The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 17, 1941, Page 10, Image 10

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The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem, Oregon, Thursday Morning, April 17. 1941
"Month for
i - - -'
1 April is a month of something
. beside 'showers, and the antici-
pation;of Iay flowers. It's a
month full of memories for the
"v historian," for the followers of
special holidays and for- even
the family cook, for there are
many. many hew things to re-
member, to buy for the menu In
April. ...
Every day's a holiday, an ex
cuse to celebrate, a reason for
fancy cakes and special fare.
. . This month of showers . in 1782
saw Alexander Hamilton estab-'
lish the mint; April,, 1818, wit
nessed the adoption of our-present
flag; April, 1513, welcomed
' Ponce de Leon to our shores,
and April 14th was Pan-American
day. Arbor day, Bird day.
Army day, Patriot's day all fall
in April, as do birthdays of the
UNIFORM monthly payment! ; no
renewal expense; no increase in
interest rate. A Prudential 20-Year
liortf age is the ae way to finance
year home. Available in selected
sections . . . FHA financing optional
Authorized Mortgage Loan Solicitor
for The Prudential Insurance Co. of
Guardian Building Salem, Oregon
country's j great and . eminent:
Washington Irving, Elihu Yale,
Charles Evans Hughes, Thomas
Jefferson, James Buchanan, and
even Mr Shakespeare. Your
own unsung heroes, too, may -J
come in for birthdays.
Do your celebrating with these
party recipes:
:-!- I :
(For the Mint's Anniversary)
Yx cup shortening " -
1 cup sugar
6" egg yolks, well-beaten
' cup milk .
1 cups cake flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
Yt teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
Cream sugar and shortening'
until light. Add beaten egg
yolks. Mix and sift "dry ingredi
ents twice" and add alternately
with the milk. Add vanilla last
and beat smooth. Turn into 9x9
x2 oiled pan and bake in mod
erate oven (350 degrees) 50 min
(Celebrate Ponce's Coming)
2 egg yolks
Ya cup milk
V cup sugar
.1 V teaspoons cornstarch
V teaspoon salt
14 cups scalded milk
Yz teaspoon vanilla
3 Valencia oranges
2 egg whites
4 tablespoons sugar
1 cup shredded coconut
Grated rind of 1 orange
Beat egg yolks slightly with Y
cup milk. Mik sugar, corn-starch
and salt and blend into the egg
mixture. Add scalded milk and
cook in double boiler till mix
ture coats spoon. Cool. Add va
nilla and pour into sherbet
glasses of into glass serving dish,
over peeled sliced oranges. Beat
egg whites until stiff, adding su
gar gradually. Pile on custard;
make "peaks". Sprinkle with
shredded coconut and orange
rind. !
(For Arbor Day)
Yi cup butter
1 : cup granulated sugar
v . ...
SOME LUCE" 'EM HOT, scne like 'em cold, but well take
our beans in little pots toppedjwith a thick slice of sugar-cured
pork loaf (the kind that comes fn a 12-ounce can ready to serve).
Of course, the beans, the spiedd peaches, and the brown bread,
too, are from the canned foods!! shelf. So this old-fashioned meal
is very up-to-date in satisfying the modern woman's need for
real service.
The slices of sugar-cured jork may be pan fried and placed
on the hot beans .or placed ofi the beans without browning to
Joe fieated in a moderate oven.For variety, try topping" the slices
with a teaspoon of maple ayrjap to give a flavorful glaze.
1 egg "j
Y cup bran - - $
3 cups flour t
2Y teaspoons baking powdeo
4 teaspoons salt . i
Y3 cup orange juice I
2 teaspoons grated oran
Delicious marshmallows covered with rich caramel
coating. Packed fresh
candy kitchen and rushed
with all the goodness sealed
Main Floor
fn the ,gf"
;d to us ' I Vfc 1 ffi
aled in. x3 Via
Blend butter and sugar untp
light and fluffy. Add egg and
beat well. Add all-bran. Sift
flour with baking powder ard
salt and add to first mixture al
ternately with orange juice. Str
in orange rind and chill. Rail
out dough to about H indh
thickness, working with a small
amount at a time, keeping the
remainder chilled. Cut into
shape of evergreen trees wifh
floured knife; sprinkle with col
ored sugar. Bake on greased
baking sheet in moderately ht
oven (375 degrees) abo'ut 0
minutes. Yield: 5 dozen cookies.
(For Bird Day)
6 thin slices boiled ham
Prepared mustard
6 firm bananas, peeled
Cheese sauce
Faculty Meet
Is Scheduled
WOODBURN The upper grade
teachers and grade principals' as
sociation will meet at the Silver
ton high school cafeteria Thurs
day at 6:30 p.m. for a dinner and
final business meeting.
A program has been arranged
and all grade teachers and grade
principals are , urged to attend.
Use all-yellow or s 1 i g h t ljjy
green-tipped bananas. Spread
each slice of ham lightly with
mustard. Wrap a slice of the pre
pared ham around each banana.
Place into a buttered shallow
baking pan and pour cheese
sauce over bananas. Bake in J a
moderate oven (350 degrees) 0
minutes, or until bananas aj-e
tender. . . easily pierced withj a
l i j' i n i' i: fV
' " ""-
WOODBURN The annual 4H
Achievement and 4H exhibit will
be held at the Lincoln grade
school auditorium Friday ai 2:30
One hundred twenty five mem
bers, including pupils from both
Washington junior high and Lin
coln grade school in grades five,
six, seven andelght will take part.
The projects carried include
cooking, sewing, forestry, wood
working and two health clubs.
Each member will have an exhibit.
Parents and others are invited
to visit the exhibits and attend
the program which will include
awarding of pins and certificates
for work completed last year.
Candy, cookies and punch will
be sold to help raise funds for 4H
summer school scholarships.
Suver News
r "nfAfr
I :O5I0r.Y- f.lA'MOPAC7 U P. CP.5
r til
r- 4.
SUVER Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Sellers, Salem, Mrs. Milton Black
man and son Gary, Portland, and
Mrs. Bert Patchell, Salem, visited
last Wednesday at the Davis
Douglas home.
Mr. Davis and Mrs. Patchell
were neighbors years ago in
Pennsylvania. They had not seen
each other for about 50 years until
last summer, when Mr. Davis'
nephew was here visiting from
the east and they looked the Pat
chells up in Salem. Neither knew
where the other lived.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dodele of
Wells, H. F. Douglas of Corvallis
and Mr. and Mrs. Blair Douglas
went to Dallas Sunday to call on
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Berg and
offer congratulations on their
golden wedding anniversary.
i v. :
ii il f il - .. ! ' ! : i
1 1 from P to I1 Ewy pair Pffctl
1 h Y ' ' ' brokfost dishes end run I Here's a ' : J
lVv4 flp' w0 you eon'r offord lo mlssl You know how
4 y f! ki , xquislfe Rnery hosiery Um how Incredibly sheer 4 1
'SA f I?) y s 1 lre superrwlsl 3-threods lookl "Bostops
- l W . ul down knesfrain! i Stock up! All Spring shades! '!
j j 135 N. Liberty Phone 3194 ..$JkJ Z
. rs mmi. i mi' I mull jiiillluilllPWlliliiiimiWi'i". L4 ilin i I I mill i L'l' nmii. i jrfy. m ; .mn.t mw
Mrs. Steve Benedict is home
I from the hospital with her baby
son. xvirs. t. jvl. xseneoict is Help
ing care for the baby this week.
Mr,-and Mrs. John "Heffley and
son Jack visited at Dufur with her
father, Mr. Limeroth.
Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Rutschmann
are announcing the arrival of their
first grandchild, a daughter, born
to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rutschmann
at Dufur.
Mrs. Chet Sasser and children
Grant and Cheryl and. Mr. and
Mrs. Glen Trump of Enterprise
visited a few days last week with
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bennett and
Francis Smith of Chehalis,
Wash., came to visit his sister,
Mrs. John Ridders and family. He
brought his mother, Mrs. Ella
Stuck, from Independence with
him. He left the next day from.
Seattle for Alaska, where he ex
pects to stay two years. Mrs. Ar
rell and son of Eugene also spent
the day with her niece recently.
Lodge Group
Has Election
Wbbdburn Host as
Delegates Assemble
; - for Annual Meet - -t - .
' ?W.b6DBlIThe'24th:anriuai
Dowell district convention of "the
Royal Neighbors of America . was
held at St. Luke's community hall,
Saturday with about 135 members
from Salem, Silverton," Chemawa,
Scotts Mills and . Woodburri . at
tending. .
.Mary F. Gibson of ., Woodburn,
district "oracle, opened" -the "meet
ing, one was assisted py ine ioi
lowing officers: '.,
District Vice Oracle, Mary Hrr. Sil
verton; recorder-receiver, Agnes M.
Jones, Woodburn; chancellor, Dora
Pratt, - Salem; marshals. Irene Speed,
Linda BuUer, Salem; musician, Kloise
Bewley. Salem; flag-bearer, Hattie
Ruez, Salem; past Oracle, Pauline
Swartout, Scotts Mills; inner sentinel.
Anna ucnte, wooaDurn; outer sen
tinel, Marjory Sheppard, Scotts Mills;
Moaesty, verda Beckner, Lablsh; Un
selfishness, Elizabeth Rutherford. Sil
verton; Endurance, Jean Brackman,
woooourn; uourage, Mabel Sohrt, Sa
lem; Faith, Emma Jones, Labish.
Guests introduced were state
supervisor, Leonora Broili, and
district deputies, Maude Davis,
Nellie Redbuiger and Katie Fair
fax. '.
The districtoracle appointed the
following members on commit
tees: finance, Myrtle Beckman,
Labish, Alice Egan, Silverton, and
Mabel Sohrt, Salem; by-laws and
amendments, Sarah Peterson, Sa
lem, Mary Ackerman, Salem, and
Josie Hartman, Silverton; resolu
tions, Pauline Swartout, Scotts
Mills, Gertrude Walker, Salem,
and Rose Magee, Scotts Mills;
publicity, Carmalita Weddle, Sa
lem, and Carrie Tyler, Woodburn.
After lunch the address of wel
come was given by Carrie Tyler,
oracle of Woodburn. The response
was given by Carmalita Weddle,
An invitation was extended and
accepted to hold the next conven
tion at Salem.
A school of instruction was held
and each group exemplified a part
of the ritualistic work. State Su
pervisor Broili was in charge of
the school.
-Election of officers was held
with the following results:
Oracle Carmalita Weddle. Salem;
vice oracie. venta verDecK, silverton;
recorder-receiver, Mabel Sohrt, Salem;
chancellor. Myrtle Beckner. Labish:
flab-bearer. Hattie Ruef. Salem: faith.
Pauline Verbeck, Silverton; courage,
Kareen Benson, Woodburn; modesty.
xiazei narnson, wooaourn; unselfish
ness. Norma Ettlin, Scotts Mills; en
durance. Evelyn Savage, Labish; inner
senunei. Host JYiagee. Scotts Mills;
outer sentinel. Margaret Mears. La
bish; marshalls. Clara Mosher and
Florence - Wattier, Silverton; musician,
Eloise Bowley, Salem.
A banquet was served at the
Methodist church to about 130
guests. The district convention
was an open meeting in the eve
ning with fancy drills beings jput
on by Salem and Silverton groups.
A program, made up of numbers
from each camp in the district,
was presented. Four students
from, Woodburn high school's ex
pression class gave a short play.
The new officers were Installed
by State Supervisor Broili and
District Deputy Maude Davis with
an escort team from Scotts Mills.
Short talks were given by state
Valley Events
- April 18 Marion County Onion
Growers, Labiaa Center - schoolhouse.
S pan. :- : -j: '
April 19 Polk county 4H leaders,
Rickreall; Marion County Jersey Cat
tle club, chamber -of commerce, X p.m.
April 19 steer feeders meeting. O
vallis. 10 ajn.- . - -
, April 14,- 23. 2 Marion County 4H
club, show, eXhlDrt bullcung. fair
grounds. . - . . i . ,
- May 10 Monmouth-lamb show. -May
" J4r-Scio fat Jamb, show.
been chosen Stayton chairman for
the observances of National Mu
sic week, to be held May 4 to 11.
The theme this year will be
Make Good Music Familiar Mu
sic" Mrs. Lau asks that all or
ganizations planning festivities of
any sort "report them to her -at
Keizer Pupils
Give Program
KEIZER The 4H achievement
day will be observed by the Kei
zer grade school April 18 with a
program at 8 p. m.
Numbers will include a candle
lighting ceremony, demonstrations
by different groups, style review,
harmonic club, radio skit and
group singing.
The public is invited.
Dorothy Atwood of Sublimity
spent . the weekend with Lorena
Bidders. Dorothy is a former resi
dent and reports that her mother,
who has very poor health, is now
at thejiome of a daughter ai Long
view, Wash. ' t
Mr. and Mrs. John Ridders and
children, Lorena and Melvin, went
to Mt Angel Sunday and visited
their daughter and sister,-Agnes.
Agnes has been ill with sinus
trouble ; and is taking treatment
from a specialist in Portland. , ;
Was Old at 55
99 that utt m feat ran votmcer " &7lX.
Garnar. -New Waatatsctw. O. OStrXx mtaioa
!ll5!5!l,I? of,eo o-y bam
m? Mu- Pbaaplmrui. MUM. Vttmmla
5i.f-Tf2.2a4 WVTarm- A JS-raar ot4 DOCTOR
EZJTSOfL lflu"rT l attly tie.
man feeling apptar aatf jrouc4ar mm Tar? ay.
GlIXIXtr tkmi-mtfr 41TM rfewa
rr ' r' Myer, Perry's and
aU ther good drag stres.
IUk Hearing Slated
Hearings into milk production.
distribution and prices in the
Portland area were ordered re
cently by the state milk control
board for April 14, 25 and May 1.
MT.' ANGEL Last minute ; ar
rangements for . the .Marion coun
ty council, , at the , Memorial hall
at Mt. Angel. Thursday, were dis
cussed' at the. meetings of .the Le
gion and auxiliary .Tuesday. ' ..
The auxiliary . announces a" mu
sical program of four numbers
for and the Legionnaires say that
Joe Prange's Glee jclub, Salem,
will also be here. . .
A large group of visitors from
all parts of the county is expected.
The Post announced that the
first post-Lenten dance for mar
ried people will take place Fri
day in the Legion hall.
. , F. M. . PowelL . Silverton com
mander, was a ' visitor . at ' t h e
meeting Tuesday an4 invited Mt
Angel Legionnaires to the craw
fish feed at the armory in Sil
verton Friday and to the post
meeting there Monday, April 21.
Commarraer - Faulhaber invited
all comrades to bring! their moth'
ers to the next regular meeting,
May 6, for the annual Mother's
day program sponsored by the
auxiliary. A special j program is
being prepared by Mrs. Fred
Lucht and the mothers will be
honored guests, at the lunch that
will follow the meeting and pro
gram. i
A motion by Mrs. Cletus Butsch
to again donate a ! 4H summer
school scholarship or St. Mary's
school was carried. iMrs. Butsch
reminded "the. unit that the card
party for the hot lunch program
for the children of St. Mary's
school, which the auxiliary is
sponsoring jointly with the St.
Ann's Altar society iand the Ca
tholic Daughters, is jset for April
22. All auxiliary women are asked
to attend. .
Mrs. Anna Towell of Silverton.
state publicity chairman, was at
Mt "Angel meeting.) She invited
all the members to (the Silverton
auxiliary meeting Monday night
xruuauon ceremonies xor two
new members, Mrs. A. J. Traeger
and Mrs. George : Harrison were
held. In the absence of the pres
ident, jvlts. rrea nrosser presided,
Stayton News
STAYTON Stayton Garden
club is distributing leaflets call
ing attention to planting day,
April 18, iinder the-auspices, of
the Portland Garden club.
Mrs. Ed Bell Willi entertain the
club at her home A.pril is with
jwrs. ueorge. ri. jieu and Mrs.
Jim McDaniel assisting.
The - program will include in
struction on primroses, lilacs and
violas by Mrs. B. o.. Schucking
of Eola . acres, Salem.
'J - .
STAYTON Mr. knd Mrs. Earl
Miller and Mrs. Joe VanCleave
drove to Newport Saturday to at
tend a flower show. Mrs. Miller
addressed the group on horticul
ture. i. -
STAYTON The Women's" Ca
tholic Order of Foresters, Stayton.
have accepted an - invitation from
St Agnes court in j Sublimity for
a, joint installation of officers
Thursday. Mrs. Leo Odenthal and
Miss Edna Fery gave talks at the
meeting. The 'women will enter
tain their husbands and . friends
and also the men Foresters' at the
May meeting."
STAYTON Mayor Grant Mur
phy has dispatched to Salem the
official entry blank of the city of
Stayton to enter the 1941 cities'
traffic safety contest sponsored by
Earl Snell, secretary of state.
Stayton is in division 4 together
with cities of similar population.
STAYTON Mrsl Clara Lau has
V WHEN YOU TAKE A TRIP you're entitled to
expect more than merely transportation. Com-
, fort, convenience, friendly courtesy good meal
at reasonable price and scenic beauty of route 1
these are a few features you enjoy if yours is a
Experienced travelers choose the RollerrBearing,
V- Air-Conditioned - - -
for utmost in comfort on a trip East
For greatest economy, reclining chair coaches or mod
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berths, compartments and drawing rooms. Fares are low
ask about them. r' ' "i- '-'.'v ''',';
Travel oa credit, if you wish ,
707 AncrkM Smk SM.
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t'dw'f 0423
This Ensembl
- -
By way of becomincj an American classic
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P9(5 nDimajOp iriDnaE
U 135 N. Commercial , Phone S197 - 9723
It Pays to Trade at Schaefer's Where Prices Are Ahvays Low '
The Original Yellow From Drug j Prescripfions Accurately Filled Sole Agent Penslar Remedie ,
and Candy Special Store In Salem J 1899 -1941 - ' In Marion County
Store Hours: Week Days 73 AJL - :0t PJH. Sat 7:3 AJ. - 9:(0 PJtf. Sun. : AJkf. - :0f PJH. Holidays : AM. - t:00 TM.
Prr1 Pfr your chana.
siu IdC
Films - Fresh Stock
All Sizes . . . Lowest Prices
1 Filn Finishing .
. With a Free Enlargement
Any 8 exposure -roll
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Ice Cream Soda
Any flavor .u
Polaroid! Glasses $1.95
j They Remove All the Glare
Ice Crcarn pt. 113 ci Qt.
i - ' .... ... . . . - . -
When your feet are sore you hurt all over
so get I rid of your corns the easy way, use
Schaefer's CtTrn Elemcdy
Sold the Schaefer Way OC
No Relief No Pay CmS
Schaefcr's Uerhal Dnlsan, 52c ,d$l
Year Doctor
": - r
Is your; closest link
with modern .sci
ence. Keep up with
the times by seein
him for a regular
check-up. Then let
us fill year pre
scriptions in a de
pendable manner.-
When your feet
perspire watch?
oat for athlete's
foot If yon ret
It treat It with
. ' Xt'sBestf
Dcso Hair Oil
Half .Pint
. Pottle
This Is a first grade
hair oiL Regular 50e
your poison oak, but It's hard not
to, unless you're using-
- Pcissa Oa!x Lclicn
nos 1
Ott I
Ia Two Rernlar Sizes I