The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 23, 1941, Page 3, Image 3

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    Th CSIGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon. WiixdaT Morning; AprH 23. 1841
War Analyst Sees Major Fight
Brewing in Northern Africa
From Churchill Remarks
' . ' :';By KIRKE L. SIMPSON '
i: Special to The Statesman
1 "V -"Prime Minister Churchill has thrown out a veiled hint that
"events. may be impending in north Africa which will. lighten a
; little the British gloom over increasingly ominous news from
: . Exactly what his words to parliament implied is question-
- ble; yet there seemed to be some
"." lignificance in the fact that he
refused to discuss the Libyan cam-
paign although he said the London
government was "very accurately
informed" on the situation there. . ,
"I do not think that any ;
statement on Libya would be
appropriate at the present time,
Churchill said.
There have been increasing in
timations that the British navy
and the reinforced army of the
Nile might be preparing to aban
don defensive for offensive tac
, tics. liven a terse Berlin assertion
Ibat the nazi-fascist spearhead in
the Salum sector on the Libyan-
Egyptian border is again in mo
. tion eastward might reflect that.
The British hold on Tobruk and
in the Salum area has not been
broken. Further axis penetration
into Egypt with that threat in its
.,rear,,and the Brilish Mediterran-
' ean fleet ; , battering its distant
. rAmffinnifffltiAn linoc in tKa ro it
; of Sicily and at Tripoli, would
, seem very risky. Perhaps nazi air
scouts have seen signs of an im
pending counter attack from the
east and the axis forces feel com
pelled to move eastward in an at-,
tempt to break it up.
.. Another Intimation that the
British may have been able to
rash substantial reinforcements
Into Egypt from east Africa has
now come from neutral sources.
An Associated Press correspon
dent who reached Turkey from
the British front in Greece esti
mates the strength of the em
pire forces still in Greece when
he left at from 50,000 to 80,
000 men, on the retreat.
It is the story of that retreat,
of another Dunkerque perhaps,
that Churchill refused to tell now
to parliament. Yet the estimate of
the number of empire troops still
in Greece implies either that some
have already been withdrawn or
M IL1 i i
r i l l.l-l
Last Times Today
Edmund Lowe - Una Merkel
Constance Bennett
Slarls Thursday
Return by Popular Demand
3 Days Only
Continuous from 12 Noon
Doors Open 11:30 A.M.
Show Starts 12 - 4:10 - 8:20
. Mat: 40c
Kiddies 25c
Etc. 55c
Tonite - Thurs. - Friday
500 Good Seats 20c
And they'll have you goofy
from giggling and guffawing
at the comedy sensation of
the year!
PBTW WF'l$;''",V,-VM'ir i WiSslpqBSSSsSSsaBSSj
Blazing Border
' " . Adventure ' . -
that a greater portion qf the army
of the Nile in north Africa was
diverted toward the east African
war theatre than was sent to
Greece, irthat is true, a formida
ble British force must be muster
ing east of the Libyan-Egyptian
frontier for defensive or offensive
Whatever may be the facts as
to that, however, hour-by-hour
reports from Greece picture an
increasingly grave situation for
the Greeks and their British al
lies alike. Churchill's deferred ac
counting to parliament on the
Balkan campaign can only further
prepare public opinion in England
snd the empire for bitter news.
Rites Held for
Lebanon Man
LEBANON William Granville
Smith, born in Lebanon April 10,
1864, was buried Tuesday from
the Providence church, Rev. Le
roy Crossley of the Lebanon Bap
tist church officiating. The Howe
Funeral home was in charge. He
died Sunday.
The deceased had farmed in this
vicnity all of his life, 21 years on
the place which was his last
home. In 1888 he married Miss
Selina South in- Lebanon. Their
two daughters, Mrs. Roy Baker
and Mrs. F. L. Ryder, live in
Gresham and Los Angeles. In
1892 he was married to Miss
Elizabeth Schopp and their child,
Mrs. Hazel Wood, lives in Al
bany. He had two grandchildren.
Kenneth Yeoman of . Stayton,
employed by the Turnidge Log
ging company, is in the Lebanon
hospital with his left foot crush
ed, the result of a log's rolling.
Kelly Ward, taken to the Leba
non hospital Friday with both
legs crushed as the result of be
ing caught between two logs, had
to have his left leg amputated.
He is said to be holding his own
and it is hoped that the right leg
will not have to be taken off. He
is from Portland and has a wife
and two children.
Frank Southard, who holds a
commission as first lieutenant in
the quartermaster corps, has been
to Fort Vancouver for his physi
cal examination and expects to
be assigned to duty at Fresno,
Jesse Dodge, who bought the
Blondell Carlton property east of
Lebanon, has been here making
arrangements for the ranch as
he has been called into active
service with the navy. He holds
a commission as lieutenant in
the naval reserve and expects to
be stationed in Pearl Harbor. He
has been second engineer on the
Clevenden and is just in from a
five-month, 26,000-mile voyage.
Samuel Walters, who has been
in Salem for surgery, is at home
now and is said to be improved.
m tits
7 : 1 - (
reathinsthcheigKu t''
of happiness . . the
depths of despair! S 1 r
-1 -IV I It I A f,.: B O Y Dww,
fyy y vCvy-w MQiKiSANKauM - n
These Barriers Fail to Stop
According; to the official German
through barricades somewhere
the reason for the allied defeat
Bombs Rip Age
Kill - - - 'J -i
iv ml. 1 ! tl a
View of bomb wreckage in Corfu, Greece
Target of Italian bombing planes, the centuries-old Grc I; seaport
city of Corfu, on the island of Corfu, largest of the Ionian islands
- in the Mediterranean, is littered with wreckage today following the
aerial attack.- Corfu has dark, narrow streets, and its buildings,
many of them with arcades, bear witness to the centuries of Ve
netian rule.
Keizer Has 4H
Day Program, Winners Listed
KEIZER A capacity audience attended the 4H achievement
program at the school auditorium Friday.
The room was colorful with displays of the work projects
The room was colorful with
displays of the work projects
carried on by the 4H clubs. The
program included:
Demonstrations by the differ
ent clubs, radio skit, candle light
ing ceremony, talks by county
club officers, Wayne Harding and
Mrs. Carmelita Weddle, recogni
tion of leaders and report on the
results of judging by Professor
Nels O. Anderson.
Ribbons were given as awards
in the different projects as fol
lows: Health, all one division.
Nathan Schloneger, Louisa Spald
ing, Phyllis Browning, Julius Nu
mata, Don Sun, Howard Saucy,
Varian Carrow, Carl Ward, Mil
dred Green, Bill Durham, Ruth
Ann Pearcy, Violet Hamilton,
Lola Jane Clark, Ruby Yosbi-
sbm3 iAt sr
: 2:35-:45-S:57
: 1.15-4 JS-t:Sa
VTti J , MyLove
. . International Illustrated News Radlophoto
captain this heavy tank Is part of a panzer division pictured rolling
in the Balkan area, presumably In Greece. : Similar units are assertedly
and rout on the Grecian front. i-v "
- Old Greek City
moto, Vance Yung, Gerald
Weathers, Jean Moon, LeVaun
Candau, Katie Durham, David
Spalding, Barbara Baldwin, Eve
lyn Tucker, Ramona Evans, Nor
man Martin, Phyllis Wyant,
Gloria Heming, Milsauke Yoshi
moto, Dorothy Mueller, Kay Nu
mata, Clifford Kleman, Richard
Sawyer and Betty Schroeder.
Hand woodworking, Joe Bart-
ruff, leader, first year, blue, My
ron Teets, Kay Numata, Howard
Saucy, Ronald Snook, Edwin
Cummings; red, Vance Yung,
Kenneth SherrilL Ray Miller,
Ross Shannon, Irwin Lewis;
white, Carl Parks, Norman Mar
tin, George Baldwin, Kelly Pul
ver, Edward Vogt.
Second year woodworking, blue,
Harold Brantner, Clifford Brant
ner; red, Mitsauki Yoshimoto,
Daryl Schackman; white, Mau
rice Laidlaw, Gerald Weathers;
yellow, Gray Robinson.
Third year, blue, Varian C ar
row. Fourth . year, blue, Julius Nu
moto and Don Sun; yellow, Ron
ald Stevens, Dan Murphy, Berk
ley SherriL Walter Durham, Le
roy Schab, Donald Lucas, Clyde
With power machinery, blue,
Jeel McCrea . Lew Ay res
In "Foreign in
Cerre- "Dr. Klldare
spondent" Goes Home"
look cut rex ;
i"S :
Nazi Drive
Valley Events
April 24. i 25. 26 Marion County 4H
ciud snow, exniDii Duiioinf, xatr
f rounds. -. j
May 10 Monmouth lamb show.
May 15 Nut Growers' meet. Leb
anon, May 24 Scio fat lamb show.
June 7 Marion County fat lamb
how at Turner.
Nathan Schloneger; red, Jim
Shawver. L
Sewing,: first year, MrSi Yung
and . Mrs. McLaughlin leaders;
blue, Leota Nuttbrock, Betty
Schroeder, Barbara Carrow, Jes
sie Green; red, Lila Mae Hamm,
June Martin, Carolyn Weeks,
Dorothy Mueller; white, Betty
Lee Waldorf, Dolores Dornbusch,
La Vern Van Roening; yellow,
Martha Ward, Louisa Spalding
and Gloria Fleming. '
Sewing, second year, Verle
Saucy, leader, blue, Ruth Pearcy,
Veva June Camp; red, Mildred
Third -year, blue, Ramona
Evans; red, Barbara Baldwin;
white, Eva Mae Allen; yellow,
Jacqueline Engle.
Cooking, first year, leaders,
Mrs. Harry Pearcy, Mrs. Loren
White; blue, Martha Jane Pear
cy, Loretta Robinson, Joyce Pet
erson and Alvera Purcell; red,
Marian Myren, Beulah Glover,
Dorothy McCall and Thelma
Glover; white, Eleanor Francis
co, Gloria White, Billie Ruth
Pierce and Agnes Snook; yellow,
May Heth, Kathleen Green, Rena
Theodorson and Arvella Pacleb.
Cooking, second year, leader.
Mrs. Theodorson; blue, Bernice
Ettner; red, Boneta Engle, Ruby
Yoshimoto and Luella Eby;
white'Wandaline Engle,' Dorothy
Hampton and Arleen Theodor
son; yellow, Violet Hamilton,
Pearl Hamilton, Lowena Horsley. J
Calf club, first, Howard Saucy;
second, Ruth McCall; third, Don
ald Ettner.
A special feature of the style
review were the two small chil
dren of Mr. and Mrs. Royal Keef
er, Bruce, aged 2, and Myra
Delaine, 16 months, also Johnnie
Dill Fitts, 2, son of Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Fitts, Brooks, and Patricia
Ahrens, 3, Turner, who wore
brother and sister costumes.
Their costumes were a special
4H project and were made by
Miss Verle Saucy.
Call Board
Today Spencer Tracy. Mickey Rooney
in Men of Boys Town. Edmund
Lowe. Una Merkel in "Double Date,
Thursday Clark Gable. Vivien Leigh
in "Cone witn the wind.
Today - Sidney Toler in "Dead
Men Tell." Cesar Romero in "Ride
on. Vaouero.
Saturday John Loder, Nancy Kelly tn
"scouana ara.
Today Brian Ah er n e . Kay Fran
in "The Man Who Lost Himself.'
cis in "The Man Who Lost Himself
the Rio Grande."
Saturday Joan Blondell. Dick Powell
in "Model Wife " Jack Holt. Mar
jorie Reynolds in "The Great
Today Robert Taylor. Ruth Hussey,
waer riogeon in i ngni corn
mind." Gail Patrick. Ian Hunter,
jacxie coooer in "Gallant Sons "
Wednesday Claudette Colbert, . Ray
Mllland in "Arise My Love." Bui
Boyd. Russell Hayden in "Doomed
Saturday midnleht G a r r Coooer.
Paulette Goddard in "Northweat
Mounted Ponce.
Today John Payne. Jane -Wr.
man in "Kid Nightingale." Wayne
Morns, itosemary un in "Return
o Dr. X." -Friday
Bob Livingston in "Range
- Busters." Joel McCrea. Brenda Mar
shall in "Espionage Agent."
Today Joel McCrea. Laraine Day In
Lionel Barrymore in "Dr. KUdar
jroes uome.
Thursday W. C fields in "The Bank
Dick." Roy Rogers. George Hayes tn
and Thurs.
r J
mm f
Half of Land Owners Agree on
J"? Terms have been reached with 15 out of 36 property holders
concerned whereby their land my become, a part of the new right
of way of the "South River road, when prpjposed city and county
improvements'. 'JZ E. Smith of the
Aianon couniy coury saia ues
day. '" ' -." ,. '. ; '
Negotiations ..with". land owners
between-the city limits of Salem
andRoberts Station, the extent' of
presently . planned , improvements
to the river road, have been tin
der way for several days, he re
ported. " : . '
Efforts are now being made to
reach agreements . with the re
maining 21 property, owners who
have not yet discussed terms 'with
the county, or have not accepted
those proposed. ; City authorities
are also' negotiating for property
within the Salem city limits re
quired for the road improvement
as planned by the state highway
commission and approved by local
Commissioner Smith . indicated
that E. L. Gray, president, and
John Roberts, secretary, of the
Salem-Independence - Kings Val
ley highway association have as
sisted county authorities in reach
ing terms with property holders.
The ' association - has strongly
backed South ' River road ' im
provement. ;
Aged Man Held
In Fatal Row
GOLD BEACH, Ore., AprU 22
-P)-Six .45-calibre bullets from
the gun of a 73-year-old lover of
wild west stories killed a 60-year-old
auto camp proprietor Monday
night in a dispute involving the
slain man's wife.
Curry County Sheriff F. W.
Smith said J. B. Cole, operator of
the Harbor, Ore., auto camp on
the coast highway, was shot at his
home. Willis Belknap-, a neighbor,
admitted firing the shots after
Cole threatened Mrs. Cole, Smith
Community Clubs
LINCOLN Lincoln Community
club will hold the April meeting at
the schoolhouse Friday at 8
o'clock. The committee has ar
ranged a program of plays by the
school and musical . selection's by
11 r - . C" 1 .
uie meismger group 01 oaiem.
Clean up Days Set
TURNER The city council
is announcing annual "clean-up,"
designating two days, April 25
and 26, as clean-up days, and
urging all residents to cooperate.
People are to furnish their own
cartage to the city dump grounds
in the Battle Creek community
as the city truck has been dis
posed of.
Union Minute Men are fast! They ad just
their service to fit each customer's sched
ule. If you're in hurry say the. word t
Theyll rush you through in nothing flat!
u you nave more tune-sit tight! They'll
service your car from stem to stern. :
Bat in either case, youll find no high-
liciiuc sctiing union jumuie xicn
point out any service points that at
tention; bat they ntver try to sell yon any
thing you do not nee d-Try them, and see'
Ad Chief Comes
Business Men
Urged to Hear
Club Speaker ;
- President Bert Renhard of the
Salem Ad club urged local bus
inessmen Tuesday to attend a
luncheon to be held Friday noon
in Portland at which Don Belding,
Los Angeles, president of the Pa
cific Advertising Clubs associa
tion, will be the principal speaker.
Belding is proposing a program
to combat anti-business propagan
da, a movement backed in Port
land by 15 business executives
who are sponsoring .the luncheon.
. Portland and Salem are two of
19 cities in the 11 western states
in which a three-year program to
eliminate organized abuse of
American business principles is to
be conducted, according to Ren
hard. The luncheon will be held in the
Arabian room of the Multnomah
hotel. .
Mill City News
Bud Wood, Harrisburg, is visit
ing his brother, Harry Wood, here
this week.
Mrs. May Hill has sold her home
in South Mill City and moved to
Newberg. . - -
- Mrs. Mildred Rumfan returned
to her home in Klamath. Falls
Wednesday after an extended visit
here with her 'parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Clyde Rogers. .
D. B. Hill has purchased the
furnished home of Vivian Hoenig.
Mrs. Ray Case accidentally cut
off one of her fingers while split
ting wood. -
V ' " w"i."
-if you tjot
Valley Briefs
Fire Razes Barn
' AMITY. Sunday afternoon
fire destroyed the E. C Clemcnt
barn in the southeast" part cf
Amity.- A - three weeks old calf
perished in the flames and soma
hay was also destroyed. The fire
department was called but the
building was in ruins before they
Two in Hospital
LEBANON . Marjory Bleak
ney, Albany, Jand George Du
mont, Corvallis, are in the Leba
non hospital as the result of an
accident on the highway just
north of the city limits Sunday
about midnight The girl has a
compound fracture of her left
leg and , the young . man's left
hand was crushed. They were go
ing toward. Albany on a motor
cycle r and sideswiped a car.
Program Scheduled
Home Economics club of the SiL
verton Hills is planning a spe
cial program for the May 2 meet
ing in observance of Mother's
day. Mrs. J. H. Mauldtng, . Mrs.
Zina .Tschantz and Mrs. C. V.
Murray will plan the program. In
charge of" the refreshments will
be Ira Loren, L. O. Hadley and
J. H. Maulding. ,
411 Clubs Sleet
PRINGLE' -The Lucky Thir
teen Cooking club" and "The
Stitching Susies Sewing group,"
4H clubs of the Pr ingle school,
held their final meetings of the
year at the home of Hazel Ramey.
A resume of the work accom
plished during the year was giv
en. The outstanding event of the
year was the charter received by
the groups making them standard
clubs. Those completing their
projects planned" to enter the
county fair.
Bear Cubs Caught ', , .
WOODBURN Earl Looney of
the Zoo auto park near Hubbard
stated he now has triplet cubs at
the park. They were caught 'east
of Lebanon and are still being '
fed with bottles. Peacocks at the
park are now at the height of
their beauty. I
Pkgr. .
Free Delivery
Weill era
. , -.
Feed Ilarhel
137 S.
..... .)