The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 14, 1941, Page 6, Image 6

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    PACZ E2
It OZIGO:i GTATITMAII, Colem, Orjon.VTdnefda7 Morning, May 1C 1341
Wedding of ;
Couple Is
.' Mr. and lln Peter E. Oas of
Rilverton art announcing, the
tnarriage of their daughter, Ida,
to Mr. William E. McClary of Sa
lem. - ;!'
Tha wedding took place May'
at 7:30 o'clock In the evening
la Reno, Nevada with Rev. J. W.
Bunyan of the Christian church
reading the service. Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph E. Ma pes of Salem attend
ed the couple.
The bride Is associated with the
Willamette Production Credit
Association of Salem and Mr.
McClary is manager of the Col
year Motor Sales company of
Salem, i
Mrs. Hammond
To Head Club
The Salem Junior Woman's
club met Monday night at the
Woman's club house for a regu
lar business meeting with Mrs.
Thome Hammond presiding.
Mrs. JJ F. Osdol, Jr., and Mrs.
Blevins Lewelling were initiated
and Mrs. John Stark was elected
to membership.
The officers elected for the fol
lowing year are: president, Mrs.
Thorne IL Hammond; first vice
president. Miss Hattie Bratzel;
second vice-president, Mrs. Del-
bert Schwabbauer; recording
secretary, Miss Ruth Nelson;
. corresponding secretary, Mrs.
Ray Mink; financial secretary,
Mrs. James Pike; treasurer. Miss
June Lockridge; parliamentarian,
Mrs. Joseph Felton; publicity
director, Miss Dorothy Cornelius;
directors, Mrs. George Tompkins,
Miss Beth Billings, Mrs. Verne .
Mrs. Ruth Cattrall reported on
:. the third district convention, and
Mrs. George Roth and Mrs.
George Tompkins reported on
the Marion county meeting.
Mrs. George Roth was elected
as an additional delegate to the
state convention In Corvallis La
June with Mrs. Delbert Schwab
bauer as alternate. '
Mrs. Clinton Standish reported
on plans for the mothers tea and
Installation of officers to be held
June 9.
Those active outdoor days are
Just around the corner greet
them blithely with this vivacious
young sports; outfit. It's an Ann
Adams style. Pattern 4739, and
as easy on the eyes as it is on
the sewing needle. The bolero,
which you'll slip on for street
wear, ends briefly, to show off
your lithe young waistline. Let :
it have a Jaunty sailor collar, or
Just use neat revert. The dress
alone Is perfect for tennis and
golfing, for its slim, easy-to-do
princess lines give unhampered,
unbinding freedom. No side plac
ket is necessary with that but
ton or tipper opening Just below
the sun tan back. Star buttons
and tic-rac edging make a cheery
trim. Here's a perfect "first-try
style If so simple! "
. Pattern. 4739 is available in
misses' sizes! 12, 14, 18, 18 and
20. Size 18, entire ensemble,
takes 4 yards 33 inch fabric
and 1V4 yards ric-rac. '
Send rtmXH CENTS fUc) In
coins foe.ttus Anne A 'lair pat-
t-rn. Write platnfr-SIZE. N AMK,
OrOr the brilliant Anne Adams
1941 Pattern Book todar. and get .
your wardrobe ready far the turn
( the fashion season I There's
real (ttreas-tnakinf fun and eatis-;
faction tor yoa in tills collection
et unusually slmple-to-sew style
1 t every a"e and purpose. You'll
1 .1 U.r4 cnodes . . . garden
, lio-.ii prints . . ortsters ...
evening. sreAdinc and graduation
frs . . . Liberie . . . accessor
L s. Order a copy now you'll l;
r prompt til serrtcel BOOK
nrrr c T3 fsook and
TV Cl-.Ii
f i yo r c-rtier to The Oregon
Miss White
Feted at
. Mrs. W. T. Miltonberger pre
sided at a smartly appointed
dinner party Tuesday night at
her country home on the Prin
gle road for the pleasure of Miss
Nina White, bride-elect of Mr.
Leonard Howe.
The table centerpiece was a
miniature May pole with small
figures holding pastel streamers.
Pastel candles and a bride and
groom completed the decora
tions. Nosegays of Cecile Brun
ner roses and forget-me-nots
marked places for the guests.
Other bouquets of roses and
garden flowers were arranged
about the rooms.
I During the evening bridga
was In play and a bridal shower
complimented Miss White. The
wedding of Miss White and Mr.
Howe will be an event of June
! Bidden to honor the bride
elect were Miss Beth Billings,
Miss Margaret Clare, Miss Beth
DeLapp, Mrs. Willard E. White,
Mrs. Robert McCarty, Mrs. Wil
liam Downing, Mrs. Edna Web
ster, Mrs. James Pike, Mrs.
Frederick Worral, Mrs. Robert
Worral, Mrs. Myron Foster, Mrs.
Clarence Baer, Mrs. George Mil
tonberger, Mrs. Perry Anderson,
Dr. Alice Bancroft, Mrs. Chester
Howe of Newport, Mrs. John
Broady, Jr., of Ashland, Mrs. '
Barney Fahey and Mrs. Harry
Alton of Portland, Mrs. Ora War
ren and Miss Hildur Warren of
Turner, Miss Ada Keyes of Van
couver, Wash., Miss Rosalie Mil
tonberger of Dallas, Mrs. Carl
Phetteplace of Eugene, Mrs.
Julia Alton and Mrs. Frances
Dennis of Monmouth.
Hostesses to
Entertain : .
I Several matrons are entertain- 1
ing at bridge this week for the
pleasure Of members of their
Mrs. Robert Herrall will pre
side at a dessert luncheon and
afternoon of cards today at her
Fairmount Hill home with Mrs.
Chandler Brown an additional
guest. :
Mrs. A. A. Hager will be a
bridge hostess today at her coun
try home. A dessert luncheon
will be served and special guests
will be Mrs. Frank Zlnn and
Mrs. Ray Binegar.
Another hostess today will be
Mrs. Robert Elfstrom who will
fete her club at luncheon and
bridge at her Center street home.
Special guests will be Mrs. Ste
phen Mergler and Mrs. Harold
On Thursday Mrs. Hollis Hun
tington, . Mrs. Wayne Loder and
Mrs. James B. Young will enter
tain their club at luncheon at
the Marion hotel with bridge fol
lowing at the Huntington home
on North Winter street,
Lois Wilson was complimented
with a miscellaneous shower by
the Brush College Helpers club
Thursday at her home at Wallace
Orchards. Miss Wilson has announced-her
engagement 4o Rob- '
ert Searight and will be married ,
June 8. Presiding at the business
meeting of the club was Mrs.
Leland Wendt president. Re
porting on the district meeting
of federated clubs held recently
at' Forest Grove was Mrs. Karl
Harritt who with Mrs. Bertha
G arrow represented the club.
Mrs. O. S. Bartlett gave a report
on the Federation of Rural
Women's clubs held at Rickreall
last month.
Present were the honor guest.
Miss Lois Wilson, Mrs. Bertha
Garrow, 'Mrs. Fred Olson,- Mrs.
Joe Singer, Mrs. Esther Oliver,
Mrs. Ferdinand Singer, Mrs.
Audrey Ewing, Mrs. Margaret
Hatespevk, Mrs. Louis, Singer,
Mrs. Karl Harritt, Mrs. A. W.
Andrews, Mrs. John Schindler,
Mrs. Leland Wendt, Mrs. L. Ma
sac, Mrs. O. S. Bartlett, Mrs.
Anna Bayer, Mrs. Lee Miller,
Mrs. E. D. Roseman, Mrs. C W.
Bartlett and tha hostess, Mrs.
T. E. Wilson. '
Mr. and Mrs. refer Eratson
left last night on a trip south
. and east, a gift of his brother.
Rev. N. C Erntson, pastor ' of
. the Seventh Day Adventist
: church. The Erntsons will visit
"Mr. Erntson'a brothers in Sacra-:
tnento and Glendale, California;
a niece In Los Angeles, and Mrs.
Erntson's sister in Metawaka,
Kansas. They win . spend some
time . at their . former, home,
Blair, Nebraska, and wQ visit
another sister in Fremont, Ne
braska. Rev. and Mrs. Erntson,
. who are now in the east, are buy
ing a new car, and will return to
Sales) with the travellers.
The II01IE
WSCS of First Methodist church
Carrier room a p.m.
Ladles Guild of American Lu
theran church meet In parlors, 2
Kappa Kappa Gamma alumna
with Mrs. William Swindells, Dal
las, i -
Interior decoration class of
AAUW with Mrs. Robert Need- -bam,
I29B North list street. S p.m.
WSCS Jason Lee church. 10:30
: meeting and 1 o'clock luncheon.
Mayflower Guild of Knight Me
morial church with Mrs. Paul
Neiswander. 1299 Market street.
1:30 pjn.
WSCS of Leslie, benefit dessert
luncheon. 1:30 pan.
Royal Neighbors sewln? club,
with Minnie Williams 127S Ox
ford street. , .
AAUW board meeting with
Miss Mildred Christiansoo, 1050 '
Norta Summer street, t p.m.
Catholic Daughters of America f
business and social meeting.
Woman's clubhouse, election of
Grant PTA, 730 pstL. installa
tion. American Legion auxiliary ben
efit card party, at Legion haU. a
p.m. ?.
Pro America, Marion hotel, I '
pjn. .
Woman's Council first Chris
tian church, S pjn.
Daughters of Union Veterans
with ; Mrs. Nancy Slcewls, 17M
Center street. S pjn.
District officers. Neighbors of
Woodcraft meet at armory. S pjn.
for practice; Juveniles meet at T
pjn. i
Tenthlve No. Maccabees eor
fad dish supper, p.av, benefit
card parry.
Salem Council of .Women's or-
f animations meet at public library
Lions auxiliary luncheon at
SSdrey't i pjn meeting at Es
till Brunk home.
Ann Judson circle, 1st Baptist .
church with Mrs. Cecil Lants. 1730 "
North 19th street. T JO p.m.
Degree of Honor, KP haU. so
cial evening. S pjn. Members and -family
Alumnae Feted
On 1 Monday
The Delta Delta Delta alumnae
met at the home ot Mrs. L. V.
Benson on East Nob Hill Monday
night lor supper. The assisting
hostesses were Mrs. Clarence
Roseheim, Mrs. Fred Finsley,
Mrs. Frank Lilburn, and Mrs.
Close Schmitz.
Mrs. Schmitz gave a report of
tha northwestern regional con
ference held in Portland recent
ly and the group sewed on af
ghans for Bundles for Britain.
The Bensons showed colored mo
tion pictures of their recent trip
to Central America, Jamaica and
Cuba.! :;
Attending were Mrs. Fred
Finsley, Mrs. H. R. Woodburn,
Mrs. G. Edward BisselL Mrs.
Wallace Bonesteele, Mrs. Fred
Moxley, Mrs. Walter Socolofsky,
Mrs. George WeHer, Mrs. Ralph
Campbell, Mrs. Harold Strawn,
Mrs. Ralph Mercer, Mrs. Robert
Sprague, Mrs. Frank Lilburn,
Mrs. Close Schmitz, Mrs. Clar
ence -Roseheim, Miss Esther
Baird, Miss Bertha Kohlhagen,
Miss Zelma Busch and Miss
Pauline Monarch.
Miss Shinn Is
Honor Guest
- - 1 - : . '
Miss Bobbe Shinn, bride-elect
of Mr, Harry Carson, jr, was the
honor;, guest at a delightful din
ner I party Monday night when
Mrs. Rudolph E. Kleinsorge and
her; daughter, Miss Elizabeth
Kleinsorge, entertained at their
SHverton residence.
The serving table was decor
ated with, a bridal party and
flanked with arrangements of
white iris ' and white candles.
Bouquets of bronze Iris and yel
low roses were arranged about
the guest rooms. Bridge was in
play during the evening. Honor
ing Miss Shinn-were Mrs. Harry
V.. Carson, Mrs. George Steel
hammer and Mrs. Clarence
Keene of Silverton, Mrs. Robert
Shinn, Miss Helen T-angrn Mis,
Shirley Evenson, Miss Wilda
Jerman of Salem and the host
esses. j.3 e
Friends ef Dr. aad Mrs. A.
Terrence King and ' their small
son, AL regret to learn that they
will leave on Tuesday for Santa
Barbara, Calit, where Dr. King
has been called to active duty.
He is a member of the medical
reserve and will be stationed at
the army hospital at Santa Bar
bara..! ; . . ;;, . ;:, ' - -m
Capital avxIIiary Ne. 11 P3I
will meet Thursday, night at the
IOOF haU for a special meeting.
There will be initiation. Mrs.
Elsie iTownsend, president, Mrs. "
LInnle SimeraL vice-president,
and Mrs. Hattie Cameron, secretary-treasurer,
will preside.
The Klwaals wives met lor
luncheon on Tuesday afternoon
at the Quelle with Mrs. David
Wright presiding at the business
.The Past Neble Grands asso
ciation will meet tonight with
Mrs. Mable- Gardner. Those as- -sisting
the hostess are Mrs. Rosa
Hammer, Mrs. Coral McXiell and
Lira. Xlarinah. Beard
Miss Leek to
Be Married; "
June 27 j .
Miss Grace Leek told , of her
. approaching marriage on June 27
to Mr. Everett F. Hay at a party'
given at the home of her parents
Monday night. The news was re
vealed when guests drew scrolls
from attractive May basketsTThe
date was printed beside the cou
ple's picture.
A pink and blue May pole cen
tered the dining table and was
Hanked by candles. Streamers
extended from the May pole to
the May baskets which carried
the announcements and favors.
Miss Leek is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Leek and Mr.
Hay is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
George Hay. The wedding will
be solemnized at the First Chris
tian church. .
Miss Leek has been employed
at the Salem Deaconess hospital
since her arrival in Salem. She
was graduated from DeSmet high
schoqi, DeSmet, South Dakota,
and attended Huron college,
Huron, South Dakota. Mr. Hay
was graduated from Lake Pres
ton high school. Lake Preston,
South Dakota, and attended
South Dakota state college. They
will live la Seattle where' Mr.
Hay is employed with the Brtnir
Aircraft company. ii -I
Those bidden to the affair were
the Misses Dawn Bate, Betty
Beck, Elsie Bliven, Bernice Cap
linger, Helen Darling, Laura'
Darling, Helen Gleason, Marie
Gleason, Lois Hyames, Audrey
Jackson, Charlotte Miller, Avis
Pick, Betty Ralston, Mary Ross,
Gladys Ross, Dorothy , Sharp,
Alda PicKelL Lois Rulifsoh, Ruth
Cookingham, Estella Smith, Dor
is Leek, and the Mesdames Lora
Holman, R. D. Ralston, Hazel
Ross, John Schmidt, and M. P.
Leek. iV
Three Link Club
Fetes Mothers
The Three Link club met Fri
day afternoon for their Mother's
day meeting. The hostesses, Mrs.
Mae Hill, Mrs. Melissa Persons
and Mrs. Pearl Nichols presented
'a program. :
Those present were: Mrs.
Charity Gamble, Mrs. Leila Ohl
sen, Mrs. Mabel Gardner, Mrs.
Gertrude Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Amie
Mills, Mrs. Victoria Stifflef, Mrs.
Coral McNeill, Mrs. Florence VI
esko, Mrs. Wilda Siegmundj Mrs.
LInnle Simeral, Mrs. Bella Carl
son, Mrs. Carrie Jennings; Mrs.
Eva Keene, Mrs. Lena .Wright,
Mrs. Justine Kildee, Mrs. : Clara
Shields, Mrs. Floretta Laphelle, -'
Mrs. Lola McFarlane, Mrs, Jen
nie Martin, Mrs. Sarah Haiter,
Mrs. Ida Steele, Mrs. Pearl
Swanson, Mrs. Christina Cladek,
Mrs. Anna Hunsaker, Mrsj Jose
phine Erikson, Mrs. Mabel Gard
ner, Mrs. Laura Noyes, Mrs. Mae
Hill, Mrs. Melissa Persons, Mrs.
Pearl Nichols, Mrs. Jennie Willis
and Mrs. Ellen Shumani i
Miss Sprague j
Is Honored
Miss Martha Sprague, bride
elect of Mr. Melvin T. Hurley of
San Francisco, has returned from
the bay city where she has been
visiting for the past week. The
marriage of Miss Sprague and
Mr. Hurley will be an event of
June 14. . i ;
On Saturday afternoon, May
10, Miss Ruth Forrester and Miss
Louise Howell entertained with a
bridge tea and shower for Miss
Sprague in the Garden room of
the Fairmont hotel in San Fran
cisco. The guests honoring the
bride-elect were a group of her
classmates and Chi Omega soror
ity sisters from Stanford.
KKITTM. A family reonlon
was held at the Keizer school
May 11 for relatives of Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Bartruff, who attended
from different sections of the
state. The surprise of the occa
sion was the announcement of
the wedding of Lyndia Bartruff
Bewley to Mr. Tom Ross, at the
Evangelical church on Sunday
morning preceding the reunion.
The oldest' members present .
were Mr. and Mrs. Frank -Scharff
from Middle Grove, who! will be
celebrating their 56th Wedding
anniversary May 12. The young
est member was little 2 year old
Beverly Gean Bartruff, : daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bart
ruff. ;j ; ;
Other snembers present were Miss
Marion Bartfutf, Mr. and Mrs. Grant -
' Wikeft, Mr. and Mrs. John Van Laan-
en, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bunch, Mr,
and Mrs. Omar Bartruff, Ronald
Bartruff. La Vaughn Bartruff, Ralph
Bartruff. Mr. and Mrs. James Croker,
Mrs. Virginia Bartruff. Mr. and Mrs.
Oscar Horen. Francis Hoven. Mrs.
Lena Bartruff, Robert Bartruff, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry W. Irvine, Miss Bar
bara Wilson. Mrs. Gladys Wilson, Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Bewley, Miss Rose
Bartruff. Stanley Bewley, Sharon Lee
Bewley, Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Bartruff, "
Mr. and Mrs. William Lukinbeal. Mr.
and Mrs. Chris M. Bartruff. Beverly
. Bartruff, Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Byer
ley. Betty Jo Byerley, Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Bartruff and CarL ir Mr. and '
Mrs. O. D. Peterson. Bobby Peterson'
Mr. and Mrs. T. Ross, Mr. and Mrs.
E. W. Bartruff, Mrs. Ruth Bartrufi '
Walter, Gordon Randall. Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Scharf, Miss Genevieve
Scharf, Mr. Gerald Jaffie. James
Bradley. Bryea Bartruff. Mr. and
Mrs. Lin Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. Herb '
Donough. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
' Bunch. Victor I Bartruff, Dale Van ,
laanen. Mr. and Mrs. Van Looner,
Mr. and Mrs. Pet Peterson, Mr. and
Mrs. E. J. Scharff and son, Mr. and i
Mrs. George Wolfe, Marion Cook, ;
Mrs. Mary Bartruff, Mrs. Roy Brown,
Daa Scharf, Janice. Mrs. Mary Hern
don. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Scharff. Miss
Dorothy Scharf. Miss Loween Scharf.
Mr. and Mrs. Henory Sim. Daryl Sim.
Miss Ines Peterson. Miss Betty Jo -
nyeriey ana suss ntrtcia Bradley.
Mrs. W. E. TXaBtoB was hos-
tess to members of her club at
luncheon and bridge Tuesday
afternoon " -'t .
Aim ft -Jim ST. ; l
. It's About Time to sew little
.white posies to the top of the
brim of last year's sailor hat.
With this simple operation you
can graft new beauty and that
important touch of white.
Poppies Under
Veterans Foreign Wars auxfl-.
iary met in Veterans hall Mon
day with Mrs. Walter Wickert,
presiding. ' Principal interest of
the meeting centered around the
coming poppy campaign on May
23. Refreshments will be served
to the workers at noon in Vet
erans hall.
Refreshments committee was
Mrs. Frank Prince, Mrs. Effle
Wetsel, Mrs, Frank Millet, Mrs..
William Clare. '
Delegates chosen for the state
encampment at Bend in July
were Mrs. Ralph warian, Mrs.
Arvin Strayer, Mrs. Leon Han
sen, Mrs. Bert Tompkins, Mrs.
David Furlough, Mrs. Eva Rush,
Mrs. Christie Moorman, Mrs.
Ylrgil Bolton, Mrs. Cyril Nadon,
Mrs. Eugene Hart and Mrs. Onas
Olson. !
Alternates are: Mrs. Covil
Case, Mrs. E. E. Jandrell, Zoc
McCormlck, Mrs. Charles Wins
low, Mrs. F, X. Hoereth, Mrs.
Etta Jacobson, Mrs. Solan Shin
kle, Mrs. Charles Norton, Mrs.
Morris Cady, Mrs. James Beale,
Mrs. J. Ringwold and Mrs. Bar
bara Cameron.
Mrs. Walter Wickert, presi
dent of Marion auxiliary, Mrs.
Russel Mudd, junior department
vice-president, Mrs. Eva Rush,
Mrs. Solan Shinkle and Mrs.
Lew Hansen, attended the ban
quet in Portland to compliment
Mabel C Tanner, national presi
dent of Veterans of i Foreign
Wars auxiliaries who recently
a guest in Salem.
Medical Wives
Have Dinner
Mrs. Howard H. Barlow and
Mrs. Charles Campbell entertain
ed the Tri-County Medical aux
iliary Tuesday night at the for
mer'i home on Kingwood
Heights. After the dinner hour
the group knitted for Britain and ,
Mrs. Hannah Martin spoke in
formally. ,
Attending were' Mrs. W. Wells
Baum, Mrs. L. O. Clement, Mrs.
H. J. Clements, Mrs. Vernon A.
Douglas, Mrs. C A. Downs, Mrs.
Charles Campbell, Mrs. Verden
E. Hockett, Mrs. W. L. Iidbeck,
Mrs. Conrad Loehner, Mrs. Hor
ace Miller, Mrs. Burton Myers,
Mrs, J. Ray Pemberton, Mrs.
John Ramage, Mrs. Bruce Titus,
Mrs. . Ray Waltz, Mrs. R. Lee
Wood, Mrs. Vern Miller and Mrs.
H. H. Barlow.
Members ef the department ef
agriculture and their wives en
joyed a. picnic Monday night at
the country place of Mr. Leo
Spitzbart The affair j honored
Dr. Rodney McCornadc, former
ly of Eugene who is leaving to
day for El Paso, Texas, where
he has been called for active
duty, with the United States
army.. He is a first lieutenant
and is the son of former state
Senator E. A. McCornack.
.' , '--j " .
Miss Rosella Dalke has left far
Berkeley, Calit, to visit her sister-in-law,
Mrs. A. K. Dalke,
and from there will come north
to American Falls, Idaho, where
she will be the guest of her par
ents for several weeks.!
Happiness Is Yours
. Bluebirds, the symbols of hap
piness, lend their charm to this
colorful bedspread motif. The
contrasting 10 and 5-to-the-inch
cross is easy to do. Pattern 2214
contains a transfer pattern of a
motif 1Sx21 inches; Jbclstsi xzo.
Mlss Frances and Miss Virata.
la Duke entertained members of
the St Cecelia Guild of St
Paul's; Episcopal church Tuesdav
. night and at the supper hour
jvuss Virginia Duke surprised her
guests by announcing her en
gagement and forthcoming mar
riage as June 13 to Mr. Howard
Boomer. ,
Miss Duke is the daughter of
-Mr. and Mrs. John P. Duke and
Is a graduate of Salem schools.
Her fiance is the son of Mrs
Ruby Boomer of Glenville, Ne-
Drmsjca, ana received his educa
tion in Lincoln, Nebraska. He is
now in business in Salem where
the couple will make their home
after their marriage.
The wedding will take place
ax t:. Paul's Episcopal chapel
witn Kev. George H. Swift of
Scrolls bearing , the names 4f
tne couple and the date were
tied to red rose which marked
places for the guests. The initials
of the couple decorated the indi
vidua! cakes. Bouquets of spring
nowers decorated the Duke
home. I Assisting Miss Frances
Dukefwere Miss Shirley Even
son and Miss Georgie Clark. -
Attending the announcement
' party were Mrs. Paul H. Hauser,
Jr, Mrs. Roger Kellogg, Mrs.
Dean Ellis, Mrs. Grant Conway
and Miss Irene Warren, special
guests, Mrs. John P. Duke, Miss
Margaret Bell, Miss Doris Dra-
ger. Miss Shirley Evenson, Miss
Lucy; and Miss Phyllis Fisher,
Miss Charlotte McClary, Miss
Mabel McCullough, Miss Eliza
beth O'Reilly, Miss Ruth Peck,
Miss Helen Wiedmer, Miss Jackie
Williams, Miss Georgie Clark,
Miss . Maxine McKillop, Miss
Mary Eason, Miss Patty Niemey
er. Miss Barbara McLaughlin,
Miss Frances and Miss Virginia
ReBekah Lodge
Has Session
Salem Rebekah lodge met
Monday night for their regular
session, with Mrs. Dorothy Hau
ge, noble grand .presiding.
Gwendolyn Blair, from Truth
Rebekah lodge No. 302 of Spo
kane, Washington, was intro
duced by the committee. Mrs.
Viola Burns was initiated.
The; birthday committee for
the month of May is promising a
very Interesting program" for the
evening of May 26, when the fol
lowing will have charge of the
entertainment: Mrs. Alma Hen
derson, chairman, Mrs. Mary
Gosser, Mrs. Christina Cladek,
Mrs. Louise Callans, Mrs. Anna
Hickethier, C. J. McAdams, Mrs.
Dora Peebles, Mrs. Josephine Er
ikson,! Mrs. Ruth Hornaday,
George Naderman, Mrs. Alberta
Walker, Mrs. Helen Heath, Mrs.
Olive I Gritton, Lloyd Stiffler,
Mrs. Lenora Dennis and Mrs.
Sylvia Furlough.
i it
Mrs. Libby to Be
Guest Here
Arriving in Salem this morn
ing to fill several speaking en
gagements is Mrs. Walter E.'
Libby of Portland who will be
the house guest of Mrs. William
N. Savage. This afternoon she
will 'address the Woman's Mis
sionary society of the First Pres
byterian church and Thursday ,
she is to be chapel speaker at
Willamette university, telling of
For 25 years Mrs. Libby was
a missionary of the Methodist
church at Nanchang, where her
late husband. Dr. W. E. Iibby,
was connected with a hospital
until his death a year ago. Mrs.
Libby f returned to' this country
early this year with a number
of other United States nationals,
who had been urged by the state
department to leave China. A
son, Paul, is a freshman at Wil
lamette. "
i ri C .
Vacationers at Newport from
Salem last week were Mrs. Elma
Feddern and Mrs.. Muriel Pugh.
inLaura Wheeler
tifi; illustrations of stitches; ma
terials required; color chart and
key; r.i,"-.v :y'
: Send ten cents in coin for this
pattern to The Oregon States
man, Needlecraft Dept Write
plainly PATTERN mrj-fTtrr?
jour llMZZjtnd ADD2EC1
Today's Menu W
Lime fluff tarts win be 'to
night's favored dish.
.Jellied pineapple salad -;
Buttered new peas
I Broiled lamb chops
i .' New potatoes
i Lune fluff tarts -UME
1 2 packages (2 oz.) lemon waf-
. era " : '
H cup melted butter
Finely crush lemon wafers.
Mix thoroughly with melted but
ter and press firmly into six tart
! Filling
1 package lime gelatine '
2 cups hot water
1 tablespoon lemon juice
2 eggs, separated -
' 2 . tablespoons sugar
Dash of salt
1 cup milk
. 1 teaspoon vanilla -
Dissolve gelatine in hot water.
Add lemon juice. Chill until
slightly thickened and beat with
rotary egg beater until fluffy.
Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites,
turn into lemon wafer lined tart
shells and chill thoroughly and
serve with:
Beat egg yolks slightly, add su
gar and salt Add milk, cook in
double J boiler Until . mixture
coats spoon. Remove from heat,
add vanilla and cML
Beauty Expert
Tells News
, From , the first cold water,
splash on one's ; face in the
morning, to the last gentle pat of
night cream, Miss Lillian Peter
son tells women exactly how to
spend the day's quota of time on
beauty. Miss Peterson, here un
til tonight, has been at the Cap
itol drug store giving consulta
tions in the interest of Helena .
Rubinstein's preparations.
Miss Peterson, Whose territory .
covers all the western states,
has Just completed a tour with
Manka Rubinstein, sister of the :-
xamous ueiena KUbinstera.
Ail Revoir Party
For Bells
Lt and Mrs. Vinnie J. Bell
were honor guests at an au re
voir party Monday night when a
itino gauierea at
their Center ctrmt tinma T n71
is leaving Sunday for the Pre-
.Min C" TT I , -
uxw, imu x mucisco, wnere ne
has been called to active duty.
After the first of July Lt Bell
wui ue jomea Dy his wife and
two children Robert and Jane,
and from there they will sail
for Hawaii where Lt Bell will
be stationed. Lt Bell is president
of the Marion county Reserve
vxAxi-crs association and Is sec
retarr of th stat acvrat
Surprising Lt and Mrs. Bell on
WCr mr. ana Mrs.
Francis Wade, Mr. and Mrs. Rex
K&nmell, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
T .1r4-a tVsT a' a a
tr. sma JUTS. U. O. AT-
ens, Mr. and Mrs. n m An
aon, Mr. and Mrs.. Walter Spaul
ding, Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Pickett, Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Madison, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil
Sexton, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Gal
lagher, Mr. and Mrs. David H.
Cameron, Mrs. Hugh .Lister of
Portland, Miss Jane Cameron,
Dave Reinhard, Robert and Jane
BelL . . '
Cards were in play during the
evening after a no-host supper.
Bouquets of roses were arranged
about the guest rooms.
Mrs. John Bell, mother of Lt
Jell is arriving from her home
in Farmington, Wash, today to
say goad-bye to her son.
Mrs. W. A. Barkns was elected
President of the Council of
Church Women at its meeting
Friday at the Court Street Chrls
an church. Other officers are
B. F. Schoemaker, vice
president; Mrs. L." L Flathers,
ecretary; Mrs. W. L. Meeker.
tofurer; Mrs. W. A. Gueffroy
financial aecretary; Mrs. Melvin
Johnson, chairman of Japanese
work and Mrs. T, S. McKenzie,
chaIrman of migrant work,
i.i ... . :
I Miss Cecelia teldy ef Minne
apolis, Minn, has been visiting
t IL1 t?e home o her uncle, Mr.
P. F. Reidy, for the past two
weeks. While here she has en
Joyed trips to Crater lake, the
beaches and Timberline lodge.
Moss Reidy will return to her
home by plane tonight
j ' ' ' . ' " ,
Mrs. Mysta Hendricks enter
tained the following members of .
the Home Economics club of Sa-
lem grange at her home Friday
. afternoon: Mrs. E. E. Buckles,
Mrs. Herman Lafky, Mrs. Milton
Steward, Mrs. Kathryn Stryker,
Mrs. Stuart Johns and Mrs.
Theodore Nelson. Mrs. Verne Os
trander will be hostess for an
all day meeting at her home May
19. A covered dish luncheon win :
be served at noon - : : - .
- f ' . '
' ! DAYTON Miss Amelia Ma
rie Dreher, daughter of Mr, and
Mrs. Joe Dreher of Dayton, be
came the bride of Arthur E.
Buckley, son of Mr. . and Mrs.
Eugene W. Buckley of Bozeman, "
-Mont, at St James Catholic!
church at Mcllinhville last Wed-'.
nesday. ' I
Sirs. Oscar Paulson entertain-.
ed members of chapter BC, PEO, .
at a dessert luncheon Tuesday
afternoon at her home. ,
,;A".:-'-.e e --.L-Vi
Ur. aad 21m Tiskhaa GShert
and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Stewart
are among those registered at the
Empress hotel, Victoria, BC, for
its T.rtrs'.d.-trict convention.-..
Hot Dressing
Good for
.1; - - .
Maybe 'you think us a little
queer when we suggest serving
hot salad dressing, but we aren't
and you should try some. .
Everyone who IS anyone re
members ; wilted lettuce as we
used to serve it, and of course
that was hot dressins' although
It was mixed especially for the
lettuce dish. This year, some good
Cooks are merely heating a half
cup , or so of their very best
French dressing and pouring It
over shredded lettuce (by the
way, what's become of leaf let
tuce In the market these years?
It used to be one, of spring's most
wonderful delicacies, especially
for wilting). ; ,
While hot mayonnaise sounds
rather odcL in reality the in
gredients Of ??S. nil ind Imwn
or vinegar are the usual things
- that, make up meat or vegetable
sauce. Mayonnaise is merely a
shortcut to toppings.
"Montpelier' is the elegant
sounding name for a topping to
go on a highly popular, but in
expensive vegetable. '
1 cups hot chopped spinach,
'. drained , . , . :
Vt teaspoon pepper
Vk cup mayonnaise or- salad
: ' dressing ' '
Combine spinach, ; pepper, and
mayonnaise in top of double
boiler. Cook over boiling water
about 10 minutes, or until thor
oughly heated, stirring occasion
ally. Serve immediately. Ap
proximate yield: 6 portions, -
A hot main dish using tuna
is another recipe that uses may
onnaise as a flavorful ingredient
Y cup salad dressing or '
! mayonnaise
V cup chili sauce
H teaspoon salt
Dash of pepper
, cup milk
1 cup coarsely flaked tuna fish
cup drained cooked peas
Combine salad dressing, chili
sauce, salt and pepper in top of
aouwe v boiler. Gradually add
milk, stirring after each addition
until smooth. Cook over boiling
water 5 minutes, stirring con
stantly. Add tuna fish and peas,
mix crrefully. Re-heat about 10
minutea, j stirring occasionally;
if overcooked, sauce will curdle.
Serve Immediately on crisp toast,
buttered rice, noodles, or fried
Chinese noodles. Yield: 4 por
tions. v M- a
Waffles Made
In a Hurry
v Waffles' are handy little things
to have around the house, be
cause you can whip them up In
a hurry and use them any time
from early morning to late at
nignt. :. ',-
2 eggs,; separated
1 cups milk .
1 tablespoon honey
?a cup all-bran
1 cups flour
4 teaspoons baking powder r
1 teaspoon, salt
V cup melted shortening
Beat egg yolks Well; add milk
and honey and mix thoroughly.
Add all-bran and let soak until
most of moisture is taker! up.
Sift flour with baking powder
and salt; f add to first mixture
and still only until flour disap
pears. Add cooled, melted short
ening. Fold in stiffly beaten egg
whites. Bake in hot waffle iron
until no iteam Is visible. Yield:
7waffles!(6K In diameter).
Social Afternoon
' Club Meets
The Eastern Star social after
noon club met on Tuesday at
the Masonic temple for a dessert
lftmcheon.1 i The committee in
charge included Mrs. Ralph Al
len, Mrs. S. A. Baldwin, Mrs.
Virgil Hockethler, Mrs. W. I
LaDue, Mrs. E. A. Miller, Mrs.
Earl Wiper and Mrs. Charles
f$ Cards were in play durmg the
' 'afternoon with honors going to
Mrs. David Wright and Mrs. Ro
bert Gillin. Bouquets of peonies
and Iris decorated the hall and
.. tables. : i . ;
M. Doerfler (Nina Ahrenkiel)
was complimented by a miscel
laneous shower at the home ef
Mrs. " John J. Doerfler, Saturday
af ternoooi Hostesses for the af
fair were Mrs. Ernest Doerfler
and Miss MeyrI Terry of Salem.
Guests were: Mrs. John J. Doerfler,
Mrs. J. Ahrenkiel, Mrs. Mary Star
lia, Mrs. Ed DaM. Mrs. Ward Terry,
Mrs. Ed Da hi. Mrs. Ward Terry, Mrs.
Peter C Olson and children. Peter.
Ir, Donna and Ronald. Mrs. Henry
o?rli. .Mrs. Louis Olson, Mrs. Hans
Olson. Mrs. Roe Amstuta, Mrs. J.
MrDoerfle Mrv A. N. Doerfler and
children, fchirler and David. Mrs.
Aibfa-t Savaxe. Mrs. John LUlelund.
H- Grace Brandt. Mrs. Max Scrt
Mrs.J. C. Krens. Miss Anna
poerfler. Miss Margaret Doerfler.
Miss Laurel Krenx. Miss DeDora Dor
r. Mia Geraldine Olson. Miss
Ixila Ooerfler and the hostesses.
Mrs. Ernest Doerfler and Miss Meryl
Terry.- ' - . . . v. .
1 Wt-m fi'V