The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 14, 1941, Page 5, Image 5

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    Local News Briefs
Exhibitors Sought Members of
Marion county 4H club who are
owners of purebred Jersey cattle
are urged by Wayne" Harding,
county club leader, to exhibit in
the county Jersey Cattle , club
spring show May 21 at the state
fairgrounds. In letters going out
today from Harding's office to
stock club members, the would-
be exhibitors are reminded that if
they want to show outside the spe
cial 4H class their animals must
be registered. Sheep raisers
among the boys and girls are re
minded in the same letter of the
county fat lamb show at Turn
er, June 7.
Luto florist P. 8592. 1276 N. Lib.
Appraisals Out Owners of land
needed for the South River road
right-of-way who have not yet
Coming Evenls
n osteon statesman. s onVm.xrMiajumsBiiurTU.mi
of Deeds in Office of
! May IS to IS Boy 8eoat
council Camporee at Sllverton
Prk. -
- May 23 Missouri elab
meets; Ut$ North Commercial
May 23 Missouri club meets.
North Commercial street.
Jane 5 Salem high school
commencement. ;
; Jan 7 Willamette univer
sity commencement. .
:. Jane I Summer session
opens at Willamette university.
Salem, the records, nevertheless,
for last month were outstanding,
wince personnel pointed out
vme Volume containing 9nn
Asked to Keclster Marinn pafes was ffllfrl in th u v.
county 4H club boys and girls been April 24 and May 8. For
who have won scholarships, full or k". IT
n-fj1 4- ... 7. Deen
w uus summer s u sum- the average.
mer schoolare asked by Wayne When the current method of
formally deeded the reauiredl luUfl UUD 'eaaer, ito "?rw, vw' .I03
property to the county are to noU him this week whether they JT .7.. .' h ?
Miller B. Hayden in letters going June 9 to 20. Club leaders have less than 24 days prior to May of
out today of the value at which been asked to check on others this year. j. 7
yieir iana was appraised by 5a- who may be taking in the school. Fifty seven days were reouired
lem Keaity board s appraisal com- held annually on the Oregon to fill the most recent volume of
"ie college campus In CorvallJs. mortgages, a book similar in size
Safety of your savings Is Insured On Vacation-Glenn Hochstet- W-i6"
fit Qalom ion C T V,-- 1 1,. -1 . . . I ViUVtll
v un uura ciass, Clarence S. Emnum.
CompUint. Out-C o m p laints " 17 V Jiff X f !s ? Gust Peterson, vs. Albert
were issued Tuesday by C. "1. .-.T-. complaint asking return of
BushneU, city building inspector. ..n o, ,77 ?i850 alleged due estate.
charging Leonard B. Judson and i.?!f .Sherman McD,ougal vs. Emeline
A -41 T c-l j hi. . I ...ujivu iu ujc IMVJ Mrnniimli ji
Lrwur ru,"ai through the recruiting station in owXT ' :T I!1: or myorce
viui-uons ox me cuy Duuaing Portland. He reeriwA M. "Bna mnuman treat-
code. There were three specific trainin at the training ana asxln8 custody of minor
r,1?-. -.-.. t..j - j I " ..ii -muun a I I child during
r; , i V? . " 5an Diego and entered the elec
two against Skewis. The com- I -;--,t - T"
' .!
was transferred to the USS! As
toria and has seen duty with the
US Pacific fleet I i
lets Mark m April: '
Volume Filled in 14 Days
J7eSt numb?r 5f deeds recorded In one month in Marlon
county for a period of more than three years went into the books
eZ;,irke recorder, during April, a, checkup
Helped considerably by the fil
ing of 80 deeds by the citr of
plaints included charges that
electrical and furnace ins ta 11a
tions have been made without 11
child during nine moths of school
H. C. Shields vs. Paul Wagar,
Your fur coat moth-proofed free.
u you store it in our vault
Price's. j
Leaseholders to Meet J. E.
Look, Portland, announced Tues
Bar Endorses
elTleek C. Hendricks
For Bench
Obtain Licenses Marriage
j censes have
xane 10 vernon D. Leekand
Matred L. Stett, both of Salem,
ana at Vancouver. Wash., to Judd
M. Johnson of Oak Pnint ol
day that a meeting would be held IarSaret C. Hoover of Portland; Unanimous recommendation of
ugcue yiana 01 Salem route ! circuit Judge Carl Hendricks of
six and Ruth Holbrook of Salem; Fossil for appointment to the state
waiauno ASUKl and HiTpn ; If supreme court bench wa vcA
Sphard, both of Independence; Dy tte Marion County Bar asso-
at the Salem chamber of com
merce at 8 o'clock tonight to dis
cuss development work on Har
BeV flimt nil 19U. in rVtk -
number of local citizens invested I ?ober G- Templeton and Rachel
p r 1 . m .
in 1937. He said drilling was in
progress on the lease lands.
E. Richmond, both of Albany.
ciation at its special meeting Tues
day noon.
Notice of the endorsement of
Hendricks to fill the vacancy left
by the death ; of Justice ; Henry
Bean was given to Governor
Sprague shortly after the luncheon
session. Announcement of the gov-
Big Auction "WoodryV. Thui4-
Townsend club dance at Moose l8 -1"' 7:30- today's cUssi-
hall, 12th & Leslie, May 15. btr : '.hi
Returns Tadsv nich
Sends Paper A codv of th
ZtZrZr? 5CU "n. " " a-P " " " e.raOT' anUcipated- to-
w oucm jiumc ana 10 . " aay.
Willamette university from Nash- ere; Tuesday from Pvt Clyde F. ,
viUe, Tenn where he has been r"nc.h 13,0 South Liberty street, Cl - o s
attending sessions of the Meth- 1 u staoned in the US army oaiCUl lO eeK
Odist church board of education " camp Urant "ockford, 111, 1 If j n
.nd council of bishops. Your fur J. LauiKlry Farley
rrofessor on Prorram DrJ" . yu stor " our vault! L T Windish i Van Wie-
Herbert E. Rahe, professor Hf Wlces' 1.1 F10.1 CapUal
panel discussions t .T.i ' Vl ' viarcoia. received ini- -aunary uwners associaUon to
wakerTpro lrar. pah?v5 ner e?rly moming.: He t Th. Dalles Thursday. Th2
cTthB UniHS Pl WM givcn .emency treatment year's convention wiU run through
a Willamette craduate. i i " ' men. j y
Willamette graduate,
I TflMl. GaI 4T . ItT .1
. tl. v . . . i"v ow u mono
;vu iicaiu aooui me new liner1
."Hd.jeu vaiui ior iurs at I study class.
nip D 1 s 1 o e a ted-irmr. Huve Stevens is leader.
treatment for dislocation of his
Baklr. a , i, c5et wa,poured for the piers of
bv n, fi 7,d rr:,,:" me..n!w Gates brid Tuesday, N.
Th .,,fd;;, "rrr; ubbs,county,engineer,waSih
. WVU11CU L UD I rv ma1
Horn. strrct T
Plans DwelllnrsJ. A. ThomD- Kno01 tonight at 7:30 o'clock.
son was issued buildina permits r.i-v V.
m . - i a - ---- a nTxr! cam
iu vusi juu eacn.
man Har. Saipm nMitm.
Liv- I manappr" Acivi.tiu) tr..i-.
is the subject for the Truth of Oregon, Inc., will conduct a
wrccung wmgni ax public relaUons forum at The
Liberty street Miss Dalles convention.
' '
t ,
. ' J -: .. ..:.. . .:. - v.
' ... I
1 ,
A, . '
Court Affirms D
of $8500toManHurl
A decision of the Multnomah
$8500 damages to Albert Suko. injured in hi- hnm. .
srn vm . 1 , . : "
uiu water iaruc Dursi on ion nf vAv.
ice & Cold Storage company buildin. was affirm!
mnr.m. 1 V ... j , J
vuw tvw h unv x ucsuay
TV O atnmnA . I
leased the property from the E. Jom The opinion was
Henry Wemme Endowment fundJ ' . ."l."" Jonn "and
i .... ' i sinn iinrtai rrm v t n..
dux uu fund was absolved of all
Suko was injured when the
Dr. Hemrlch Slmoa
Police in Washington axe investi
gating th death of Dr. Heinrich
Simon, 61, former editor of the
Frankfurter Zeitung and an exile
from Nazi Germany, -who was
beaten on a Washington street
ana aiea later In a hospital. . Dr.
bunon was a personal friend f
eng. uen. Edwin M. Watson, mil
itary aide to President Roosevelt
ana was well known in American
musical circles. Simon became an
. exile In 1934.
maa upneia . Duffy. The
company was declared negligent
in not keeping the tank in repair.
tank burs ted" and part of if fellLv- 71. Case were reversed by
. I "ic lunn coun, mcluding $5030
uamage award In favor of W. S
uennett who was injured In
-oruana wmie working on a lad
der provided by Fred Spagele,
spageie appealed from - cimM
Judge James W. Crawford's court
ana won a new trial.
In a Linn county case in whfoh
vioia 5iretcn, executrix of the
estate of Annie Boors. ud r w
fleers for the coming year, and Murphy ! to recover damages for
delegates for the state convention HeSed violation of contract, the
at Bend in June, were announced supreme court reversed the ra
Tuesday by Commander Charles 81,(1 ordered a directed verdict in
A. Robertson of Marion post 661, .vor. ot Murphy, who lost in the
VFW Selects
Delegates of
State Parley
Officers who serve as post of
Veterans of Foreign Wars.
The officers are L. Y. Eaton.
adjutant; Fred Lamb, officer of
the day; James BealL patriotic in
structor; Virgil Bolton, historian:
Paul Hendricks, legislative officer;
circuit court of Judge L. H. Mc
The Supreme' court reversed
Circuit j Judge E. C. Latourette,
who ruled that Raymond H. Bas-
sett was In contempt of court for
Mary Wagar and Salem Abstract
"company; complaint in . equity
seexs recovery of $558.40 over and
above contract price spent in
construction of a ; house for de
fendants; expenditure alleged in
curred by.Wagars: asks that ab
stract company be enjoined from
paying out $600 deposit of de
fendants until directed by court
Robert Jones vs. Kenneth Sher
idan; motion for order requiring
defendant to answer concerning
any property he may have subject
to execution. , -i . i
Glenn E. Prime estate: petition
of executor asks that family' car
be not appraised but set aside to
Harley FJlehwool guardianship:
petition for substitution of WP.
Briggs as attorney in place of M.
C Moynihan, f- disqualified , Ao
serve; order approying doctor's
and hospital's claims of $189 and
Gustaf Fandrich guardianshio: lijailll Ijeneilt
netitinn and final ror I
Claude C. Beymer estate; final Plnncl nrnr I
account of Fred A. Williams, an- VK11
KSS'KS! Lwith. visit to Salem yesterday J
Crosby, Salem, , mother; Bertha I of D. M. McDade, director of the forth, publicity- Charles' A? Winl
f w- vvuim; iuoi t-ux. i uicxuu iiuurnai jun on. inn rxi i c aw amrtiAinMAH jr.
j-ss ji . . I - T ' 7- wuiiUUlCUfc fJAllCCr.
rr,Sfe Cheney; one of the northwest's Delegater are L. Y. Eaton. Ed-
..vvv, 8ub. i j i 4 jii.i mond RnlanH AnW nrs,Mi-
iauuist ucuii ills LTULUirs. iinai l aunuik.
plans were made for th. ntertain. Irank DevUn. Gcore teller, Dale
.IT 1 Kmlr Ararin itr.
waived preliminary hearing: held I i . . "ie I Wolf e, Dave Furlough. W. C. Cav- I a Mm.'.-4...i i i
to answer to g t a n d jury; upon . sch001 wditorium Friday ender, George Chapman. Charles ,V"Z "; namn r m
failure to provide $2000 bail, com- night for the benefit of the high Norton, Joe Benoit and W. J. w " c vuw:r5 OI VTe&on at the next general election, mav
mitted to county jail. school band. This will be an hour Wickert; alternates, Bert Tomp- t rw "S Changlng the state's tax structure so as
Frank W. Roseborough; driving and a half show divided into three Harlan. Onas S. Ol- T emedy e property assessment situation now the subject of
while intoxicated; jury trial at 10 snow, divided into three Prince, Clyde Craw- controvery i Multnomah county. J .
am- xoaay; earlier Jury unable to . ' . . lord, David Fournier, Phil Ringle, A lewer received here Tuesday
agree. k i -t-.-uV ..umucn wm oe given R tDD. Herman Lafk- -F from Portland inriir-M h(
Cecil C. Cathey; passing with P" e acts- Sikty Performers Cady. L. B. Ifevis. Charles Win- U fflnv. I. d ,
insufficient clearance; $5 and wm Participate. ilow andFrank MOlett ; " "r ' ,7
costs. Vernon P. Horw- -,- Orchestral musid will K- f,T, c,,---. Previously was suggested that the
ator's license, driving with four in nished by the Salem high school attend memorial services at th. leislat"r be called Into special
session 10 consiaer tne Multnomah
county tax situation but Governor
Charles A. Sprague indicated that
he was opposed to such a pro
The Multnomah county contro-
son, Merton D. Cooke, and R.-A.
L.. V..P. Perkins. Quartermaster rai,ur .o provide for his minor
sergeant: Francis Hoereth. wiard- children. The latter suit was an.
A. M. Davis, sentinel; Ernest Luke pealed 1X01X1 Marion county. .
PAG2 nV2-
Girl at High
An honor plaque will be ore-
sented to the outstanding girl cf
the year in the Girls' Letter club
of Salem high school when that
organization has its annual ban
quet at 6:30 tonight at the Argo
hotel. Several senior members Will
get honor pins for having achieved
certain standards. ,-. ,
On the program set by the club.
which yearly sponsors the Jvra
jamDoree, are i numbers by the
girls double trio and violin soloa.
Donna Spence is chairman for
the banquet Members of her com
mittee are Janet Boetger, decora
tions; Marjorie Bergsvik, gifts;
Doris Hill and Ruth Jones, place
cards, and Betty Provost j
Next year's officers are: i .i
Maurine Kiip iMu.b r-'
lene Mehlhoff. firt vlce-pmidctit:
Dorothy Hoar, second vice-president;
Virginia Pope, secretary; Darts HilL
treasurer; Loretta Gottfried and
Yvonne Moffitt -r...r,t .
?i1ili"-v,krr' on -nd yu unl
NeUie Pearmine. chairman for for Gym
Jambor; Katherine Hill, assistant; '
Elaine Evans, wardrobe mistress; Dor
othy Hunt, assistant: Carol Smith --
porter; Ruth Rempel. musician. .
xieads of thm vrii . - i i .
Griffiths, aerial darts; GoWie Cohen.
iHHH ,5hir!ey prkr. badminton;
Helen Calkin, basketball; Janet Ropers,
baseball: cvrlin nnnth. v.--...
f!r.,bow,inf : Tlck. eolf; Lu
cille Wilson, hiking: Bernice Mischlerl v
horseback riding; Elizabeth Ms gee. ta-
R-Shl,et' .TUer-,k,tin: ores
Brown, ice skatin. - Txrri- M.jni.
joccer; Marlarma SUrr. speedballr Shir
KtTi u ?, r 1 ' n SUrr- PeedbaU;
Shirley Hill, awlmmin-. r.--ii-
dy. tennis; Betty Pierce', tumbling ; pat
Leary. volleyball, i '
Dennis Seely; statutory, offense;
Multnomah Mav Pronnsft Plan tn
J - r
ge Present Tax Structure
measure, to bt,'
ront seat; pleaded guilty: contin- P"1 entertainment is a com- First Presbvterian rhnrrh
uea ior sentence to June 30. munuy acuvity sponsored by the
Roy E. Boatwrieht: rhr ,, "ouywood Lions club,
assault and battery; dismissed on The chairman of the entertain- hV11YI01- Win I Art
motion of wife, who was private ment arrangements is A. J. Crose, vlA liiCJL Octldll
prosecutrix. I01 me Hollywood Lions club, as-
S- I -mmr T --.
sisted by Ray Stumbo, Don Madi- V OTTinil I llfG
Merwin G. Hickman. 31. meat Forkner.
- i
marxet employe, route two, Sa
lem, and Jennie K. Meeker, 25.
t ...... '
nousexeeper, HUlsboro.
Benjamin Nicholas Gamley. 26.
rauroaq signalman, Sacramento,
Calif- and Cleooe Isabelle Wel.
born, 27, stenographer, 535 North
Winter street Salem.
Bba-To Mr. and Mrs. Joseoh Balsa. PorUand today with burial at 1
itauuer. a aaugnter. Joan Rebecea. D.m. in Litr viw pemotai- v.-
a r. I - . r ' ' -v.
Htaausa to Mr. ana Mrs. Harold
versy fallowed a recent decision
. - l u .u MA tviuuiu&iuu in
-Mineral services for Mrs. Viania ,hih ;i ,n.
od oT lprperTy
SlTaL nfs37 10 m d not icomplianS wiS
.l!3. !" e laws.
Residence property owners com-
Mrs. FerreU and her husband. pla!ndJ assessments
er would be penalized.
r Assessors from most of the
counties at the meeting offered
ho serious objection' to the tax
commission opinion. ;
J An industrial interim commit
tee, created by the 1941 legisla
ture, was expected to consider the
Multnomah county tax situation
within the next few weeks. This
committee will be composed of
18 members, including several
T. Wend land, rout five, a daughter, " late U. H. Ferrell came to
General hospiUL , Jem Oregon in 1904 and resided in Sa-
. ... . .. .. . . I lem ahnnt 9ft vin cVi ..... .
cv,:ri. m . , . . ml aeaman 10 Mr. ana Mrs. Harold I . " '
niney w. Burnett, violation of 1 sman. i7u Mr.t wt . h...i,- mcmhr nt thm kt4k-;. -i
basic rule; fined $2.50. BUUe Lee. bora May a. De-cone-, ho.-' Survivors include . H,t-
Mrs. Earl Strickland: sister. Mrs' commission and county assessors
route seven, a uauemer. i j. i.. Rucf-ir. kmtk.. j... i I uere lasi wee unanes v. liaii.
i.- - t j i . . . ..- I pitai.
""uuciuaiK, vipiauon RoberUo- To Mr. and Mrs. Fred O
would be increased materially un
der the tax commission decision
while those on valuable business
property would be reduced.
At a meeting of the state tax
Of basic rule: fined S2.50. - V Robertson.
Carl A. Hallauer. violation of 2SS,"CWV' TO "es k ... .
wnc ruie; imea Z.0U. I Anorewsr-io Mr. ana Mrs. Frederick
. Anarews. rorusna. a son.- Ernest
oway, commission chairman, said
the complaints of the small prop
erty owners were not well found
Galloway contended that corn-
Delta Phi Rummafce Sale, WCTU, r . ' oi i
Thurs., Fri. and Sat. UratOriO elated
Ransacked-A thief who For Tonight
a the home of Johnson O .
ransacked the home of Johnson
Smith, 1740 Mission street, stole
a " purse containing 75 cents,
Smith reported to, police.
Spring wall paper. Mathis Bros.
.Parents Meet Salem high
scnool band parents will , hold
their monthly meeting' at 7:45
o'clock tonight in the music
room at the high school.
Gounod's oratorio "The Re
demption" is slated for presenta
tion by the Northwest Christian
college chorus, Eugene, tonight at
o clock at the First Christian
church. -
Prof. Lorance Dossett. is direct
or of the 40-voice stoud. which
has made annual visits to Salem.
1 No admission is charged.: j
Bcg. $60.00
and Your Old. Cleaner
: 0 6
Sea This Cleaner Demonstrated
G.E. Factory Representative
This Week Only
A-V 4fom on a bty tin '
9 mmmz
275 N. Liberty St. - ' - ; Phone 4615
At a Portland hospital, Monday,
May 12, Mrs. D. H. Ferrell, at
the age of 83 years. Born at Rog
ers, Ark, March 15, 1858. She
and the late Daniel H. Ferrel
moved to Oregon in 1904, and liv
ed in Salem approximately 26
years. She joined the Methodist
church when a young girl and
has been a faithful member ever
since. Survived by four children,
Mrs. Delia Lamb, Mrs. Margaret
Hart and Jesse Ferrel of Portland
and Mrs. Earl Strickland of Sa
lem; 11 grandchildren and five
great grandchildren; sister, Mrs.
J. L. Busick of Salem; brothers,
Edward Tuck of Salem and John
Tuck of Redmond. Funeral serv
ices will be held at the Moreland
Funeral home, Portland, Wednes
day, May 14, at 10:30 a. m, with
concluding services at the City
View cemetery, Salem, at 1 p. in.
Herbert Felsenstein, at his resi
dence, route one, Woodburn, Sun
day, May 11. Survived by daugh
ter, Mrs. E. De Laby of Chicago.
Services will be held Thursday,
May 15, at 10:30 a. m. from .the
Clough-Barrick chapel, Rev. F. H.
Theuer officiating. Concluding
services will be in Belcrest Me
morial park. ,
a a - . LUIUUC VJTCI tunic
Eliza AUbnght, at a local hos-j General hospital.
piiai, May IZ,iat the age of 73
years. Survived by husband, Wil
liam Allbrightj son, Weldon All
bright of Salem; sister, Mrs. Eliza
beth Drummond j of Medford;
brothers, Margall and Oscar Iiams
of Salem, Austin Iiams of Corval
lis, Luther R, and Arthur C. Iiams
of Nebraska! Services will be held
from the Rose Lawn Funeral home
Wednesday, May 14, at 2 p. m.
Rev. Guy L. Drill wUr officiate.
Concluding services at City View
cemetery. f i
John, born April 30. Deaconess hospital. 1 eacherg Named
DuMond To Mr. and Mrs. La Verne -.
o. -hiMond. 10 Wilbur street, a son. BHUSH LULLtGE Miss Mur-
hoTp.ui""-1 TO m'y "mconT Kaster, principal, and Mis, pliance with the tax laws, as they
HrsTl?"?- .l- J!ff"f .5. J 17 .. teachcr "late to assessments, would tend
Connie GeraWine. born May 7. Saieni ' t "iea ior ine com- to equalize taxes of ' U property
j; mM ' wiiege scnooi. owners and that no property own
-2nd Annual-
Leslie Auditorium
Edonard Harllman -Director
Ronald Craven
Associate Director
Alice Crary Brown
Guest Soloist
Mary Elisabeth Kells
Adults See
Stadents 25e
At.Yreka, Calif- Tuesday, May
is, Joseph Everette Wright, aged
73 years, late resident of 310 Ma
arona avenue. Husband of Mae
Wright and father of George Ev
erette and Joseph O. Wrieht i of
Roseburg, Mrs. - Eunice Hiskey of
Hernuston, Ore- Ellsworth Mar
tin of Salem and Mrs. Florence
Evans of Portland; brother of Mrs.
Louise Stradley of Los Angeles,
Calif and Mrs. Ada Stewart of
west Cliff, Colo. Funeral services
will be held in the chapel of the
w.- T. Rigdon - company Friday,
May 18, att10 p. in. , v
Padosiy' ; ; '" v;V '";..'-"
John Padusky,26, at a local
hospital May 12. Survived by
mother of , Mt Vernon, Wash.
Funeral announcements later from
the Walker & Howell Funeral
Court & nigh " Ph. 71C6
Harms ' !"
Mrs. Julia Anna Harms, at the
residence, 1575 North 17th street.
May 12. Survived by widower,
Harry H. Harms of Salem; sons,
Wilbur Harms of Camas, Wash
and Donald Harms ' of Salem;
mother, Mrs. Anna Boelter of Sa
lem; brothers, Edwin D. Boelter
and Austin E.; Boelter of Seattle,
Milton W. Boelter of Minneapolis,
William G. Boelter of Syracuse,
NY; sister, Mrs. Saramay Barber
of Camas. Services will be held
from the Rose Lawn Funeral home
Friday, May 16, at 2 p. m. Rev.
Frank Stanard will officiate. In
terment in Belcrest Memorian
Ferguson '' -V
Hilda Ferguson, I 42, late resi
dent of Portland, at a local hos
pital May 12. Survived by mother,
Mrs. Ora Shaw of Milwaukie, Ore.
Services were held from the Walk
er 8t Howell chapel Tuesday,
May 13. ' ,
James F. Duncan, late resident
of route one, Jefferson, at a local
hospital May 9, at the age of , 89
years. Services will be held Wed
nesday, May 14, at 1:30 p. m. from
aough-Barrick chapeL Rev." W.
Irvin Wmiams" officiating. Ritual
istic services will be given by'
Rickreall lodge Na 110 AF & AM
IZenllli Slnflio
New method af sleaderlx- -..
Jar for paralysis jumI rer
vUtira. , '
185 N. 13th ; Phone 8745
in. i.u. .. J-jJiiii .mil Hi. .. .nil ,, ..ii ..., ., i L " -
fPy lzr o PA
fc 0c-..-- jjj5 sB-z:
i miiwi ilftim" i mi I"'"'! mmtnmmmmmmmmmmmm I ,mmmmm , 11 n n ft ff' ill miiii i , mum M I i n nn 1 11 II i n I I n mi imri.i-fiw ., in
' lowutl But mort than sleek
new styling a safer carl
Lover center of gravity -i
imcrssd road clearance! -
far tfca strakKbt Packard CSspsr tsar dsse comfort-creating dimension. Compared to any other car, it has
fcTf" Wyv FromTbumper to bumper the widest rear doors . . . widest front seat . widest windshield
the Clipper is news in styling, smartness and but overall width is no greater than that of conventional cars!
step Into the future! It's the first
streamlined design to make beauty
really functional.
Everything contributes not only to its i
new grace and beauty ---.but to your '
comfort, Safety and convenience! 1
The Clipper is a new kind of car
"see it today! : . -- r . .- ;
u hile smUu'M tins wmi State sixes extr.
' rVkas tvbed1 f cWaye wkki4 aafka.
(-. . - '
x v.
. Wmtu The Clipper has full
headroom in the rer. And
gives ft "front-seat ride" to
rear seat riders. .
SMAtmi Tith "fade-away"
fenders colorful new in
teriors it's the smartest car
' that ever stopped passers-by.
an swf"?f.
340 N. High Street . ' - - . : . . - "
Salem, Oregon