Vi BRIDAL PARTY snapped after the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Roberts (Phyllis Saunders), pictured on the right, on Sunday, April 6. at St. Paul's Episcopal church. At tending the couple were Mr. Mike Balcovik and Mrs. Lester Carter, whp are on the left. A reception was held at the Grover Hillman home. (Statesman photo.) bot't look . but . . . it's a bit hard on us older girls to Realize that times have changed. We still like the days when we could find standing room for Old Fred and the surrey any place on State street and there was always shoul der room for him at Bush's bank watering trough. Now the only way to find a parking place is to shove in ahead of someone else when a car moves out Then too . . . speaking of parking places . . . when young friends of Jeanne Busick sit around the table after a party, they write their names right on the table cloth, and indulgent Mother Busick later em broiders the names so they are permanently parked. We saw 'em first . . . Ever notice how many artists we've heard in Salem are do Kiwanis Men Will Honor Their Wives At a Banquet on Tuesday Night 1 Wives of Kiwanis club mem bers will be the honor guests at a ladies night banquet on Tues day in the Mirror Room of the Marion hotel. The affair is in the nature of a kick-off banquet to precede the Northwest con vention to be held in Salem this summer. This will be one of the first major conventions to be held 'in the capital. A division Kiwanis conference will be held in the afternoon with Judge Arlie Walker of Mc Minnville, lieutenant governor for this division, presiding. Out-of-town guests and their wives will be present for the banquet. Mr. Walter Ertckson will pre side as toastmaster and an in formal program will be present ed during the evening. Mr. Var ney E. Kuhn is president of the Kiwanis club. A girls novelty group from the Meisinger Studio will give a number of musical selections. The MacDowell club sextet will " sing and the Willamette univer sity string quartet will play dur ing the evening. Mr. Arthur Corey of Tacoma, governor of this district, including Oregon, Washington, Idaho and British Columbia, will show motion pictures of the West Indies. Sev eral entertainment acts from P IHi B TT EK D TT YOUR iFtunas. modw at :-:-x-3 .w.v.x rX".'.". : Milgrim OF SALEM iiT tzr d TV f t? Lowest Rates ""X-H ?X'X"Xj M II nice IE II M 409 COURT fc.... :x$x:x:x:::x:x: j I f " i The OREGON STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. Sunday MorningT April 13. 1941 ; PAGE r A' Alow.. ing big things in a concert way in the east? Looking through a recent copy of Musical America I find: Julius Huhn pictured with his wife (he sang here three j years ago in the community concert serie$). Young Eu gene List who came that same year is in the issue. The next year's series included Rose Bampton (who is pictured practically every month in some metropolitan role). Igor Gorin of the next years series and Dalies Frantz are in the issue. This year's of course are there, Richard Crooks, and Iturbl. and young Anatol Kajminsky. Mind you, all pictured in "This issue, and there's a whole I page devoted to next year's offer ing, the Ballet Russe. j . Debby, the family' 2-year-old sage, says, "I like the skins on the ice cream cones." Maxine Buren Portland will be presented; Arranging the banquet are Mr. Chris Seely, Mr. ; Fred Klaus, Mr. Frank Doerfler, Mr. Walter Erickson. Mr. William Schlitt and Mr, Mauriee 1 Bren nan. The Delta Delta Delta alum nae will meet with Mrs. G. Edward Bissell Monday njght at her Cascade Drive home for a 7:30 o'clock dessert supper. As sisting hostesses will be Miss Ruth Starrett, Miss Bertha Kohlhagen, Miss Zelma Busch and Mrs. Donovan Kelly. Alum nae are asked to bring the squares they have knitted for Bundles for Britain. Friends of Mrs. Prince W. Byrd will be interested to learn that she has gone to Neskowin where she plans to live per manently. In June she will be joined by her daughter, Betty, who has been attending the University of Arizona at Tucson. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Becker (Marjorie Marcus) of Portland are spending the weekend in Salem as the guests of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cooley. OF SALEM X'X'X'.vv.'.v.X'X'X..'. ..".X'S . . . . . .... ... . . . j Convention In Portland This Week Attracting much interest in Portland this coming weekend will be the seventeenth annual conference ofj the Oregon divi sion, Americian Association of University Women. Headquar ters will be iat the Multnomah hotel on Friday and Saturday. The theme of the convention will be "Interpreting the Work of AAUW in( Building a Total Defense Program." Miss Beryl Holt of Salem, state president, will preside at the sessions j and other Salem women who ire state committee chairmen and ' will have a part in the two ddy program are Mrs. Milo Rasmusen, chairman of creative arts; Mrs. j. A. Jel derks, fellowship; Mrs. Earl Stewart, radio. Sessions wll open Friday aft ernoon and will be preceded by an informal' luncheon in the Rose Room kt noon with regis tration in the morning. Mrs. Victor Burke, director of the North Pacific section, AAUW will be the j speaker at the di rector's luncheon. In the after noon Mrs. Elmer O. Berg, presi dent of the i Salem branch, will speak on "Fellowship High- lights.;' A tea at the home of Mrs. E. C. Sammon$, 2835 S. E. Tal man street, will be held Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock for the visiting delegates. A banquet in the Arabian- Room will follow the tea at 7 o'clock. Mrs. Fred erick Kiehle, president of the Portland branch, will preside and the toastmistress will be Dr. Beatrice Aitichison of the Uni versity of Oregon. Dr. Helen Pearce of the English depart ment of Willamette university will be one !of the speakers and her topic will be "Book and Badge." Tie Salem branch AAUW has asked Mrs. Bruce R. Baxter to b their guest at the dinner. j After the banquet a reception honoring wives of college presi dents and deans of women of Oregon will be held. The guests will be Mrsi. Frederick Hunter, wife of Chancellor Hunter, Mrs. Donald Erbj University of Ore- gon; Mrs J. Hudson Ballard, Oregon Stated college; Mrs. Bruce R. Baxter, j Willamette univer sity; Mrs. Bexter Keezer, Reed college; Mrp. William Graham Everson, Lihfield; Mrs. Walter Giersbach, pacific; and the fol lowing deans of women, Mrs. Hazel ScheWering; Mrs. Kate Jameson, Mjiss Olive M. Dahl, Miss Lucille Benson and Miss Margaret Morgan. Business sessions will open Saturday morning at 8 o'clock and officer to be elected are vice-president, secretary and treasurer. Miss Holt serves as president fdr a three year term and is now completing her sec ond year, j A one opock luncheon will close the two-day convention on Saturday at the Waverly Coun try club. One of the speakers will be Madame Silwing ' Au, wife of the Chinese consul, who is a graduate of the University of Chicago! and a member of the Portland AAUW. ' All members : of the Salem AAUW branch are invited to at tend any ojf the sessions, lunch- , eons or dinner. ; Those planning to attend are asked to contact Mrs. Waldo Zeller. t IGHT Two Dances Coming Up r i "... "s ; -'" . . -. Together They'd Make a County Fair Overalls and ' gingham gowns will be in order! on Friday; April 25, when members ot ; the Lions auxiliary entertain at j St. Jo seph's , hall with their annual benefit barn dance. I Mrs. ' Jack Putnam and , her committee are in charge of the dance. Assisting will be Mrs. Jacob Hubbard, Mrs. Roy Stew art, Mrs. Oscar Olson and Mrs. William Newmyer. j- ; Prizes will be awarded for costumes, so there will be ample variety in the i garb of hostess esses and guests. An amateur program is being arranged for the intermission period. After dancing, supper will be served. The affair is open to all Lions and their friends. All members of the auxiliary have tickets to sell. ; Woman's Club in Session : The Pan-American study group of the Salem Woman's club pre sented a portion of the day's pro gram when the organization met at the clubhouse on Saturday afternoon. The program, in the form of a playlet, was in charge of Mrs. Clifton Mudd, with Miss Eula McCully, Mrs. George Lew is, Mrs. George Ailing, Mrs. Os car Cutler, Mrs. A. L. Skewis and Miss Antoinette White tak ing part. Cecil Sargeant, a high school student, read ' several original poems, Miss Kathleen Broer, ac companied by her mother, Mrs. Fred Broer, played violin solos, and Mrs. Robert Budrow gave a demonstration of Braille writing by slate and by using the new writer in possession of the Red Cross. Delegates elected to the Mar ion County Federation meeting to be held in Salem April 25 are Mrs. Glenn Paxson, Mrs. Estill Brunk, Mrs.! I. M. Schannep, Mrs. C. C. Geer, Mrs. A. L. Skewis. Curing the tea hour; Mr6. H. V. Collins and Mrs. Clifton Mudd poured. Mrs. ' George Allen, chairman, was assisted by Mrs. Oscar Cutler, ; Mrs. R. J. Hen dricks, Mrs. I. M. Schannep and Mrs. : J. C. Perry. Dogwood, Japanese azaleas and white bridal wreath spirea in white vases were used to dec orate the rooms. Mrs. Lloyd Smith and her daughter, Miss Barbara Jane Smith, have returned from a several, day's; stay at Gearhart where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Miller. The occasion marked the silver wed ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Miller. Mr. Peter Smith, a Beta Theta Pi at the University of Oregon, is spending the weekend in Salem with his par ents. Mrs. William H. Burghardt is entertaining with a small Easter breakfast this morning at her home on Union street. Her guests will be Mrs. Thomas Ri lea and children, Janet and Tommy, Mrs, Prince W. Byrd, Mrs. O. K. DeWitt and Mrs. Florence Munger. Salem folk; will be interested to learn that the Countess Morag Zamoyska of Portland, who has often spoken j in Salem, has left for a ten day stay in New York City where she will be with her husband's brother, who is in the diplomatic service. Dr. and Mrs. James J. Panton will be hosts for an informal Easter dinner today at their State street residence for a group of friends. j t?7n?T17T15?C5B HAVE YOU , iabv's TAKEN FOR'THE STATESMAN'S lOlh AHIIUAL BABY EDITIOI! Just a Short Time Left By Special Arrangement with Kennell-Ellis Studio i 1 j Alt Babies Under Will Be Photographed Absolutely Free ! I i Make Appointments Now! E&BGll - HISS Stndio PHONE 7830 FAN : 1 1 U r ' - i MAXINE ROGERS (Jesten-MUler) Miss Jean Annnsen of Grants Pass is spending the weekend in Salem with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Anunsen. She was among the out-of-town guests at the announcement tea of Ruth Yocom and Bruce Car kin on Saturday. Miss Nancy Wallace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Wallace, has arrived in Salem from her studies at St. Helen's hall in Portland to spend ' the Easter vacation at the home of. her par ents. She will be here until April 20. Mrs. William H. Hammond and daughter, Constance, are spending Easter in Oregon City with Mr. and Mrs. William Hammond. Major Hammond will come from. Camp Murray, to Join his wife and daughter in Oregon City for the weekend. Miss Barbara Compton will entertain the Spinsters at her North Summer street home Monday night. Final plans for the second annual decorated ta ble display on April 23 will be completed and judges will be announced. Mr. and Mrs. Alden Adolph have invited a group of friends to an Easter dinner today at their suburban home. Guests will be Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Deryl Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Claggetf and Miss Kreta Janz. The Delta Phi sorority moth ers will meet at the chapter house on Monday at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Elmer Berg will review "The Family" by Nina Fedoro va. Faculty wives, patronesses of the sorority and friends of mothers will be special guests. Mr. and Mrs. Chandler Brown and Plum and Mr. and Mrs. Ro bert Herrall and Linda are spending the Easter weekend at Seal Rocks. Mr. and Mrs. O. K. DeWitt and Miss Jean DeWitt will be the Easter guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Richardson at their Port land home. Mrs. Charles A. Spragne has issued cards to a tea on Satur day, April 19, at her North 14th street home. Miss Josephine Cornoyer is spending a month with relatives and friends in Seattle arid Ta coma. HAD YOUR Kciure the Age of 5 Years , 420 OREGON BLDG. I . I ; A Merry-Go-jRound for Paul Siebert and his I orchestra mem bers from the Oregon State col lege campus wilj feature the cir cus theme for tjhe Junior Wom an's club formal on Saturday. Each orchestra player will be sitting on merry-go-round hors-: es ; while the junior girls and their, escorts daince at the Vet eran's hall front 10 to 1 o'clock. ' Balloons, flags j and circus ani mals will complete the decora tions, j Miss Maxine jRogers heads the dance committee and working with her afe Mijss Hattie Bratzel, Miss Cleo Sauejressig, Mrs. Wil liam Berndt, Mrs. M. II. Saffron and Miss June Lochridge. Patrons and patronesses for the circus dance are Mr. and' Mrs. William G, Stacey, Mr. and Mrs. C. Kenneth BelL Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. Grover W. Hillman. Informal parties are being ar ranged by several of" the club members to precede the affair. Mrs. Brown. Fetes Club Members Thursday, at a special meet ing at the home of Mrs. L. F. Brown on Orchard Heights road, the members of the Book and Thimble club had as special guests a grou of ladies from the Laurel Social Hour Women's club. Mrs. Glen jAdams, Mrs. E. Brown, Mrs. Lj. Emmet, Mrs. A. Beckman, Mrsi E. Krebs, Mrs. T. . Vosburgh, Irs. R. Peterson, Mrs. K. Simrris, Mrs. Margaret Adams, and Mrs. B. Love were guests. j Members present were: Mrs. Charles Adams, Mrs. L. F. Brown, Mrs. Dalton. Castle, Mrs. Conrad Fox, Mrs. A. Issak, Mrs. . Charles Schuartz, Mrs. M. Sulli van, Mrs. L. Williams, and Mrs. Lynn McCulley. On Monday night the Salem Junior Womanj's club will meet at the clubhouse at which time nomination of officers will take place. The meeting is in charge of Mrs. Loretta H annum, chair man of the better homes depart ment, and Mjss Maxine Buren will be the speaker. I I MISSIMPLI AT SALLY'S IERY leads that special biidget. T!C CCNC NESSSS13B2!Sk. j 'fS'r-; rf Silk 100 -pure, elastic, absorbent K T J -w ' ' flatteringly dull, beautiful. Women ' who buy Gotham Gold Stripe silk H Ti - - S- stockings know that there is no com- I j J I " promise with quality -no substitute I I j - for fiillc. : : " V H J-- ' - NYLONS " Cl(Tfflirrru-,o 1 I! HOSIERY .1 1&123Qiito III . Pair 1 jr ' 1 -- ' 111 S(0)C 3 Pair y A - ' -rbn 1 r i r-i7rp vSeen and Heard By JERYME ENGLISIt i-- ; THE EASTER PARADE; is on today. . ". One will see many a family leaving for church this morning all .dressed up in their, best bib and tucker. . . Straw hats are colorful this season and accessories in ; many 7 bright shades 1 will complete many a costume. ; Children enter into " the picture with -egg hunts and bunnies, . . for the very young ,". it will also be their christening day. .'A feW of those who will be at tending church, services today, Mothers and daughters. Mrs. Ralph Cooley in a smart navy blue; .tailored suit with navy straw sailor and white accessories..- daughter,. Margaret, wearing . powder blue wool dress yith pastel plaid coat and Blue felt hat ' . : Mrs. Clayton Foreman with daughter, Judith the latter in a darling white linen suit ; with pleated skirt, navy coat with red lining and blue taffeta collar trimmed with wjhite stars. to complete the . oiitfit - she wears a . white sailor bat: . . Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Titus'iwUl be at the Presbyterian church with their four Children, who will all be christened and Dr. anjd Mrs. Charles Campbell will - have ttheir. month old daughter, Mary Ellen, J christ ened. . . i f. Black, always a favorite color ... ms. Ronald Frizzell will be wearing a sophisticated black ensemble. . a fitted wool coat . and sheer dress and black straw hat with, a high crown. . . Mrs. Kennjeth Bell has chos en a black tailored suit worn with a i large Spanish bonnet hat and blick and white accessories. ... Tiie ever popular beige to be worji by Mrs. Ralph Campbell and Mrs.. Charles Lesch. . .,. , Mrs. Campbell's outfit is a beige coat and a beige and brown print silk dress. . . a brown sailor straw pnd- brown and beige ac cessor its. . . Mrs. Lesch, a tall and striking brunette, has a sheer wool beige coat fashioned princess style with pin tucking at the! waist, a matching dress with silk bodice in shades of cocoa.. . A large beige sailor hat wfith varied- colored trim and veil. Clever spring hats to be worn by Mrt. Jerrold Owen, who has a brown straw with a cluster of roses on top and trimmed with veiling. . . A red straw bonnet to match her red patent leather purse and gloves' worn by Mrs. . Warren Pohle. Mrs. Ronald Jones also wearing a large red straw hat trimmed in navy. . . Mrs. E. A. Brown has a pert CITY GOSSARDS . . . Busy as Bees! I and . because GOTHAM GOLD in long wear and beauty . . . and price on 3 pairs is black - straw with two bird feathers standing straight up in front. . . Mrs. Oscar Paulson's rolled navy straw sailor with white ribbon trim. . . Mrs. Con rad W. Paulus has a very large red felt hat with wide brim;'. . Others who. will be seen. . , Mrs. Earl Cooley wearing a flowered silk in shades of yel low,' white and black. . . black coat and black and white j hat with veil trim. . . daughter, Bet- f ty, in' a sheer wool plaid in shades of blue, a blue tweed coat " bound in navy grograin and leghorn bonnet. . . Mrs, George Rhoten in a fitted navy coat and flowered dress with a green background and beige hat. Mrs. Edward A. Lebold smart in la navy blue sheer jacket dress trimmed in white pique and a white felt bonnet hat trimmed in navy. . . y ! j'- JUST BACK from an extend ed boat, plane and train trip to Havana, Panama and Central American points are Mr. and Mrs.' L. V. Benson. . . They! re port a grand trip and were most fortunate in not encountering a drop of rain on the entire jour ney. . . Jamaica impressed them immensely even though the peo ple were very . much war con- ?. scious. . . ThejBensons. took "many pictures along the way but their films were taken at Jamaica and developed else where. . , They ; received them however, a few days after they arrived home. .- . f .,. .'. Travellers and visitors were many in Mexico and it is almost impossible to get a plane pass age earlier than a week in ad vance. . . Mrs. i Benson has a grand sun tan which she 1 ac quired while swimming and lounging on the boat. ROMANCE is also playing its part in the Easter activities. . . at a large tea Saturday Ruth Yocom and Bruce Carkin told . their friends . they ' would be married in the early fall. Theirs is a culmination of a high school - and college -romance. . , Eleanor Swift and Lt. Roger Putnam have set their April wedding day for the 26thwith her father marrying them. . . Eleanor j will now Join the army circles at Camp Murray. . '. Another army bride in May will be Lou Hick man and - Herbert Glaisyer. . J Herbert will be graduated from the United States Army 1 Air corps training school in Stock ton this month. . .; After he re ceives .'his ' appointment j the couple will be married. WHY? - STRIPE HOS a boon to your.