The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 23, 1941, Page 6, Image 6

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Th OSEGON CTATECMAlf. Cdeza, Oregon, WcInasdaY Morning, April 23. 1841
AAUW Tea at
Ross Home
On Saturday's calendar is the
spring fellowship tea of the Sa
lem branch, American Associa
tion of University Women. The
. affair will be held at the home
of Mrs. Custer Ross on Cross
Street and calling hours are
from 2 to 5 o'clock.
All members of the AAUW
and those eligible for member
ship are invited o attend the af
fair. At three o'clock a fellow
ship pageant will be given with
Mrs. Herbert Rahe directing.
Mrs. Ellen Fisher will greet
the guests at the door and in the
receiving line will be Mrs. El
mer Berg, president of the Sa
lem branch. Miss Beryl Holt,
state president of AAUW, Mrs.
Custer Ross and Mrs. Charles
Mingling with the guests in
the living room will be Mrs. J.
Lyman Steed, Mrs. John A. Jel
derks, Mrs. Phillip E. Barrett,
Mrs. Chester Luther, Mrs. Verne
Bain; Mrs. Milo Rasmussen, and
other members of the executive
Mrs. Helen Webster- Beelar
will invite guests into tea and
Mrs. G rover C Bellinger is in
charge of the dining room. Those
who have been asked to preside
at the tea urns are Mrs. I J.
Taylor and Mrs. Harry C. Keen
ey of Monmouth, Mrs. George
Allen and Mrs. L. O. Clement.
Assisting in the serving will be
Mrs. William Dashney, Mrs.
James Stone, Mrs. James An
derson and Mist Virginia Ben
dikson. e
Members Aftend
1 The Rebekah district conven
' tion was held at Scotts Mills Sat
urday. Those attending from Sa
lem lodge were Mr. and Mrs. R.
G. Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. C.
A. Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. Marion
Curry, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walk
er, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Engstrom,
Mrs. Hannah Beard, Mrs. Olive
Gritton, Mrs. Myrtta Tyrell, Mrs.
Carrie Litterick, Mrs. Mabel
Gardner, Mrs. Christine Clau
dek, Mrs. Lora Groves, Mrs. El
sie Papenfus, Mrs. Victoria Stif
fler, Mrs. Pearl Swanson, Miss
Wiida Seigmund, Mrs. Louisa
King, Mrs. Elsie Townsend.
Mrs. Leila Ohlsen, Mrs. Coral
McNeill, Miss Verda Olmsted,
Mrs. Dorothy Hauge, Mrs. Jus
tina Kildee, Mrs. Bessie Ed
wards, Mrs. Sarah Harter, Mrs.
Josephine Erickson, Mrs. Goldie
Kyle, Miss Frances Kyle, Mrs.
Ida Traglio, Mrs. Lola McFar
lane, Mr. and Mrs. George Na
derman. Miss Dorothy Estes,
Mrs. Alice Adams, Mrs. Jennie
Willis, Mrs. Anna Hunsaker and
Mrs. Minnie Hughes.
Mrs. Smith to
For Thursday afternoon Mrs.
H. G. Smith has arranged a
smartly appointed luncheon at
her Center street home. The
honor guest will be Mrs. S. R. G.
Rodriguez of Corvallis.
Covers will be placed for 20
guests and contract bridge will
i be in play during the afternoon.
Arrangements of spring flowers
will be used about the guest
rooms and on the luncheon ta
bles. ,
An event of tonight will - be
the second annual Spinsters dec
orated tables display at the Ma
rion 'hotel from 8 to 10 o'clock.
The interested public is invited
to attend the show with proceeds
to be used for philanthropic
work of the group.
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Barn! Dance
Slated for
A gala event of Friday night
for members of the Lions club
will be the barn dance at St Jo
seph's hall from to 12 o'clock.
The auxiliary members, with
Mrs. C F. Putnam in charge of
arrangements, are hostesses for
the affair.
The guests will be dressed in
barn costumes and prizes will be
awarded to men and women. Mr.
Leo Reimann will be the old
fashioned constable and Mr. C
F. Putnam the master of cere
monies. Edwards old time music will
play for dancing and a country
lunch will be served during the'
evening. Mrs. Putnam and her
committee members will provide
several acts of entertainment
during intermission.
Maccabees, Capital lodge Ne.
84D, will meet at Fraternal tem
ple Thursday night at 8 o'clock.
The initiatory degree will be
given to several candidates. Re
freshments will be served in the
dining room and April birthdays
will be honored. The committee
includes Mrs. Laura Douglas,
chairman, Mr. and Mrs. O. Laf -fingwell,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles
, Lash and Mrs. Edith Strang.
Program Given
At Academy
The music pupils of Sacred
Heart academy will have a ser
ies of programs in the assembly
hall in the next few weeks. Two
are scheduled for this week. The
first four grades will appear on
Thursday, and the intermediate
grades on Friday.
Thursday's program includes:
Partner, Come Dane With Me
. Humperdinck
first grade chorus
At Dancing School. .Peitsch
Piano, Josephine Hayes
Pickin the Banjo Wright
Piano, Robert Donnelly
Summer in the Tree-top Forest
Piano, Stacia McKendry
Dream Fairies Churchill -Grindell
Concordia Laetitia Gregorian
Second and third grade chorus
Sand Man's Coming Richter
Piano, Dolores Gottfried
Lost Mia Bang
Violin. Philip Ford
Little Boat Song Ketterer
Piano, Dorothy Kay MacKerrfle
The Trotting Pony Watson
Piano. Frankie Lebold
Midnight Waltz . Mansfield
riano. Sharon CJorlev
Petite Valse . .Robinson
Harp, Francis Windishar
Climbing MacLachlan
Piano. Asa Robinson
Jolly Thoughts Crammond
Piano, Carolie Coffey
Minuet Mozart
Duet. Francis and Jo Ann Windishar
Dream Waltz. Carl Vogt
Violin. Robert Donnelly
Pomp and Pageantry. Cobb
Piano, Dean Paulus
Vienes Melody Kreisler-Thompson
Piano. John Elliot
Fairyland Music , Piaget
Piano. John Elliot
I Have a Uttle Shadow Stevenson
Adoro Te Gregorian
Fourth grade chorus
Accompanists: Joan Brennan. Cyn
thia Needham. Thomas Ford, Do
lores Brennan.
Ladies of GAR with Mrs. Mabel
L. Traglio. 807 South Commercial ,
street, t to 4 pjn.
AAUW Interior decoration class.
With Mrs. VirgU T. Golden, 2895
Carnation club with Mrs. W. L.
South Commercial street. X pan.
Mrs. T. W. Creech, speaker.
Knight Memorial tea.
Nebraska auxiliary covered dish
noon luncheon, with Mrs. Bea
RandalL 1840 Nob Kill street.
Maccabees Sewing club with
Mrs. Elizabeth FUlis. I860 Roose
velt street. 2 JO pjn.
Carnation club with Mrs. W. L.
RockhUU do host luncheon at
Women's Union. First Congre
gatienal church.' with Mrs. C H.
McMahon. ssl North Front street,
330 pjn.
Town and Gown club at Lau
sanne hall. 3:30 pjn.
Merry Minglers with Mrs. Karl
Brush College Helpers with
Mrs. A. W. Andrews. Wallace
road, t-Jt0 pjn.
Maccabees, Capital lodge No.
4D meet at Fraternal temple,
Brooks Garden club all day
meeting with Mrs. A. G. Streter.
KCKT club with Mrs. Nettie
Knox. 1493 North Commercial
street, 3 pjn.
Legion auxiliary sewing club
with Mrs. J. E. Cannon, 1323
South High street. 3 pjn.
Executive meeting of Women's
council of First Christian church.
3 pjn. with Mrs. Dean Schomaker
713 Highland avenue.
Woman's Bible class of First
Methodist church with Mrs. A. A.
Lee. 1313 State street. 3 pjn.
Woman's council. First Chris
tian church, 3 pjn. Silver tea.
Three Link club at IOOF club
rooms. 3 pjn.
Drive Workers
Are Named
The Community Concerts as
sociation gives Salem people
the opportunity to hear the
great music of the world, per
formed by the most distinguished
concert artists. Over S50 cities
and towns in the United States
and Canada are currently en
Joying the best in musical en
tertainment through the Com
munity Concert association plan.
-This week Salem people will
have their only chance to buy a
season membership card and
avail, themselves of the oppor
tunity to hear these fine artists.
To obtain a membership card,
you may call at the campaign
headquarters at the Senator
hotel, Mrs. George Moorhead at
3426, or contact one of the fol
lowing volunteer workers:
Mr. Harold Adams, Jr., Mrs.
Tom Anderson, Mrs. Vera Bain,
Mrs. Karl Becke, Mrs. Estel
Benner, Miss Marjorie Bergsvik,
Mrs. Ruby Bergsvik, Miss Mar
garet Bellinger, Mrs. Van Bl'atch
ford, Mrs. Robert Boardman,
Mrs. Alice Brown, Miss Carolyn
Brown, Zerral Brown, Mrs. Mau
rice Butler, Gertrude Cameron,
Gilbert Claussman, Mrs. C. W.
Crary, Leila Darr, Mrs. I. L. Dar
by, Alma Demsey, Mrs. Walter
Denton, Mrs. C. A. Downs, Wal
ter Dry, Mary Schults Duncan,
Gladys Edgar, Esther Erickson,
Hilde Fries, Kenneth Golliett,
Anne Green, Mark Hatfield,
Barbara Hathaway, Mrs. Paul
Heath, Mrs. Ruth Herndon, Mrs.
Paul Hauser, sr, Mary Hughes,
Norma Hodge, Doug Jaquith,
Audrey Jackson, Grace Jackson,
Katherine Jelderks, Melissa'
Jenks, Ann Juranek.
Mr. Yrjo Koski, Eve Knower,"
Mrs. Sylvia Krapps, Florence
Lewis, Florence Lalburn, Fran
ces Lilburn, June Lockwood,
Mrs. William Lytle, Helen Mac
Hirron, Mrs. Lyman McDonald,
Bob Mealey, Miss Frances V.
Melton, Dorothy Middleton, Mrs.
E. B. Millard, Mrs. George
Moorhead. Alfred Mueller, Bob
Over, Nathalie Panek, Winnie
Pettyjohn, Mrs. Henry Pritzlaff,
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Rea, Jean
Rich, Mrs. T. S. Roberts, Phyllis
Ryan, Ethel Redden, Mary B.
Sayles, Elsie Schneider, Mrs.
Glen Seeley, Verne Scott. Mrs.
sTfS1-1ja ChAfnan T1tMa Ckaa.
- -ra.a, 1 1 ITS aTUAWT"
lar, Margaret Simms, Reid Shel-
ton, Mrs. Walter Spaulding,
Faye Stanley, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Lyman Steed, Lois Steinke, Gla
dys Thomas, Mrs. W. C. Tho
mas, Mrs. Don Upjohn, Mrs. H.
H. Vandevort, Ruth Van Bus
kirk, Raymond Van Dyke, Mrs.'
Ivan Warner, Mrs. Mildred Wy
att, Dorothy Whelan and Mrs.
Tom Wood.
Friends ef Mr. and Mrs. Gil
bert Fish (Evangeline Millard)
will be" interested to learn that
they are now residing in Klam
ath Falls. Mr. and Mrs. E. B.
MUlard are planning ' to leave :
next week for Klamath Falls to
visit for a week with their son-in-law
and daughter. t
The Three Link dab will meet
Friday afternoon at two o'clock,
at IOOF club rooms. Hostesses
are Mrs. Annie Mills, Mrs. Gol
die Kyle and Mrs. Sylvia Fur- -lough.
Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Bensen aad
Mr. and Mrs. ; Grover Hillman
will be among those attending
the Pacific Coast bakers conven-1
Birthday Is
Honored in :
Miller celebrating j her 85th
birthday on Friday, was enter-
, tained at dinner by her niece,
Mrs. Charles Hoyt, in Silverton.
'Among those attendin from Jef
' f erson - were Miss Miller's sis
ters, Mrs. Lydia Hoyt, 82, Mrs.
Ida Looney, 74 and her sister-in-law,
Mrs. Emma Mpler, 78.
- ' A visit to Miss Miller's home
in Jefferson was most interest
ing. She told of the early hap
penings of their family. Her fa
ther, Charles Miller, crossed the
plains from Indiana in 1848, and
"her mother, Nancy Vaughan,
came from Missouri in 1852.
They were married in 1854 near
; Turner and went to his donation
land claim of 320 acres two
miles, northeast of Jefferson.
Louisa was born April 18,
1858. Her first school days were
spent in the Institute in Jeffer
. son and she walked 'the two
miles from home. This country
was practically a wilderness,
with timber and underbrush and
. her father blazed a trail through .
the brush so she eould find her
way to the schoolhouse. The ell
.of the Institute now stands on
Main street and is used as a
dental office.
When children attended Sun
day school they would wear old
shoes until they neared the
' church, then would hide the old
ones behind a. log, and put on
their Sunday shoes.
In 1875 a new house had been
built and -the old moved to an
other location to be used as a
flax mm.
Her father and Jesse Parrish,
grandfather of Jesse Parrish, jr.
of Jefferson, won the world
award for the best raised. The
hank of flax is still in posession
of the Miller family.
Louisa and the family looked
forward to attending the Metho
dist camp meetings, Fourth of
July celebrations and school ex
hibitions every year. She con
tinued her education at Mon
mouth, known then as the
Chrisian college; during the
years of -1874, 1875 and again
in 1878. T. S. Campbell was
principal. She taught school in
the Jefferson Institute two years
and one year at Knox Butte.
She gave up teaching to assist
her father on the farm. He went
into raising of Jersey cattle and
Louisa attended to the book
keeping and secretarial work for
him. Her hobby was oil paint
ing; she has many of her paint
ings on . the walls of her home.
Her mother died in 1904 and
her father in 1913. All, the oth
ers died except the three sisters
present at the party. Miss Miller
and Mrs. Hoyt live on Second
street but still own the family
farm. Mrs. Looney lives north of
Mrs. Brown Fetes
Club Members
Mrs. Lawrence Brown enter
tained members of Beta Sigma
Phi at her South High street
home Monday night At the
business meeting plans were
completed for the Founder's Day
banquet to be held April 30 at
Schneider's Dining room.
Miss Isobel Mielke gave an in
teresting talk of her travels in
the orient. A buffet supper was
served by the hostess.
Attending the affair were
Mrs. Richard Devers, Mrs. Tho
mas Dry nan, Mrs. Lynn Heise,
Mrs. John Hughes, Mrs. Frank
Shafer, Mrs. Harry H. Weinstein,
Mrs. George Scales, Mrs. Clar
ence S. Emmons, Miss Dorothy
Blaisdell, Miss Hattie Bratzel,
Miss Cynthia DeLano, Miss Mary
White, Miss Jane Harbison,
Miss Gretchen Thielsen, Miss
Isobel Mielke, Miss Meredith
Lathrop and Mrs. Brown.
Capitol auxiliary No, 11 TM.
will meet Thursday night at
IOOF hall with Mrs. Elsie Town
send, president, Mrs. Linnie Sim
eral, vice-president, Mrs. Hattie
Cameron, secretary - treasurer,
L3Ura Wheeler DeHIPnZ CrTar.eflll Halt
Leai Motiis
3k MS - 1
, Here's something different in
quick stitchery oak leaf corners
for cloth or scarf! Joined, they
form a smart center motif for a
tea cloth., Pattern -2829 contains
a transfer pattern of four 19 inch
HONORED at a party, on
her 85th birthday - was Miss
. Louisa Miller of Jeff erson Oef t)
and her two sisters, Mrs.
Lydia Hoyt, 82 and Mrs. Ida
Looney", 74. ...
Rebekahs Hold :
The thirty-third . annual Be
bekah convention of the dist
rict was held in Scotts Mills on
Saturday, with Pauline Swart
out as chairman. Officers as
sisting were:
Lillian B. Shaner, Gervais,
past chairman; Mercy Sylvester,
Silverton, vice-chairman; Zella
Smith, Scotts Mills, secretary;
Mabel Wright, Woodburn, war
den; Eva Dental, Butteville,
conductor; Elsie Townsend, Sa
lem, chaplain; Vernishia Newby,
Amity, and Myrtle Stewart, Sil
verton, chairmen; Hazel Vin
gard, Canby, and Vera Dow,
Turner, vice-chairmen; Verna
West, Hubbard, and Frances
Morgan, Gervais, guardians;
Peggy SkOler, Monitor, musi
cian; Gladis Lawrence and Net
tit Brosig, pages. ,
Luncheon was served, after
which the officers were seated
in a ceremony by members of
the Hubbard lodge.
During the school of instruc
tion several exemplifications
were given pertaining to the
ritual and work of the order
by several lodges.
Dinner was served, followed
by a short program by the
Scotts "Mills high school glee
club and children of the IOOF
home. Mrs. Etta Littell, matron
of the IOOF home, gave a talk
about the home.
At the close of an unusually
fine convention, the following .
officers were seated by Alma
Henderson, past president, and
Madeline Rossner, warden.
Mercy Sylvester, Silverton,
chairman; Lucile McKinney,
Turner, vice chairman; Irene
Ruble, Silverton, secretary; Lora
Groves, Salem, left supporter;
Meta Friend, Hubbard, warden;
Ada Pomeroy, Monitor, conduc
tor; Maude Dean, Canby, chap
lain; Lyda Brougher, Scotts
Mills, and Verna- Bushman,
Butteville, guardians; Muriel
Salisbury, Gervais, and Florence
Oddie of Gervais, vice chairmen.
Piano Pupil
In Recital
Miss Dorothy Pearce will pre
sent her piano pupil, Miss Carol
Cook, in recital tonight in her
home at 287 North Winter street
at 8:15 o'clock. Miss Carolyn
Brown, mezzo soprano, will as
sist, accompanied by Miss Glad- 1
ys Edgar.
The program includes;
Jeau. Joy of Man's Deiring..
Two pianos. Miss Cook. Miss Pearce
Sonata Pathetlaua Beethoven
Miss Cook
of tha Open-
Carolyn Brown
Clair da Lune-
. Mororitch
Impro vision .
Miss Cook
Soring Interlude
Robin Sang in the Smwood Tre.
. Kountx
Miss Brown
Aragonaise, tram "LeCtd" Massenet
Miss Cook, Miss Pearce
Visitors Are at
Keene Home
Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. Keene
are entertaining as their guests
this week Dr. and Mrs. Charles
Wintermute of Los Angeles.
Mrs. Wintermute is a sister of
Mrs. Keene. The visitors are
enroute to Seattle where they
will spend the summer months.
Coming north with the Win
termutes was Mrs. C F. Men
denhall of Los Angeles, mother
of Mrs. Keene, who wQl remain
at the Keene home during the
summer season.
for Linens
tils; materials required; illustra
tions of stitches. :
Send ten cents in coin for this
pattern , to The Oregon States
man, Needlecraft Dept. ; Write
By Guild
Breakfasts are being arranged
this week by .members of the
Westminster Guild of the Pres
byterian church and the money
raised from the affairs will be
used by the guild ' for ' their
church project.' -
Thursday seems to be the
popular day for the parties. Mrs.
-Earl Cooley will entertain at her
Center, street home for Mrs.
Francis X Forristel, Mrs. Ralph
Wirth, .Mrs. Francis Wade, Mrs.
Elmer Berg. Mrs. Elmer Wooton,
Mrs. Francis Colgan, Mrs. Ro-
bert Stanley, Mrs." Glenn Ste
vens, Mrs. George Stephens,
Mrs. James Hardie, Mrs. -Edward
A. Brown and Mrs. John A. Jel
derks; -a';.; ?L 7' " -t--"
Mrs. Bjarne Ericksen and Mrs.
Charles Feike will entertain at
breakfast on Thursday at the
former's home on South Cottage
street Guests will be Mrs. Ste
phen Mergler, Mrs. Paul Bale,
Mrs. Keith Brown, Mrs. Lee
Crawford, Mrs. Luther Jenson, 1
Mrs. Lester Wilcox, Mrs. Verden
Hockett, Mrs. Knight C Pearcy,
Mrs. La Verne Young, Mrs. Bur
ton Myers, Mrs. Glen Morris and
Mrs. E. G. Givens.
Another hostess w2l be Mrs.
.Floyd I. Bressler will entertain
at her Garden Road home. Cov
ers will be placed for Mrs. C E.
Kertson, Mrs. Glenn Hoar, Mrs.
Lawrence Lister, Mrsr Weigel,
Mrs. Phil Ringle, Mrs. W. N.
Thompson, Mrs. Merritt Truax,
Mrs. Ralph Eggstaf f, Mrs. W.
W. Haskins, Mrs. Herman' Mil
ler, Mrs. Ralph Gordon, Mrs.
Robert Elfstrom and Mrs. Jack
Miss Lilburn in
Violin Recital
Miss Mabelle Lilburn, pupil
of Mary Schultz Duncan, will be
presented In a senior violin re
cital by the Willamette univer
sity College of Music, on Thurs-
. day at 8:15 o'clock.
Since entering the College of
Music at the beginning of her
sophomore year, Miss Lilburn
has been active as a soloist and
. in ensemble. She has appeared
in recital in Albany, Dallas and
Portland, and has placed on sev
eral occasions in contests spon
sored by the Oregon Federated
Music clubs, and by the Oregon
Music Teachers association.
Miss Lilburn is a member' of
Mu Phi Epsilon, honorary mu
sic sorority, and has been a
member of the Willamette vio
lin trio for the past three years.
She is affiliated with Delta Phi
The recital will be given in
Waller hall auditorium. The
public is invited to attend. Miss
Marion Herman ek will be her
Symphonic Espagnole Lslo
(1st movement) Allegro son troppo
Sonata (C Minor) for violin unac
companied Bach
' Fuga
Lotus Land
March (Love
Tnree Oranges)
Nocturne Boulenger
La Ronde des Lutins (The Hound
of the Goblins) Bazzini
ee Double
At Comedy
"Everything in paifs," is prom
ised by Miss Constance Fowler
and Bob Voigt who are design
ing the sets for Willamette uni
versity's forthcoming dramatic
production, "The Comedy of Er
rors' or The Boys From Syra
cuse,' to be given May 3 at Les
lie junior high school. Since
twins are a feature of the plot,
the set also will have , twins
twin pillars, twin statues, twin
birds everything double.
The rest of the staff for the
production, which is directed by
Mrs. Genevieve Oppen, includes
Pat Niemeyer, manager; Loren
hicks, -stage manager; Ruth
Matthews, publicity; Mary Hus
ton, costumes; Dick Barton,
lighting; John Hobson, programs,
and Hermie Palmer, make-up.
. .
Rebekah Lodge
Has Meeting
The Salem Rebekah lodge met
Monday night in regular session
with Dorothy Hauge presiding.
Miss Frances Kyle, chairman
of the birthday committee, pre-,
seated the following program:
"God Bless America" by Miss
, Verda Olmsted, reading by Mrs.
-Lllla 'Ohlson, music on German
zither by Mr. Alfred O. Mueller.
Refreshments were served in the
dining room.
The honored guests were: MrsC
Josephine Erikson, Mrs.' Mae
Hodge, Mrs. Olive Gritton, Mrs.
Alma Henderson, George Nader
man, Mrs. Lenora Denlson, Mr.
' C J. McAdamsjsnd Mrs. Chris
tina Claudek.
. .
Frem Portland comes ward ef
the birth of a daughter, Phyllis
Ann, to Mr. and Mrs. Howard N.
Dietrich at St. Vincent's hospital
on Monday Mrs. Dietrich is the
. former Edna Matthis and the ba-!
bys grandmother is Mrs. J. O.
- : ANNIVERSARY The gold-
en weddlnqr dory of Mr. and
I Mrs. Abraham H. Schmidt,
pictured here, was celebrated
on Sunday afternoon at their
home. - . -
Men Entertain
- Members of . Kappa Gamma
Rho fraternity and their fathers
enjoyed a dinner Sunday at the :
. chapter house,.4 while -the Mo-:
thers club was entertained, with
- a no-host dinner at the home of
: Mrs. Milo E." Taylor. The tables
.- and rooms at both dinners were
beautifully decorated with tu
lips and spirea, ; : .. " -
The men attended the frater
' nity baseball game with Che
mawa, while the mothers held a
business meeting and social hour, .
at which time-it was announced
the next . meeting would be a
mother-son: dinner at the chap
ter house on Mother's day.
Those attending the one were:
Mrs. C M. Briggs, Mrs. Charles
Sherman, Mrs. J. E. Van Wyn
garden, Mrs. r Roy Harrington,
Mrs. Lena Schmidt and Mrs.
Mflo E. Taylor, all of Salem,
Mrs. C H. Sturdivant and Mrs.
Burr Tatro of jOregon City and .
Mrs. D. Wilson of Portland.
Mr. C. M. Briggs and Don,
Mr. C H. Sturdivant and
Wayne, Mr. D. Wilson and Don,
Mr. Burr Tatro and Dick, Mr.
Roy Harrington and Bill, Mr.
Milo E. Taylor, and Winston,
Mr. T. M. Hicks and Loren, Mr.
F. M. Blanding and Howard,
Dr. Harry Irvine and Harry,'
Mr. J. F. McKlnlay and George,
Cliff Stewart, Carroll Heim.
Gilbert Heald, Jack Hedgcock
and Bob Woldt attended the
other dinner.
A number from Salem attend
ed a reception given by the Can
tons and the auxiliary at New
berg recently; Those motoring
over were . Mr. and MrsR. G.
Henderson, Mrs. Elsie Townsend,
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Engstrom and
Mrs. Hannah Beard.
Mrs.. Robert Herrail aad Mrs.
Loring Schmidt will entertain
members of their club at cards
and a late supper Thursday night
at the former's home on Fair
mount hill
It's Abont Time to make a
straight -vest to wear with
slacks. Make it long enough to
hide that line . in back. Wear it
open ... bolero-fasfiion ' and
your hips will look inches
,M I
-cr "'.'''".'.-.,
.'?' 17 S9.
41S Court Street
-,4 -
fion women
At Meeting 1
. The : American Legion auxil
iary met Monday with Mrs. IL
F. Perkins - presiding. The ' as- .
- semhly room of Fraternal tem
. pie was decorated . with large
baskets of purple irises and
snowballs, with white tapers. '
Past presidents in charge of . j
initiation ceremonies for seven
new. members were Mrs. Mem
Pearce, - Mrs. Leon Brown, Mrs.
Beryl Porter, " Mrs. O. E. Pal
' mateer, ; Mrs. ' . ; Jennie Bartlett, '
Mrs. On as Olson and Mrs. Bess
New members are Mrs. Homer
Foster, Mrs Robert - Goddard,
Mrs. Marian Courtney, Mrs.
Alexander McGee, Mrs. L. C !
Ball, Mrs. Carrie Finley and Mrs.
The assembly enjoyed num- I
bers by Dick. Whitely, accor- '
dionist, and songs by the Amer
ican Legion Glee dub.
The auxiliary will entertain'
American War Mothers in tha
new Legion, home on Chemeketa
and Cottage streets May S, and
the sewing group will meet at
the home of Mrs. J. E. Cannon,
1923 South High street, Thurs
day at 2 o'clock.
After the meeting rthe tmlt
joined the post for. a program
and refreshments served by Mrs.
Onag Olson, Agnes Booth, Mar
jorie Fisher,. Edna Rowland and
Mrs. L. V. Perkins.
Miss Noonan ls
Another popular Salem maid
to join the ranks of the spring
brides-elect is Miss Patricia
Noonan, daughter of Mrs. Freda
Stacey, who has announced that
sometime this summer she will
be married to Mr. Darrell Miller,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Dick B. Mil
ler of Klamath Falls. --
Miss Noonan is a graduate of
Salem schools and is well known
in the capital. Mr. Miller is a
graduate of the University of
regon law school and a mem
ber of Alpha Tau Omega. Ha is
now associated in business with
his father in Klamath Falls.
Adult Council to
Give Dinner
The Salem district Methodist
young adult council will meet for
a covered dish dinner Thursday
night at the First Methodist
church at 6:15 o'clock. Members L
from Silverton, ! Albany, Rick- '
reall and surrounding cities will
-attend. . . . , .
. Superintendent Frank Bennett
will be the guest speaker. The
committee in charge of arrange
ments Includes Mr. Steve Ander
son, Miss Geraldine Williams,
Miss Mildred Yetter and Mrs.
Pauline Speersta. All young peo
ple are cordially invited to at
tend the dinner and program.
Today's Menu
Celery and apple salad will
begin a meal that includes our
old . friend, frankfurter.
' Celery and apple salad
Frankfurters with
Steamed cabbage
New potatoes
Apricot custardi pie
. ' j -
Put three cups canned drained
apricots in an unbaked shell.
Pour in a custard made like this:
S slightly beaten egg yolks
Pinch of salt
- S tablespoons flour
1 cup sugar f
Cover with a lattice crust and
bake 19 minutes at 425 degrees,
then reduce heat to 359 degrees
for 25 minutes longer to set custard..-'
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: water
for only a few cents
a day. No floe con
nections necessary
either. Just connect
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safe. Round and
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