Jbm OUCGOn STATTSMAIL.Ccdara. Oregon. .WcdzuMday flordng, April 9. 1341 pags urn: r i I i I t Want To B Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 ", Classified Adrertfeinf Three Insertions per line 25c, Six insertions per line 40c One month per line. , $1.25 Minimum charge 25c; -3 tL coin imum 35c; 6 tL min. 45c. No refunds. Copy for this pg accepted un til CO the evening before publica tion for classification. Copy re reived after this time will be run under the heading' "Too Lata to Classify. The Statesman assume no finan cial responsibility for errors whlcn may appear in advertisement pub lished in its columns and In cases where this paper is at lault. will reprint that part of an advertise ment In which the typographical mistake occurs. jlie Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising. It further reserves the right to place ail advertising under the prooer classification. A "Blind" Ad an ad containing a Statesman box number for an ad dressis for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore oe answered by letter. The Statesman Is not at liberty to divulge Infor mation as to. the identity of an advertiser using a "Blind" ad. Livestock and Poultry ATTENTION PLEASE We pay for dead & worthless stock. We are the only plant between Port land and Tangent, Ore, doing this kind of work. Why send them away from home. Salem Fertilizer 4c By rroouexs. .rnone ovuu coucck FARMERS! We pay up to Vac per lb. for dead it mK a. in anrtA ooi-MfltiAna. iFree pickup anywhere in Willamette . m. . . . 11 . CIaw. Ifnnt. yomery Rendring WotIcs. ATTENTION FARMERS! tr? ...... axI & tmrthlMi KtnrV Oregon Byproducts Co. Ph. collect 7330 0UUmnrm eee YOUNG TURKEY toms 23e.' hens 25c, dressed a delivered. Ph. 22074. roririiririiii.ri -i -i- -i- ..-. SEVERAL FRESH milk goats for sale, reasonable. 1160 Waller St. Pb- j68- RPBTNr.im JERSEY. Rte. 2. Box 259. b trav rtiinrs cmtnm hatching Started chicks, pullets, fryers. Phone 22861 Lee's Hatchery. Help Wanted , LADY I or gentleman for part time employment. Pay by hour. Address Box A Statesman. Help Wanted Male YOUNG MARRIED man without Children, for dairy farm. Floyd Thaep, R. 5. Box 143, South 22nd. Help Wanted Female WANT exp. girl or young woman for tiir maid in nrivate home. Phone 21757. BOUSEKPR. 1342 N. CapitoL GIRL FOR general housework and care of invalid lady. 2 in family. 1545 B St. Phone 6749. YOUNG lady for hsewrk. 1145 Hlnes. aSaaaMaaaMa-asaMas,NeaSas WANTED Woman for general house awk by month. 2310 is. 4. cwy, r. GIRL OR woman for housework. Ref erences. Call mornings. 095 N. Liberty, Situations Wanted MAN WANTS work by hr. Ph. 9077. EXP. Girl wants housework or wait ress. Home nights. Box 1552. Statesman SHRUBS. TREES TRIM. 1803 Lee. CHILDREN CARED For. Phone 21528. For Sale Miscellaneous CHOW PUPPIES. 940 Highland Ave. 2 METAL VENETIAN BLINDS. 74 i" J7',i", a 23' wide, $10. 1230 Morningside Lane. - OLD MODEL Monarch electric range. 2 , Boy Scout uniforms, size 14. lathe and jig saw outfit. 445 E. Meyers. Phone eojj. EASTER LILIES and other potted mants and cut flowers. JAY MORRIS, FLORIST. Phone 8837 KERRY BLUE terrier, male, 163 Senate St., West Salem. HANDLEY TRAILER service. Stock and flat rack trailers 'for sale or rent Phone 6500. Capitol and Market. PLANER AND box wood. Ph. 9189. Salem Box Co. TRY OUR HOME DECORATING AND REMODELING SERVICE Twelve months or longer in wnlea to pay. No down payment. Details ar ranged at your home. Only responsible contractor and decorators do your fob. Call Mr. Eyre at B. L. ELFSTROM COMPANY, Ph. 9221 c&e rtaouitatesraaii ADVERTISING Western Advertising Representatives tan Francisco. Los Angeles, Seattle . - Eastern Advertising Representatives , Bryant, Griffith a Brunson. Inc. J Chicago. New York. Detroit Boston. Atlanta Kntered at the Portoffic at Salem, Ortffon, ea Second Class Matter, fuo tished. event nwrnino except Monday Buiiuw office 213 South Commercial Ctreet. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Mail Subscription Rates in Advance. Within Oregon: uauy ana Bunaay. m Stt cents-. 2 Mos. $150:- Moa. $250: X year $3 00. Elsewhere 50 cents per mo. r $6.00 for 1 year in advance. Per eoov 2 cents. Newsstands S cents By City Carrier, 60 cents a month (7.20 a year in advance in mnoa un axuacrnT cwdbo. BLONDES SOKCONERoJ---- VSSvX MEAACAX Xe HAD I4!S- TWMUSTiV 71 T T IjCaRRIGMTOvTO ) CnXXXED&XM GOZOOM1M6 OUT yfCAR POWTEO UP , BEENJGOJGA A( GO UCMEO T J"Sa OUR LAVVM LAST ') S OUR FENCE OF BUM STPAD S "WE STREET WITH IXNCSRS? M2-ES r 1 Mliit " ' StXZ MSMT-..LOOK W7 v-TH ABOUT TMREH ) TMCCMGJKE -. AM MOUR WMEM 1 SfTDrZIh - " '' '-t 7?! (?Vfl ' - : ' " :! i v CM twt. fai ,': 1 ' " ' ' 1 L r 1 r ' I 1 -. 1 1-31.... , , 1 liy? Kent? Beasell? Statesman 'Real Estai4 Money I o Loan! QUIQC CASH LOANS VrUTS oc phone 631 to Salem's oldest, largest home CALL WRITS home managed finance institution. Your loans made in strictest" privacy -You will repaying ui jrvur mma w tiwiunj 1 to 24 Months to Repay i You can pay N uQ any I Onl? Borrower Siens ; No endorsers. Loans made ROY H. SIMMONS. MGR. ! Lie No. M-153 i LGeneral Finance Gomomtibn 134 So. lammereiai est,"", i .z- First door tot south of Lada & fsn Bank. 'Auto Loans 1 Wiliamette Credit Co'. 5TB FLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING rHA LOANS also ortv. loans Abraras &t Ellis. Inc. Masonic Bldg. For Sale Miscellaneous BLACK DIRT a SUB SOIlJ P. 8052. USED GENERAL ELECTRIC refrig erator. Guaranteed, only $4950. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. 453: Court St. VACUUM CLEANERS. New & used. Parts a repairs, au ma.em. vruar, VUfCMTa. urn unoerpasa. r. tic irr , A Ttf 1U ... .nuaW Innliirl - UO&U M.-r W- liv. 1111. ft davenport chair in good condition. occ. cnair, ena laoie. u shade, scarf, 5-pc. coaster set, coffee table, heavy throw rug. Spec 29S1 COHN BROS. 467 COURT EASTER BUNNIES. Phone 5247. 1940 MODEL Ev in rude Zepher out board motor. W. R. Cameron. 1556 Madison. I : 6-YR. SIZE child's crib, ialso baby bed. 1355 N. 18th. : BEAUTIFUL BURKEY a !Gav solid walnut dining room suite. Consists of dining table that will seat twelve people, six chairs and large buffet. Original price $590. Will seB for $200. STATE MOTORS. INC. 340 N. High St., Salem. Telephone 917L Wanted Furniture F. N. & GLENN WOODRY. Auc tioneers & furniture dealers will pay you mere cash cr trade for furniture & household goods. We buy or sell everything. Ph. 5110. j CASH FOR used furniture & house hold goods R. Forgey. Ph. i 7443. Miscellaneous Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES i Bring or Mall Your Plates ifor Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolpb Bldg. State a Com'L Ph. 3311 FREE TERRIER pups. 882 N. 20th. For Rent Rooms SLP. RMS., nr. state bldgs P. 6769. aSsaaaarfaaseaiMaS SLP. rm.. nr. state bldg&j Ph. 21449. HTD. ROOM near capital. 4498. HOTEL MARIO Rooms, special weekly and monthly rates to perm, guests. Marion Coffee Shop, delicious meals at low prices. HOTEL SALEM Low Weekly snonthty rates. - fa.'s FURN. ROOMS. 411 N. Front. Room and Board Balanced meals, rms. 332: N. Church. EXCEL. BOARD a roora. Ph. 5409 For Rent Apartments $12 l-R. furn utilities iacL. washer. gar. Z281 Hazel, ra. inty. i DUPLEX 3 RMS. and bath. Adults. 795 So. 21qt. Ph. 6312. FURTf. 3-R-. newlv dec..i oriv. Data. It., w., far washer, dnstrs $21. SO. 3-R.. ClOSC lZU 91B.50. x. 71 IX f -XtlkM sTTTDM alAn iKK vafrltf tor lady. 666 So summer. eaaaisaiaaaMMaa FURN. 3-rm. apU frig. 1209 Court. SM. USE. f urn. apt. 2531 Division. NICELY FURN. APT. in; duplex cot tage. Piano. Bus. Reasonable. 407 S. 18. VACANCIES at 1411 Court. CLOSE IN 2 rm. furnished aoL. 4JM N. cnurcn. rnone 7748. ; 3-R-. private entrance. Also 2-r. apt. es i. uoerxy. j STRATTON APTS 2-rm. apt. avail' able April 15. Ph. 3842. i 3-RM.. clean, furn. apt., pri. bath. remg, aauits. txo s. summer. MODERN 3-room apt, garage. available Apr. 10th. Phoae MOB. i r.,ii,ini ir,i M.Mwiiriw"M',ftft 3-Rm.. heated apt. 444 &; High. FURN. Apt., lights, water. 151 N. 13th. - 2-R. FURN. apt. Lts wt. 2164 Maple 2 a 31 RMS. furn.. $1350 $18, wter. a Its. free. 152 S. 13th. Ph. S2Z2. CLOSE. FURN.. Driv. bath, hot wet- wasnen. inq. ua . commercial. 2-R. end closet. 2nd fl.. front 1-r. and closet : aot.. 1st fL front 2 1-rm. A closet. 340 N. Church. Ph. 7402 or 5822. 2 LGE.. BRIGHT, bsrrit. hk. rma gar gas its, sia mo. tw m. tomi SINGLE housekeeping. 432 Marion. 2 RM. furn. apt. Also One rm. cot- Uge furn. 2096 State SLf NICE furn. apt. Bath. 67 Union. CLEAN 2 RM. furnished court apt private batn. taunary garage, a water rum, $15.00. 18131 Lee St. 3-RM. FURN. APT. 323 IS. 14th St. 2. S end 4 rm. apts. 1310 B. IX PRESCOTT APTS Mod. 3-rm. furn. elec. refrig, washer, priv, locker, gar, attrac : surroundings. AduSts. 1064 Oak. wm-m-iii nnnnrir,"inrinri ri nnn "iiini-n-ir-,i-niri n ri 1 a S-Rm, FURN. apt 250 S. Cottage. $1150 1st fl. small furn. apt. 1307 K. Commercial. j . . - - Money, to Loan financial :ial affairs will be discussed and be given every consideration in the icnw,ma time to reduce the cost. on furniture or note. JIM CLARK. ASST. MUH .' j .. . ua ha s-m ? - . - f i raone lies Convenient ground floor location FOR CASH in a HURRY - - c ; "-i. - See ' -- v- PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 512 SUte Street . - K I Doors West of Capitol Theatre Ph. 319L License Nos. S-122 M-163 PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOAMS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce payments. Money for new or used cars. No delay or red tape. You will retain possession of the vehicle. 1 TO 20 MONTHS TO PAY ROY H. SIMMONS 138 South Commercial Street Phone 816 I Lie No. M-453 WE LOAN on farm, residential At business nrooertv. Will bur mortgages or contracts. HAWKINS Ac ROBERTS. INC. Realtors. Guardian Building. Loans Wanted $8000 FIRST MORTGAGE Cor erec tion of 4 unit apartment house. Box ion statesman. i WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LCAN on good Saleni reel es tate. Win pay 6 Interest. W. O- uRABENHORST Mt CO. REALTORS For RentApartments DUPLEX apt. unfum. SSI N. Winter. 3 R. furn. Adults. 473 N. CapitoL S RM. farn. apt. 215 S. Winter. 3-RM. APT, FURN. 1580 Center. HEATED 3-R, funu, $18. 1586 Center, FURN, 3-rm, frigldaire 433 N. Whiter 4-RM., furn. apt, gar. 843 Union. DESIRABLE APT. now obtainable at the Fisher. Ph. 6757. S A 4 RM. furn.. steam ht, frig. gar. isum ran-grounds ta. m. 7w. MOD. 2-RM, furn. 1S53 State. SMALL furn. apt. 645 rerry. arfaasMIMaaaa0 OLYMPIC X RM. fnrn. ant- 730 N Liberty. For Rent Houghs 533 Center. Ph. 4606. WE HAVE TUX j PROSPECT IF YOU Want to eeU. exchanse. lease, rent, see Mr. Larsen or Mr. Col lins wua uawicins & Roberta. ' NICEXnr FURN.. 'dean.- S-rm.. new kkca. at Data, eiee. range, walnuts. mm. vara, gar. sis &i lzta. 5-R.. WELL furnished.. onlv 825. 4-R new. ranee in. double eareee SIS. STEGNER 620 N. ComL 6143. ClTriTt SL.R ' SL t aV T r "wwww -f sbiau-iinAi. ess at ey. v. Courtnier. S. A Ri 11A XL ml SL Pin 4 ACRES eamfnrtanla hw larva pounry oiag. in city. inq. iuq a. Business Cards tat this directory ran n a monthly i basis only. aUtc$L25 pr Una per Auto Brakes Mike Panek. 215 Sooth Commercial Bicycles BICYCLES. New and reconditioned Harry W Scott, 147 S. Cont'd. P 4516 Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 4450 R- E Northnese. Convalescents LEMON HEALTH home. 2310 N. 4th. Stmshlns home for i health seekers. uesx ox care. 583 S. Commercial. ExcaYsting EXCAVATION OF all kteds. Base ments dug. Dirt hauled of moved. Dirt tor sale Salem Sand les Gravel P 9408 Florists BretthauprsT 447 Court. Phone 9195. Funeral Directors Terwiinger Funeral Home. Ph. 6829, Kalsomining-Painting Loecfk. Ph. 9463 KXattresses CAPfTOtV BEDDING CO. Phone 4089 SALEM FLUFF RUG At MATTRESS Co. New Mattresses, old remade, rug cleani-dg & weaving. S. I2tb At WUDur Tel 944L Zwtckers. Blillinery And reatylang. 1247 S. Com! Ph. 6807. E23zarlag fax thai Saborbs! Money to Loan FREE BUDGET ANALYSIS (Including? Free Loan Aooraisal) is an additional service offered by the Calkins Finance Co. In many cases a frank discussion of vour inm.i orob- lem is needed more than a cash loan." We positively will not encourage bor rowing unless It is really going to help you. ! For a complete loan service with small monthly repayment plans, call at our new grouna uoor location raoay. cairns ! ; : "Balem's Personal Loan Center 315 ?ourt Street. V ' Salepii Oregon State.' Uc No's. S-228 a M-276 For RentHouses rooms, 239 S. 22nd. -room mod. cottage. East, - 7 JO 6-room furn. house. East. -rm. mod. apt. North, rooms, unfurn. Suburb. North. H. P. GRANT 529 Court 6744 ' S-RM. HOUSE, sas. elec basement. $24. 383 Madrona Ave. NEW SUB, $23. S-R, stove. $20. 4-R, furn, $17. 6-R, i A, $20. 4-R. A bath, bus. i A, $15. 2 A, mod. 4-R.. $20. 3-R, $7. It, a w. in hse. P. 7113. 4-R. MOD, furn. hse. 1865 N. ComX 7-RM. MOD. hse, on N. Summer St, nr. Schools. Ph. 22901. S-RM. FURN. house, rood location. near schools and bus, $30 mo. W. a. (jKABENHORST CO. Ph. 4131 f TAD DTXTT Phone 4728. THREE BETJROiUrrChouselose to state buUding. Call 615 N. 14th. 4-RM. house, like new, bath, laundry tubs, garage. 480 N. 24th. NEW MODERN home, oil furnace, air cond. fireplace, ney elec. range and water heater. $37.50. Phone 21466. ojw ise a fcJ-BJ-u-uJ-u-u-tnj SMALL HOUSE. 326 Gaines. PARTLY FURN. HSE. 550 S. 16th. Clean, mod, furn, 2 rm. hse. Water ec gar. Aauits only. 363 s. 17W. MODERN furnish! 4 room hi in pa low; elec. refrig. & range, basement. xirepiace & garage. SZ7.50. S. W. EARLE Phone 967$ or 3865 4-jRM. MOD. HSE, clean.- Ph. 4581. 4-RM. house. Apr. 7th. 1295 D St. 4 RMS, bath a utility rm.. strictly modern, electric stove a refrig. Adults oniy, iwmi in. zutn : S-RM. mod. house. 1150 N. Church. FURN. COTTAGE, couple only, very moqern. sju. k m. wraml HOUSES. Melvin Johnson, Ph. 3723. MOD. 7 R. furn. 862 N. 16th. NEW. MOD. 5-rm. 862 N. 16th. For Rent BUSINESS PnnPTBTV One story concrete building, 7200 sq. n. noor space, wu jerry St. $18. 3 room furn. duplex. CHAS HUDKINS 6c SON 275 State St. Phone M94 - M---() J-J-0-(J-(Jr. (-.f-. (-, STORE BLDG. and apt. both $25 or 913 : eacn. aie t. uu. inquire room zoo. Tel. 3713 SMALL DOWNTOWN aDt SIS. B room, house, $20. 8-room farm dwelling. wiui puiun ana orcnara, 91 1 M). TV AN G. MARTIN Phone 4419. Wanted to Rent head , J. W. Fitts, Brooks. Ore, Rte. L ax. zoo. rn. z-zsao, saiem. Directory Painting & Paperhanging Experienced Reasonable. Ph. 4325. Jerry Jorinson Ph. 4618. Plumbing PLUMBING. GENERAL reoair work. Graber Bros, 154 S. Liberty. Ph. S504. Printing FOR STATIONERY cards, pamphlets, programs, books or any kind of print ing, call The Statesman Printing De partment. 215 S. Commercial. Tele phone 9101 Radio & Appliance Service MOORE'S Radio Service. Ph. 9611. FACTORY SERVICE. Phone 5502. Perdue-McKowen. 2JW4 N. CapitoL Trailers TRAILER BUILDING, repairing, trade and credit, fciee. welded frames and hitches. 619 N. Front. Salem. Ph. 21768. Transfer TRUCK SERVICE ANYWHERE tn state Large or small loads. Brown. 714 s. 2 lit st. Phone 3600. FOR LOCAL OR DISTANT transfer storage burner oil btiauets, orest logs. Trucks to Portland daily. Agent Pierce Auto Freight, including Caltf. points urmer iTansxer o fa. sisi Venetian Blinds 1 Guaranteed Steel or Wood Venetian Blinds. 30c sq. ft, installed. Phone Alien's Hdw. 4610. Free estimate. Vacuum Cleaner Service FREE Insoection tn your home. Au thorized Hoover service. We service all makes cleaners. Hogg Bros. Ph. 6022 Well Drilling R. A. WEST. RL . Bx 445. P. 2-2296. $20 $253 $2 $353 $25a Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT Small house near Front and Columbia. Will oar i o aw JkftU TldOL - . For Sale Real Estate HOME BARGAINS $3156 cash will buy this 5-room mod ern home, located in N. E. Salem eat paved at. Nice yard, house in good con dition. A 'REAL BUY. $250 da, baL. $25 per mo. will buy this 6-room house, located In East Salem on paved st. Furnace a fireplace. near state buildings, race Kszse. KJ6SO wul buy this new mod, s room. located m N. E. Salem on paved eC Nice built in kitchen, hardwood firs. tnroughout. garage a sprinkling system in front lawn. Terms. . $2500 will buy this 6-room - bouse, j located in East Salem, near state shops. Close to grade school, eood furnace, re cently redecorated thruout. A REAL BUY. --.- Carl C. H. Grabenhorst, r with W. H. GRABENHORST a CO. 134 S. Liberty SL Phone 4131 N. CAPITOL St. home, lane lot. Price $2100. W. U. KKUEUUI 147 N, Commercial - Phone 4728 NEW S-RM. FuR basement. 1- fire places, auto, oil furnace, fireplace for party room in basement. Room for third bedroom la unfin. upstairs. Close to schools, this house Is FHA' built and inspected. Easy FHA terms. $4700. New s-rm, flreolace. oil furnace, on lg. corner lot. with room for lovely patio, badminton or tennis court. If you like lots of room and a beautiful view, see this. Only $5500. FHA termsj Mew o-rm, auto, ou xurnace. nawa. floors. Walking distance to town. Close to scnooi. S3400. i nA terms. 7-rm. bouse close m on N. summer. Larse rooms. Fireplace, basement, new oil furnace. Lg. corner lot. $5960. Terms. e-rm. house. 2-car garage. Lg. corner lot. $31508500 down. RICH L. HE1HAMN 167 S. High St. Ph. 8632 saiem s Largest Home uuuaer- NORTH SALEM HOME 5 nice rooms and Dlastered attic. good basement, furnace and fireplace. All in A-l condition, priced for quick sale at SJooO, easy terms. TO CLOSE AN ESTATE e We would like to show rou a good house in East Salem, weir built and nicely located, paved streets. Should bring $3700 substantial discount for cash. CHILDS A MTTJ.FR. REALTORS 344 SUte Street. Phone 9261 NEW SIX-ROOM house, 'roll cement basement, laundry trays, trash burner. etc. Located in eood district, norm. Easy terms. $300 down, balance month ly. l3 reari st, ra. 837. $150 DOWN. $20 per mo. 5 rood sized rms, bath, plastered, fireplace, garage, 81700. S150 Down. s-rm. house, close to Leslie Jr., bath, furnace, $20 per mo. S2350. $4250 New English style home, 5 rms, basement, furnace, fireplace, hardwood firs, paving, szso down. Money to Loan at e MELVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR 725 Court St. Ph. 2723 CREEK LOT. 5-room modern home. fireplace, hwd. floors, full bsmt, furn ace, trays. Karaee. price $3150. Laree house on N. 21st. modern con veniences, suitable for roomers. Price $4500. Money to Loan P. H. BELL. REALTOR 429 Oregon Bldg. Phone 8121 NEW AND MODERN S acre, fertile soil, near fine school. 5 finished rooms, one unfinished, shake exterior, wired for range, electric water heater, nice arrangement. See it today and you will want it. See Mr. Bartlett wttri CHILDS a MILLER. REALTORS 344 State Street. Phone 9261 2 NEW SUB. 5-r, $2950. S-R, $3750. terms, take new or late car or cheap Htse m Salem or valley town. 7 -Km. plast. hse, A-l shape, close in. gisao. cash. 172 s. Liberty. I'n. hia. BRAND NEW 4-rm, with square 4 acre ft creek, just outside city. $2800, szao an., xza montnry. A lovely e-rm. home on ous line. Excellent location, one blk. from school. $3800. Easy terms. s rms. attic, (treoiace. utility rm. V, A, new. just E. of city. Low taxes. S3000. Good paying butcher shop, nets better than szza monthly ror part year. Location on state St. owner called east. $2400. ART MADSEN Phone 5580. 5-RM. MOD. home, lust finished. 1800 N. 18th St. Reasonable down payment. Dai. like rent, owner a buuder. w. A. Cladek. 1435 N. 18th St, Ph. 4277. LOTS OWNED by city $125 to See any real estate man or call 1ST S. High St. INCOME PROPERTY Duplex and 3 room cottage on same ! lot, au turn. CHAS . HUDKINS & SON 275 SUte St. Phone 9494 SMALL COTTAGE, large lot. W. Sa lem. $900. Large old home, good loca tion. $3500. Other bargains in old nomes. see IVAN G. MARTIN Phone 44 19. FOR BELCREST PROPERTIES, see W. TJ. KKUEQER 147 N. Commercial Phone 4728 5-R. BASEMENT, furnace. ',4 A. Real Snap. $2100. Must be sold. Terms to suit. STEGNER 520 N. Coral-8143 BY OWNER Small 2-bdrm. hse. cheap. 1088 Highland. $400 DOWN Close in, suburban home, large living rm, dining rm, nice hardwood firs, kitchen. 2 bedrms- basement. furnace, fireplace, large lot. SOW!. $150 down. $20 per mo, 5-rm. house, iirepiace. garage, some trees. giTOO. Money to Loan at 8. MELVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR. 725 Court St. . Phone 2723 Extra good building lot in Walnut rrjcv 93V ' W. G. KRUEGER 147 N. Commercial Phone 472$ MOD. 6 ROOM HOUSE, burnt firoL close in $3000. 2045 N. 4th. Call Sat. aft. Sunday or evenings. FINE. Mod. 5-r. house, gar, good location, near bus and schools. Easy lerms. rn. aoue. RESIDENT Income. Will net 9 on invert. $1500 cash. Consider car or real estate to $1000 in deaL Two modern houses one right size to rent other economical place for owner. Excellent location, rn. sssseisae,e-asWaaaSaMaaeW 9 ROOMS and attic, furnace, fire- piece, nwd. floors, corner lot. Just out- srae ciry iimni, S27W. Terms. -WINNIE PETTYJOHN REALTOR 477 Court Street. Exchange Real Estate, TRADE OR sen $300 equity tn house. tor sx. ttax iMi, co statesman. By CHIC YOUTiG For Sale Used Cars JOIN THE Of A I PONTIAC G00DWILL, CAR 17 Terra plane 4367 Motor reconditioned. Radio Heater. 37 Dodge Del 4-Dr 1 , . $427 Motor reconditioned. New Mint. 37 Cher. Town Sed. l new Mini. Best nuv in Town. 97 uievroiet coupe. Mew paint . try. uei 4-ur. sed. , 36 Ply. Del Coupe. Make us an Offer. M Ford Coupe. New Paint V V $195 Motor reconditioned. . 34 Chrysler Coav. Cpe. 35 Ford Tudor -15 -6195 34 Pontlae Sed. 38 Pontiae Sed. $23S $59S Original paint. One Owner has taken Deriect care. Lot: Corner Chemeketa a Church Phone 3686 i H HERRALL-OWENS "Dependability- I PONTIAC SALES a SERVICE 235 S. Commercial Phone 3169 i-ir,-irin n n n n ri n 1934 CHEV. 2 -door A-l condition. 1344 court St. I isriiLiXOn-rjj'i-nruA J 1940 HUDSON SIX. 4 door deluxe dan, low mileare. very clean car. Bank terms and trade. 455 Chemeketa. Ph. I 3797. ii--ee Li-uuuif I 32 ESSEX, good condition, low mile age. Also Phllco car radio. No reas. otter refused. 1595 N. Liberty. I 37 PLYMOUTH course, new tires, eood conaiuon. rnoni ziiil Wanted Used Cars 36 or 37 Pontiae sedan. Prefer to deal with private owner. What have you. Box 155Q statesman, CASH FOR YOUR CAR OR EQUITY. 440 Center. Phone 21535. j Exchange: Real Estate FOR TRADE ( 320-acre wood and stock ranch, win trade for good Salem property in ex change, wnat nave you. Call G. H. Grabenhorst. Jr, with W. H. GRABENHORST a CO. 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 4131 Acreage i. TODAY'S SPECIALS 8100 dn baL 820 ner mo. i will buy a fine 5 acres with small 3-room house A chicken house. Good drilled well a liehts. On paved road. Price $2000. 8250 dn, bai. sis per mo. wui ouy a fine 10 acres with 4-room house, small barn, chicken house, rood well a spring. Several acres in crop. Good strawberry or filbert sou. Don't Wait. See THIS AX UNIL. i Call G. H. Grabenhorst, Jr, with 'W. H. GRABENHORST a CO. 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 4131 22 A, NORTH, barn, no house, all cult, $15. $300 down. Very fine 51 A, N. E, new bldgs, water system, bath, $9000. $2000 down. i C J. JACKSON 341 State St. Salem i 2 A, S-RM. modern home, basement and furnace, electric water system. 200 bearing filberts. S42S0. terms. 14 A, modern home, electricity. near school and church, trees, nuts. near Salem. 85750. i 80 A.. 5-rm. house, barn, electricity. creek, sesoo. R. A. FuKimSa 1B33 N. Capitol 10 A, PORTLAND RD. Elec. press. water, s-rm. dwelling sjuiw. Terms. tL P. GRANT. REALTOR 529 Court St. J 8 A. GOOD bldgs. R. L Ph. 63F15. Suburban U-ACRE BUILDING SITES Located on Falrview Ave South of Salem; city water, close to city. Price $900, easy terms. i can g. n. Graoennorst. jr, vmn W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 134 S. Liberty SL Phone 4131 Wanted Real Estate WE WANT listings. For Sale or Fori Rent. Residence or commercial property. 1 GEORGE A. BROWN. 210 Oregon Bldg. 'wT'NvTrEvour -forsie-Ust i inn u fairry priced, uawiuhs t ROBERTS. INC, Realtors, i Guardian Building Business Opportunities SERVICE STATION, sarage and house, well located on highway. $4500. R. A. FORKNER 1853 N4 CapttOL For Sale Wood ALL KINDS of dry wood. Ph. 2-1446. 16 in. fir. Judd. Ph. 22129. DRY WOOD. Ph. 6700. Bradley. natoixrj"j' rsrnrnrrates'"ivv' -i-i- r " I WOOD. Ph. 6370 Oraen. 412 N. 21st tvrv wnnn Phnn. sua. i. mn rfst drv wood. fn. s-vZbji. BAWUUSl, per uiuu ru. , MTT J. WOOD. S3S0 load Ph. 6852 or 5341 evenings. Yard at j lie court, j Lost and Found tfter Tlvrh at atnlra Brtndla ! Scottie.'s mo. eld. female. Phone 7906. T AST BY little rirl Gray Persian eat arfth liffnter run arouno necs. uoemi reward, rn. w. boo n. summer. Personal LONESOME? Serving all! aces. Club Elite. P. O Box 71-Q. Los Angeles, CaL j Legal Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY. GIVEN, that the undersiened, Pioneer! I Trust Company, has been, by an order of the County Court ox. tn State of Oregon for Marion Coun ty, duly appointed Administrator I nf the estate of Olaf Mortenson, deceased, and that Letters of ad ministration have issued to it. v ATI oersons havlnff claims against the estate of said decedent are hereby notified to present the same, duly Verified and with- the proper vouchers, - to the under- I signed administrator at its offlct In Salem.' Oregon, within six to) months from the date f the first publication of this Notice. ' - .' Dated and first published thij ! 12th day of March. 194L v PIONEER TRUST COMPANY, . As Administrator of the stat - of Olaf Mortenson, Deceased. ROSS ATOfflJ. .. - Attorneys for said Estate. EASTER PARADE 11 12-1&-25-A 2 - 9 ' s Make It -Easy2 For Sale Used Cars In Every Way You Judge1 A USED CAR ? Hubbard Has the Best Buys 40 Dodge DeLuxe Luxury 13,000 miles. 3g Buick ModeTl 8-90 DeLuxe 7-pass. Sedan. Has : i Jfaaio ana neater, lender wells, only zl,UUU' ' miles, TTiis car cost new $2395. Our price....$495 27 Dodare DeLuxe' Sedan 37 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan ' 37Ford Model 60 DeLuxe Coupe 36 Chevrolet Town Sedan 38 Hudson 6 cyL DeLuxe Sedan 36 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan -HOME OF THE LIFE TTMX GUARANTEE" HUBBARD U$EO CAS LOT ACROSS STREET DODGE and 455 Chemeketa St. f e 4 III. V. , V. The most beautiful girls in the world 3 I I lotu musical romance "A Night at Earl Carroll's- featuring Km Murray. Lillian Cornell. J. Carrel Nalsh and those mad-mad men aces Brenda and Cobina. Playlnr also today through Saturday at the SUte theatre is "Hudson's Bay starring; Paul Musi. Holy Week Rites Are at Noon ' INDEPENDENCE N o o n d a y services will be held at the Cal vary Presbyterian church from 12:10 to 1 o'clock during; Holy Week, and ah invitation has been extended to all. ' Cross Word 3 K- 12 13 15 16 23 24 25 2a 34 5 I40 r44 w1 An 143 46 48 52 56 54 05 61 62 65 66 HORIZONTAL l--Crasbedmalt . r " 6 -Receptacle for flowers ! Cuided . It Plane surface 13 Feminine name 14i Masculine name IS Hirsute adornments 17 Greek letter 1 S--Lobrieata 19 Facts ' 21 Taut 23 Chew the end . 27 Pronoun . r 2S Coneernins ' - 29 Spread for dryinr 21 Small boy 24 101 ia Roman numerJs 25 Obtained ' - ' 27 Gaelic sea deity 39 Chinese measure 40 Greek letter , . , 42 Protuberance v iLf TAe eecame tk firtt Kmg ! - Yugoslav tn ihmt -48 Note ef the scale X Wk vh (Ae etmdVr e tht j 1 Btnxsdictinm orderf - -i SO Fanatical r S3 Accomplished v . ' iB 4 Of each an equal quantity -i&S Pertaining to - . . : -s 67 Hare ideas - - r 61 Male child - ' ' 62 Plant trowing: on rocks 64 Aspect '- 65 Compensate 66 One ef the Great Lakes - : 67 Winter vehicle ; - Xwii'v t TERTICAI. ; .1 Talry croeen - - ' 2 Metric measure of area . 2 Body of water t 4 Wk toee tJLj rwenry.atMlA - V. S.-Prttidentt Wk0 wu tAe emn todd4$ ml tag Mortar re-Article . ' . . "- - T rink ra small miantitiea 8 Prepare for pnblieatioa Wkick tAe Barrymorem appears is tkt Dr. KU mtnttf 19 Goddess ef tteord i For Sale Used Cars Liner Sedan, only 33 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan 33 Dodge DeLuxe Sedan 34 Chevrolet Master DeLuxe Coupe 33 Chevrolet Two Door Sedan 31 OtdsmobOe Sedan We Finance Our Own Contracts MOTOR CO. FROM DOWNTOWN FTRZ DEPT. PLYMOUTH Phone 3797 S3 i . . In a lavish, I use ions and rsi- Devotional subject, "Our Lord's Life," will bo discussed by Rev. William B. Mahon, pastor. Lodges Pacific Lodge No. 50. AT es AM. Stated meeting. Apr. lg. T JO pre. Otto N. Hoppea, WM. Puzzle IO n 20 21 22 26 27 15 29 SO 31 32 33 37 33 33 r45 S7 160 65 64 61 11 TFAe rrU "Hew Tm Win Friend mnd Influcnc Pioplrt CmrMiritt ltWU warn d4aud V Rh- tpU rre, tekm ks trisd tm.' PSI (Aisavf 20 Siamese coin 22 -Exclamation 23 Contest ef speed 24 Least whole number 25 Myself 28 Fish 20 Rely for support- t 22 Fish sanee 23 Grime .-.' ' I 26 Bncketlike vesaej 33 Ransoms - U-r-WkU etry tpog tkm wtelix ' piece mf tkm fint aLrreeieiu - -movmentimnt 43 Furniture 45 Note of the scale - 47 Sloth - , 49 Din-- : . ... 50 Irritate - - 51 WUd ex ' ' 52 Cupola f " . 66 On behalf of - 53 Be affected with pais - 59 Golf mound - - 60 Condusioa . , ' i " 63 Note of the scale - Answer to yesteTdsy'g punla. VpA I VA v orr. - mi n 1 a. j- , ., A VII H -T R6' rAMA ;IAU Tn Of, ii cS" i ,,1. igi 1 ef Mlsrliai tt aOastaa. ,r I- YA YA