The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 11, 1941, Page 10, Image 10

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Thm OSEGON STATESMAN, Salem. Orsxjon. Friday Morning, April XL 1941
Easter Rites
Are Slated
Jeff erson; Church
Group to Join Others
for Sunrise Service
JEFFERSON . The Jefferson
Evangelical. Christian Endeavor
will join the Corvallist and Albany
Christian Endeavor societies in
the Easter sunrise meeting at
5:30 o'clock at the Evangelical
church in Albany. Jr
The program centers around the
theme, "Christ Is Risen." Each
group will have a part on the pro
gram. .
.Rev. William Elmer, Jefferson,
will be in charge of the opening
song services and devotions. Miss
Bernice Myers; Jefferson, a mem
ber of the Albany society, and a
representative of the Corvallis
group will speak. Rev. Wilmer
Brown, Corvallis, will be featured
speaker. Special musical numbers
will be given by each society.
Mrs. "William Elmer, Jefferson,
will sing.
The Albany group will be in
charge of the closing services.
Breakfast will be served in the
social hall. The jeff erson group
plan to leave from the Evangeli
cal church at 5 o'clock Sunday
JEFFERSON-Sunday's services
. at the Evangelical church will in
clude the Sunday school at 10
o'clock, under the direction of
Miss Helen Kins. Two dialogues
and recitations will be presented
by the children during the school
Worship service begins at 11
o'clock. The subject for Rev. Wil
liam Elmer's sermon, "If Christ
Be Not Risen, What?" Reception
of members and a baptism serv
ice will be held. There will be
special music.
The Christian Endeavor service
begins at 7 o'clock, Bernice Myers
leader. At 7:45 p.m. the young
married people will present an
Easter play, entitled, "The Light
in the Window." The cast includes,
Gertruth Kihs, Mrs. H. J. Taylor,
Don Davis, Mrs. Earl Trudgeon,
George Kihs, and Edith Jenness.
The cast will be supported by a
choir composed of Dorothy and
Georgia Hague, Marcella Dailey,
Edith Jenness, Wanda Glaser and
Mary Wilson.
Rev. William Elmer will be in
charge of the closing service.
Cantata Set
For Sunday
HOPEWELL The King Eter
nal," a 2 5-voice Easter cantata,
will be presented at the Hopewell
United Brethren chirch starting
at 8 p.m. Sunday. If will also be
given at Lafayette Evangelical
church Friday, Rev. jv. A. Ballan
tyne, local pastor, announces.
Taking part are, j bass soloist,
Richard Crannell; tenor soloists,
Vernon Stephens and Orville Ash
er; contralto soloists, Mrs. Nels
Sipola and Miss Lorain Walling;
soprano soloist, Mrs. Tivo Bant
saari; mixed quartet bass, Richard
Crannell, tenor, Vernon Stephens,
alto, Mrs. Charles Hill, soprano,
ilrs. Tivo Bantsaari.
The Very Best in Fresh Vegetables
(Garden Fresh Priced Low Every Day
Extra Fancy
3 (O
Us. . CQ) (
New White
VS. No. 1
10 ggc
Large Bunches
3 5)c
lor . . eL-j
New, Solid
2 lb. Sodas . 14c
Grahams... 15 c
POTATOES irlifl30-
rnnrT,lT7"' Mountain Burbanks I d
L"0&L&U&b VS. No; 2. 50 lbs. 490
TT2 ' T7fS Butter Crackers
LUL lIU Lb. pke;
Woodburn Farmers Consider
1 . ! '-:! . ! : -; : r . :
Pickle Deal With
j WOODBURN About 60 local farmers attended a meeting
arranged by the .Woodburn chamber of commerce here Tues
day to consider growing pickle cucumbers under a proposed
deal with Ldboy, incNeu ana ud
by. - 'Nearly 50 acres were signed up
and company; representatives said
this encouraged them to believe
the deal will 'probably be put
through. The company wants, a
total of 100 acres in this area. If
the deal materializes, the com
pany will set up a receiving sta
tion in Woodburn and will ship
the cucumbers to its Portland
plant every 24 hours for process
ing into pickles.
.: WOODBURN Woodburn high
school student body is making
preparations for an inter-school
"Spring sport dance" to be held
in the gymnasium Friday, April
18, at 8 p. m.
Schools invited are Gervais,
Hubbard, St. Paul, Mt. Angel,
Molalla, Dallas, Gresham, Park
r 6 s e, Newberg, Silverton and
iThe committee in charge is
Corinne Gill, general chairman,
Frank Beck, jean Royce, Vic Mil
ler, Carl Gustafson and Jerry
WOODBURN Special Easter
services are planned in all Wood
burn churches, and in some, spe
cial weekday services are held.
.There will be an Easter sunrise
prayer service at the Presbyterian
church at 6 a. m.
;St. Luke's Catholic church
plans a number of special events.
Friday at 8:15 a. m. there will be
mass of the presanctified; at 3 p.
rru and 7:30, Way of the Cross. On
Saturday - there will be Easter
lire at 7 a. m.; mass at 8:15 a. m.
and confession 4 to 6 p. m. and
7 p. m. Special confession will be
held on Saturday night in Bo
hemian and German.
On Easter Sunday at St. Luke's,
there will be masses at 7, 8:30
and 10 a. m., the last being high
miass followed by benediction of
the most blessed sacrament. There
will be special music by the choir.
The Christian church of Wood- i
bum will present "The Life of!
Christ" at the service Sunday be-1
ginning at 7:45 p. m. The program
will be as follows:
Blessed Be the Name, choir; Hark, i
the Herald Angels Sing, children's!
choir; Star of the East, Maude Durfee, j
Bertha Dillon; O, Master Workman of!
the Race. Helen Hicks: Follow Me,
choir: My King upon a Cross, M. Dur
fee. Mildred Howe, Bertha Dillon. Flor
ence Chapman; Teach Us. Byron
Rhodes; The Hem of His Garment. Kay ;
Parrish, Gwendolyn Hicks, M. Howe: i
The Palms. Mrs. R. R. Mitchell; I Gave
My Life for Thee, choir; In the Hour I
of Trial. Jane Mitchell. Doris Howe; !
Beautiful Words of Jesus. M. Durfee,'
M. Howe. B. Dillon, F. Chapman: He
Lives Again, choir; Look Ye Saints,
the Sight Is Glorious. M. Howe. MrJ
Hotchkiss; Christ for the World We
Sing, choir. Background for the songs:
will be read from the scriptures by!
the pastor.
A Good Friday service will bei
held at the Methodist church1
starting at 7:45 p. m. The serv-!
ice will be conducted with sol-!
emn simplicity and without mu-j
sic being played or sung. Besides
other offerings the pastor wilt
give a sermon on the "Six S's
of; Gethsemane."
Easter a program will be pre-;
sen ted at 10 o'clock with services!
at 11 o'clock. In the evening, the
senior choir will present a can-'
tata, "The Easter Triumph," by
Carrie B. Adams.
Veg. Shortening
Free Glass
Elsinore Tomato
48-cz. l S7c
El W
Walker's Best
Pound .
Each Woodburn church has an
nounced thai the . public is cor
dially invited to attend its Easter
service.1 - - .
Date Is Set
For Benefit
SILVERTON The " home ". of
. - . -
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Aim on Apple
street will be the scene of the Li
brary benefit tea, Friday, April
18. It is the annual affair pf the
American Legion auxiliary to re
plenish the children's book shelves
in the city library Mrs. H. B.
Latham is chairman of the board.
Mrs. A. J. McCannel was
speaker at the meeting of the
unit Monday and told of her re
cent tour of the southern states.
Mrs. Orville Totland (Janet Com
stock) was remembered with a
bridal gift. Mrs. S. A. Pitney nam
ed as her nominating committee,
Mrs. Clifton Dickerson, Mrs. W.
I. Boullester and Mrs. Ernest
Mt. Angel unit will be enter
tained at the April 21 meeting.
The unit members are to enter
tain visiting women who accom
pany their husbands to the an
nual crawfish feed, April 19, ; at
George's cafe. Greetings were
read from state officials including
President Laura Goode; vice
president, Sylvia Southand and
secretary, Mae Whitcomb, who
were recently official visitors to
the unit.
Driving Charge
Puts Lebanon
Man in Jail
ALBANY Herman Kroeplin,
Lebanon, was brought to Albany
and is in the Linn county jail fol
lowing his arrest and plea of guil
ty to a drunken driving charge.
Kroeplin was arrested by Deputy
Sheriff R. Oldham and State Po
lice Sergeant Earl Huston after he
had allegedly struck and injured
Robert, 13-year old son of Mr. and
Mrs. N. G. Harris, Lebanon,
route two.
The accident occurred near the
Gore school Monday as the lad
was walking along the edge of the
highway, according to the story of
an eye-witness.
Kroeplin appeared in Judge
Victor Ollfver's court and pending
the outcome of the injured boy's
condition, was placed under $250
bail. He is in jail.
Young Harris suffered the loss
of several teeth, a leg gash requir
ing 23 stitches, and possible inter
nal injuries.
Cor. N. Commercial and
Fresh and Crisp f C s
2-Ib. box JL O U
Gr. Beans 25 c
We Can't Say Hew Long
This Price Will Last
Hi -lb- Larre Loaves
3 for
No. 2V4
Cans ..
3 for
Pearson's Red Bag
2 for 45e
Green Bag
S for 43c
2 ibs.27c
Flonr, Feed and Seed
Farner Jcs 1.00
Happy Fanily .o. wk 1.19
Superior Hardwheat
PICKETT 4-Ib. sack 1.29
Kiichen Queen 49-1., sack
Halts "War"
, '1
! ! !
Judge Arthur J. Tattle
Judge Arthur J. Tut tie of federal
court in Detroit issued the tempo
rary injunction against the C X.
O.'s United Automobile Workers
union barring them from 'inter
fering" with Ford Motor company
employes. At the same time, the
union accused the company of
breaking its word in a pact to
keep the strike-bound River
Rouge plant closed. In granting
the order. Judge Tuttle ruled
there was "a great emergency.'
Aumsville News
AUMSVILLE I Mr. and Mrs.
Emil Martin moved to Salem,
Tuesday where they will be em
ployed by Mrs. S. ;J. McKee, who
is starting to brood her large
flock of turkeys. At the end of
two months Mrs. McKee will
move her turkeys to Aumsville as
is her custom each year.
Mr. and Mrs. Basil Tucker have
purchased the David" Eastburn
place one-half mile west of Aums
ville on the Aumsville-Turner
P. N. Olson, Silverton, has pur
chased the E. o; Milton place
east of town and will take pos
session next week.
Little Johnny Lee, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Leonard Lee suffered
severe burns on his face and chest
Tuesday when he pulled a ves
sel of hot food from a table and
spilled the contents on his body.
Miss Eva Carsen, Miss Florence
Johnson and Vincent Johnson
have been reelected as teachers
in the grade school here. Mrs.
Ruth Martin has been reelected
as teacher in the commercial de
partment of the high school.
Three vacancies are to be filled
on the high school force. - i
Women of the Bethel church
held a missionary meeting Tues
day at the home of Mrs. Anna
Nichol. Those present included
Mrs. Klein, Mrs. F. W. Potter,
Mrs. Edith Mix, Mrs. Ora Ham,
Mrs. Mabel Gulliford, Mrs. Holm
quest and Mrs. Guy Smelser.:
Chemeketa Sts.
Will Always Buy Our
Best Food Values!
15-Minute Service From
9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
We are open til 8 pjn. ev
ery evening for your conve
nience. SPUDS
Guaranteed Qua- a
ity, 5 lbs. ... OiJ C
JeU Powder
3 pkts. 10c
Pancake Flour
29 c
Full Qt. Jars
Salad Dressing
New Barrel, fresh
and crisp, t IbSw.
100 lbs. Laying Scartch
MiU Run. 60 lbs.
Sweet Chop,
Cabbage and Lettuce Plants, doz10c
Tomato Plants, all kinds, doz. 15c
Snapdragons, talL doz. 20e
Stock Tonic, Dr. Hess, 2 lbs. iL25c
Chick.; Feeds, Slash, Pellets, Scratch
! Seeds - Bulk and Pkg. j r
Peas, 4 kinds, 3 lbs. for . J. 50c
Chick Feeders l...J5c and 10c
Sunrise Services, Special
Sermons and Play Slated
TURNER Special Easter serv
ices will be held at all Turner
churches. The Methodist ; church
will have sunrise services in the
church at 8 o'clock. Followed by
breakfast in the Odd Fellows hall,
sponsored by, the Bible school
classes. 10 o'clock , the Sunday
school classes meet, with program
numbers of reading and music.
John Mitchell will deliver an
Easter message at the worship
hour in addition to baptismal
services. j
Sunday evening at 8 o'clock the
Ep worth League presents a play,
"The Half of My Goods," di
rected by Mrs. J. O. Russall and
Mrs. John Mitchell. The cast
comprises Harry Martin, Matt
hew; Lloyd Grim, Zaccahaeus;
Pearl Hogsed, Patricia, his wife;
Robert Sorenson, Thaddeus, their
son; Stan Prather, the Roman
Centurion; Alice Locken, Miriam,
the daughter; Pearl, Bebecca, the
The Christian Endeavor is spon
soring a sunrise service to be held
on the hill if weather permits. It
will be followed by breakfast,
served by women of the church
for a small fee. Bible school class
es, Easter addresses by the pastor.
Rev. O. W. Jones are scheduled
for the morning services begin
ning at 5:45 o'clock Sunday night
services and Endeavor will be
Assembly of God church is fea
turing special music Easter morn
ing with the choir rendering a
group of anthems. Rev. Heath
Lowry and Rev. Ethel Gutekunst
will conduct the services.
9 v
As warm weather comes on
"come out of the kitchen";
and yet serve your family new
tasty, tempting dishes. Soups,
salads scores of recipes!
Made from A-I Durum Semo
lina and fresh-eggs. Wrapped
in cellophane!
a 1 art. ! - -
ssacaraaLstraiaar aad vaeatafcla
rina-scuraii mmuo cs.roiruiiB.Qif
Phone 7335
w cans . 19c
3 ib.
4 ib. 15c
Peannl Duller
Very eeo- O OQ
nomlcal Olbs. a7U
And they are fine. 54-os.
bif Jars OQi
with handles .
3 r.U, IOC
3 45 c
PkX. .
3 to 17c
80 lbs.
TURNER Mr. and Mrs. John
Bones, James Bodes and mother
Mrs. China Bonest attended the
funeral services Monday for Giles
M. Stewart held p Salem with
burial in Amity. He was a brother-in-law
of Mrs. China . Bones
and was one of the guests at her
83rd birthday party in January.
They were childhood playmates
together in Tennessee.
.Rev. John Mitchell returned
Monday from a Willamette field
trip to Bend over! the weekend.
Rev. Cecil Wickliane filled the
pastorate during his absence.
Mrs. Grace Leap has been
transferred to the Salem Art cen
ter as instructor. She has discon
tinued her weekly classes here in
oil painting and basketry.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Sb. Kendall en
tertained Sunday 'with a dinner
honoring their son Glenn on his
birthday. Covers Were placed for
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Kendall' and
sons, Louis and Johnny, Tilla
mook and Mr. and Mrs. Kendall.
Put up by
Can ....
ta cans . . . . (S
CiSahy's. ( '
51 n. . . . 3(5, it. . . . 44e
Albers Mellow Gold
sr. ..... afi
Sla Crisp Soda Crackers RIIISO
st':.: v..::i(s
Sla Crisp Grahams , Lnx Toilel Soap '
Box . 50 3 cakes ' - - 3. 5 0
loasiLE mm? ; jg
. .as
Gropctruil Jnico
45-cz. can
Red Smooth
Skin .
G Ir
Klamath -No.
Community Club
FAIRVTEW- The April meeting
of the community club was held
at the schoolhouse Friday. ' -;
The Odd Fellows orchestra , of
McMinnville : playeL Miss Louise
Hugg and Mrs. Ivan Gubser gave
a .violin duet, 1 accompanied by
Mrs. Ersel Gubser; and Jean Ala
gee played piano solo. Vocal
numbers were given by Doris and
Vema Mae Culp, Muriel Ferguson
and Myrtle' Rockhiir.
Mrs. Peter Parvin, Mrs. Wil
liam Neimi and Mrs. Andrew Sir
pola served refreshments.
Howell Community club players
will give "Adventures of Grand
pa" at th'e meeting of Middle
Grove Community club Friday,
May 18. Players will be divided
between- the two dubsv - -, : :
WACONDA Members of Wa
conda Community club, their
families and friends, had their
annual party at the, Cherry City
auditorium Salem.
T A short program included piano
solo, Miss Maxine De Jar din; vocal
solos, Mrs. Pearl Patterson; ac
cordion .selection, Mrs. Robert
145 No. Ccnnercial
Dine Ribbon
49's Sack
01. .
Fancy Large
Size :.. ..
Large Size
Fromm; reading, Mrs.
Eleven tables of 500 were in
play with, prizes fori high core
received by Mr. and Mrs. AUyn
Nusom, R- V7, Nusom and Mrs.
Edith Belieque.'
:L .
Dallas Divorce
Suit Filed for
DALLAS A suit for . divorce
has been filed in the circuit court
of Polk county by C H. Sanders
against Eva Horner Sanders.
The couple . was married at
BamsdalL, Okla, in July. 1940,
The plaintiff charges incompati
bility and -cruel and inhuman
treatment.: He asks that the de
fendant's maiden name, Eva Hor- .
ner, be restored. ; , :" '
flnUE ExUDi
Women vbo suffer pala of Irregular
periods wiU cranky nervousness
doe to monthly functions! disturb
ance, should find LyOUK. PI nil ham's
Vegetable Compound rtmplg mar.
bam s Compound Is mad mrpeciau
for women to relleva sucn dUtr
ins; feelings and thus belp thenfgo
iii"g thru such "difficult days.
Over 1.000,000 women have reported
remartahia beneuta. Try UI
Phone 4010
Dol . . . . . . U (S
Uhile Bleach
1 : . 1 .
(D GaLrli
Snoudrift Shortening
2 Doz. yi
for (J
LE30DS :
Full of Juice
' - '
' " . f -
-- i