PAGZ ELTVXn Lease? Statesman state ids Make j It Easy, 7h,0niG0n CTATECriATt ScUa. Oregon. Ytdaexday Marring, Ilay 21. ISII Want To Buy? Kent? Meal E Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Three Insertion per line 22c Six insertions per line 40c One month per line $1.23 Min"""" charge 25c; S tL min imum 35c; 6 tL min. 45a No refunds. -Copy for this page accepted an til f JO Um evening before pubUca tlon for classification. Copy re reived attar this time wtU be run under the heading "Too Lata to Classify." The Statesman assume no finan cial responsibility for errors whico may appear In advertisement pub UsMed In Its columns and In cases where this paper is at lault wtU reprint that part of an advertise merit In which the typographical mistake occurs. The Statesman reserves the light. to reject questionable, advertising It further reserves the right to place all advertising under the prooer classification, - . A -Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number tor an ad dress Is for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman Is not at liberty to divulge infor mation as to the Identity of as advertiser using a "Blind" ad. ' Livestock and Ponltry WE PAY UP TO liC PER LB. TOR DEAD AND WORTHLESS HORSES AND COWS IF FRESH AND IN GOOD CONDITION. TOP PRICK FOR FEED HORSES. PHONE COLLECT 411. SALEM. MONTGOMERY RENDERING WORKS eaa,aaaaaaa Ar-rraMsrunjiJVXfUlJXA PHONE SALEM 5000 COLLECT We remove dead and worthless stock and pay you money. SALEM FERT. 4 BY PRODUCTS CO. Salem, Oregon -------------- -i-i"g i--inJwvww)-rt BABY CHICKS I varieties, immedl. at delivery, custom hatching. Started chicks, pullets and fryers. Phone 2-288L lee s tiaicnery. ..... ' Aactions Aucti on This Thursday Nlte, 7:30 pjn. at the T. n. woodry Auction 6c Furniture Mar ket. 1610 N. Summer St.. Salem, con sisting of a large lot of consigned ware house merchandise to-wu: l good dav enport set. 3 odd davenports, 1 beds, springs, mattresses, radio, dining table and chairs, breakfast suite. 1 Wilton rugs. 9x11 Axmlnster rug, gas range. occasional chair, table, chest of draw ers, linoleum, desk, sewing machine, cot, 2 dresser, typewriter, dishes, gar den tools, etc. Many more items not listed. F. N. Sc Glenn Woodry Auc tioneers. Ph. 8110. List your goods with us. Private sales dally. A TT. w.i.n.- CAT Every Thurs. 1 p.m. Livestock, ma chinery, furniture, anything of value. List your goods with us S19 N. Front. Salem. Ph. 21760. jsari lung. Mgr. Help Wanted COLLEGE STUDENTS who want full time summer work will be Interviewed by local manager of national com pany. Full Information & pay discussed at interview. Write to me. Box 1623 co Statesman. - Help WantedMale - 1 YOUNG MEN - wanted to travel with me. selling St servicing our cus tomers in nearbr towns. A-l refer ences required! Free transportation. Apply A. Unruh. Box 1621. Statesman. MAN OVER 40 to take over estab lished Watkins business. Must have car and be able to put in full time. No capital or experience necessary. Com missions will average over $100.00 per month. Write The J. R. Watkins Co, 3109 NE Sandy Blvd.. Portland. . for details. ' DRIVER for Cat., hook tender, fal len at ouckers with tools. Phone 2-228. Help Wanted Female " -mm mmm 7 EXP. WAITRESS, full time 365 Court. - . WANTED GIRL to assist with house- aim care 01 two cnuaren, sio mo. i. i, cox in, aaiem. " i-" mm ii rer n - EXPERIENCED GIRL for housework. uu Bzee or S510. by june 1st Woman or girl for housework. Can use capable school g lrl xuu time summer with part time next scnooi year. Phone 6723 Thurs. evenings. or muuslreeper, not over 22. for wiaower s ncme. write for an appoint. meiu. ueo. K. Bates. 627 N. Winter. LADY TO sell and urvi. mi- tomers in Salem. Lowest prices in his tory. Summer sale now on. Free sam ples. Local district manager will train lnexper. person. Apply Real Silk Co, c)refion$tatesmaii - ADVERTISING Western Advertising; Representatives , George D dose, inc. aan rgiicUco, Los Angeles, Seattle Eastern Advertising Representatives Bryant Griffith ft Branson. Ina. Chicago. New York. Detroit u Atlanta . entered at (he Postoftce at Satrm, ' Or toon, ma SmeamA Flnim Unttmr Pk. Uthed every aaomrito except Mondav- ounnesi orrice zu oOtUA commercial trccc SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 1 Mall Subscription Rates In Advance. wttrun Oregon. Deny and Sunday, Mo $0 cents: 2 Mos $1.50; Mos. $2.50-. 1 year $3.00 r'-lsewhere 50 cents per mo. ut so.oo tor 1 year in advance Per copy 8 cents News tan da $ eenu By City Carrier. 60 cents a month $720 a year in advance In Marion and adjacent counties. BLONDE touSrffK t cueO ;tTrf) Y5 . jnVsTCfrTU y' MAVuSswy OUGHT TO i WAMAM AC) :N -Xll -fpCPfCl 1 VrnKcKKv. vvf0 MOMS GET J jmjOX CAN weV' i xS5'V. i JUST UMK V ' Money to Loan 1 QUICK CASH LOANS CALL. WRITE or phone (9183) to Salem's avwi Urn . urf rut home managed finance tnatituUonYeur oass mine in sincien privacy xou wut be gives) every constderattoa In the repaying of your loan or granting of extensions. 1 to 24 Months to Repay You can pay ta fun any time to reduce the coat, Only Borrower Signs No endorsers. Loans made on furniture or note, '" BEX IOY H SIMMONS. MGR. No M-133 5 - . . . General Finance Corporation 134 So. Commercial St Lie. first door south of Ladd St Bush Baak. Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. r FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE NO M-158 j WK LOAN on farm, residential St business property. Will buy mortgages r contracts HAWKINS St ROBERTS. INC. Realtors. Guardian Building. PRIVATE MONEY AUTO' AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re- luce payments. Money for new or used cars No delay or red tape. You will retain possession of the vehicle- 1 TO SO MONTHS TO PAY ROY H. SIMMONS 138 South Commercial Street done 8168 Lie. No. M-152 I 5 LOANS on Business, city and su burban property. E. M. Larsen. Pb9769. FHA LOANS 4',i. also prlv. loans Abrams & Ellis. Inc. Masonic Bldg. Help Wanted Female HOUSEKPR. 1341 N. CapltoL P. 6171. WANTED GIRL to assist with house work and care of two children, $10 mo. Mrs. Tadina, Rt. 7. Box 271. Salem. WANTED. PER. GIRL FOR HSEWK. Phone 7482 after 1 pjn. EXP. COOK and housekeeper, under 31 yrs. Rm., bd., good wages. Ph. 7889. Situations Wanted YOUNG ' RELIABLE married man wants work. Exp. truck driver, clerk. good all around man, handle heavy work. -Ph. 8830. HOUR WORK, care children Ph.21340. CARPENTER REPAIR work. Ph. 3-2162. For Sale Miscellaneous OPAL COOK stove, good 12x1$ con- goleum, chairs, tables, etc. Reasonable, 2010 N. Bth. STRAWBERRIES 3c lb. U-plck. 3. Lee Lehrman. 1 mi. east Brooks. Ph. 2-2974. STRAWBERRIES 3c U-plck. 1 mile E. Kick Back Service Sta. A. McCorkle. GOOD STRAWBERRIES. Pick your self oc lb. Hugn Harris, a mi. so. main hiway. 2-2407. FLAT TOP desk & 3 office chairs. Melvin Johnson. 729 Court St. ONLY 9 more shopping days In which to save up to $0 at COHN BROS. Go ing Out of Business Sale. 467 Court St. TWO-WHEEL trailer, or trade for dimension lumber. Evenings, $81 Rose' monL . . . ' ... USED COCA " COLA bottle cooler. bargain. Good Housekeeping. Inc, 453 Court Bt. USED FRIGID AIRE, good condition. only $3930. Good Housekeeping. Inc, 453 Court St KALE PLANTS. 1960 S. High. BRAND NEW $30 Golden Oak typ ing desk, $2930. Ideal for student's use. See if today at Gevurtz Furn. Co. 179 N. Liberty. Phone 4619. FERTILIZER. R. Silt S. Stones. 7882. THE APRON SHOP. $79 N. High. TRY OUR HOME DECORATING ' AND REMODELING SERVICE Twelve months or longer ta which to eav. No down payment. Details ar ranged at your home. Only responsible contractors and decorators do your lob. Can Mr. Eyre at R. L ELFSTROM COMPANY. Ph. $221 WHITE SEwTNG machines. Liberal trade in allowance on old machines. Hogg Bros. Salem and Oregon City, PUPS t weeks old. West Highland Terriers. 1168 Oak street Idtng P 8637. . Jar Morris Florist, Phone DAVENPORT AND Chair. Ice box. 9x12 linoleum. 1130 Oak St Wanted Furniture f. N. & GLENN WOODHY. Auo- UmMn At furniture dealers wui pay you more cash or trade for furniture as nouaenoia gooaa. we " wmu everything. Ph. $110. LruuxiLrirLnnnrryirf.i-i- i i ------------ CASH FOR used furniture ax house hold goods R Forgey. Ph. 7445. Kliscellaneons Dental Plate Repair 1 TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASK Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repair DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTloT Adolob Bldg. SUte ft Com! Ph. 3311 For Rent Rooms nrvrn. UARION ftooma. special weekly and montihly I rates to oerim. guests, afarton -oee Shop, delicious meals at low prices. SLEEPINO RM. & far. 940 Leslie. HSEKP. RMS. Close in. 260 Center St HTD ROOM near capital. .4498. LIJ"UTJlf JVirl nfYirTM'ri1 afcafcafciaaa FURN. HSKG. rm. 1st Or. Reas. 5715 s"ir-aj-rxnjXfV'f'kAfyv LGE comfortable rm. reaa. Priv. eat. Pb, 69T7. - Pleasant sleep rm. 941 N. CapltoL a.aaaaaMMMaMaaa,aaX MOD.. FRONT rm. Priv. entrance. Close in. Ph. 3367. Sleeo. rm. for office person. Hot St cold water. 255 Center. t ; " Money to Loan financial affairs will be discussed and JIM CLARK. ASST. UGH No. S-13S Phone flag Convenient ground floor locatioB Are You Single Gr Married? Both families and individuals Qualify for our cash loan service. To apply tor a loan In a dignified confidential manner Just tell us how much you need I93V-S1W-SZW or more) ana answer i few simple questions. Cash la ad' vanced without delay. Repayment terms are easy. $8 72 per mo. repays a $100 loan Including all charges in 20 months. Other amounts in proportion. If you need money for any purpose, pnone. write or come ta ana see us today. CALKINS ! FINANCE COMPANY "Salem's Personal Loan Center 313 Court Street. Salem. Ore. Phone 4448 biate iac no a. s-zzs and M-378 For Rent Rooms HOME priv. 189 N. 13th. Ph. 8743. MMMAAMA''MvVM'MWMaVafJeaVaV HOTEL SALEM, low mo.-wk. rates. NICE SP. rms. 461 N. High. slp. rm, nr. state bldgs. Ph. 21449 COOL. LRG. mod nu, girls. 1577 uran oi. Room and Board ; BSMT R. Best food. 270 N. 13th. ',,",' - , WANTED Refined elderly lady for rm, brd. St care. Also have front liv. rm, twin or single bed. Excel!, brd. 168 N. 12th. GO. MEALS & rms. 332 N. Church. i hick rooms. Z15 s. Winter. RM. It BD. Sea $50 Marion. Ph. 6570. EXCELLa, BOARD Sc room. Ph. 5409. EXC brd. 330 N. Summer. P. $072. BOARD & Rm. reas. 430 N. Liberty, For Rent Apartments DOWNTOWN APT. turn. Clean and comxortaoie. szz.30. Fiu 4791 or 4370. '----'- i"ii"rnri'nnrmnfiixium. 2 R. ' turn. No don. Adults. Hollv. so. iou n. 72 st. and Lr $ dm. flat. FURN. 2 rm. 8c kitchenette, heat. ugnts, water. w saginaw, NICE SM. furn. Apt. 990 Union. : 4 RM. furn. apt. gar. laundry, frig. aauixs. 710 ii. nigh. -" -"-" -i"i-i-i-.".-innnrnijuum ftu. hud. completely furn. 4 rm. apt. Incl. auto. elec. water heater, range, refrlg. Ph. 6414. CLOSE TN 3 rms.. main floor, trie-. prlv, bath and entrance. 435 N. Winter. CLEAN furn. Adults. 158 S. Church. OLYMPIC APTS. 3 R. unfurn. Phone 7748. MMaaearfaMaaaaaaaaatj,., CLOSE IN 9 R. furn. apt 404 N. Church. CONVENIENT DOWN town 4 rm. unfurn. Inquire 164 S. ComL FINE MODERN furnished 2 rm. apt HW heat laundry, lovely gardens, ga rage. $30. Phone 8413. FURN. APT. 255 Center. LG. 4 rm. furn. aot Very close In. Priv. ent and bath. 694 N High. MOD. 2-R. furn. 1553 SUte. 2-3R. FURN. $14 50 St $20. elec. water. refrig. washer. 152 S. 13th. Ph. $222. 4 RM. well fur. apt near Capitol. Large L rm, piano, fireplace, hot water heat, gardens and garage, cau is t. 14th. FURN. APT. priv. 692 S. 23th. afrgaaaaaaSaSWaaawaasaaaaaaaaaae CLEAN 2 rm furn. court apt Prlv. bath, laund, gar, ht wtr. furn. $15, 1807 Lee St $192 R ground fl. furn. apt L- W furn. Gas stove. 1397 N. Coral. Hawthorne Ct vac, furn. 1000 N. Cap APARMENTS. $6 and up. 1310 S 13th 3 R turn. Adults. 475 N CapltoL SMALL furn. apt. 849 rerry- S-R, sep. bednn- $13-50. Also 2-r, 1935 Center. 3 R APT. Beautifully furn. Fire place, hdw. floors, new elec. range, Frig, gar. 1582 Court 1R..L, hot w. 4 heat 639 N. Liberty CLOSE IN. $17. 891 N. CommerdaL eajaaaaaaeaaaasaaaaa,,, ' NICELY FURN. 2-rm full bedrnu 1st fl. Leslie Manor. 310 Leslie. 2 & 3 RM. apta. 444 S. High. AA1A,NeaaaVaavVMavVM 2-RM. furn.. bath. Its, water. 1440 Waller. Trailer parking. $13. 1 FURN. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. lgihts. water, heat 143 Court Ph. 394L UNFURN. 5 RM, 1st fir, 1411 Court 3-RM FURN. adults. 991 N. Cottage. aaNaaaaaaaaaarfaaaaaaaaaaase " 3 RM. FURN. apt, 323 S, 14th. aaarfaaafaaiaMaaaWMa ; 2 RMS. FURN. $8 mo. 332 Water. ' ONE RM. h' kitch. 250 S. Cottage. DESIRABLE apt. now Ph. 9757. obtainable 8t the Fisher For Rent Housm t-R. FUR. hse, nr. hi. school $27-50 mo. uwner. Pn. 5853 or 5664. - 3 RM. Mod., unfurn. cottage, i Plenty garden space. Lights, water, furn.. $17.90. 3 ml. 5. on River Rd. Pb, 2-1274 A Confirmed Bachelor Honey to Loan Quick j T; Special ; ":.:-U oans SPRING Whether you need cash for Sorlnc Shopping Homo decoration at furnish ing car repairs Tires, or any other need. Coin, ta for a PERSONAL Loan $90 repaid In 8 equal monthly payments, cost only $3.03 total. j. NEW SHORTER APPLICATION ' Saves time and embarrassment CONFIDENTIAL Friends or Em ployer not notified. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. Is Located at S13 State Street $ Doors West of Capitol Theatre. Phone 31B1 State Lie. S-22 M-1SS Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONET TO LCAN on good Salem real es tate. Will pay 6 Interest. W. H. CRABENHORST & CO. REALTORS For Rent Houses 3 RM. HOUSE. 997 S. 20th St- $725. $50 down, $10 mo. Mabce, 410 Pearson Building, Portland. 4 MOD. 4 rm. hse. Ph. 5748. FURN. GAR. hse.. rar 810.90 mo. bath, furnished. 624 No, Capitol. MOD. C rm. hse, ear. Ph. 4581 - 1 1 ji,:-unjnj"xrrxAjTjLn HOUSES FURNISHED and unfur nished. E. B. Perrine. Ph. 5953. HOUSES. Melvin Johnson. Ph. 3723. AmJT ' TLfntl mm mm. m- -bwb auMit.Ci vycii WgIJa 3 bdrms. 1525 SUte. Ph. 7708, PARTLY furn. 3 rm. house. Ph. 7150 Hancock Service Sta, So. Pacific hwy. SMALL modern home, adults onlv. rnone aizv. R, house. $19. Inq. 2707 Brooks. 2 R. hse. Shower. $10. 2350 Myrtle. PART furn. mod. 2 rm. hse.. 213. Wa ter pd. West Ball park. 2280 Claude. 4-RM. HSE.. partly furn. Ph. 6228. WE HAVE THE- PROSPECT O YOU Want to' sell, exchange lease, rent see Mr. Larsen or Mr. Col lins witn Hawkins c Roberta. For Rent Farms INCOME PRODUCING country home 6 ml. N.E. Salem. Modern, attractive 8 room house, beautiful landscaped set ting, 40 A. Willamette silt soil. 10 A. cuitiv, bal. fenced pasture.-Timber in eluding stream bounded scenic park. 2 car garage, bam. suitable for hobby farmer with outside earnings. Yearly lease at $35 per month; Ph. 6682, Salem. For Rent FURN. HSES & apta. 739 N. Com. OFFICE ROOMS. 381 State Street Inquire room 200 Tel. 3713. Wanted to Rent WANTED S or $ room house. Fur nished or unfurnished. : Phone 2-1535 For Sale Real Estate S-RM. MOD. home, lust finished. 1888 rt. loin ct. Reasonable down payment baL like rent. Owner 8c builder. W. A. uadek. 1435 N. 18th St Ph. 4277. ' . ..... ... . - - - r n . n r 1 -, ,- 1 1 . - - - - HOUSE. FIVE mo. old. In npw dlatrir ommanmm nirn, iirepiace, ven. DlUMt, mod. in every res. Must sell $250 dn. will handle. Bal like rent 2040 N, 18th Business Cards la this directory eat a monthly basis only. Rate: Stii per; line per gaonUt. ' j ' Auto Brakes Mike Panek. 279 South Commercial Baths & Massage S. H. LOGAN. 239 S. Cottage. P. 4839. Bicycles BICYCT.ES. New and reconditioned Harry W Scott 147 8. Com ci. r 4Sis Business Necessities Statlonerr. Forms. Tags. Calendars. Salesbooks. Book Matches, etc. Ph. 4773. Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 4450 ft; E. Northness. Excavating EXCAVATION OF all klnda. Base- menU dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sale Salem Sand aV Grsvei P 9401 Florists Brelthaupf s. 447 Court ' Phone 9199. Funeral Directors Terwilliger runeral Borne.' Ph. 8921 Blattresses SALEM FLUTr RUQ MATTRESS Co. New Mattresses, old remade., rug cleaning St weaving. S. 12th e WUMtr TeL 844X. Zwtckers. CAPITOL BZDDINQ CO. Phone 40G9 Painting & Paperhanging Experienced Reasonable. Ph. 4325. For Sale Real Estate NEW I large rooms and nook, Aut ou furnace, fireplace, large corner lot A beautiful view and low taxes make this an exceptional good buy. $400. easy FHA terms, about $28 a mo. In cluding taxes and Insurance. f New $ large rooms, near high school, full basement. Aut oil furnace. 2 fire places. In nice district on quiet street fOOO. FHA terms. $30 per ma Includ ing taxes and Insurance. few 4 rooms, close to school and walking distance to town. Aut oil fur nace, hardwood floors. Lovely oak trees. $3,300, FHA terms, about $22 per mo. - New 4 rooms. Aut. oil furnace, fire place, hardwood floors, close to school. $3,250. $27 per mo. HlUt 1. RUMAKN, BEALTOK 187 S. High SL ' Phone $203 "Salem's Largest Home Builder" i $1800 BUYS mod. 3 r. house ec bath, wired for range, with elec water heat er incL N. Salem. Might take good late model car. BaL $15 per mo, 2665 Laurel Ave. LOTS OWNED by City $123 to $800, See any real estate man or call 9203, 167 S. High. St NEW FIVE room home. Oil furnace. Priced for quick disposal. O. E. Rae, realtor. 1255 SUte street Ph. 8761. . NEW MOD. 8 rm. hse. oil furnace, hardw'd flnu. Venetian blinds, $3700. Terms. By owner. 3480 Center Ph.77576. sssAaeeasaBsssw GOOD BUYS ; $2550 8 rooms, basement, furnace, St imp. in St paid. Close to State In stitutions. East $650 will handle with $25 mo. Immediate possession. $2700 $1000 down. 4 bedroom, plast house, base, fur, frplace. Cor lot Only 4 blocks East of State House. C H. SAIfDERS-231 N. High 5838 NEW PANORAMA VIEW , We take pleasure in offering this strictly mod. home with extra good view of Salem St vicinity for only $5500. House consists of 9 large rooms, hdwood thruout unf. attic. Liv. room 15x21. f place, bedrooms, 12-15. A lovely home, shown by appointment. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 ' aassawaaaaaa,swa $26507 RM. house. 3Vs blks. from Senior Hi school, basement, furnace, paving. $750 down 8 rm. house 3,i blks. fpom the post office, 2 bath rms. basement, furnace, fireplace, double garage, paved alley, $373r Money to loan at 6 MELVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR 725 Court St Phone 3723 EXCELLENT level view lota en Lomond Park Adjacent So. High be yond McKinley school. $350 to $550. Pb, 5398 owner. LOT near H. school. $600. Ph. 3489. NEW MOD. 8 rm. Hdwd floors, oil fur, Ven. bunds, water system, else, to school. li mL city limit NE. . A. Priced to sell by owner. Terms. 22186. BUILD NOW Fine new addition. lge. lots. $175 up. 85 dn.. $5 mo. ROBERT F. BUDROW REAL ESTATE 12 Ladd Sc Bush Bldg. Ph. 5963 ----------- - " --i-i-g-i-.-.-,-n-irnrxn.iLn.ri.ri FINE LOC. Home or business. North Very reas. price, $5 down. $5 month. ROBERT F. BUDROW REAL ESTATE 12 Ladd 8c Bush Bldg. Ph. 5965 MORE BARGAINS Good old 4 bdrm. home, nice lot with walnuts and E. front shade trees, on Broadway. $1400 will take lot on trade. 27 A. prunes, apples & cherries, good crop, a mi. out 01 city, sivoo. 2 brand new modern 9 rm. bouses. Just finished. Oil heat. 3 blks, out of city. A. $3500 each. E.Z. terms, Phone ART MADS EN 5580 Exchange Real Estate SEATTLE 6 rms. for Salem. GRANTS PASS 5 rms. for Salem. LEBANON 5 rms, for Salem. Mod. 5 rms. suburban, for Albany. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838 aaaaaaaBNaarfaaaaaaaVMMVMa WILL EXCHANGE excellent lots for carpenter worx or ouiuung materials. Phone 8413. - "aaaaatsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaaeaaaaaaawaa LOT FOR painting. Also rm. for rent priv. ent Summer. Wanted Real Estate WE INVITE your "for sale list ings If fairly priced. HAWKINS St ROBERTS. INC. Realtors. Guardian Building Directory Plumbing PLUMBING. GENERAL repair Graber Bros. 154 S. Liberty. Ph. 8594. Printing FOR STATIONERY cards. pamphlets. programs, books or any kin ad of print Ing. call The Statesman Printing De partment. 2X3 s. Commercial. Tele phone 910L Sand and Gravel BUY SAND, gravel, crushed rock, all washed, from Com'L Sand A Gravel Supply Co. Ph. 8872. Shingles SHINGLES. SXDEWALL SHAKES. Ce dar siding, lath. Prices always the low est Ph. 3600. Brown's yard. 714 S. 21st Transfer U-DRXVE TRUCKS FOR RENT. Blankets furnished. 197 S. Liberty. rn. RH. roa LOCAL OR DISTANT transfer storage, burner oil. briquets, prest- logs. Trucks to Portland daily Agent Pierce Auto Freieht tncludine Calif. points Larmer Transler Co Ph. 1131. Venetian Blinds Guaranteed steel or Wood Venetian Blinds. 30c sq. ft. installed. Phone Allen's Hdi IW. 46 BIO. free estimate. Vacuum Cleaner Service FREE Ilia paction tn youi noma. Au thorized Hoover aerric. We service all makes cleaners. Hogg Bros. Ph. $022 Well Drilling B. A. WEST. Rt 8. Bx 443 P 2-2298 By chic Youna For Sale tsed Cars BUY NOW ' ..", i for Very S oon UP They Go How Far- Nobody Knows 40 Packard 120 Club Cpe. 41 Dodge Brougham 38 Packard 120 Sedan 39 Hudson 6 Sedan 37 Packard 120 Sedan 37 Buick Sedan 37 Hudson Club Cpe. 37 Chevrolet Coupe 36 Hudson 8 Sedan 35 Terraplane Coupe 38 Buick Sedan 37 Oldsmobile Sedan 39 Ford DeLuxe Coupe 31 Hudson Coupe STATE M0T0RSINC 340 No. High Our New Location For Sale- Farms SMALL DAIRY of 14 cows, route and good equipment Clear of encumbrance. Farm wantea. F. H. Weir 465 Center REALTOR . Ph. 9411 CASH TALKS 58 A. all cuitiv. 11 mL N 4 rm. house, barn, bldgs. elec. $4000. Make Offer, terms or cash. Must sell. 30 A. a A. filberts. 12 A. walnuts. good house, barn. Price $3150. Consider any reasonable offer. Trade. C tL. SAHUH&-ZJl IS. Wlgn SS3S HORSEMAN'S ATTENTION 23 acres lust off Wallace Rd. very at tractively improved, practically all un der cultixation. Stable room for 2 horses. Attractive home. 4 rooms, bsmt double garage and surrounded by 14 acres of fruit 8c nuts, ideal country home. Just 9 miles from town. Money to loan. P. H. Bell, Realtor 429 Oregon Bldg. Phone "8121 20 ACRES, 3 room house, barn, chick en house. 1 acre of filberts. Vi acre prunes, life acre walnuts and family orchard. $1,400. Easy terms. Zl'.i acres. 4 acre fenced pasture with year round creek. 17 acres fruit No Bldg. $1,500. Easy terms. RICH RUMAHH. KEAL,TUK 187 S. High Street. Salem Ore. Ph. 9203 SALEM'S LARGEST HOME BUILDER Acreage 19 ACRES, 9 cultivated. Sub irrigat ed. 3,i ml. Salem. 1000 cords fir. se cluded bldg. site, stream. Price $2250. C. H. SANDERS Z31 Ii. High 083B i.a A. 3 R. house, mod. conveniences. Also 1 A. 4 r. house. Plumbing. Either can be bought on easy terms, pay menta like rent. H. C. SHIELDS Oregon Bldg. ' Ph. 8902. Eves. 6979 S A. All cultivated. 3 mt city center. S room house, elect For quick sale only $13508550 down. C ii. SAMUUO-B1 Pi. XUgu MOS Business Opportunities SPECIAL FORCED SALE Restaurant and Soft Drinks, best lo cation In town, doing exceptionally good business, low overhead, aiww.iw cash takes this place, fixtures and stock. You should see this, it s worm more. For appointment Ph. 829$ after 9 PJ&. a8jgeMieieea1saBSnsaae8a MEAT MARKET, good location. Do ing nice business. Seu reas. rn. GROCERY STORE on highway 99E at exceiL Intersection. Doing a paying business. Going into best season now, Family business or a good business in vestment, leza co statesman. COUNTRY STORE with POST OFFICE 1 AND GAS PUMP In thriving community, large comfort able living quarters. Owner must leave. Will sell at Invoice, about $700. Plus fixtures $300. Only store tn community, . MYRTON MOORE REAL ESTATE 180 N. COMMERCIAL SUITE 17 aaBvarfarfaBafAAsevMseaApaksAA GROCERY. EXCELLENT location. fine business, living quarters on place, owner called out of city. Ph. 8761. O. E. Rae. realtor. 1255 SUte. for details. WELL LOCATED service station with good business on cent a gallon rental basis or flat rental. Need about $600 for merchandise and misc. equipment to properly handle. Bx 1624 Statesman. SERVICE STATION business for sale. 2099 N. Commercial. For Sale Wood DRY WOOD. Phono 3-1446. DRY WOOD. Phono 9560. DRY OLD fir. $3.50. Phone $m 18 IN. old fir. 83 A $930. 4 In. old fir a 2nd growth. Maple, limbs, knots. P. 9458. WOOD. Ph. 8370 Oraen. til M. gist For Sale Used Can "Studebaker Skyway Sets the Pace for 1942" Dependable Used Cars in Certified Condition . : . From a Reputable Dealer Shop BonesteeTs With Double-Duty Dollars 38 PACKARD TRG. SEDAN Re finished, duty tires smooth, powerful motor. A car of sterling reputation at xrac- -tion of original cost -;. , ,, i $U5 38 STTTDEBAKER COM. CRUISING SEDAN Large trunk, new beige finish. equipped with Radio. Heater and Defroster, and gas savin overdrive. -17-20 miles to the gaL of gas. Smooth, powerful 90 h.p. six -cylinder motor 8845 27 FORD FORDOR SEDAN Dark blue ueico raaio. uood tires. Motor has ana complete tune-up 38 CHEVROLET 2-DR. STANDARD SEDAN Motor has been completely re- -conditioned by former owner. Refinished, good r"stvr f"1? 39 STUDEBAKER PRES. SEDAN Formerly owned by prominent local bus iness man. We can give you a complete service record. This powerful S " combines all the fine car qualifications available and you can still have Cenuine economy. Equipped with climatizer and gas saving overdrive. tse youfdutca only to start and atop. Modem to most '41 car features ..$843 39 HUDSON BROUGHAM One glance iells the story of the meticulous care ' , this car has had. Only 24.000 miles. Tires In top condition, -powerful and yet an economical car to "p't" . mi. . , . . fT$ 39 OLDS SIX COUPE Motor has had new pistons and complete overhaul. Good tires It'a being repainted now ;. errs. 31 OLDS TUDOR SIX Good transportation ' $ 8$ 37 DICTATOR TRG. SEDAN Completely, reconditioned, refinished and at least 80 tires -, - fff 29 STUDEBAKER 4-DOOR SEDAN Firestone Imperial non-skid tires. New finish An extremely low operating coat car. Your Investment la low for the amount of care-free transportation available here .... $29S 34 CHEV. TUDOR Rearin to go It's worth mora LglU 33 NASH SEDAN Six Cylinder, new finish. This car has a very smooth. quiet motor, plenty of power, economical and lots of performance. -uuiy easy anvwg 34 OLDS $ Touring Sedan.. 31 DODGE Six Sedan- .$265 .$135 -$165 ..$115 Si OLDS Six Sedan.. 31 STJJDE. Six Sedan. SEVERAL OTHERS - PRICED RIGHT - TO SELL NOW1 v ' ,;f.. i ' i t Bonesteele Sales & Service, Inc. 370 N." CHURCH - PHONE 4549 ..... i I.......... , ..... -.-vioiVijn.rvvAj-uTjTjtrLiVUi LOW PRICES Will Soon Be HISTORY Subject to Change 40 Dodge "Luxury Liner" 4-pass. Cpe. 40 Dodge DeLuxe Two-door Sedan 40 Studebaker Com. DeLuxe Sedan 39 Chevrolet Master DeLuxe Sedan 39 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan 39 Plymouth DeLuxe Coupe 40 Ford DeLuxe Sedan 38 Dodge DeLuxe Sedan 38 Ford DeLuxe Tudor Sedan 37 Chrysler Royal DeLuxe Sedan HUBBARD MOTOR Co. Dodge - Plymouth Dist. ' "Home of the Lifetime Guaranteed Used Cars" USED CAR LOT ACROSS ST. FROM DOWNTOWN FIRE DEPT. ' 455 Chemeketa OPEN Used Trucks and Cars WE HAVE THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF GOOD USED TRUCKS IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY 1939 CMC 2-3 ton with 2 speed axle. less than 15.000 miles. 1939 International DS35 with body and hoist like new. 1937 Chevrolet with 2 speed axle, has body and hoist. 1940 International l'a ton L.WJB. 1939 Ford , ton Panel. 1937 Chevrolet ' ton Panel. 1938 International D-2 Pickup. 1935 Ford V-8 Pickup 1936 Doda-e Pickuo. 1938 Chevrolet l'i ton S.W.B. 1935 Federal LWS. 2 ton. $ Speed transmission. 1937 Ford V-8 L.W3. with body. We have others to select from. James H. Maden Co., Inc. PHONE 8590 39 PLYM. Delux Cpe. radio. Mr. low mt $475. H. Sullivan. 3 m. S. Monmouth GOOD LOOKING 38 Ford Coupe $265. Rt 3 Bx 912. Roberta Sta FOR SALE I 1937 Hudson Sedan, mo tor excellent condition, radio, heater. new tires. $17 MilL Ph. 4932 after 5 p.m. 38 DODGE Coupe, low mileage, fine condition. Will trade; 1151 Chemeketa. Wanted Used Cars CASH FOR your car or eauity. Phone 8-1535. 440 Center St. For Sale Wood MILL WOOD. 83 50 load. Ph. 5852 or 8341 evenings. Yard at 119 Court. Lost and Found FOUND FOUNTAIN pen. on post office lawn. Owner Identify pen and pay for ad. LOST SMALL box containing sev eral lings, and small crystal ball watch. Reward. Ph. 4024. Wood Sawing S30 N. Commercial. Ph. 3S2X Personal HEALTH STUDIO "Thera-form" Exerciser. New method of slenderizing for paralysis and regu la tlon. One Introductory treatment free I 189 N. 13th. Phone 8743. LONESOME? Serving an axes. Cluo Elite. P O Bos 71 Q. Los Angeles. Cat Transportation LEAVING FOR N. Dak. about June 1. Room for three. No charge. Write W. E. Bilquist Sherwood. Ore. Picnic Planned . ; BRUSH COLLEGE -- plans are to be made for the annual Brush College home coming picnic on June 7, when Mrs. Leland Wendt entertains the Brush College Help ers club Thursdar at 2 p. m.for the last meeting of the season Mrs. Leo Nelson will assist Mrs Wendt i - - Lodges Pacific Lodge No, 80, AF 8k AM. M-M. Degree. Wed.. May 28, 7:30. Ott N. BoRpea, WM. 7WZ II For Sale Used Cars life guard tubes, excellent heavy ' finish, spotless mohair upholsterlnc. ' very recently had rings, new plugs .:. : Espe- ,; ..$235 30 FORD Cabriolet 30 DICTATOR SIX 34 STUDE. Coach . 12$ 83 Within 24 Hours 37 DeSoto DeLuxe Coupe 37 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan 37 Plymouth DeLuxe Coupe 38 Willys Model 77 DeLuxe Sedan 36 Pontiac DeLuxe Sedan 36 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan 36 Chevrolet Standard Sedan 38 Hudson 6-cyl. DeLuxe Sedan 35 Chevrolet Master DeLuxe Sedan 35 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan. . St. Phone 3767 EVENINGS - ' - - - - i-iii-ir.-iiniirxoaj GRAHAM Super Charger 1936 Graham Tour. Sed. We sold this-car when it was new It shows the very best of care, equipped with radio and heater. Has small mileage. Mechanically first class. Ask us for a ride in this car. $595-711! Terms LOD'iR BROS. 445 CENTER ST. SALEa YouH get a better deal -from your Olds Dealer. Funeral Rite Is Thursday LEBANON Ida May Hayward the wife of Darrell Hayward died Sunday and will be buried Thurs day from the Presbyterian church in i Mill City with Interment in the Fairview cemetery, Gates. She was born in Albany, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fox, who with three sisters and three brothers, survive. The sisters are Mabel Barclay, Holley; Dorothy Myers, Lacomb; Eva Fox, SummitL The brothers are Lewis, Robert and James Fox, SummitL Mrs. Cecil Ford, Leb anon, is an aunt, Final rites were read by the Rev. Lawrence Bixler of the Church of Christ for Rufus Otis Curtnlngham, at the Howe Fu neral . home, Saturday. Inter ment was in the I OOF cemetery. Mr. Cunningham, who had lived : here for eight years,, had the agency for playground equipment and was a member of the Town send club. He was bom in Illin ois. Two daughters - from Colo rado and one daughter - from California, his only survivors, came to Lebanon. last-week. Illegal Machine .m Brings 25 Fine : : WCODBURN Marshall McKe was fined $25 and costs of $3.39 after he plead guilty , to having an ' illegal gambling machine at Flaymore park, south of Hubbard, fit was fined by Judge IL Over ton in the justice court Tuesday.