Thm OSEGON STATESMAN. Colem, Oregon. Sunday Morning. February 23, IS11 PAGE TWO Military Ball Brilliant . Affair at Armory : . . . Saturday Night Colorful flags and draped bunting provided a patriotic set tin glfor-the eighth annual Military ball at the Armory last night. Several hundred couples, including many from out-of-town, at tended the brilliant affair. Jim Hannam and his orchestra from Portland played for dancing from 9 to 12 o'clock and Miss Doris Price was the fea tured singer The distinguished guests formed a receiving line at j- , -i 711 ' -ii6 "S! iSL 5?25 Bride-Elect , march formed and was led by Governor and Mrs. Charles A. Sprague. For. the occasion Mrs. Sprague wore a white lace and Silver metallic gown fashioned with a jacket Balloons were released- from the ceiling during the evening. Will Be Feted Planned for is the dessert Wednesday night supper for which Lfc Ward R. Davis headed the Mr- wimam jt. oiacey ana iniss. committee in charge of the ball Maxine Rogers will entertain at and was assisted by officers of the former's home on Rural ave Marion chapter. Reserve Officers' nue. The affair will compliment association. Miss Helen Boardman, whose Numerous parties preceded and marriage to Mr. Thome Ham niinrwi th Kali with ont-of- mond will be an event of Satur- town guests sharing in much of the entertainment. Bells are Hosts Lt and Mrs. Vinnie; J. Bell Nwere hosts for a supper party at their .home on North 21st street for a group of friends after the KaH. I.tL Bell Is resident of the Marion chapter, Reserve Officers' . i.tu. Honoring Their guests .included Mr. and Mrs. Rex KimmelL Mr. and Mrs. day, April 12. The individual tables will be centered with bouquets of Cecils B runner roses and sweet peas. Other pastel spring flowers will be arranged about the guest rooms. Contract bridge will be in play for several hours after the Miss Boardman will be Mrs. William H. Dashney, Mrs. Wheeler R. English, Mrs. Glenn Parties Slated Bridge parties are in the offer ing these days with several large benefit card parties slated f of the next' two months. , . The Spinsters will entertain with a benefit bridge party Mon day night at the Cherry City auditorium at 8 o'clock. Miss Shirley Evenson heads the di rectorate for the affair and Mist Esther Baird is in charge of tickets. Arranging the decorations are Miss Wilda Jerman, Miss Mary Ellen Hammond, Miss Bobbe Shinn and Miss Alice Unruh. At a late hour refreshments will be served and assisting in the serving will be Miss Mar garet Simms, Miss Barbara Comp- 1 Junior "Woman On to Us if i Monday Night ii , One of the largest affairs of the coming week will be the formal reception given by members of the Salem J unior Woman' club on Monday night at the clubhouse in compliment to mem bers of the legislative contingent and friends of members. Call ing hours are from 8 to 10 o'clock. Members of the Junior Wom an's club were hostesses for a similar affair during the last leg- : , . islatare. t " -if - Mix Delbert Schwabbauer wl introduce to the receiving line which will Include Mrs. Charles A. I Sprague, Mrs. Joseph Felton, president of the dub. Miss Helen, Boardman, - Miss Hattie BratzeJ, vice-presidents, Mrs. Glenn Pax son, president of the senior Worn an s jduo, and Mrs. J. A. Browns For the pleasure of Miss. Mar- god, junior club advisor. " if garet Smart, who will be married Presiding at the serving table on April 8 to Mr. Robert WorraL evening wm be Mri' Miss - Smart Will Be Feted - ton. Miss Shirley Evenson, Mis. ." IZTZ Mrs. A. A. Taylor and her daugh-. ' TtW U. film TTsmmnnd and Miss w" - . t .m. .. i . " icrs, son. woja . oon -OI women's clubs, Mrs. Eu Miss Betty Taylor, will entertain gene Owens, state -junior chair-?! with an informal party this after- man; Mrs. Rose Wilkes and Miss! noon at the Taylor home on Cul- MgBm5ds assistinf. Jl verLane. serving wfll be Miss Harriet' A kitchen shower will fete the Crawford, Miss Jean Moore, Mis bride-to-be and refreshments win Kathryn Hill, Miss Yvonne Mof- be served by the hostesses. Spring 1fGragg.Miss flowers carrying out the green Muriel Smith, Miss Ruth Rogers, mrA -rTlnw Jor tdm. will be aexea rtUUOO tM &USS If.M nian I7awivnsnV en4 MlC Alice Unruh. wuu wus xvuss rouuus w ins- Among those who have made lamook on February 16. The reservations for the affair' are couple will live in Salem. (Pet Mrs. Frank H. Spears, Mrs. Rus- erson studio, Tillamook) sell Catlin, Mrs. Hollis Hunting- -ton, Mrs. James B. Young, Mrs. , - -Dan O. Hammond, Mrs. Robert Bridge LllllCneOn Shinn, Mrs. C S. Hamilton, Mrs. - o , Taylor Hawkins, Mrs. Edward O. J OlGWert S Stadter, jr- Mrs. Dan McLellan, Mrs. O. C Hammond, Mrs. Wil- Mrs. Albert A. Siewert was a 7.7... I j iur. Stevenson, Mrs. Kenneth Man- Lawrence Lister, William Toomey, Mr. and. Mrs. " Paul Barden, Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Arens, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pickett, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Merrill, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Gal lagher, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Sex ton, 'Mr. and Mrs. Graham Shar key, Captain and Mrs. Francis Wade, Miss Jane Cameron, Miss Kate Jones of Vale, Mr. James Arens and' Mr. Dave' Reinhard. 1ST. and Mrs. T. O. Russell en tertained with a buffet supper at Joseph E. Harvey, jr- Mrs. ward O. Stadter, jr., Mrs. Keith Hall, Miss Rosemary Snyder, Miss Cynthia DeLano and the hostesses, Mrs. Stacey and Miss Rogers. f. ' t S Anniversary Will Be Observed Mr. and Mrs. Charles South HOSTESS Mrs. Douglas McKay, who was hostess at buf fet luncheons on Wednesday and Thursday, for wives of legis lators and state officials. (Jesten Miller photo) r Seen and Heard By JERYME ENGLISH NOTES FBOM A BUSY WEEK, which has been filled with lunch eons, teas, dances and the opera. . . It really was spring this week. . . beautiful, clear, blue skies and during the day a coat was hardly needed. ... Camellias are just their North Capitol street home wiU. Clebrate 30th wedding about to bloom ... and in many a before the ball for the pleasure, of a group of the military con- ' ting en t. The George Washington motif . was carried out in the table ap pointments. - Covers were placed for Major General and Mrs. George A. White of Fort Lewis, Colonel and Mrs. Clifton Irwin and Lieutenant Col onel and Mrs. Kenneth Rowntree of Seaside, Colonel and Mrs. J. B. Conmy, Lieutenant ; Colonel and Mrs. Elmer V. Wooton, Mr. and Mrs. George Schwarz and Mr. and Mrs. Russell. Party at Wade Home Captain and Mrs. Francis Wade honored a group of out-of-town guests and Salem friends at an -informal party at their home, on Hayden . -t avenue . preceding the balL The Wades were hosts for a midnight breakfast v at their home after the bajl for the pleas ure of a group of officers and their wives. . Another group of Salem cou ples made up a no-host dinner party at the Golden Pheasant be fore the ball. Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bonesteele, Dr. and Mrs. George Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Riches and their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Olson of Portland. Among other hosts before the : ball were Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds Allen, Major and Mrs. Van Svar verud, Major and Mrs. Clarence Collins, Lt. Col. and Mrs. Elmer V. Wooton, Dr. and Mrs. Grover C Bellinger, Captain and- Mrs. William H. Hammond, Major and Mrs. Willis E. Vincent and Majoi ana"" Mrs. Vern Miller. Mrs. Dickey. Is Hostess ' Mrs. Alma Dickey entertained the Good Neighbors club at her home Thursday afternoon. The anniversary on Sunday, March 2, at their home, 335 North Summer street. Friends are invited through the press to call between the hours of 3 and 7 o'clock. Hosts for the affair are the Souths' two sons and daughter, Mr. Frank South, Mr. Orville South and Mrs. Victor Butler, all of Salem Assisting the hosts will be Mrs. Frank South, Mr. Victor Butler and Miss Bette Demarest, fiance of Mr. Orville South. Receiving the guests in .the living room will be Mrs. A. J. Elliott, Mrs. J. A. Wiltsey, Miss Violet Meyers and Miss Twila. Harrison. . Those who have been asked to preside at the serving table are Mrs. Louise Kallander, Miss Anna Barr, Mrs. J. A. Fehler and Mrs. Cecil Kerns. Assisting in the serv ing will be Mrs. Arthur Cum mins, Mrs. Thomas McLaughlin; Mrs. Ellis Swift and Mrs. James Byers. Mr. and Mrs. South were mar ried in Tyndall, South Dakota, and have lived in Salem for 11 years. garden Japanese quince and plum blossoms are out as well as daphne, forsythia and crocuses. At Mrs. Miller B. Hayden's luncheons on Tuesday and Wed nesday with Mrs. J. N. Chambers and Mrs. Walter Kestly assisting the patriotic motif was carried throughout ... nosegays of red, white and blue carnations center ing each table ... a hatchet on the ices and hatchet shaped cook ies. From where we sat at "Car men," glimpsed Mrs. Claire Jones Gray, down from Portland and the A. A. Schramms over from their Corvallis home. . . Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hick'ok making up a party with the George Rhotens, Mr. and Mrs. Max Rogers and Mrs. George R. K. Moorhead, all in formal dress. . . Mrs. Henry V. Compton with daughter, Barbara ... the former wearing a grey squirrel coat and matching hat trimmed in blue. . . Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Garnjobst arriving in formal attire, she in a beautiful mink and violet felt hat. Cornoyer wearing white tailleur and black straw hat with a blue bird feather perch ed right in front. HOME AGAIN from a winter va cation trip to Death Valley, Boul der Dam, Los Angeles and San Francisco are the Ronald Friz zells. . . They were fortunate in being able to see and sit near many of the movie stars. ... In Hollywood they attended a British War Relief benefit at Grauman's Chinese theatre where they saw Tyrone Power, Annabella, Myrna Loy, the Bennett sisters, Basil Rathbone, Clark Gable and Carole Lombard, whom they also saw dining at the Brown Derby one night. . . At Earl Carroll's Jimmy Durante was the master of cere monies and Rudy Vallee was there escorting Ann Miller, the lovely brunette dancer, who wore all white and a floor length rabbit coat. . . The Frizz ells also dined at Ciros and the Florentine Gar dens. . . In San Francisco they at tended the opening night perform ance of Lynn Fontaine and Alfred Lunt in There Shall Be No Night WATCHING THE WILLAMETTE coeds and their dates dance at the inter-sorority formal on Saturday was quite a sight . . A corsage was pinned to every girl's shoul- 1 1 A vljj a. ... . -n I 11 V m A . 1UUU1CW UUBK3I Wl X X U.ICT InflnT IIW nidi IUUIUX. uwu k uci uuuw in Alurbu Tl 1X1 JjlqQCTl XO nijTWpT M' OXHBCT ' m 1 ter street in honor of members are Mrs. Glenn Adams, Mrs. Mose troup of piano numbers during of her club. Bridge was in play p. Adams,' Mrs. Rolin Beaver, jevening. Bouquets of . spring during the afternoon. Mrs. Clarence Bowes, Miss Irene blossoms and. flowers.. wUL deco- xne ueorse wasnmrton theme nnwn Mm r?T Riorfmtt. Un. ; us wa maa sa was cleverly carried out in the G. F. Chambers, Mrs. R. G. Doege, decorations. The table was cov- Mrs. W. C Franklin, Mrs. V. I erea wun red tariton over a white Gibson, Mrs. Frank lnfh Hi MnfamlaM wmm m ? r V Twr - - -- Y n ,n on JStf?' r edged in blue and white Smart. Mrs. Homer Smith, jr, March 19. The affair will be held . ..i, STZT c r TlxiT. tree, hatchet and candied cher- E. Utley. Mrs. Walter Worral and Jerman, Mrs. Henry V. Compton, Mrs. Paul Van Scoy, Miss Beryl Holt Miss Ruth Starrett Miss Mary Eason and Miss Doris Unruh. Fashion Bridge The Beta Sigma Phis will en tertain with their fourth annual Josephine at the Veterans' hall with playing ? ?d 8JrtintJS ? ,clocJc- tT1 ries? Star. andtchetT cmplet- Ray Yocom. ea the decorations. show will be presented by. the Smart Shop and McKendry and Bell. Fashions will be shown at 9:30 o'clock and Roger Miller and his orchestra will play for the show. No tables will be reserved for the affair and tickets may be ob tained from Mrs. George Scales or any of the club members. Mrs. Lynn Heise heads the directorate for the affair. Proceeds from the fashion bridge will be used for the Beta Sigma Phi protegees at the state tuberculosis hospital. Family Bookshelf Books of greatest interest dur ing the current week are those dealing with the life and time of George Washington. A display of books and pictures which has the first president of our country as subject has a prominent place in the public library this week. The new flag which will hang each day over the entrance to the public library was 'raised for the first time yesterday, Washington's birthday. The old flag had served tabid. Mrs. Delbert Schwabbauer JL Mercer neaap oirecxoraie ior tne ai- iair ;ua usuunx uer are auss Nina White, Miss Maria Dare, Miss; WUla Ames, Mrs. Evelyn Akers, Mrs. Roy M'nVt Mrs. Clin ton Standish. Mrs. Peter FoelkL"; Mrs.! Lawrence Brown, Mrs.! Frank Krauger and j Mrs. Let Crawford. Club members will &s- the guest Miss Smart is now teaching in Guests were Mrs. Frank Myers, Milwaukie and will arrive in Sa Mrs. Frank Brown. Mrs. Howard lem several dara before her wed. Pickett, and club members are ding. The ceremony will take sist I informally about Mrs. Roy Hewitt Mrs. Waldo place at the Knight Memorial rooms Mills, Mrs. H. G. Smith, Mrs. church with Rev. H. C Stover Charles A. Sprague, Mrs. Roy H. officiating. Miss Smart is the Mrs. Frank- Xoose will nLr Mills, Mrs. C W. Parker, Mrs. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. tain ! members of her dub at xeona jonnson ana Mrs. Robert Smart and Mr. Worral is the son luncheon and cards Monday af Craig. of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Worral. ternoon. r t $ r coat . . . Mrs. Walter 2k)sel, who der, or there was a flower in her for 28 years. Oregon's star in the 1 1 A 9 m . . ... . . . ..... s f ' wore a chic pink flowered hat hair. . . In the entrance hall cou- A twosome on their way to one pies arrived by fours and eights, of the numerous luncheons given the past week. . . Mrs. Carl W. Emmons and Mrs. Frederick Hill Thompson, who was smart in a navy blue ensemble with small white polka dots, navy straw hat and carrying her fox Kirs. A much feted legislative visitor is Mrs. Lou Emma Roughton of Portland, who formerly resided here. . . She goes to as many as ine girls carrying tneu corsage boxes. . . As to dancing, the col lege folk prefer rumbas and fox trots, not the dreamy waltzes the orchestra was playing. . . A few of the dancers we knew. . . Doro thy Greenwood looking very pa triotic in white silk jersey with a red and blue bodice, and floor length black velvet wrap. . . Ro wena Upjohn in a pretty floral Shan't Jloah Afcuu. . but ... A broken wrist can't stop ingen ious Mrs. R. C Hunter from playing bridge. It's reported that she has a neat little box ready, which she takes to parties and in which she arranges her cards out of sight of other players. Then with her one good hand, she plays her cards. It's a sort of a domino arrangement and works fine. Knltfin' lor Britain . . . 'Needles clicked merrily to the Toreadors song on Tuesday night when "Carmen" was given at the high school. Half a dozen women stuck to their knitting through he whole perform ance, building afghan squares, and long white socks for British soldiers. 1 Fourteen thousand boxwoods can! go wrong; . . . we hope. Gardeners on - the state-house grounds have stiff backs from setting out teesy-weensy box trees for rug ged old Oregon. Seems like the Pioneer is a shade pale, forfear they'll be planting geraniums In his whiskers next flag is the first one in the fifth row, according to tradition. Oregon celebrated its eighty-second birth day last week; statehood was granted Oregon on February 14, Among the new books of general Dr. Jones Speaks interest to the stay-at-nome-book traveler is "Journey to the World's End" by Hakon Mielche. The ex- A miss im as good The proofreader's bright eyes caught d mistake that might have proved fatal to our j popularity as a; society department The scne a certain pdfty was listed as held at the host's "snuHurban" home. Music In theicdr . . . Now thati spring has come, neighbors of the Al Lindbecks will be wearing ear muffs. Sounds; funny, but it's a case ofself protection. You see, Mrs. L. had trouble last year interesting Mr. L. in the garden, until she took out:a port able radio and tuned In on the ball game. Sure enough, 'he followed and the: rest of the summer, dug furiously in fee ;garden while ball games and symphonies boomed loudly into fee quiet rural air of Park Lane, whether the neighbors liked it or not You must admit . . . feat anyway. "Car men" mads excellent conversation; mater ial this week, relief from war and politics and fee weather. Maxirie Buren jars, isomer v. carpenter wm DLxl 3 Tir preside at dinner Tuesday night IOniCCnCl WOmen To Club Women four parties a day and is having print with green velvet jacket. a grand time seeing old friends, who have been giving small lunch eons, teas and dinners in her hon or. . . Thesespring days she has been seen wearing a soft pink silk" crepe frock and black straw bonnet shaped hat She's the for mer Lou Emma Waters. Colorful spring flower arrange- treme southern tip of South Am erica, the land adjacent to Cape Horn, is the scene of this well known travel author's new book. Laura Lee Tate Little is known about this strange Frances Harris in and - fascinating country, so that Arriving late all in black. a satin formal in a luscious shade of rose-pink and gardenia cor sage. . . . Two sisters in white. . . Mabelle and Frances Lilburn. . . Orchids sent by Ervin Potter to Jewell Minier ... by William Hop per to Sybil Spears . . . by Ed the book covers a new field of in terest. Humorous telling of most unusual adventure characterizes it One of England's outstanding authors, now living in this coun try, tells his life story in "Life The patriotic theme was carried out in the decorations and pro gram at the Salem Woman's club meeting Saturday afternoon at the clubhouse. Mrs. C C Clarkf and Mrs. C C Geer were in charge of the program. The guest speaker was Dr. Wil liam C Jones of Willamette uni versity and he spoke informally on Washington and Lincoln and compared the two men. Dr. Jones at her North Summer street T7 i . j home in compliment to the birth- -CuliertQineOl day anniversary of Mr. Carpen ter. Covers will be placed for six teen guests. The patriotic motif will be used in the table appointments. : In honor of a group of Port land friends who came to visit the legislature Saturday morning, Mrs. Duane Gibson entertained at luncheon at noon at her subur ban home on the Wallace road. The; red, white and 'blue color scheme was used inf the table centerpiece of carnations and vio lets, r Places were laid for Mrs. Ivison xrrrurrv. rt-Pnrn Cnr0 Wachinvtnn mrttif ir t-ii t i i . i "uiavjr. . . . ; .. ncupn uuson, wno was eieciea silver vT . last week to the presidency of Pinochle -was in play during Portnn w,'- Jk the afternoon with honors going Jf S"verton Woman s club. to Mrs. John Olson and Mrs. tMcEwan photo) - William iMcKinney. The group x , ,mee!n,MtfchJ!1aithchome Award Given to of Mrs. Mysta Hendricks. Guests were Mrs. Maude Strick- MlSS KlJDDe eL Mrs. a Genevieve McKlnney, Miss Dorothy Kibbe, Salem, Mis. Olson Feted' At Shower Miss Maxine Olson, bride-elect of Mr. Stanlv StifflM- ws tVi honor guest at a linen shower for Macdam, Miss Ann Sherlock, kt.L m ri ,t.i . . Vf i rVr4a TVrsl4M.t . T-i ments at Mrs. Douglas McKay's McWain to Barbara Hollingworth. for Life's Sake." This author. sta that Washington left us a j, Uaini9t jt land. Miss Beryl HolU Mrs. Zel- Duuei luncneons on Wednesday . . Barbara's were green to match- Richard Aldington, has an estab- we snouia ex- yt k! pha Burns. Miss AnnetU John- lished reputauon as novelist, poet former", home. A uTeperwai RT Glatt j-of Wood- essayist and literary critic His ,Tr c,, . erved following an informal eve- bura d Mrs. Gibson, book is not so much an autobi- Mm ?eneviev? Scharf sang a . f"""" evc ! iroun or namnti (mm iiviii- ' vase filled with yellow roses and pink tulips and on each side were small bowls of violets and pink rosebuds. . . the individual feta frock. . . Always together. Bruce Van Wyngarden and Max ine Holt who wore a becoming moon blue satin gown with bands tables were centered with French of royal blue velvet on the skirt . . Mrs. Clifford Willard, Mrs. Mil- nosegays of freesias, Japanese quince, yellow daisies and pink lace doilies. Spring shoppers . . . Mrs. Ronald Jones, out again after her acci- Clare Marshall in antique rose taf feta. . . Phyllis Saunders in a dash ing new spring paisley print in shades of rust deep red, yellow, gold and green, with a wide yellow a - at x uu l us iuili iiilii' uwi trw h i a sF-Bnn v sam it iv s s-im trtmrkw-in r w i w-w . mn m u'r . 'rrLJ Pnied by Mrs. John Schmidt Jr. "? oison were Miss i Mr. , Wullam Farker. f Mr. the World War I a ccslul lit- Th members enjoyed group cvieT fV W Mrs. C W. Parke. .is-oe a Jceery wid; eTald Jost Photic ng, ledS? TJJ ?m ?orth Pacific Dental coHeg. important of all, a sensitive and intellectually keen mind. Read tor its beauty of language, depth of thought and observation of life. Mrs. Geer. The rooms were fes- 9ldinm Frigaard, Miss. Elsie in Portland this weekend. Last tonr Steward. Mrs. John Olson, secretarial science junior at Ore- dent and looking chic in a ereen girdle and copper jacket . . June Hendricks, - Mrs. Stuart Johns, of a $50 merit award given an- broadcasts can profit by reading j. Wman! dub m J Mrj. John St Qa Mrs. William nually to the upperdass member welcomed heme from aa Miss Roberta Paula, was hos- 7 How J Un5" the date of their benefitSd McKinney, Mrs. Curtis Odenborg, of the sorority at each state r " . . , ,... stand It" by Qumcy Howe. The'nart- Mas in Mrs. Austin ' Cates and Mrs! school of higher learning by XI extended stay to Boston and tess for an informal party Satur- author blames tne methods f1. . pickey. , ; Xi ' alumnae chapter of Alpha along the eastern seaboard is Mr. day night in honor of a group newspapers and radios for some Mrs?Cnaries Gidowar'and TT f 'f Chi Omega, Portland, according Earle Potter. He came west by of her friends. The guests were of the publics confusion, but not Jessie Singleton.The table Chapter G. of PJELO. Sisterhood cne Just Pde way of California and is visiting the Misses Corinne Wade, Jeanne m 400 disparaging terms, because centerpiece was of blue iris, red met Thursday.' February 20. at his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Edward rfcer, Nancy Wallace, Patsy bZ ImJZ , ndeaJnd Mrs. Ar- D. Potter. Viesko, Sarah Ann Ohling, Mar- i wU1 "warding for den A. Reed was chairman of the garet Jane Emmons and Estella Douglas. tive. with flags and spring bios-. Patricia" Noonan, night pm Parkers entertained at soms. ""a umaaarsxiom- ainnerf lor the measure of thefr Club members voted to buy a f s e, PenT-Meier and son onf his birthday with a group vl1 . -''.'S, ; :'guestsj , is?; tsjr ?5 -. the home of Dr. Ethel K. Riley, cha; Miss Janice Johnson, with .Mrs. Ethel Parr as co-hos- Sherwood, senior in journalism, i i n sponded to roll calL Mrs. Don Allison, entertained with several piano selections. Dr. E. E. Getz laff, who ' spent seven years in Japan, gave a most interesting University of Oregon campus. In making these awards, girls of unusual ability and campus achievement are considered. . To be eligible tor consideration, , a Mr. and Mrs. Walter Holts of Chehalis, Wash, are the weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald C Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Woodry will entertain with a dessert sup- girl must have a creditable scho- Roberts at their suburban home, per for members of the family talk of thesJapanese people and - "r"7 their customs and showed motion "T pictures. Additional guests were f? K desrving of as- Mrs. C. W. Parker, Mrs. Albert 11CI- 'il m. . Siewert, Mrs. Garfield Anderson MiM?ibbr hofe and Mrs. Don Allison. managerat the Corvallis chapter . ! fof almost a year. She is treasur- " . ' . L." . er of the Associated Women Stu- SUted for Tuesday night is the regular monthly dance of the TO- ber of Phi Chi Theta, national North Capitol street ucum ciuo wmca wu oe na i honorary sorority for women see the Veterans halt Among those retarial students. Last year she ; Mr. and Mrs. Rex who will be entertaining - before the dance will be Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Truax, who will honor a group of r their friends i at their ; North 18th sbreet home! DsBghters of St EUsabeth of St Paul's Episcopal church will meet Tuesday afternoon, at the parish' house for L a one 'dock luncheon. ; Hostesses will Claire Lee, Mrs. : E. 3. and Mrs. A. E. Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. Holts formerly re sided in the capital. Miss Doris Drager will enter tain the St Cecelia Guild of St Paul's Episcopal church Tuesday night aMhe Rue Drager home on Davis are pinochle club Monday night Their guests will be Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hyett Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mills and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Woodry. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Boydea of me average reader who Is con- tea mmmttt fused by the flood of news. Also, of great interest is the story of Tn nldr r a.. ni'it how news is gathered, prepared J !f iph M' for release, and finally present- Z? ,De - ed to thTreadmrand UsSSg "ST01,01 intat' mal parties for their dates on Sat urday night at their respective public Three new books for technical workers are listed here: "Automo tive Essentials'' by Ray F. Kuns, which is a new edition of a stan dard and reliable work; "Coloring, a uwpver nouses, uancing, games and refreshments will be enjoyed. The stenographers of the state Finishing and Pain tin wh- legislature wm entertain with the A. C NewelL which l an ni- econd biennial 'fourth house Lisbon, North Dakota, who are pedia on the subject; The Air- 00 TmudJr night at the Marion now visiting in Portland, will be plane and Its Engine bv C. H ' hotel with a banquet and dance In Salem today as the guests of Chstfield, is the new and revised. in honor of the legislators.. was a member of Talons, sopho- the weekend guests of the for more women's service honorary, mer's brother and sister-in-law, Janice Johnson has been par- Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Davis, at Si ticularly active in journalism at letz. tne umveraty. For three years she has rbeen the Emerald, Miss Phyllis Fisher and Miss Genevieve Doud are the weekend guests of Miss Mary Ellen Mills edition of e necessary tool of all , those engaged as aviation mechan--ic or student . Mrs. W. S. Parker. . Mr. .aa Mrs, Daa McLeuaa are spending the weekend atNea- kowin at the Spears cottage "and Alalia kTb rwinM.n. m mm.vM heir guests Mr. and Mrs. staff member 0t w - at we n jsew rax nouse oa ux Tuesday morning at 9:30 at th "vuuocu- ox auano. k- vn-. . .tw wtain tne Alpha eita H alum- university of Orexon csmwis. sim ,n. t;hnM xoTmer saiem . residents. - and the Oregana, the yearbook! ?f e .if1; i" v , Adams will be leader, and taking Friends ef Dr and Mrs. Dwtrfei She is a member of Theta Sigma Monday night at S o clock. , : Mr. and Mrs. Theaaaa Neesen topics are Mrs. George Rossman, Flndley of Medford wm be to Phi, honorary fraternity for pro- - '; ' - I:'-" ' and family of Portland wiU be Mrs; S. Raynor Smith, Mrs. Huxh terested tn i9m . ee lors. . zesson&t women m journalism, u mmii m cunner guests ox jut. ana xaxs. ijtoiti, sars. x. xiurion, sars. leavma shortly after tit fir . .. . . . . " . . M TTT W - - . f-Ii! .1 r. . . v.... . . . . - 1 1 W ceu2rs ana HEADS COMMTiTEE Mrs. Delbert Schwcdbbctuer, who js scholaarship cliairman of Wash, is visiting in the capital Duane Gibson today; at their Oscar Hayter and Mrs. J. K. March for UmIm ,,1 hecais the committeo fnr 4h w a,- ! the Alnha Chi croun at Eueene. with her sister. Mrs. Wmna PoolaT suburban home. Hubbard " - ;-lir..-j'i:I r." "T L:Trr.r.?V.T T T i Hubbard weeks vacation trip. ' Wcmeh'g dubv6a Monday niaht "