The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 26, 1941, Page 5, Image 5

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    7hm 02EG0N STATTTl.IAiy. Calesu Oregon Eafamlay Morning, April 3. 1841
Local News Briefs
Ge to San 'Diego Paul Thomas
Durnin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Pe
ter Paid Durin, and Gilbert An
drew Noffsinger, son of Mrs. El
len S. Noffsinger, both of Salem,
have enlisted as apprentice sea
men and gone to the US naval
. training station at San Diego. Up
on the completion of an eight
weeks training course, they will
be sent to one of the navy trade
schools. Enlistments are now open
In all -branches of the navy for
men between the ages of 17 and
31, and in the naval reserves for
men between 17 and 50, accord
ing to Chief Quartermaster Rob
ert B. Fallon, US navy, Salem.
Appointment Delayed Ap
pointment of a successor to Ed L.
Johnson, Oregon City, member of
the state board of barber examin
ers, probably will not be an
nounced for at least a week or
10 days. Governor Charles A.
Sprague Indicated Friday. John
son died at Ashland recently. He
has served on the barber's board
for several years and his current
term would have expired March
2, 1943.
Lutz florist. P. 9592. 1276 N. Lib.
Only One Death There was
one fatality Iue to Industrial ac
cidents in Oregon during the
week ending April 24, the state
Industrial accident commission
announced Friday. ' The victim
was-Orlan- Daniel "McCulley, In
dependence logger. There were
812 industrial accidents reported
to the commission during the
Members Attend The Salem
Chess club continues to draw
,tood attendance of members,
nany coming in from the country
listricts. Chess players are wel
comed even though not affilliated
with club. Meetings each Mon
day evening at Episcopal parish
house on Chemeketa St
Safety of your savings Is Insured
at Salem Federal, 130 S. Liberty
Inventions, Bar Subject J. T.
Anderson, patent coordinator, will
discuss "The Protection of Inven
tions" at the monthly meeting of
the Marion County Bar associa
tion at Schneider's coffee shop to-
day noon, according to J. Ray
Rhoten, secretary. v
Funeral at Mt Abbey Fu
neral services for Martin William
Bell, 53, of Corvallis, former Sa
lem resident, will be held this
morning at 10 o'clock at the Mt.
Crest Abbey mausoleum under
the direction of - Keeney Funeral
home of Corvallis. He is surviv
ed by the widow," Pearl Emily
Bus boy wanted. The Spa.
James N. Burch, late Resident of
635 North High street, at a local
hospital Wednesday, April 23.
Husband of Mrs. Elnora Burch of
Salem; father of Mrs. Lillie Ben
jamin of Portland, Mrs. Britta
Averill, Mrs. Clemmie Lee Kitch
en, Mrs. Opal Graves and Herbert
Burch, all of Salem; brother of
Mrs. Effie Flack of Momstown,
Term., and William Burch of In
dependence. Also survived by two
grandchildren. Services will be
held Monday, April 28, at 10:30
a. m, from the Clough-Barrick
chapel. Interment in Belcrest
Memorial park.
At Corvallis, Tuesday, April 22,
Martin William Bell, aged 53
Husband of Pearl Emily Bell, for
mer resident of Salem and with
the Douglas McKay Chevrolet
company. Service s Saturday,
April 26, at 10 a. m, from Mt
Crest Abbey mausoleum and cre
matorium Salem, under the di
rection of the Keeney Funeral
home of Corvallis.
Efvin W.'rierr,' at his residence,
route two, Silverton, Thursday,
April 24, at the age of 53 years.
Survived by wife, Mrs. Ida Herr,
Silverton: two daughters. Miss
El da Herr of Silverton, and Mrs
Marjorie Riensche of Albany;
three sons, Ralph, Ray and Clar
ence, all of Silverton; sister, Mrs
Leona Witzel of Salem; three
rrandchildren. Services will be
held Saturday,. April 26r at 2 pm.
at the Emanuel Mennonite church,
Pratum, Rev. Daniel J. Unruh of
ficiating. Concluding services in
Pratum cemetery, direction of
Clough-Barrick company.
In this city, Thursday, April 24,
Willette Winn Glenn, aged 60
years, late resident of Marion, Ore.
Husband of Ethel Mae Glenn and
fa the of Martha, Lela and Winnie
Glenn, all of Marion; brother of
Fred Glenn of Marion, CP, Glenn
of Smith Center, Kans., and Mrs.
Delle Pyle of Boulder, Cola Fu
neral services will be held in the
chapel of the W. T. Rigdon com
pany, Monday, April 28 at 1:30
pjn. Concluding services in City
Vit'w cemetery. , ... ;
AjCP ' - ' '
Mrs. Mary E, Harp, late resi
dent of 830 S. 14th street, at a
local hospital Friday, April 25.
Wife of William H. Harp of Sa
lem; mother of Mrs. Reva'Bern
acchi, . Miss Beulah Harp, Fred
and Ted, all of Salem; sister of
Mrs. J. M. Sandifer and Mrs. L.
F. Toney, both of Salem; one
brother, Gilbert Little, Kingfish
er, Okla. Services Monday, April
23 at 1:30 pm. In Clough-Barrick
chapel. Rev. Guy , L. Drill of
ficiating. Concluding, services Itt
Belcrest Memorial " park. i
Coming Events
May 2. 1 May weekend at
Willamette university. - ""
May 4-11 National Hoi le
week celebration.
. . May 11 Mother's day. . , .
May 16 to IS B07 Scant
council Camporee at Silverton
' park. - : v ':
June 5 Salem Ugh school
Jane 7 Willamette univer
sity commencement.
Blake Seattle Trip Deputy
Sheriff L. L. Pittinger left Fri
day for Seattle in "company with
Mrs. Florence Reeves, Marlon
county probation officer, to ob
tain custody of Rose Marie Dono
van, who deserted her home here
a month ago. The girl's mother
accompanied them.
Highgrade Furniture Auction
Tuesday. See classified section
Quits Local Jail Donald P.
Foster, Klamath Falls, was re
leased Friday from the Marion
county jail after serving one day
when he was unable to pay a
$5 fine for driving his car with
out a rear view mirror. He paid
the remaining $3 of his fine. He
appeared before Justice II. Over
ton of Woodburn.
Young Being- Considered F. H.
Young, Portland, connected with
the Oregon Tax Research bureau,
is being considered for a place on
the 18 -man Interim committee of
the 1941 legislature to study Ore
gon's tax setup and methods for
attracting new industries to Ore
gon, it was reported here Friday.
Azaleas, rhododendrons; fruit tree
sale. H. L. Pearcy Nursery, 245
Court St
Water Projects Near - Digging
of ditches and laying of pipe by
WPA labor will start simultan
eously on May 7 for water system
projects at Silverton and Salem
Heights, G. R. Boatwright, district
engineer, announced Friday. The
Salem Heights project has been
allocated $9605 and the Silverton
job $7637.
Girl Breaks Arm Delores
Griffin, 1062 West Elm street,
West Salem, sustained a double
fracture of the right arm Friday
when she fell after being pushed
by another student at the West
Salem grade school on the school
playground!. Salem first aid men
gave emergency treatment.
Bus boy wanted. The Spa.
Speaks at Monmouth Mrs. Ag
nes C. Booth, Marion county
school superintendent, spoke Fri
day at a supervisors' meeting held
on the Oregon College of Educa
tion campus at Monmouth. She
was accompanied by Jack Kenne
dy, county school supervisor.
Permits Granted Building
permits were Issued Friday to W.
F. Loewn to alter dwelling at
1520 Trade street, $20; Mrs. Hi
Snook to repair dwelling at 1097
South Liberty street, $35; D. E.
Cooper to repair dwelling at 530
Hood street, $10.
Spring wall paper. Ma this Bros.
No Host Dinner Set The
Michigan club is planning a no
host dinner at the D. D. Olm
stead home, 245 Union, at 12:30
p. m. Sunday. All Michigan peo
ple are invited and asked to bring
their own table service.
Discuss Float Entry Meeting
with the Cherrian drum corps
Tuesday night, the council of no
bles of the organization will dis
cuss the question of sending a
float to the Portland Rose festival
parade this June.
Rummage. 433 Ferry. Fri., Sat
Call Is Small The Salem lo
cal board will have its smallest
draft call May 5 when only one
selectee will report for induction
into the army. Irving Clyde Hart
son, registered here but resident
in Baker, is the one.
Hearing Continues C I r c u i t
Judge L. G. Lewelling Friday
continued hearing of the case of
C. C. Russell and wife against
Otto Russell and wife, in which
cancellation of a real property
conveyance is sought
To Convention Dr. and Mrs.
J. D. Vinyard motored to Seattle
Friday afternoon to attend a two
day convention of the Chiropo
dists of the Pacific Northwest
They plan to return Sunday.
Meadows Special
Sunday din-
Chlcaro Man Here A. T. Flynn
of Chicago, canned goods manager
of Reid Murdoch and company,
is in Salem for several days and
is visiting the local branch. He
is registered at the Marion hotel.
Church Features
Art Sketches
On Sunday evening Rev. W.
Irvin Williams, pastor of the First
Presbyterian church, will present
the second in a series of interpre
tive sketches of masterpieces of
Christian art.
He wiU teU the story of the
painting of Christ In Gethsemane
as painted by Hofman. His ser
mon topic for the evening will
be "Ask What You WiU.! Special
music wUl be furnished by the
young people's choir and a solo
In My Father's House Are Many
Mansions," sung, by Florence
MaxfieldV Virginia Ward Elliott,
director " of music, will lead the
congregation in singing, accom
panied on the pianos by , Moody
and Esthel Benner. - t
In Concert
First Evangelical church will present the a eappella choir of Cascade
college, Portland, at 7:30 'dock. Under the direction of Prof. W. R.
HaUnoan,' they will give an evening of hymns, choruses and negro
. spirituals.' The choir recently returned from a tour through south
. ern Oregon and California. Six members are graduates of Salem
high school, Marjorie Friesen. Carolyn Campbell, Eleanor ParnelL
Lyle Leach, Leo Thornton and Fred Schroeder. The public is invit
ed. An off ering will be taken.. ; . J-
Baptism Set
For Sunday
Baptisms will again be the fea
ture at the morning service of
worship Sunday In the Calvary
Baptist church The pastor. Rev.
Arno Q Weniger, will administer
the ordinance of believers bap
tism before he speaks on "Lessons!
from the Soil."
The choir, under the direction
of E. D. Lindburg, will sing with
Miss Doris Schunke at the organ.
The pastor's subject for the eve
ning deals with a post-Easter at
titude of the diciples and Is en
titled, "Star-Gazers." This mes
sage Is preceded by a singspira
tion. Women May Take Over
Desks, at Hotels
PORTLAND, April 25-JP)-The
possibility that women soon may
man hotel desks was suggested
here Friday by Orion E. Land
mark, international president of
the Hotel Greeters of America.
Male employes are leaving their
jobs "in droves," he said, for ar
mament industries or the armed
forces. Landmark was here for
the northwest regional convention
of his organization.
Church Services
Mission between 12th and Univer
sity streets, A. S. Henderson, pastor.
1153 Mission street, residence, sunaay
school 10 a.m.. Rev. Laurin Burton
Baldwin. DD, will preach at 11 o'clock,
Christian Endeavor. 6 JO pjn.: eve
ning service. 7:30 pjn.: midweek pray
er service, 7:30 pan. Wednesday.
r-nrner Cotta?e and snipping sireeis.
Bible study. 10 a.m.: preaching. 11
m irmon toDic. "Purified Hearts
communion, 11:45 ajn.; young peoples
class. 7 pjn.: preaching. 8 P-m.. subject
Salvation Dy uiooa. oioic nuuy h
Wednesday. 7:30 p.m.
Rv s Rsvnor smith, pastor, i-nurcn
school. 9:49 a.m. with classes for all
grades ana aauits. Moramg worwuii
service. 11 o'clock:. Leagues. o:au p.m.;
worship service. 7 JO pjn.
rom Marion and summer streets,
t?v Jama E. Camnbeu. minister, jut-
nest Friesen. minister of music. Sun
day school. 8:45 a.m., Wilson Launer,
supt. Morning worship. 11 o'clock, ser
mon, The Divine Call." Sunday the
a eappella choir of Cascade college.
Portland, will give a sacrea concert
at 7 JO p.m. Bible study and prayer
service Thursday, 7 JO pjn.
South Commercial at Washington
street. Dillon W. Mills, pastor. Sunday
school. 10 a.m.; meeting for worship
II a.m sermon. "Juae warns or mock
ers. Creeping Critics and Filthy
Dreamers." Christian Endeavor, 6:45
p.m.: evangelistic service, 7:30 p.m.
Church night supper and monthly
business session, Thursday SJO p.m.
460 North Cottage street. Sunday
school. 10 ajn.: evening services. 6:30
p.m. Relief society, 2 p.m. Tuesday.
Corner of Highland avenue and
Church street. Herman H. Macy, mtn
ister. Sunday school. 10 a.m.: morning
church service, 11 a.m. Congregational
singing and special music by a mixed
quartet, sermon topic, "The VaUey of
Decision." Senior and Junior CE at
6 JO p.m. Evening servioe. 7:30 p.m.;
prayer and praise service, Thursday,
7:30 pjn.
Corner Marlon and Liberty streets,
Irving A. Fox. DD, minister. Bible
school, 9:45 a.m. with classes for all
aaes. Moraine worshio. 11 ajn "Work
ing with Others." pastor. Senior BYPU
high school BYPU and Volunteers, 6:19
p.m. Gospel meeting, 7 JO p.m., "The
Seven Vials. Revelation IS and 18,
pastor. Ordinance of scriptural bap
tism to be administered. Wednesday,
7 JO pjn. midweek meetingHCor prayer
and praise led by Dr. Fox.
(Hayesville Branch)
One mile north of city limits on
Portland highway. Bible school. 9:45
ajn. with classes for all ages, Dewey
Davis, supt. BYPU, 6:15 pjn Mr. and
Mrs Leon Lambert, advisors.
Chemeketa and North Winter streets
Rev. W. Irvin Williams, pastor. Church
school, 9:45 a.m.. worship, 10:55 a.m.,
message by pastor. "Theme He Giv
eth Power." anthem. "Prayer." Solo,
Violet Carter. -'Grateful. Oh Lord Am
I." CE groups meet at 6:30 o'clock.
Services at 7 JO p.m.. pastor. Topic,
"Ask What You Will." -solo. "In My
Father's House Are Many Mansions,
sung by Florence Maxfleld. Choir
practice, Wednesday, 7 JO pjn.: prayer
service. Thursday, 7 JO p.m. Boy Scout
troop. No. S Tuesday. 7:30 pjn.
Center and High streets Guy TU Drill,
minister. Church school. 9:30 a jti..
morning worship. 10:45 ajn. Commun
ion of the Lord's Supper to which all
believers are invited. Message by pas
tor on "A Danger Point in Christian
Discipleship." Children's church. 10:45
ajn. for children under 12. Mrs. Guy
L. Drill, nun ister; message theme,
"Freedom Bondage." Young people of
Christian Endeavor meet at 6:15 p.m,
Evangelistic service, 7 JO p.m featur
ing old-time song service with special
numbers by choir. sermon theme. A
Modern. Message From an Ancient
Epitaph." . ,
South Commercial and Myers streets.
Dean C. Poind ex ter. minister. . Sunday
school. 9:45 ajn.: morning worship, 11
o'clock, sermon.. "Impelled to Give."
text, "Will a Man Rob God?" Leagues
6 JO p.m. Leoniwe Pogue will lead de
votions for Uie junior nign league
and Miss He Urn Acheson will speak
on "Fellowship with Ireland. -Kev.
Jesse W. Bake).- will apeak at the 7 JO
p.m. service. He will show pictures
and teU of rural missionary ; work in
Ferry and , 13th streets. Sunday
school. 9:45 aJTi. Young people's ser
vice. 6 JO p.m. Revival services with
Evangelist J. . S. McConneU. 11 a.m.
and 7:45 pjn and continuing nightly
at the same, liour excepting Monday
Prayer meeting. 2 pjn. Wednesday.
Here Sunday
Christian Home
Series Slated
Scheduled to start Sunday eve
ning, the First Methodist church
announces In Its University Ves
pers a study of "The Christian
Home" love, courtship and mar
riage. Sunday evening the' Rev.
Roy A. Fedje, Astoria pastor and
head of Suttle Lake Institute, will
highlight the course.
Other leaders to come on the
following Sunday evenings include
Dr. O. Chambers, psychiatrist of
Oregon State college, and Dr.
James T. Matthews, Willamette
university. The studies will be at
6:30 pjn. In the carrier parlor
for University students and young
adults of the community.
At the morning service Sunday
Dr. J. C. Harrison will preach the
second In the series of sermons
on "The Church," the subject
Sunday being "The Church In My
Country." The Cathedral choir,
led by Dean Melvin Geist, will
sing "Praise the Lord All the
Nations." In the evening Rev. Roy
A. Fedje will be guest speaker
on "Personal Evangelism" with a
trio number "Praise Ye" to be
sung by Miss Ruth Bedford, Ron
ald Craven and Mark Waltz. Miss
Helen Dean will sing the solo
"Teach Me to Pray." The public
is invited.
19th and Breyman streets. Rev. Stew
art G. and Juanita M. Billings. Sunday,
9:45 ajn.. Sunday school; 11 a.m.,
morning worship hour Rev. Stewart
G. Billings speaking on "Complete In
Christ;" 6:30 pjn., young people's
meetings; 7:45 p.m., evangelistic ser
vice, message by pastor, "Eternity."
Tuesday, 7:45 p.m., prayer and praise
service; Wednesday, all day fellowship
meeting of all Foursquare churches of
Columbia district; Friday, 7:45 p.m,
midweek Bible study service.
Miller and South Liberty streets.
Rev. Amo Q. Weniger. pastor. Sunday
services as foUows; Bible school, 9:45
ajn., departments and classes for all
ages. Morning worship, 11 o'clock, ser
mon topic, ' Lessons from the Soil;"
ordinance of believer's baptism will be
administered. Young people's meetings
6:30 pjn. Evening worship, 7 JO p.m-,
sermon topic, "Star-Gazers." Prayer
and praise meeting Wednesday, 7 JO
Chemeketa and Liberty streets. Sun
day school at 11 a.m. Services at 11
a.m. and 8 p.m. Lesson-sermon, "Pro
bation After Death." Wednesday eve
ning meeting at 8 includes testimonials
of healing through Christian science,
Public reading room at 305 Masonic
building open daily except Sunday ll
a.m. to 9 pjn.; Wednesday to 7 jo p.m,
(Missouri Synod)
16th and A streets, H. W. Gross, pas
tor. Sunday school and Bible class 9
ajn. Services, 10 a.m.
Bible school, 10 a.m., worship hour
11 a.m.. sermon theme. Added to.
Young people, both senior and junior,
7 pjn.: evening service, o p.m.. ser
mon. "The Birth of a Church In the
Lord." Bible study and prayer Wed
nesday evening, v. w. jones, minis
North Summer and Hood streets,
N. C. Emtson, pastor. Sabbath school
Satuday, SJO a.m.. p. J. Re linings.
sunt. Preaching at 11 ajn.: Elder J. t
Wright from Africa will be guest
speaker. In the evening at B he win
show pictures of African life. Young
peoples meeting at 3 JO pjn, prayer
and Bible study Wednesday 8 pjn,
subject, "The Great Red Dragon.1' of
Rev. 12. Sunday night lecture at 8
o'clock. Many Questions will be an
swered. You are Invited to come and
bring your questions. Singing begins
at i :m p.m.
State and 18th streets. F. H. Theur
er, DD, pastor. Sunday school. 10 a.m.
Otto Gronke, supt. Divine services. 11
ajn, "The King of Love My Shepherd
Is. German services, 9 ajn. cnou re
hearsal. Thursday, 7 JO pjn. Confirma
tion class. Saturday, 9 jn.
Corner of North Hazel and Academy
streets. Rev. James T. Martin, .pastor.
Sunday services: Bible school. 10 ajn,
morning worship, 11 ajn, "The Church
Manifest in the Age of Grace." Special
arte moon meeting, with ur. wiuiara
G. Everson, president of Linfield col
lege, McMinnville, as guest speaker,
and a group of Linfield students, who
will offer special musical numbers;
BYPU. 7 pjn.; evening gospel meet
ing, 7 JO pjn.- with deacons of the
church in charge. Prayer meeting,
Thursday. 7 JO pjn.
Robert A. Hutchinson, minister.
Church school. 9:45 ajn. in YMCA, Dr.
William C Jones, sunt. Worship ser
vice with sermon and special music at
11 ajn. in Grand theatre.
North Cottage and D streets. J. F.
Olthoff, DD. pastor Bible school, 9:49
ajn, Arnold Frey, supt. Worship at
ii ajn, sermon.- ine moiv spirit in
the Church." Evening service, 7 JO
o'clock, sermon. "The Love of Christ."
Leland Friesen. student of the Western
Baptist Theloligacl seminary,- Portland,
will bring both messages. BY groups
meet at SJO p.m. Prayer and praise
Wednesday, 7:43 p.m.
Corner State and Church streets. Dr.
J. C Harrison, minister; . Miss Ruth
Cramer, director of religious educa
tion. Church school, 9:43 a.m.; nursery
11 ajn.: morning worship. 10 JO o clock
with Dr. Harrison preaching on "The
Church. In My Country." Cathedral
choir will sing "Praise the Lord All
Ye Nations." Intermediate and high
school, leagues and University vespers
SJO p.m. Evening worship, 7:45 o'clock
with Kev. Hoy A. i eaie. Astoria nn-
odist church, bringing the sermon on
Personal Evancelism." miss r neien
Dean . will siitg "Teach Me to Pray"
ajd a trio will sing "Praise Ye." - .
Lowell Gilger. pastor. Services at
WCTU halL Commercial and ; Ferry
streets. Sunday, 2 JO and 7:45 pjn.
prayer service Wednesday, : 4 : pjn.
at .1587 North Winter street. , - -PENTECOSTAL
420 State street. Sunday school. 10
ajn.: worshin. 11 a.m.: evangelistic
services. 7:45 p.m. Tuesday, at 7:45
Marion Grand Jury Expected to
Malte Report on Secret Inqiiiry
After Hearing Wednesday
r The Marion county grand- jury, In aU -"probability,-will not
report bef ore next Wednesday; at the earliest; Miller B. Hayden,
district attorney; stated Friday-,3 : S - '-1
: y He indicated that the grand jury, which Friday resumed ses
sions dropped after a meeting. last
Monday, would have' one or more
witnesses' to' interrogate next
Wednesday In connection with the
secret matter, which it : has . had
under 'Consideration tot. he a r 1 y
two. weeks. Witnesses from out Of
the city, wUl not be available be
fore, that, time," ; !
After hearing the. testimony of
the final witnesses, the jury wiU
weigh the results of its entire
inquiry,', hear the legal advice of
District Attorney Hayden and his
deputy, Talbot Bennett, and then
seek to reach a conclusion to re
port to the circuit court
Hayden . Indicated Friday that
it could not be stated definitely
whether the final conclusian " of
the jury would : be forthcoming
Wednesday, or whether additional
time would be required.
cntcurr court
Gilbert H. Benjamin vs. Mabel
A. Benjamin; motion of plaintiff
seeking to have portions of ans
wer and cross complaint of de
fendant made' more certain;
piainuirs counter-aindavit re-
Citing reasons for his Inability to
make payments as requested.
Richard D. and Manning A.
Gallagher guardianship; John R,
McCullough named' guardian ad
litem ' In connection . with case of
F. A. , and Nellie B. .Theuer vs.
M. W.' Gallagher, and others '
Emma Rentchler vs. Duane W.
and Thelma E. Griffith; order of
dismissal. .
S. Z. Spitler vs. C D. and
Florence B. Courtnier; judgment
for $1480 . and costs, . attorney's
fee and interest.
Israel Booth estate; inheritance
tax receipt for $30.26.
Harvey S. Bond estate; author-
pjn. the pastor will give the opening
welcome address of the Emmanuel
coast conference, which will convene
at 155 South Liberty street. Ministers
and laymen from churches through
out Oregon, Washington and Idaho
will be present for the fourIay ga
thering. Services three times daily on
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at
10 a.m.; a p.m. ana i -o p.m Ministers
of experience and national recogni-
ipeak at each service.
. The
invited to attend. George
Eads, pastor,
Corner Winter and Market streets.
David L. , Fenwick minister. Sunday
school, 9:45 ajn.; worship. It a.m.;
young people's service, 7 pjn.; evan
gelistic service, 7:45 p.m. Midweek
?rayer ana cuss meeting Wednesday,
:45 pjn. - - .-- -
Church street between Chemeketa
and Center streets. Rev. p. W. Xriksen,
pastor. 9:45 ajn, Sunday school.
class for every age, Oscar LludahL
supt.; 11 ajn, morning worship: Call
to worship, "The Lord is in His Holy
Temple." choir: "Father Again in Je
sus Name," choir; "The Common Serv
ice," scripture and prayer; anthem
oy me cnoir, Mara: waits, airector,
Offertory, "Morning Gladness," Mau
rice w. Brennen. organist; sermon,
"What Then Should We Do With Je
sus?" Closing prayer and benediction.
This service may be heard over KSLM
from 11-12 o'clock; 8 JO pjn. Young
People's sevice, Luther League devo
tions; s p.m, Wednesday, cnoir re'
North Capitol and Marion streets.
Edwin Horstman, pastor. Sunday
scnooi, 10 ajn, f Ted JC jtruse, supt.;
worship, 11 ajn, "Spiritual Defense."
Christian Endeavor, 8 pjn. The young
people of the Japanese mission will
meet with the young people of Be-
tnany cnurcn ana win conduct the de
votional meeting. Felowship period In
cnurcn dining room alter meeting.
19th and Ferry streets. Howard C.
Stover, minister. Morning service, 11
o'clock. Sermon, "The Prophet's
Dream. Evening service, 7 JO, sermon.
"The Best Is Yet to Be." Sunday
school. 10 ajn.; young people, SJO pjn.
Men's club, Monday, 7 pjn, speaker.
Superintendent Frank Bennett.
(Progressive Psychic)
Meet at 248 North Commercial street
2:30 and 7 JO p.m. Speaker, Rev. Lula
Mlttlestadt, Portland.
Gaines street at 5th one block east
of Broadway. H. E. Snavely, pastor.
S45 a.m, Sunday school: 11 o'clock,
worship. The young people will have
charge of the service at 730 ojn.
John 3:16 will be the subject for the
evening, oiviaea into three tonics.
There will be special music The mis
sionary band will meet Tuesday, 2 pjn.
Wednesday Bible study and prayer,
7:30 Ti.m. Friday choir practice at the
church at 7:45 pjn.
Hood and Cottage streets. 7Rv. J. TP.
Lawson. pastor. Sunday school will
open, at v:u -a.m, preaching, 11 ajn.
Rev.-Lester A. Crose. a returned mis
sionary from Siera. will speak. Young
People's meeting. SJO pjn. Prayer and
praise service Wednesday, 7:30 pjn.
315', North Commercial rtrt " Sun
day services: Bible school, a p.m.: de
votional. 3 p.m.f evangelistic 7 JO pjn.
Saturday night Brother Hans Hansen
will bring the message. Monday will
be the fellowship meeting; many are
coming from different points. AIL are
welcome. Services will be 2 JO and
7 JO pjn. with lunch between. Tues
day, prayer meeting. 7 JO pjn.: Thurs
day, divine healin. 7 JO nm J. CL and
Daisy Wilson, pastors.
v 17th and fV.urt ift, W u I nrMil.
minister. Bible school, assembly,- S:43
ajn., morning worship ana commun
ion.' 10:50 ajn.. sermon. "The KinA
of - a Person That God - Can - Bleas.-
Christlan Endeavor meeting. SJO pjn,
evening service. 7:30 p.m., , sermon.
Three TAuIm rr rii-itii-l TT-.lfh
Midweek service. Thursday, 7 JO pjn.
1 Have Some Slightly
-V :.. -Used Furniture : T
Consisting'of: r
2 living room v sets, 2 dinette
sets, 3 bedroom sets and vari
ous other pieces. This furniture
is in very good condition and
is-clean. Jo-' ;r? 7 V;;-"--;
Will Sell at Grtallr Btduccd
Pries) for Cash.
See Ed : Ammann between 9
ajn. and 5 p.m. any day this
week. 512 State SL, New Bligh
Bidg. , :
Ity for distribution of $72.03 to
Elpha Bond; $38.52 to Leland J.
Bond and $36.52 to Charles A.
Bond, and of stock in . Turner
Telephone company among same
parties, . , . .' -
Fannie Neckerman estate; final
account of Mary E.' Rogers, - ad
ministratrix, shows - receipts of
$3198.68, disbursements of $695.40
and balance, $2503.20.
Frederick William Miller, In
toxicated on " public highway,
pleaded guilty and . case contin
ued to May 3 at 2 pjn.
Mazie Peterson, intoxicated
on public highway, continued to
today, defendant released on $23
Florence Stallcope, failure to
stop; fined $2.50. '
Paul Burris, failure to stop;
fined $2.50. "
Lead Service
Dr. A. Vazakas and the Wil
lamette university prayer group
are slated to lead an Inter-denominational
prayer service
Thursday at 8 p. m. at Waller
hall on the campus.
to think that ) .
f OF HER OWN 7 fM& m
Yes, and she wants it badly! Of course the Baby
frerself is too young to care but what will j the neighbors
think of a little girl without a name? But like so many
parents, they just don't know what to name her. Will
you help? Just read the simple rules and you may win
(1) Print me write plainly en a piece of
psoar your choke of a Bam for BlondVs
baby daughter and complete this
2 think this nam is suitable for the fceby
becsu. .... Tha atntsnoi
should contain not saore than 33 words.
(2) Do not enter mors than one aasM and
eaa sentence ia this contest.
0)T It elifiilt emtriet must it mmUJL
htjort miJnight, Wtintti, Apr 3 39,
1941, P. O. Bra t, Crmtd Ctntrd A
Kx, Ne York City. (
(4) Neatness, suitability and ariginality
f thought and expression, as well as the
bam, will be the dettrmtning factors in
awtrdinf tha prist of flOO.
(3) Any resident of tha United States or
Canada may compete, with the tseeptioa of
employee l this paper er membert f
their tsmilirs.
CO The prix. wiS be awarded as ooa
after April 30th as the judglDg his bcea
fioishad. Duplicate prizes will be awarded
la cast of tics. Ths iads!oa of the Jud24
h aaLTht Judges an Chic Yooag, Beatrice
Fairfax, lots Rebb and Dr. A. 8. Daea.
Guest Speaker
Linfield Prexy
Here Sunday
President William G. Everson,
Linfield college, McMinnville,
will be a guest speaker In Salem
Sunday at 3 pjn. at the Immanuel
Baptist church. North Hazel and
Academy streets. He served as
pastor of the First Baptist church,
Portland, before assuming presi
dency of Linfield college In 1938.
With Dr. Everson will come a
group of Linfield students to of
fer special musical numbers. In
the group are Evelyn Varney,
June ' Bruce, Edward Wade, and
Kenneth Williams, who will ren
der several mixed quartet vocals,
and Edna Lehman, their accom
panist. Kenneth Williams will sing
several solos.
There's nothing complicated
about it and you have as good
a chance as anybody But do
it right away, please. The con
test ends in just a few days!-
(laity i$
School Healtli
CLinic Slated
The Marion county department
of health has scheduled a pre
school clinic for Wednesday af
ternoon at the Swegle school at
1:30 o'ciock. Children from Au
burn, Bethel, Rickey, pratum,
Firultland, Hazel Green, Middle
Grove.and'Oakridge school dis
tricts will be examined. Miss Eer
nice Skinner Is In charge of ar
rangements. "r A physical , examination clinic
was held at St Joseph's school ti
week with pr. Vernon A. Doug
las examining 58 children. Four
teen of this group were found to
be free from defects. Twenty
three of the students had been
Immunized against diphtheria and
27 against smallpox, which Is a
low percent. The major defects
were nose, throat and teeth. Four
teen had already had teeth cor
rections and 15 had their tonsils -removed.
Miss Irma Plett was the.
nurse In charge, j '
Male Choir to Sing
-Half Cures" will be the ser
mon topic at Brooks Community
church Sunday. The male choir
will sing. On May 4 Dr. James
T. Matthews, of -Willamette uni
versity, will speak on "The Chris
tian Family , Sunday school be
gins at 10 a. m.; morning servioe,
11 a. m. Rev; Glenn Olds Is min
ister. - .