AG2-T77ILVr: To, Marry i .Miss Eleanor Swift, popular bride-elect of Lt Roger K. Put nam, is announcing Saturday, April 26, as her wedding day. Miss Swift is the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. George H. Swift and Lt. Putnam is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Putnam. - The bride's father will per form the marriage ceremony at 8 o'clock in the evening at St. Paul's Episcopal church. The bethothal of Miss Swift and Lt. Putnam was announced during the Christmas holidays. The Spinsters will lose another young maid as Miss Swift has been- an active member for sev eral years. She attended the Uni versity of Oregon where she was a member of Gamma Phi Beta sorority and Kwama. Lt. Putnam attended the Uni versity of Oregon, Oregon State college, and Willamette Law school. He is now stationed at Camp Murray. Twin daughters were born Wednesday night to Mr. and Mrs. Ridgley C. Miller at the Deaconess hospital. The little girls have been named Kather ine and Kristine and are the granddaughters of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Landon of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Claude S. Miller of Salem. Mrs. Miller is the for mer Wanda Landon. Mrs. G. W. Bissell of Portland has been visiting in Salem this week with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. G. Ed ward Bissell. Join the EASTER HUNT for VALUES! M J WTfcsfer n js r Baskets. Novelties He to 50c Easter Greeting Cards 4 for 5c; 2 for 5c SCand IOC Easter Napkins, Lunch Sets, Party Favors, Tallies, etc. HANDBAGS QUALITY Gift Headquarters For All Occasions MODERN E -Gift & Variety Store ; Corner Court & Commercial Nylon ( Hosiery jf S ' By Cannon Y f$r SLIPS In an Array I fi of Styles cJki MAX1NE BURclN. Editor Joan Ferguson Is Honored Mrs. Curtis Ferguson enter tained with a lovely birthday party Saturday afternoon from 2 to' 4 o'clock honoring her daugh ter, Joan, on her eighth birthday. The afternoon was spent playing games. Refreshments were served to the following: Joan Lewis, the honored guest, Mary Mulkey, Elizabeth Mulkey, Bobby JarveL Joan Bradle, Johnny B r a d 1 e, Katherine Van Luven, Chris Van Luyen, Gwendolyn Childs, Bev erly Saylor, Gloria Curtis, Ver gerie Mackey, Josele Mackay, Diane Ferguson and Denny Al ley. Special guests were Mrs. C. A. Lewis, grandmother of Joan, Mrs. E. Bradle, Mrs. Nellie Fer guson, Miss Maxine Ferguson and the hostess, Mrs. Curtis Fer guson. AAUW Board Plans April" Tea Members of the AAUW board ' met on Wednesday night at the home of Mrs. Chester Luther. Mrs. Custer Ross, who will be hostess to the AAUW on April ; 26, attended the meeting and led a discussion of the pageant to be given during the meeting. The April session at the Ross home will include the pageant, directed by Mrs. Herbert Rahe, at 3 o'clock and a tea from 2 t 5. Mrs. Elmer Berg, president, reported on the University Women's war relief fund and stated that $26,000 has been con- . tributed, $16,000 of which has been distributed. A regular monthly remittance has been authorized for refugee univer sity women in Shanghai, to be administered by the Shanghai -AAUW. The American Association of University Women will hold a state convention at the Multno mah hotel on April 18 and 19. Only women speakers are to be on the program, and they are all members of the Oregon AAUW., - On Friday a banquet will be held honoring wives of Oregon college presidents' wives. Mrs. Bruce Baxter will be among the. honored women. Salem mem-" bers going to the convention should contact Mrs. Waldo Zel ler. Miss Hickman to Be May Bride Announcement has been made of the engagement and forth coming marriage of Miss Laura Lou Hickman, daughter of Mrs. Clara Hickman, to Mr. Herbert B. Glaisyer, jr. of Stockton, Calif., son of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Glaisyer, sr. of Salem. The wed ding will be an event of May. Miss Hickman attended Salem schools and is now with the state tax commission. Mr. Glaisyer is a flying cadet in the United States air corps and is stationed at Stockton Field where he will be graduated from the flying school on April 26. He also at tended Salem schools and Ore gon State college. He is a mem ber of Phi Delta Theta frater nity. flly achieve wj j You can eau tou 7S& bet about . Seasoning! Just. -Pinch ot tonGossavdsbo . satin. . . u I; Be GtirfcJJ V ALSO . ATTRACTIVE BANDEAUS BY GOSSARD SOCIETY Ml) SIC : m mm v mm vwau II CLUB CALENDAR FRIDAY Eteri class let Baptist church, annual Easter banquet at Quelle, ? p .m. Neighbors of Woodcraft, Fra ternal temple, 8 pjn. SATURDAY District convention of Royal Neighbors at Woodburn. all day session, open house in evening. TC chorus with Mrs. T. W. Da vies. 7:30 p.m. MONDAY Deaconess hospital auxiliary, 2 p.m. Pro America, Marion hotel, 2:30 p.m. AAUW Child study group with Mrs. Roy Lockenour, 1478 Cen ter street. 7:45 p.m. Delta Phi mothers meet at chapter house, 2 p.m. Deita Delta Delta alumnae with Mrs. G. Edward Bissell, Cascade Drive, dessert supper, 7:30 p.m. Executive board of American Legion auxiliary, with Mrs. Merle Travis, 948 Shipping street. 8 p.m. VFW auxiliary, election. Hall. 8 p.m. Royal Neighbors of America, Fraternal temple, 8 p.m. TUESDAY Salem Central WCTU at hall, covered dish meal 8 p.m. WEDNESDAY South Circle, 1st Christian church, with Mrs. E. Wood, 1880 North 18th street. Salem Central WCTU at hall, covered dish meal 8 p.m. East Central circle, 1st Metho dist church, 1:15 dessert luncheon with Mrs. A. A. Keene, 426 North. Winter street. Sweet Briar club with Mrs. C. C. Chaffee, Wallace road, 2 p.m. THURSDAY Marion county council. Ameri can Legion auxiliary, Mt. Angel, 8 p.m. Formal Banquet For Zonta Meet The formal banquet to be held in the mirror room of the Mar ion hotel Saturday, April 19, is under the supervision of Miss Helen Barrett and will be the outstanding social function of the spring conference of district 6 Zonta International. Miss Barrett will preside dur ing the evening and the pro gram committee has planned an interesting program with Dr. Helen Pearce, past president of Zonta International, as toastmis tress. Honorable Charles A. Sprague will be the speaker and Josephine Albert Spaulding will sing, accompanied by Miss Dor othy Pearce. Mrs. Phil Brownell, president of the Salem club will be host ess at a special table for the pre sidents of the other clubs, in- , eluding Mrs. Myrtle Warnica, Olympia; Miss Claudia Hill, Ta coma; Mrs. Muriel Kinman, Spo kane; Mrs. Kathleen Boynton, Everett; Mrs: Lucile Jean Bux ton, Corvallis; Miss Janie V. Smith, Medford; Mrs. Virginia McCandlislv Seattle; and Mrs. Frances Hope, Eugene. Hostesses at each of the other tables will be Mrs. Ora Mcln- . tyre, Mrs. Leila Black, Mrs. Nova Young, Mrs. William Les- ter Allen, Mrs. Byron B. Her-, rick, Mrs. C. W. Stacey, Miss May L. Rauch, Miss Nellie Schwab, Miss Lillian McDonald and Miss Helen Yockey. Assisting Miss Barrett with arrangements are Mrs. William Lester Allen, Miss Lillian Mc Donald, Mrs. Leila Black, and Mrs. Margaret Rosecrans. ' The Women of Moose held their- regular business meeting .Tuesday night at the Moose hall. Women of the Moose serv ing and birthday clubs will have a joint meeting April 22 at the home of Mrs. M. W. Ripley, at 495 North 19th street. The next regular meeting of the group will be next Tuesday. STAY'S . , s won Mi y 3 Scene; of ; Meeting";; , Mrs. Brazier " Small opened her South Church street home to the Kappa Kappa Gamma -alumnae Wednesday night As sisting hostesses were Mrs; Leah : Hogue, Mrs. j Wallace Wharton and Miss Doris Enke. ' j A guest of the alumnae group for the evening was! .Miss Geral dine Gilmore, a sophomore mem ber of Kappa Kappa Gamma at Oregon State college. Miss Gil more spoke i informally to the' group and told of her two years experience in Italy, Germany and Finland, She went to a girls' school in Germany and al so taught in a middle class Ger man home. She enjoyed a walk ing trip through Finland. Mrs. Kenneth Bailey was elected president of the alumnae group for the ensuing year and her officers will be Mrs. Wallace Wharton, vice-president; Miss Mary Ellen Simmons, secretary; Miss Margaret Wagner, treasur er; and Mrs.; Leah Hogue, Key correspondent. Plans were discussed-for the Iota province; convention to be held in Corvallis in May. Dele gates from the Salem alumnae will be Miss Betty Ann Thorn dike and Miss Mary Ellen Sim mons. After the dessert supper the group sewed on Bundles for Britain. Attending were Miss Geral dine Gilmore, Mrs. Kenneth Bailey, Mrs. Helen Webster Bee lar, Mrs. Robert Drager, Mrs. Arthur T. Fox, Mrs. Daniel J. Fry, jr., Mrs. David Eason, Mrs. Harry U. Miller, Mrs. Brazier Small, Mrs. - Harvey Quistad, Mrs. George Rossman, Mrs. Leah Hogue, Mrs. William Martin, Mrs. Wallace Foster, Mrs. R. S. K reason of Dallas, Miss Mary Ellen Simmons, Miss Mary Louise Olliver, Miss Betty Ann Thorndike and Miss Doris Enke. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn II. Wood-, ry are receiving congratulations on the birth of a son Thursday morning at the Salem General hospital. Mrs. Woodry will be remembered as Yvonne Smith. The little boy is the first grand child of Mr. ; and Mrs. Robert Mills, Mrs. John W. Hyett and Mr. F. N. Woodry. Farewell Party On Wednesday Mrs. T. M. Bredahl was host ess to a group of friends Wed nesday night honoring Mrs. Ber nard Teeter on her departure to Portland. The evening was spent in playing games and a buffet luncheon was served. Those attending were Mrs. Bernard Teeter, Miss Delores Thompson, Miss Mickey Berg, Miss Gladys Behrens, Miss Rose Helen Camp, Miss Gladys Sand ner, Miss Martha Sande, Miss Louise Gayton, Miss Mary Al bertson, Mrs. Corrine Olson and Mrs. T. M. Bredahl. Miss Margaret Arant left Wednesday to join her brother-in-law and sister, Lt. and Mrs. Lynn Moore, for a short vaca tion in San Francisco. Miss Ar ant is employed at the public utilities commission. On Satur day Miss Arant attended trie Alpha Zeta breakfast dance at Jack and Jill's Tavern in Port land. She was the guest of Mr. Carl Ericksen,; a member of the fraternity. ' ;!;' . Mr, and Mrs. William Leonard of San Francisco have been the house guests of Dr. and Mrs. Charles Campbell this week. ME i IB That Folks Like Best! -n OLDEN-BROWN . . mealy as a baked potato . . . VJ steeped to the heart in savory sauces-tfiar's the way Americans love beans! And Heinz Oven Baked Beans are just that type-genuinely oven baked to 'toothsome tenderness and dehaously sauced. If you've a "yen" for a bean feast (who hasn't?) order your favontes from Heinz 4 kinds. jff "... . r, By DELORES BOLAND It's About time to make bed room curtains which do not re quire overdrapes. Use sheer ma terial and extend six inches be low sill. Use wide fringe for edging and valance. Drape, over tie-back, from middle of bot tom edge. Girl Reserves Hold Meetings The Girl Reserves of the YW CA are busy with club meetings and making plans for the spring season. Tuesday, the Leslie 9th Grade Girl Reserves gave a program for the enjoyment of the resi dents of the Old People's Home, and presented them with a bas ket of fruit as an Easter gift. Presentation of the gifts was made by Calline Hillman. The program included a vocal solo by Donna Unruh, a piano solo by Marilyn Wyatt, a vocal solo by Catherine Thompson, a violin solo by Lauretta Deacon, and a group of Girl Reserve sopgs by the club members. The regular meeting of the Les lie 9th Grade Girl Reserves was held at the YWCA on Wednes day at which time Dr. F. D. Voight gave a talk and demon stration of his handicraft hob bies. Play Presented At their regular club meeting at the high school on Monday, Section III of the High School Girl Reserves presented an in teresting play, showing the be ginning of Younger Girls work in the YWCA and its growth through sixty years of work. Those taking part were: Lois Robinson, Carmen Campbell, Veta Smith, Vicki Smothers, Eileen Teel, Dolores Brown, Evelyn Jean Dierks, Annabelle Lambert and Esther Frank. The group was directed by Mrs. Neil Brown, advisor. On Wednesday afternoon, the high school Girl Reserve cabinet held its monthly meeting at the YWCA, with Dorothy Eley; president, presiding. The princi pal business was the discussion of plans for their 60th anniver sary celebration which takes place later in the month. Younger Girls Meet The business meeting of the v Young Business and Profession al Girls club of the YWCA was held in the association rooms Monday with Miss Marian Mitchell presiding. The group worked on a club constitution which will be presented for adoption at a called meeting of the club, Monday, April 14th. The election of officers for the second half of the club year will be held at the meeting. The Eteri class of the First Baptist church will hold its an nual Easter banquet at the Quelle tonight at 7 o'clock. Dr. Weldon Wilson, pastor of the White Temple of Portland will be the speaker. BEANS c-sii mm Groiifc ; ' A Hollywood -Liohs' . auxiliary ' was formally organized 4 Thurs day when, Mrs. Harty W." Scott, ' state president, and Jones, state seatary,"" both of Salem, met with the women at the home of Mrs. J;j Vinton Scott on North Capitol street ; . : Mrs. 'Scott was 'elected presi- dent of the group, jMrs.' Harold Gillespie, vicepresiident; MrsI A. J. Crose, secretajry-treasurer. The first off icial meeting of the group will be with ikrs. Gillespie on Monday, April 2 it The auxili ary will hold : its meetings the third Monday of each month.' ' During the afternoon Mrs.,0. D. Adams sang a group of Eng lish ballads. The tea table was centered with a bouquet of tu lips and stock and j presiding at the urns were Mrs. Ronald Jones and Mrs. Harry Scott. New members 61 the group are Mrs. J. ; Vinton Scott, Mrs. ' Har old Gillespie, Mrs. A. J. Crose, Mrs. Donald Patton, Mrs. A. M. Church, Mrs. G., M. Slentz, Mrs. Earl Moo try, Mrs. C. A. Gies, Mrs. Rhodakowski, Mrs. J. E. Hall, Mrs. - Ray Stumbo, Mrs. O. D. Adams, Mrs. S. W. TindalL Mrs. J. L. Batdoff and Mrs. Jack Allen. Attending from Lions auxiliary we: the Salem e Mrs. Har- I I ymni $ photopiay-movih mirror, screen -1 i xJmrM GUIDE, McCAIVS, Other leading Magaiimsl Thrilling,' im'jt it, to see so " : . - V.. j . many stunrung shoes at once "Vj Tt( " - ...and these are only a few . J) ' s - Tlofjhe srylei We have wait- ' 'f " V" T U' ing for you "here! SPEpTA- . f " ' A 1 " 1 : TORSt ArALS! BOW, rf?" f1 J OXFORDS! High to low j&jf Alt A C 7 " her BefoMyoii choose Vp ;! JT A? f X I " spring shoes, come see these! " , " ,: hf Jl I ; v AUsiKi.dthsA : .: 4;:iif!i UMI f I Of f Slil i jCcrnsrGciinJLacriy : j SdcaOrc. TXScotL. Mrs. Xtonajd;: Jones, Stewlart,Mrd Herman .Hflle, JKtB.A -W-,- ' AVf mm -m" jA m mmmmmj - - Pufhain? and Mri.J.". 0. : Cross; Alpha Psi' Delta . Mothers "Meet :v The' Alpha Psi Delta mother? met at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Reinholdt .on Saginaw street -Thursday", afternoon. Hostesses were Mrs. Roy Hewitt and Mrs. . &''B.;;Uugnnn. . Election of officers was held with t Mrs.' J. L. Staeer named president, Mrs.lO. A. Macy, vice president; Mrs M. Putnam, sec retary; and Mrs. A. . Bartlett, txeasurer, The (May- meeting will . be with Mrs. William L. Phil Lips. - j - - ; ' . During-the afternoon Mrs. El lis Von Escheni read a paper on "Geology and Mrs. Gordon Mc Gilchrist sariga group of Easter hymns ' -vf ' Attending the meeting were Mrjg, Gordon jMcGilchrist,' Mrs. Lloyd Riches, j Mrs. Marie . Von Eschen, Mrs. p. R. Woodburn, Mrs. M. Humphrey, Mrs. B. By .water, Mrs. W. H.. East, Mrs. XJoyd Reinholdt, Mrs. . A. Bart let, Mrs. J. L. JStacer, Mrs. O. I. Paulson, Mrs. A. L. McDowell, Mrs. -Hoy Hewitt and Mrs. S. B. Laughlin. V ' ' ' - ' ' Mrs. Louis Robertson and her children, Allan and Mrs. Paul H. Hauser, jr., are spending sev eral days at Nelscott ;East; Presidents; Frltprtained "' V .The Past Presidenta duVf the Woman's" Relief Ctorpsmet at the home of MrsI Charles Ray. Tuesday.for an "allnlay meeting, A - covered dish luncheon ' wa4 'JaorVed; at 'nocV; ; -v :. : : . l-i ' Tnose present were Mrs. Effie Dunlap, Mrs.' Sarah Peterson, Mrs. Mary Ackerman, Mrs. Rose Voris, Mrs. G. Walker, Mrs. E. A. Kyle and Mrs; Charles Rayj OuS CDGDGg Huh mw 3 caw a icuur, low TOice-tET 5!S fUU-iat CAKC msmterwekKtl fOAt rottpHEt 2t MORE! TOIiCT 5PAP ti $0af nuTMft&twini your wm ' 1 iamm i - in mi in i i ii i.tiii r Comer Libert y and Cwt