The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 24, 1941, Page 5, Image 5

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    Local Novs Briefs
Ctxti Aaaomictd Members of
Um am staff tor tho : 1841-42
7CImtt university Collegian
wtrt tnnoonctd rridiy in the
last issue of the paper, edited by
Marlon Sanders of Portland. Hale
Tabor of Glenxock, Wyo Is new
ditcr and will publish his first
edition next Thursday. His staff
includes Paul Sheldon of Pendle
ton, manaflng editor; Dix Moser
ef Tenlno. Waxh news ' editor:
Oil Iieser of Seattle, sports edi
tor; Miriam Jensen of Hood Ri
Ttr, feature editor; Ruth Mat
thews of Newberg, copy; editor;
Bob Volft of Salem and Reeva
Schmidt of Pendleton, art editors,
and Grace Covert of Salem, so
ciety editor. I
Commencement Speakers Ad
dresses at Turner and Donald
tlghth grade commencement ex
orcises Friday night were deliv
ered by Mrs. Agnes Booth, county
school superintendent, and J. W.
Kennedy, rural school supervi
sor, respectively. Diplomas from
Donald school went to Everett
MfMmtn, Wilbert . Unterseher,
' Sammy Yaschuk, Margaret Feller,
Joy Lee and Virginia j Singer.
Turner diplomas were presented
to Pearl Bower, Delores Chastain,
Frances King. Carlene Lockers,
Beverly Webb, Ira Harrison and
Calvin Webb. i
Lutx florist P. 8592. 1278 N. Lib.
Join Marines Two Silverton
men, Earl Donald Dixon, and
Glenn Bartlett Bascue, left Fri
day for San Diego, where they
will undergo eight weeks of in
tensive marine recruit training,
vpon completion of which they
will be eligible for ten days fur
lough. They will then be assigned
to the fleet marine force, sea
duty, or foreign service, accord
ing to Sgt John A. Wright, Sa
lem recruiting officer. j.
I -
Lions Pick Delegates I Salem
Tinna fluK ...ill -l 14
to4he district convention of the
organization to be held at Baker
June 15-17, it was announced Fri
day". Members selected as dele
gates are Harry W. Scott, George
A. Rhoten, Lee S. Ross, -Virgil T.
Golden, Denver Young, ; A. C.
Burk, R. W. -Joe" Land,jO. D.
"Frosty" Olson, Jack Putnam and
Roy Stewart. . :
c.i X J .
txiicijr vjj jruur savings 19 insurea
. : .. ! -
Back Locks Works Sen.Riifim
xiuuiicui nu xiep. nomer u. vn-
r O " - .VS
! secure improvement of the Ore-
gon City locks in letters received
by Manager Fred D. Thielsen of
, tne Salem chamber of commerce.
Rep. James W. Mott recently ap
peared before 1 the ' congressional
committee on rivers and harbors
in SlrDDort of th nrnirf
I Tour Fatalities Listed There
were four fatalities due to indus
trial accidents in Oregon during
the week ending May 22, the state
Industrial accident commission re
ported here Friday. The victims
were Robert Earl Younker, Char
leston, climber; Elvero L. Fisher,
Coquiile, faller; Ivan Lathrop,
Idanha, faller, and Charles
Toombs, Nyssa, foreman. ;
Spring wall paper. Mathls Bros.
CS Licenses Revoked Licenses
of 63 Oregon motorists convicted
cf drunken driving were revoked
during the month of April, Secre
tary of state Earl Snell reported
Friday. Thirteen of the revoca
tions originated In the Portland
courts and 52 in the state outside
of Portland. Thirty seven licenses
were suspended because of reck
less driving. "i
Ferris Is Father Susan Elea
nor Is the name given a daughter
born Thursday afternoon at the
Salem General hospital to Mr.
and Mrs. Frank G. Ferris, 128
Evergreen avenue. Ferris is de
fense training officer in the Sa
lem office of the state employ
ment service.
' ' j ; .-''I'1
Milking Time on the larnvH The
public is invited to visit our farm
and see the cows milked and our
"Golden Top milk cooled and
bottled. The cows can be seen in
pasture after 2:30 p. m. and the
milking from 4 to 7 p.m. Our new
barn with the milking parlor will
interest you. Farm 5 mi. S W from
Salem on the South River road.
Come Sat or Sunday, May 24 &
25. Rhoten Farm Dairy.
Griffin '
' Mrs. S. G. Griffin, . 76, at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Thom
as; Roen, 1517 Court street, Friday.
Survived, in . addition to ; her
daughter, by her husband, S. G.
Griffin, both of Salem: son. W. o
Griffin, San Diego, Calif.; grand
children, Mrs. Chester Pickens.
Salem; Thomas Roen, Jr, Salem;
Mrs. Paul Robbing, Dallas; Clar
ence Griffin. Watertown S. n?
Mrs. Edward Johnson, St Paul,
Minn. The txxJy is being forwarded
to ' Detroit Lakes, Minn, by the
Rose Lawn Funeral home for ser
vices and interment there. if
Or. Y. T. Um, NO Or. G. Cnaa, MD
' Cntaese Medietas Cm. .-.
141 fcertn Liberty -frsstalr
rsrOaaS Ceeeral Ccetric
Cs, OUlcs open Tuesday aaS St
srliy nly ll a.m. u 1 jb.; U
1 Caoawltaiiaa. SIom rMr
Mt4 mrln tests r twm t chrf.
U Tears ta Bnslaeut
Comlnsj Events
May 24-25 Salem Saddlt
dab's second annul horsexhow,
state falrtrmmds.
Jaa ft Sale as high school
Jono 1 Willamette nhrer
slty eoounencement
Jane fl Somtaer seastea
opens at Willamette varrerslty.
JUsigns as Maaagerr-Don Scu
lati, Seattle sophomore, chosen
recently as first publications
manager at Willamette university,
this weekend submitted his resig
nation, which was accepted by
the publications board. Sculati
said he probably would not re
turn to school next fall. Succes
sor Is to be chosen by the board.
Brother In Business R. B.
Eyerly, brother of Lee U. Eyerly,
Friday filed certificate of assum
ed business name with the county
clerk for the Eyerly Tractor St
Equipment company, simultan
eously with the withdrawal from
the firm of Lee U. Eyerly.
Rummage sale, WCTU hall. Good,
clean articles. Fri., Sat.
Forsberg to Speak Dr. Simon
E. Forsberg, theologian and teach'
er at the Multnomah School of the
Bible, Portland, will speak at the
Salem Mennonite church, 17th and
Chemeketa street, at 11 o'clock
Sunday morning. .
. 1 i
Attend CCC Program County
Commissioner Ralph Girod and
N. C. Hubbs, county engineer, at
tended CCC day observance at
Silver Falls CCC camp and state
park Friday. j
Hand Is Cut Ernest Rhodes,
19, route six, was treated at the
east Salem first aid station Fri
day for a cut on his left hand re
ceived when an axe he was using
Recklessness Charred Harry
L. i Palleson, 1365 Waller street,
was charged with reckless driving
by city police early Friday morn
Ing. j''
Holds Service Rev. H. B. Aar-
hus, pastor of the Aumsville Wes
leyan Methodist church, will have
charge of the service at the
WCTU hall Sunday at 2:30 pan.
Date Set--Middle Grove school
district No. 3 will hold its elec
tion at the schoolhouse June 16 at
S p.m. I
Groups Attend
Special Rite
At Church
Memorial day services will be
observed at the First Presbyterian
church Sunday with a message by
the pastor, Rev. W. Irvin Williams,
on "Religion, Patriotism, and
Common Sense."
The Federation of Patriotic or
ders, Salem, will be special guests
at this service, and reservations
totaling more than 200 have al
ready been received from the fol
lowing organizations: American
Legion auxiliary; Sons of Union
Veterans auxiliary; Hal Hibbard
auxiliary, Sedgwick Woman's Re
lief corps; Disabled American
Veterans, United Spanish War
Veterans, Kingwood American
Legion, West Salem; Caiptol Post
No 9, American Lesion. Salem:
and Veterans of Foreign Wars.
i The vested choir will sing the
anthem "Thou God of all Nations"
and special instrumental music
will be heard. i
On Sunday a concert . will be
presented at 7:30 p. m., at the
church by the Linfield a cappella
choir, directed by Virginia Ward
Elliott The senior vested choir of
the church will unite with the Lin
field choir hi the final two num
bers of the concert Maurice W.
Brennen will present his regular
Sunday program of organ music
from 7:15 until 7:30 p. m.
To Be Awarded
! Six master of arts degrees are
to be awarded at commencement
exercises by Willamette univer
sity. Registrar Walter E. Erickson
said Friday. Five are In the field
of teaching, j I i ,
. Recipients are Lloyd Girod,
principal of Richmond grade
school in Salem; Gertrude Shisler
and Lelia Johnson, Salem senior
high school teachers; Helen Mar
tha Nelger and Loraine Alice Vkk
of Salem, both graduates of Wil
lamette in 1940. Arthur Herbert
Winters of Bay City is to get the
degree In history. ; ! - i !
Numbers Annoonced f j
! Maurice W. Brennen has chos
en the following numbers for his
Sunday evening program of or
gan music to be played at the First
Presbyterian church Sunday from
7:15 until 7:30 p. m.: j , , l
"Choral Prelude: Rhosymedere",
R. Vaughan Williams and "La Na
tivite," Jean langlaia.
Legal Notice
The undersigned will receive
bids on Fire Host up to the hour
of S.-00 o'clock p. m, June 2, 1941.
for the following; - - - . -
500 feet of 2 itch hose. I
Said hose to be delivered In 50
foot lengths, national standard
thread with Drop Forge Rocker
Lug Couplings attached, i 400 lbs,
pressure. The City reserves the
right to accept any or reject sll
bids in the" Interest of the City.
City Recorder
; i Salem, Oregon.
Three Blind
Students to
1 1 Three .students of the Oregon
State school for the blind are to
be graduated from the OSB high
school May 30, Supt Walter R.
Dry said Friday. The exercises
are in the,auditorium at 8 p. m.
They are John Peter Brand,
Mildred Jeanette Jacobs and Eva
lyn Anne McDougalL Commence
ment address is by Dr. R. Frank
lin Thompson of Willamette uni
versity.' t . ; I
The program Includes invoca
tion by Rev. Glenn Olds; vocal
and. Instrumental numbers by
Jeanette Jacobs, Genevieve Crow
ley, Georgenia Young, Rosemary
Hinkle and AUene Varbel; and
numbers by choruses, directed by
Winston Bunnell and accompa
nied by Frank E. Sanders. Supt
Dry is to present the diplomas
and awards.
Baccalaureate is set Sunday
morning at the First Presbyterian
church, with sermon by Rev. W,
Irvin Williams. A program of
plays and music is to be given
by students of the school Tues
day night
Church Union
Is Forecast
Bishop Gives 1945 as ,
Possible Date;
Licenses Issued
Propect of an organic union be
tween the Evangelical church and
the Church of the United Breth
ren as early as 1945 was forseen
by Bishop E. W. Praetorius, St
Paul, Minn., when he spoke Fri
day morning before the Oregon
Washington conference of the
Evangelical church now in session
here. "
Indicating the serious problems
involved in such an undertaking.
the Bishop said that the merger
had been, studied by commissions
of the two churches since 1934.
During the afternoon, the con
ference granted a - license to
preach to E. V. Wright and dea
cons orders to D. Wilson Jaycox,
Eugene Muench, Wilmer N. Browni
pastor at Corvallis, and Floyd R.
This group was also taken into
the itinerancy, which gives them
power to vote and take part in
conference business.
Rev. W. A. Vacker, Soap Lake,
Wash.; Rev. V. A. Ballantyne,
Jr., Union vale and Rev. William
. J. i Gold, Spokane, were voted
the order of elder. All elders
and deacons , will be ordained
Sunday except Muench, who
Is to be ordained in Wisconsin.
The remainder of the afternoon
session was devoted to the annual
memorial service for deceased
conference members. The message
was brought by Rev. C. P. Gates,
Seattle, district superintendent for
Today's program was slated to
include addresses at 9 a. m. by
Bishop Praetorius on "In All His
Office: As the Word" and by Dr.
W. L. Bollman, executive secretary-treasurer
of the general, mis
sionary society. On the afternoon
calendar are the final committee
reports. The sessions are being
held at the First Evangelical
church, 905 Marion street, of which
Rev. James E. Campbell is pas
tor ;
Junior Society
Enjoys Party .
Twenty-three members snd
teachers of the Junior Sunday
school-department First Presby
terian, church, were present for a
party 'held In the social halls of
the ; church Thursday under the
leadership of Don Douris, youth
director. Present were: Jack For
ristel, John Griffith, Virginia Hu
ston," Alcetta Gilbert, Peggy
Kuhns, Jane Gardner, Joyce Pritz
kau, Barbara Bates, Jean Domo
galla, Harvey Wolcott, Robert
Gordon, Bruce MacDonald, Charles
Denison, Marjory Wilson, Jacque
line: Wilson, Robert FJfstrom,
Donna Lockhead, Lois Kearns, Al
bert, Kearns, Mrs. Arthur Silver
thorne, Kenneth Silverthorne,
Grace Geibei, Evelyn Kearns, Mrs.
Ray; Milliston and Douris.
Teacher Speaks
At Conference
Miss Alma Bailey will be the
speaker for the Officer's and
Teacher's conference at the First
Baptist church Monday at 7:30 p.
m,--. :
- Miss Bailey was superintendent
of the primary department at the
White Temple (First Baptist
church) Portland, and at the same
time was superintendent of the
Chinese Mission Sunday school.
Later she took training In Oak
land", Cal, in the Christian Train
ing Institute, specializing In child
Church Slates
Guest Speaker f
Dr. J. 1L Pollard, head of the
department of religion at Linfield
college, will be guest speaker for
two services Sunday in the Cal
vary Baptist church, of which
Rev. Arno Q. Weniger is pastor.
Dr. Pollard came to linfield
about a year ago. It is expected
that the pastor of the local con
gregation will occupy the oulDit
on the first Sunday of the month.
McMahan Adds Another Year to
Previous Suspended Sentence
Of Man Admitting Gar'Thef t
Circuit Court Justice Says Defendant
uWiU Find Himself Again and Live
Worthwhile life Within the Law"
Free again after his second circuit court appearance within
a fortnight, Oscar Walters is on parole now from two separate
one-year's sentences to the penitentiary. To his previous convic
tion on a watch theft charge, Walters on Friday added a plea of
guilty to larceny of an automo
bile, and Judge L. H. McMahan,
who earlier this month had sen
tenced Walters and then suspend
ed the sentence, added . another
year to the suspended peniten
tiary term and proceeded to order
release of the prisoner.
That Walters had suddenly lost
balance temporarily after years of
honest labor and that he would
find himself and again lead a
worthwhile life within the law was
the theory expressed by McMahan
shortly after the brief hearing.
The car about which the second
case revolved was a sedan belong
ing to La Verne C. Smith, "bor
rowed" by Walters for a trip to
Woodburn, where his wife had
been staying. Walters told the
judge he plans to return with his
family to his former home in Ne
braska. 1
Tom Feehely, Jr, vs. E. A. Wil
lard; order that tile held by Coos
county sheriff under writ of ex
ecution out of Marion county cir
cuit court be released from levy
and garnishment
Fred E. Foberts vs. Beatrice
B oilier, Salem Manufacturing
company and others; extension of
time for filing appeal with clerk
of supreme court extended to and
including July 28, 1941; defendant
allowed to August 9. ' .
Pioneer Trust company, execu
tor Glenn E. Prime estate, and Ed
ith Prime vs. Durward Helyer and
W. C. Helyer; three actions dis
missed without cost after settle
ment out of court
A. W. Simmons and A. R. East
man vs. City of Silverton and Roy
Morley; decree of dismissal by
Judge Carl Hendricks.
Helen A. Hackney j vs. William
F. Hackney; request for writ of
execution to Coos sheriff.
Edwin Claude Johnson vs. Roy
E. Davidson and Myrtle David
son; undertaking on appeal from
$2631.54 judgment fori plaintiff.
Jess Fikan vs. Byron E.Hurd,
and others; sheriffs return on sale
under foreclosure shows property
sold for $600. -
Lawrence N. Brown vs. Mayro
McKinney and others; order by
Judge McMahan sets aside previ
ous judgment for non-suit since
one of defendants had filed answer
containing a counterclaim previ
ous to issuance of judgment
Glenn E. Prime estate, execu
tor authorized to accept $1000 as
settlement of lease dispute, thus
closing three actions Jin circuit
and one in justice court against
Durward Helyer and W. C. Hel
yer. j
Rosa Stalzer estate; order con
firming sale of property for $600
by F. J. Stalzer, administrator.
W. K. Winslow estate; A. A.
Winslow named administratrix;
Donald A. Young, F. Harlan and
J. C. Evans appointed appraisers.
Frank W. Spencer estate; final
order granted Eva A. Spencer, ex
ecutrix, j ' li
Leslie Eugene Williams; driving
while under influence of intoxica
ting liquor; trial without jury at
9:30 this morning.
Wayne N. Doughton, 2J, clerk,
145 East Luther street and Melva
Belle Savage 25, clerk; 734 North
Cottage street both Salem.
Peter J. Jensen, 25, truck driver,
Dayton, and Ruth E. Rose, 21,
housekeeper,; Independence.
Gym, Swim Event
Held at YMCA
At the Salem YMCA a gym and
swim party will be given for the
young people and members of the
First Presbyterian church Satur
day from 7:30 until 9:30 p. m.
Chairman for the evening will
be Edgar Fitzsimmons, who will
be assisted by Roy Burns and Jim
Smith. The first hour of the party
will be spent In the gymnasium
where group games wlllbe
played. Besides a general swim
for all, feature contests in comic
diving, under water swimming,
and relay races for men and wom
en will be staged. if -
Many activities are scheduled
for the young people of the church
by their Youth Council, of which
Jane Patton Is president' Twenty
two of the group presented a pro
gram over the local radio station
Sunday and are meeting follow
ing the evening service this Sun
day to plan for future broadcasts.
A three act play will be selected
to be presented in July for rais
ing funds for summer camp. Forty-nine
have registered to go to
Nelscott for a three dajr Memor
ial outing and win leave Salem
Thursday evening. Thirty-seven
are registered to date for a Mt
Hood climb to be taken on June
8and7. i Vj'v i.h. ,r -
Properly Graded, Trashed
Free from Dirt Ph. 8f?z
Ortyca Scteday Herds May
' Special Speakers and
Music Billed; Civic
1 Dinner Is Monday
Formal dedication exercises for
the new edifice erected by the
First Congregational church will
be conducted Sunday at 11 o'clock.
The sermon will be preached by
Dr. Douglas Horton, New York.
Bishop Bruce R. Baxter will also
assist -The
ritual will be read by the
minister, Rev. Robert A. Hutchin
son. Josephine Albert Spa'ulding
will be guest soloist Open house
will be observed from 2:30 to
5:30 p. m. The new pipe organ
will be played at intervals
throughout the afternoon. Prof.
Clifford Kantner, Seattle, Prof. T,
S. Roberts and Mrs. Bernice East
Salem, will preside at the con
sole. The final socialevent in con
nection with the opening of the
new building will be held Mon
day in-the assembly room at 6:30
p. m. The dinner will be presided
over by Earl Snell, secretary of
state. Greetings will be extend
ed by Governor Charles A.
Sprague, Justice George Ross
man, Senator Douglas McKay, Irl
McSherry, Ray Yocom, Mrs. Karl
G. Becke and other civic leaders.
Rev. Guy Drill will represent the
ministerial union. !!
The ; principal address will be
given j by President Walter C.
Giersbach, Pacific university. The
university male quartet will fur
nish musical selections. Mr. Hut
chinson announces that the affair
is civic rather- than religious in
School Choir
Concert Set
The Linfield a cappella choir,
Linfield college, McMinnville, will
be heard in concert at the First
Presbyterian church, Sunday, at
7:30 p. m This choir, under the
leadership of Virginia Ward El
liott, will be remembered by Sa
lem people for the program of
Christmas carbls which they pre
sent each year.
The senior vested choir of the
First Presbyterian church, which
is also directed by Mrs. Elliott
will assist in the program, with
the combined chors singing the
last two numbers on the program.
The following numbers will be
"Adoramus to Christe", Pales
trina; "Alia Trinita", fifteenth cen
tury; "Gloria Patri", Palestrina;
"Cherubic Hymn'', Gretchaninoff;
"My Soul is Athirst for God",
(Robert Johnson, baritone) Stick
les; "Hail, daddening Light",
Woods; "The Promises", Panchen
ko; "Brother. James Air", Mar
gosa hymn tune; "The Lord Is My
Light", (Eleanor Avery, contral
to) Allitsen; "From Grief to
Glory", verse III, "Spring " Re
turns", verse IV, "Life", Christian
sen; "How Beautiful Upon the
Mountains", (Philip McHarness,
tenor), Harker; "Lost in the
Night", Christiansen; "Hosanna",
Jones; offertory; "As Torrents in
Summer", Elgar; -Thou God of
All Nations", i Lester, combined
choirs of First Presbyterian church
and Linfield college.
Preceding the concert Maurice
W. Brennen will play a program
of organ music from 7:15 until
7:30 p. m.
Special Week Set
Beginning Monday at 8 p.m.
the Church of Christ will have a
lectureship week with three ser
vices each day. Preachers and
leaders from Idaho, Washington
and Oregon will take part Every
one is Invited. .
A. Gerwia Company,
11 -tWr-.
2t 1811
Sale of Salem
Power Lines
i - -. - -.-,
Is Outlined
s The Bonneville adniinistration
will deliver electric power to the
Salem electric cooperative associ
ation for distribution in the city
of Salem at the same price the co
operative is now paying for energy
delivered at the Eola sub-station,
provided negotiations between the
two agencies are successfully con
cluded. , -i
The plan provides that the
Bonneville administration will
purchase the cooperative's existing
transmission 'line from Eola to
West Salem and assume the cost of
extending it across the Willam
ette river to Salem. x
i Administrator Paul J. Raver ad
vised the cooperative Friday that
the "purchase of the line would
constitute an appropriate and de
sirable method of serving the co
operative in the city of Salem."
: Raver added that he had ad
vised his staff to take steps to in
itiate negotiations for purchase of
the line and to construct the river
crossing. r
Book Quoted
In Sermons
I Epwortli League Croups
Slate Installation
: Sunday Morning
First Methodist church . an
nounces that its pastor, Dr. J. C.
Harrison, will give in three ser
mons, beginning Sunday, a re
view of "This Is the Victory" by
Dr. Leslie D. Weatherhead, City
Temple, London.
; This I downtown church has
been destroyed by bombs but its
pastor, whose books for many
years have been read throughout
Christendom, carries on. The ca
thedral choir, directed by Dean
Melvin Geist, will sing, "Glory
in! Excelsis," Bach. Miss Evelyn
Gibson, Linfield college faculty,
Will be guest soloist singing "O,
Divine ' Redeemer," Gounod.
In the evening a duet will be
sung by Miss Helen Dean and
Mark Waltz, "Sweet Hour of
Prayer4 by Irwin and Mr. Waltz
will be! the soloist singing "The
Publican," VandeWater. Dr. Har
rison will have for his text "When
They Were All in One Accord."
A special feature of the service
Sunday! morning will be the in
stallation of the officers of the
intermediate and high school Ep
worth leagues. They are: high
high school, president Frank
Bennett jr.; vice-president Mel
vin Gilsen; secretary, Florence
Lewis; treasurer, Ross Palleske;
chairman of worship, Jean Row
land; chairman of world com
radeship, Ruth Bain; chairman of
community service, Joan Roddy;
chairman of recreation, Winser
Acton; chairman of transporta
tion, Vu-ginia Covert Intermedi
ate: president Bob Bennett; vice
president Jack Lee; secretary
Marjorie . Lundhal; treasurer,
Phillip Welling; chairman of
worship, JoAnn Palleske; chair
man of : world comradeship, Jane
Acton; 'Chairman of community
service, Marcia Moore and chair
man of i recreation, Mary Ruth
(MisMart SyaoS)
18th and A streets. H. W. Cross.
pastor. Sunday school and Bible class
v a.: m. services it) a. m.
13th and Center streets. Leo Web
ster; Collar, pastor. a. m. Christian
Workers prayer meeting;. 9:45 a. m.
Sunday Bible school. MUford StuU,
Supt. 11 I o'clock morning worship.
Choir special dericted by Frank Lit
wilier. Sermon. "Abiding in Christ-
rear cod. : p.m. young peoples
meetings. Junior group, Mrs. Jessie
Rudin, supervisor; intermediates, Mrs.
Bessie Skinner, supervisor; Hi-N-Y
group. Miss Viola Satter. advisor; sen
ior .group, special service planned.
Fred Caahioo, president. 7:45 p. m.
evening evangelistic missionary ser
vices Concert by orchestra directed by
Neil Cashion. Congregational singing.
Choir special directed by Frank Lit
wiUer. Sermon, guest speakers. Rev.
and Mrs. i Ralph Cook,, recently fur
lough ed missionaries from India. Rev.
and Mrs. ! Cook were formerly pas
tors at Oregon City. On Monday night
at 8 o'clock they will show some pic
tures' of their work in India.
Church and Chemeketa streets. Rev.
George H. Swift, rector. Holy com
munion 7:30 a. m. Church school 9:45
a. m. Prayer service and sermon at li.
LoweU Gilger, pastor. Service at the
WCTU hill on Commercial and Ferry
streets. Sunday J JO p. m. Rev. H. B.
Aarhus will be the speaker. Mo even
ing service.
Gaines street at 5th. H. C Snavely,
pastor.. Sunday school 9:45. Worship
att 11 o'clock. t JO p. m. young peo
ple's service. Evangelistic service 7 JO
o'clock. Tuesday, missionary band S
p. m. 1 Wednesday Bible study and
prayer. . i-
trim li u iiiii
Lutri. r - iuene Jili
Church Services
429 SUt street. 19 o'clock Sunday
school: 11 o'clock, morning worship
!: p. m. evening evangelistic serv
ices; S p. KL Wednesday, midweek
Bible study; S p. m. Friday, young
people's meeting. George fads, pastor.
315'4 North Commercial street. Sun
day ervtees: Bible school 1 p. m. Oe
voUonal S p. m. evangelistic 1M p. m.
Tuesday, prayer meeting 7:30 p. m.
Thursday, divine healing 7 JO p. m.
Saturday. 130 p. nv. Evangelist Hans
Hanson will be bringing the mess
ages Saturday and Sunday nights. J.
C ana Usasy wuson, pastors.
19th and Ferry streets. Howard C
Stover, minister. Morning service 11
o'clock. Sermon, "Getting , the Best of
Fear." Anthem. "My Faith Looks Up
to TbeeC Duet. "In the Garden With
Jesus." Alice Fay Dougherty, Richard
Parke. Evening service. 7 JO o'clock.
Sermon, "What Happened at Pente
cost." Sunday school 10 a. m. Uoyd
Arnold. Supt. Young people S -JO p. m.
Located on the corner of Highland
avenue and Church street. Herman H.
Macy, minister. Svnday school at 10
a. m. Clifton Ross, Supc The 11 o'clock
service in charge of students and fac
ulty. Cascade college, Portland. Dr.
Earl Barker, deaa of men, preacher.
Students will give special messages in
song. Junior and senior CS societies
7 p. m. Dr. Barker. S o'clock evange
listic service. Student testimonies, spe
cial music -features service. Midweek
prayer and praise service Thursday at
S p. m. , v
Corner Cottage and Shipping streets.
Bible study 10 a. m. Preaching at 11
o'clock. Subject. "The Christian Race."
Young people's meeting 1p.m. Preach
ing S p. m.
17th and Court streets. W. H. Lyman,
minister. Bible i school assembly 9:45
a. m. Morning worship and communion
1030. Sermon. "Birds of a Feather."
Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m. Evening
service 7:30 o'clock. Young people's
oratorical contest. Sermon, "Pentecos
tal Power." Midweek service Thurs
day 7:30 p. m.'.;:
North Church street south of Center
street. Rev. p. W. sjikseh, pastor. 9:45
bunaay school. A Class ior every age.
Oscar Liudahl. supt. 11 a. m. Memorial
Suhaay, patriotic service. Call to wor
ship, "Dear Lord and i'ather of Man
kina," choir, "i'aiin of Our f athers
Living Still." auoience. Common serv
ice with scripture and prayer. "'Our
God Our Help in Ages Past." audience,
special music arranged by Mark
waltz, director of music. "My Country
"l is of Thee," audience. Sermon, "Look
Back with An ye to the Future."
Closing, benediction and Doxoiogy.
This service may be heard over KSlM
11-12 noon. tJiU p. m. young people's
service. Luther League.
Chemekeia and Liberty streets. Sun
day school Ilia. m. Services 11 a. m.
and p. m. Lesson-sermon: "Soui anu
Body." Wednesday meeting at p. m.
includes testimonies of healing through
Christian Science. Reading room at
305 Masonic building open daily ex
cept Sunday, 11 a. m. to 9 p. m. Wed
nesday evening , until 7:30.
North Capitol and Marion streets.
Edwin Horstman, pastor. Sunday
school 10 a. m. red . Kruse. oupu
Worship 11 a. in. "Becoming Christ
like." Christian Endeavor 8 p. m.
North Winter at Jefferson street. S.
Raynor Smith. Church school 9:45 a.
m. Morning worship 11 o'clock with
Memorial day program, the ,- pastor
preaching on "The Voice of Memory."
The choir, directed by Robert Klem
pel. wul sing. Ep worth Leagues meet
p. m. Worship 7:30 o'clock, with
J. S. Murray, chief clerk of Oregon
state penitentiary speaking on "The
Prevention of Delinquency." Midweek
Service Thursday. 7:3U p. m. The fourth
quarterly conference will be held on
Thursday, June 5.
North Cottage at D street. J. F. Ol
thoff, DD, pastor. Bible school 9:45
a. m. Arnold Frey, Supt. Worship at
11 a. m. Sermon, "The Ascending and
Returning Lord.- Youth meeting 6 JO
p. m. Evening service at 7 JO. Sermon,
"The Secret of a Successful Life."
BYPU anniversary program Tuesday
evening at S o'clock. Devotional meet
ing Wednesday 7:45 p. m. Choir re
hearsal Thursday at p. m.
Chemeketa and North Winter streets.
Rev. W. Irvin Williams, pastor. Don
ald Douris, director religious educa
tion. Church school 9:45 a. m. J. J.
Fitzsimmons, Supt. Worship 10:55 a.
m. Patriotic' organizations as special
guests. Message by pastor, "Deltgion,
Patriotism and Common Sense." An
them, senior vested choir, "Thou God
of All Nations." Trumpet solo. Young
people's CE S p. m. Intermediate and
high school CE 6:30 p. m. Evening
service at 7:15 O'clock. Maurice W.
Brennan organ concert 7:15 until 7 -JO.
Linfield a cappella choir concert 7 JO
p. m, assisted by senior choir of First
Presbyterian church, both directed by
Virginia Ward Elliott. Youth fellowship
following evening service. Choir prac
tice Wednesday 730 p. m. Prayer ser
vice Thursday 7:39 p. m. Explorer
unit older Scouts, Monday 7:30 p. m.
led by Kenneth Murphy. Boy Scout
troop No. 9 Tuesday at 7 JO p. m.
William Bentson, Scoutmaster.
Cottage at Marion street. Robert A.
Hutchinson, minister. Dedication of
church school classrooms 9:45 o'clock.
Worship service 11 a. m. dedication of
the sanctuary. Sermon by Dr. Douglas
Horton, New York. Open house 2:30
to 5:30 p. m. Civic dinner Monday at
30 p. m.
Corner Marion and Summer streets.
Rev. James E. Campbell, minister. Er
nest Friesen, minister of music. Sun
day school 9:45 a. m. Wilson Launer,
Supt. Morning ' worship ; 11 o'clock.
Bishop X. W. Praetorius. St Paul.
Minn, morning message. At Z:30, Dr.
Bollman. executive secretary-treasurer
of Missionary society, Cleveland, Ohio,
will speak. Sunday evening service at
730, when Roy Stetler, director of the
Evangelical publishing house. Harris
burg. Pa, will bring message. Bible
study and prayer service Thursday
at 7:30 p.' m.
19th and Breyman streets. Rev. Stew
art and Juanlta M. Billings. Sunday
Crs It l ! Here's Some Inside ,
dU-JLl-Il-0 Dope on How to
.-.v- For -.. v4V; J
'" DATES -
See Suadaj's
Ortca Statesman
PAGE nvz
9S a. m. Sunday school- 11 o"ctoek
morning worship hour. Rev. Stewart
G. BiUinjs speaking on Christian Evi
dences vs. Christian Profession." S3S,
p. m. young people's meetings. jk
m. evangelisuc 'service. Measage by
pastor. "ine Place of Fear in- Relig
ion." Tuesday, 7.-45 p. m prayer and
praise service. Friday, no evening ser
vice. - '
Nebraska avenue and lTth street.
David L. Ringland. , minister. Sunday
school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship at
11 o'clock. Sermon, "Life Through
Death." Christian Endeavor (JO p. m.
Evening worship 1J o'clock. Sermon,
by Rev. Dean Potndexter. pastor of
Leslie . Methodist church, on "The
Measure ox a Christian." j
Corner Market and Winter streets.
David L. r en wick, minister. Sunday
school 945 a. m. Morning worship at
II o'clock. Young people's service at
7 p. m. Stereopticeei address on Sun
day schools. Rev. J. W. Baker, 7 MS !
p. nu Midweek prayer service Wed
nesday 7:45 p, m.
Corner Marion Liberty streets.
Guest speaker at both services Sunday,
Dr. B. B. Sutcliffe. president Multno
mah School of the Bible and writer of
the ' comment ess the International
Sunday school lessons printed in the
magazine "King's Business." published
by the Los Angeles Bible Institute. His
topics, morning. "Permanent Things."
and evening. "Passing Things." Dr.
Irving A. Fox. pastor, will return to hat
putpit next Sunday. June 1. He has
been in attendance at the i Northern
Baptist convention. Wichita, Kan, for
two weeks.
241 State street, phone 9437. Major
and Mrs. George Houghton, officers In
charge. Company meeting, 9:45 o'clock.
Includes classes for all ages, with jun
ior program, and Instructive senior
class. "More Than Conquerors," sub
ject of Major Houghton In holiness
meeting at 11 o'clock. Young people's
lef ion convenes at S r. m nllorf
at 7 JO by Salvation service. The major
wui ape-aa: on irvercoming UDstacies.
Week night public meetings Tuesday,
prayer meeting; Thursday and Satur
day: free and easv nraise Brvir Ev
eryone urged to come.
m young people of Brooks church
will conduct the worship service, with
Rev. Carl Siht Willmtt
pastor, as guest speaker. Rev. Seibel
jhui speaK on in uooa news at ll
a. m Sunday school 10 a. m. Mrs.
Crowthen. sunt i Ran- r.u. rtMm
One mile north of city limits on the
Portland highway. Bible school 9:45
a. m. with classes for aU ages. Dewey
Davis: Sunt. RVPIT c-ia n u.
m . ' r i. .... mMA
Mrs. Leon Lambert, advisors.
SUte and 18th streets. F. H. Theuer,
BD. pastor. Sunday school 10 a. m.
Otto i Gronke. Supt.Divine worship.
'Soul Thirt tnw 4lA ' 11 . M 1
man service 9 a. m. Pubtic examinaUon
vi cvniirmanas Wednesday 7:30 p. m. '
Confirmation class Saturday 9 a. m.
Corner of North azel andXAcademy
streeU. Rev. James T. Martini pastor.
Sunday services: Bible school 19 a. m.
morning worshio 11 o'clock, led by
the yot' - people. w4th pastor speak
P JH whrist's Challenge to Youth."
?trU. '. p- m- Evening gospel service
7:45 o'clock. "What Christ Means to
" j i f . p. in.
..s,iTe "na Church streeU. Dr. J. C
Harrison, minister. Miss Ruth Cramer,
director of religious education. The
church school ; 45 a. m. Nursery 11
o'clock. Worship 10J0 o'clock, with
Dr. Harrison preaching on "This Is
the Victory Our Faith." The Cathe
dral choir will sing "Glory in Ecel
sis" (Bach), and Miss Evelyn Gibson
will sing "O Divine Redeemer" as the
offertory solo. Intermediate and high
school leagues and University vespers
6 JO p. m. Evening worship at 7:45
o clock. Sermon topic, "When They
Were All in One Place and In One
Accord." Special music, by quartet.
Center and High streets. Guy L.
Drill, pastor. Church school 9:30 a. m.
morning worship and communion aer
vice IS 43. The pastor will speak upon
the theme. "A Glorious Diacipleship."
There will be special musical numbers
by the choir, directed by John Schmidt,
jr. Solo, "The Lord is My Shepherd.3
. . iuii m. voie
Children s church, leadership of Mrs.
w t cnuorcni pastor, at
the morning worship hour. Message.
"What? Me too 7" At 4:15 o'clock Chris
" Endeavor services, four groups.
At 7 JO. evenin mnMiteMa ......
, , ' --w ' n ki ntc
with message, by pastor on "Man or
Mollycoddle? Take Your Choice."
Among, special musical numbers at this
Bervica will h anln k r..n.v.u
Dermott. Midweek prayer and Bible
iuuj neuiienuj 13V p. III.
Miller and South r.tHrtv
- . .... ...,
Rev. Arno O WmiMr e..
day services: Bible school 9:45 a. m.
Frederick W. Lehmann, Supt Morn
ing worship 11. o'clock Dr. J. H. Pol-
. "niieia college, speaker. Young
peole's meeting :15 p. m. Evening
worshio at ?!30 nWk rw i
sneaker. Midweek mmpm n
day at 7 JO p. m.
South rnmm.rrlnl at
street. Dillon W Mill niir
school .19 a. m. Meeting for worship
. message, juae Exnorts to
Personal Evangelism." Christian En
deavor t:S p. m. Evangelistic service
7 JO D. m. Prayer meetm Thuruiu
8 p. ra.
CHURCH or Jesus rnnis-r
The reorganized churrh win nut
at Moose hall. 12th and Leslie streeU.
L-nurcn scnooi 10 a. m. Preaching at
11 a. m. Rulae ... 1n.rt..
covenant at 0:45 p. m, followed by -evening
services. Viators welcome.
Jvoutn commercial and Myers streets.
Dean C PaintMrti minMMi c,.4.H
church school 9:45 a. m. General Supt,
Miss Florence Berndt. Morning wor
ship It o'clock. Memorial day mess-
. ls we rorgei. special music
by choir. Epworth Leagues at .30 p. m.
Hifh SrhWkl UkaffllA - mnA UJl....
- vbw nmc.H
league meet together In parlor. 4tr.
and Mrs. Steve Anderson meet junior
nigh league In their room, Srjcitl
mtssiis mrvlcm hv ths aKi ! .
ramilUr ones, hymn, ftok. ducts
susu aRaJMltjlllSV,
Become a STAR in
your own kitchen. .
,: : THE ; :
Orcgra Efdcna
''Hspy miica'V