Wax&Td Statesman ' Classified Ads Call 9101 CUttiflc4 Adrertlslnx Threo Insertions per lin 25c SLz insertions per fine 40c On month per line . $1.23 Minimum charts 23c; 2 tL min imum 25c; 0 tL min. 45c No refunds. Copy lor this page accepted un til (JO tbe evening before publica tion for classification. Copy re reived after UUe Umt will b run under the beading "Too Lata to Classify. The Statesman assume no finan cial' responsibility for errors whicn may appear In advertisements pub lished in its columns and in cases where this paper is at lauit will reprint that part mm advertise ment la whicn the typographical mistake occurs. j "he Statesman reserves the right to reject timiihls advertising. It further fsetrvas thai right to place all advertising under the proper classification. -A "Blind" Ad an ad containing Statesman box number for an ad dress is for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore oe answered by letter. The Statesman Is not at liberty to divulge Infor mation as to the identity of an advertiser using a "Blind" ad. Livestock and Poultry ATTENTION PLEASE We oav for dead at worthless stock. We are the only plant between Port land and Tangent. Ore- doing this kind of work. Why send them away from home. Salem rertiuzer & By Products. Phone MOO collect. rARurjta! We pay tip to l'ae per lb. for dead animals, if fresh m in good conditions. Free pickup anywhere In Willamette vauey. rn. Mil. eouect, auem. Mont gomery Rendering Works. SALE. S3 milk goals, $7-30 each. Zd . ctiarbonneau. 1114 wasnington at. Dallas. Ore. SALE, Good dairy cow. fresh. with frd call H. C Hammer. R. 8. Bx. MS, Salem. SEVERAL FRESH MILK COATS - for sale. Very reasonable. Ph. 9682. 1180 Waller St. Salem. BABY CHICKS 8 varieties, lmmedl ate delivery, custom hatching. Started Chicks, pullets and fryers. Phone 1-2M1, Lee s Hatcnery. Auctions SPECIAL AUCTION Thursday nite. April IT. 41. T:30 p. m. at the r. N. Woodry Auction -Turni-ture Market. 1610 N. Summer street In Salem. Consisting of nearly new davenport chair, 3 occasional chairs, 9x11 Axminister rug. A-l refrigerator, electric range, modern gasoline range, piano, ivory bedroom suite. 4 linoleum rugs, raoio. electric wasner. sewing machine, beds, springs, mattresses. rockers, vacuum cleaner, chest o drawers, dreiser. disnwsre, garden tools 4 many other Items. Be sure to attend thia sale if you're looking for real bargains. Phone 5110. Private sales daily. Help Wanted GtRL OR middle age 'woman general housework. Phone 22881. for Help Wanted Male SERVICE STATION helper wanted. Phone 2-1333. WANTED Ex nertenced married man for dairy and farm work. A. H. Thomp son, R. 1. Jefferson. Ore.. 9 ml. north on Pae. hy. Help Wanted Female WANTED Immediately, capable girl or woman to do housework and take care of child for two months. Stay evenings, rn. zizu. HOUSEKPR. 1343 N. CapttoL P. 9173. Salesmen Wanted OPPORTUNITY INSURANCE SALESMAN Strong old line life Insurance company writing PARTICIPATING INSURANCE St new NON-PARTICIPATING RATES .will appoint and train one represent ative for the SALEM area. This win prove fine connect ka for the right snan. . Address: GENERAL AGENT. 833 Failing Bldg. Portland. ADVERTISING Western Advertislna; Representatives George D Close. Inc. Frs iciaco, Los Artgelea. Seattle Eastern AdvertisinE Representatives Bryant, Griffith m Brunaon. Inc. Chicago. New York. Detroit , Boston. Atlanta rtrrtd at the Portof ice ' at Satrm, Oreoon. as Second Class Matter Pub lished every rniamtng except Monday. Biiamess office 21 South Commercial Street. SUBSCRIPTION RATES; Man Subscription Rates In Advance. Within Oregon; Daily and Sunday. Mo M cents; 3 Moo. $120; Mos $3.50: I year $5 00 FJaewhere 69 ceota per dm r $8.00 for 1 year In advance. Per copy 3 cents Newsstands f cents By City Carrier. 69 cents a month 7.20 a year in advance In Mart on and adjacent counties. BLOND IE I inn mi ALONG AT S IS C UTTLfi GCTTMS " TWSJOO PPA BIRO J - -ipa - v I (LWneV 1 -e'-g " ' f1 - ...... f f . I t - f rj il.-mm.ctmi4mmmmwmi Buy? Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL. WRITE or phono 191881 to home managed finance institution. Your financial affairs will be discussed and loans made In strictest privacy You will be given every consideration in the repaying w your toan or granting of 1 to 24 Months to Repay Von can pay In ruO any time to reduce the cost. Only Borrower' Signs No endorsers. Loans made en furniture or not. EM . fX t liM,,ONS- &tw mmMm General Finance G)rporation J commercial St. f . wu"1 Mmaa m nun book, convenient ground poor location Aato Loans Willamette Credit Co. 6TB FLOOR GUARDIAN BUXLDZNO LICENSE Ntt M-158 - --i i i 1 jynin l irin in nnn WE LOAM on farm, residential uslness property. Will buy mortrares or contracts. HAWKINS ROBERTS, INC. Realtors. Guardian Building. Situations Wanted ! WOMAN WANTS nr. wrk. 888 8. 12. HOUR WORK, care children. P. 4M2. ! CARPENTER WORK, remodeling. Ph. 1-2087. Will take part in furniture. For Sale- Miscellaneous UPSTAIRS FURNITURE STORE 439 Court St.. Salem. Oregon Walnut bedroom suite , $29.93 4 Pieces. fte-Ncwed Regina Vac Cleaner $19.90 ! with attachment. Fine tapestry daveno , " - Velour platform rocker s $9.93 -3x10-6 .. $1930 11x13 Belrlan Oriental Rug in .50 0x9. S-3xf0-. 9x12 Cotton Rugs. $6.30. I 910.30. 812.30. I Good used walnut dining tables, $10.30 and $14.95. Wicker settee rocker $14.50 Used velour davenport bed - , 818-30 Buy upstairs a save Low Prices Low Terms 439 Court Street FRESH GOATS milk. Ph. 21270. USED GENERAL ELECTRIC refrl. era tor. Guaranteed, only $49.50. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. 433 Court St. r" - - -ij-ijnvirrrLrtrn.rujxnr (ELEC WASHING machine Duo Therm oil heater. Ph. 4483. FOR SALE Used lumber 3x4. 2x8 In. shiplap. some heavy timbers. $12 per M. See L. A. Scheelar, 1115 N. iommerciai at. COHN BROS. RETIRE EROM SALEM Everything must be sold by June 1st. but now save up to 50 Everything soes Davennorts. Run. unrips. - jjininc sets. Bedroom sets. , , - - - Refrigerators. Radios, Elec. Ranges. Nothing Reserved. First Come First Served Open Sat. Nisht Till 9 o'clock COHN BROS. 487 Court isJVtaJVsrsf-arfUTXru'Xr NEW ENAMEL range. 440 N. 22. FERTILIZER, dirt and r. silt. Ph. 7882. PLANER AND box wood. Ph. 9189. Salem Box Co. USED WOOD ranees, oooular makes. $10 and up. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 3S3 N. Liberty St. Phone 4311. - -y- mi i ii n iuunrijnruTrij. HAY. CLOVER, $8.30. ton lots. 819 N rront. Salem. Ph. 2178S. HOUSE trailer, reas.. 313 S. Winter. -------- - iriiiTnriivKnjvxjwmjum FT, refrigerator case, -oracticauv new slicer, scalearrialka. Rt T, Bx. w. aucm. -,-M-nrLrun us mak USED ELECTRIC ranges, popular vw. iwairo up. Y EATER APPLIANCE CO. 235 N. Liberty St. - pim ai l TRY OUR HOME DECOR ATTN a AND REMODELING SERVITE Twelve months or longer In which to pay. No down payment. Details ar ranged at your home. Only responsible contractors and decorators do your jod- liu aar. arrre at R L. ELFSTROM COMPANY. Ph. 9321 USED REFRIGERATORS, popular maaes. reasonaoiy pricea. t YEATER APPLIANCE CO, 233 N. Liberty St. Phone 4311 VACUUM CLEANERS. New at used. Parts at reoalra. all makes. Guar VTNCE'S. Sh ml N. Underpass, P. 6292. Trade Miscellaneous WILL EXCHANGE room good furniture. 640 N. Com'l. rent for Wanted Furniture F. N. & GLENN WOODRY. Auc tioneers Ac furniture dealers will pay you more cash or trade for furniture Ac household goods. We buy or sell everything. Ph. 9110. - -- iMeJs'jtr"iJtiu'xrLrrTri n n n n n CASH FOR used furniture at house hold goods K. rorgey. Ph. 7443. Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED Cascara Bark DRY or GREEN Best Prices Since 1937 CAPITAL JUNK CO. 143 CENTER ST. By the Bridge - J.iJ.iJvi)nrn n n n CASH FOR house trailer, under sssa Must be bargain. Box 1339, co States man. WANT DEER ruTloJ Forbes. 1140 LeeT Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUB SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY S OILER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg. State m Comt Ph. 3311 Ken.t?r Lease? Money lo Loan Salem's oldest. lar-mf tnm. mmm m extensions. JIM CLARK, ASST. atGH Llo. No. S-138 Phone isa BUDGET ANALYSIS (Includin Free Lami Annralu Is an additional service offered by the i-auuns Finance -o. in many cases a frank discussion of your financial prob lem Is needed more than a cash loan. We positively will not encourage bor rowing unless It la really going to help you. For a complete loan service with small monthly repayment plans, call at our new ground floor location today. CALKINS FINANCE CO. "Salem's Personal Loan Center" 313 Court Street. Salem. Oregon rnoni uw. .-. State Lie No's. S-228 A if -373 PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to auce payments. Money for new or used cars. No delay or red tape. You wui retain possession or . the vehicle. 1 ll 20 MONTHS TO FAX ROY H. SIMMONS 138 South Commercial Street Phone 916S Lie. No. M-152 ----- sniurjxnrij"inn FHA LOANS ,.. also rnlv. loans Abrams at Ellis. Inc. Masonic Bids. Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LCAN on good Salem real es tate. Will pay 6 Interest. W. H. OKABENHORST St CO. REALTORS i For Rent Rooms HEATED SLEEPING room, for office man. Hot a cold water. 233 Center. SLP RMS $S mo. up. 248 S. Church. A"kASAsBsa4sss4asasakagfeaas SMALXf RM.. reasonably 966 Center, SLP. rm, nr. state bldgs. Ph. 31449. HTD. ROOM near capita L 4498. HOTEL MARION Rooms, special weekly and monthly rates to perm, guests. Marion Coffee Shop, delicious meals st low prices. HOTEL SALEM Low weekly monthly rates. Room and Hoard VACANCY NOwJeOS N. Liberty. BOARD ROOM. 1227 Court. BOARD Rli, 168 N. 12th. Balanced tneaU. nm 332 N. Church EXCEL. BOARD ft room. Ph. 9409. For Rent Apartments l-RM. A kitchenette. 425. N. Church. BEAUTIFUL 3-RM. furn. ant. with bedroom. Glendora. J . . . ii i iui.ii.i. -" Mod. 2 rm. furn. 1553 State. 1 A Rm-. FURN. apt ago S. Cottage. APART, 1 block of settlor hi. school, lights, water A heat furnished. $30. Wm. A. Noyes, Room 10, Ladd A Bush Bldg. Business Cards In this directory on s monthly basis only. Rate: $1-25 month. per list per Auto Braises 1 V 275 South Commercial Mike Panek. Bicycles BICYCLES, New and reconditioned Harry W Scott. 147 S. Cont'd. P 431$ Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 4450 It E Northness. Convalescents LEMON HEALTH bona. 3319 N. 4th. Sunshine home for health Best of care. 893 a Commercial. Excavating' EXCAVATION OF an kinds. Base, ments dug Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sale Salem Sand Jk Gravel. P 9406 Florists Brelthaupt'a. 447 Court. Phone 9199. Funeral Director TerwUllger Funeral Home. Ph. ' 6928. Mattresses SALEM FLUFF RUO m MATTRESS Co. New Mattresses, old remade, rug cleaning !c weavlna. S. 12th & Wilbur TeL 8441. Z wickers. ; CAPITOL BEDDING CO. Phono 400s Painting & Paperhanging Experienced Reasonable. Ph. 4323. i FREE Thos Wide and Op6n SdocmI Money to Loan FOR Cash in a Hurry PERSONAL FINANCE CO. . $12 SUte Street , - S Doors- West of Capitol Theatre Ph. 3191 License No. S-133 A. M-1CS For Rent Apartments FURN. 3-R.. priv. bath. It. w gar-, washer. $20. Ph. 7113. COMFORTABLE 3-rm. heated apt for office man.- Frigidaire. 239 Center. APARMENTS. $ and up. 1319 S. 13th. SMALL Apt,' reasonable. 779 S. Com'l. DUPLEX apt. unfurn. 931 N. Winter. 3 R. furn. Adults. 473 N. CapttoL 3 RM. furn. apt 315 S. Winter. 3-RM. APT, FURN. 1580 Center. 4-RM, fun. apt, gar. 943 Union. DESIRABLE APT. now obtainable at the Fisher. Ph. 9757, SMALL furn. apt 943 Ferry. 3 RM. furn, prrv. bath, gar, close In. dean. Adults., sis N. wmter. 3-RM. furn, mod, 1st fir. 335 Division. 3-R, sep. bedim, $13.50. Also 3 1933 Center. CLEAN, downstairs. 2 rms.. ht. wtr, fur. 420 S. 20 St. Ph. 8391. lght $13 1-R. furn, utilities lncl, washer. gar. Z261 Hazel. Ph. 7604. NICELY FURN. APT. In duplex cot tage. Piano. Bus. Reasonable. 407 S. 18. VACANCIES at 1411 Court. 3-R, private entrance. Also 2-r. apt 839 N. Liberty. 2 RM. APT. tehean. Nicelv furn. PrL ent, ana bath. 1340 xee. PULLMAN APT. The Devereaux. PRESCOTT APTS. 1064 Oak St 1 OR 2 rm. apt, si. r. 642 N. Liberty. 3-RM. FURN, adulU. 991 N. Cottage For Rent Houses S-RM. MOD, furn.. with elec stove. Z319 S. Com'l, $33. Ph. 6163. MODERN S-RM. suburban home with shade trees A live creek. Close In. For lease or sale. Phone 6172. 5-RM. FURN house, rood location. near scnoois ana bus.. $30 mo W. H. GRABENHORST CO. Ph. 4131 NEW 3-R, sub, hw. firs., firepl, fur nace. $25. (Trees.) North, bus. 5-R. stove, szv. 4-K. xurn, $17. 3-R, $7. 7113. 9.Rf VGV 91A .. i waawvwa. gat f tv a iiiu. i- l-0j-unu-LrirLrijui, 4-RM. HSE, gd. condition. Ph. 4581. ' '-"----- - -i-M-g-w-,-.---r'-rutrij-u'xn $2S S-room mod. cottage. East $27.50 6-room furn. house. East. $35 3-rm. mod. apt North. $40 6-rm. mod. Englewood. H. P. GRANT 529 Court Ph. 8744 WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IF YOU Want to selL exchange tease, rent, sen Mr. La rsen or Mr. Col una wiui uawxins sc Roberts. IMAAAMAAVV-MW, 5-R. Furn, bsmt, gar. 1483 Miss ion. nrf-0--M-----.-wt- -MODERN furnished 4 room bunsa. low; elec refrig. St range, basement urepiace garage. fZ7-SO. S. W. EARLS -Phone 9678 or 3889 -.-"---' - ----.-,-r..r n t muu. 9-RM. mod, house, 1130 N. Church. FURN. COTTAGE, couple only, varv - -- -- - -1 m. m.m.m'.o rviori HOUSES. Melvin Johnson. Ph. 3723. MOD. T R. fiirn. 883 N.' 16th-"'" J. 1-m - j, r.ru'xruTjnjTjxiXJXP-- NEW. MOD. 5-rm. 882 N. 18th. LARGE 1 rm. furn. house.- 2397 Hazel, Directory Plumbing PLUMBING. GENERAL repair work. uraoer Bros, 134 s. Liberty. Ph. 6394. Printing partment 213 S. Commercial. Tele phone 9101 Radio & Appliance Service MOORE'S Radio Service. Ph. 9611. FACTORY SERVICE. Phone 5502. Perdue-McKowen. 2084 N. Capitol. Trailers TRAILER BUILDING, repairing, trade and credit. Elec welded frames and bitches. 519 N. Front Salem. Ph. 31768. Transfer TRUCK SERVICE ANYWHERE state Large or small loads. Brown. 714 a 31st St Phono 3600. FOR LOCAL OR DISTANT transfer storage burner oil. briquets, prest logs. Trucks to Portland dally Agent Pierce Auto Freight including Calif, points Larmer Transfer Co Ph. 3131 Venetian Blinds Guaranteed Steel or Wood Venetian Bunds. 30c sq. ft, installed. Phone Allen's Hdw. 4819. Free estimate. Vacuum Cleaner Service FREE Inspection In your home.' Au thorized Hoover service. We service ail makes cleaners. Hogg Bros. Ph. 6023 Well Drilling a. A. WEST. Rt . Bx 443. P. 3-2296. tatesmazv Real Estate; JLds Sflafee M: "Essfl I For ' Rent Houses ' S-ROOM HOUSE.' hardwood floors. auto ul roont win. For Rent 4-ROOM modern flat. 90 furnished at 1944 Haiel. Apply 1134 Madison. Phone 3756. . . STORE BLDG. and apt. both $23 or $13 each. 519 N. 17th. . OFFICE ROOMS, 381 SUte (Street Inquire room 300 Tel. 3713 - OS SALE, brick store, with apt, $30 mo. Three-room partly-furn. . stucco apt. $12 mo. Business St W. -iSaletn. Ownec. 337 State St. Phone 9123. . For Sale Real Estate " GOOD" BUYSTERMS ' ' $2200 buys 5-rm. borne on eor- near state bides. Comoletelv refinished in. side and out $250 dn, 823 a mo. $2200 buys 7-rm. home, well located, near store and bus. Plastered, cement basement deep lot gar. on alley. 850 dn. $22 a mo. . $3230 buys 6-rm. home In good loca tion, near state bides. Fireplace, fur, nace, gar. 8250 dn, $23 a mo, int 9. Call K. A. Johnson with. W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 a Liberty St Phono 4131 SPECIAL Believe it or not we offer you large corner lot In business location, with good rental house, easily worth $3500. for $2250i. Liberal discount for casn. MR. RENTER We have only a few houses for sale by mortgage company, who offer 'low price ana . liberal , terms lor quicx Cleanup. Lt us snow you. A REAL BUY IN ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT A cosy 5-room house on deep lot, many shade trees and surrounded by beautiful new nomes. nice sisao. See Mrs. Ellis with CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 344 SUte Street Phone 9281 V. ACRE BUILDING SITES Located on Fairview Ave.. South of Salem, about l block off mam Pacinc highway, city water. Price $500, easy rCail G. H. Grabenhorst, jr., with W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 S. Liberty St Phone 4131 BEACH PROPERTY One of best locations for auto court 4-rm. residence, nook and attic, double construction, basement best plumbing fixtures, one acre overlooking ocean. Price $4000. terms, $600 cash, balance $30 mo. FAHM rauuuLE AUVAHUIIU Now la" the time to buv that farm. We offer 300 acres, mostly cultivated. east of Salem, all buildings fair, spring in pasture, fenced and croes-iencea. Priced at only $36 per acre. See Mr. Bartiett witn CHILDS A MILLER. REALTORS 344 SUte Street Phone 9261 8 ACRE BARGAINS $25 dn.. baL 810 ner mo. will buy a fine 5-acre tract located east of Salem on good road A light line. Best of dark prairie sou, all under cult., near scnooi. Kimu u. rt. CrraDennorsi, jr., wiui W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 S. Liberty St - Phone 4131 LOOK THESE BARGAINS OVER 2 houses on a lot 66 by 122. one 6-rm, one new 3-rm., on 4 th St., $2800. Brand new. modern J-rm.. witn Dam A shower. V, A., on main highway. South. $2250. Nice large 7-rm. nome witn targe lot Inclosed. Royal Ann cherries ana Dears. Cloee in on N. 4th. at $2750. E. Z. Terms. Phone 5580 . ART MADSEN VTEW PROPERTY $3750 will buv this new 5-room mod home. loc. outside city limits, city water, wonderful view of mountains. big-lot in -new addition., that Is going to grow last. Has on nr. xurnace. eiec. hot w.t.r heater Installed Bendix SSSMS kk.H?ZJ?lNr WAIT nnn a iiii uviua Call G. H. Grabenhorst. jr., witn W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 4131 DUE TO military trans, to Panama we must sell our 6-rm. home by May 1. Cost 85100 to build. 3 yrs. ago. May consider bids a round sxxju or s-s.uu. Box 1558. Statesman. $1000 WELL handle fine view property on Kingwood terraces. House not quite finished. Owner leaving town. Full price $2000. Phone 3439. CASH SNAPS $2200 buys 5-rm. home, close in, on Center St. Plas., near state bldgs., fur nace, basement paved alley. 82850 buys 3-rm. home in gooa aisi. on S. Hich St. Basement furnace, gar.. deep lot. ALL FURNISHINGS GO. This won t last , can it. a. Jonnson witn. W. H.. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 4131 1 $200 DOWN. $20 per mo., bungalow in West Salem. Living rm., kitchen. nook. 2 bedrms., basement, furnace. fireDlace. 82200. $ipo Nice bungalow m aiem, large living rm.. amette, nice xucnen, 2 oea rms.. basement xnrnace. MELVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR 723 Court St - Phone 3723 MUST BE sold 5-rm.. basement fur nace, l, acre, worth $3000. Priced $2150. 3 - rms.. suburban, remodeled like new. gisoo. car for down, bal. like rent STEGNER, 320 N. Commercial. Phone 6143. i ACRE north $175. $5 dn. $5 mo. BUDROW REAL ESTATE Ph. 5963 FINE. Mod. 8-r. house, .gar, good be irrigated, ideal for alfalfa or gard location. near bus and schools. Easy I ening. modern 7-room house, fair barn terms. Ph. 8308. TWO BEAUTIFUL brand new homes. ust outside of city. 8 large rms.. oil urnace. , A. walnuts and rrult. out. side fireplaces. Must be seen to be ap- I precutea. ou. very attractive terms 10 riant party. Mew J-rm. a ' attic rireniaee. hwd. floors. Vm A. Cute bunaalow tvne E. of cny. szwu. 100 a. farm, fair bouse A barn. 70 A. In crop. Well drained. Close to In dependence. Goes as is for $5000. ART MADSEN Phone 3580. -" - " ' -i--ii-.-.-rr-ruuLTLrLnrri FINE CORNER LOT. 150 ft new side. assessments. $373. Ph. 8413. I -wwwmwvwswvwwmmw I S-RM. modern house, mad I Some terms. 847 Saginaw St I ww---,)! 1 NEW 4-RM. hse Venetian blinds, i elec water heater. Sell equity or trade Exchange Real Estate 3 BEAUTTEUL nrncr lota m mw a seatues mam streets, trade for prop erty in Salem. See T. L. jteed.v with M. f. UKANT 52S Court 6744 For Sale Farms FOR SALE 40-Acre farm! W. P(i-i Aumsvuie, -re. .- By CHIC YOUNG 1 For Sale Used Cars Here Is the " PAYOFF $ 1 0,000.00 '-;f Accident Policy Emergency Repair Plan Traffic and Accident Bail Bond at NQ EXTRA COST With Every Used Car That We Finance All car payments are made direct to this firm, hero hi Salem. '40 Packard 6 Sedan Radio and heater. $895 Pay down $293. baL at 840.47 per month. '40 Hudson 8 Sedan $895 Pay down $293. baL at 840.47 per month. 39 Hudson 6 Sedan $650 Pay down $250. baL at $27.48 per month. '39 Hudson 112 Sedan 8585 Pay down $183. baL at 827.48 per month. '37 Buick Sedan $495 Par down $193, bal. $21.43 per month. '37 Chevrolet Coupe $450 Pay down $150. baL at $21.43 per month. '37 Graham 6 Sedan $395 Pay down $193. bal. $13.67. '36 Chevrolet Coupe $295 Pay down $123. baL at $13.89 per month, j ALL THE ABOVE RATES INCLUDE DucrraLE insurance EIRE A THEFT. COMPREHENSIVE, $25 STATE MOTORS, INC Hudson - Packard 340 North High Our New Location Foe Sale Farms FOR TRADE OR SALE -bout 75 acres under cult.. 6 acres of good bearing cherries. 5-rm. house A barn. baL nasture A cood fir timber. Will take good house up to $3000 as part payment Price $40 per acre. A REAL BUY; Call G. H. Grabenhorst, jr with W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 4131 A MODERN dairy ranch with retail and wholesale milk route, over 200 qts. per day. 2 big dairy . barns. 2 fine homes (4 and 3 rms.), a full line of machinery, also new del. truck. Big head of dairy cows and young stock. This place is up to tne minute in every respect 186 A. of land. 55 cult.. baL j pasture, ana pricea at sis-ouu. terms, or some trade. If you are looking for a larm or so wiu .K M a m rivr lw.(tAn 4Hat rt and out buildings. On paved highway and onlv 12; miles out Priced at suooo. Will take al house tn town up to 83000 and balance casn. see urten witn HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC.. Realtors. SO ACRE BARGAIN Located east of Salem near Swegle school, all under cult Best of dark prairie soil.! A REAL BUY. Good road A light line, race siae per acre. Call C If. lira oennorsx. jr vim W. W GRABENHORST A CO. 134 S. Liberty St Phone 4131 j Acreage SMALL HOUSE on good corner, east of Salem,- oov, also oovn. S. AeresJ 2 bedrm. house, bath. base- ment A furnace, elec. water system. fruit and berries. Liose to oatem. wow, terms. $ Acres, close in. S-rm. house, $2650. R. A. TORKNI-K 1853 N. Capitol St INSTALLMENT ACREAGE This is your chance to buy a fine S-acre tract with drilled welL WUI furnish, to right party $400 of building materials to build a small house. If you. are looking for a gooa suouroan tract where you can build your own home, this is a food proposition. On good gravel roaa iignt line, mw, btcludlns building mat A welL $1800. sioo an.. Dai sn-ae per mo. .a l. i - . J - tMl u. 1. jrraoeiuior(, jr., witu W. H GRABENHORST A CO. 134 S. Liberty St - Phono 4131 10 A., about S a. filberts, some wal- j nuts, cherries, well, small house barn. $1250. Siso a own. iae , smau house on oV in saiem. - - - 40 A.. IO mL from Salem. 28 cult. baL timber A pasture, fair 5-rm. house, barb, chicken house orchard, all yr. stream. 85500. Take good bouse In Salem. ' i ' - ' 8 A close to Satan. 4-rnw btmgaiow. batn. oarnL aucan oouse. orcnaro. 82473. ' . - , . Money xo uomn at MELVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR REAL 1723 Court St Phone 3723 HOWELL DIST.- 18 A. Good buildines. elect. ressurs water; berry farm. Extra go ixerms. very nest sou. - a. v. tiitAjirr, -Ualtos -. i 828 Court St - , 1 A., nice 5-rm. bouse, barn. Dress. water system, close in. east, sacrutco price. Easy, terms. See J. H. Johnson wixn 1- - ...... H. P. GRANT 829 Court Ph. 87U A. GOOD bldgs. B. L Ph. 82713. KOMS AND corner acreage on Port- For Sale-Used Cam Safety Tested 1937 Poniiac 2-Door Sed. Has large trunk, radio and heater. Beautiful hlack finish; Mechanically per fect $475 otne more choi Wd have some more choice ones. L0DER BROS. 443 Center Salem YouTl Get a Better Deal From Your Okts Dealer BUY HERE YOU GET A Better Car A Better Buy . A Better Deal! 38 DODGE DeLuze' Fordor Sedan Orlg. paint excelL tires with life guard tubes, radio A heater. Your car may make the down payment witn mommy payments oc only vajo. ... 37 CHEV. TOWN SEDAN New paint $123 down and $18.50 per momn. - 37 CHEV, DeLtTXE COUPE 34 TERRAPLANE SEDAN. . $143 33 PLYMOUTH D. L. COUPE 3195 Rumble Seat 34 PLYMOUTH D. L. SEDAN 3123 34 FORD COUPE .$195 38 PONTIAC SEDAN One owner has given excell. care 8200 down, $28-95 per month. i- LOT: Corner Chemeketa A Church Phone 3688 . flERRA-2 SEP?. "Dependability"; PONTIAC SALES A SERVICE 235 S. CommercUL Phono 3169 OR TRADE equity in 1940 Plymouth I -- Kour Corners. H. c. Beach. MAAAAAAAAAAAMWMMAAMMMWWWWMMMk I 1928 PONTIAC coach. Runs good 313. 1 2348 Myrtle. WantedReal Estate WE WANT listings. For Sale or For Kent. Residence or commercial oroDertv. GEORGE A. BROWN. 210 Oregon Bldg. WE INVITE your 'for sale" list. Ingi If fairly priced. HAWKINS & ROBERTS. INC, Realtors Guardian Build ng . w Resort Property WECOMA BEACH New. large, mod ern, ocean view beach house with car- age, complete with furniture, $2500. rn. si. Business Opportunities COTTAGES A!ND STORE Very well located, on new hiwav witn oroaa arive-m space. Restaurant leased. Cottages are completely furn 1 ished. liv. Quarters with store. $3900 for bides. A HOT SPOT. LOOK IT OVER. Call R. A. Johnson with. W. H. Grabenhorst . A Co.. 134 S. Liberty St f none 4131. .- - -11-r 1-1-1 -inrnnj-Lru-j-irtj- BEAUTY PARLOR SNAP Established business iiv downtown lo- I I -,--. dput raL't r .- .-...... I to buy a going business with small I overhead. ACT NOW! Call R. A. John- son with, W. H. Grabenhorst A Co., 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 4131. BEACH APTS. BARGAIN 8 modern units In 4-vr-old bldg.. with both hiway and ocean frontage. -f ireplace in eacn, a real spot in line Tor great future development. Price $10,500. Call R. A. Johnson with. W. H. Grabenhorst A Co.. 134 S. Liberty St., Ph. 4131. SPECIAL Cross Word Puzzle 11 IS 15 lb 21 18 21 22 23 75 -23 32 34 5b 2T7 140 41 44 149 149 54 55 57 63 HORIZONTAL 1 skin . fr Ireland 9 poisonoos . ' snaks itr East Indian - ' " ;treo 1J cotton fabric li born ' It demolish lft ataireasa : balnstrada lft-nleeeased . 2? used up -tltret mp , 14-repast, 1. 4 t5 heavy-. - weight 2S Italian cola . 46 ThesssIIsn " moantain - 4 8 re-establish 60 shower - ' 64- -consume : 65 Assam - silkworm 6ft plessinr X 67 paid notices 68 tumult 6 let it staad VERTICAL 1 quality ' vsYXtAy P 26 35 Answer to yesterday's paxxla. - '''.'. '-..'' .... , -2 rounded - ; roof s.t S2---feminin8 h Bam '.lZ.f St accom-. u viuurrio P rA I ANA '- plished S5 pic poea ' 25--soothiayer X7 curved . : aaoldins;- S9 e 49 W8T .' fo-K vAhsffN :-Biiddi .' itfaaaaf For SaloUted Carf People Save By Buying at I W. E: ANDERSON, INC. Salem's Oldest DeSoto and .fiymoutn .Dealer 39 Dodge 5:Pass: Cpc, Oris. Da Int. iau than laivwi niiM This car is a very popular model. Our Price 38 Buickr8 40 Series , Orlg. finish. New rubber. Low mVe age and very clean. Our Price : .-...-$595 Many More to Choose From ,: j I Have Too Tried DeSoto Fluid! Driver W. L. Anderson, Inc- 360 Marion Open Eves... Ph.TT03 Puineg Opportunities DOWNTOWN LUNCH ROOM Low overhead. Owner has netted in ' excess of $3000 last year and income . tax statement will verify. $1500 will ' handle. Total price. $2750. - MYRTON MOORE REAL ESTATE 180 N. Coml. Suite IT f SERVICE sUUon to rent Phone 3680. For Sale Wood I 1$ In. fir. Judd. Ph. 22129. ' pky wood, pn. S700.--Bradley. y WOOD. Ph. 5370 Oraen. 413 N. XI t -ii iunrunjnjuiruLiri DRY WOOD. Phon 120. I ' m mmm,m,mm m - 1 lUJl FOR BE6T dry wood. Ph. 2-2637. I f., lMM-il-lJ-if-if-li-f . MILL WOOD. 83 50 load Ph.- MSS , or 5341 evenings Yard at .110 Court Personal LONESOME? Serrlns all area Club Elite. P. O 80X71 Q. Loa Angeles. Cat Swpglo News ?- SWEGLE Mr. and Mrs C. IL DeChein have recently moved. Into the JlME-Sinf DroDertV. orma jane L.onKiin wa$ taicen. - M a a-i a lrum , scnooi last luwaiy with a badly sprained ankle. ho will be out of school for a week j or more. - Mrs. Gustav Bahnsen returned l- . .1 1 ! A ' uome irom uic nospitai xasi Saturday. - I . , Mrs. Mary Swingle returned home from Spokane, where she; has been visiting for the past month. ' , , I , . , Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Toise aad daughters, ADelma and loan., were in Albany for the Easter vacation. , j F Miss Emma Jean Miller came from Hammond Thursday... to ?pend the Easter vacatio with1 her mother, Mrs- Elvina Hoff man. f ,. Auburn grade boys and girls came to play softball Friday after-; noon. Swegle boys won the game 8 to 6 and the girls S to 4.1 So far thia xnfthall imcmi t vii-l. h.w- won tour games and lost j ono to Hazel Green. The boys have- lost four games and won three!. V Lodges Pacific Lodge No. 50, AT A AM. Stated meeting. Apr. 18, 7 JO pm. Otto N. Hoppes was. IO 11 in 20 24 29 50 51 35 23 4 3 50 6 5R 8oote in . Coido's ' ' seal t goddess f . : thadawa ' - 4 English ' manufso- '. ' turiurtown 5 island off coast of ' 'Italy ' peruse -.7 tavern : clamor ' t 9 -deer-tilt ruminants 10 -observed 11 saucy " 17 Tardea implement 21 weetsos 22 fixed course 23 enrrosses 24 -manufso -m tared 27 sacred 28 oat&t 1 .w 20 heaves! 1 body - ! 21 serf : 7 83 ruejed pealt - 23 type mess nrs (pL) 41 compound ". ' ether; 43 d jsenreg ' 44 space "45 sin ill. " 7 --r-obuIr hodf I .. 4 milef : ; 43 thxlcsj 4 1 ' TY'Lx : CI rim hlizj 2 Xrcii.- wstsr o ml ml mm 2 I 1 44 smpporU CJ saars owner. . sia-juu tn. 1. sx so. ,