The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 23, 1941, Page 12, Image 12

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Tha OSEGOII STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. Wednesday Mornlsa, April 23. 1941
Bar Members
Session i
DALLAS Eugene Marsh,- Mo
JUnnvOJe. attorney was .the prin
cipal speaker at a dinner meeting
of the 12th judicial district bar as
sociation held here Wednesday.
. Marsh, a member of the : house
of representatives' at the recent
state legislature) spoke on some of
the laws passed at that session and
their effect on; the practice ofat-
torneyscin Oregon- : 4
. T Eighteen lawyers were present
from - McMinnville, Dayton, Inde
pendence and Dallas. .The May
meeting .will be held, in McMinnville.
DALLAS Two .'men 'from this
."county have been notified "to -report
-for induction, under the selec
tive service act on Thursday, Ap
ril 24. " They are 'Shelby August
-Hansen, West.. Salem, and " Alton
Leroy Scott, Independence.
" DALLAS Mr. and Mrs. John
Cerny, who ' have been spending
the past few years in the Philip
pine islands; arrived, in Dallas
Wednesday after visiting the past
ten days in Seattle with Mr. Cer
ny's family.
Mr. and Mrs. Cerny are former
Dallas residents.' For many years
he was employed, at the Dallas
Machine and. .Locomotive shops
end Mrs. Cerny- was a Dallas ele
mentary teacher.
They Wed Then Duty Called
y i
- i "
ROOSEVELT. ROMANCE-Tb.r. were smiles all around
after Beverly Hills wedding ceremony uniting James Roosevelt,
the President's eldest son, and Romelle Theresa Schneider who
was his nurse during s serious stomach operation la 1938.
Aumsville Woman's Glub Group
Visits Ex-Member in Portland
AUMSVILLE-Members of the Women's club here, Mrs. T.
Y. McClellan, Mrs. Charles Martin, Mrs. C. F. Hein, Mrs. Fred
Potter, Mrs. Lula Fuson. Mrs. B. N. Speer and Miss Minnie Peter-
J son drove to Portland Thursday,
where they spent the day with
Mrs. William Howd, a former
Aumsville resident and member
of the club. Mrs, Howd enter
tained her guests in her garden
AUMSVILLE The Aumsville
4M clubs held their annual
achievement day at the school
Tuesday. Of Aumsville's seven
clubs, six had 100 per cent ex
hibits. The other club, the calf
club led by Gauis Fuson, will
show their stock later.
. In the cake baking contest were
Bonnie Klein, Betty Warren,
Agda Malone and Margaret
Sweetland. Betty and Agda were
winners and will represent Aums
ville at the county fair next week.
Division 3 of the sewing girls
presented a style review. Little
Baby Clinic
Is Arranged
WEST SALEM The Parent-
Teachers association will sponsor
free pre-sehool and baby clinic
In the lower grades school build
Ing Thursday morning beginning
at 9 o'clock.
All parents of the community
are urged to bring their children.
Miss Margaret Gillis, Polk county
health nurse, and a doctor and
dentist will be present.
The young adults of the Salem
sub-district Methodist churches
are invited to a potluck supper at
the First Methodist church in Sa
lem Thursday evening at 6:30
o'clock. Frank Bennett will be
guest speaker.
The Odd Fellows lodge of Sa
lem will give a play called "Old
Maids Convention", in the city
ball auditorium Thursday at 8
p. m. Members of the Armstrong
dancing school will present sev
eral tap dance numbers. A small
admission fee will be made as a
benefit for the local grange.
!. The committee in charge of
arrangements is Mrs. B. I. Fergu
son, Mrs. Clara Gehrke, Mrs. Ed
England and Mrs. Merle Phillips.
Goes to Annapolis
GATES Mr. and Mrs. Al
bert Millsap received word that
their son Ralph,' Portland, is to
report at the United States naval
academy at Annapolis. He is an
ensign in the naval reserve and
will leave by plane.
Geraldme Games, Salem, gave
two tap numbers, accompanied by
Mrs. Fred Potter.
Mrs. R. T. Mountain and Mrs,
Fred Potter presided at the urns,
assisted by Mrs. Charles Malone
and Mrs. Charles' Martin.
Mrs. George White, Mrs. Wa
men, Mrs. Holmquist, Mrs. Nellie
Mitchell, Mrs. Mary Hart were
the refreshment committee. Mrs
T. P. Otto was general chairman.
During the tea hour over 75
persons viewed the exhibits. The
Scout Mothers and 4H Mothers
held a round table discussion on
the dinner, which will be given in
May to benefit 4H clubs and
Club leaders and club exhibit
ors are as follows:
Division two, sewing, Betty White,
leader. Exhibitors, Terressia Garbe.
Roma Dane Otto. Noma Jeana Otto.
Julia Ann Hastings. Cleno Belle Geles-
pie. Charlotte White, Evelyn Gjesdal
and Evelyn Malone.
Division two. sewing leader. Mrs. T.
P. Otto; exhibitors. Alice Roberta. Er
nestine Barry, Edlyn Holmquist. Mar
ian Rewland. HUdur Warren. Charlotte
Henshaw. ZeUo Bankston. Florence
Dalke. Knitting club, leader. Marian
Rowland, Charlotte Henshaw, Ernes
tine Barry. Jane McCown, Agda Ma
lone. Camp cookery, leaders. Miss
Johnson and Mrs. Simkens. Members,
Bryce Creason, LeRoy Dalke. Donald
Wilson, Tommy Colman, D w a 1 n e
Bre-wn, - Guy Martin. Ronald Simkins,
Ted Nichol, Terry McDoWnald, Lesley
Nelson, Burl Barkston and Frank Abar.
Cooking division two and three, led
by Alice Roberta. Exhibitors, Edlyn
Holmquist. Marian Rowland. Martha
Creason, Luella Dalke. Margaret
SweeUand, Lavina Pomeroy, Anna Moe
Nichol, Marjorie Gjesdal, Bonnie Klein,
Betty Warren, Agda Malone and Alice
Grangers' News
TURNER Turner Surprise
grange met Saturday with Arthur
Edwards, overseer, presiding in
the absence of Master Fred Mitch
ell. Miss Mabel Walker, local lec
turer, introduced the speaker, Mrs.
Marie Flint McCalL Salem, past
state grange lecturer, who told of
her world travels, and displayed
many tokens and lovely tapestries
gathered during the visits.
. At the dinner hour Mrs. William
Spiers and Mrs. G. W. Farris were
the committee in charge. Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Edwards were elected
delegates to the state grange con
vention at Newport for four days
in June.
Announcement was made of the
meeting Thursday of the home ec
onomics club to be held at the
country home of Mrs. Alice Ed
wards, with the usual all day
gathering and no-hostess dinner.
Legal Notice
No. 29-337
CORPORATION, a corporation.
Fred Garbe as executor , of the
estate of William T. Garbe, de
ceased Fred Garbe, also known
as Frederick A. Garbe, and Grace
E. Garbe, husband and wife; Mi
tilda A. Wright, a widow; Charles
Fox and Jane Doe Fox, husband
and wife; Mitilda North and Al
bert North, wife and husband;
The unknown heirs of William T.
Garbe, also known as W. T.
Garbe, deceased; Cleveland S.
Hinshaw and Burleigh F. Hin
shaw, husband and wife; and
Also all other persons and parties
unknown claiming any right,
title, estate, lien or interest in
the real estate described in the
complaint herein,
To the defendants, "Charles Fox
and Jane Doe Fox, husband and
wife; Mitilda North and Albert
North, wife and husband; The
unknown heirs of William T.
Garbe, also known as W. T.
Garbe, deceased" and "Also all
other persons and parties un
known claiming any right, title,
estate, lien or interest in the Teal
estate described in the complaint
OF OREGON: You and each of
you hereby are required to ap
pear and answer the Complaint
filed against you in the above en
titled suit within four weeks from
the date, of the first publication
of this Summons and if you fail
so to answer, for want thereof
the plaintiff will apply to the
above entitled court for the re
lief prayed for in its Complaint
filed herein, to-wit: For a decree
against the defendant that there
is due and unpaid on plaintiffs
mortgage and the promissory note
secured thereby, the following
amounts, to-wit: $3,116.45 with
interest at 5 per annum on
$2,891.35 thereof from the 20th
day of March, 1941 until the en
try of Decree herein, and for the
further sum of $150.00 oc such
other sum as the Court may ad
judge reasonable as attorney's
fees herein, together with plain
tiffs costs and disbursements;
that the mortgage described in
plaintiffs Complaint be foreclos
ed and that the mortgaged prem
ises, to-wit: -
Parcel A: Beginning at an iron
pipe in the West line of the
Oliver P. Taylor Donation Land
Claim, North 24.30 chains from
- - c A
O Fred C. Sullivan
O Joan Sullivan
Announce the .
of their new
Drapery Store
i 214 N. High St Senator BIdg.
They have just returned .from Los An
geles and Hollywood, where they pur--chased
a complete new stock of curtains
and draperies for all types of homes. f
For Your ConverfceStom Will Remain
Open Evenings for the Balance of This Week
to Show You the New Stock. :
Fred C. Sullivan
214 W. High . . . Phone 4S23
Play Date
ScEeduled : ;
be given Wednesday evening, Ap- j
ril 23, at 7:30 pm. ' . j
"Demon in the Dark" isa mys- '
tery comedy. William Fisher, pub-1
the play.
r ' The cast consists of Sandra Tre
vor, played by Helen Coulter; Eth
eliod Trevor, LuVeroe Harnsber
ger; Bob HHdreth, Kenneth Ober-
son; Deryk Vorse, Kenneth Byers;
Duncan McTavish, Ellis Lougheed;
Janet McTavish, Betty Sutton;
Mary McTavish, Dorothy Haener;
Lizzy Scruggs Barbara Mattison;
Dido Davis, Marjorie Trasper; Ju
niper Jenks; Max Melton; and the
Demon, Earl Harmon.
Property . managers are - Eugene
Weddle and Ella Bella Sohn.
'0 jiWfl
I M ii I I I
the most Westerly Southwest
, Corner of said Claim, Town
ship Eight South, Range One.
West of the Willamette Me
ridian, and running thence
North 57' West 9.025 chains to
an iron rod in the West line of
said Claim, thence . East 23.66
chains to a steel shaft, thence
South 1 15' West 26.795 chains
to an iron pipe, thence West
18.31 chains to an . iron- pipe,
thence North 9 37' West 3.405
chains to an iron bolt, thence
North 69 52' West 2.85 chains
to an iron pipe in the East line
of a public street, thence North
11 7' West 13.75 chains to the
place of beginning, and being
situated in the Oliver P. Tay
lor Donation Land Claim,
Township Eight South, Range
One, West of the Willamette
Meridian. y
Parcel B: Beginning at an iron
pin in the center of the County
Road at a point 18.2 links North
0' 57' West and 9.345 chains
South 69' 52' East from the
most Westerly Southwest Cor
ner of the Oliver P. Taylor Do
nation Land Claim, Township
Eight South, Range One, West
of the Willamette Meridian, and
running thence North 4 7'
West 4 chains, thence North
69 52' West 2.85 chains, thence
North 7 7' West 4.02 chains,
thence North 9 87' West 64.5
links, thence East 18.31 chains,
thence South 1 15' West 15.117
chains, thence North 69 52'
West 16.045 chains to the place
of beginning, being situated in
the Oliver P. . Taylor Donation
Land Claim, Township Eight
South, Range One, West of the
Willamette Meridian.
Save and except from both
the above described tracts the
: Beginning at a point in the
center of the Aumsville and
Stayton County Road- 1.02
chains North 88 50' West and
North 69 40' West 19.75 chains
from the Southwest Corner of
the John Taylor and wife Do
nation Land Claim, Township
Eight South, Range One, West
of the Willamette Meridian,
thence North 1 West 16.68
chains along the line between
the lands of Geo. Brown and Ed
ward Eberhardt and the Garbe
Estate to an iron bar, thence
South 89 West 0.50 chains to
an iron bar, thence South 1
East 16.49 chains to an iron bar
in the center of the Aumsville
and Stayton County Road,
thence South 69 40' East 0.54
chains along the center of said
road to the place of beginning,
and containing 0.83 of an acre
of land, more or less.
Parcel C: Beginning at the
Southwest Corner of the Dona
tion Land Claim of John P.
Taylor and wife, Township
Eight South, Range One, West
of the Willamette Meridian, and
running thence South 88 50'
East 12.87 chains, thence
North 2 10' East 23.30 chains,
thence North 88 50' West
12.87 chains to the West line
of said Claim, thence South 2
W West 23.30 chains to the
place of beginning, being sit
uated in the Donation Land
Claim of John Taylor and wife.
Township Eight South, Range
One, West of the Willamette
Together with .the tenements,
hereditaments . and appurten
ances thereunto belonging or in
otherwise appertaining,
Situated in Marion County,
be sold in one parcel in the man
ner prescribed by the laws of
the State of Oregon and the prac
tice of this Court; that the pro
ceeds thereof be applied toward
the payment of plaintiffs decree,
costs and accruing costs; that at
said sale the plaintiff beTeimit
ted to become a purchaser: that
the defendants above named and
each and 'all. of them, be fore
closed and barred of all right,
title, claim or interest in the
premises described ia plaintiffs
mortgage except the right of re
demption allowed by law, and
that plaintiff have such .other and
further, relief as is meet and
Pursuant to Order of the Hon
orable L. G. Lewelling, Judge of
the above - entitled - court,- made
and entered herein on the 18
day of April, 1941, this Summons
is -served upon you by publica
tion thereof once a week for .four
successive weeks in .The Orecon
Statesman, a daily newspaper
published and generally, circulated
in Marion: County, Oregon, the
first, publication .thereof being
made on the 23 day of ADril.
1941. t :-.-:V . :
Postoffice address: 1125 Yeon
Bldg, Portland. Oregon. ;
v ; .C C. PRESTBYE -
Postoffice address: 610 Main
' Avenue, Spokane, Washington
Attorneys for Plaintiff. Ap 23-30-
DeBsve U
cr IIcl!
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