The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 17, 1941, Page 7, Image 7

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    thm OSSGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon, Thursday Morning, April 17. 1941
Local News Briefs
I Te BnUd Houses Building per
mits for three new dwellings were
issued Wednesday by City Build
ing Inspector E. C Bjishiiell to
E.I. Griepentrog, 1120 South 14th
street, $1000; I M. Fowler, 2080
North 18th street, $2750; William
Foster, 253 North 23rd street,
$2230. Other permits were to Mar
tin Rahxn to move and repair
dwellings to 1275 McCoy street
and 1060 Gaines street at a cost
of $800 each; Carson Pharmacy
to repair pharmacy at 501 , Court
Street, $150; E. N. rown to re
pair dwelling at 662 South Com
mercial street, $45; Caroline
Schlay to reroof dwelling at 501
South 22nd street, $48.
Surveyor on SintUm ' Marion
County Surveyor Hugh Fisher is
working this week nine-miles
above Mehama , on the Ekhorn
road preparatory to highway
straightening - and removal i of
steep grades desired by. residents
and logging interests in that region.
Coming Events
April -2 6 Missouri dab meets
at 2464 North Commercial
street. -
May 2, ; 2 Slay weekend at
Willamette University.
May 4-11 National Musle
week celebration.
May 11 Mother's day.
Our personal loan service is ac
cessible to alL No one need! to
be short of funds in an emer
gency. Apply here today get
immediate, considerate service,
and convenient repayment
:t v
51$ COUCT SX Crowd. f r
Ballot Contract lt Contract
for printing 19,000 voters' pam
phlets and ballots for the city
election of May 20 was awarded
Wednesday 'l to Unruh-K n a p p
Printing company. City Recorder
Hannah Martin said all bids were
identical, and the award was de
termined by lot. On the ballot will
be a proposed' $200,000 bond is
sue for sewer improvement and a
proposed resolution to increase
the terms of city appointive offi
cers from one to two years. Final
date for registration of voters is
April 19.
UlU, florist P. 9592. 1276 N. Lib.
Crowd ees Play "Old Maids'
Convention" was presented by the
Salem' Odd Fellows . lodge Tues
day night to a near capacity
crowd in the auditorium of the
Bush school. The play was spon
sored by Townsend club No. 3
and the collection is to be used
to start a building fund for a
clubhouse. Club members ex
pressed their sincere appreciation
to the Odd Fellows for their en
tertainment and cooperation.
Safety of your savings Is insured
at Salem Federal, 130 S. Liberty
Presides at First Meeting Chef
de Gare Chet Zumwalt, newly
elected head of Marion county
voiture 153, 40 et 8, presided for
his first official meeting last night
at the Quelle restaurant. Dr. V. E.
Hockett announced plans for the
annual spring "wreck," May 3.
At the residence, route one.
Amity, Tuesday, April 15, Abra
ham Oliver Deaver, aged 75
years. Husband of Florence C
Deaver and brother of Mrs. Nancy
Goddin - of Cory don, Iowa. Funer
al services will be held in the
chapel of the W. T. Rigdon com
pany Thursday, April 17, at 2:30
p. m. Concluding services Bel
crest Memorial park.
Quota Increased F&al addi
tions' to the Willamette fjniversity
quota for civilian aeronautics au
thority training were ; nounced
Wednesday by Dean Daniel H.
Schulze, coordinator.: The total is
26 students. The new group com
prises Vivian Lucas arai Harold
Abbott of Portland, Leonard Don
aldson and Gordon Wilson of Sa
lem, Jack Walker; of MMinnville
and Don; West of I Woodburn.
Your Fur Coat Moth-Propfed Free,
if you store it in our vault. Price's.
; j -
To See Pictures Program at
the monthly meeting of the Sa
lem chapter, Geological Society of
the Oregon Country, m Waller
hall tonight at 8 o'clock will be
colored motion pictures -shown by
James Loder, Salem resident, who
has pictured his travels' on films.
The films will have a geological
interest, showing . m a ny of na
ture's wonders, such as the south
western United States canyons.
- i
Santlam Survey Ordered
County Engineer N. C. Hubbs
was notified Wednesday that the
state highway commission had
ordered a survey of the North
Santiam: highway righf of way
between Detroit and the Santiam
junction. The survey will deter
mine the outside boundaries, on
which encroachments have been
permitted to exist j
A folder "60 easy ways tjp improve
your personality," is free for the
asking at the Capital! Business
college. ;
Driving Rewarded H; J.
Chrisman and Gale H. .Jones, who
have driven Railwa Express
company trucks in . Salem for
three and six years, respectively,
were Tuesday presented merit
cards in recognition of their safe
driving records. O. E. Longwell,
local agent, made the iward for
the company.
Leave for Camp SevSn Marion
county youths, enrolled Jf or a per
iod of six months, will !jj leave Sa
lem this morning for Mary's Creek
; a .? a. - m "VTt
Detroit, M. E.
counfy welfare
CCC camp near
Holcomb, Marion
administrator, said Wednesday.
Your Fur Coat Moth-Proofed Free,
if you store it in our vaf It Price's.
Business Certificate Eped Cer
tificate of assumed business name
has been filed for Barker's Gro
cery and Market with $ie Marion
county clerk by Lee anil Winifred
Barber, Turner.
Townsend dance tonigt Cherry
City auditorium, j I
Champ Typist
Georre L. Hossfield, ten-time win
, ner of the world's professional
typewriting championship, who
will demonstrate his skill here
Friday, at $:4t ajn. at Salem
high school, at 2 pjn. at Capital
Business college, for students
only, and at the college at: 7:45
p m. for the public, according to
R. W. Land, local typewriter
Elks Plan Entertainment
Songs by Orville Beardsley, read
ings by Ruth McCall and music
by the Haywire orchestra wfll be
the entertainment features when
the Elks lodge meets tonight
Plans will also be made for a
delegation of Salem Elks to go
by bus to Klamath Falls Satur
day, May 3. The group will leave
the club at 1 o'clock.
Judge Visits Salem Accompa
nied by a group of Harney county
citizens, Judge Robert Duncan of
Burns, lormer president of the
Oregon state senate, is visiting in
Salem Judge Duncan, now re
covering from a lengthy illness,
presides over the circuit courts of
Malheur, Grant and Harney coun
ties. Auction Thuf. night Woodry's.
Club Meeting Swegle Town
send club, No. 15, will meet to
night at the J. J. Kleeman home,
Hollywood drive, at 8 o'clock. The
public is invited.
Goulet To Mr. and Mrs. Homer L.
Goulet. route two, a ion. Garrett Wil
liam, born April 3, Salem General
NelMB To Mr. and Mrs. Richard C.
Kelson. 241 North Cottage street, a
daughter, Judith Lynne. born April 7,
Salem General hospital.
Barnes To Mr. and Mrs. Floyd L.
Barnes, Jr.. 1S60 North Commercial
street, a daughter. Lorna Joanne, born
April 11, Salem General hospital. .
Seely To Mr. and Mrs. Lyman K.
Seely, Wood burn, a daughter. Char
lotte Louise, born April 12, Bungalow
Maternity homo. .
Stoutenhurf To Mr. and Mrs. Maur
ice D. Stoutenburg, route one. son.
Geen Ray, born April 9. Bungalow
Maternity home.
School, Trial Set Circuit Judge
L; XL " McMahaa wul hold jury
school for members of the April
petit jury panel at 9 a. m. today
in his : courtroom preparatory to
the beginning of the trial of New
ell vs. Corey at 1:15 p. m. The
case. will be the first to come to
trial during the April term-of
Hike Sunday The Chemeke
tans and their friends have sched
uled a hike on Sunday to High
Deck, lookout station in the new
Cascadia state park. Cars are-to
leave the Senator hotel at 7:30
a., m. and those planning to at
tend are asked to register at the
hotd.3 -v. j 333- 3:;3v3:'3
Save on gas. 5 gaL Ethyl $1.00.
Double S & H stamps. Northwest
On Co, 546 N. High. : .-.
" '- ' j " - 5 . . . .
Held on Warn tits John Por
ter, 555 Marion street and Rich
ard Krier were arrested Wednes
day night by city police on" Sa
lem justice court warrants charg
ing larceny. Andrew V. King of
Portland was charged with viola
tion of basic rule. ; . "
Death Reported News was re
ceived here Wednesday , of the
death in Los Angeles of Ronald
M. Eberhart-45, former division
commander for Oregon and south
ern Idaho.: -
See the new bowis for flower ar
rangements. Better Bedding Store.
Cronemiller to Speak Lynn F.
Cronemiller, assistant state for
ester, .will speak at the Salem
Lions club meeting at the Marion
hotel today noon on the subject
"Oregon's Forestry Program.
Steal Wheel, Tire M. C. Smith,
Gervais, reported to city police
the theft Tuesday night of a spare
wheel and tire from the trunk of
his auto, parked in the 200 block
on South Liberty street. He said
tools used! to remove the wheel
were not taken. .: - -.
i Invites Public The public: is
Invited to! attend the regular
meeting of Townsend club No. 16
tonight at 7:30 at 714 South -19th
street 3;' 3-:"3-- 3
- i ... - '
Cohn Bros., retire from Salem
Everything must be sold by June
1st! Buy now and save up to 50.
Everything goes davenports,
rugs, lamps, dining sets, bedroom
sets, refrigerators, radios, electric
ranges nothing . reserved. - First
come first served. ' Open Sat
night till 0. Cohn Bros, 467 Court
. Windows Broken Several win
dows were broken in new house
being constructed at 674 North
20th street for N. J. Arnold, city
police report
Salem Civic Club
To Sponsor Show
The Hollywood-Salem Lions
club Wednesday noon voted to
help sponsor the appearance of
the Portland Journal Juniors in
Salem the! night of May 16 in a
stage show benefiting the senior
high school band.
' Profits from 'the show, said to
be a colorful, elaborate produc
tion, will jbe used in paying for
band uniforms.
Hospital Owners Confer on Auto
License Fee With State Board
, : : A group of Oregon hospital
of the state industrial accident
connection with administration
which 50 cents of each motor
be earmarked to cover hospital
ization of indigent persons who
are injured in traffic . accidents.
The law increases the drivers
license fee from SI to SL50 and
wfll raise approximately $128,000
annually, based on estimates pre
sented to the legislature. -
' That part of the foe for the
care of Indigent persons injured
In aatomobUe accidents wDl go
Into a so-called hospital fund
and win be administered by the
Industrial aecident eoamisslon.
Numerous problems were " dis
cussed at Wednesday's conference
among which was one dealing
with what constitutes an indigent
person under the law. , y,
Commission members said it
would be two or three weeks be
fore statement would be; issued
covering interpretation of the
new act
The'' law" becomes operative
June 14. "
owners conferred with members
commission here Wednesday, in
of a 1941 legislative act under
vehicle drivers license fee will
Effective June 1 the rates of
five Portland hospitals : which
now receive patients from the
state industrial accident commis
sion, wfll be boosted approxi
mately 30 per cent over the pres
ent charges, the commission was
advised Wednesday in a letter
from the Portland Council of Hos
pitals. 3 ' ' '' ,
Hospitalsmentioned in the let
ter include Emanuel, Good Sa
maritan, I St Vincents, Portland
General, 3 Coffey Memorial' and
Hahnemann. , - ' r 1
Ward service will be increased
from S3 to $4 a day, the surgery
charge from $10 to $15 and other
service in proportion. : j
Accident commission members
said they already had fixed the
employers contribution rates for
the next year with the result that
the increased hospital charges
would have to come out of reve
nues based on present operating
costs." ;' 3 ' i:
There is nothing we can do
mboat It other than meet the
increase. C M. Rynerson. a
member of the commission de-
elared. . ' ' I
The letter indicated that the
increased hospital charges; also
apply to all patients and are not
restricted to industrial accident
commission cases.
Youth Group Meets - The
Townsend Youth association will
meet tonight at the home of Mrs.
Alice A. Brundridge, 2155 Ferry
street - ' .- i , .
MnnmMmmmmvwn.mmw .iHi,.li-li.i.iM.iii n i. .u. i umui Mmmj .... iuji. u...,, J.I'n.rH'nIHIlW " '" ym nm, Y?UHirM'-liTl lV1iWill-.UH i,IWmttl Ii'hIBP
j J KL J Ywr $
, ' ;MJ
Compare Hs mafchess styling!
Compare its built-in qyalftyl
Compare Ht convenience features I
Yes COMPARE IT! You'll find Wards
actually give you a better refrigerator
at $30 Jess than others askl Besides the
features illustrated, you get S-inch Ther-
mex insulation . ; . Dulux exterior
porcelain interior! AT A $30 SAVING!
pjlV as utti-e Ais
JtIOXTIILY (mefwding tarrying charge)
Discniis in 10 Elixmics (From Gold Oven
33; IO Here's Low Ccsl leclric Cookery
IJ! .
V' i . , xnctuumg
a uarryinj unarge
NOW ! ! dean, fast, " economical electric 4
OF ALL. And this handsome electric range f
has a big insulated oven that BAKES BIS-
CUITS IN 10 SIINUTES. Has genuine 6-heat
heat control! Big storage drawer! Base-to-1
floor porcelained. ;--3;' ? !' : r: . i
Clack or
wWrWw Clock and Timer
' Gevurtz Furniture Company
Cordially Invites You to Attend the
Under the Personal Direction of Famed
General Electric Home Economist
sfher Neurnberger
During these thrilling classes Miss Neurnberger 1 and Gevurtz offer you first
hand information on the latest j "kitchen approved methods of economical
baking cooking, and-broiling. Learn how, you, .toe,4 can become m culinary ex
pert and keep the family happy. 3 : ; ,
Please Hole .This Is an Evening Class
so designed as to give the housewives an opportunity to bring their hus
bands . . . and! the new brides, their grooms.
Hake a Dale
How for Friday at 7:30
Complete Line of
Genera! O Electric
Including I
O G.E. Ho! Water
O G.E.
. Befrigerators
O G.E. Washing
O G.E. Ircncrs
O G.E. Banges
'i ' :
3' ' " " ,
Q G.E. Dryers
O G.E. Cleaners
na tuuaaa
It's Free! It s Fun!
The New
Art of Simplified
- Dozens ; of fascinating
recipes . to please the
whole family. Tested in
the kitchens of the Gen
' eral Electric-Institute
You'll Actually See These Beautiful
smBRflL Bin mmm
w m sa w -. m i
I ' l
aH dt isror sad jokes when raa cook with
General Electric Range. Its Flaroc-Sref Orm
tdtm moutnre, taste. Let tu also show yon its deep
weu tbnft cooker, its "cbarcoalike bcoucr aad i
other advanced f camtes. Let s aaow you tots
cool, tast, unr-comt way to cook toe J
Buy on Gevurtz
Easy Terms
onrit meaia,
, iJoiL ,
L o map
co;az i?j Ata six Tin i:iy
u vv
3 Km Vnbmhwm
' !
.a ,
1 1
X Ll I H A A ' J I n3! T, !
155 North liberty
Phone 31S4