PACS ELEVni ant" To ; Buy? fcafresman ' Real Estate M.ds Make It la&y n The 02EG0II STATESMAN. Solera. Oreccm- Tuesday Morning, April 1. 1341 w Rent? lesase? ' Statesman Classified Ads Call 9101 Classified Advertising Three insertions per line 25c Six insertions per line 40c One month per lino . $1.25 Minimum charge 25c; 3 ti. min imum 35c; 6 tL min. 45c No refunds. Copy for this page accepted tin tU 0:30 tae evening before publics tloa for classification. Copy re reixed after this time will be run under the beading "Too Late to Claairy. The Statesman assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors whica may appear In advertisements pub listed in Its columns and in cases where this paper is at tault will reprint that part of an advertise ment In which the typographical mistake occurs. jTie Statesman reserves the right to reject questionable advertising. .It further reserves the right to place all advertising under the proper classification. A ""Blind- Ad an ad containing Statesman box number for an ad dress is for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore oe answered by letter. The Statesman la not at liberty to dlvulga Infor mation -as to the Identity of an advertiser using a "Blind" ad. Livestock and Poultry ATTENTION PLEASK We pay for dead St worthless stock. We are the only plant between Port land . and Tangent. Ore., doing this kind of work. Why send them away from home. saiem Fertilizer ec ay Products. Phone 6000 collect. fARMZRS! We pay up to ,ic per lb. for dead animals, if fresh in good conditions. Free pickup anywhere in Willamette alley, rn. Mil. collect, oaiem. axon gomery- Rendering Works. ATTENTION FARMERS I W bit for dead worthless stock. Oregon Byproducts Co. Ph. collect 7330 BABY- CHICKS, custom hatching. started chicks, pullets, fryers. Phone 32861. Lee's Hatcnery. Help Wanted Female 'RELXABJUE girl for housework. 7585. -WANTTTl K!nn rirl 21 to 24 years for permanent position as EXECUTIVE SECRETARY. Must have above av erage ability in typing, dictation, abil ity to meet the public and have pleas ing personality. Reasonable salary to tart wiid unumiiea opportunities ra the right girl. If you are aggressive, want a Dermanent position and can meet the above requirements, see Mr. Miller at sis state t saiem. aju to o'clock p.m. only, any night this ED IN CONFIDENCE. 0000000000000000000000000000t HOUSEKPR. 1342 N. CapitoL P. 6173. Help Wanted Male WANTED Young man for dairy work, single or married, exper. Must have refer. Address P. O. 187. Salem. Salesmen Wanted 2S TO 40, Married, with car. Salary and Comm. Protected territory in city. Apply Mr. Stark. 142 S. High. Situations Wanted HIGH SCHOOL graduate with some stenographic experience, desires, to learn dental or medical nurses trade for small wage to start. Phone 32S2 or write 659 Breys Ave. GIRL wants hsewrk. 1163 Chemeketa. MAN wants any kind work. P. 9077. Children kept. 2080 Laurel. Ph. 21792. 9000000000000000000000000 LAWN. GARDEN work. Ph. 7443. SHRUBS. TREES TRIM. 1803 Lee. CHILDREN CARED Tor. Phone 21528. EXP. woman, nr. work. Ph. 21328. For Sale Miscellaneous WRECKING BUILDING 650 S. 21st St. 40 lineal ft. sectional shelving. 3 open top display tables. 1 6-ft. show case. 1 counter cont 24 drawers; 1 short log sawmill, handle S ft lags; 1 -ft. American wood turning lahte: 3 large heating stoves. For information call 8552. ROTTED fertilizer. Phone 21448. TRY OUR HOME DECORATING AND REMODELING SERVICE Twelve months or longer In which to pajc No down payment. Details ar ranged at your home. Only responsible contractors and decorators do your lob. Call Mr. Eyre at B. L. ELFSTROM COMPANY. Ph. 9221 BICYCLE, washing machine, carpet, bedsprings. mattress, also camp beds. 1370 Chemeketa. TOR SALE or trade Hay. 9 tons. 819 N. Front. Ph. 21768. PLANER AND box wood. Ph. 9189, Salem Box Co. ADVERTISING Western Advertising Representatives George D. Close. Inc. Ban rraactaco, Los Angeles, Seattle Eastern Advertising Representatives Bryant; Griffith Branson. Ino. Chicago, New York. Detroit . Boston. Atlanta Entered at the Postoffic at Salem. Ortgon, as Second Class Matter. Pub lished every morning except Monday. Business office 213 South Commercial Street. . SUBSCRIPTION RATES: " Mail Subscription Rates In Advance. Within Oregon; Daily and Sunday. Mo. M cents: 3 Mos. $1.30; 9 Mo. $230; 1 year $3.00. Elsewhere M cents per mo. r 84-00 for 1 year In advance. Per copy S cents. Newsstands centa Bv - City Carrier, 60 cents a month 720 a year in advance lav Marlon and adjacent co BLONDE - Low Tidsl! ' ! : , : VtXj WASWlKkS S C PLlJMBERTUCDrra-r- y . C NO tXHNKIKJQ J V f BUCKET. CAR?IU J : ( EVEN CALL WfS J VOUW WANDS J .VWWLEHeSFIXNS ,RXWN J c3Si MOPP94GUP bSIWATCT JML rw ; rr j c . v .. . 7 it li U - . . ... r- .v-:--- - il i ; 1 1 7 fr s. Money to Loan QUICK CASH LOANS CALL. WRITE or phone 191631 to home managed finance Institution. Your loans made in strictest privacy -You repaying u J uurtiuau vi Eroun ei extensions. . ;j i 1 to 24 Months to Repay , !l 1 You can pay In ruQ any; time to reduce the cost, f Only Borrower Signs '. I No endorsers. Loans made on furniture or note.1 ROY H. SIMMONS. MGR. Lie No. M-152 - - General 134 So. Commercial St. inn ooor souin ox lmq at tsusn Mas. -"------.--- Auto Loans Willamette Credit Co. STH rLOOR GUARDIAN BUILDING LICENSE NO. M-139 000000000000000000000000000B IHA LOANS 4'ii. also Drtv. loans Abrams & Flits inc. Masonie Bug. Wanted Furniture r. N. St GLENN WOODRY. Auc tioneers St furniture dealers will pay you more cash or trade tor furniture & household goods, we buy or sail everything, to. oho. -CASH FOR used furniture St house hold goods R. rorgey. Ph. T443. For Sale Miscellaneous COMPLETE sets O. Henry. T. Roose velt. Geo. Eliot. Muhlbach. Irving. Compton, 92.93 each. 477 Court. H ii rii iri iiri r"i "infirm n n ri.ri.n.n.i 2ND HAND wood range with colli It reservoir $10 Good used elec. range .$12.50 -Large floor sample davenport & chair , . $39.50 Full size floor sample lnnes spring mattress . $10 New velour davenos .423.00 Closing out all electric aDDliances: Elec. ranges, radios, washing machines, vacuum cleaners a refrigerators. Save to 3W. Complete bedroom suites S29 TJ Special wal. dining suites 839.50 UUHPI BKUS. 407 LUUKI -i vvra yra"vJ"sOJ New suit, size 40. Mother's, 474 Court. USED GENERAL ELECTRIC refrig erator, uuaranteeo. omv GOOD HOUSEKEEPING. 453 Court St. 000004000000000000000000000041 VACUUM CLEANERS, New St used. Parts St repairs, all makes. Guar. VINCE'S. Va ml N. Underpass. P. 6292. Wauled Miscellaneous WTD., WASHING or Ironing. P. 6285. Miscellaneous MALE. Instruction. Would like to hear from reliable men who can train to overhaul, install and service - Air Conditioning and Refrigerating Equip ment. 'Must be mechanically Inclined.! No. interference with present occupa tion. For interview write at once giv ing name, address, axe. utilities Inst. Sox 15J9 co statesman. Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repair DR HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg State Com'L Ph. 3311 For Rent Rooms WELL FURN. rooms. Beautiful loca tion. PhOBe-6539. - - NICELY fum.. front sitting, bedroom. quiet, pleasant home. Every conven ience. 955 Belmont. Ph. 7772. SLP. rm.. nr. state bldgs. Ph. 21449. HTD. ROOM near capital. 4498. FURN. RM, close in. Ph. 4897. HOTEL MARION Rooms, special weekly and monthly rates to perm, guests. Marlon Coffee Shop, delicious meals at low prices, i 2 COMFORTABLE ROOMS, Ph. 5883. Sip. room. 773 N. Cottage St. $10. HOTEL SALEM Low kly monthly rates. Room and Board LARGE ROOM, rates for 2 1271 Chemeketa Ph. 21537. 000000000000000000000000000 Balanced meals, rms. 333 N. Church, rfTrm11mlrtm'fm't il"lirlilf"'l' sn-a-aa-aan EXCEL. BOARD ft room. Ph. 3409. ri.nn.ri n i.n riiiiiiinrBini-ii-i- GOOD ROOM, balanced meals. 769. FRONT RM, twin beds. 189 N. 12th. For Rent Apartments 3 ONE-RM. and kitchenette apts. 340 N. Church. Ph. 7403 or sszz. -xrxrtjn.njnjnjaisrvvv'v'v" i i1 -.-.--.- 2 RM. furn. aot. Hot and cold water, private shower. 1348 Lee. 2 RM. furn. apt. Water, lights, gas. heat, phone 2281. Hazel Ave. til JO 1st L. small furn. apt. 1397 N. Commercial. 000000000m00000000000 DESntABLX APT. now obtainable at the Fisher. Ph. 9737. 0000000000000000000000000000 BU n-r -ant T.ihta water, ori. shower, $2.50 wk. 1290 Oak. Ph. 3278. ; m00000000000000000000000000 NEWLY DECORATED. 2 TOU, frig- Idaire., close In, 435 N. Winter. J00l 000000000l0000000000000 rr.r vrnn Pullman, miv. bath, elec. range, frig, 248 D. Ph. 6728. n00000000000t00000000000h0000 m vs- a..M m elv an rH KsltVt V n. avss s. A v au ' Its, hot wat, washer. Inq. 1234 S. ComL S00000000000000000000000 CLEAN 2 RM. furnished court apt. private bath, laundry ft garage, heat ft water turn, $15.00. 1813 Lee St. 0000000000000m00000000000 s rm. UPSTAIRS Dt.. electric stove. frigklaire. garage. $30. Ph. 5639. 2 rm. furn, h, L, w, adults. Ph. 8010. 000000000000000000000000I0I NICE 3 RM. furn, bath. 870 Union. S RM. FURN, 879 N. Liberty. 7013. SMALL APT, reas. 770 S. Com! S-RM. FURN. APT. 323 8. 14th St : n00000000000000000000000 2. 3 and 4 rm. apts. 1310 8. 13. S RM. FURN Apts, 010 N. 17th. 000000000000000000000 CLOSE IN. $17. 891 N. Commercial, i 1 A 3-Rm, FURN. apt 230 & Cottage. Money to Loan Salem's oldest, lareeat hoiMovnnl and financial affairs will ha m-fuss and will be given every consideration in the au 4 JIM OARKj ASST. MGR. Corporation Lie. No. S-13S M Phone 918S convenient ground tloor location 1 - - i-i-i-M-in r riii-nrwhor.ijriin n.n nj-in FOR CASH in a HURRY PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 813 State Street 8 Doors West of Capitol Theatre Ph. 3191. License Nos. $-122 St M-163 10000M0000m0W000jJr00000000 PRIVATE MONEY AUTO AND TRUCK LOANS CONTRACTS REFINANCED to re duce payments. Money '. tor new or used cars. No delay or fed tape. You will retain pomession of the vehicle. X TO Z9 MONTHS; TO PAY ROY H. SIMMONS 138 South Commercial Street Phone 9168 Lie. No. M-132 f00000000000000000000000000M WE fUN nn firm ' MdcnHal a. business property. Will buynortgages or eontrapta. HAWKINS JU RORCRTa INC, Realtors, Guardian; Building. Loans Wanted WANTED PRIVATE MONEY TO LCAN on good Salem real es tate. Will pay 8 interest. W. H. GRABENHORST St CO. REALTORS For Rent Apartments SM. ATTRAC, 1ST FLR, 210 N 14th. 000000000000000000000000 FOR RENT 1 or 3 rm. apts, with firivate entrance. Close in with garage. 370 Chemeketa. ; m000000000000000000000000000 2 and 3 rm. furn.. S13.SO and S18. Water, lights, furn. 152 S-13th Ph. 9222. 00000000000000000000000000 1 RM. apt Pullman kitchen, nicely furn. Women or girls only. 1118 Oak. 0000000000000000000000000k CORNER APT, vacancy.' Roberts Apts. DUPLEX apt, unfurn. 951 N. Winter. 2 3-R. fur., steam heat. bath. gar. 2009 N. CapitoL 3 R. furn. Adults. 473 'N. CapitoL 3 RM. furn. apt. 213 S. Winter. OLYMPIC. 2 RM. fum apt, 730 N. uoerty. x CLOSE IN 2 rm. furnished apt, 404 N. Church. Phone 7748. r 0000000000000000000000t00000 It FTTUW ail Tint w mmr Adults. 2590 Lee. Ph. 3948. 000m000000000000000000000000k COZY, modern Dull man. refrigeration. private bath $15. 248 D . St, Ph 6728. SMALL furn. apt. 643 ferry. 3-R, private entrance. Also S-r. apt. Wberty 11njnjiininri FURN. 3-rm. apt. frig. 11209 Court 0000000000000000000000 COZY 2-rm.. furn. aot. Llahts. water. $11. 1620 Ferry. ; 2 2-RM. ants, 197 i S. Com'L S10. Free lights, water, washing mach. ar phone. 3-RM. APT. 1580 Center. 000000000000000000000000000 FURN. 2-rm. apt 486 Ni. Liberty. 0000010000fl00000ky00 NEW "2-rm., lights, water, elec. wash er, pri. entrance, yard for dog. gar, $14. 434 Union . Business Cards la this directory run n si monthly basis only. Rate: $L25 per line, per month. - li Anto Brakes Mike Panek. 273 South Commercial Bicycles BICYCLES. New and reconditioned Harry W Scott 147 S. Cbm'cL P 4516 Chimney Sweep TELEPHONE 4450 R X Northnc Convalescents LEMON HEALTH home 2310 N. 4th. Sunshine home for health seekers. Best of care. 593 S. Commercial. Excavating EXCAVATION OF all I kinds. Base ments dug. Dirt hauled or moved. Dirt for sale. Salem and ftc O ravel. P 9408 Florists Brelthaupfa, 447 Court I; Phone 0193. Funeral Directors TerwtWger Funeral Home. Ph. 6928. Kalsomining-Painting Good work, reasonable. Lbvcik. Ph. 9463 Mattresses CAPITOL BEDDING CO J Phone 4089 SALEM FLUFF RUG 8c MATTRESS Co. New Mattresses, old remade, rug cleaning it weaving. S. 12th St Wilbur TeL 844L Z wickers. i f Blillinery! 'And restyling. 1247 & Cdtnl. Ph. 8607.1 For Rent Houses - WE HAVE THE PROSPECT IT YOU Want to sell, exchange. lease, rent, see Mr. Larsen or Mr. Col lins with Hawkins Ac Roberts . 0000000000000000f00000000t RMS 3 bedrms, $20. Ph. 8954. 0m00000000000000000000p0000 4-ROOM furnished house. Phone 4611, arter P-m. cau i -r, . 4 ACRES comfortable house, large poultry bidg. in city. Inq. 1430 D. $22.00 PER MO, Seven room house, cook stove coiled for hot water. Bath room, garage, fruit trees. Nice Shrubbery, inquire loo so, Liberty St. . 1 R. FURN. hse, lights, sink, toilet MZLVIN JOHNSON. Phone 3723 5-RM. mod. house. 1130 N. Church. FURN. COTTAGE, couple only, very modern. S3a us N. wmmx , 3 RM. HSE, spring water, one month rent free for f ixina us house ft yard. $10 per mo. thereafter. Inq. 2343 Rex street. "MOD. furnished. 3-r. hse, water, lights, heat washer. R. 7. B.11. 00000000000000000000000000r0 3-RM. house .adults. 1444 Ferry. 00000000000000000090000000 HOUSES. Melvin Johnson. Ph. 3723. 0000l000000rX00r00000000t MOD. T R. furn. 862 N. 16th. 000000000000000000000000000 3 R. HSE, ht ft cold water, gar, gsr den ft fruit trees, Kte. a. box via. NEW. MOD. 5-rm. 862 N. 16th. 0l0000000000000000000000 RM. HOUSE, 1029 Saginaw. aaaMa HOUSE. ALSO apU, 233 Division. FURN. 4 KM. hse, 368 N. Liberty. m000000000000000000000 4 R. NEW HOUSE with range, gar. 9A a A fiirn. hnnw S2S.00. O. K. REALTY. 219 Court St Ph. 4092 00000000000000000000000000 SM. HSE. furn, $10. 2397 HazeL m00000000000000000000 B-R. furn, bsmt, gar. 1463 Mission. 0l00000000000000 NICELY furtt. duplex cottage. Piano. garage. 1 bik to bus. 407 & istn. FURN. 3-R priv. bath. It., w, gar. wasner, anstrs, xziu. r. iiu. CLEAN 3-r, garden plot $7. P- 7113. NEW 4-r, nook, stove, berries. $30. 6-R, li A, $20. P. 7113. !, partly furn.. electricity. running water,; 7 miles south. Ph. 12F2. For Rent OFFICE ROOMS. 381 State Street Inquire room 200. Tel. 3713 For Sale Real Estate 1 ACT RE with CREEK. S room BUN. GALOW. 2 bed .rooms. L.R.: DJt.: Kitchen 8c nook, hwd. floors, oil fur nace, air conditioned, elect water sys tem, fireplace, garage, side entrance. Close In. $4350.00. Terms. WINNIE PETTLJOHN. REALTOR 477 Court Street HOME AND INCOME Modern 3 rm. house, fireplace & fur nace. Large inclosed lot with another cute little house in back rented all the time for $13.00 month. North Com mercial. $3500. Large brand new 8 room bungalow. Very large living rm. Oil fir. furnace. Va acre fruit, a bias, soutn oi city. S3500. E.Z. terms. New 9 rm. St attic, fireplace, utility r, etc. 2 blka east of city. $2950 $150 Dn. 5 rms, nook St utility. North front on Shipping St. between summer c r caoitoL $2500.: New modern 6 rm. colonial home on Fairmont hill. Will take small home In on trade. $4800. V square acre with creek Sc brand new 4 rm. with utility rm. and garage. River loam. Just south of city. $2800. szao dn. BAKuAIN TIMBER 38 A. old fir timber 16 miles south of city, about 3000 cords. $900. On N. 5th St, 4 rm. and nook, fur nace 8c fireplace. Nice lot with shrubs, cherries 8c walnuts. East front $2750. terms. ART MADSEN Ph. 8580 000000000000000000000000t000 4-RM. hse.. ; bsmt.. oil furnace, fire place, hdwd. firs, Venetian blinds. $2800. 1674 N. Liberty. Ph. 7841. 00000000000000k00l0000000j00 NICE BUILDING lot 50x120 at 2459 N. Fifth. ST75. See Jim at Jim's Shoe Service. 147 N. High. Directory Painting & Paperhanging Jerry Jonnson Ph. 4618. Plumbing PLUMBING. GENERAL repair work. Graber Bros, 134 S. Liberty. Ph. 834. Printing FOR STATIONERY cards, pamphlets, programs, books or any kind of print ing, call The Statesman Printing De partment 218 S. Commercial. Tele phone 9101 Radio & Appliance Service MOORE'S Radio Service. Ph. 9611. FACTORY SERVICE. Phone 5502. Perdue-McKowen. 2084 N. CapitoL Trailers TRAILER BUILDING, repairing, trade and credit Elec. welded frames and hitches. 819 N. Front Salem. Ph. 21768. .Transfer TRUCK SERVICE ANYWHERE tn state Large or small loads. Brown. 714 S. 21st St Phone 3600. FOR LOCAL: OR DISTANT transfer storage, burner oil. briquets, p rest logs. Trucks to Portland daily. Agent Pierce Auto Freight Including Calif, points. Larmer Transfer Co. Ph. 3131. Venetian Blinds ! Guaranteed Steel or Wood Venetian Blinds. 30c sq. ft. Installed. Phone Allen's Hdw. 4610. Free estimate. Vacuum Cleaner Service FREE Inspection tn your home. Au thorized Hoover service. We service aO makes cleaners. Hogg Bros. Ph. 6022 Well Drilling R. A. WEST. Rt 8, Bx 443. P. 2-2296. For Sale Real Estate A STONE'S THROW - - f Of fine suburban school. .'. acre fin. est soil, new home of 6 rooms, shake exterior, electric water heater, hard wood floors. It's a bargain at $3000. seuu cash wm nandie. RESTAURANT Z want to sell my restaurant In -good downtown location. 7 booths, 9 stools, all equipment For price see my agent, mr. santeCT wun CHTLDS ft MILLER, REALTORS 344 State Street , Phone 9281. m000000000000000000000000000k SALE BY OWNER Strictly mod. 5-r hse. 1840 N. Cottage. . - . 1 DALLAS Drooertr for sale. S1500. easy terms. S-r. hse, redecorated, large lot, Taxe car as part or wnat nave you Ph. 4253 or write E. L. MiUer. 1115 N CapitoL Salem. ; $1950 1 ac, nice 4-rm. home, close In. $200 down, $15 a mo. Accept lot . or uvestocx. , . - ( $2100 5-rm. home on Cascade Dr. View property, easy terms and a steal! See this. i $2800 4 rm. and nook. South. Good value ft terms. $3450 Fine modern home, E. Center St Landscaped and complete tn every respect you snouid see tntsi Several fine homes to rent See Mr. Hardy with HAWKINS ft ROBERTS. INC, REALTORS 4 CREEK HOME S nice cheery rooms, beautiful creek frontage. Owner's illness causes low price of $3500. Small down payment balance uxe rent, shown ny appoint menu EXCHANGE 1 Fine subdivision tract 10 acres, eas Price $6500. will trade for larger farm. equal value.- See Mr. Ellis witn i CHTLDS A MILLER. REALTORS 1 344 State Street - Phone 9261 LOTS FOR SALE Kay's addition, by owner, see ti- L. im. MODERN Five room house. Good. location. Owner. Phone 7249. 4 R. HSE garage 8c good well N. of Salem. Full price $1200. $150 dn, $10 per mo. F. H. Weir New location: 463 Center Ph. 9411 GRAND INVESTMENT AND HOME 9 rms, modern, good location. For sale by owner. 1923 Hazel Ave. FINE. Mod. 3-r. house, gar. good Easy location, near bus and schools. terms. Ph. 5508. NEW MOD, sub, 8-r, $3750. P. 7113. NEW HOUSE OPEN I At our last 2 open houses over 100 Cpie passed thru and notn were soia mediately. Another one will be com pleted Thurs, so if you're looking for a gooa buy a rive out to ii jenier St. and turn N. or call 5292 and we will be glad to show it to you as soon as the floors are dry. Hardwood floors, floor furnace. Venetian blinds, plast ered garage, unfinished upstairs. All for 2950. Your own terms within reason. HOME BARGAINS S2200 buys 5-rm. olas. home, close In on Center, St. Near state bldgs, paved alley, basement, furnace. $2850 buys a 5-rm. horn on S. High St.. near schls and bus. Large east front lot. furnace, well shrubbed, gar. ALL FURNISHINGS GO. 94500 buys 6-rm. home with den on S. High St Spacious front rms. and entrance hal. Hot water heat thruout sawdust burner, fireplace, hardwood, etc. Call R. A. Johnson with W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 6468 or 4438 ATTRACTIVE 4-rm. bungalow, large living room, fireplace, dinette with corner cupboards. Wired for electric range. Owner leaving state. Price $1650 cash. Louis Bechtel or Mabel Needham, 341 State St Exchange Real Estate 40 ACRES, good bldgs, lights, water! to trade for house In Salem. Val Fisher, Grand Ronde. Oregon. 000000000000000000000000t00l PAYING DIVESTMENTS 3 flat building, 3 rms. and sleeping porch ach. fireplaces, automatic heat, double garage. $7500.00. Will take home part payment. court of cottages, fireplaces, on heat, garages and large busines lot. $21.500 00. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. REALTOR 477 Court Street For Sale Farms 200 A. ALL STOCKED St eoulDDed with good farm machinery incL large John Deere tractor, almost new. lis A. now In crop, bal. good pasture. Small patch of timber. WiU take residence property up to $wmo, Dal. will carry at 5. Crop Sc all goes. Owner 74 years of age and is badly crippled. This property is all clear of encumbrance. See me for immediate Inspection. - F. H. Weir New location: 463 Center. Phone 9411 Acreage m ACRE. 5 rms.. modern, no base ment. A real buy. $1900. Terms. ' acre M. r. ar town. t-rm. nouse. Terms. 2 acres, modern home and store. $6800. Stock and fixtures at invoice. acres, close in. fruit ft nuts, fair bldgs.. $2600. Terms. . Anderson or Rawlins, with R A. FORKNER. 1853 N. Capitol 5 A. EAST of Salem. S R. house. well, elect. Vi A. alfalfa. 73 peach trees, price S24OU.00. or will trade for 40 A. St up. Kobt. J. Gallagher 139 No. High Ph. 4559 000000m000m0000000000000000 ONE ACRE, garage house, rood barn. on Evergreen Ave. Immediate posses sion. Price $1850. Small cash pymL. bal. monthly. E. A. Rhoten. owner. 1595 S. High. Ph. 3353. $100.00 DOWN 2 acres, ft rm. new home, basement, hwd. floors, on bus line, beautiful grounds, trees, one lot beaver dam. $3400.00. Would lease with option to buy. WINNIE PETTYJOHN. REALTOR 477 Court Street 0P000000m0000000000f0000000 A good black aoiL 3 a. tn berries. A few filberts and cherries. Elec. water system, 3 blks. to good school. On paved ra.. nearly new nouse. run price $1800, $300 dn, $20 per mo. F. H. Weir New Location 465 Center Ph. 9411 0000000000000)000J000J0 8 A. GOOD bldgs. R. L Ph. 63F13. Wanted Real Estate WE INVITE vnuv "ftw Hat. Ings it fairly priced. - HAWKINS A ROBERTS. INC, Realtors. .Guardian Builduig -- "l-(-fYi ruLriiiLii JunjnjxrxrLrxruin- MOD. hse, also farm. Cash. P. 7113. By CHIC YOUNG Wanted Used Cars Extra Value 1938 Ford ibr. DeLuxe Sedan. Upholstery and paint in fine shape.VTires are plenty OK, and the motor is perfect. , yours for $495. Loder Bros. 443 Center Salem You'll Get a Better Deal From Your Olds Dealer State Motors Offers 40 Packard 6 Sedan Radio ft heater. Can be boueht at m saving os saw on new car price. '40 Hudson 8 Del. Sed. In perfect condition. You can aave money on in is one at fff STATE MOTORS, Inc. HUDSON-PACKARD DEALERS ' 340 No. High '33 CHEV. DeLuxe Sedan. wheel equip.. It' tires, radio. Runs good. $173. 980 S. Commercial. After 6 p. m. ft Sun day. See car at Rte. 4. Bx. 98. 2 mi. sk. on facuic wgnway. 00000000000m00f0000000000000 DE LUXE "SO Chev. Cpe.. radio, htr. Fine cond. Will trade. 1151 Chemeketa. Ja,s,aaaaaawasmaawaa) SAVE $450.00 ON '40 Nash. Ph. 4839. SAVE $75.00 1940 Ford DeLuxe Csum for nh by OWNER. R. D. Woodrow. phone 9600. Richfield Serv. SUt Center at Church. Wanted Used Cars CASH FOR YOUR CAR OR EQUITY. 440 Center. Phone 21535. 'Business Opportunities BARBER SHOP or BEAUTY SHOP. Wired and plumbed. Splendid location. Reasonable rent. Marion Hotel. RESTAURANT BARGAIN. Star Cafe, Mill City, Oregon. " i-ii-ViatV'J.niUirunjnj'XO BEAUTY PARLOR SACRIFICED Eitablished business in a downtown location RENT FREE. Trulv the CHANCE OF A LIFETIME. For more detail call R. A. Johnson with W. H. GRABENHORST. ft CO. 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 8468 or 4438 00000000m0000t0000000000000 FOR SALE used goods store In valler payroll town. Lease, low rent, living rooms, stox in e la teaman. - i(wrifrjijrn BEACH APARTMENTS t units eomoletelv furnished in ant. bidg.. 4 vrs. old. Hlwar and ocean frontage with unobstructed view. Going o us in ess in excellent location for future growth. Call R A. Johnson with, W. H. GRABENHORST ft CO. 134 S. Liberty St. Ph. 8468 or 4438 Lost and Found LOST March 27. rear nn to nnwrr cultivator, 3 shovels, bet. Oregon City ft Salem. Rew. J. W. Fitts, Brooks, Ore., Salem phone 22530. i For Sale Wood Dry wood, all kinds. Phone 21448. 16 in. fir. Judd. Ph. 22129. DRY WOOD. PHONE 5582. DRY WOOD. Ph. 8700. Bradley.: WOOD. Ph. 5370 Oraen. 412 N. 21st 2ND GROWTH 4 ft, $4.00. Ph. 9560. " "iri i 1 uxruLruLn FOR BEST dry wood. Ph. 2-2837. ' " " ijinruin.nj"jru'jLn SAWDUST. taJO per unit. Ph. 4522. MILL WOOD. $3 50 load Ph. 3852 or 3341 evenings. Yard at 110 Court Personal LONESOME? Serving all ages. Club cute. p. u box Tl-Q. Los Angeles, Cal " iirv-M-iiiini in n.nri.rLrui COUPLE from Marion or Jefferson, with truck of furniture, please com municate with 2332 Mason St, Salem. Motorcycles MOTORCYCLE. 1928 H. D., good motor, lights, excellent chains ft sprockets, fair tires, has been running, somewhat dented. $30. Phone Clarence Edwards. 4802. 1582 Court street, t Legal Notice i NOTICE OF HEARING ON j FINAL ACCOUNT No. 1025 I In the County f the SUte of Oregon for the County ef Marlon In the Matter of the Estate of FRANK W. SPENCER, Deceased Notice is hereby given that the undersigned. Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of the above deceased, has filed her Final Account and Report In the County Court of. the State of Oregon for Marion County, and that Wednes day, the 30th day of April, 1941, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A, M. of said day at the county court room in the county courthouse in the City o Salem, in said county and state, j has been appointed as the time and place for. hearing any objections to said Final 'Ac count and, Report and ' the final settlement; of said estate. , . . The date of the first publica tion of this notice is the 1st day of April, 1941 and the last is the 29th day of April, 1941. " EVA A. SPENCER . Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Frank W. - . Spencer, Deceased. . PAGE and PAGE , Attorneys for Executrix. ' Ladd- & Bush BuHding , Salem, Ore. Al-8-15-22-29. Vtvfil dfcJlfjM .Vltft. win ,nf mwA 4mwA bronrht to the screen in glorious technicolor. "Chad Hanna' tarring Henry Fonda, Linda Darnell and Dorothy Lamour playing today through Wednesday at the SUte theatre. Co-featured with "Chad Hanna" is "Son of Monte Crlsto" with Louis Hay ward and Joaa Bennett- Legal Notice ESTATE OF DANIEL - J.1 FRY, DECEASED NOTICE OF FI NAL ACCOUNT. No.' 781 In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion. . In the Matter of the Estate of Daniel J. Fry, Deceased: Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, as executrix de bo nis non, of the Estate of Daniel J. Fry, deceased, has filed her Final Account if the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion, and that Wednesday, the 16th day of April, 1941, at the hour of 9:30 o'clock of the forenoon of said day, and the courtroom of said Court has been appointed by said Court as the time and place for hearing of objections thereto and settlement thereof. Dated and first published March 11, 1941. Date of last publication, April 8, 1941. HETTIE E. FRY., M. 11-18-25 A. 1-8. Executrix. Chiirch Mission To Open Soon At Stayton , STAY TTO N A pre-Easter preaching mission wjll be held in the Methodist church beginning April 3 and closing with a sacramental service Good Friday evening. Rev. W." J. Hamilton, pastor of the -local church, Is in charge of the mission. Gross Word 12. IS 1 6 9 2T 3 15 2.9 SO 31 IT 159 HO HORIZONTAL ' 1 amall chip- . Sings of iamonds 8 juice of . plants ' 8 -worry 12 above Y 13 -catchword ' 14 a discharge of volcanoes 15 vale 16 one who carves upon a surface 18 -ingredient 20 put forth strongly 21 departed 22 monkey 23 adjudge 25 common monkshood 29 -rodent; SO chemical ' compound '. 32 denial 33 burn 85 threefold 87 climbing s . shrub - . ' 38 flesh of animals 89 lariat 42 separation 4 pertaining to a main channel 47 reet . 48 catch hi a r gnnlock 49 small bird 80 vessel for heating liquids 51 flavored with plant of mint family 52 crafty 53 pastoral 1 pipo - 4 s3: Axunrer to Saturday's punla. V14 ' ' : 7m IPlEbll IPiELjAM WSHNjl-MVEPt iSEl E M fTZ TWL L-gEff E OiEjvjOT ET?sji35ylPio " "jIA "AVE r t e znEfn xiAp,e GIA S .L. Ap I S; UU G Ogf PE V t 3 ALL LA "ViA'Eipl atElviETTf Average tttae f tatata-af IS tahurUa, m-ua.iii a- sa-e run sj-am. tm. "V- mmwm a Jt m.t wKam Legal Notice ESTATE OF SARAH VIRGINIA WADE ' NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT No. 10r468 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION. Probate Department IN THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF SARAH VIRGINIA WADE, Deceased: Notice is hereby given undersigned, as administrator . ol the estate of Sarah Virginia Wade, . deceased, has filed his final ac count in the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion, and that Tuesday the 1st day of April," 1941, at the hour of 10:00 in the forenoon of said day in the courtroom of said court has been appointed by saioT court as the time and place for the hearing of objections thereto and the settlement there of. i .'v Date of first publication, March 4, 1941. Date of last publication, April 1, 1941. .. ... .A THOMAS W. MARSH ' Administrator. HUNTINGTON, WILSON & DA vis. Attorneys. M 4-11-18-25 Ap 1. Professor Will Speak AURORA The Aurora Wom an's club will - meet Wednesday at the home of Mrs. W. C. Grim." There will be a guest speaker from Oregon State college. Lodges Pacific Lodge No. 80. AT Ar AM. M.M -Degree Apr. 2. 7 JO p. m. Otto N. Hoppes. WM. Puzzle 8 JO it n 2JO 17 32. 2S 5b 5& 2. . VERTICAL 1 presage 2 egg-shaped 8 banish 4 a quivering 5 place of 1 occurrence 8 female relative T pin or ping 8 pale yellow 9 be' furious 10 at all times 11 soar 17 newspaper , employee 19 attempt 22 tennis term 23 part of a ' circle : 24 strife 25 devoured 26 introduce 27 convert into leather 28 watch 31 pen for . . swine 34 unhappl- ' ness 36 instead 38 like , . artificially germinated . - grain S2 young' girl 40 tract of : earth surface I 41 male of deer 42 bucket v 43 baseball : ' team . 44 plsased 46-possessirt " ,' pronoun. V7. BL M