PAGE TEX! 0EGO! STATESMAN, Solera. Oregon, Wdnday Morning May 14. 1841 Stocks See Declines "Strictly Private" By Qninn HalJ Labor Controversies Offset Favorable V Business News NEW YORK, May 13-(-The stock market struggled feebly to hold a mild early rally but light Selling alter midday converted ini- tlal gains of tractions to a Dointl or so into declines in many cases at the close. ! Wall street tried to read bullish implications in the mysterious flight of Nazi Chieftain Hess from Germany but buyers were notably hesitant in risking much cash on their interpretations. Some bidding was attributed to favorable business items but more labor controversies threat- enlng defense work served as an offset The Associated Press average ot CO stocks was unchanged at 40. Transfers totalled 431,850 shares compared with 435,320 Monday. Quotations at Portland Produce Exchange PORTLAND, Ore.. May 13 AP) Butter prints. A fade, 38',c in parch mrnt wrappers; ",c in cartons; a rada 37',ic In parchment wrapper,; 38'iC in cartons. Butterfat--Tim quality, maximum .6 of 1 per cent acidity, delivered Port land, 38-38 jc lb.; premium quality (maximum of J5 of 1 per Cent acidity), 39-39 l,.c lb.; valley routes and county rcinU 2c less, or 36'ic; second quality cents under first, or 37c -Tgga Buying prices to producers: A larce 23c; B large 22c; medium A, 22c; medium B 21c. Resale to retailers - 4c higher for cases, cartons Sc hither. C1ies Selling pnce to Portland re tailers: Tillamook triplets 23c lb.; loaf 24c lb. Triplets to wholesaler . 21c lb.; loai, 22c lb, f.o.b. Tillamook. Portland Produce PORTLAND. Ore., May 13 (AP Country meats Selling price to retail- ., ers: Country killed hogs, best butchers, 125-140 lbs., J2',i-13c: vealers, fancy, 15'.i-16c; lt.-thin. 12-13c; heavy 12-14c; lambs, yearlings, 15c up; 1941 spring lambs. IR-IQf uim .- ns4 ' , - " t , w. VU. ter cows, 12-13c; canner cows, ll-12c; bulls. 14-14 iic Live poultry Buying prices: No. 1 prade Leghorn broilers. I',.-2 lbs., 17c; frjers under 3 lbs., 18c; springers. 3 to A lbK- 1QV HISttAPt mi., A Ik. 1. colored hens over 5 lbs, 19c; hens, 4 to t lbs., 20c; Leghorns under 3', lbs., 15c; over 3',i lbs, 17c Old roosters 8c lb. Dressed turkeys N o m 1 n a 1 selling prices: Hens, 21-22c, toms 21-22c. Onions Oregon Oanvers, regular 3.50-4 00; 3-inch and larger, 4.00, 60 lb. bag. New Calif, wax 2.25 lug. Peas Oregon, No. 1, 7-10c lb. Potatoes Old Deschutes No. 1, 1.40; selected Deschutes brand 1:45; Yaki ma. 1.00-1.03 cwt.; Klamath 1.40 cental; selected Klamath 1.50-1.55; new Calif, long white No. 1. 2.23 cen tal; B s 1.00 per 50-lb. bag. Hay selling price on tracks: Alfalfa valley clover, $10 ton; timothy, eastern Ore, 17.00 ton; vaUey .timothy. 14.00 No. 1. 14.75 ton; oat-vetch 10.00 ton; clover 10.00 ton: Hmnlhn t.n rh Jon 11.00 ton; valley timothy, 14.00 5.00 ton. Portland. . . - Mohair mi, 12-month, 45c lb. -Hides-Calves. 1',.-; green beef VaC lip l-',.c lb.; bulls 3c lb. . . ! . Wnill 1041 nntrarf, n.. - -1. nominal. 31-32e lb.; l40 eastern Ore gon range. 30-32c; crossbred. 34-35C Willamette valley 12-month, 34-380 lb ..... a.wu. L71illl tl IT delivery. 1 to 25 bbL lota: Fancy pat ent. 49s. S 80-7.40; bakers' hard wheat net 5. 20-4.20; bakers' bluestem, 8.30- 80; blended wheat B.60-5.95; graham 49s. 8.10; whole wheat, 49s, 9.13; soft wheat 8.00-3.05. ' Hops Oregon 1940. 22',i-24c lb.: seed less, 34c; contract, 1941, 2S-26c lb. . Sugar Refinery basis: Cane, $5.10; beet $5 per 100 lbs, f.o.b. refinery. Portland prices to retailers: Cane $5.55: beet $3.43 per 100 lbs. Cascara bark 1940 peel. 9c lb.: 1941. sc lb. I CfrPrTo-rTM ie I , rt ; r fJtar-S. IM AUNT k' DEAR AW.- U.S.ASA CAMP NTX- ' "WE SAR6ETOLO ME TCO-VY TUAT TrC rADQUARlciRS COWPAMV NEEDED SOWS. AA0RE RUMMERS, SO I DOG UP MV OLD TRACK RAMTS AMD SPIKED SHOES AMD VJEMT TO SEE TUE OFRCER U CHARGE.. J P.S--1 GUESS THEV WJ&TA GOT ALL. THE UiMTED EEfORE. ti ear tweee-.-PfcEUMG SPUDS- YfoUR. SON ATTttam 5-14- Closing Quotations NEW YORK, May lS-i-Today clo sing quotations: Air Reduc 39 Du Pont De Nil4UA J r. Pmnra 26V4 El P & L Alaska Jun Alis Chal . Am Can 80 Gen Elec Am Car & Fdy 264 Gen Foods Am Rd Std Stn .. Am Roll Mils 4 Y Eastman Kod ..1.125 - Perm RR 6V Gen Mot 13 Goodrich Am Smelt & Rf .. 39 Goodyr Tire Am T as T I49,s Gt Northern 65 Greyhound 4 ? IU Central 5 Insp , Cop ; 25 Y Int Harvester .... 4u Int Nick Can Am Tob B Am Wat Wks Am ZL4S Anaconda Armour 111 Atchison 29 Aviat Corp 3 Int T & T . Bald Loc . .... 14 Johns Manville Bendix Aviat 34 ' Kennecott . Bethl Stl -69 Lib-O-Ford Boeing Airp 13 Lockheed Borden 19 Loew's Borg Warn 17 Y Long-Bell A . i8s Montg Ward 6 Nash-Kelv H'iNat Biscuit 2 PhelDs Dodffe 29 Phillips Pet 35 Proct & Gam 39 Pub Serv NJ 12V4 Pullman 17 V4 Radio 26 Rayonler 10 Repub Steel 814 Sears Roeb . lOTs Shell Union . 44 Soco Vac 24 So Cal Ed Calif Pack Calumet Hec .. Canada Dry uanaa rac Int P & P P 65 So Pac Sperry Corp . 58 Std Brands . -4 34 Std Oil Cal . 4 31 Std OU Ind 22 Std Oil NJ . 29 Stone Web i 3 Studebaker . v 32 Sunsine Min -i 3 Texas Corp Caterpil Tract .. 42 Nat Distillers L-cianese zi Nat Lead Chesap & Ohio 36 V4 NY Central Chrysler 58 N Am Av Col G & El 2 N Am Co. - Com Solv 16 Nor Pac Consol . Aire 25 Ohio Oil . Consol Ed 18 Otis Steel Consol Oil 6 Pac Am Fish cont Can 33 Pac G & El Corn Prod . 45 Pac T Sc T 1 Tmub. A 3 Nat Dairy Prod 4 13 Union Carbide 18 Un Oil Calif 15 Un Pac 13 United Airl . 13 United Aire . 13 'Unit Drug 7 Unit Fruit 8 US Rub 7 US Rub Pf 8 US Stl 25 Vanadium Crown Zeller 'Crutiss Wr .. Douglas Aire 12 Packard Motor i 2 Western Un 8 PanAmAlrwyi 10 Westingh Elec 69 Param Pic 11 Woolworth 1 .81 . 24 . 28 . 41 . 50 . 22 , 25 3 12 17 70 14 9 27 11 32 5 23 29 36 6 4 8 39 4 66 14 82 10 39 3 62 22 88 5374 24 Mi 3 22 89 27 Salem Market Quotations (Bijrlil Prices) The prices below supplied by a lo cal grocer are Indicative of the daily market prices paid to growers by Sa lem, buyers but are not guaranteed by The Statesman: . . . VEGETABLES u Asparagus, dox. Beets, bunch, doz Cabbage, lb. carrots Portland Livestock "BsssswsaaaaBssssssiiBaai swaaaaassaiSBBBBBBBSMMassBBBBBaaMSBBBBBsss PORTLAND. Ore.. May 13 (AP (USDA) Hogs: Salable 600, total $50. Barrows and flit i do-ch, 160-180 lbs J.t .S09 1.85 do gd-ch, 1S0-180 lbs i.73 9.40 do gd-ch, 180-220 lbs 9.25 9.40 do gd-ch, 220-225 lbs 9.00tt 9.40 do gd-ch. 220-240 lbs S.75 9.25 do gd-ch. 240-270 lbs; S.60 9.00 do gd-ch. 270-300 lbs : 8.500 8.75 Feeder pigs, gd-ch. 70-120 . 9J5W10J5 Cattle: Salable and total 100; calves, salable 25. total 50. Steers, good. 900-1100 lbs 910.009 10.50 do med, 750-1100 lbs . 8.500 9.75 . do common, 750-1100 lbs 7.50 1.50 Heifers, good, 750-900 lbs 9.50r5 10.35 do med. 500-900 lbl 8.00 Hi 9.50 do com. 500-900 lbs 7.00W 8.00 Cows, good, ail wts 8.000 8.75 do medium, all wt 7.000 8.08 do cut-corn, all wts B.750 7.99 ' do canner. all wts 5,00 8.75 Bulls (yearlings excluded) beef. good, all wt 8.750 9.00 - do sausage, gd. aU wts. 8.25r 8.73 . do sausage, med. all wts. IMtt 8.25 do mt-cum, all wts 8.25 1 IM Vealers, gd-ch.' ail wts. 10.50411 AO do com-med. all wts 7.00410.50 rto cull, all wts 5.00 'JO oncep: aaiaDie 0W, total S50 Cauliflower, crate Celery, green Endive, dox. Gooseberries Lettuce, 5s Mustard greens, doz. Onions. 50 lbs. " Onions, green Potatoes, 100 lbs. No. 50 lbs. No. 2.. Turnips, bunch, doz. Rhubarb, lb. Radishes, doz. Spinach, box Strawberries, crate .. GRAIN, HA X AMD SEEDS wnuL no. l- recieaneo. uais, no, i . .73 . JO . XH . M . 1.60 . 3.50 . .90 , .063 . 2.25 , .40 . 2it5 . 0 . 1-W , Ai , M , .03 tt , .65 . 2.50 Feed barlev. Clover hav. ton Alfalfa hay. ton. .75 .24.00 1.00 to 24.00 9.00 Dairy feed. 80-lb. bag Hen scratch feed Cracked corn 12.00 to 14.00 1.33 1.90 2.00 (Beylnc Prices ( Aadreien'i) ra targe wruie- Extra large brown.. Medium white Medium brown Standard " Pullets , Colored hens Colored fry , White Leghorn uid roosters t tl M .19 M Jl J J8 J2 n fBHtBe Prleea at Marina rr,im.m Large A - ' 33 Medium A - . jji Butterfat, Nt. 1, 17 H; No. -;S8H; Premium 38Ji. A grado print 39c; B grade 38c; Quarters 40c. Large B Medium B , Checks and under grades Colored hens Colored frvra Leghorn fryers Leghorn hens, over 3Va lbs Leshorn h n unri tie. t. rmxners No. S noultr- i i HOPS (Boylng Prlcti) Seeded 1940 1941 Jl ' 17 . J2 : m J2 to Seedless 2 seeds 3 seeds M J. .33 Over 3 seed- m twiut not more than 3 leaves, stems) LIVESTOCK IBuvine btIm fn Ma i on condiUons and sales Teported up to 1941 spring lambs , 9.50 to tmb 8.00 to Ewes ; , , 111 In Hogs, top, 160-220 lbs veai, .top Dairy type cows Bf row. Bulls Helferi Sows 8.00 to Dressed veal WOOL. Avn unit-id Wool! Lambs . Mohair . 8 00 to T.-00 to 1 7J0 to 9.75 SO 3.75 13 9.50 7.00 8.00 8.23 8.00 8.00 J45 .43 .43 Ewes, good-choice do medium and good... ao common Spring lambs. gd-ch... do med-good a.oo 3.50 - 7.754 8.00 7.000 7.50 S.75 0 8.73 10.23010.50 . 9.25 010.00 Portland Grain Com. No. 2. EY ihimrwnt n ut- Ma 1 . . . . w. flax IM'. Cash wheat fhiril tit inVli. -a. soft white excluding Rex 78'i; white w wraiern re a tv. Mara red winter: ordinary 79; 11 per cent 84; 12 per cent 88; 13 per cent 92; 14 per cent 95. Hard white-Raart 11 rvv 1 nt. 13 per cent 1.05; 14 per cent 1.07. Today's car receipts: Wbeat 50; flour 8; hay 1; millfeed 3. Wool in Boston PORTLAND. Ore.. May 13 (AP wheat: Open HiKh Low Close May : 77, 77',, 77, 77, BOSTON. May 13 APmsrjA 1 Bept. ; : 80 80 80 80 I Australian and South American wools Csh rraln: OaU. No. 2. 38-lb. white, I were receiving a fair demand at firm 27.00; barley. No. 2, 45-lb. BW. 26tS; prices. The bulk of the business was Fx s f r e Crr.t American Broadcast," 20th Century-Fox's latest hit, stars Alice I 'aye. Jack Oakie, John Payne tad Cesar Eomero In a picture that fcaa been called the greatest musical of them alL It's the ray. taneful story f the courageous, talented people wh first filled the air waves with sons and laughter. The yietwe epena at the Grand ?"3n.e.n?.hal,-b,00(, trtAea although U and l blood South American wools fbo!er.CUT- territory wools ta original bags were selling occasion auy In moderate volume at 91 to SI. 03, feared basis. Coarser breeds of ter ritory wool received some Inquiries but K,Ter' ilow. Combing , and "i D.IOOal bright fleeces were moving occa sionally at around 4S cents, in the grease. Stocks and Bonds Complled by The United Press STOCK AVERAGES i s . . Indus Net change A j Tuesday . 66.j 13 13 Rails UtU D S Unch 17.4 30.6 17.8 : 30.6 16J 32.4 13 4 34.0 17J 35.5 13.4 30 J 60 Stks Unch 40.0 40.0 40.1 42J 45.0 39.1 Previous day 50.1 Month ago 56 J Year ago . 61 J 1941 high S3 J 1M1 low - S4.8 bond Averages ' , 20 -10 10 10 A tt(l T.. r.ji ' Net change Unch D a Unch A Jl Tuesdav ca a iiu a int it Previous day M.4 104.7 101 J 43.T mmia ago 104 J 101.0 43.4 Year ira a- v ini a 1941 high, 66 J 105 101.5 45.9 191 low 60.2 lots HO sa a U Q - -.'I ir. . . y Or. r. I. Lam, ND Dr. O. Chaa, ND J I DR. OIAN LAM Chinese Medtrtme C. 2U Nwth Liberty CpsUIrs Pertlxna General Elertrk C. Office opea Taesday ana Sat rday only 19 au t 1 6 te ' P- CeawUtattoa, Bleed pressure uut artae tests are tree ef ekarge. 23 Tears ta BBsntess! GraihPrices Show Rise Parity Loan Rate on Five Commodities ; Brings Advance CHICAGO. Mar iaPV-Stimn lated by a conference committee agreement on" 85 per cent of par ity loan rates on five agricultural commodities, era in and nrrwiulnn prices hiked briskly unward. Wheat advanced more than two cents a bushel and corn was up a cent at the start. ; i Later reactions unde or sales for collection of profits dropped wheat gains about a cent but considerable buying supported uie marcei and prices later ad vanced again. v I At the close, wheat was about ft cent under the day's hie-h le vels and 1H-2 cents above Mon day's finish, May 97U, July It was estimated in the wheat pit that farmers cooperating with me government s loan program would be assured a return of ap proximately 98 cents a bushel for wheat on farms and $1.15 a bu shel in Chicago. fj t Pupils End Year's Work .MARION -- The Crawford school will hold its closin dav and graduation exercises Fridav at 8 o'clock. t i H. R. Crawford. SalerrL. will be the speaker. Graduates are Rav mondr Foster and James- Clayton J3aDD. The school picnic will" be held at the home of the teacher. Mrs. Ethel Gulvin, Tuesday, l Berries Expected WOODBURNThe Ray Maling cannery will begin recpivinff strawberries between May 15 and 8, bupermtendent Carl Huber stated. The plant is now runnintr on rhubarb. I Convict Admits Slaying Heir ! - , . , i : F (A .h - . ' V - rf ; ; - ' " i ' L-f 4. ) V1' I-;A1 x'v-'.H i f ' ' j , - J lti mmmmmmmm , , m ,..,s , J ,,, X-MmH. .v-w.x 'irmS j Morris Slardavich Jane Casaldy PoUce In New York hold Morris Mardavich, 23, three times con victed as a robber, in connection with the slaying: of Harry V. Max well. 41-year-old heir to America's greatest billboard advertising: fortune, who was shot to death as he resisted a robbery attempt while seated in his car with Jane Cassidy, a model, on a New York street According to Assistant District Attorney Jacob Rosenblum. toe ex-convict confessed shooting: Maxwell when the Utter put un a light. MLsaCasslcry, 22, beard no shot and believed Maxwell bad ' v - - - fainted, r .- Wool Clip of Best Quality LEBANON The average an nual wool clip brought into Leb anon is aDoui u,uuu pounds, lnis year the clip is about as usual, a little lighter perhaps per fleece but of the best quality. The mild winter made a change of feed unnecessary. This shows in the wool for each change of feed causes a break in the wool. Such variation lowers the quality. Within another week all of the sheep on the prairie will be shorn. This is hearty two weeks ahead of the usual time for shear ing, the mild weather makes it urgent that it be completed. If a sheep with a heavy fleece gets down or over on its back it is likely to die unless help gets to It soon. " While the number of sheep in this -Vicinity is increasing some what buyers say the farms are carrying, nearly as many as they can and assure a continuous sup ply of green feed, without which the fleeces are of inferior grade. Second Farm Tour Set j Itinerary Arranged for Trip Sponsored by I Santiam Grange The second annual f arm tour sponsored by the Santiam Valley grange at Lyons is to be held on Saturday, reports L. E. Sletto, chairman of the agricultural com mittee. The tour will start at the grange hall at 'iZO a." m. : i Mr. Sletto states that English rye grass and chewines fescue will be seen at the Fred Bassett farm; A iweive grasses established on burned-over fern land will be viewed at the E. L. Rove farm: at Albert Julian's the group will see subterranean clover, tall fes cue, English rye grass and Reed canary. , Ross Kellogg, a 411 club mem- ber, will tell of his experience in steer feeding. Orvilie Downing will give st sheep dog demonstra tion. A modern hatchery will be inspected at Boyugtons. After the farm visits, the tour will go to the grange hall where the ladies will serve luncheon, Mr. Sletto said. I'The afternoon program will fea ture F. C Mullen, Linn county agent, Robert Redier, acting Mar icn county agent: H. A. Schoth. farm crops specialist,- US depart- menx oi agriculture, and A. S. lung, Oregon State college soils specialist, who will discuss the various crops and practices visited during the morning tour. All persons living in the east- Vegetables Go To Mart From Labisli Area " HAZE LG KEEN Lettuce and beets are bein marketed from Labish. Some strawberries arc being picked for the stores. The-r will beia to deliver to the can neries about the 13th. There is the prospect of a bumnr Marshalls. The flax, a new cron for this district,' is unusually tall for the season. Spinach, stock beets and ' rutabaga turnips for seed are doing nicely, Glen Looney dug up five acres of stock beets and replanted six acres, sefline the re maining plants. ... Service Disrupted WHEATLAND Telephone and electric service in th whuofio-j district I was disrunted K-,-, when the wind blew trees on live wtres.. ern part of Linn mnntv -,, southern Marion urged to participate in the tour. F0UIT GB0T7ERS 1 r OUR CASH PRICE Boysenberrles - ; 5C Gooseberries - " . Utthalls ;'yc Corvallls I. RedhearU -... Leranberries "r- xooncoernes Blackberries Contrart Haut Also need black and red Rasp. berries and Montmorency ' i Cherries Oregon Fruits Products Co. i WEST SALEM Hop Sale Reported Sale of 25,000 pounds of early and late cluster hops from the 65-acre Orey hopyard, 10 miles north of Salem at the south end of Mission Bottom, at 25 cents a pound was recorded Monday in Salem. The hops, purchased by S. S. Steiner, Inc., were sold by Adam Orey and William S. Wal ton. I There is no personal or business emergency which we cannot help yon meet with ! a conveniently, speedily arranged loan! Drop into our offices for full details ... : i . - STATE FINANCE CO. ... F0R MONEY IN A HTJRRY 344 SUte i. Phone 9261 Lie, S-21S M-222 THE LONE RANGER Behind a Lady's Smile TW rTEASyja BJTLOOKA PLEASE. MB. Snead ryvr) TtT"T DOTfT LOSE HEAD( TWT3vv?V7 4ADA LYNCHMOEi UMmvril PQLLY AND HER PALS I WtXIUDMT WVNT YOU GUI LTV OF) LEATMNG A LVNTM - L - By FRAN STRIKER fa JANE SM1L1N AT SNEAD LIKE THAT BEEN H HIVHL TIL. J MARRIED ME. RTA JANE'S CARRYi ina oLrriNSTRuc-i TOSS I GAVE HEM GET BACK -STOJA1L. Th CcmdY Kid 7 IArJ V NCW By CUFF STERRET SAT SUSe, rVWBsl V r DOKT MXJ OVPEs VUH PRESSED J I AV A SOstGLE. THESE PANTS ; J V 6VU-ABLE, SAMl. VUM--J .- MlCLtl MOUSE f 1 MACE A SPEOAi. PONT ) , YL, 1 V a NOT PILFERIN' VER. f I I WISW r P-A3t-rpXE POCXETS.' J - J TfWBCI-:' t- ! ""CUZ TWEV VVUZ A TAFFV BAR ONE Of "EM Hiding Bobind a Woman's Skirts By WALT DISNEY msA I OCT VTU? v rw KTTTr- ' r J sX,e . JT5 -(-.. MY UNCLEjJT oCS UTTLE ANNIE ROONEY ( ZkH M0KTY I SHOP 7 , f3 VOAZZHAVE. THIMBLE THEATrlEtccrrlngi PcjMy kwRS, JONES fJDS HER IT" BUT l Jl I J I DCfll I I mt w - r -'I EaTinG H rMKEXV-A9r ,l51AqviNG Il y j BRANDON WALSH YDUVE ONtV nNtSHEO OKZKUSEATi SOME MORE OR AAAWUJU THINK DUrX3NT UKtHEJ? , COOKJMGJ I WCV-WKADSLOIA-W1-U.DWWQ? SOAV-Vr KINDS OFMDCTl aist xju wasry tjjfftrEnT KINDS OP" VcjjCTABLE9 ITS CHJST UKE HMHf IUI 3WLLL LEMKrC AI I AT BOi-ED OlWNEl?, WidtIXBETCHA THE0E5 WOTVW4 BETTER TO EAT THAK1 MA'-S HEW EkhStAKT CT. , Tlrzte Mcrrches on GRAWDOfik'S BEEN IN rvOUR GRAJnDPA IS ATE3?R3E rrrri SMART AAAN MM WW yV TWFCF l-S t ---' I rMU. VrSTT THE LOOR AND J IS K ATUftrAKDMEAK?Tr PN JONES' LOCKER. AiKfT, THAT K-CE Ijucc. rerr? BUT WHAT 'f; -STOP i STAUJMa AKQ COME HCW DO 1 WKk-u vir. i dc 1 VJUMiN w '-UDONOT JRUSTWE?. I BACK? l-AERW UJFIL TAXE OUR VjtATCH, OP WAJKSfc. OJ REALIZE I MLraT CQrvC BnuC TO TJETLRMtTi -4 -34,tr5? HAD rIO IDEA ajT Mt SO j-ATE-iljf Ml m I !-,. v , J'!