Gaiety-Hill Club Plans Show Members of the Gaiety HU1 garden club are planning a spring flower show for- next Wednesday and Thursday to be held at the Salem Art center. The exhibit is purely decorative, and no classifications of varieties witt "be made. The exhibit is be ing held in connection with a display of flower prints hung in the galleries. The Gaiety Hill group is invit ing members of the Salem Gar den .club to exhibit. Those in tending to display flowers may contact members of the commit tee: Mrs. Walter Smith, Mrs. Lee Canfield, Mrs. W. L. Phillips, Mrs. Lester Barr and Miss Edith Schryver. Shower Given for Mrs. Chambers A shower was given for Mrs. Robert Chambers Wednesday at thethome of Mrs. Margaret Wil lis, assisted by Mrs. Dagenhardt. The afternoon was spent infor mally. Later a dessert luncheon was served. Those attending were Mrs. Clyde Farley, Mrs. Leona Johan- - son, airs, i js. uiucey, Mrs. Hen- ry Helinhout, Mrs. B. M. Ran dall, Mrs. Erickson,"Mrs. LaRue BothwelL Mrs. Betty Versteeg, Mrs. Mae NoU, Mrs. W. W. Ro lofson, Mrs. Gene Dagenhardt, Mrs. X. Dagenhardt, Mrs. E. N. DeHut, Mrs. R. Abemathy, Miss Shirley Dagenhardt, Mrs. A. Da Moude, Mrs. Lucille Garner, Margaret Willis and Mrs. R. M. Chambers. Woman's Clufcflo Meet Saturday The regular meeting of the Sa lem Woman's club, to be held on Saturday at 2:30 o'clock, will in clude a program arranged by the Pan-American Study club. In addition, Cecil Sargeant, 16-year old poet, will read some of his compositions, and Mrs. Robert Budrow, head of Braille work for the Red Cross, will show how this form of writing was done before the machine for writing was bought for the Red Cross by the Woman's club. Mrs. Iscar Culter will be in charge of the tea which follows the meeting. ' . Good sleep is essential to a child's progress in school, ac cording to physicians and edu cators. Up to the age of 15 chil dren require a minimum of ten hours sleep each night. (Quality of sleep, however, is more im portant than quantity. The child's bed should be checked regularly to see, that mattresat r springs and pillow are in -good condition. Mrs. Alden Adolph, Mrs. Rex Adolph and Mr. Joseph Adolph have been spending several days at their beach house at Nes kowin. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Rowland of Grand Island, Nebraska are visiting at the home of Mrs. John Hain. SWEGLE Before an altar of spring flowers and ivy, mar riage vows were exchanged Wednesday night, April 9 th, at 8 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Victor M. La Due, unit ing Maxine LaDue and Clayton. Gibb. The bride's dress was of white chiffon and lace and she car , ried a bouquet of rose buds and sweet peas. There were no at tendants. Rev. H. C. Stover performed the ceremony before relatives of both bride and groom. They will, make their home on Hollywood Drive. New! Just fie;-. T JJ, YOU, TOO, CAN TABLES t EVERY GUEST iho observing quest notes crystal first It marts you era a hostess discriminating in all your table crppoirrtments. The choica of Fostoria is always assurina. Handmade' by master craftsmen, all Fostoria crystal is stunnina. And no pattern is more striktaa in .cozy colonial simplicity than Colony illustrated above. ' Here is the swirl effect which was the hit of years ago. Recreated for modem homes, it is again a fashion-first for brilliant entertaining. Our open stock selections jene, extraordinarily complete. Accessory pieces or service sets are moderately priced. i -'--'MILLFR'S' Quick to D6-GayUsefuh--Theyre Laura Wheeler Potholders i' '-",; 'si'-S' .t - t..- '. ': Jr. . - ; .... 1 . '.LsysjKJttsni -Sufi rvK-vfHi COM. . NUOUOUFT SSKWCS. N4& Crocheting with four strands of string, you'll turn these novel and useful potholders out in rec ord time! Do them in colors to harmonize with your kitchen. -Tnt h tVi'n frir haiftar! Pat tern 2819 contains directions for Carpenters'Wives At Correll's j The ladies' auxiliary of Car penters met at the home of Har ry Correll Tuesday for sewing. They made plans for their an niversary which they will cele brate this month. Mrs. Henry Giese of Seattle, a former mem ber, was a visitor. Those attending were. Mes dames A. C Thomas, Dick Ger ken, Harry Johnson, Clarence Crowly, Even Melbee, Ernest Garrett, Sam Carter, George Earnest, Jess Barnes, Claude Sellard, Earl Caswell, Mrs. Cor rell and Mrs. Cooter. j Dinner to Fete Mrs. Henry Mrs. Wayne Henry, retiring worthy high priestess, White Shrine of Jerusalem, will be the honor guest at a dinner : party on Saturday night at the Masonic Temple at 6:45 o'clock. Arranging the affair are Miss Edna McElhaney, Mrs. A. C. Smith and Miss Ruth Moore, newly elected worthy ; high priestess, who will preside at the dinner. Covers will be placed for over 40 guests and the Easter motif will be carried out in the table appointments and spring flowers jwill provide the decorative note. The evening will be spent in formally. Mrs. Christian Newburgh left for Berkeley early this week to visit her sister, Mrs. H. Smith for the next two weeks. : Members of the Cootie club will dance at the VFW hall to-night to the old-time music of Chuck Madvornik's orchestra. , SILVERTON M r s . Elmer Grace entertained at a miscella neous shower at her home Tues day night in compliment to Miss Eleanor Men, whose marriage to Gaylord Hibbs of Dallas will be an event late this month. Invited for the Tuesday night affair were Miss M o e n , her mother, Mrs. Gertrude iMoen, Mrs. Ole Moen, Mrs. Jasper Dul lum, Mrs. H. A. Larson, Mrs. Emil Loe, Mrs. Oscar Loe, Mrs. Anna Oveross, Mrs. Conrad Johnson, Mrs. Ole Smedstad, Mrs. R. B. Winslow, Mrs. Anton Dahl, Mrs. Andrew Aarhus, Miss Ardis Aarhus, Miss Althea Mey er, Miss Oreit Moen. Arrived! 1' HAVE STUNNING si r ' u THE ENVY OF making potholders; illustrations of them and stitches; materials required. Send ten cents in coin for this pattern to The Oregon States man, Needlecraft Dept. Write plainly PATTERN NUMBER, your NAME and ADDRESS. Today's Menu Good Friday brings tradition al food to the menu. Fruit salad Halibut with tomato sauce Onions Shoestring potatoes Hot cross buns Lemon chiffon pic Halibut, next to salmon, is most popular of fish, and it's fresh in local markets today. Cut the halibut in serving sized pieces, gently fry, in butter or olive oiL Put into a baking dish in which are tomato sauce, chopped partially cooked onion, and seasonings. Let cook slowly in the oven or allow to simmer for awhile on top of the stove to blend flavors and finish cook ing the fish. Serve fish in the sauce. Sugar in the tomato, and a dash of soy sauce will give excellent flavor. MIDDLE GROVE Miss Max ine La Due, bride-elect of Clay ton Gibbs, was recently feted with a smartly arranged crystal shower at the home of Mrs. Les ter Starr of Hollywood drive. Guests bidden to honor Miss La Due were Miss Esther Ham mer, Miss Jodelle Jones, Miss Dorothy Anderson, Mrs. James Wilson, Mrs. Vera Frame, Mrs. Charles Thomas, Mrs. Melvin La Due, Mrs. Walter Fisher, Mrs. Rosalind Poe, Mrs. Lula Starr, Mrs. Alice Forgard, Mrs. Edyth Low, Mrs. A. Gibbs, Mrs. Marjorie Jones, Mrs. Victor La Due, Mrs. Amanda Munson, Mrs. L. L. Thomas, Mrs. Harold Holler and Mrs. Lester Starr. GLAMOUR LEGS Belle-Sharmeer IN YOUR GLAMOURIZING LEG SIZE i ' i -1- - - --i Groom your legs for the new "leggy"' Easter cloches ' with these wonder stockings that fit: so perfectly they seem to contour crcry curre. Not just in your leg length, but also in your leg width for wrinkle-ficee beauty from toe to top.-fac smalls, Maiiu for mediums, DucUa lor tails, CZtfife for plumps . . . here exclusireiy. r : p SI-CO ;Bigfahges In Dessert For a long time we've been; looking j at those small oranges ! that appear in market , and say ing to f ourselves, ! "They don't look like much, but they are Juicy." Now we are faced with the deep pleasure of purchasing oranges that are big, beautiful balls of gold. Juice is there, but segments are easily separated, and they are good; to eat. Valencias aren't only good as an eating orange though, they are fine for cooking. For instance try: Valencia cream custa&d (Variation on a Theme) 2 egg yolks, beaten Vt cup sugar 2 tablespoons flour y teaspoon salt 1 cup cream 1 teaspoon grated orange rind 1 cup orange juice Mix all ingredients thorough ly. Cook in double boiler, stir ring frequently until thick. Cool. Turn into bowl in which you have arranged Vx cup of orange segments and cover with a meringue made of two egg whites, beaten stiff with Y cup sugar. VEAL VALENCIA (Cutlet to Crow About) IVi pounds veal cutlet Salt and pepper 4 tablespoons flour 4 tablespoons fat cup cream cup Valencia orange juice Rind of one orange 2 tablespoons sugar Have cutlet cut one inch thick. Sprinkle meat with salt and pepper. Rub the flour well into the meat. Brown in the fat, on both , sides. Combine remaining ingredients and pour over the veal. Cover closely and simmer slowly one hour. Makes six servings. VALENCIA SPRING SALAD " . i (Something to Sing About) 1 package o r a h g e-flavored gelatin 1 cup warm water cup Valencia orange juice Vi cup lemon juice 1 cup chopped celery 3 oz. cream cheese Dissolve gelatin in warm wa ter. Add fruit juices. Chill. When slightly thickened, fold in celery. Turn into loaf pan. Chill until firm. To serve, cut in two inch Squares, allowing two squares to each serving. Arrange on crisp lettuce leaves. Top with squares of cream cheese. Seg ments of Valencia oranges may garnish each serving. Makes six servings. FOR STOCKINGS 5JL.65 . .' Traditionally, "the English eat hot cross burn on Good Friday, but Americans have, found that this spring delicacy Is too good to serve only once a year," they jump the gun and serve the ' frosted rolls for several Weeks, even months before Easter. " " Vegetable Loaf Is Main Dish Cooked vegetables and rolled oats join meat for a good week-' en d main dish. OATS VEGETABLE LOAF V cup cooked peas Yt cup cooked green beans Yx cup cooked yellow beans 1 cup cooked carrots 1 cup oats (quick) Yx cup diced celery. 1 small can tomatoes 1 tablespoon minced green pepper 1 tablespoon minced onion Bacon Cut beans and carrots in small pieces and mix with other vege tables. Salt and pepper to taste, add uncooked oats and tomatoes. Pour in greased loaf tin, put strips of bacon on top and bake in moderate oven, 350 degrees about 4d to 60 minutes or until firm. NEW COATS AO NAVY V' 1-5 m 4 r 1 J ChooseN Now ;J rpTiAeW crvrrrrm i e? Jpf SpOTay US Jjy CllStOTCl ' " An entree that catches the xnood ; of springtimeand one that is perfectly suited to the club luncheon Is Salmon Aspar agus Coitard. Here Is a dish that is light and full of flavor as well as . gay with color symbolic c of the' season. SALMON ASPARAGUS CUSTA&D - ' z ' ' '. . . - -1 pound cooked or canned , salmon V cap" salmon liquor cup chicken broth (or one chicken cube dissolved-in Yi cup hot water) 1 cup cream 3 eggs (slightly, beaten) Saltl pepper 1 cup asparagus tips (cooked m rapidly boiling water for ten minutes) I Flake; the salmon in large flakes. Scald the salmon liquor, chicken! broth and the . cream. Beat eggs lightly and stir hot liquid into eggs. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Add flaked salmon. Arrange asparagus tips around edge of ramekins so that the tips of jthe asparagus show just above the edge of the ramekin Pour custard mixture into rame kins. Bake in a pan of hot water in a moderate over (350 degrees) for approximately forty-five minutes or until custard is set Serve hot. - BLACK - -"Betty Rose' -"Jane Huntley" j ' -Modish" ! . L . Your Choice 1 V For" His Eastern Give Him - y. . .:- ' - r 1 i " aI ' Your Choice of Dozens of Models Friday & Saturday BEIGE - COLORSI - : IK S fit Iks 1 r- Manhattan Shirts Cheney Tics Holeproof Sox Paris Belts Air.Pak Luggage 2 i lis J . i s i.. MiUer'a V Todcnr and tomorrow you may choose from j dozen of Jiw. spriiwr j -. and summer' model coats and- Ctfl "7 pay only 1 u r- Famous brands, too! Betty Rose . . . Jane Hunt ley ; . ; Modish! Every one of which Is thor oughly guaran teed to please you in quality of fabric . . . style ... fit! Be sure to shop this big showing of new spring and summer coats before you buy. Note the new details that make your coat stand out as a 1941 model. Wrap Silhouette : ; .". Shirtwaist Coats V.. Self Yoke Coats ..Saddle Shoulder ...White Rever Coats ... Dressy Classics. , . . Camelhair Sports Xight and dark shades for every dressy and utility use. -Fitted, boxey, tailored ... all are lined with superb linings j that are guaranteed to out- wear the coat. Slses U te IS asd )l U 44 Sjr """" AX Style-SIart