SAGS ELEVETI uy? Kent? Lsass? Statesman Seal Estate ..MSk Mahgllt Easy! Thm OniGOn CTAILTIIAIL tdlta, Oregon. T7daesdor Homing. Kay 14 1S41 Want To B Statesman Classified Ads Cell 9101 CUssined Advertising Three Insertlona per llna lie Six Insertions per line One s month per line $1-25 yTinimitm charge 25c; a u. min imum SSc; 6 tL mia. 45c. No refund, Copy for this page ccpti m tU 830 the evening before publica tion i for classification. Copy re reived after this time will be run 5Sd needing "Too Lite Jo CTnfUtmi urn bo flnan eui reeponsibWty to err whicn may appear In advertisements puo H.Nd In Its cotumna and in eases wbe th i paper to at ljuttwiu reprint that part of an advertiee rnent la which th typographical The Stataaman itetrvea the right to reject questionable advertising. It tvrther reserves the tight to place ail advertising under , the prooer classification. a "Riind" Ad en ad containing. siaiiimHi box number for an ad dressIs for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The Statesman U not at liberty to divulge Infor mation aa to the identity of an advertiser nslng "Blind" ad. Livestock and Poultry WE PAY WORTHLESS HORSES AND COWS DT FRESH AND IN awv -vinuiiiun. TOP PRICK FOR FEED HORSES. PHONE COLLECT Mil. SALEM MONTGOMERY RENDERING WORKS nj-inj-i-u-iririr'iri'i" i PHONE SALEM 5000 COLLECT We remove dead and worthless stock and pa yon money. SALEM J-ERT. BY PRODUCTS CO. i Salem. Oregon Hfiiirui-run i'i nnrin ii WANTED: HATCHING EGGS. New Hampshire and R.L Reds. Year round marketi Willamette Valley Hatchery. 410 S. 24th. St Phone Giles G. Smith. 1418. ! 1450 LB. BAY mare. Ph. 2237a. Zlelke. y,j-lTJV-sTJJUnrU eaeaenen I HANSON WHITE Leghorn TJ9 certf- Ced chicks, pullet chicks, started pul luni in bit at th nrica of ordin ary stock. Twin Oaks Farm. St Paul. Oregon; BABY CHICKS varieties. Immedi ate delivery, custom hatching. Started chicks. pulleU and fryers. Phone 2-2881. Lee's Hatchery. FRESH JERSEY cow and heifer calf. I Reasonable. L. D. Glrod. Rt . Box 274 I at rruifland. Ph. 22697. Auctions tBIO UNRESERVED ction Sale This Thursday nite. 1:30 P.m. at the T. N. Woodry Auction and Furniture Mart. 1610 N. summer ax. umaignea without reserve from the homes of Clara Reeves. Gordon Weum and Mrs. Henderson. A partial list as follows: 1 Velour Daveno. 3 davenports and chairs, D.H. sewing machine, flat top desk, electric vacuum sweeper, etec. washer! elec. S ft. refrigerator. 2 Ivory wood beds with vanity end chiffonier. ' S flat and coil springs. Iron beds. 4 f good mattresses, floor lamps, lovely walnut 'gate leg, drop leaf and- exten sion table and i leather seated dinners; waL bwffet. chiffoneers and dressers. new 4c i used linoleum ruga, wool rugs. Reed arm chair, oak ex. table and 8 i chairs, occasional chairs, breakfast ta bles s chairs, baby buggy, roil top desk top, wai. library table, bora oai-1 loon bicycle, comb, book case at writ ing desk. Hemingtoa rypewrner, new auto seat covers. Coeswell chair and a 1 hundred other items I You will find what you want at this auction of good merchandise. Terms cash. P. N. and Glenn I H. Woodry. auctioneers and commission merchants. We buy, sett or exchange anything salable. See our large stock of new and used furniture, -ranges & other H.H. goods. If you have anything you wish to dispose of Just phone F. N. Glenn. Salem served for is yrs. Ph. 8110. Store open every day xruru vo wr pnnw mmiw. AUCTION SALE- Thui chine rr. furniture, anythine of value. List your goods with us 819 N. Front Salem, i Ph. 21788 Earl King. Mgr. Help Wanted STRAWBERRY PICKERS. Carl Stet ler. Rt 7. Box 387. Phone 23808. ' 'llfyoiketom PAINT tee TALENT TEST ad in ! "Miscellaneous column. WANTED 4 adult berry pickers. Living quarters and wood furnished. Ph. 6544. Help Wanted -aiale ' Al AUTO mechanic eapeilenced in reconditioning need cars. Box, 1809. co Statesman. 0rtion$tatesmatt , - ADVERTISINa Western Advcrtlslzif ' RepresenUtiYcs Georre D Cloee. Ine. San rraaclsco. Los Angeles. Eastern Advertbdaf Representatives Bryant Griffith a Branson In Chicago, New York. Detroit Boston. Atlanta Entered et the Postoffice at Saiem, Oregon, as Second Class Matter: Pb. - lished eoere mom-nq except Monday. Busmess oftce 313 South Commercial scrrcti SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mall Subscription Rates in Advance. Within Oregon. Daily and Sunday. Ma 80 cents: 3 Mos 3180. 9 Moo. $3.80; 1 yean $3.00 fcesewhere 50 cents per ma ur 8809 for 1 year tn advance Per copy 3 cents Newsstands $ cents By City Carrier, 80 cents a month 970 at year an aav, Vdjacenl BLONDE ySuv4ro XjomocN j fva&xM.v&si ypoMCTp III ' II XXiCMtr) III to PEMA . I PROMISE? MC 2 (aUTtUkSSOBUSV ( puUW-CREAa ) Jl' ' EXPECT S j' WJ70 7 X7V. EWWAU-CRSAM Jk - ySPXS wT7WTlB0. V FOR SUPPER J fltf LX j aaSESAWPi e? . -Pi -r- CGUOCX J ZKfi " T PESSEJTT J Sy-XrJ HATMSTO t05G.ISK3l JpjT CREAM T-dl4 - - .- . " ' ". ' - . -.'.!- v r ' ':. - - -' . - --:-. Money to Loan QUICK CASH. LOANS --' CALL WRITS or phone 181831 to Salem's oldest, largest home owned end home managed finance Institution. Tour financial affairs will be discussed and loans made In strictest an racy Yea win be given every rowtlderatiom repaying of your loan or grantmg of extensions. 1 to 24 Months to Repay ' Yoa can pay ta fun any time to reduce toe cost. Only Borrower Signs No endorsers. Loans made ; SEE ROT H. SIMMONS. MGR. !. . - JTH CT..ARK. ASST. MOB. Lie. NO. M-133 i General Finance Corporation 134 So. Commercial St Lis. mat door south of Ladd 3s Booh Bank, Auto Loans f Willamette Credit Cow TH FLOOR GUARDIAN BTJTLDXNCf LICENSE MO. M-148 WE LOAN on farm, residential business property. Win buy rnortgeeea or contracts. HAWKINS St ROBERTS. : INC, Realtors. Guardian Building. f PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce payments. Money for new of used cars. No delay or red tape. You will retain porsession of the vehicle. 1 TO 20 MONTHS TO PAY ROY H. SIMMONS i 134 South Commercial Street Phone 9158 uo. no. m-im . UWt. W OT, Abrams at Ellis. Inc. Masonle Bid. Help WantedFemale f HOUSEKPR. lata N. Capitol P. 8173. Bfi TtBT l MIDDLE aged housekeep- er. .permanent posiuon .do w w Statesman. uxnj"inrnir-.-i-i"i- EXPER. GIRL, for general hsewrk. At cooking, brd.. rm., gd. wages, muouw. GIRL FOR houMwork. Fn.x9. WANTED GIRL with some restau rant experience. Texaco Dinette be tween and pan. Jefferson. Oregon. GDU. rOR housework. 1142 HalL Salesmen Wanted EXPERIENCED ROOFING and siding man with ear to sell Johns Manvllle materials. Call between 8 JO and 10 ejn. 184 S. Commercial. Situations Wanted CAPABLE WOMAN wants nour wars references. Ph. I70S. HOUR WORK, care children Ph.21340, VVJ-UnJUrS1l"l""' CHILDREN KEPT. 1908 N. 4. Ph.21792 EXPER. CARPENTER. Reas. P. 22118. EXPER GIRL hour work. Ph. 6950. WILL CARE for children. 1707 N. 4th. WORK OF any kind. Ph. 22087. For Sale Miscellaneous CHOW PUPPY. Female. Ph. 7574. KALE PLANTS. 1593 S. High. ONLY 21 more business days and Conn Bros.' retire from, the furniture business in Salem. Hurry If you want to get in on th remaining bargains. Save up to $0 " COHN BROS-487 Court gassasjssh,saneetgefcaags CROOKED FINGER, mountain grown. non irrigated Burbank seed potatoes. RmI fnr earlv or late nlantine. Puritan cider works, west saiem. LARGE KALE, cabbage plants ga lore. Reasonable, reul suae. to. e. box 249. Phone Z231S. f FERTILIZER. R. Silt a Stones. 7882. THE APRON SHOP, 879 N. High. TRY OUR HOME DECORATINO AND REMODELING SERVICE Twelve months or longer ta which to nav. Ntt down navment. Details ar ranged at your home. Only responsible contractors and decorators do your lob. Can Mr. Eyre at a L ELTSTROM COMPANY. Ph. 9221 WHITE SEWING machines. Liberal trade In allowance on old machines. Hogg Bros. Salem and Oregon City. 8321 GOOD colled trash burner. ORE. GIANT pansy plants Begin ning to bloom. Assorted colors. Or come to paten at enoose. see aoz. mces on larger quantities. E. Steuer. S3S Ms. drone Ave. Just W. Salem Heights SchL SLIGHTLY USED Model Mokens metal lathe. Ottawa drag aaw with tree tailing attachment. Jtt. 4, sox ea. Wanted- Fiirniture P. N. t GLENN ' WOODRY. Auc tioneers as furniture deakts will pay you more cash or trade for furniture as nousenoid goods, we nay or sea everything, pn. sue CASH FOR furniture at h hold goods R- PfeV T44S. Aliseellaneons Dental Plate Repair r S TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates tor Reoetr DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST ; Adotph Bldg. State ConVl Ph 3311 IT YOU LIKE TO aJRAW. SKETCH er PAINT Write for Talent Test (No Fee). Give age and occupation. -Moat laoe co Statesman. For Rent Rooms I LARGE new furn. nm, $8 to $13 m& Near State House. 404 N. Winter. ajSasOXassSAsOaasasO HOTEL SALEM, low mowk. rates. NICK SP. rms. 4S1 N. High. HOTEL MARION Rooms, special weekly and monthly rates to perm guests Marion Coffee Shoe, delicious anoeJs at aaaeasakssssassaseaseMasekBSsastfsassAssBsSSisaAsaasAA , SLP. rat. nr. state bldgs Ph 31449 SMALL RM, reasonable. 988 Center COOL. 1577 Court St Money to Loan to the on furniture a No. 8 -US Phone 9188 Convenient ground floor location K T O 1 me iou pmgie Or Married? Both families and Individuals auaHfv for our cash loan service. To apply tor a loan In a dignified confidential manner Just tell us how much you need ($90-f 100-S200 or more) and answer a few simple questions. Cash la ad vanced without delay. - Repayment terms are easy. $8.72 per mo. repays a $100 loan Including all charges In 20 months. Other amounts in proportion. If you need money tor any purpose, phone, write or come In and see us today. CALKINS FINANCE COMPANY "Salem's Personal . Loan Center" 215 Court Street Salem. Ore. Phone 444S State uc No a. s-ZZS and M-27B For Rent Rooms HTD. ROOM near capital 4498. HousekPg;. rm. Ht- wit. 980 Center. Room and Board BD. ft rm. 1434 Ferry. Ph. 6513. GD. MEALS 8c rms. 333 N. Church. NICE ROOMS. 213 S. Winter. RM. at BD. See 850 Marlon. Ph. 8570. EX CELL. BOARD Jc room. Ph. 8409. EXC. brd. 330 N. Summer. P. 8072. VACANCY NOW. 805 Ft. Liberty. ROOM BOARD. 1227 Court BOARD & rm. $22.50. 481 N. Winter. For Rent Apartments COMFORTABLE 2 KM. TURN. Lights, water, MayUg. $12, 1820 Ferry. TURN. 2 R. $11. 3 R. Dnstrs front newly dec. tlt-50. Both incL tt, w, frig4 washer, garage Ph. 7113. FRONT ROOMS with closets. Ban croft Apts. 340 N. Church. xruLruLruiLri "iJ"iJ-s - . CLEAN Apts. 348 Division. TVijiiiiU-.i"ii'""i'"ij'ii'"' Ideal store rm. a 3 rm, sum. Apt $23. 17th and Center. 3-3-R. fum. $14 JO. $30. FJe, wtr. refrig.. washer. 153 8. 13th. P. 8323. RM. i furn. 87. $ rm. flat adj. Hol lywood Dist 1005 N. 22nd. FTTRN. CLEAN Aots, lights, water. adults. 138 8. Church. Ph. 7897. 3 RM. turn, bath. tbv. water $15. 1440 Waller, . - rURN.tYm. prt bath. T7 N. CiemL fuiri n.nriiiiir " r,r"-""'fc" aA rtrBN. 1ST fir. Ant Prtv. bath.1 (hot w, washer. Inq. 1234 S. Commercial. 3 RM. turn. apt. Gas range; no chil dren. 1595 Bellevue St Sis S R. rround fL furn. ant. I W. furn. Gas aUm. 1307 N. Com! NICE 3 rm. apt. Lta, wter, ht, frig-. prtv. bath, oee n. uturcn. 3 R.. bath A frig. 449 a Cottage. CLEAN 2 rm turn, court apt. Prtv. bath, laund, gar, ht wtr. furn. $15. 1 lwn Lee su MOD. J-R.. turn. 1553 State, Hawthorne Ct, vac, turn. 1000 N. Cap. APARMENTS. $8 and up. 1310 S. 13th. 3 R. furn. Adults. 479 N. SMALL turn apt 843 ferry s-: sen. bedrm, $15.59. Alee S-r. 1935 3-RM. rCRN. adults. 991 N. Cottage. 1-3 RM apts. 433 Marion. 3 R. APT. Beautifully furn. Fire place, hdw. floors, new elec range. Frig, gar. 1583 court. 3 R. APT. ; S. 13th. 2 R L, hot w. A heat, 989 N. Liberty. CLOSE TN. $17. 991 N. Commercial. UNFURN. 8 Bit, 1st fir. 1411 Court S RM. TJNFURN. clean apt. Utility rm, gar, $20. 357 N. Church. 9 RM. FURN. apt. 325 S. 14th. 3 RMS. FURN, $8 mo. 333 Water. . ONE RM. a kltch. 239 & Cottage. wBiua m usui. or a caa iuu 1st ft Leslie Manor. 310 Leslie. Jirvrr w wit ma? ea k.n DESIRABLE APT. obtainable at the Fisher Ph. 9757. av r? us w w rvkar a. m iw is essam ess eonafortable. $220. Ph. 4791 or 4379. For Rent Houses' THREE BEDRM. hse. close fat. Newly re fin. inside. Not for sale. $20 per mo. 3-Rm. hse. 1 mile out 815. ROBERT F. BUDROW. REAL ESTATE 13 Ladd at Bush Bldg. Ph. 6968 rooms, hardwood, South, rooms, N. 24th. Furn. -rooms, modern, Englewood. rooms, furn. Vacant 10th. P. GRANT 529 Court Ph. 8744 2-RM. CABINS, its, water, near hop yards, $70 per mo. 3 miles oo Dallas road. - : . "3 R. furn. hse. Adults. 1444 Ferry. $24. 385 Madrona Ave. Salem Heifhtx. I MOD. T R. FURN. Ph. 31888. H. Mr. Stork. Take Back Your Parcell Money to Loan Quick oans Special tat; SPRING Whether rots need cash for Soring Shoppine Home decoration a furnish- mg car repaus aires, or any otnex need. Come fat for a PERSONAL. Loan $30 repaid in 1 equal monthly payments. cost omy a .us total. : NEW SHORTER APPLICATION Saves time and embei i assimnt. CONrTDtNTIAL Frtends or ployer not notified. . PERSONAL FINANCE CO. Is Located at 812 State Street $ Doors West of Capitol Theatre. -Phone 2191 State Ue. S-21-M-1S9 Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONET TO LCAN on good Salem real es tate. Will pay 6 Interest. W. B, GRABENHORST CO. REALTORS For Rent Houses HOUSES FURNISHED and unfur nished. E. B. Perrine. Ph. 9953. 9 RM. mod. house; Hdw. firs., fur nace. $33. 1110 Jefferson, Ph. 8784. WE HAVE TOT PROSPECT IT YOU Want to sell, exchange. lease, rent, see Mr. Larsen or Mr. Col lins witn Hawxins as tiooens MOD. 4 RM. hsc elec. rng. frisL. adults. 1S70 n. cottage, i HOUSES. Melvln Johnson. Ph. 2723. 8-R. FUR. hse nr. hL school. $X7J0 mo. owner. Ph. 5953 or 5884. MOD FUR. 3 R. Refrig. Use of laun dry $29.80. 818 N. Com; S RM. house, unfurn. Shower, lights. I water, fiuo. 920 N. comx MODERN HOUSE, good location. In quire 1118 8th St, West Salem. For Rent lURN. HSES 8. apts. T33 N. Com. OFFICE ROOMS. 381 State Street. Inquire room 900 Ti eL 3713 - For Sale Real Estate FOR SALE t room home located at 783 Marion street basement furnace, fireplace, ga rage, a real buy at SMOU.oe. CaU G. H. Grabenhorst, Jr. with W. H. GRABENHORST at CO, Realtors 134 South Liberty St. Phone 4131 FOR SALE by owner 5-room modern house, ta good location on N. 23rd St, all newly decorated. Priced tor quick sale. Easy terms. Call 4835 or Inquire et 3570 Mapie Ave. : T AHtMOUNT HILL LOTS $1280 wUI bur a fine lot located on Lincoln street. Large lots. These are exceptional buys. Call G. H. Grahennorst Jr, witn W. H. GRABENHORST & CO.. Realtors 134 South Liberty St Phone 4131 -$239 down will give yoa pos session this nice -well located s room borne, unf. attic, E. front lot 50x187, uoee o acnoois. j : .. C H. SANDEBS-2JLK, High-6838. HOME BARGAIN rtJt .U. m V lum. .11 MM An. floor, triple carage. large yard, full ce ment basement, fireplace, oak floor ta living r. located at 3020 Myrtle Ave Price $4000. ft cash. baL $20 per mo SEE THIS HOME TODAY. W. H. GRABENHORST St CO. Realtors 134 S. Liberty 8li Ph. 4131 WALNUT PARK Home. 7 rm. dou ble plumbing, full basement. 584 N. 21st Ph. 4877. Business Cards ta this directory ran , Plumbing ' on g snonthly basis only. ' Rate: SL25 per Une per plumbing, general repair wore. pastil Graber Bros. 154 Sk Liberty. Ph. C594. Anto' Brakes : Minting ICke Panek. ITS South Commercial for STATIONZRY cards, pamphlets. programs, books or any kind of prtnt- T.l. a. 1 ing. call The Statesman Printing De- UatllS . Massage paxtment 319 8. Commercial. Teie- ' phone 9181 S. H. LOGAN, 239 S. Cottage. P. 4839. Bicycles . Sand auad Gravel BICYCLES, New and reeondittoned 2XSAICstedl a'vd Hairy W Scott 147 S Cont'd P 4513 scSTMTIL SBd ' Basiness Necessities Shingles Stationery. Forms, Tsgs, Calendars. .. ... ra Sakasbeoks, Book Matches, etc. Ph. 4773. SHINGLES. SIDCWALL SHAKES. Ce- - dar siding, lath. Prices always the low- . . , - . ... - est. Ph. 3800. Brown's yard. 114 8. 81st Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 444 'RE North nesa ,v Transfer aSxeavatinz u-drtve trucks for rent. -- Blankets furnished. 197 & Liberty EXCAVATION OF all kinds. Base- i ' ' logs Trucks to Portland dairy , Agent Flnrieta Pierce Auto Freight Including Calif ' - r 'Oris" points Larmer Transfer Co Pu 3U1 BrelthaupTa '447 Court; Phonew919S - . - . -. - ' . . . ; . -Venetian Blinds Funeral Directors ' , ; . Guaranteed Steel or Wood Venetian TerwUnger runeral I Bam. Ph 8923 Blinds. 90c so. ft, installed. Phone - ; Allen 's Hdw 4411, free estimate. ' - Mattresses . ; : ' . ,:- ... r.,:-,:. ....o Vacuum Qeaner Service SALEM FLUFF ROO & MATTRESS 1 Co New Mattresses, old remade, rug - cleannig & weaving S 12th & Wilbur rskE inspectm ta your nam Au- TeL 8441 tsrtckers. . thorised Hoover servtce. We. service all res. mi a,wicara. ssekee ilsssima Hogg Bros. Ph. 8033 CAPITOL BEDDINO CO Phone SOW - " ' ' ' 'i ". . ' .';i f - Painting & Paperhanging WeD Drilling - v HiliiiMKl HsainnsMa fh IT" 8t A-WEST. Rt 8. Bx 45 P. 3-229S For Sale Real Estate "EOR SALE room house located at 1473 Center street oil heat close to state Capitol building, let us show you this property. Price feaoo.M. $50040 down. Call o. H. Grabenhorst, jr, with. . W. H. GRABENHORST ec CO, Beeltors u south Uberty 5t rnone uu , NEW CUTE. 4-rm. mod. house. 2129 N. Liberty. $1809. Inq. UU N. ComT WILL TRADE my 20 acres of walnuts eV prunes for good house m city. $4000 and free of mortg. A money maker. 4 rm. plastered house with nice lot fruit et nuts, dose in on N. 4th. $1700. 9 rm. modern home on cor. lot East front on N. 8th. $3500. Mew modern e rm. nrewn anaxe in Englewood Dist. $3500. EX. ART MADSEN 1903 N. th Ph. 3580. COUNTRY HOMX 9300 down, baL 840 per mow Will buy this fine 10 acre country home. 4-room house, bath, bedroom, large living room with fireplace, dining room, built-in kitchen, utility room, double garage, electric water system. Battle creek runs through this property. Here is your chance to buy that country borne on easy terms. nce seooo. cau g. ti. Graoennorst. rr- witn H. GRABENHORST ec CO, Realtors 134 South Liberty St. Phone 4131 WE HAVE a well located duplex renting for 840, on bus, close school, that we Can sell for 84000. Consider residence in trade. & H. SANDERS 231 N. High 3838. $4200. STUCCO been In fine condi tion, large living at dining rms nice hardwood floors, kitchen, tile drain boards, breakfast rm, bed rm. at bath 1st floor, toilet, lavatorv as 3 larxe bed rms. up stairs, basement furnace. oreptace. Real bargain. 7 rm. house. 3 blocks from Leslie Jr. high, basement furnace. Corner lot room to build another house. $2750. Trade for small city suburban house. Money to loan at 8 MELVTN JOHNSON. REALTOR 725 Court St. Phone 3723 LOT BARGAINS I 83x287. St. Imp. in. only $323. 50x100. Walnut Park Add, $550. 80x100, Walnut Park Add, $550. 90x132. Kays Addition. $323. C. H. SANDERS 231 N. High 5838. FOR SALS dose tn r. home, located 70S Mar lon St Price $5000. reasonable terms. W. H. GRABENHORST Sr CO. Realtors 134 S. Liberty SU Ph. 4131 3 A. 2 Houses. In Salem City limits. Good ' Subdivision. Sewer in, paved. $3850. $250 Dn. 173 S. Liberty. Ph. 7113. LOTS OWNED by city $125 to 8800. See any real estate man or call 8832. 167 S. High St. FINE NEW home en Kinewood heights. Owner leaving and must sell. 2 large bedrooms, dining room and nook. Oak firs, fireplace, air eond. Oil heat. Trees and one of best views on the heights. Going at $8500. You should see this! Call Mr. Hardy with HAWKINS at ROBERTS. INC, Realtors FINE LOC Home er business. North Very reas. price. 85 down. 85 month. ROBERT F. BUDSOW BSAL ESTATE 13 Ladd Bush Bldg. . Ph. 8068 5-RM. MOD. home. Just finished. 1880 N. 18th Ct. Reasonable down payment. baL. like rent. Owner 8c builder. W. A. Cladek. 1435 N. 18th St. Ph. 4277. LOT near H. school. $800. Ph. 3489. FINE CORNER LOT. 159 tL new side walk, pavement, sewer tn, bus, no ments. IJli. Ph. S4U EXCELLENT Lomond Park Adjacent, So. High be yond MCKinitX . school. . 390 JW . 8W0. Ph. 5398 owner. BUXLD NOW Fine new addition, north. A. tracts. $173. 85 dn- 85 mo. ROBERT F. BUDROW, REAL. ESTATE 13 Ledd a Buan Bldg. . Ph. Mwa Exchange Real Estate TRADE FOR Salem property or trail er house 2t acres Grants Pass, fenced. garage, city water, irrigation, ugnta. w. Min thorn, ism Nebraska. Directory B7 cmc YOUKG For Sal Used Cars I ReKable Used Cars at . Exceptional j Values! It Com. STUDS She Sedan, OJ3. ' - CUmatizer. tow mileage , $79$ 48 FORD Tudor. Lew mileage. ' 27 FORD DeLuxe. Low mileage. Spotless. Radio oq, , 38 PACKARD Sedan New finish. lifeguard tubas , 1 38 STUDE Diet Cruising Sedan. Exceptional . . 438 29 HUDSON Six Brougham. Snot- less, Mjouv roues . 28 CHEV. . DeLuxe Coupe. 2T DICT. Cruising Sedan. Recondi 1 329 798 423 183 tioned . , 29 STUDE. Pres. Cruising 27 NASH-LAFAYETTE Sedan 21 OLDS Sedan 22 STUDE. Diet Sedan. Top con- dition , 183 23 FORD Sedan. ' 243 23 HUDSON Sedan . 299 37 STUDE. Free. 0 Sedan. Lew ; , mileage. 888 30 CHEV. Fordor Sedan. Runs good 83 33 CHEV. PaneL Recoriuiuoned---. 26S 28 CHEV. Tudor Sedan . 343 33 FORD Tudor , 138 33 TERRAPLANE Sedan 150 2t STUDE. Com. Cruising. heater , , Radio, ,073 USED CAR VALUES are TOPS NOW! Bonesteele Sales & Service, Inc. i 370 NT CHURCH Phone 4543 eslSaSSaassasESsssaaSsssas CHEVROLET 1936 CHEV. TWN. SEDl " ' This is a nice clean car all the way thru. Looks good and runs good. Yours for ......... $345 Liberal Terms LODER BROS.! I'l'U'l'IfU KUWUi 449 CENTER Youll get a better deal from your (jtas ueaier. Good shspe.'$100i Take rm. Ph. 220S7. 100 Mor- 1030 BUICK. half in furniture. Ph. 32087. 100 Mor. gan Ave. 1 33 PONTIAC new rings. $233. Rt 7. Box 483. Phone 2-2188. PLYMOUTH deluxe Eed. Radio. heater, like new $575. Box 1584, Statea- LIKE NEW 1940 Champion Studeba- ker Sedan, overdrive, heater. 1S M. Liberty. . For Sale Farms 35 ACRES. Aumsville. about M under cultivation, S-room house, very good barn, all fenced, immediate posstssion. 33 aches en waiiace itoaa. i-ram modern house, chicken bouse, barn; will trade for coast property. 20 ACRES with buildings, u miles (south on Hiway 99, to exchange for town property. GROCERY stoke on mrougn a, oo- inx eood business. All stocked equipped, with living quarters. $2309. atuNSix iu xJUAit P. H. BcU, Realtor - 429 Oregon Bldg. Phone 9121 48 A. with timber at stream. Wt soil. 8 room mod bouse. This is a good farm 8 ml out Only $5000, Trade for Salem residence. - f C H. SANDERS 331 ti. High -HITS. ! 9 A 8 Km. hse. exceptional aoil, close In. 83800. ' 40 A. all modern buildings, paved road, a eood buy at 98500. Terms. j 97 A. 9 rm. hse. new modern Barn. 85 A. in cult, 3 wells, electricity, peved road, easy tersns, low Interest. 3SS A, Willamette and Chehans soils. an fine, modern nuiidings, pavea roao. good stre-n. $118 per A. 1853 N. CapitoL Acreage ACRE HOMESITE . SB7S.00 win buy a fine 1 acre Home- I site located north on Claxter road, clnes I to Pacific Highway, reasonable terms. $500.00 will take a fine M acre ouua- ing site close to Salem, city water, $58.08 down. $25000 will buy a Vt acre building site located east of Salem, best of aoil. $25.00 down and $19 per monta. mter- I est s per cent. j S750JB) nuys a acres nne eerry sou. all plow land, $23-88 down and $19 per month. siise.os will pur e rme s acres wna creek, drilled wen. 30.99 down and baW ance tllM per. month. Interest 8 per I cent . t S1290OS wm bur is acre timber tract, $300.00 down, balance terms. $1500.80 beys 10 acres on mala Pacific highway south, mostly timber, creek. fine place to build max country nooae. f terms. s If yoa are looking tor a small aere- U. H. uraDennorsT, jr, wiut ! W. H. GRABENHORST at CO, Realtors 13 Souta Liberty St j TJjaMPROVXDt 14 A. Good building ami -31059 3 A. NX $750. your owa terms. i I A.) building sites $1899 1 A. tracts. 1 00 ft. on main i $37510 flown. .. i 18 A. T mi. from Salem. 1 A. filberts. 100 young cherry , trees, some walnuts, Nice taring tract sizso. i own. I MVT.VTIV JOHNSON. REALTOR 723 Court St Phone 3723 Wanted Real Estate S TO I rm. house, tn or near Salem, $300 to $2000 cash. Mo Realtors. C. H. Geither. 139 S. Uberty. ! I WK INVITE your for sale- ue tnrs If falrt . DTiced. HAWKINS A ROBERTS. LNC. Realtors Guardtsa Buildng ' -, ' . - Dasiness Opportnnities i srrrATtl.mim SEAL, Est. At Xnsurl nee Agency. Cicrnsss forces sale. 1809 eye statesman. ' !?' For SaleWood -:- r: DHT WOOD. Phone S-1448. DRT WOOD. Phone 9580. t 18 rM aU f!r. S3 A $330. 4 lh. old fir 1 2nd growth. Maple, limbs, knots. P. 8458. Kill WOOD. 83.99 load. Ph. 86i3 For Sale Used Cars DEFENSE . " -- lilEANS -" . ( Higher Prices . . Shortage of Cars Protect Yourself I , BUY NOW! 40 DODGE DeLuxe Sedan . 40 DODGE 4-pass. DeLuxe Coupe 39 BUICK Special DeLuxe Sedan 39 PLYMOUTH DeLuxe Coupe 38 FORD Town Sedan 38 DODGE DeLuxe Sedan 37 FORD DeLuxe Sedan 37 PLYMOUTH DeLuxe Sedan v 37 CHRYSLER DeLuxe Sedan 37 HUDSON DeLuxe Coupe 38 DODGE DeLuxe Sedan 38 PONTIAC DeLuxe Sedan 38 HUDSON 0-eyL DeLuxe Sedan 38 WILLYS "Model TT DeLuxe Sedan A UTE-TTME GUARANTEE With Every Used Car HUBBARD Motor Co. Dodge - Plymouth USED CAR LOT ACROSS ST. FROM DOWNTOWN rHUE DEPT 453 Che- meketa. Phone 3797. : Wanted Used Cars CASH FOR vour ear or aemttv. Phone 3-133S, 440 center St. For Sale Wood WOOD. Ph. 8379 Orson. 412 N. 21st DRY OLD fir. $5.50. Phone 8130. Wood Sawing 930 N. Commercial. Ph. 3533. ' Personal PSYCHIC MICE. KAYE Gives helpful advice on all affairs of life. Located at The Meredith Cottages, 100 Portland Road, ft blk. N. City limita. LONESOME? Serving an aires. Cluo Elite P O Box 71 Q, Los Angeles. Cal ! Storm Disrupts A ones I At DiaytOll I DAYTON The wind which accompanied the shower In this locality Sunday afternoon put 12 I lines of the Dayton telephone sys tem out of commissi cat , There was some disruption of electric service experienced in this area. Trees and limbs were the cause of the trouble, which was all cor rected . Sunday evening; or early Monday morninj. No other damage was reported. Cross Word BOSIZONTAL 1 Stitched U-rfaWi8fIorerff9TI . - Scrttmrgl - - 9 Eccentric wheel part ISUiztoro ISThkkeoro! 14 Mote fat Goido's scale. . i 15 CobteOm kmd tAree sAfpe; Nina, SvMUilMim mud 1 IT Takes sTaaH bites 19 Dispatch v 11-Auctions 22 Large tub i 24 rVAe aaoda tA mmmitto in vestigating w-Amrica . ctivitUat . :. ' - "- :" 27 Behold ' 28 W ho is Andy's parttrnt v 30 Move 8tealthflT i S2 Hvpothetkai forea . . ' I -34 RomantieaUj , - 37 Hall an em I 8S Wanders - r 39 WAttt African rivtr i -- tinted with CUopatrat : 40 Symbol for Iithinxa . !J : V 41 Caustic substances . .. ' 4: 43-lBsaaa - - , -r. -t. ",' - 44 Creed - : -. i v 'y: 47 Starchy food , c -4S-Letdowav - " ....;; . 62-UnrodlT- 'J X- X-'J 6S Moharamed'i adoptr' r M- Baaoota- -..r'vivi., 68 Smooth i":'--k- 69 Foot-iik$part v ' 6$drasJ; . : '.-TL&J:: 1 Serf - ." . : ' l-':- vebtxcalv;' . lSoak'uir : I Wkal ta tkm frtt tssu i &af PROGRAM PIP n37""-"!17 S" mmmT ay F" T" 31 A W? I 1 mr 1 1 1 . " UauCt Prima Afsntstrrr - 4 Shqrt letter - - S Symbol fox exbinra 5 Putea T flender snlal 8 Beaks 9 Striared Imtrumcnt I OT Legal Notice ADMTNISTSATOK'S I FINAL NOTICE ' Notice is hereby dvefi that the undersigned has filed his Final Account as administrator of th estate of Mae Johnson, deceased, In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Mar ion; and said Court hsouset the hearing of same, 'and' of "any end' all objections , thereto, and the settlement of said estate for Thursday, the 29th day of May, 141, at 10:00 o'clock in the fore- noon of said day In the court room of the said court at Salem, Oregon. Dated at Salem, Oregon this 29th day of April, 194L, T. O. Johnson Administrator. C M. Inman, attorney for estate. A 30-My . 7-14-21-2S. , Bible School Scheduled JEFFERSON The pastors and representatives of the -Methodist, Christian and Evangelical church es met Friday at the home of Rev. and Mrs. William Elmer to make, plans for the daily vacation Bible school, to begin June 2 and con tinue two weeks. j Rev. William Elmer was named permanent chairman of the or ganizatoin, and Mrs. William El mer, musical ; director Another meeting of the pastors and super intendents of the three churches will be held Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Barnes and son, Billy, and Mr. and Mrs. K. S. Thurston and daughter, Mickie, spent Sunday at Bend visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C H. Boyle Mrs. Boyle is a sister of Mr. Barnes.' 1 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Benning hoff and sons, Joe and Paul, spent the weekend visiting at the home of Mrs. Benninghoff s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McKee. ' Mrs. Hal Reeves and son, Dick ie, spent the week-end at New port with Mr. Reeves, who is em ployed in road work there. Lois Hampton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clint Hampton is visit ing her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Don Wall, Eugene. J. R. Whitby has gone to Prine ville, where be is employed in a drugstore. Mrs. Whitby took their son, . Bob, to Prineville, Monday, where he will have work. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Adterxnaa and Mr. and Mrs.. P. Winger and son, Russell, Salem, spent the week end at Waldport, guests ol Mrs. Ackerman's granddaiighter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ber nard Doty. -7 Lodges )4t Pacific Lodge No. 10. AT as AH. SUted meeting. Irl, May 18. 8 p.m. Otto N. Hoppes, Wag. Puzzle 1Q-Te the sheltered side . 11 Religious eeremoiry IS Conjunction r IS toAaf penrarala is i Oefaa' seayedr , . SO Melancholy r ' ZZ Jrnameiital eontaiaer SS SobeH SS Foe !'.. to Perceives ! 29 Long step Jl Nearta 32 Wide-mouthed iar S3 SUined 8S Botterfly '-v - t5 French dty 1 ' 40 Wh wroU "lafsj StretTt 42 Plant jniea 44 Applaud . T '"' 45 Actor'apart , -r 4S Native metals - -48 High wind W vAe SMHfe east t core" I among. Xonffitogr , II Lair .- v 63 Feminine name . 64 Born '. ' 87 Symbol for neon . ; Answer to yeiterday's puxzle. ,9-n IQME UINOjU'LA)TlE mm -.IT N si!..: suijjni VlElRlT E A A! I Avarare ttee ef sissltiBl 83 I I PMHsatad ar atlas fsstsiw Irsdteta, las ' S341 evenicis. Yard at ue couru