TAGS EES tbm OUTGON STATESMAN, Salem. 0109011, Saturday Morning. June 21. 1S41 Miss White Is Honor Guest ' Miss Nina White, the popular , bride-elect ot Mr. . Leonard Howe, was honored at a pre- nuptial shower Friday nigh when Miss Margaret Clare en tertained at her home on North 20th street During the evening the guests Wrapped the dream calces and a pottery shower feted .the bride-to-be. A miniature sprinkler hung from the chandelier and pastel streamers extended to the blue and yellow parasol on the table where the gifts were ' hidden. Bouquets of summer flowers" were arranged about the rooms and at the supper hour the host ess was assisted by her mother, Mrs. W. C. Clare. Bidden to honor Miss White were Mrs. W. E. White, Mrs. James Pike, Miss Marilyn Clare, Mrs. Robert Worral, Mrs. Perry .Anderson, Miss Beth Billings, Miss Ruby Eastman, Mrs. W. T. - Mfltonberger, Mrs. George Mil lonberger, Mrs. Paul Ellis, Mrs. Frederick Worral, Mrs. Walter Worral, Mrs., C. A. Lytle, Mrs. lames Smart, Mrs.- Barney Fa pey of Portland, Mrs. John Broadie, jr. of Ashland and Miss Ada Keyes of Vancouver, Wash. ' Association Has Meeting The Past Noble Grands asso ciation, met with Miss Wilda Siegmund, Wednesday for . the regular meeting. Prizes at games going to. Mrs. Evelyn Naderman and Mrs. Josephine Eriksen and Miss Mabel Fox; readings by Mrs. Marion Curry; quartet Be-,, lections by Miss Betty Clark, . Miss Mary Copley and Miss Ma bel Fox. The club voted to have a picnic supper. July 16, the ' place to be selected later. The. president of the club Mrs. Lelia . Ohlsen conducted the business meetings. Members present were Mrs. Clara Shields, Mrs. Louisa Loveland, Mrs. Amie Mills, Mrs. Helen Pierce, Mrs. Anna Hunsaker, Mrs.. Evelyn Naderman, Mrs. Mabel Gardner, An. Bessie Edwards, Mrs. Le ia Ohlsen, Mrs. Elsie Cornforth, An. Eugena Morse, Miss Fran ces Kyle, Mrs. Muriel Curry, . Mrs. Ida Hochstetler, Mrs. Chris tina Cladek, Mrs. . Blanche Scheelar, Miss Wilda Siegmund, Mrs. Josephine Eriksen; guests were: Mrs. Lucy Siegmund, Miss Mabel Fox, Miss Mary Copley and Miss Betty Clark. Roll call was answered with an anecdote cf or about some wedding event. Maccabees of Capital Lodge, 84D met Thursday, night with Commander Glenn Newland presiding. Six new candidates were elected to membership and a memorial was held for the jate Evelyn Benner. Plans were made for . the Golden Jubilee meeting in Portland on June 28 and all Maccabees and friends are invited to attend. Mr. John Riches was appointed -chairman of transportation and anyone having available cars are asked to call Mr. Riches. June birth days were celebrated and pink roses provided the decorative note. A meeting will be held on June 26 to precede the celebration. , Mr. and Mrs. E. IL Schreiber and son Landon of Tahoka, Tex as, arrived on Monday to visit her. parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Windsor of Quinaby." Mrs. B. H. Record of Dumas, Texas, an other daughter, recently spent a month at the Windsors' Mr. aatMrs. Joseph Reiling and son Kenneth moved to Al bany last Sunday. Mr. Reiling has been employed for some time in that city. 2uPJ PICK-ME-UP - A $1.75 value ef Barbara Gould Plastic Deam-the modem 20 minute facial 'y and A 75c valuo of Barbara Gould Special Eye Cream for tho delicate areas around tho eyes. A$2J0VaIUZFC2 $1X0 Available only during P V. the VUlt of tho - BARBARA GOULD : T EEAUTY EXPECT - Miss Mianon Dort TODAY ONLY Miller'a MAXINE BUK&'N - Editor June Bride Will Be Feted Mrs. Wayne Doughton (Melva Belle Savage), who was mar ried in early June, will be the honor guest at a breakfast on Sunday morning -when Mrs. Ralph Nohlgren, Mrs. Harrison . W. Elgin, jr. and Miss Lucile Brainard entertain at the for mer's home on Court street. Bouquets of pastel summer flowers will be used about the rooms and on the breakfast table-Bridge will.be In play for several hours after the breakfast hour. Covers will be placed for Mrs. Doughton; Miss Charlotte Mc Clary, Miss Eleanor Trindle, Miss Beryl Seacat, Miss Char lotte Kallander, Mrs. Lome Dix on of Toledo, Miss Lucile Brai nard, Mrs. Harrison W. Elgin, jr. and Mrs. Ralph Nohlgren. Pupils Appear In Recital Miss Margaret Hogg will pre sent a group of students In pi ano recital Monday in the Car rier Room of the First Meth odist church at 8 o'clock. Any ' one interested is invited to at tend the following program. The March of the Wee Folk... Gaynor In Maytime Wagncaa Judith McClure Turning Handsprings Flesher Carolyn DeJongt Arabesque - Burgmuller Teasing Bloch Karen Kuna Pixies' Good Night Song Brown Ramona Evans Rondo Alia Turca ....BurgmuHer Jodelle Parker Vale t Song Rolfe Gloria Murrett The Lark's Song Tschaikowsky Marilyn McLaughlin On the Meadow... Lichner Sam Barker Snowfall Torjusaen Betty Winn Ecossaisea .. Schubert Marilyn Mix Tarantella - Pieczonka ,.- Carolyn Cramer Gavotte .: Bach SonaUaa in D Major. .. Clement! , - Loretta Garrett Valse Romantique .... Federer Roberta Paulus Arioso . . . Bach Warrior's Song ,., Heller Egyptian Dance Friml Betty Wills The Little Shepherd Debussy Spinning Song Mendelssohn GulUnerias . Lecuona " Lois Rowland - Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sooth are entertaining at dinner to night at their North Summer street home for the pleasure of Miss Bette Demarest and Mr. Orville South and members of the two families. The affair will precede the wedding of the young couple at the First Pres byterian church tonight at 8 o' clock. . Mrs. .V. E. Knhn has retained from a several days stay in Portland on on Thursday was a guest at the birthday party of her granddaughter, Judy Kuhn, who celebrated her fourth birth day. Judy is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Jack Kuhn of Port land. a Miss Meredith Dally of Roch ester, v Wash., is spending the summer- in the capital as the guest of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. James W. Clayton. VACATION i t ; SOCIETY music The II011E J CLUB CALENDAR ' MONDAY ' Hollywood Lions auxiliary, with Mrs. Ray Stumbo. 930 Tamarack, . dessert luncheon. Royal Neighbors, S p.m. Frater- ' " hal temple. T17E8DAT St. Elizabeth's guild of St. Paul's with Mrs. Wilmer Page, 1 p.m. . . . . Ladies of McCormick class, First Methodist church with Mrs. Robert C. Irwin, 1515 North 16th street, 1 JO dessert luncheon. WEDNESDAY Nebraska a u x 1 1 lary, covered dish lunch, 12:30 p.m. with Mrs. L. E. GUkey. 657 South Liberty street. THURSDAY Macabee Thimble club, Wil- i lamette Tenthive No. with Mrs. Edith Bates, route 3, box 532. 11:30 a.m. Sorority Group Entertained Miss Helen Wiedmer opened her home to the Pi Beta Phi" al umnae Thursday night Mrs. Carl Rickson" and Mrs. Jack Nash were assisting hostesses. A dessert supper was served and guests were seated at small ta bles centered with, pastel sum mer flowers. Mrs. Chester Zum walt presided at the business meeting. Special guests were Mrs. Jam es Brandt, who has recently moved to Salem from Marsh field, Miss Barbara Pierce, Miss Patricia Vandeneynde, Miss El len Mills and Miss Meredith Daily. Alumnae present were Mrs. Charles Coleman, Mrs. Lee Bown, Mrs. James Clayton, Mrs. Charles Huggins, Miss Lilllian Davis, Miss Norma Jean Gil-, bertson, Mrs. James Humphrey, Mrs. Harold Ladd, Mrs. Edwin Keech, Mrs. Vern Miller, Mrs. Elbert Roberts, Mrs. Marion Mulkey, Mrs. Louis B. Schoel, Mrs. Floyd Thompson, Mrs. Bruce Titus and Mrs. Chester Zumwalt -' Mr. and Mrs. Russell' Pratt left on the streamliner Thurs day night for Detroit, .Mich., where they will pick up a new car. They will enjoy a leisurely trip west and will come by way of the south. . 8 IL VERT ON Miss Helen Seeley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Seeley, became the bride of Vernon Simmons, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Simmons of Monitor at the Christian church Saturday night Rev. Russell Myers officiated. Preceding the ceremony Miss Angela Fitzke sang "Because" and "O, Promise Me." Mrs. Del Bowen accompanied. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a white and tulle veil. -chiffon fashioned with a train She carried a bouquet of pink rosebuds, bouvardla and sweet peas. Miss Jean Simmons, sister of the bridegroom was maid of honor, and bridesmaids were , Elizabeth Newell, Paulina Jones, Avon Simmons and Mildred Copple. Betty Joe Lewis of Vancou ver, cousin of the bride was J flower girt Fred Hehbe of Portland was best man and ush ers were Roy Schlottman, Wil bur BurnelL Edward Skie of Portland and John Seeley, Jr. A reception was held at the bride's parents' home. SPECIAL! House Goats NEW I ; $3.00 and $3.95 Just arrived for today's special selling! Dozens of smart House Coats in sharkskin with polka dot rayon print tops. . Also plain- colors. New color combinations featuring white with bright shades for contrast. 2ND FLOOR Wei's Parkers Will Entertain Tonight The home of Mr. and Mrs. C W. Parker on Rose street will be the scene of a delightful In formal affair tonight Members of the right of way division of the state highway department have been invited as, guests. . A 6 o'clock; buffet supper will be served on the patio and the evening hours will be spent in formally.' Honor guests at the party will be Mr. and Mrs. Har ry G. Benson and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Kneass, who were re cently married. . . Invited guests are Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Devers, Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Cozard of Canyon City, Mr. and Mrs." Ray Landon of LaGrande, Mr. and Mrs. Mark B. McCallister of Corvallis, Mr. and Mrs. William McChesney of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Kneass, Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Benson, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. DeSouza, Mr. Clifford L. Gard ner, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hol mes, Mr. and Mrs. William F. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. William A. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Minkiewitz, Mr. and Mrs. L M. Schannep,,Mr. and Mrs. William H. Witt, Mrs. Florence Carter, Miss Birdia Hebcl, Miss Cecile Knox, Mrs. Gladys Morgali, Miss Thelma Taylor, Miss Anona and Miss Pauline Welch, Mrs. W. S. Parker, William and Mary Let ty Parker. Barbara Bell Is Hostess Miss Barbara Bell was hostess for an informal party Friday night at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Kenneth Bell on Center street The affair preceded tho Phi dance at Hazel Green. Miss Bell's guests were Miss Mary Jane Brabec, Miss Doro thy Engel, Miss Dorothy Van deneynde, Miss Leone Spauld ing, Miss Jean Burrell, Miss Mary Jane Simmons, Messrs. William Phillips, Craig Cusick, Tommy Roberts, Ed Salstrom, Robert Sullivan, Tom Steven son and Tom Kay. Cozy Comfort Will Be Yours This Fall If You SAVE Fine Quality Wool Blanketss N OW! Make sure your blankets are made of Western wool. Western wool does not mat as badly as dry Eastern wool. A lively wool makes the ideal blanket . . . that is why Miller's are so enthusiastic about WOOL 'O' THE WEST blankets. Large size, 72x84, and extra large size, 72-90, fine quality, all wool blankets are being offered in our summer blanket sale ... are way less than what regular prices will be this fall. Ask to have your blankets placed in our layaway department now and save while this sale is in progress.. v . - Two featured wool blankets today are priced ... NOWJ v III REVERE COPPER COOICIMG Revere'i famed food authority wOT demon strate In porson tho healthful waterless method of cooking hero TODAY! See and taste foods cooked with all the vftamlns and minerals saved with natural colors of vegetables preserved and with no odor produced. t DELIOriSTRATIOfl SPECIAL Special 11-PURPOSE Sot consbM of S-Wa OmM l.n O-Ol -- - -" ' :Um rrtm rr M GIFT SHOP: Sodarr DoacQino - Calendar notices and club announcements for the Sunday ' Statesman society section mast ' be in the Statesman office by Friday noon. Calendar notices May be telephoned in antil Friday noon. Social items wll be taken by the society depart ment np to noon en Saturday. Mildren MasorP Is Honored Mrs. Virgil Monehead enter tained at a shower Wednesday night in honor of Miss Mildred Mason, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Mason, whose mar riage to Mr. Lionel Trommlitz of Salem will take place June 29 at Glendale, Calif. Those present were the bride elect Mrs. Claude Carson, Mrs. Will Morley, Mrs. Lloyd Edgel, Mrs. Chester Davis, Mrs. Henry Shields, Mrs. E. A. Packson, Mrs. Paul Trommlitz, Mrs. Harley Blackwell, Mrs. R. Krueger, Mrs, Carrie Fisher, Mrs. Oswald Mor ley, Mrs. Ivan McClain, Mrs. Charles Siewert, Mrs. A. L. Ma son, Carol . Schaff er, Caroline Carson, Lucritia McOain, Mar guerite Trommlitz, Ellen and Phi Ilia Morley and the hostess, Mrs. Morehead. - i Shower for a Bride-Elect Mrs. L. P. Aldrich entertained with a bridge luncheon and kit chen shower for Miss .Margaret Hauser, bride-elect of Mr. Ar nold Ebert of Fossil, Thursday afternoon. Honoring Miss Hauser were Mrs. W. J. Hagedorn, Mrs. Lake Price, Mrs. Paul H. Hauser, srn Mn. W. R. Speck, Mrs. Harold Pierce, Mrs. Maude Armstrong, Mrs. Edwin Armstrong, Mrs. S. G. Hinkle, Mrs. John Krebs, Mrs. Richard Devers, Mrs. Lynn Heise, Mrs. Grace Clark, Mrs. O. P. Lapps, Mrs. Paul Rasmus sen, Miss Joyce Armstrong, Mrs. R. W. Hans Seitz, and Mrs. L. P. Aldrich. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Kellogg have returned from a motor trip to Idaho, Yellowstone National park, Utah and Nevada. On AND GLAD STAINLESS mu. tfrta. SUM I95 Alumnae Honor Husbands - The Sigma Kappa . alumnae and their husbands were honor ed at a no-host supper party Thursday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Walker on North Winter street Bridge, pi nochle and games were in play during the evening and a spe cial prize was presented to Miss Edna Ficklin. Mrs. William Pike, who was recently married, was given a gift by the group. The alumnae made plans for a pic nic in August Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeWitt, Mr. and. Mrs. Lu ther Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Walker, Miss Virginia Moy er, Miss Edna Ficklin and Mr. and Mrs. William Pike and Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Hunter of Dal MARION WICKS JANTZEN STYLIST Meet ' Miss Wicks, Jantzen stylist today In our Jantzen swim suit department Miss Wicks will tell you all you want to know . about the style, fit and wearability of Jantzen suits. Miller's STEEL UTENSILS Q93 SILVERTON Tho Immanuel enior guild will give a play Wed- nAn-r niaht at the church social rooms. Taking part are Mrs. John Overlund, Mrs. J. P. Dull- urn, Mrs. Henry Aim, Mrs. Os- antzens f , . V'; I.-'- --SOrr . Jantzen s ffl STYLIST AND DESIGNER COMES TO MILLER'S TODAY! Today is JANTZEN DAY at Miller's! Miss Marion Wicks, stylist for Jantzen Knitting Mills, will be in the, Jantzen swimming suit department all day explaining the design ing and helping customers find their proper fit and giving valuable advice on the wear and care of a Jantzen-swim suit. Be sure to visit Miller's Jantzen swim suit section on the 2nd floor today and consult Miss Wicks on all matters pertaining to Jantzen swim suits. sKOi I SUITS 2ND FLOOR 1 A . MILLER'S A 4 - k PACK A WHOLE SUMMER'S FUN INTO A WEEK END I ' . i Shop Miller's sports shop for play clothesl Gay play- clothes ... crisp : casuals and shortie coats ... a wardrobe for fun, frolic and flattery L - SLACK JSUITS THAT GIVE 'Ar. ''"'-' I 11 1 i f w w There are waiw. wny not pay a few cents more and have slacks that are well tai lored . . . comfortable . . . smart to the nth degree. Shop Miller's large as sortments for color, style, all-purpose slacks, novel- t-V f lhrli. n i weights. Play . V I r n M Si . . . Shop Miller's today for fun clothes! . Mi Miller's . . i v? S f ' f I I I S:: Vl ' 1 III -4 t W : w M II 111 a 111 m ' - . W Mm ' III r" , car Johnson, Mrs. A. B. Andor son, Mrs. G. O. Lermo, Roberta Newton and Judo Anderson. Coffee hostesses are Miss Clar- issa Brager, Mrs. John Overund and Mrs. J. P. Dullum. YOU A WELL - TAILORED APPEARANCE slacks and suits in a . . r ill id!!? AT I MM 1:1 ' I