&f T. aivr nlwlv eiirn wllh Piill man kitchen, "women or girls only, Ilia Uit, , l-RU basement aDt.. nicely iurn. prL bath, available July 1st. 1118 Oak. 1ST FL, 3-R, gar, 643 Union. - nowiMTOWTJ unfurn. unstsirs ant.. suitable for rooming house. P. 3-1783. , a. V . K. fritf K.(h mm 2009 N. Capitol. NICE 3-ROOM unfurnished apt. 1710 N. CapitoL 4 RM. unfurnished apt. near Capitol, automatic hot water heat, elec. range, Frtgidaire, garage, gardens. Call 149 N. 14th. For Rent Houses MOD. 4-RM. hse, $20. 3190 N. Fourth, 3-RM. HSE water, garbage, fire place, $20. Inq. 687 n. Front ' WE HAVE' TBI PROSPECT - a YOU Want to seUL exchange. lease, rent see Mr. Larsen or Mr. Col lins with Hawkins a ttooens. 8 RM. hse, furnace, fireplace, hard wood floors, at 2469 S. High. Call at 477 Court 8 ROOM FURNISHED, dose in ..$20.00 8 room modern $25.00 1 room modern . , 825.00 STEGNER. 820 N. Commercial COUNTRY HOME spring water, bath. 4 mi. West $19. lnq. 969 N. summer. HOUSES. $20 to $40 with oil heat, Suburban, 2 bs., mod. home. $29. Nice 3-r. furn.. base, fur, $23. C H. SANDERS 231 N. High 3833 WANTED A GOOD RENTER! And in return we have a $30 9-room mod ern for $25. on Aug. 1st C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 10 ROOM house in business district Steam heat 2 baths. Suitable for boarders and roomers. Ph. 8714. - NEW 3 R. Sub. N. $27.90. C R. $13 7 R. $18. Ph. 7113. NEW 4 R. and nk, stove. W. Salem, $20. 3 R. $13. Ph. 7113. .aaa'aM HOUSE FOR RENT 8 mt out $4 mo. can 2348 Myrtle. MOD. SUB. home. Inq. 660 N. Cottage l't A. 4 R. house at Labish Gardens. Inq. 724 N. High, 8 RM. Mod. house. 1150 N. Church. 8 RMS. newly painted and papered, Bnglewood Dist Wired for elec. range, Room 10. Ladd & Bush Bldg. Ph. 8364, HOUSES. Melvin Johnson. Ph. 372X - RM. house, close In, 2 bath rooms. basement and furnace. Ph. 3723. SMALL HOUSE 2397 Hazel Ave. ATTRAC 4 rm. Cottage $20, 1130 Wilbur. Inq. 131 Duncan Ave, Capitols 4 RMS, $12. Inq. 2249 Broadways HOUSE FOR rent sale or exchange. inquire zu uivuion st 3-RM. HOUSE, gar, $14. Ph. 6226. raefaiaaTae 183 BDRMS. 980 N. I8th St, unfurn. bedrooms. 1911 S. Liberty st .509 rooms, furn, S. Liberty St 8 rooms. South 23rd St H. P. GRANT 829 Court St. Ph. 6744 S-RM. FURN. hse. Inq. 1998 Court St For Rent STORE ft basement 483 Front STORE RM. Avail. June L 3094 N CapitoL VMMMr'afasaSae FURN. HSES & Apts. 133 N. Com! Wanted to Rent WANTED TO rent small modern house, with gars re. for two people. approx. $20. Ph. X270S. Money to Loan IF YOU ARE GOING ON A TRIP or If YOU NEED MONEY NOW ' here's a way to get extra cash Anytime Anywhere. Any credit worthy per son, now regularly employed can either obtain cash bow or can register their name and signature with us to obtain one of our NATIONWIDE Cash Credit Cards - , ... . This card ta good for cash at more than 400 PERSONAL Finance Co, offices from Coast to Coast. Apply for Tour Loan or Credit Card Today PERSONAL 813 State St Phone 3191. f S-123 . State For Sale Real Estate BY OWNXR-13 A. an or part Mrs. T. J. Rederich. Phone 32236. , HOME AND INCOME BARGAIN TWO COMPLETELY furnished spts. S blks. from sUte bldgs. Income 359.00 a mo. Live in one. let other pay for both. Reduced to 83800.00 to sell witlui week. Don't miss seeing this! Two new view homes on Klngwood Heights. One is going at 85800 snd one at 87000. Call Mr. Hardy with HAWK INS ROBERTS, INC.. Realtors. 8 RM. house, bsmt., furnace. i A. worth 83000, now 82250. Must be sold. Stegner, 820 N. Com'L NEW HOUSES 4 rms, automatic heat $2750, terms. 8 rms, automatic heat $3450, terms. 9 rms, automatic heat $3550, terms. 9 rms, automatic heat. $4850. All hardwood thruout. . P. GRANT 829 Court St. Ph. 6744 BELOW VALUE 1 Nice modern 3 bT. house, less than 3 yrs. old. Englewood dUt. only 83700 with 8500 down. C. H. SANDERS Z31 H. Ulgb MHS ' PH. ART MADSEN ABOUT THESE 9580 ' Ready to move Into green cement 8 rm. bungalow, fireplace and furnace. cor. lot on M. sth. S3500. New large 3 rm. home, east front, good lot, north of Highland $1600 $230 down. Brand new large 9 rm. home, z blks. S. of city. Hardwood in all rms. Very large L. rm. Outside fireplace and , acre in nuts and fruit. Only $3500 $400 down. $800 a cash 3 R, Gar. Ph. 7113. NEW MOD 7 R . 2 lots, trees, bus. Nr. Sen. $4000. $250 Dn. Consider cheap property in. trade most anywhere. $850 Eq. for $700 cash in New 9 R. Sub. Furn. fireplace, trees, sen. and city bus. Price $2800. 172 So. Liberty. P. 7113 1820 S. High. 6 rms. snd 315 Bellevue. 10 rms. Also others. Socolofsky 6c Son. 1st Natl. Bank Bldg. OPEN HOUSE New modern house lust completed. Has fireplace, oak floors. Venetian bunds, floor furnace ana umimsnea upstairs. AU for 83000. One block north of 3311 Center street or phone 9292. Exchange Real Estate WILL EXCHANGE lovely scenic tracts in Klngwood Vista for saiem residence, fn. Mix TWO STORY apartment house. 9 rooms. Double plumbing, large lot; wiu rut xor some tana. as Reel buy 4 bedroom home on if. 21st, close in, double plumbing, ideal for roomers ft boarders, will trade for a smaller house.. P. H. Bell, Realtor 429 Oreg. Bldg. Phone 8121 37'i A. with good buildings, well im proved, close to town, to trade for smaller place near saiem. Money to loan on gooa real estate. Furnished house, close in. rent $25. WILLIAM E. MOSES. REALTOR 331 't SUte St. - Business Cards la this directory ran tM 1 monthly basis only. Kate: SL25 per line per month. Auto Brakes Mike Panek. 273 South Commercial Bicycles BICYCLES, New and reconditioned Harry W Scott 147 S. Cont'd. P 4916 Chiropractic , . Physician G. A. STERNBERG. 348 N. CapitoL Chimney Sweep TELEPHONX 4450. R ft Northne Convalescents UNITY HOME for convalescents elderly. Beat of care. 893 S. Com'L Excavating EXCAVATION OF all kinds. Base eaeats dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sale Salem Sand GrsveL p MM FlorisU BrelthaupTa. 441 Court Phone 9198. Funeral Directors Terwilllger Funeral Bom. Ph. 8B21 Mattresses SALEM FLUFF RUG at MATTRESS Co. New Mattreeses, old remade, rug clean! ug ftt weaving, a 13th as Wilbur Tel 8441 f wickers. , - CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phone 4099 Nursing EXPER. Practical nurse. Ph. 8418. The Children's Hour Money to Loan Sample Loans and Payments Cash to i Payments for You IMos. 12 Mom. MMaa. 8 M $19M 100 : 2144 330 8449 19.09 X3J3 .T3 14J0 FINANCE CO. Doors West of Capitol Theatre ' License , M-165 ,mm"9 For Sale Farms ; 16800 BARGAIN 4a A. With vstrv wnA KtiiMinsM - - --- . - -r s wo wwtivttua. ass tna H owe 11 THf With a. ' crop and dairy. ThU is seldom found ; H. P. GRANT 829 Court St " "-" rii'riririin iii II.H.IUI.H S34 A . xtra nvul mrA f,, - i. a i t ' V . wwm, ... m ..... Salem. Buildiitn sfw.ir mrt -n for 96500. Take house to 3500. - " wiOT, s A. sir timber, spring, elect, city water, orchard. 8 rm.. house rentiMt SI A nrA tt. w.i -wi Only 8850. jW ioiiL . f10"' 10 l0. . C H. SANDERS 231 N. High 8838 Acreage FOR SALE TYnm S 4a in Center street, rlnu 4 mi . - v.v. m wouaaui t. 50 Per acre. See Larsen with HAWKINS ft ROBERTS. INC, Real tors. ..... . . . . . . nn r runnjl I . .... . ONE ACRE with mk tf ,-..,.. T , " - , V rm. strictly modern new house, fur nace, with oil burn sr. fireplace. $4390. Will consider Portland lot part pay- WINNpC PETTYJOHN, REALTOR 477 Court - -i-i-i-ii-m ru-ij-Lanjuu. 13 ACRES or diviri SIM mrm. snuui nouse. zasy Terms. aiiAtn sz ti. Com-!. 120 ACRES, mnttl MmK mt,-A at 4000 cords. Only 8 miles' out Sell for $3600 or will trade for good home in Mwm. see J. D. SEARS 907 Center Ph. 9442 I A. wooded huiMinv aitx errt paveu rota, m'fe aown. so mo C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 9838 10 A. Rides. tl7w xm rvi hi. i i a aow, aiuu im. n. 7113. Suburban ENGLEWOOD SCHOOL DISTRICT On bus near Jr. and Sr. Hi.. 6 rms.. nook, fireplace, pipe furnace, fruit and nuts, fwu wun terms. SOCOLOFSKY it SON 1st Nstl Bank Bldg. Wanted Real Estate WE INVITE your "for sale" list ings if fairly priced. HAWKINS & ROBERTS. INC, Realtors. Guardian BuUd:ng WE HAVE cash buyers for homes SZ500 to 83500. wanted I Home on North Winter or Summer, 3 or 4-B.R, $6000 or svuuo. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5833 HAVE CASH buyer or bouse up to jwv. swem. fn. rsi. K. A. rURKHEB-1853 N. Capitol ------ - - - -i-i--rv.yvyvvvvi'LrvxixrLr WILL PAY cash for modern 4 or 9 rm. house In good location. , Address Statesman. Box 1666. Business Opportunities STORE ROOM in Hollywood Dist inq. Z054 ti. capttol St. Apt S. FOR RENT Store room, living quar ters, can 470 n. Church. Directory Painting & Paperhanging Emjei lenced-Reasonable Ph 4325 JERRY JOHNSON. Ph. 4619 evenings. . Plumbing PLUMBING. GENERAL repair work. Graber Bros, 14 S. Liberty. Ph. 6594. Printing FOR STATIONERY cards, pamphlets. programs, books or any kind of print ing, call The Statesman Printing De partment 213 S. Commercial. Tele phone 9101 Shingles SHINGLES, SIDEWALL SHAKES. Ce dar siding, lath. Prices always the low est Ph. 3600. Brown's yard. 714 S. 31st Trailer Homes GISSE TRAILER Homes, now four models. $398 to 8993. .Terms. Factory, eos tn si, lnaepexMc-ice. ure. Transfer U-DRTVX TRUCKS - row RENT. Blankets furn. 197 S. Liberty. Ph. 9063. FOR LOCAL OR DISTANT transfer storage, burner ou. briquets, preat logs. Trucks, to Portland daily. Agent Pierce Auto Freight including Callt pom is iarmer iransier m rn siat. .Venetian Blinds 'Guaranteed Steel or Wood Venetian Bunds, 200 sq. ft, installed. Phone Allen's Hdw. 4ia Free estimate. Vacuum Qeaner Service FREE Inspection la your home.' Au thorized Hoover service. Wo service a0 makes cleaner. Hogg Bros. Ph. 6023 Well Drilling R A WEST. Rt 6 Be 449 P $-2296 C J. PUGH. 2129 Myrtle. Ph. 9336. WiU D6 m For SaleUsed Cart PACKARDS 40 120 Club Coupe 5 pas. model, looks and runs like new. $400 off new car price. 40 "110" 6 cyl. Sedan Original green finisb, perfect heater, white side- wall tires, large trunk. 37 120 Sedan Radio, good tires, original finish. v 36 120 Sedan Heater, Radio. . i HUDS0NS 39 Custom 8 Sedan Heater, Radio, DeLuxel equipment, New tires. 37 Club Coupe 5 pass. Model. 35 Custom 8 Sedan Heater, Radio, New Paint. FORDS 37 IJeLuxe Coupe 36 DeLuxe Sedan 36 DeLuxe Tudor Terraplanes 38 Touring Sedan 36 3 Pass. Coupe 36 Touring Sedan SEVERAL MORE FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE Your own terms within reason. STATE MOTORS, Inq. 340 N. High PACKARD-HUDSON DEALER MARION and POLK COUNTIES 23 FORD V-9 Cpe. 8129. New tires. bat - good cond. Wed or Thurs. 6 to 9 pjn. 1486 State Apt . Business Opportunities ATTRACTIVE BUSINESS location. suitable for combination beauty a barber shop, small variety store or radio shop, ideally located. CALL 478 N. CHURCH For Sale Wood DRY OLD FIR. Phone 6120. WOOD. Ph. 8370 Qraen 413 N. 31st MILL WOOD. S3.50 load. Ph. 8833 or 8341 evenings, rare at lie court OLD FIR, 2nd growth, maple 22129. DRY WOOD, all kinds. Ph. 2-1444. Transportation COLLEGE GIRL wishing ride to New York, July -1st JKei. m. chv. LEAVING FOR Kansas City. Mo trU Tlih. Want 3 passengers to share expense. Inq. Myrna s inn. Turner. LADY WANTS ride to BT. Share exp. Can 9894. Personal LONESOME Serving an ages. Cluo Elite p o bo Tl tj. ixw Angeiee cel. Princess Named For Rodeo MISSION BOTTOM Miss Betty Vlesko, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vlesko, was elect ed princess for the SL Paul rodeo July 3-4-5. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vlesko spent the weekend at Seaside where Vlesko took part in the state trap shoot BjCfflC TOUKG Quicker For SaleUsed Cars " For Sale Used Cart 4th of July SPECIAL LOW PRICES 49 DODGE DeLuxe Sedaa 3S OLDSMOBILE Detuse Sedaa SS DODGE DeLuxe Sedaa aa dodge DeLuxe Coupe . -Only 19.000 miles. 37 PLYMOUTH DeLuxe Coupe ' , "Home of the Hfe time guarantee Hubbard Motor Co DODGE - PLYMOUTH DISTRIBUTORS Used Car Lot Across Street from Down Two Guilty Y Mrs. House, top; Louis R. House Escaping life imprisonment or the electric chair when-the jury in cluded "mitigating; circumstances" In Its verdict, Louis Roy House, 37, owner of a plantation and stock farm at Bent Oak, Miss, and his wife, Mrs. Bertha Hamil ton House, 35, have been convict ed of first degree murder in the rat poison death of a prosperous widower and each has been sen tenced to 20 years and a day In prison. A "last will and testa ment" found concealed in the sole of Mrs. House's right shoe and purportedly signed by the victim, W. L. Samples, 65, bequeathed to Mrs. House the. entire estate of Samples. A handwriting expert declared the signature was a forgery. Cross Word 12 15 lb 3" 19 2J ZZ. 25 26 51 33 5T 5 Ie 4 5 5A 51 HORIZONTAL 1 support 6 remain 50 otherwise 51 den 52 head covering . 63 animal , having antlers 54 abounding ia shade trees 12 -plant of lily family 13 wish ' 14- large serpent 15 bestowed IS manifest 18 admission ' 20 border 21-femaleblrd 23 usher ia 25 robber 27 radioactive element 31 fabtie 32 atrained " , S3 discover 35 machine for stretching " . doth ' . SS to blunt SS before SS silent -42faithful counselor 44 across x ground 48 small Cy 49 years in a decade - Answer to Oase I ''I I U R Tuop Tfpj.- T E I A NO SllMpO uipiseIt ELplAfee vie 3llEi IgtL 37 BU1CK Special Coupe 3t FORD DeLuxe Coupe 96 CHEVROLET Standard Coupe 34 PONTIAC DeLuxe Coup 34 DODGE DeLuxe Sedaa . 37 CHRYSLER Royal Coupe Town Fire Dept 433 Chemeketa. Ph. 3797 "f '- "" " gtrxCxrrtffj 41 DODGE SEDAN Luxury Liner With DeLuxe equipment and many ex tras Run leas than SSOO mil. See Curley Welling for a good deal est an aunosi new car. STATE MOTORS, INC 340 N. High , ' " aiaaaesaaaa. - isrVVVVXIfa DEFEND Your Poketbook see Pontiac Goodwill Value! OU y . P AGE 9 Herrall-Owens Co. PONTIAC SALES AND SERVICE Phon. aim us Smith rv.n..n...i.i Used Car Lot: Northwest Corner cnurcn ana Chemeketa Ph. 3688. Wanted Used Cars CASH FOR your car or equity. Phone 3-1 5M 440 Center St Legal Notices NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE MENT. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, his duly verified final account, as the Administrator of the' estate of Lizzie J. Brown, deceased, and that said Court has fixed Tuesday, the 1st day of July, 1941, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said day, as the time, and the County Court Room in the County Court House at Salem, in Marion Coun ty, Oregon, as the place for hear ing said final account, and aU ob jections thereto. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 27th day of May, 1841. GEORGE E BROWN Administrator of the estate of Lizzie J. Brown, De ceased, i RONALD C. GLOVER, Attorney for Aclministrator, Salem, Oregon. My 27; J 3-10-17-24. Puzzle 8 o 17 za 5 57 1 5a 4 4 51 , ' VERTICAL . i-ck ' 8 wing S-a compact 5 ' 4 acute ; i' 5 partaker ... : ' S sot .,...;-.-; 7 seem' 8 affirmative vote 9 in bed . 10 vocal tnusls 11 animosity , 17 to flash i IS from that place . . 21 retained .22 city in ' ' 24 dormant 2& machine forsowini 28 Interior 29 one who employs SO bare 34 llexicaa disk I$ delicaU S7stnpl4 S-lnseet Satorday's puxzle. tl CJLDTf! thelt af saieuaai 88 - a ' a 1 4 1 '.'..I 7 ; ) I