Thm OHEGON STATESMAN. Salem, Onxjon, Sunday Morning. Jan 15, 1141 PAGE TWO Chapel Will Be Scene Of Rites This chapel of St Paul' Epis copal church will b the setting for the' marriage of Mis Vir ginia Duke, daughter of Mr. and Mr. John P. Duke, and Mr. Howard Boomer, son of Mr. Ruby Boomer of Glenville, Ne braska. At 2 o'clock Rev. George H. Swift will perform the double ring ceremony. Miss Elizabeth O'Reilly will play the wedding marches and Miss Jackie Wil liams will , sing "Because" and "Our Love." The altar decora--tions will be white snapdragons and gladiolus, palm and white tapers in candelabras. For her wedding the bride has chosen a brown and beige print silk dress with a redingote beinge coat. She will wear a brown and beige straw sailor. She will carry her mother's white prayer book topped with corsage of yellow and talisman rose corsage with white stream ers of swansonia and lilies-of-the-valley. Mr. Duke will give his daughter in marriage. Miss Frances Duke will be her sister's maid of honor and will wear an aqua silk frock with white turban and accessories. Miss Irene Warren will be the bridesmaid and her afternoon frock is of rose crepe. She will also wear a white turban and accessories and both of the at tendants will wear corsages of pink rosebuds and blue delphin ium. - Mr. A C. Newell will stand with Mr. Boomer as best man and the usher will be Mr. Clell McCafferty. Reception to Follow A reception at the Duke home on Bellevue street for the wed ding guests will be held after the ceremony. Presiding at the urns will be Mrs. Perry DeLap and Mrs. M. E. Chadsey of Sac ramento, sister of the bride. Serving will be Miss " Georgie Clark, Miss Ruth Peck and Miss Bonnie Goldbeck. Mrs. Charles Warren will greet the guest at the door and Mrs. Clell McCaf ferty will be in the gift room. The serving table Will be cen tered with the bride's cake and -on either side will be arrange- , . ments of roses and sweet peas and white candles. Mrs. Duke will wear a pastel blue dress with navy redingote for her daughter's marriage. Her ' accessories are white and her corsage will be of roses and gar denias. Mrs. Chadsey is wearing a rose silk dress with navy blue accessories Jor her sister's wed ding and her corsage will be of roses and gardenias. Other out-of-town guests for the wedding are "Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Duncan, Mr. and Mrs. Rufo Blake and Mrs. George Blake of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Burrell of Lebanon and Miss Nell Barker of Eugene. After a wedding trip along the Oregon coast the couple will reside at 1244 Chemeketastreet The bride is a graduate of Salem high school and Mr. "Boomer re- ; cetved his education in Blue Hill, Nebraska. K Miss Wagner I Is Engaged The engagement of Miss Anita Wagner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wagner, was an- nounced at an "at home" given by Mrs. Robert C. Gust n Seat tie on June 8. 1 The wedding date of Miss Wagner and Mr; Vernon Drye, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Drye of Seattle, will be August 30, as toM at the party. Pink and white was used as a color scheme, with tall, candles and pale pink roses being used as decorations. Uni versity of Washington school mates of the bride-elect assisted the. hostess. Miss Wagner is a graduate of Salem high school and was a member of the Spinsters in Sa lem. She has been employed at the Seattle city library since her graduation from University of Washington last year. Mr. Drye, also a graduate of University of Washington, - is a member of Sigma Chi. He is with the Seattle Transit com- - Pny. Visitors Will Arrive-. Mr. and Mrs. Loring Schmidt are expecting as their guests this month the latter' mother and aunt, Mrs. Robert P. Swee ny of Atlanta, Georgia and Mrs. Bruce Helams of Laurel, Mis sissippi , They expect to arrive this next weekend and are stopping in Yosemite,' Grind Canyon and Lot Angeles enroute west Mrs. Helams will be .in Salem for about ten days but Mrs. Sweeny will remain with her son-in-law and daughter' for about a month. Mrs. Schmidt -is planning sev eral parties and . trips to honor her mother' and aunt during their itay in the capital. CiUnlxr notices and elub anaaoneeinents far the Sundar Utesman society section most Is fa the Statesman office by Frilay neon. Calendar ne-ilces. Ilsy b telephoned In nntu Fiilay noon. Social Item will be taken by the society depart- neat p to noen en Saturday. . . : . i r , y v . . A '.V- ''. - ' ' .-' " :. - ... : v. .-. ( - t ;:' i .': . . : - . : . i , li ' tei ' i 1 " --Wi Li , X1 f W . ..- n r ; , , h: sv v t . i ' 1Z t. U laii I . .VV in j ttk kmmA -' . '. Z t Iim M at&J jbon't aoJi But . . . they've giving parties that are extra fun these days. Instead of kidnap ping the guests like1 we used to do, they kid nap the hostess. A group of women meet at a designated place, and only one or two. know who the hostess will be, not even the hostess herself. The committee leads the group of guests to a house and it's up to the surprised member of the group to feed and entertain them for the evening. It's a fine way to see someone's new home too. Foresome . . . the stork presented the Pat Emmons family with a fourth son on Fri day the 13th, just in time for Father's day. Pat and Mildred are having a hard time ex plaining to Terry, David and Patrick why it wasn't a girl like they promised. n 'Sl3aij- ft I. MISS MILDRED DENHAM, who has announced her be trothal to Mr. Robert B. Ramage, son of Mr. and Mrs. L M. Ramage. The bride-elect is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Denhara. The wedding is planned for tius summer. t (Kennell-Ellis photo.) Mr. and Mrs. J. Lyman Steed and children, Virginia, diza bei and Herbert, left this last week by car for Missouri where they will visit with his family. In Fulton Mr. and Mrs. Steed will attend the national conven tion of teachers and superinten dents of the deaf. Enroute east they will stop in Denver to visit with members of Mrs. Steed's family. They plan to be gone six weeks. Mr. And Mrs. Kenneth Lange , (Mary Lois Driggs) arrived in the capital (his week to be the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Driggs, and his moth-: - ex, Mrs. Josephine Lange. Thejr ,havt been residing in New Ha- veri, Conn., this year and Mr. Lange received his master's de gree in civil engineering from - Yale in June. The couple will leave in another week for Chl- cago to maxe weir nwm wwre Mr. Lange has a position with the Chicago Eridgt and Iron - Works. ,; w Aout.. Inclement ... to say the least, has been the weather since Margaret and Roger Wag ner left on their three-week trip east. Wyo ming treated them with a snowstorm, rain and electric storms have greeted them every where else. They are stopping in Chicago, picking up a car at Flint, and visiting with relatives and friends in Lansing, Grand Rapids, Milwaukee. They will see the statues of Mt Rushmore and the geysers of Yellowstone. - , Sentiment with Economy ... An adver tisement this weak amused us. "Dad de serves a fine gift" it said, '"because he's a grand person, bla, bla, bla, socks 35c a pair. Most of mothers' hose 1 . v Willamette students who left yesterday for the college leader ship conference at Seabeck, Washington, are Dick French, . Tom Hall, president , of the YMCA on the campus, Mark Corpus, Grace Cramer, presi dent of the YWCA, Mary Eliza beth Ross, vice president, Lou ella Ibach and Pearl Porter. A daughter, Mary Clare was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mor rissey on 'June 4 at Salem Gen eral hospital. The.'Morrissey's have a three year old daughter, Joan.. ; ' .' : ' Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Savage and son Billy are leaving the first of the week to live in Med iard, where he will be in bust-' . ness".- '',:? ,? ' f . ' r ' -. .' Mrs. Taylr Hawkins and iter daughter, Harriet, art spending the month of June at their sum mer home at Neskowin. MRS. ROSS RUDIN, thd former Evelyn Mary Meyers, whose-wedding was an event of June 8 at the Leslie Methodist church. The couple will make their home in Coquille. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Einer Meyers ' and Mr. Rudin is the son of Mrs. Jessie Rudin, all of Salem. (Kennell-Ellis photo.) us had to spend a dollar for MAXINE BUREN. Family Bookshelf By the Library Staff All Salem folk who are plan ning vacations at the beach or mountains are invited to use the special summer vacation bor rowing plan in effect at the pub lic library. Under this plan, people leaving town may bor row book for one month or longer, if necessary, instead of for the regular one month loan period. Each borrower may take as many books as desired, and all but the very latest titles will be loaned on this basis. Good novels areespecially en joyable for summertime read ing, andthe public library ahelvesare well stock with the best available. Some of the old favorites which the reader of long experience may have miss ed, and whiebjthe newer reader will certauuy enjoy, include most of the books by such auth ors as Bess Streeter Aldrich, Ar nold 'Bennett, Louis Bromfield, Mary Ellen Chase, Ellen Glas gow, J. P. Marquand, W. S. Maughan, John Galsworthy, Hugh Walpole, Kenneth Rob erts, Willa Cather, Charles Nordhoff and Normal Hall. All members of the public li brary staff are prepared to help plan summer reading, whether for vacation camp or for home reading hours. Miss Hogg Will Present Pupil Miss Margaret Hogg will pre sent Lois Rowland in piano re cital Monday at 8 o'clock at 158 - South Liberty street Agnes DrummonoV. soprano, will assist. - Anyone interested is invited to attend the following program: Invention in C Major Bach Invention in T Major Bach Invention in B Flat Major Bach Concerto in D Major Haydn Miss Rowland Selected . voice Miss Drummond Contra Donee Beethoven WalU in A nt Brahma Spinning Song , Mendelssohn Scherzo in E Minor Mendelaaohn The Little Shepherd ; The Butterfly At the Donnybrook Fair Debussy Grieg Scott Lecuona v uuanenas Mist Rowland Mr. and Mrs. Wayne F. Smith are the parent -of a daughter, Carolyn Elizabeth, born June 9 at the Emmanuel hospital, Port land. Mr. and Mrs. Smith were -formerly teachers at the Liberty and Salem Heights schools. At the aaeethsg ef the Thars- day club at the home ,ot Mrs. John Scott officers were elected for the ensuing year. Mrs. W.E. Kirk was named president and Mrs, Ernest C. Richards, secretary-treasurer... 1 v Sis A ft K4 - MRS. EDWARD SCHULZ. former Maxene Drorbaruqh, who was married on Sunday, June 8 at the First Congrega tional church. Mr. and Mrs. Schulz will make their home in Salem. (Kennell-Ellis photo.) - Miss Ashton Is Honor Guest Miss Helen Ashton, the June bride-elect of Mr. Clifford Sho gren, was the honor guest at a party on Friday night when Miss Tillie Albers entertained at her home on North 20th' street. As sisting hostesses were Miss Viola Schrenk and Miss Noma Walker. A miscellaneous shower feted the bride-to-be and gifts were arranged under a parasol. A pink and white color scheme was used in the decorations. Pink snapdragons and blue del phinium were used about the rooms and at either place at the supper table were nosegays of pink sweet peas and forget-me-nots. Honoring Miss Ashton were Mrs. Ralph Ashton and Miss Lois Ashton of Toledo, Miss Clara Zuber, Miss Margaret Schifferer, Mrs. Gladys Schmidt, Miss Lu cile Roth, Miss Lyn Holladay, Miss Thelma Lofthus, Miss Yerla Whyte, Miss Aileen Holman, Miss La Verne Aebi, Miss Deena Hartman, Miss Dorothy Yeast, Miss Flora ixley,' Miss Flayia Downs, Miss Margaret Addison, Mrs. Florence Irwin, Miss Marie Cowed en, Miss Bette - Jeanne Al bers, Miss Lillian Frazier, Miss Brooksie Barnes, Mrs. Eva Hick ing, Mrs. Warren Klug, Miss Lucille Mosher, Miss Theone Foster, Mrs. Charles Lounsbury, Miss Murietta Shelton, Miss Jean Patton, Miss Emma Schif ferer, Mrs. H. Albers, Mrs. Dale Slater ''of Wecoma and the hos tesses. District Council At Meeting The Marion county council of the American Legion auxiliary conferring in Salem Thursday included units from Aurora, Mt Angel, Stayton, Silverton, Woodburn and Salem. Money was voted to the United Service Organizations. Guest soloist of the evening was Miss Carolyn Brown, con tralto, who sang a group of songs, accompanied by Miss Gladys Edgar. Final nomination and election of officers of Capital Unit and selection of delegates to the state convention to be held in Eugene July 21, 22 and 23rd, will be the order of business when the auxiliary meets Monday. Mrs. Frank Reeves has a her guest for a fortnight her sister, Mrs. H. F. Thompson, who ar rived Friday night .from Oak land, Calif. They expect to spend several days in Portland and Gresham with cousins. WEDDING Virfinia Duke Howard Boomer Episcopal Betty Ann Lemon Jack W. h-mm Jane Ogden Herbert Stiff. Jr SL Joseph's rectory. Betty Lue Anderson Gardner Stout Portirvrt ' Madelle Kappauf Harold Schmidt-Dundce -' - Helen Carlson Oscar William Eugene Lorena Xebold John Gallagher SL Joseph's Bette Demarest Orvllle South Presbyterian Clara. Zuber August Strecker Portland ' , Louise Hansen Gerald Archer home '-, ' Helen Ashton Clifford Shogrea Method itt , Mabel Stevenson Dale Muk Tint ChriUh Betty McLaughlin-Max Schlottman Grace Leek Everett r. H-t rhritin Margaret Hauser Arnold Ebert Presbyterian Nina White Leonard Hove Christian '- ,, .". 1 LUa Murray Jamea Hannaman Leslie Irene Jewell Curt Emery San frl .Marguerite Clark Louise Stutt Portland "' ' ' '.. Derottiy TupUng Charles B. Bart-wv Parti. Esther CalUaon Richard Van Pelt -Josephine Morse Paul Llppold Margaret Coan Thomas Terjeson - " " Anita Wagner Vernon Drye " -VlrginU Wagner Woodrow T. Schwartz- it ,.:t- V 1 4 r MRS. JAMES E. BRtNTONwho was Miss Thelma. Gfl lette before her marriage on June 7 at SL Hilda's church in Monmouth. The bride and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Gillette, formerly resided in Salem. The couple will make their home in Bend. Kennell-Ellis Miss Kappauf To Marry Slated for Wednesday is the marriage of Miss Madelle Kap pauf of Salem, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George J. Kappauf of Dundee, and Mr. Harold W. Schmidt of Salem. The wedding will take place in the evening at the home of the bride's parents. Attending" the couple will be Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Ritter of Portland. After a wedding trip Mr. Schmidt and his bride will reside in Salem. Miss Kappauf attended Wil lamette university and is affil iated with Beta Chi sorority. She is now with the state agricul tural department Her fiance at tended the University ow Pitts burgh, and is district manager for Airways Branches, Inc. The Beta Chi aJsuautae Will en Joy a picnic supper Wednesday night in the gardens of Mrs. Jo seph E. Harvey, jr, on Simpson street Mr. and Mrs. James C. Stone and ' baby daughter, and Mrs. Emily Sedgewick irt now at home at 1595 Norway street CALENDAR -June is -June IS -June IS -June IS -June IS -June 11 -June 21 -June St -June tl -June SI June II -June S3 SL John's Luthe rune S3 -June ST -June St -June ga July a July 4 -July II -July IS Methodist ! . -July 19 -August -August 23 August ae -September T WEDDINGS Mr. and Mrs. Douglas William Chambers (Vivian Aspinwall) have returned from their wed ding trip and are now at home at 1285 Court street Miss Stevenson Tells Plans Miss Mabel Stevenson, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Page Steven son Is announcing her plans for her marriage to Mr. Dale Mauk, on of Mr. and Mrs. XL J. Mauk. The service will be read at an Informal ceremony in the First Christian church by Rev. Guy Drill, at 8 o'clock on the evening of June 23d. Mr. Stevenson will give hi daughter in marriage. Miss Stevenson's honor at tendant will be Mrs. Raymond Danielsen. Mr. Mauk has asked Mr. Kenneth Doerfler to be his best man. Mr. Raymond Daniel sen and Mr. Marvin Long will serve as ushers. Mr. Virgil Ma son will sing before the cere mony and he will be. accompan ied bj Mrs. John SchmldL A reception will follow the ceremony at the home of the bride's parents on North 18th street The couple will leave for a short wedding trip after which they will make their home in Sa lem where Mr. Mauk is connect ed with Day and Co. Friends at Mr. and Mrs. Paal H. Hauser, jr, (Janet Robert son) regret to learn that they are moving this weekend to Portland where they have tak en a house. photo J Mr. and Mrs. William L, Phil lips and Mr. and Mrs. Linn Smith have issued invitations to a number of their Salem friends to an at home on Sunday, June 22, at the former's home on West Leffelle street Calling hours are from 3 to 5 o'clock. " Stained Windows Are Pictured Pictures of world famous stained glass windows in color will be shown-Wednesday night at the Salem Woman's clubhouse by Capitol court of C atholic Daughters of America through it study club group. All persons interested are invited to attend. No admission charge will be made and the showing of the pictures is scheduled to begin at 8 o'clock. The pictures are being shown in cooperation with the Colum bia Museum and Institute of Art, Dubuque, Iowa. Miss Leah Su ing is chairman of the local stu dy group. Court Capital City of the Ca tholic Daughters of America this week held installation of offi cers for the coming year. Mrs. Clare Bra bee, the state regent conducted the ceremonies. After the installation the regular bus .iness meeting was held wtih the newly installed grand regent Mrs. Helen White, presiding. Outstanding among the. work done during the year was for the Red Cross. The members knit ted 45 sweaters and 17 dresses. Committees for the coming year were appointed by the grand re gent X Mr. Maude Rocque, the retiring grand regent wa pre sented with a gift Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nelse and Miss Janice Nelson are leaving today to spend the summer : months at their beach house at Neskowin.' . " Mrs. Kalph E. Parrtoe arrived in the capital Saturday from Northfleld, Minn, where she has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mr. Guy Raymond.- i "IT "" , v. -V. - -'A :, ' :' VV- K , ' " i r. ; t; Miss Fick, Mr." Parr Marry A former Salem girl and man were, married on Saturday. In the small chapel of Trinity Epis copal church in Portland, Miss Ruth Fick, daughter of Mrs. J. Norine Fick of Monterey, CalLt, and Mr. H. W. Fick of San Fran cisco, became the bride of Mr. Eugene Parr, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Parr of Salem. , J It was at high noon that Rev. George Herbert Swift of Salem read the service before members of the immediate family and In timate friends. . Bouquets of summer flowers and white candles decorated the altar. Mr. J. E. Brainard was the organist ; Mr. Wayne' Stewart, a family friend, gave the bride in marri age. For her wedding the bride, chose a navy blue silk crepe suit with .torso-length jacket embel lished with a white linen collar and gold buttons. Her navy silk hat was worn with a navy veil and her accessories were navy and white. Her corsage was of white spray orchids. Mrs. Kenneth Manning of Sa lem was the honor attendant and she wore a navy blue sheer redingote ensemble with white accessories and hat and a cor sage of gardenia. Mr. Robert Shattuc of Salem acted as best man for Mr. Parr. r .The couple greeted their guests in the foyer of the chapel after the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Parr, will make their home in Port land. : The bride is a former Salem resident and attended Willam ette university where she was a member of Beta Chi sorority. She later graduated from the University of Oregon where she became a member of Delta Gam ma sorority. For the past two years she has been a member of the Multnomah school faculty in Portland. ' Mr. Parr attended the Univer sity of Oregon and is a member of Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity. He is now with the Weyerhaeu ser Steamship company and is stationed on the SS Pennsylva nia. Farewell Party ForHaiisers A . group ; of friends honored . Mr. and Mrs. Roy Houser at an au revoir picnic at Silver Creek , fall last week. , The House rs with their two sons, Rodney and Douglas, are leaving this month for Eugene to make their home. Making up the party were Mr. and Mrs. Houser, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Putnam, Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Majek, Mr. and Mrs. Her man Hille, Dr. and Mrs. John Ramage, Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. La Verne Young, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stewart, Mr. and Mrs., Irvine Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Fuhrer and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bowers. Miss Julia Johnson, daughter of Mrs. Leona Johnson, arrived in Salem Saturday morning i from Evanstorty Illinois. She re ceived her master's degree from Northwestern this month. rv 1 TO MARRY Miss Betty McLaughlin whb will be come the bride of Mrv Max Schlottman on Monday, June 23 at St J o h n's Lutheran church. 1 " i -. Miss McLaughlin To Be Married Announcement is being made of the coming marriage of Miss Betty McLaughlin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray McLaughlin of Salem,, to Mr. Max Schlott man, son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schlottman of Mt Angel, The wedding is calendared for Monday, June 23, and will take place at St. John's Lutheran church at 8:30 ; o'clock. There will be a reception at the home of the bride's uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McLaugh-, lin, after the. ceremony, The bride-elect, attended .schools in Woodburn and the Capital Business college. ' Her fiance attended Oregon State college and the Capital Business college. The couple will make their home in Salem.