The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 11, 1941, Page 18, Image 18

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    The OHIGOII STATESMAN. Salem. Oregon. Friday Monslag. April II, ISil
:Vi A::;rrt...m.. -. 4.... -. -rir.- -ir-: --w vt,-. - . , lZ. A - . M i I
VANCOUVElC Wash.-P)-Hen-
ry, an ace-grizzled bulldog be
longing to Laundryman Sam Lee
knows his rights and he won't
be evicted. - :
. . Lee gave up the ancient build
ingiVhich house his little laun
dry but for the first time in any
one's ..recollection, 10-year-o 1 d
Henry refused to follow his mas
ter. . . . :.'
; Wreckers arrived jjo tear down
the building and carried Henry
to the sidewalk, patted his head
and told him to scram. Henry,
just" stubborn but not the least
bit nasty, went back in.
' They-tossed him out and closed
the - door but Henry knew other
.ways "of getting in. Finally the
workmen . - started tearing the
house down anyway.
" The' house now' has been re
duced to ope wall and part of the
floor, but Henry, whitened with
falling- plaster,- still is there.
; NEW ORLEANS-(P)-The city's
worries were far from ended when
firemen finally checked the flames
that ravaged a big warehouse
packed with hundreds of tons of
The health department has had
to' stake repeated, large, scale
spraying offensives against mil
lions of honey bees, flies and other
insects that beset workers trying
to clean up . the collosal, gooey
NEW YORK.-(vP)-A lady stock
holder at the annual meeting of
Republic Steel Corp. asked Chair
man Tom M. Girdler why the
company didn't "give its earnings
to the stockholders in dividends,
rather than pay them to the gov
ernment in taxes." 4
Girdler explained that taxes
must be paid, first, before divi
dends are considered. ;
He asked Pearce F. Boyer, Re
public comptroller, to "guess" how
much Republic's total tax bill
would be this year if all plants
continue 100 per" cent capacity
"Between $40,000,000 and $45,-
000,000," said Boyer.
"Whoops!" said the lady stock
holder. "My, my! Instead of build
ing battleships, they'd better build
plant, apparently had put bis head
out the truck window. ; A gate
swung shut and pinned his head
NE WPOR T-JPy-Osc3iT, the
heaviet eating tourist on the coast
this year, is gulping 30 pounds of
fish daily now. '
Oscar, Newport's pet sealion, is
making his home with the fishing
fleet and gets fish irom local xisn
ermen. j Since adopting , Newport
as his home and becoming a major
tourist attraction, Oscar occasion
ally swims to the breakers, but
always returns at meal time.
PORTLANIWiT')- - .Mter
came to the Southern Pacific
railroad offices the other day:
"I am sorry I did this act but
I did it I beat your road 40
miles into Memphis. God has
forgive me for the act so I am
asking the railroad company to
forgive me and all, so send me a
bill and I will send yon the
money I beat your road In 1888."
The company replied: "It
rives us a great deal of pleasure
. . . officially to extend yon the
forgivenness of everyone con
nected with the railway for the
act you committed in 1888."
The railroad office withheld
the man's identity but said he
resided in Portland.
. ATLANTA-()-It was strictly
vice versa when C. Roper saved
his money from a bandit.
Roper resisted the holdup, rout
ed the robber with four pistol
shots and was struck by a slug
from the gun of the fleeing criminal.
But he had only a minor ab
dominal wound. A roll of $169 in
currency absorbed the force of
the bullet.
PORTLAND. -P)-A city police
man, driving up to an intersection
where a pedestrian had been in
jured, found his path blocked by
an automobile.
"Drive on," he shouted to the
motorist ahead, "you're blocking
traffic." The motorist obeyed.
The officer parked his car, then
asked for the driver involved in
the accident.
"You just ordered him to move
on," bystanders told him.
SYRACUSE, NY-(P)-A mongrel
Shepherd dog, marooned for three
days on the crumbling ice of On
ondaga lake, was rescued after it
had been fed with hamburger
steak dropped from an airplane.
LOS ANG ELES-(7P)-A feed
fertilizer plant's cat killed a moth
er rat and carried its six young,
one by one, to the nest of her three
kittens. The cat began nursing
kittens and rodents alike.
WILLOWS, Calif.-(P)-Friends
drove by for more than an hour
and waved greetings to Ernie
Berglund, 21, unaware that the oil
truck driver had been strangled in
a strange accident.
Berglund, backing from the
This business of draftees having
their teeth pulled to stay out of
the army won't work.
"Some registrants," said Col.
Claude C. Earp, state draft di
rector, "meet the dental require
ments when examined by their lo
cal examining physicians.
"During the ensuing time be
tween examination and induction
they have a sufficient number of
teeth extracted to place them be
low the standard requirements.
"In such cases hereafter the men
will be inducted into the army
teeth or no teeth."
NEW Y O R K-(JF)-A night
court serenade won a suspend
ed sentence from a Brooklyn
judge other night.
"If more of us picked up in
struments instead of guns it
would be a happier world,"
said Magistrate Anthony Sav
arese, after listening to four
men named Martin play "I'll
Never Smile Again."
ATLANTA (JP) The state of
Georgia marked its ledger bal
anced with Robert Coleman of
Forest Park when a $2500 check
went forward to him in payment
for four years of imprisonment
for a crime he did not commit.
Coleman was convicted on a
charge of murdering his wife, and
after serving four years of the
sentence was freed when another
man confessed the crime.
$1.00 to $1.50
All Work Guaranteed
Busick'a Market - 470 N. Com!
open Every ft m flu Hfl H he'ghr
Day Until H i VWfj ft 'ptfVW to UmIt
9 P.M. I J ItVlV MTt'jllU QBJUItitIes
v Wt -lb. Sliced Golden West
3 loaves 250 c2!l 250
m lbs. for large tins
HATCHES Tomato Jnice
c2120 ST:,: 50
ffiichen Queen C0IU7
Sack . 1.29 iib,L.:50
Dcgzlar 26 c lb.
Sidled 28c lb.
Get Your Easter Ham now from our large supply of tasty hams.
n r-i
Ilarion Sfreei
Phono 5165
, . -
Court Street
Phone 9176
M 7 rte L
! r- r- XVj
i (
FT - SPf
Pillsbury Oesi 4Wb-Sack
mtchen iueen 4Wb-Sack
IB1HS 4Wb-Sack
SOUP MIX contains the following
Andraeated I Vegetables: Carrots,
Celery, Onions, Potatoes, Pars
ley, Peppers; also Chicken Fat,
Pure Egg Noodles, Dextrose, Veg
etable Protein Derivative (Arti
ficial "Seasoning), Salt and Spices.
Of This Famous
Soup Ilix
Fresh creamery batter, fresh eggs
and milk, choice spice, Swansdown
cake flour, are used to make the
cakes you buy at these markets.
When you serve one of these cakes
no one would ever guess that you
didn't make it yourself, and that's
the truth. An especially nice Eas
ter cake is our special EASTER
yellow layers put together like
a marble cake. lOJt
Big one iS? 0
Orange Butter Filling and Fudge Frosting Three Sizes
HOT CROSS BUIIS, lots of fruit, doz. 190
I-Iaple Bars, Raised Bonghnuls, dozen 50
And of Course Yoo Know You Cut Get Those, the Freshest of All
; . . J' 1 ,T ,
iNow Every Day at Only;
PIES, Apple, Rhubarb, Fresh Frozen Cherry, choice 25 C
GOLDEII CDUST BREAD, iHccd big leaves 3 for 25 C
EimiCIIED BREAD, large leaves, sliced . . . . 10c
! ., J,
and a hundred and one other nice Bakery Goodies await only
i your selection at these counters
Gol&wh?ra always ihe mosl economical. 17hen
I y on f shop piesenkeii y w
; bolh qualily and Iov prices every day of Ihe week i Ilalre
Ihese rxarels your food headqnarlers and be one cf lhej hun
dreds o! ihrifly housewives yho no! only set a heller lahle hal
do il viih
ways buy
less ef fori and al a decided saying of money, Al-
Sunkisl Canned Foods; they're fops for qua 1 i t y ;
they're mon
Cash then at these markels. -
aster Slams
Hormel Flavjor Sealed Ham.
Ready to serve; cooked with
all its natural juices sealed
in. One pound and
10-ounce can
Also Swift
Cascade and
i's Premium
Armour's Star
Hams. Sliced, half or whole
We'll Bake Hams and Deliver Them to Yon Steaming IIcl
MIX contains Pure Egg Noodles,
Dextrose, Chicken Fat, Vegetable
Protein Derivative (Artificial Sea
soning), Salt, Spices, Andraeated
Onions, Parsley and Celery.
Sttact nrrtro rovi WITMI AABAfATlOA MILKkr
W M 1 f &S Mm 9 w mm ww w m w w -mm
Friday and Saturday you get 2 dozen Oranges selling
regularly at 35c! per dozen, and a Webster , CC ft
Dictionary, a 35c value, all for only l...-w-5
First Come First Served!
Spring Vegetables Are Here in Abundance
U.S. Ho. 1 POTATOES ... 6 lbs. 19c
Red Ripe T0I1AT0ES . . . .2 lbs. 29 C
Firm, Crisp jcUCUIIBEnS . . 2 for 15 c
Ripe CALAVOS, nice ones, each . . . Sc
Large, Pink DAPEFIIUIT 3 29 c
Red and White Radishes - New Peas Local Asparagus ,
Endive - Artichokes - Water Cress Red Wine Rhubarb
Sweet Potatoes Fresh Pineapple Nice Strawberries. -
SUGAR , 25 lbs. $2L.35
SUGAR i . . v 10 Its; 540
Lux Toilet Soap 3 Bars 150
Lifebuoy Soap . . 3 for 150
Comfort 'Tissue 4 rolls 230
Zee Tissue . . . 4 rolls 2L9
OXYDOLJ 2ifof 330
Banner Llargamo ; 3 lbs. 250 .
Sfa Rrisp feodas, 2-Ib. plig. 130
As yon already Know coffee Is advancing in price. We t:.
were fortunate enough to contract for large quantities
of bur two most 'popular brands. Sunkist vacuum pack '
. coffee Js as goo4 as canned 'coffee can be'and at our -;
today's price yon are actually; saving 5e per IbV One v .
Uk 23c, Z Ibi. 5c Old Clblden Coffee ai evebne V;
v knows, is as frejsh as coffee can be.1 Itk ground the V
way yon like it oesi at the time you buy It"""" -" ' '
" i lb. 230 2 lbi 450 '
v Sunkist DellcUus
-Natural Ripe
In many sizes. Per
haps the most popular
size is the -00-46-ox.
can a,twC
Sunkist Retl Ripe
Tomalo Jnico
Can 1... 19c
r ! : Jnice
It-ox. f 41
Sunkist Early Garden
2 cans . 25C
Sunkist Cut Stiiacless
'2 eu: 21c-
Sunkist Early Garden
Whole -
. . Green Deans
2 cans 25
Asparagus Style Wnolo
Green Dciss
2 ' cans 25 C
i !- ' ... - - y
8nnklst - Cream Style
3 cans 29C
Sunkist Whole Kernel
; comi ,
2 cans"
. Early Garden Toms;
-" Green
Cm cans
Vegeiatlcs 2
for Safcd
2 cans 25 C
Sunkisl ; v
Frnii CccklaU:
Can , ml g C
Remember lo'Save
Sunkist Labels
; i