Tb OHZGON STATESMAN. Sclam, Oregon. Saturday Morning. May 24. 1341 Lamb Show! at Scio Today j Variety of Exhibits and Contests j Feature Event ' j SCIO "More and better lambs, bigger fleeces and improved qual ity, marvelous intelligence of sheep dogs in handling; their flocks" these are the outsanding predictions of many who are in touch with well rounded out plans for the seventh annual Linn coun ty fat lamb show slated for today at Scio. Corralling contests in ; which trained dogs display near-human activities and reasoning bid fair this year to eclipse all Drevious programs in this respect, the show management anticipates. ' Shearing contests, which attract many competitors, -will be an out standing feature of the exhibition again this year. List of premiums indicates wide scope in exposition ramifications. Approximately $200 will be used in this feature. Qual ity rather than quantity is to rule tccording to plan of the man igement The general committee: consists of . L. Donahue, chairmap; Geo. i. jratrny, Wilbur Funk, J. D Densmore, sr., and Norman Ber- nier, secretary-treasurer. Mrs. Hazel Pague is in charge of all wool products exhibits, and Mrs. Geo. Patrny is parade chairman. At 9:30 a. m. the parade: will be marshalled at the high ! school building under strains of a 40 piece band from Jefferson. Usual course through the principal sec tions of the city will be followed, disbanding at the point of form ing. : - ! - i.j Spinning and weaving of wool will be demonstrated. Amplifiers will herald proceedings at inter vals during the day, and it is planned to have motion pictures for subsequent presentation: on countless screens throughout the country. j j Judges of sheep and wool in clude authorities, and special prizes have been arranged aside from regular premium list fea tures.. . I School Holds Graduation I t - ' AURORA Graduation exercis es at Aurora school, held May 22 included: ' " I ' ' j Processional, Bonita Diller; in vocation, Rev. S. A. Goldenman; welcome, Patricia Brown; piano selection, Beatrice Nagle; history, Maxine Marsh; prophecyj Irene Stpner; will. Dale Stuck; Address, R. A. Reedy;-piano duet, Mrs. Diller and Mrs. Reddaway; pre sentation of diploma, G. A. Fred erickson, chairman of the faculty; benediction. Rev. Goldenman; re cessional, Mrs. Diller. Aurora grade school was the winner of one of six 4H club health scholarships awarded in the contest sponsored by the Mar lon county public health' associ ation. The scholarship enables a pupil from the school to attend the 4H summer school at Corvallis. M M Club Notes A good, good morning1. Mice! What a time well have this sum mer, Mice, Just wait and see. "Sat urday at One" will soon become the slogan for all of us, and set aside as the day for meeting school friends and old acquaint ances.' ; j . .. MMC I "Personalities in the Club will be" substituted for "Personalities Behind the Club.' We have. Mice, among our midst another stooge. His name Ray Yokum. His oc cupation student at Willamette university. He's a lot of iun and I know you're going to like him. MMC : Last week's show was; a ; real success, and5: why net with Bob Mundt and Keith Hoppes. Or chids to Janet Orchard, the little 4-year-old, for her contribution. The way she sang "Oh Susanna" was swelL Our weekly ; contest met with a great deal of approval. mmc ; ;, j Special!! Remember, Mice, what I said about today's show. Free cookies, free pop, and swell en tertainment. Included in' the en tertainment will be the best Mickey Mouse contest yet. We will also have a special , novelty act on the song "Clarabclle." MMC . Talent Wanted. Yes, Mice, new talent Is wanted down here Sat urday mornings at ' 10 j o'clock. Here's your chance to perform. Get your experience now, for some day you may be able to use it to your benefit and profit mmc ' ::y'-;-j Just a word about the screen fare. The special Mickey Mouse feature will. be. "hTere's . Magic in Music" with Allan Jones and Susanne Foster: The main feature will be Frank Capra's "Meet John Doe" with Gary Cooper and Bar bara Stanwyck. Also another chapter of , "Terry and the Pi rates." So until 1 o'clock ' Your MMC, ' ' WES. I v m . i . I ; . ju man s oon oaie on Aamzam we V t Mrs. Ray Colcord : ' 7 - , Ak ,. - " ' '' ' ' ii i mi J iiiim iiiiiiium i n "V- iiM.i. Among- those aboard the Zamram, now reported sunk by a German raider, with all passengers safe, Ray Colcord, Jr, son of a Tulsa, Okla., oil man, is pictured during a vacation with his wife, the for mer Martha Ann Seeley, 22-year-old actress. A German announce ment said that "all passengers and members of the crew of the Zamzam have been taken prisoners and landed somewhere In oc cupied territory." School Rites Scheduled HUBBARD Baccalaureate will be held in the gymnasium Sunday at 8 o'clock, Rev. J. S. Van Winkle preaching the sermon to the class. The high school commencement will be held Thursday, May 29, at 8 p. m. The following program has been arranged: I Processional, Mrs. Feme Foster; invocation, Rev. Van Winkle; sa lutatory, Vera Kocher; quartet, Oregon College of Education, Monmouth; awards, R. W. Haber ly; Speed Well and Four Leaf Clover, high school glee club; ad dress, Hon. Earl Snell; duet, Caro lyn Cramer and Julius Poppinga; valedictory, Frienda Poppinga; di plomas, Levi Miller, chairman of school board; quartet, OCE, and recessional, .Mrs. Foster. Class members are James E. Budreau, William E. Davies, Verl Hershberger, Walter N. Lowrie, Don Lemen, Jerome Mortensen, Edgar Lawrence Stauffer,! Jean Alice Bower, Ann Beth Cook, No rine M. Epperly, Nina E. Graves, Eileen A. Hammond, Mary Ann Harding, Jean A. Houghtalling, Vera Kocher, Dorothea M. de Les pinasse, Lola Mae Liester, Wilda Darine Mills, Dorene Zimmerman Morgan, Mariel L. O'Brien, Frieda Poppinga, Doris C. Rolsdorph and Better Ellen Stauffer. The four Congregational churches under the pastorate of J. S. Van Winkle, Hubbard, Elli ott Prairie, Smyrna and Monitor, will hold services at Camp Adams on May 25 at 11 o'clock. A basket dinner will follow. W. L. Harrison, Elliott Prairie, underwent an operation in Ore gon City on Monday and one leg was removed above the knee. Martin Kuzmic, owner j of the Hubbard shoe repair shoe, has purchased the McMannig proper ty, where the old blacksmith shop used to be. He has wrecked the old building and will move his shop. Mel Mai one, proprietor! of the Hubbard Pastime, has purchased the old Wolfer building just north of the fire hall and is remodeling it He will move the Pastime. Services Set For Monday DALLAS Funeral services for Dietrich John Toevs, 51, resident of the Gutherie ; community, will be held Monday at 2 o'clock at the Grace Mennonite church here. Rev. Homer Leisy. castor of the Grace Mennonite church, will of ficiate. Interment will be in the local IOOF cemetery. Dietrich John Toevs died at his home Tuesday following a brief illness. He was born at Mountain Lake. Minn., on July 19. 1890. He scent his youth on his parents farm. Later he came to Idaho and for the past 22 years has made his home in OregonJ ;! He was married to Justina Neu- feld at Dallas on October 27, 1920. Surviving are his widow and three children, Luella and Linda Toevs and John Toevs. Three sis terv Mrs. Kathryn Voth, Mrs. Elizabeth Snavelr and Mrs. Anna Einfeldt, all of Salem, also sur vive. ! Two Babies Arrive NORTH HOWELL Mr. anrl Mrs. Elmer McClausrhrev are an nouncing the birth of a son, Ger- oia Kaymond, on May 14 at the Salem hospital. This is the R. C Jefferson's first grandchild. Another recent arrival i daughter born to Mr and Mrs. xiusseu coomler, Hillsboro, on May 20. Little Karen Coomler Is staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Coomler for few weeks. i ., - DDAMCDIE - i -Frrurinj ALTON BEIIEDICT'S OnCUESTBA j 2 Miles North of Independence ' Admission' 25c and 40c J and bosbaad Quilt Made ' For Prexy AUMSVILLE The Tillicum met Wednesday and quilted. Plans were made for the first annual party to be held Wednes day at the club rooms. A lunch eon is being planned wfth all members and friends of the club invited. -'A friendship quilt has been pieced by the members and' pre sented as a token of appreciation to the president, Mrs. Mabel Gul liford. This quilt will be in the frames during the day of the an nual party and all guests will be invited to contribute toward its completion by stitching on the gift quilt f AUMSVILLE F r i e n d s and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Arlow Mix, Portland, both well known here, were surprised to receive the announcement of their mar riage which took place December 23, Mrs. Mix was formerly Miss Theresa Smelser. i The Townsend club met Thurs day night and made plans to co operate ,in a state wide move ment for a rally at Newport June 15, ' Silverton Churches METHODIST Silverton Rev. Edward Terry will speak on "A Christian's Pa triotism" at the Sunday morning services at the Methodist church. Sunday school will be held at 9:45 o'clock. Epworth League at 7 p. m. At 8 p. m. a special in stallation service will be held with newly elected officers of the league installed. The Wesleyan circle meets Tuesday at 2 p. m. at the church. TRINITY Sunday school and adult Bible classes are being announced for Trinity church at 10 a. m. At 11 o'clock Rev. M. J. K. Fuhr will speak on "Witnesses". There will be special music by the choir. The Lutheran Daughters of Reforma tion will meet Monday at 8 p. m. with Elizabeth Torvend.- Trinity Ladies Aid society is announcing a strawberry social for May 28. CALVARY LUTHERAN Miss Olga Johnson will super vise Calvary Lutheran Sunday school at 10 o'clock. At 11 the Rev. 0 C. Olsen will speak on "Christ the Great Intercessor". Luther League will meet at 7:30 o'clock with Ruby LeRud as president The Naomi Club will meet with Mrs. George Almquist Wednes day at 7:30 p. m. Mid-week prayer services have been set for .Thurs day at 2 p. rn. . IMMANUEL LUTHERAN I Because of Rev. J. M. Jenson's attendance at the Pacific district convention of Lutheran churches, there will be no services at Im manuel Lutheran church Sunday morning, but Sunday school classes will meet at 10 o'clock, the Junior Luther league at 6:30 and the Senior league at 8 o'clock. On Friday evening, the public exam ination of confirmation will be held with confirmation, services set for June 1 at 11 o'clock. I Mid-week prayer services at immanuel church will be held Thursday at 2 o'clock: CHRISTIAN I Mrs. John Jordon will super vise the Christian church Sunday school at 9:45 o'clock. At 11 o'clock Rev. Russell Myers will speak on The Old Time Religian". Chris tian Endeavor meets at 7, and at 8 p. m. Rev. Myer will speak on "A Man Who Tried to Run Away from God's Call". Mid-week ser vices will be held Wednesday at I p. nx, followed by adult choir practice. TONIGHT Selection of Manager Set Many Applications Come in for City Job to Be Filled in June .. SILVERTON Mayor Reber Allen reported late Friday that a permanent city manager will pro bably not be selected for Silver ton until the regular-meeting of the. city council to be held on June 2. , 4 . . A number of applications have been received, said Mayor Allen, with many coming in since the city suit, which! had been pend ing for several months, was dis missed in circuit court Tuesday. Judge Hendricks, it : will be re called, declined to pass directly on the alleged invalidity of the new charter providing for the city manager form of government and the suit was dismissed from COUrt. -; !' I These applications must be stu died and elimination made of those who, by virtue of charter rulings, are not qualified for the job, Mayor Allen stated. The fi nal selection will be made at a regular meeting of the city coun cil, he added, -j j .. if : The case in question was filed some months ago by Dr. A. W. Simmons and A. R. Eastman, wa ter commissioners under the old charter, who contended that the election held in May, was illegal as failure was ! made to proyide ballots for other than registered democrats and republicans. The election provided for a city man ager form of government and dis solved . the water ? commission, which had been in charge of the water department with its funds for a number of years. The com missioners, in ! their I court con tention, stated they felt that with out bona fide authority to vacate the office, they might incur per sonal liability in future actions of that office. ' . i The new charter, adopted at this election, provided for the ap pointment of a city manager on cr before January 1. But owing to the unsettled condition of city affairs, only a temporary man ager could be obtained. As Elgin McCleary, who has 'been water superintendent for the past sev eral years, was familiar with city affairs, he was asked to serve. McCleary, however,' cannot now be reappointed to the permanent position, Mayor Allen explained, as the new charter provides that tlie manager must be a non-resident of the city, and that he have at least one year's experience as city manager. i i Mr. McCleary, who has also had the supervision of a new wa ter project, street improvements and worries over collapsed bridges during the past few weeks, In addition to bis regular work as water department super intendent and the added work of city affairs, has been urging the council members to obtain a man ager as soon as possible. Mem bers of the council! stated this week that they would do so inas much as McCleary has been doing the work of three men during the past four months, p Funeral Service At Independence INDEPETOENCE-i-Mrs. Flor ence Viola Pearl died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Clare Graber, south of Independence on Sunday. j; She was born in Mercer county. Pa., June 14, 1867 and moved with her family to ! the middle west when she was 17. She was united In marriage to John James Pearl, May 2," 1888, in Nebraska. Some years later they moved to the west, spending a number of years in Washington and the last few near Buena Vista. Since coming to Buena Vista she was active in the Women's club, Eastern Star and the Re becca lodges. rl Surviving are her husband, a daughter, Mrs. Graber, Buena Vista; one son, Mark Pearl, Kirk land, Wash.; two sisters, Mrs. Daisy Murphy andiMrs. Mark Pipkin, , Oklahoma 1 City; three brothers, Charles DeFrance, Lin coln, Neb, H. L. DeFrance, Bris tol, Okla., and Mont DeFrance, Elrene, Okla, . , J Services were from the Smith Baum mortuary, Independence Tuesday with Rev.; Morris Per sons, Salem, officiating: Inter-j ment was In Buena Vista ceme tery. ' .. Attend Funeral I PIONEER Mr. and Mrs. Philip Theiss, sr, returned home' after being called to Gervais because of the death of Mrs. Theiss fa ther, Mr. Addleman, 87. SALEM'S NEWEST, THEATRE Last Times Today lly Love Cane Back' - with Jeffery Lynn Plus Charles SUrrett ; 'Dsrango Kii' Final Chapter Serial 'WHITE EAGLE Starts Today 'THE SEA HAWK with Enrol Flynn - and .O YOU CANT FOOL TOUK WIFE" with Lucille Ball Memorial Day JJy rosts at Silverton Armory oLL. VERTON Memorial dav open, at -10. a. ib, according to "'") ci ci cuia ux foreign wars, posi 3UU4. 1 The program will include music bv the hirh- srhnni uer uie oirecuon oi ifioya .Eliei son: invocation. Father John Green, reading of Gen Longan's orders, M. S. Chandler; introduc tion of honored guests, Frank A. PowelL commander of the Ameri can Legion: vocal solo. Geraldine Olson; address, Rev. James Os- ' ' w "c -i4iiuvuie. After the program a parade will form and a march made to the uioue act vii.-c3 wiu be in chare of Veterans of For-1 eign Wars and American Legion, a e . . . ' . "iL8 vewrana of Foreign Wars Tf or services at 2L2??5S! ..a j w u u u j. vvuiuuuiuer Svarvari and M. S. Chandler will be in charge of the ftac Lester SAila5i!. f thrK.7Ji 7 . The post and auxiliary will meet Sunday at 10 o'clock at the ar- .j, . . . lumj. iuejr jpinro w near me isms, by Jack Man tor. department rhief of staff, Wednesday, and to ob- !: 1 venui anniversary oi nowara xong was in cnarge of the Drocram which ... - ' included piano solos, and vocal UJ uauniers oi me At the auxiliary, meetinff. Mrs. t ' .uiui jiyevcricKs announcea ev- erything in readiness for the bud oy Poppy sales to be held this weekend. Judges were also named for today's Pet parade and include Mrs. C. Cox and Mrs. Long. Mrs. Lester Whitlock presented the auxiliary with a gift Serving on the refreshment committee were Mrs. Frank Fierst, Mrs. Fred MehL Mrs. Idah John son, Mrs. L. Devericks, and Mar ion Tucker. r J Willamette Valley Briefs Teachers Rehired CENTRAL HOWELL Mrs. Grace Sehon and Mrs. Jessie Rains have been rehired as principal and primary teachers. This term com pletes Mrs. SehonV ninth consec utive year of teaching at Central Howell and seven years for Mrs. Rains. Returns to Portland CLOVERD ALE Gordon Kunke has returned, to Portland to work butU still under doctor's care due to a foot injury received while playing ball with the Turner team two weeks ago. 1 Union Gathering Set SCIO Union gathering of churches at Scio Sunday is to in clude units at Crabtree. Talbot Marion, Stayton and Lacomb, ac cording to announcement Thurs day by Scio leaders in the move ment Basket luncheon Is schedule?! for 1 o'clock, followed by a pro gram to which all participating churches are to contribute. A guest speaker will address the union gathering. The public is Invited. i'-' Firemen at Meet TURNER Representatives of the Turner fire department at tending the district association meeting Wednesday at Sublimity were Chief Albert Jensen, Amos Ackerson, Frank Parr, Nial Dow, Robert BalL Kenneth Barber. Ro bert Sorenson, Stanford Prather, John Seuns and W. A. Rankin, district president The next meet ing will be held at Scio. Visit Daughter RICKEY Mrs. W. .H. Hum phreys Is visiting her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bark ley Newman, Port Angeles, Wash. She was joined In Portland bv her other daughter, Mrt. Ralph Westering. Finds Eye Trouble UNIONVALE C. J. Countiss. farmer of this locality, consulted an eye specialist in Portland Mon day regarding his eye. The exam ination revealed a growth on the pupil. While farming In the Unity district more than 31 years ago a Tim Holt v ' in "Wagon Train": . Added - ' ' , ' Newt, Our Gang Comedy and Chap. 4 of JUNIOR G-MEN" On Our Stare at 1 P. M. the j Bollywood Bnckaroe Program r Broadcast C Continuous Sunday 1 M 11 F, SL '""I ' lilililill!' iMilililti -ii- Alse the Dionae Quintuplets tn ' "GROWING. UP 5 The Marx F Bros. J 'Go West' Services Billed ; iurvir at th rmra I r . vtui announcement of Commander Ed Farmers Union News MARION The ladies' auxil- I r w AJW MU1U BUAll lary held their regular meeting t in Uie club nmmt of th W.1 I centw mirrhocoH building. A covered dish luncheon i was served at noon, :t. ceded the business session, which W Presided over by the presi aent, Mrs. Jim Wilson, h "jt m. i c on the new super-charged i Hour W IxTZ 'JT " ' M serving of refreshments for e 10tn anniversary celebration 1 ftf th 1val tn h iA I Mm Chariot Karv mM tr.. man TW.anri Mi-. nr9M rv;.. I " m t j w cj. nolsor and Mrs. George McCay. I !unt. r i v. Rlrs. George Kins, who were as- listed by Miss Helen Kins, daugh ter of Mrs. Carl Kihs. ' I -k.ttv.k. f - . i ficnui nnc Aries- dames Wells, Wilson, Gary, Sar- ver, McCoy, Strode, DeLangh, Sohermarhei- TJhkv rw-ttli l , wiiuuyi, I Mrs. Carl and Mrs. Clean w;v,. T-r - r. ana tieien runs. . SCIO Tie in a recent radio Quiz contest between teams of the Rlverview and Santiam Central farm unions, both operating near cio, was the inspiration for a banquet a few days ago in which both organizations shared. i The Joint meeting was held at the Riverview union quarters, the public school building of the Riv erview district Loser in the con test was to banquet the winner but a tie changed this. ' A speaker from Salem, Mr. Hamerick, spoke on the proposed hospital to be established at Sa lem with state union cooperation. S, B. Holt pioneer Scio farmer, spoke on the coop union ware house at Salem, which he has been in charge of for several years. Holt also is publisher of the farm union monthly publica tion there. Local and county farm union officials spoke in response to in vitation of the toastmaster, John Shepherd, Riverview union. A musical and literary program was ai: feature of the meeting. f Dallas Bills Annual Rite DALLAS The annual Memor ial day exercises will be held again this year on the courthouse lawn oy me Carl B. Fenton post of the American Legion with all veteran posts in Polk county co operating. ; As in the past a field of white crosses bearing the names of all departed comrades buried in local cemeteries or overseas will be placed in the plot in front of the courthouse. As a part of the day's program all graves of veterans in the local cemetery will be decorated with flowers. An appropriate program is be ing arranged. The committee in charge includes Harold H. Rich, Edward J. Himes and C. T.r Smith. Editor on Air IVALSETZ Mrs. Henry Hob son and daughter, Dorothy Anne, accompanied by Herbert Temple ton, Portland, flew to Los An geles Monday. Dorothy Anne a guest of MWe, the People' Tues day, f j; . barbed wire pierced the other eye and caused a loss of sight CONTINUOUS TODAY FROM 1:00 P. M. I U IJ WUrtl II0T7 SHOWING - TWO BIG FEATUHES CUT? VW ELLISON laajU fit? I ALBEHTO VILA I 6ft 'I BUDDY IBS IN j tnd BFiatnre W P,,A C'"ILL 1 'TV'v - sL ... we : . J 1 . - f" '.v a-" i with . Smiley Burnette - Mary Lee Banquet Held At Lyons x-i wi a iic mtwiiu mutual -Mothers-Daughters- banquet sponsored by the WSCS was held at the Rebekah hall last Thursday with approximately 120 attending. Mrs. George Clipfell and Mrs. G. Paul Johnston, program com mittee, , presented a pantomine, with Mrs. Clyde Lewis reading r the a 1 b u ni Taking character parts were Mrs. Ed Spa, Jacqu- line Spa, Evelyn Mae Bauer, Mrs. Robert Fetherston, Betty Jean Bodeker, . Leland Manning, ' Mrs. Paul Smith, Mrs. Paul Johnston and children, Carrol, Shirley and George. v .: tf; ; Singers were Mrs, Robert Feth erston, Mrs. Lyle Kinzer, Miss Cleta Crabtree, Mrs. George Clip- ielL Betty Kinzer and Evelm Clipfell and chorus. Rev. Hamilton introduced the speaker of the evening. Miss Pearl Shirlock, Portland. Young men from the Lyons Sunday school served the banquet They were uordon Weitman, Donald Huber, Stanley Weitman; Leland Man ning, Gene Miller, Harvie Weit man and Donald Crooks. Miss Cleta Maria Crabtree was among those enjoying Junior weekend on the campus at Oregon State college. She was a guest of Miss Constance Bodeker at Sigma Kappa. A family dinner was served Sunday - at. the Marion Taylor home near Taylor's Grave. The occasion honored Grandma Taylor on her 89th birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lewis and Mrs. Dell Westenhouse left Man day for Baker where they will at tend the Rebekah and Odd Fellows assembly. . ' ft Garry Prichard. youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Prichard, had the misfortune to break his left arm in -the elbow while at play. He was cared for at the Deaconess' hospital in Salem. Diplomas Are Presented ELDRIEDGE The graduation program was held Tuesday. The class toll included Gladys Banyard, Alma Keene, Charles Patterson, .Donna McCullough, June Magel, Edmond Juedes and Richard Kirkwood. The program follows: poem, Julie Wargnier; play, minuet, pri mary girls; play, flag drill, pri mary girls; : play; song, " upper grades; processional; violin solo, Russell Sahli; history, June Ma gel: prophecy. Gladys Banyard: poem, Charles Patterson; will, Al ma Keene; fcong, four girl grad uates and Miss Adeline Manning, accompaniment by upper grade teacher, Miss Stella McKay, and presentation of diplomas, Mr. Van Dnescha. - Call Board EXSINOSE Today Gary Coooer. Barbara Stan wyck. Edward Arnold in "Meet John Doe. Allan Jones, Susanna Foster, Margaret Lindsey in "There"! GRAND w , Today George Montgomery. mary xeui nugnes in xne cowDoy and the Blonde." Warren William in "T&e Lone Wolfe Keeps a Date." CAPITOt. Today MaUreen OUara. James fuuson in iney Met in Argentina. Gene Autry, Smiley Burnette in "The dinging- iu. RTATf ' Today James Stewart. Hedy La- marr in tome Live with Me. John wayne, Thomas MitcheU in "Long Vovi em Hnmm " Saturday midnight Melvyn Doug ius, noHuna ausscu in ims Ining nni.i.Twnnn Today Marx Brothers in "Go West, run Molt in "Wagon Train. I.tRERTV Today Charles Starrett in "The uurango iua. jerrrey Lynn. Olivia DeHaviland in "My Love Came Mat. Till 5 r rzucA-s f ' OST COLOrjUl STZ-U Gess Astrya.RI: fa eew est 3 &-3 tha scca s tzmti GEEJEiiUTRY A Also "SKY RAIDERS Pepey Cartoe-n, News Buona Vista Novfl Buena Vista school closed 3 Thursday. i. . Miss Carolyn Well ntertalnej a group of her friends at a birth day dinner party Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lucas, f t$ Francisco, returned to their com this week after spending several days at their farm hera. v Miss Barbara Lewis, f alem, was a weekend guest of Miss Pearl Scott v A number of 'the club ladles met at the hall Tuesday to cut materials for dresses to be made for the Red Cross. Anyone wishing to help in this work see Mrs. W. L. Short, president. - " Visitors Sunday at the Fred Scott home were Mr. and ,Mrs. Tom Trick, James Ingrey and daughter, and Mrs. Bromwell and Gertrude, Salem. The community extends sympa thy to Mrs. Jonas Graber -In th loss of her mother, Mrs. Pearl. Funeral services were held Tues day at Smith-Baum Funeral home and burial i was In Buena Vista cemetery. School Year eted MEHAMA Eighth trade rrad.. uation exercises were held May byMrs. Ercel Wilson. The pro 18. The processional was played gram consisted of: Invocation James Blum; salutatory, Leonard oium; class will, Delbert Bass; poem, loan Clason; valedictory, Gilbert Warner: two-nart 1 six? upper grade girls; address, ! Rev.iW. H. Lyman. Mrs. Cora Clark snoke hrioftv in presentation of the class. James Blum presented the diplomas. The final Droeram of th hnsi Tuesday evening consisted of group songs and imDromntu speeches. Wayne Hardinr iudced over 50 articles of woodwork on exhibit by the 11 members of that club. The surprise of the evening was the? presentation of a scholarship to 4H summer school, won hv M hama school for Improvements maae during the county health contest ' j Four scholarships are awarded I this year. Arleta Kirsch won half scholarship, Raymond Adams, as outstanding club member, was awarded one scholarship by the womans ciuo. The district sends Walter Johnson and Mvrtl ma son is the beneficiary of the coun ty awara. Mrs. Margaret Ware and Mrs. Cora Clark have been retained as teachers. - Fashion Editor Makes Speech AURORA The Aurora Wom-i an's club met Wednesday at tlx home ofMrs. L. B. Irvin with Mrs. W. B. Wurster assisting hostess. The president, Mrs. George Zelgler, will attend the state con vention to be held at CorvalliV in June. Guest speaker for the afternvoa was Miss Jane Allen, fashion edi tor for the Oregonlan. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. George Zelgler, June 11. 1 "SSSSBBISBS. Valley Evfents May 24-Jcrsey CatUe club show fairgrounds. Oregon Seed league, Corvallis. 10 a.m. S2 - i ,at '"mo snow. City Baking rompany rooms. Salem, tartin t 1 30 and p.m. May 2-Msnon county experiment station tour of forage crops, Corvallis. JUIl 7 If 3fivn uu. . . J . . show at Turner. NOW SHOWING Continuons Today from 1P.M. The Wkote Town's CheeriRi It! mi with Starting Time ' Inhn TVm Lie K.9 I Magle Music S:t 7:41 11:21 Cempanlan Feature 'vzicn&o 'S; cu with a Riot of Laughs! AUAN JONES SUSANNA FOSTEK MAKCAKCT UNO SAY LYNNS OVUM AH Mickey Men Mat 1 T. M. Free "Ckles" Baked bf , Scheen't and ReyaJ Crws CoLt " PbtrilMBteel by Nchl C. - Compl I rtOtoCTIOM, (TAMMO AKY A r 34 i-'i