The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 01, 1941, Page 5, Image 5

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    The OHIGOI1 CTATECI1AN, Salem., Oregon, Saturday Morning, March 1, 1941
Local Hews Briefs
'T A mi.. -11 ' . . 'I'
I. G. Lewelllng will continue hear
ing at 9:30 ajn. today of the case
cf Mayro McKinney vs. Birdene
Rawllngs and Mary McKinney, In
which plaintiff is seeking an ac
counting for management of his
farm property east of Turner. He
has alleged that he became ill and
surrendered mnnjip-ement nf th
property to his daughter. Birdene
Rawlings, until he should recover
his health. The daughter, he al
leges, asked her mother's assist
ance in the administration against
his consent. Defendant, for her
part, has filed an accounting and
claims $237.77 due her. She has
alsdr alleged that inclusion of her
mother in handling of the property
was: fully justified, and that con
. tinued administration of the prop
erty by defendants is in the best
interests of all parties.
Reporters Chosen New re
porters have been chosen to serve
for f the second semester of the
year, in gathering news from Par
rish school for The Statesman
school page. These reporters serve
from Mrs. Ross English classes,
ninth grade only, and 'must turn
In.: their articles each -Tuesday
nigllit The new staff is composed
.of, the following: Bonnie Bailey,
Betty Bristol, Barbara Brundidge,
Ruth Conrad, LaVelle Cross, Dick
Eckely, George From, Aileen
Hariner, Jean Hartei4, Joyce Ja
(iobson, August1 Mahrt, George
Maiming, Bill ' 'Morgan, Bernice
"Needham, Mary Parker, Gloria
Robinson, David Scott, Bob Sko
Pil, " Betty i Joy Smith, -Wanda
Stembruck, Dorothy Townsend,
Betty Lou Vasby and Betty Jean
Wilpams. I
Luti florist. P. 9592. 1276 N. Lib.
i Charlton Leaves Charles M.
Charlton, officer with the Salem
; first afd crew, will report this
morning in Portland for a physi-
. cal examination for assignment to
duty In the US navy. A member
of the naval reserve, he has re
ceived orders to return to active
duty. If the examination is passed,
he Will be assigned to duty as
phaimacist's mate second class at
theiPuget Sound naval hospital
in I iremerton. 1
Or e Industrial Mishap There
was only one fatality due to in
dustrial accidents in Oregon In
the week ending February 27,
the state industrial commission
repotted Friday. The victim was
Ralph; Delbert Witt, Foster, load
er. There were 697 industrial ac
cidents "reported to the commis
sion. Safe y of your savings is insured
at Salem Federal, 130 S. Liberty.
, A wait 'Carnival March 26 is
the date set for the Snicker Snack.
annual nintn grade carnival at
Parrish junior high school. Classes
are beginning work on "posters,
decorations and other material for
the fete. "
Blum, late resident of
at a local hospital Feb-
26 at the age of 63 years.
by widow; Mrs. Minnie
m of Garibaldi; daughters,
" Margaret -Ellingsworth' of
and Mrs. Bird Staples
of Fort
Orford. Graveside serv-
at 1
will be Saturday, March. 1,
p. m. at Bethel cemetery un-
direction of the Walker &
Funeral home.
At the residence, route one,
AuEfisville," Wednesday February
26, harles Amort, aged 56 years.
Survived by. wife, Lena; two
brothers, Herman Amojt of Fruit
land and William Amort of Or
lanJ, I: Calif.; two sisters. Miss
Kauierine Amort or iortiana ana
Calif.; an uncle, Felix, and an
UOh aw; auw t ui dicui, a
niece, Miss Edith Amort of Sa
lem: a nephew, .Herman Amort
services will be held In the chapel
of the W. T. Rigdon company
Saturday, March 1, at 10 a. in.
RevL Robert S. Neugebauer will
officiate. Concluding services City
Vief cemetery,
' S - , . 1 . '
Miss Margaret J. Cosper, at Al
tadena, Calif February 23, at the
age- of 77 years. Survived by
brother, Charles F. Cosper of Al
tadfna, Calif.; - nephews, Lloyd
Cosper of Altadena and Carleton
Gilbert of Los - Angeles; three
nieces, including Kathryn Wants
of ljurlingame, Calif. Services will
be held Saturday, March 1, at 2
p. kn. from the Clough-Barrick
-chapel with Rev. Robert Hutchin-
kon officiating, interment win oe
In kae family plot in the IOOF
lit this city, Thursday, February
27, ! Abram S. Vaughan, aged 69
years, late resident of 674 North
14th street. Husband of Ida' A.
Vaughan and father of Mrs. Rus
sell Beutler of Salem, Mrs. Clara
V. Thompson and Abe Vaughan
of Portland; brother of Mrs. Bar
bara Kennedy of Kansas. Funeral
services win be held in the chapel
of the W. T. Rigdon company Sat
urday, March 1, at 1:30 p. m. Rev.
Gordon Jaffe will offteate. Pri
vate committal services at Mt
Crest Abbey mausoleum. .
fVells r " - ' -'"'
William W. Wells," late resident
cf 1 Napa vine, Wash-, : at a local
hospital, Thursday, February 27.
Husband of Mrs. Emma C. Wells,
cf llJapaviae, Wash.; brother-in-
Coming Eventsf
1 March 1 Oregon Fox and
Mink Breeders association meet
ing, Salem chamber of com
merce. . .
i March 1 New citizens pil
grlmare reception by Governor'
Charles A. Sprague at state
house. I
March 9 Youth hostel com
mittee meeting at YMCA 3 p.
m. Don Do oris, chairman.!
? March 10 Willamette finl
verslty faculty play, "Dnlcyl"
I March 18 Institute of Cltl
senship at Willamette unlfer
sity. !
f Mar. 14, 15-High school f or
enslo tournament at WUUm
ett university. . I
f Services Today Funeral serv
ices for Miss Margaret J. Copper,
Salem school teacher for 52 years
prior to 1935, will be at the
Clough-Barrick chapel today (at 2
p. m. Rev. Robert Hutchinson; will
officiate, and burial will be in
the family plot in the Odd Fel
lows cemetery. Pallbearers will
be Paul B. Wallace, Paul Hen
dricks, Robert G. Brady, Brey
man Boise, George C. Wellerj and
Werner Brown.
On Monday, March 3, a class in
shorthand will be started forj be
ginners at the Capital Business
Attend Sessions Attending the
annual conference of the Oregon
Federation of College Leaders at
Linfield college this weekend are
five from Willamette university.
They are William Thomas of
Salem, president; Mary Head of
Portland, vice-president; MaixJne
Good enough of Salem, secretary;
Marion Sanders of Portland, Col
legian editor, and John Hath
away of Tillamook, Wallulah
Figures Climb Building in! Sa
lem climbed in "February from
$38,138 in January to $47,860j but
was still far below the February,
1940, figure of $80,859, City Build
ing Inspector E. C. Bushnellj re
ported Friday. A total of 71 (per
mits were issued, including 13
for new dwellings at a cost of
$23,750. Nine new non-residential
permits were issued, totaling
$3898.. Repairs permitted were
estimated io cost ftvit.
i A A A. AAA A 4 A V
Sale by owner, lot Paved s
Good location. Phone 6353.
Manager Named David Rein
hard, Portland junior, was ap
pointed Friday as manage for
May weekend by the Willainette
university student executive coun
cil. Reinhard and ASWU Presi
dent William Thomas named Sal
ly Anderson of Portland, John
Hathaway of TiHamoolc Fnd
Glenn Olds of Sherwood as com
mittee for the festivities.
The Meadows now open
and evenings.
law of Mr. and Mrs. Glen C.
Wade of Salem. Announcement of
services to be made, later by
Clough-Barrick company.
Mills V
Mrs. Jennie Mills, late resident
of Route 3, Salem, at a local hos
pital, Thursday, February j27, at
the age of 73 years. Survived by
widower, Samuel Mills of $alem;
daughters, Mrs. Nettie Alpiin of
Newport, Mrs. Amy Lewis of
Canada, Mrs. Hattie Barker of
Independence, Mrs. Mary Chamb
ers of California, Mrs. Bessie Ray
of Lebanon and Mrs. Dora Mul
len of Salem; sons, Louis and Wil
lard. Jones, both of Salem, and
Henry Jones of Hoquiam, Wash:
Services I will be held Monday,
March 3, at 1:30 p. m., from the
Clough-Barrick chapel, with Rev.
Guy L. Drill officiating. Conclud
ing services will be kt IOOF iceme
tery. Cannoy
Mrs. Fannie Elizabeth Cannoy,
at her home, Route 1, Salem, Fri
day, "February 28, at the age of : 78
years. Survived by widower,
John Cannoy of Salem; daughter,
Mrs. Ellis White of Longview,
Wash.; sisters. Miss Nora Huyck
of Salem, and Mrs. R. JL Roe of
Weidmon, Mich.; brother, E. J.
Huyck of Minneapolis, Mini: .; two
grandchildren, Donald and Carol
White, of Longview; Wash. Serv
ices will be held Monday, !&arch
3,; at 10:30 from dcbgh-Bkrrick
chapel, with Rev. W. Irvia Wil
liams officiating. I
Fester '
At the residence, 265 West Clay
street, Monmouth, Ore., Friday,
February 28, John B. Judsod Fost
er, aged 64 years. Husband of
Stella J. Foster and father of Ver
tie J. Foster of JSpokane, P7ash.;
Harold L. Foster and MrsJ Belle
Page of Pittsburg, Calll;! Mrs.
Pearl E. Dean of Oakland, jCalif.;
Mrs. Myrtle J. Biggins, and Mrs.
Ruby Bloom of Portland; and
Leonard H. Foster of Salem; broth
er of James E. Foster of Salem,
and Mrs. Annie Christie of Fuller
ton, Calif.; also .survived jby 13
grandchildren and - one great
grandchild. Member of th4 First
Baptist church of Salem. Funeral
announcements later by the W. T.
Rigdon company. " - -:f .
During , - February - concluding
rites were held at ML Crest! Abbey
mausoleum and crematorium for
the following:
Wylie Willis Zina . .
Aksel Manning
Susana West Hair '
r Nina Harris
Ellen M. Pennell
Samuel M. Endicott
Otto A. Nickel
Vera Radcliffe
Humane ', Society Meeting The
Marion-Polk county Humane so
ciety will meet Tuesday evening,
March' 4th, at the chamber "of
commerce rooms. A brief resume
of what has been accomplished or
attempted in the legislature and
in the county, - the immediate
needs that' demand attention and
the coming dog show being held
by the Lions will be discussed. -.
- -t '
Air Official Here Tom Blan-
chard, : traveling ; passenger agent
for United Air t lines, Portland,
called at The Statesman office
Friday to inquire about progress
of the , city's airport! project. His
company is anxious v to schedule
Salem as a mainline air stop, he
said. Approval of the civil aero
nautics board is : awaited.
The . US needs trained office
workers men using shorthand
are especially in demand. Take
advantage of . beginning classes
Monday at the Capital Business
College. ,
Leaves Position Mrs. Janet
Ha user, for more than two years
employed in the stenographic di
vision of the executive depart
ment, retired from her position
Friday night. She submitted her
resignation to Gov. Charles A.
Sprague faro weeks ago. Mrs.
Hauser previously was employed
in the state supreme court offices
and In other state positions.
Report Filed Annual report for
1940 filed Friday with the Marion
county clerk by i the Oregon
WCHTs Children's Farm home at
Corvallis shows total receipts of
$57,109.25 and expenditures of
$60,018.31, leaving a deficit of
$454.12. Filing of the report" with
the county is required by the state
Food Sale, Amer. Lutheran Guild,
Hoffman's Market March 1.
Members Changed The lawn
patrol at Parrish junior' high
school has new members who will
serve until March 19. They are
Marian Darby, Beverly McCabe,
Margaret Newton, Margaret
Schweneining, Marian Shellen
berger, Dick Chase, Robert Gaetz,
Donald Lucas, Charles Marquess
and Bill Ready. .
On Formal Committee Eleanor
Bechtl, daughter of Mrs. Anne
Dulaney, and Evelyn Zahradnik,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Zahradnik, both of Salem, re
chairmen for program and deco
rative committees respectively for
the junior winter formal at Ore
gon College of Education at Mon
mouth.' Public Hearing Set Members
of the state hydroelectric commis
sion will hold a public hearing at
Freewater Saturday, night on pe
tition for the creation of the East
Umatilla county people's utility
district. The district would em
brace 563 square, miles- with a
population of 17,512 and assessed
valuation of $6,116,083,
Boxwood 7c, Andromedia 80c,
Bleeding Hearts 25c. H. L. Pearcy
Nursery Co., 245 Court St. Ph.
5811. Open on Sunday 9:30 to 3
p. m.
Dallas Men Advanced Dallas
members of Company L cited
Thursday by Major General
George A. White for promotion at
Fort Lewis were Corporal James
A. Oleman to sergeant; Private
First Class Wyatt Q. Warrick to
sergeant; Private Chester B. Healy
to corporal.
Permits Issued The city build
ing department issued "permits
Friday to G. W. Carroll to re
pair a dwelling at 1247. South
Commercial street, $15, and to
Winnie Pettyjohn to repair dwell
ing at 1487 Broadway street, $200.
Booked by Police Nota C.
Henderson, 1510 State street, was
charged Friday by city police with
failure to stop. Herman J. Her
man, 68 Park avenue was
charged with violation of the basic
traffic rule.
Big furniture auction today, 1:30.
F. N. Woodry's Mart Phone 5110.
Youth Hostel Meet net Plans
for building a youth, hostelry in
or near Salem will be discussed
Sunday; March 9, at 3 p. m, ' in
the Salem -YMCA. Don Douris
will act as chairman. .
Antos Collide Little damage
was incurred when autos driven
by Marion Vincent, Gresham, and
George J. Smyth, 1190 North 21st
street, collided Wednesday morn
ing at 12th and Mission streets. ,
Accident False A Salem Taxi
company ambulance was sum
moned Friday to a reported acci
dent near Brooks, but found ' the
call was a false alarm.
Hennles Resigns A. H. Ken
nies, for several years foreman of
Marion county's bridge . repair
crew, submitted his ; resignation
Friday to the county court.
Veteran to Conclude
Revival Series
Major H. Carroll of Los Anse-
les, who is conducting a series of
revival services nightly at the Sal
vation Army citadeL 241 State
street, will feature the story of.
nis uie at the Saturday night
service ; at, 7:45. i
Major Carroll, a Salvation Arm-r
veteran of 40 years, was a sailor
in tne days of the old windjam
mers.' A tmical sailor with a
message should insure a -profit
ame time ior all who attend. The
series of ' meetings closes Sunday
night '
Langley To Mr. and Mrs. Ros-
coe Lattgiey, uranae nonae, a son, :
Marvin Joseph, born February 20. (
Chemawa Indian hospital. ..
Methodism's Day of Compassion
i -
f V
$250,000 to
Aid Britfth
V.-. , x
$250,000 to Meet
Needs of Our
.W'. Akt ' J m li
Is " t
$1,000,000 From 8,000,000 Set
As Methodist Goal for Siinda
Some Methodist churches of the
Salem district have already
reached their quota of the $16,000
expected to be raised by churches
of Washington, Oregon and Idaho
for .. the Methodism Compassion
day. March 2, $1,000,000 fund, Dr,
J. Edgar Purdy, superintendent of
the Salem district, and Charles A
Rice," Portland lay leader, "who are
working on the campaign in this
section, announced to Bishop
Bruce R. Baxter, head of the Port
land area.
Methodism's motto for Sunday
is "one million from eight million.
members included in the 43,000
churches. Several denominations
Lenten Series
A series of Lenten addresses willj
be delivered at the American Lu
theran church during the Lenten
season beginning Sunday, March
2. under the general topic of
"Voices from Calvary," according
to Rev. P. W. Eriksen. For al
most 2000 years that great but
homeless nation called Israel has
been despised and rejected by
Gentile neighbors. In, all the rec
ords of man's Inhumanity to man,
no race, has ever been treated with
such consistent brutality.
The answer is apparent, how
ever. On that tragic day more than
1900 years ago, rulers of Israel
crucified their only hope. It is
the purpose in these sermons to
examine the voices that brought
Christ to the cross.
These services may be heard
over KSLM, 11 to 12 noon: March
2, "The Voice of Israel"; March 9,
"Voice of the Gentile World";
March 16, "Voice of the Mob!
March 23, "Voice of the Roman
Centurian'?; March 30, ."Voice of
Magnificent Faith"; April 6, "The
Voice of Christ's Concern Over
Jerusalem"; April 13, "God's Voice
is the Resurrection." . v
Services Slated .
For Pagsiontide
Following the customary prac
tice, passiontide services will again
be held at the Christ Lutheran
church each Thursday night at
7:30 o'clock during the Lenten
season. The pastor, Rev. " F. H.
Theuer, announces that medita
tions this year will be under the
theme of "With Jesus in Gethse-
mane," each Thursday dealing
With a particular Incident , con
nected with that occurrence.
Topics' with corresponding dates
are: February 27, "The Way to
Gethsemane'; March ! e.Agony In
Gethsemane'; March 13, "Wit
nesses at Gethsemane"; April 3,
"Departure from Gethsemane.
Good Friday services will be at
7:30 pjn., with sermon on "Be
neath the 'Cross of Calvary," and
celebration of holy communion. ,
India Missionaries
Teach Bible Class '
Union -Bible class! meets every
Tuesday night at 8 o'clock In the
Salvation Army citadeL 241 State
street. Speakers next Tuesday
night wm be Mr. arid Mrs. W. H.
W. Paget of Bangelore, India,
representing, the Ceylon and In
dia general mission.
Other Tuesdays, ; ; Rev. "S. E.
Forsberg of Portland is bringing
a series . of studies , on "The
Church' as revealed in the book
of Ephesians. .
Series Continued -, ' i. ,
Dr. Irving A. Fox, pastor of the
First Baptist church, corner Mar
ion and Liberty streets, will con
tinue his Sunday night series of
lectures on the "Book of Revela
tion" .this Sunday ; with, "After
These Things or the End of the
Church on Earth. These messages
will continue until the final lec
ture 'on the night of June 22.
$500,000 for
-vi ' Over-Sett
i -
Social and Religious
Boys In Training
.5 '( yXy.-uir 1
9 4T
are using this day for similar pur
poses. '
Dr. J. Edgar Purdy will speak
Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock at
Jason Lee church.
Place of Worship
Changed Sunday
Due to scaffolding erected in
the church auditorium and the
painting and redecorating work
being done there, it has been
found necessary to move the reg
ular morning and night worship
services of the! First Presbyterian
church to Willamette university
campus, where the congregation
Church Services
19th and Ferry streets. Howard C.
Stover, minister. Morning worship 11
o'clock. Sermon, "Come. Xet U Live
the Poetry We Bin " Service at 7:30
nm.. Rev. George H. Quiely. Breach
er. Sunday school 10 a.m. Young' peo
ple fl'30 p m. Church night supper
Tuesday 7 o'clock. Rev. S. Raynor
smiui, speaker.
Robert A. Hutchinson, . mintste
Church school 8:45 YMCA Worship
service in Grand theatre 11 o clock.
Minister's theme. "A Practical Faith."
E. Horstman, pastor. Sunday school
10 ajn.: worship 11 a.-m., topic, TChrist's
Glory In Suffering." All church day.
Women's guild. 2 pan. Junior Chris
tian Endeavor 1 p.m. Mrs. Martin
Rehm, leader. .
Corner Marlon and Summer street.
Rev. James E. Campbell, minister,
Sunday school 9:43 a.m.; morning wor
ship li o'clock. Sermon. "Apostolic
Bravery." Youth group meet 6:30 p.m.
Evangelistic service 7:30 pan. Confer
ence Brctherhoods Gospel team will
have charge of service. Bible study
Thursday 7:30 pan.
Corner of , Highland avenue and
Church streets. Sunday school 10 a.m.
Morning worship 11 o'clock. "If Thou
Hadst Known." Junior and senior CE
groups 8 JO. Service 7:30 p.m. Choir,
practice Monday night. Prayer meet
ing Thursday 7:30 p.m. Herman H.
Macy, njnlster.
Commercial at Washington
street. Dillon W. Mills, pastor. Sunday
school 10 a.m. Worship 11 am. Ser
mon. "The Christian's Relation to the
World." Christian Endeavor, 6:43 pjn.
Meeting 7:30 pjn. Joseph Silver will
present "Elizabeth Fry and Prison Re
form." Church night supper and busi
ness session Thursday 430 p.m.
Church and Chemeketa streets. Rev.
George H. Swift, rector. Holy com
munion. 7:30 a.m.: church school 8:45
aan.j holy Eucharist and sermon 11
ajn. Wednesday: 7 ajn.. 10 ajn. and
7:30 pjn. .- . .....
Center and Hiuh street. Guv L. Drill.
pastor. Church school 9:30 followed by
commvnion and worship service. 10:43.
Sermon, by pastor Children's church
10:45. Mrs. Guy L. DrilL. children's
pastor. 6:15 Christian Endeavor sreups
meet: 7:30 p.m. sermon by pastor.
Midweek service 7:30 each Werfnes.
day night.
(Christian - -17th
and Court n treats. W. ft I.rmin.
minister. Bible school 8:45 a.m.; morn-,
intf worship and communion 10:5O a.m.
Sermon. pastor. "Eternal r Founda
tions " , Christian Endeavor 8:30 D.m.;
service, 7:30 pirn. Sermon, Meyer Tan
Dttter. "The Three Future Appearinga
of Christ" .
State and Church streets. Dr. C.
Harrison, minister. Church school 8:45.
nursery 11 o'clock, morning worship
10.50. Dr. Harrison preaching. "With
Mercy and Compassion." Intermediate
and high school leagues and Uni
versity vespers SJ0. Kisht . worshin
7:45. Sermon. "The Wayside Ministry
of Jesus" i . , ....
South . Commercial Sc liver irtiwts.
Dean C- Poindexter, minister. Sunday
school 8:45 ajn.; morning worship 11
o'clock. Sermon. "The Day f Com
passiop.' Leagues meet SO pjn. Serv
ice 1-M pjn. in charge of men. J. S.
Murray will SDeak on ; the sufaiet;
"Saving the Loss." .
Corner Market and .Winter streets.
David L. Fenwick, minister. Sunday
school 9.-45 ajn, worship 11 ajn.-Young
oeooie's meettna 7- n.m. Evanelistte
service 15 p.m. Prayer meeting Wed
nesday 7 :5 pjn. -
Winter at Jefferson. 8. Rav
nor Smith, minister. Church : school
8:45. Morning worship 11 o'clock, Dr.
J.. Edgar Purdy.- district sunerintent
dent; of Salm dlstdtct, preaching on
ine House on the nock." worship
730 pjn. Sermon, . pastor. "Seeing the
Invisible." Sunday. March 2 Is Day of I
Compassion throughout Memodisra. ' -
Corner of North lllazel and Academy.
win use the chapel In Waller hall
for the next two Sundays. Sunday
school and , Christian Endeavor
groups will meet at the church in
their usual meeting places and dis
miss 15 minutes - early to reach
Waller hall In time for church.
This Sunday at 6:15 p.m the
combined Christian Endeavor
groups of the church will meet In
the social hall of the church to
hear reports given by 15 delegates
attending preaching mission In
Church Sends
, First Methodist church is send
ing ( a large delegation of , young
people to Portland for the week
end Christian mission. '-Eighteen
junior and senior high school
youths with- Miss Ruth Cramer,
director of - religious education,
have registered for the entire
weekend.,' They are Edward Por
ter, Joan Falleske, Marcia Moore,
Patty ZeUer, Esther Porter, Vicki
Smothers, Jean Carkin, Mary Ben
nett, Betty Provost, Bob Bennett,
Marjorie Bergs vik, Marian Aplin,
Winser Acton, Frank Bennett,
Mary Ruth Smothers, Ruth Bain,
-Ross Palleske, and Jane Acton
- University Vespers and business
and professional young people
have registered 21, and it is be
lieved that around 50 young peo
ple from this one church will come
under the influence of the great
world leaders who are conducting
the mission in Portland. -
First church is observing with
other Salem district churches,
"March to Church-With Us in
March." -Sunday will be special
men's day. Dr. Harrison 'will
preach Sunday morning on "With
Mercy, and Compassion" and the
cathedral choir will sing "Sanctus"
by Gounod with Dean Melvin
Geist taking the tenor solo part.
Mrs. Gladys Thomas will sing the
morning solo, "Come Ye Blessed"
by Scott. That night the special
quartet will sing "Come Holy Spir
it," Flagler, and "Praise the Lord
Ye Heavens," Smart Dr. Harri
son will preach on "The Wayside
Ministry of Jesus."
Gospel Team Has Charge
Members qf the Gospel team of
the Oregon - Washington confer
ence brotherhood will have charge
of services Sunday night at 7:30
o'clock at the First Evangelical
church. Howard Culver, president
and Carl Lieberman, vice presi
dent, will be with the group. Each
member of the group is a layman.
Special music .will be provided.
Rev. James T. Martin, pastor. Bible
school 10 ajn. J worship 11 .m., "Clean
sing for FeUowship; BYPU 7 p.m.;
gospel meettog 7:30 pjn.. "Redemption
Through the- Cross. Prayer meeting
Tnursaay i:jv pm.
North Cottaee and D streets. J. F.
Olthoff. DD. pastor. Bible school 8:45
ajn., worship 11 o'clock. Reception of
new member. Observance of Lord's
Supper. Service 7:30 p.n(. Prayer meet
ing Wednesday 7:45 pjn. Oregon
Young People's and Sunday School
Workers Union conference, March 7,
8 and 8.
On mile north of the city limits on
the Portland highway. Bible school
8:45 a.m. Dewey Davis, superintendent.
BYPU 6J5 pjn. Mr. and Mrs.. Leon
LdimDeir, avuon.
Corner Marion and Liberty streets.
Rev. Irving A Fox, DD, minister. Bible
school 8:45 a.m., worship 11 ajn. "The
Spirit of Life, pastor. Communion
and reception of new members. Senior
BYPU 6:15 pjn.; high school BYPU
9tis, volunteers 0:15 pjn. service 7:30
pjn. "After These Things. Or the End
of the Church on Earth. pastor. Bus
Iness meeting Wednesday 7:30 pjn.
" Chemeketa and North Winter street.
Church school 8:45 at church build
ing. Morning and night services at
Waller hall, Willamette university.
Kev. w. irvua wiuiams. pastor.
Fourth of five sermons from First
John: "Abiding in Love." Combined CE
groups s:is with reports by those at
tending preaching mission in Port
land. Service 7:30 p.m., pastor, "John
CaJvtn, a Consecrated Intellect." Mid
week service Thursday 7 JO, pastor;
Choir practice i Wednesday 7:30 pjn.
Waller hall. Boy Scout troop No. S
Tuesday 7:30 p.m.. Art Silverthorne,
Mission -street between 12th and
University streets. A. S. Henderson,
pastor. Second quarterly business ses
sion Saturday- at 7-30 pjn. Sunday
school' : 10 ajn.; morning and night
services in charge of Rev. R. Glenn
Brady, 11 ajn. and . 7 JO p.m. Chris
tian Endeavor 9-30 p.m. Wednesday
prayer service 7 JO pjn.
State and 17th streets. T. H. Theuer.
BJD., pastor Sunday - school 10 ajn.
Worship 11 a Jin., "Looking from Mori ah,
to Golgotha. German worship 8 ajn.
Luther league 8:30 p.m. Church coun
cil Tuesday 7 JO pjn. Lenten services
Thursday 7:30 pjn., "The Agony in
the Garden." German service 10 ajn.
Confirmation class Saturday 8 JO ajn.
Miller and South Liberty streets.
Arno Q. Weniser. pastor. Bible school
0:45 a.m., morning worship 11 o'clock.
UDservance oi communion wun tws
talk, by pastor. Reception of new mem
bers. " Young people's . meetings. 8:15.
Night worship 7 JOSVlock. ''The Man
on the Tree," third tanneries of mess
ages by pastor. Wednesday 7 JO pjn
miaweeK service and business meeting.
h - (Missouri Synod)
16th and A streets. H. W. Gross, pas
tor. Sunday school and Bible class
a.m Service 10 ajn.: Lutheran radio
hour over KALE 1 JO p.m. Speaker,
Dr. Walter A. Maier. Midweek Lenten
services Wednesday 7 JO pjm. x
13th and Center. Leo W. Collar, pas
tor. 6 ajn. prayer meeting: 8:45 Sun
DEI7AI1D $E3 DET7MD $59 IlEUiulD
To Encourage Bible Stndy
Sunday. March 2. 1941. at the Johnson Memorial church
-- Pastor N. C Erntson will give $30 to the first person, and
' $25 to the second, and a Bible to all others who can find
. one Bible text that eaHs the first day of the week "The
-Lord's Day or The Sabbath Day." Como and get your
v prize or see who rets It. Kin James or Doaay yersions
'to be used. ' - - '
r - . SSOTTO :
, Ctzrci Lcrblcd cl Ccrncr cl -' :.
.You Are Invited - 8 P. It. Erln? Your Friends
Extradition Papers Brawn
For Man Held in Seattle
On County. Warrant
' Charles Mcintosh, Under Indictment
On False Prepense Charge, Hld
In North Awaiting Action , - .
The arrest of Charles Mcintosh
Friday- In Seattle on a ,M a r I o n
county warranrcharging obtaining
money by false pretenses was an
nounced .Friday, by Sheriff A.. C.
Burk of Marion county. -
Extradition papers are being
prepared by District Attorney" Mil
ler B. Hayden, and will be served
In the state of Washington provid
ed the approval of Oregon author
ities is obtained.
4 Mcintosh was Indicted on the
charge by the Marlon county grand
Jury. The Indictment Itself was
kept secret until his arrest was an
In another criminal proceeding,
subpoenas to appear as state's wit
nesses were served Friday on J.
H-; Turnbull, Clinton Deyo and
Claude Litchfield In the appealed
case of state vs. Albert Joseph Mc
Kay which will go on trial at 9
a m. next Thursday. . McKay ap
pealed a justice court 'judgment
against him on a charge of operat
ing a. motor vehicle while his op
erator's license was under suspen
sion. .
L. R. Chambers vs. J. E. LeClerc;
stipulation allowing d e f e n dant
nine days In which - to move for
new trial.
R. W. Skopil. administrator of
the estate of Sarah , Penney, vs.
Gilbert L. Stein; amended com
plaint for $10,000 for alleged
wrongful death' as a result of an
automobile accident three miles
north of Albany on May 13, 1939.
Plaintiff contends that injuries
suffered by the decedent contrib
uted largely to her death." ,
State ex rel Emma M. Looney
vs. W. C. Looney; affidavit of de
fendant stating reasons for his in
ability to make payments specified
on divorce decree.
Marion county vs. John A. Gear
In and others; dismissal as to three
parcels of real property on which
tax payments have been made.
Anna Mae Noll vs. William E.
Noll; divorce complaint ' alleges
cruel and inhuman treatment;
property agreement filed together
day school; 11 o'clock, sermon, Tol
lowing the Man With the Drawn
4 Swords JO'ii.m. "Young People's
serveies; n :30, 4-act Bible drama. "The
Crimson Cross,' (Depicting persecu
tion of Jews) presented by "The Wat-
enn TJIfti'.M1' f lArlanl
Chemeketa and Liberty streets. Sun
day' school at. 11 a m.. services at 11
ajn. and 8 pjn. Lesson-sermon, "Christ
Jesus." r Wednesday evening meetirs
at 6 includes testimonies of healing
through Christian Science. PubMc
reading room at 305 Masonic building
open daily except Sunday 11 ajn. to
9 pjn.; Wednesday to 7 JO pjn.
Gaines street at Fifth. H. E. Snavely.
pastor Sunday school 9:45; worship
11 o'clock. 6 JO young people's meet
ing; evangelistic service at 7 JO pjn.
Tuesday missionary band- meets at
home of Mrs. Fenton, 540 North 18th
street, 2 pjn. : Wednesday Bible study
ism. jmaay cnoir practice tjo.
- 460 North Cottage. No services Sun
day on account of Stat conference
In Portland. Relief society pjn. Tues-
aay ana sua Tuesday- isso pjn.
North . Summer and . Hood streets.
Elder N. C. Ernst on, pastor. Sabbath
school Saturday 9 JO a.m. Preaching
11 o'clock. Youn "Peoole'a meetinc
I pjn.; Bible study Wednesday 8 p.m.
suDject. "me Book That No Man can
Look Upon. Why? Special meeting
aunaay at pjn.
241 State street. Saturdray 7:43 pm.
aiajor ti. i-arrou wiu ten of exper
iences aboard old windjammers as a
part of "The Story of My Life." Sun
day. 9:45 a.m.. Company meeting will
include one of Major's chalk talks.
Holiness meeting 11 ajn.; young people
xgma pjn.; sarvaaon service i:sa.
Major and Mrs. George Houghton, offi
cers 1n charge.
-v Sunday school 10 o'clock. Lesson.
"Cehabi s Coveteusness and Its Pen
alty, 2. Kings, chapter & Worship
ii O'clock, services t:45 pjn. Mid
week services Wednesday night:
Young- people's meeting Friday 7:45
pjn. George Fads, pastor.
I Hood and Cottage, Rev. J. F. Law-
son, pastor. Sunday school 9 JO ajn.
Preaching it ajn.. Rev. J. E. Brazil and
stdfe, evangelists. Meetings will con
tinue each night through the week.
Meet at 248 North Commercial
street,. 2 JO and 7 JO P.m. Lectures and
messages Speaker, Rev. Evelyn Ben
net Butcher of Portland. Election of
officers in afternoon. .
Bible school 2 D.m.. communion 3
pjn.. evangelistic. 7 JO o'clock. Tues
day. Thursday and Saturday, 7 JO pjn.
J C and Daisy Wilson, pastors. .
19th and Breyman streets. Rev. Stew.
art G. Billings and Juanita MV Bill
ings, pastors. 9:45 ajn., Sunday school:
11 ajn Rev. .Billings, "Is the- Age of
Miracles- Past?" - Communion Sunday.
6 JO pjn. young people's meetings;
7 "45 pjtw i Rev. Juanita M, Billings.
An ?el with Dirty Faces." Tuesday.
7:45 pan, prayer service; Wednesday,
73Q pm., Dana renearsai: xnaay,
monthly business meeting. 7:43 o'clock.
with notice of defendant wi'Ji
drawing demurrer and refusing" to
plead further; married at Port Or
chard, Wash, September 19 1933."
...I. . . . . . . ,
commission vs. 'Washed Sand and
Gravel company; complaint for
$381.18. alleged due for contribu-'
Eva Madeline Rush vs. William
Dorothy Try vs. Everett P. Fry;
motion-to set for trial and reply
making denial.
Mark S. Skiff estate; aooralsal
of E. B. Mfllard. Dr. John GiU and
Glen Newland at $201; receipt of
appraisers for $2.50 for services.
! William Homer Egan and Adiie
luis Eean guardianship; Helen
D. Egan named cuardian and W,
E. Keyes, Dorothy Winegar and
Frank Deckebach, appraisers, of
$2S00 in personal property.
Zora A. Stone estate; order con
firming sale of real prooertr to
Herbert F. and Christina J. Chan
dler for $900 by Manlev J. Stone.
Anton J. Woelke, no clearance
lights, fined $2.50 and $4.50 costs.
John G. Garrison, speeding with
truck, fined $5 and $4.50 costs.
Ben L. Ricketts. no license
nlatesi fined $1 and $4.50 costs and
commitment Issued. Same defen
dant, no ODera tor's license, fined
additional $1 and $4.50 costs.
Phil Dykstra NSF check charge,
dismissed on motion of deputy dis
trict attorney on request of pri- "
vate prosecutor; $4.50 cost-ft as
sessed. J "
Erwin Smith, conducting plumb
ing business without certificate of
registration, continued to 9:30 a.m. "
next Thursday because of absence
of witness at trial Friday.
W. R. Donovan, non-support,
preliminary . hearing held and
bound over to grand Jury; ball :
fixed at $250.
Anton Schauer, 75, laborer, and
Margaret Barbara Rammler, 72
housekeeper, both Gervais.
C. L. Stark, 365 Garden road;
violation of bisic rule; fined $2.50.
Ira H. Gardner, 1125 North 19th
street; failure to stop; fined $2.50.
Charles C Hansen, Edgewater
street, West Salem; failure to stop.;
fined $2.50. ; '
Gottlieb B. Schmid, Eugene; vi
olation of basic rule; fined $2.59.
Floyd, Lapping, 895 South J3th
street; no bicycle license; fined $1.
New Members
Sunday will mark the Inaugur
ation of several new features at
the Calvary Baptist church with
the reception of new members and
formation of i children's PVPU
At the morning service at 11
o'clock Rev! Arno Q. Weniger will
extend the hand of fellowship to
23 new members. The ordinance
of the Lord's Supper will be ob
served?" with the pastor bringing
a ''Table Talk," The choir under
the direction of E. D. Lindburg
will present "Nearer My God to
Thee," by Williams, with Miss
Doris Schunke presiding at the
organ. . ' i
"The Man on the Tree," the
third In a series of messages by
the pastor, will be the sermon
topic at 7:30 p. m. The choir will
sing "On Olive's Brow" by .Wil
son. Ilear and See
.,..,...., .
And The Watson Players
"Ths Crirr::2
Sunday Ere&ind; 7:C3
March 2nd
13th and Center
. Sunday 11 A. IL Ksixlzz
Worship, chclr and crcLes
tra asslsiinjr.
Sermon: Tollowln t: s
Man with a Drawn Swcr J.
mmmmm I I
li. . , nirnii .nur -, rn mn inn viW,