The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, February 22, 1941, Page 5, Image 5

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    Thm OREGOXI STATESMAN, kzlctaj Oregon, Saturday Morning, February. 22. 1341
Local News Briefs
' Hicks Heads i Chest' i T. M.
Hickswas elected president of the
Salem Conuuunity. Chest at a
x ; meeting of the, board of directors
' Thursdty - night,- succeeding T. Ai
Windishar. : Irl McSherry' was
, elected first vice president, Guy
- Hickok second : vice president,
- Mrs. R. S. Keene secretary, and
- r J. inn c. Smith treasurer. A mo-
, tion commending ; the ; retiring
president for his work was pass
. ' ed," and a financial report ' read
- ; showing that pledges in the aut-
umv ' campaign had amounted to
$45,835. of which 71.5 per cent
I already had been collected high-
- est ; percentage in four years at
this time j of year. " :
Lutz florist. P. 9592 1276 N. Lib.
Wants Dog Back Mrs. Charles
' Butler, deaf woman living ? at
197 . South Commercial street,
appealed Friday for the return
of a small dog she and her. son
had had for eight years. She de
. pended upon the pet to attract
her attention to callers; at her
door. A black and white fox ter
rier named Trixie, the dog is
. believed to have been taken from
in front of the Commercial hotel.
Farmer I Stodenit Dies Word
' ' ; has been j received by Mrs. Earl
' ; Bunce, Miller street, of the death
of JaClt Foleyi - forqjer student at
the Salem blind school and lately
of a Portland trades school. Fu-
' neral services will be held to-
' : day at 1080 from the Brun-
nirig : chapel Of the Mission mor-
tuary, Southwest Salmon and
13th streets, with Dr..W. G. Milli
gan officiating.
Endlcott i
At the residence, Turner, Ore.,
Thursday February 20, Samuel M.
Endicott. ! Husband of Hallie C.
Endicott $nd father of Mrs. Vin
cent Aherns of Portland; grand
father of Gail Aherns of Portland;
brother of Charles and Irving En
dicott of Chester Hill, O. Funeral
services will be held in the chapel
of the W. T. Rigdon company Sat
urday, February 22, at 1:30 p.m.
Rev. Irvin W. Williams will offi
ciate. Private committal service
at Mt. Crest Abbey mausoleum.
Jacob P. Herbst, at his residence,
365 South 18th street, Thursday,
February 20, at the age of 77 years.
Survived ! by widow, Mrs. Jessie
B. Herbst of Salem; son. Gale
Herbst of Salem; step-daughter,
Mrs. Fred G. Hale of Willard,
Wash.; four grandchildren and
three great grandchildren. Serv
ices will be held Saturday, Febru
ary 22, at 1:30 p.m., from the
Clough-Barrick chapel, with Rev.
J. F. Lawson officiating. Conclud
ing services at City View ceme
tery. Pettit
Walter Scott Pettit, late resident
of 410 Morgan avenue, at a local
hospital February 19, at the age
of 69 years. Survived by widow;
daughter, Mrs. L. W. Howland,
and son, Earl, all of Salem; broth
ers, Bruce of Iowa and Claude of
South Dakota; three grandchildren
and two nephews also, survive.
Services will be held from the
Walker & Howell chapel Saturday,
February 22, at 2 pjn. Rev. J. C.
Harrison of the First Methodist
church will officiate.
Mrs. Le Vicy Anne Moorhead,
m Bend, Ore., Friday, February
21. Survived by sons, Virgil W.
and George R. K., both of Salem,
Daniel H., of Avenal, Calif., and
Jesse Daugherty, of Salem; daugh
ters, Mrs. !L. C. Kimsey, of Bend,
Ore., and Mrs. Neil McDonald,
of Antelope, Ore.; 16 grandchil
dren andj eight great-grandchildren.
Services will be held Mon
day, February 24, at 2 p. m. from
Clough-Barrick chapel, with in
terment in Belcrest Memorial
Edwin Lincoln . Wieder at the
residence, ; 885 North Summer
street, February 21, at the age of
80 years. Survived by one daugh
ter, Mrs. Sanford Adler of Baker,
! Ore., one son, David Van Sellar
Wieder, Salem, and one brother,
Charles Wieder of Albany, Ore.
Funeral announcements later by
the Clough-Barrick company. .
- of the
IStb and Center
L W. Collar
Plan to 'Attend
11 A. M.
The Divine Forester
. 7:30 P. M;
The Red Lantern and
Eternal Blackout
the cnoin and'
Coming Events
; Feb. 27 Youth rally to hear
; Dr. Dan Poling at Salem high
: school. ; '"-'-. ; ... -
' ' March It Willamette " unl
i versity faculty play, "Dnlcy."
H March 18 Institute of C1U
' cenship at ; Willamette univer-
Mar. 14, 15 High school f or
I ensle j tournament at Willam
: ett university! . , . -.
Wagon WreckedA light farm
wagon, loaded! with a plow, har
row and other equipment, - was
wrecked about 6:30 Friday, morn
ing near the Big Chief service sta
tion north of Salem, when Edward
Ira Piatt, Canby route 1, struck it
from the rear with his auto. James
D. Weathers, Salem route 6, driver
of the j wagon, was hurt but not
seriously. Piatt said he did not
see a lighted lantern on the rear
of the wagon, because of fog.
Safety of your savings is insured
at Salem Federal, 130 S. Liberty.
Says Training Tough Kenneth
De Long,. Salem boy in the naval
training school at San Diego, in
writing to Chief Quartermaster
Robert B. Fallon of the Salem
recruiting station, says that the
routine is stiff and officers "bawl"
them out when making mistakes,
but that they are just as quick
to rompliment them when exer
cises are done correctly. De Long
reports that he thinks it is a real
man's navy.
Two Houses Planned Bessie F.
Zobel was issued a building per
mit Friday to erect two one-story
dwelling-garage units, each to cost
$1800 at 1225 and 1245 South Lib
erty street. Other permits were
given L. M. Ramage to reroof
dwelling at 1106 Leslie street,
$150; S. F. Hendrickson to repair
dwelling at 1145 North 15th street,
$100, and Mrs. Jessie Vercler to
erect private garage at 930 North
Winter street, $70.
Rummage Fri., Sat. 4331,4 Ferry.
Class for Bralllists Due to the
number of requests for an eve
ning class in Braille transcribing,
a meeting has been called for
Monday evening at 8 o'clock at
the Red Cross offices. The eve
ning might be changed, but un
less a sufficient number come for
this initial meeting the evening
class will not be formed. This
class is opened to the public free.
Booked by Police Violation of
the basic traffic rule was charged
Friday by city police to P. R. Run
din, 33G9 Center street; Charles W.
Grabenhorst, jr., route 4. Failure
to stop was charged to O. Earle
Miller, : Sherwood, and Hazel K.
Marshall, 225 North 18th street.
Max Robert Johnson, Portland,
was charged with having void li
cense plates.
Catholic Daughter Food Sale Sat.,
Feb. 22. 453 Court St.
Registration Today Commit
tees registering veterans for emer
gency service will be at the Amer
ican Legion hall at Chemeketa and
Cottage streets from 9 to 5 o'clock
today, Commander Ray J. Stum bo
of Capital Post No. 9 said Friday
night. Organized registration be
gan Friday. All veterans, whether
members of the Legion or not, are
urged to register.
Club Named Pringle 4H cook
ing club has hit upon "Lucky 13"
for the name of the organization.
At the time of the cooking club
meeting "Stitching Suzies" also
convened to sew on some tea
towels. Presidents of the clubs
are Arlene Sheldon and Elaine
Woods respectively.
Cameiias & Daphne in bloom, 25c
ea. H. L. Pearcy Nursery Co., 245
Court St. Open. Sun. 10 to 4 p. m.
Courthouse Closed Offices in
the Marion county courthouse will
be closed all day today in accord
ance with the legal holiday cele
brated on Washington's birthday.
The law enforcement department
of Sheriff A. C. Burk's office,
however, will remain open.
To Attend Services Fifteen
members of the Parrish Junior
Hi-Y will attend services Sunday
morning at the First Presbyterian
church, with Advisor Fred Smith.
Dick Eckley is president.
R. A. Hutchinson preaching in
Grand theatre Sun. 11 a. m. Con
gregational church service. Wel
come. Trailer Stolen C. E. Pierce
1309 North Commercial street, re
ported to city police the theft of a
box trailer from his yard.
Cagle To Mr. and Mrs. Charles
H. Cagle, Brooks, a son, Charles
Warren, born. February 18, Sa
lem General hospital.
Mantle To Mr. and Mrs. Al
bert EL' ; Mahtie, ; route five, a
daughter Karen Louise, born
February 16, Salem General hos
pital. S.- 7 j
H E E D II A I1' S
Fountain Pen
'-V Repairs
Special: New tube,
clean and adjust any
make of - '350
Don't Throw Away..
" That Old Pen
' Store
465 Stat Phono 5802
. . Officers Elected New officers
were elected this week by the Par
rish junior high school Red Cross
council. Marie Newman is pres
ident; Richard i Law, vice-president;
Mary Parker, secretary; Peg
gy Sears, treasurer; Elmond Deck
er; sergeant - at ? arms; Patty
Brown, librarian. Miss Etta White
is supervisor.
New Members Named At a
meeting of the board of -directors
of the Philharmonic Orchestra as
sociation, held on Friday night at
the chamber of commerce, B. G.
DeSart and E. N. Starr were elect
ed to membership. These two, and
Mary Talmadge Headrick, already
a member, are to represent the
Musicians' union on the' board.
Hits Parked Autos Harvey D.
Nickel, route 4, was charged Fri
day by city police with reckless
driving after his car struck two
parked cars at Liberty and Union
streets. Neither badly damaged,
the vehicles- were owned by
George Lesher, 597 North Liberty
street, and,, Joe Fitzgerald, 765
Academy street.
Spring Opening Set Represen
tatives of the Salem Ad club and
the Salem Retail Trade bureau
have set Wednesday,, March 19,
as the date for Salem's annual
spring opening. Details for the
affair will be worked out by joint
committees from the two groups
who are sponsoring the program.
Pages-. Named New library
pages chosen at Parrish junior
high school by Mrs. Willma Wright
are Eugene Cherry, T r u m m a n
Runner, Jean Sechrist, Jeanette
Barker, Norman Beugli and Gayle
New Daughter Arrives A six
pound, 14-ounee daughter was
born to Mr. and Mrs. John Mar
vin Ritchie, 1756 Center street,
yesterday morning.
Postoffice Closed All depart
ments of the local postoffice, with
the exception of special delivery
service, will be closed today in
honor of Washington's birthday.
Old-Time Dance Slated Rob
erts grange will hold an old-time
benefit dance tonight at the
grange hall beginning at 9 o'clock.
Offices Closed City offices in
Salem will be closed today in rec
ognition of George Washington's
birthday as a legal holiday.
Chimney Flares Salem fire
equipment was called Thursday
night to extinguish a chimney fire
at 230 Mission street.
Youth Talk Slated
The fourth of a series of ser
mons to young people will be
given by Rev. Robert A. Hutchin-
Church Services
Howard C. Stover, minister. Morn
ing worship 11 o'clock. Sermon, "What
Think Ye or Christ?" Service 7:30 p.m.
drama "Conversioa," Esther C. AverUL
Sunday school 10 a.m.. Young People
8:30 p.m.; Men's club Monday 7 p.m.,
Robert S. Farrell. speaker of house,
will dvtfver the address.
State and Churcn sUeet. Dr. J. C.
Harrison, minister. Church school 9:45.
Nursery 11 o'clock. Morning worship
10:90, Dr. Harrison preaching, "The
Man on the Edge of the Crowd." In
termediate and high school leagues and
University vespers 6:30 p.m. There will
be no night services because of serv
ice in high school auditorium Sunday
afternoon with Bishop Ivan Lee Holt
as speaker.
North Winter at Jefferson. S. Hay nor
Smith, minister. ' Church school 8:43;
morning worship 11 o'clock, pastor
will pleach on "Man-Power or God?"
Bishop Holt wiU speak at 3 o'clock in
high school at union meeting. Because
of this meeting there will be no night
service. Epworth leagues meet 6:30.
Soa:h Commercial and Myers streets.
Dean C. Poindexter, minister. Sunday
school 9:45 a.m.; morning worship 11
o'clock; sermon, "Blessed Are Ye."
League t meet 6:30 p.m. There will be
no 7 JO p.m. iervice because of the
3:30 unoin service at the high school
auditorium. Bishop Ivan Lee Holt
Corner Market and Winter streets.
David L. Fenwick. minister. Sunday
school 9:43 a.m. Morning worship 11;
Young people's service 7 pjn. Evan
gelistic service 7:43 pjn. Midweek
meeting Wednesday 7:43 p.m.
Rev. Lowell Gilger, pastor. Services
at WCTU hall. Commercial and Ferry
streets, 2:30 p.m. Will unite with re
vival service at Aumsville for Sunday
night bervice. Hev. H. B. Aarhus, of
Aumsviile will be speaker.
Church and Chemeketa street. Holy
communion 7:30 a.m.; . church school
9:45 a.m.; prayer service and sermon
11 a.m. Vesper service S p.m.. followed
by social hour in parish house. Judge
James W. Crawford, speaker.
Missouri S ynnd )
16th and A streets. H. W. Gross, pas
tor. Sunday school and Bible class 9
a m. Services 10 a.m. Lutheran radio
hour over KALE. 1:30 p.m. Speaker,
Dr. Walter A. Maier.
State and 17th streets. F. H. Theuer,
ED, oastor. Sunday school 10 a.m., di
vine services 11 a.m. "Treading the
Wine-Press t" Gsrmn service 9 a.m.
Lenten service Thursday 10 a.m. in
German and 7-30 p.m. in English. "A
Knock at Your Door." Choir rehearsal
8:30 pm. Confirmation instruction Sat
urday sjo am.
Chemeketa and North Winter streets.
Rev. W. Irvin Williams. minister.
Church school 9:43 am.; worship 10:53;
third of five expository sermons from
book of First John. "The Spirit of
Truth.' Young Peoples CE leave church
3 p.m. to attend preaching mission In
Portland, other CE groups 6:30 pjn.
Service 7:30 p.m, message by pastor.
"Life end Work of Martin Luther.
Youth Council meeting following serv
ice and sound movies In color by Dr.
David B. HiU on "HaiwaU, USA. Boy
Scout troop t, Tuesday. Art Sihrer
thorne scoutmaster. Choir' rehearsal
Wednesday. 7 30 p.m. Services Thurs
day, 7:30 p.m , pastor..
' Sunday school 10 ajm. worship 11
a.m.. sermon. "Living the Abundant
Life." Christian Endeavor 6:43 pjn.;
service 7:30 p.m. Bertha Taworth will
present "Early Missionary Activity of
Friends. Pr-yer - meeting Thursday,
730 pjn. ;'-!., .'
Corner Highland avenue and Church
treetSi Herman H. Macy, minister.
Sunday school st 10 a.m.; preaching
servico 11 o'clock. ."The Condeseen
sion of Christ." Junior and Senior
Christian Endeavors meet 6:30 p.m.
Service 7 JO p.m ; mid-week prayer
meobiif Thursday- 7 JO rut ... -
V1 S
When Warner Brothers staged a Gay 90's party on
their Hollywood lot for the preview of The Straw
berry Blonde," who should be on hand to set 'em
up but Director Raoul Walsh, left above, and Actor
Gary Cooper, second from left! Apparently enjoy
son of the First Congregational
church Sunday at 11 o'clock at
the Grand theatre. The subject
for discussion is "Youth and the
Call to the Heights." The Wil
lamette duo, Carolyn Brown and
Helen Dean, will sing. The jun
ior chorus under the direction pf
Lena Belle Tartar, will also be
Pratiun Meet
To Conclude
The 42nd annual convention of
the Marion county Sunday school
council will conclude today at the
Pratum Mennonite church.
Today's services open at 9 o'clock
with song service led by Roy
Hutschman. Devotionals will be
led by O. O. Epley. The topic for
the morning session will be fac
tors which contribute to a success
ful Sunday school. The- morning
sermon will be delivered by Rev.
Oscar Lowry.
Rev. A. Q. Weniger will preach
the Saturday afternoon sermon.
Closing remarks and benediction
will be made by Rev. D. J. Unruh,
host pastor.
Nomination for county officers
will be made at 1 o'clock. Incum
bents are Fred de Vries, president;
G. E. McClellan, vice president;
Grace Klampe, secretary-treasurer;
Mrs. George Clipfell, superin
tendent of the children's division.
Corner Marion and Summer streets.
Rev. Tames E. Campbell, minister. Sun
day school 9:43 a.m. Morning worship
11 o'clock. Sermon, "The Inspiration
of Faith." Youth groups meet 6:30
p.m.; evangelistic service 7 JO. Bible
study Thursday 7 JO pjn.
North Capitol and Marlon streets.
EJvin Kortsman, pastor. Sunday
school 10 a.m.. worship 11 a.m-.
"Christ's Glory In Self -Denial." Dedi
cation of Rev. M. Denny Memorial
Bible. Christian Endeavor 8 pjn. Wom
en s Guild Thursday, noon luncheon,
at home of Mrs. Arno Spranger.
17th at Nebraska avenue. David L.
Ringland. minister. Sunday school 9:43
a.m.; morning worship 11:90 a.m.;
Christian Endeavor 6:30 p.m.; worship,
7:30 p.m. Midaweek servico Thursday
7 JO p.m.
Corner Marion and Liberty streets.
Irving A. Fox, DD, minister. Bible
school 9:43 a.m.; morning worship 11
a.m. "Continuance." .pastor. Senior
BYPU 6:15 p.m. High school BYPU
6:13 p.m. Volunteers 6:15 p.m. Gospel
service 7 JO p.m, "The Church of La
odecia or Modernized Church Spewed
Out of His Mouth," pastor. Wednesday,
7:15 pm. Closing night of "School of
Missions" assembly at 6 P-m., Mrs.
C. K. Manley, speaker.
Miller and South Liberty streets.
Rev. Arno Q. Weniger, pastor. Bible
school 9:43 a.m., morning worship 11
o'clock, sermon, "A Spirit Filled Life."
Nurse .-y and Junior church. High
school and Senior BYPU 6:13 p.m.
Worship 7:30 pm., sermon, "The Man
Up tne Tree, ' second message m a
series of gospel sermons. Wednesday
7:30 p.m., open foium. .
Corner of North Hazel and Academy.
Rev. James T. Martin, pastor. Bible
school at 10 a.m.: morning worship at
11 a.m.. "Approving the Excellent, or.
Making Right Decisions;" BYPU 7 pjn.
Gospel meeting 7:30 p.m, 'Redemp
tion Through Christ." Prayer meeting
Thursday 7:30 p m.
North Cottage and O streets. J. F.
Olthoff. DD, pastor. Bible school 9:13
a.m. Mcrning worship 11 o'clock. Ser
mon, "In His Temple Everything Saith,
Glory." Youth groups 6 JO p.m. Eve
ning 7:30 pjn. Sermon. "The Origin of
the Church." Prayer, Monday 7:45 pm.
Robert A. Hutchinson, minister.
Church school 9:44 in YMCA. Worship
service in Grand theatre 11 o'clock.
Minister's theme. "Youth and the CaU
of the Heights."
Church street between Chemeketa
and Center streets. Rev. P. W. Erik
sen, minister. 9:43 am. -Sunday school:
11 a.m. morning worship. Sermon,
"The Glories of the Cross' Rev. P. W.
Eriksen. This service may be beard
over KSLM 11-12 noon. 6J0 pjn. La
ther league; 7 pjn. Monday. Boy Scout
troop, Milo Syverson, scoutmaster; - S
pjw Wednesday, choir rehearsal.
mile north of the city limits
on Portland highway. Bible school 9:45
a.m.. Dewey - Davis, superintendent.
BYPU 6U3 pjn. Mr. and Mrs. Leon
Lambert. adTibors.
Center and High streets. Guy L.
Drill, pastor. Church school JO am.
followed by communion and - worship
service at 10:45. Sermon, pastor, "The
Vitality of the Gospel of Christ. Chil
dren's church under direction Mrs.
Gut L Drill. Message -Voice.- Chris
tian Endeavor 6:15; evangelistic serv
ice 7 JO. the pttstor. "Weill See What
God Has Done. ' Midweek servic Wed
nesday 7 JO pjn. Old Testament stu
dies. ,.;';- i , ... --. -. : '
17th and Court streets, W. H. Lyman,
minister. Bible school 9:43 am, wor
ship sod communion, 10 JO sm, min
ister." "Then Jesus Came." - Christian
Endeavor 6:30 pjn, evangehvtic serv
ice 7 JO pjn' sermon. Meyer Tan- Dit
ter, director. Portland Hebrew , mis
sion. Evangelistic .services each- night
next week except Monday. -
Mass Church
Service Set
Bishop to Speak Before
Salem Session Sunday
at High School
A mass service of Salem
churches will be held Sunday at
3 p. m. at the high school audi
torium in cooperation with the
national Christian mission at
Portland February 23 to March 2.
Sunday's meeting will feature
Bishop Ivan Lee .Holt of the
Methodist church. The program
Call to worship, Rev. Guy L.
Drill, president of Salem Minis
terial association; hymn, "On
ward Christian Soldiers," congre
gational; prayer, Rev. H. C. Sto
ver, pastor Knight Memorial Con
gregational; presentation of Chris
tian mission program, Rev. Irvin
Williams, pastor First Presby
terain; Gideon quartet, Dan Shir
mann, Milton Dierks, John Frie
sen, Walter Lotis; address, Bishop
Ivan Lee Holt; benediction, Rev.
Irving A. Fox, pastor First Bap
tist church.
Movie Screen Acquired
The new beaded motion picture
screen ordered recently by the
First Presbltcrian church arrived
Friday afternoon, and will be used
Sunday night for the first time
Citadel located at 241 Stats street.
Major and Mrs. George Houghton, offi
cers in chargre. Every night at 7 JO
o'clock Major H. Carroll from Los An
geles is conducting special revival ser
vices. Sunday services, 10 ajn.. Com
pany meeting; 11 o'clock. Holiness
meeting; 6, Young People's Legion;
7:30, SalvaUOn meeting.
13th and Center streets, Leo Webster
Collar, pastor. 6 a.m. prayer meeting;
9:45. Sunday school; 11 ijil, sermon.
"The Divine Forester." 6 JO pjn. Young
People's services; 7:30. sermon. "The
Red Lantern and Eternal Blackout."
Chemeketa and Liberty streets. Sun
day school at 11 a.m.. services at 11
a.m. .-nd t p.m. Lesson-sermon. "Mind."
Wednesday evening meeting at 6 in
cludes testimonies of healing through
Christian Science. Public reading
room at 303 Masonic building open
d;.ily except Sunday 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.;
Wednesday to 7 JO p.m.
Service at 400 North Cottage, Salem
Woman's club. Sunday school 10 a.m.;
service 6:30 p.m. Relief Society 2 pjn
Tuesday; MfA 7 JO pjn. Tuesday.
Ferry and 13th street. C. G. Weston,
pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Church
service 11 ajn., subject. "Up to God."
Evangelistic service. 7:43 p.m.. subject.
"Why Should I Be a Christian?" Bible
study Tuesday 7 :45 p.m. Prayer meet
ing 2 pjn. Wednesday and 7:43 pjn.
Corner Summer and Hood streets.
Elder N. C. Emston pastor. Sabbath
school Saturday at it JO a.m.; preach
ing 11 o'clock. Elder Oswald from
Walla Walla, guest speaker. Sabbatn
school convention 3 p.m. Prayer and
Bible study Wednesday 8 pjn. Sub
ject. The Book That No Man Could
Look Upon. Why?" Sunday night lec
ture 8 pm. Subject, "Th Most Per
fect Law That Any Nation Ever Had.
Was It the United States?"
19th and Breyman streets. Rev. Stew
art G. and Juanita M. Billings. 9:45
ajn. Sunday school: 11 a.m.. Rev. Bill
ings, "Identified With Chrirst." 6 JO
S.m.. Young People; 7:43 p.m, message
y pastor, "No Profit In Sin." Tues
day. 7:45 p-m prayer service. Friday
7:45 p.m.. midweek Bible study servr
ice. Study in "The Art of Soul-Winning.
420 Mate street. Sunday school 19
o'clock. Worship at 11 ajn. Services
7:45 p.m.; midweek services Wednes
day. Young People's meeting Friday
7:43 p.m. George Eads. pastor.
315' North Commercial street. Bible
school 2 p.m.; devotional 3 pjn.; evan
gelistic 7 JO pjn. Weekday services
Tuesday 7 JO pjn, Thursday 7 JO p.m,
Saturday 7 JO p.m. J. C. and Daisy Wil
son, pastors.
Hood and Cottage streets. Rev. J. F.
Lawson. pastor.- Sunday school 9:45
a m; preaching 11 o'clock. Beginning
of revival. Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Brazil
of iianford, Calif, as evangelists, na
tionally known' negro- singers. Serv
ices each night 7 JO. Rev. J. F Law
son, pastor.
Gaines street at 8th. H. Z. Suavely,
pastor. Sunday school 9:5 a.m.; wor
ship II o'clock. "A Separated Life
Rev. Snavely. Tb Youth groups meet
JO. At 7 JO evangelistic service, a spe
cial Young People's program. Tuesday
Missionary Band meets at home of Mrs.
Clarence Woelk at 10 ajn.: Wednesday
Bible study 7 JO pjn. Friday choir
praciico at churcn 7 JO. .
1 Spiritualist I
Meet at 248 North Commercial 230
and 7 JO. Speaker. Mrs. Lulu Mitue
stadt. ' : . --- - - - -
Jefferson street at Mill. Dallas. Rev.
Nash, pastor pro-tern. Sunday, school
10 a m , preaching 11 a.m, service 7 JO
pjn. Dedicatory service of the now
church followed by fellowship meet
log at -SJU. - -.. ,
ing the prospect of getting their schooners of
foaming amber fluid from such distinguished "bar
tenders" are four beautiful starlets, left to right,
Ann Edmonds, Alexis Pmttn, Faye Emerson and
Peggy Dtggins.
when Dr. David Hill will show a
sound movie in color entitled "Hawaii-USA."
The picture which will be shown
following the regular service is
furnished by the Hawaiian cham
ber of commerce.
90 & 9 Rally
Date Is Set
"Willamette district of the Nine
ty and Nine Bible Men's move
ment will hold its regular bi
monthly rally at the Court Street
Christian church Monday night.
About 200 men from various
churches of the Willamette val
ley are expected to attend. Din
ner will be served by women of
tha local church at 6:30 p. m.
Program will include numbers
by the male quartet from the
Pratum Mennonite church, read
ings by George Veall, and an ac
cordion duet. The message will
be brought by Meyer Tan-Ditter,
director of the Portland Hebrew
mission, who is conducting an
evangelistic campaign at the
Court Street Christian church.
Vice-President Del Tripp of Sa
lem will preside at the business
Pastor Gives
"Modernized Churchanity
Spewed out of God's Mouth" is
the subject of the closing address
of Dr. Irving A. Fox, pastor of
the First Baptist church of Salem.
This is the last message on the
series of "Seven Churches in
Asia" as revealed in the Book of
Revelation. "Here we see what
God thinks of the modern church
with its large membership and
wealth and lukewarm state," Rev.
Fox states. '
Much interest is shown by the
attendance, many traveling far
to hear these messages illustrated
by a large prophetic chart
Sunday the pastor will begin a
chapter by chapter study of the
Book of Revelation.
Sets Series
Of interest to college young peo
ple will be the series of Sunday
night sermons scheduled for the
Presbyterian church during the
next three weeks. Using as his
theme "Crisis Builders," Rev. VV.
Irvin Williams will present three
biographical sketches: February
23 "The Life and Work of Martin
Luther," March 2, "John Calvin a
Consecrated Intellect" and March
9, "JohnJWesley a Heart Aflame."
Virginia Ward Elliott, director
of Linfield a cappella choir, will
lead the song service each night,
accompanied on the pianos by
Moodind Estell Benner and on
the organ by Prof. Frank
Judge Is Guest Speaker
Judge James W. Crawford of
Portland will be the speaker at
the social hour following vesper
service in Saint Paul's Episcopal
church Sunday afternoon at S
o'clock. -Thefdg will be intro
duced by J i Harry H. Belt,
senior wardfcof Saint Paul'
church. . Judge Crawford is "a
member of the diocesan council
of the Episcopal church.
Will Help Dedicate
Sunday afternoon transporta
tion facilities are being furnished
by the Salem Pentecostal Light
house to Dallas for a joint-fellowship
meeting with the Emmanuel
Pentecostal' -Lighthouse - in dedi
cating the new . hall in Dallas on
Jefferson street just off Mill
street.' Fellowship services will be
gin at 2:30 p. m. A fellowship
dinner will p recced services. .
Choice Hot-House f
137 S. Coml Ph. 7311
Breach of Coot
Awards Plaintiff $400
f n T jpcc TK
au juvuu Jiuuu aauiu,
. f j -. - :. . .- .i-"f ' -. . -: . - - .
:i Circuit, Court Jiiry .Acts Quicldy in Suit; - -T
Judgment Includes Interest from 1932; '
j Case Takes Only Part of Day . 1 . -
. ; , A verdict of $400 or the plaintiff fas returned .Friday by a
jury in" circuit court lesa than an hour -after it xetired from the
courtroom in the case pt Ruby Richtervs. George H. Stoddard.
' ; The case went on trial during the morning session of court.
Selection of a jury and presenta
tion of testimony were rapid, and
the case went to the .Jurjy shortly
after the lunch hour. The written
verdict was officially filed at
1:44 p. m. j -
' According to the terras. of the
verdict, the judgment against the
defendant . includes interest from
March 1, 1932, from the total
amount of which $30 is i subtract
ed. The action was f dr breach
of , contract. i
- i " Circait Court !
Georgia Griffey vsJ . Orville
Griffey; divorce complaint based
on . alleged cruel and ! Inhuman
treatment in which plaintiff, asks
custody of one' child land $10
monthly support money married
in': Cheyenne,
23, 193.
Keith Miles by T. 1L- Miles,
guardian, vs. Frederick: B. and
Theresa T. Andrews; stipulation
ofi settlement out of court with
judgment of non-suit to plaintiff.
C C and May Russell vs. Otto
W. and Emma A. Russell; motion
to' require plaintiffs to - elect
whether to proceed to; remove
cloud from real property title as
alleged in complaint, or to pro
ceed for cancellation ci instru
ment alleged to be intended as
a mortgage.
L. M. Lambert and W.jA. Lotus
as Valley Welding company vs.
Washed Sand and Gravel com
pany; demurrer to petition of
Credit Bureaus, Inc., to inter
plead. Motion for appointment of
Francis Smith as receiver filed
hy plaintiffs on grounds that as
sets now in the hands of G. R.
M unkers and Ed Lucas, named as
defendants, are allegedly in dan
ger of loss or injury, tend that
corporation is in danger of -insolvency.
Affidavit of L. M. Lam
bert alleges that the trial of the
present case will probably occupy
a considerable period, and that
it is to the stockholders' interest
to place the affairs of the concern
in the hands of a receiver during
the trial period. The affadavit
also states that property . of the
corporation will bring ' a suffi
cient sum to pay all outstanding
claims. ;
State ex rel Emma Ml Looney
: vsV-p. Looney; motion for. de
fendant to show cause as to al
leged failure to make payments
under divorce decree. )
Jasper P. Dullum vs. .Northern
Life Insurance company; reply
and application for place on trial
docket. (
Chris Howard Eismannlvs. Mary
Eismann; motion to make reply
affidavit more definite and cer
tain, j
W. F. Nelson vs. Rex fcoss; or
der of dismissal on stipulation.
Carl Beatty vs. Industrial acci
dent commission; application for
place on trial docket. j
Ardrilla N. Morris vs.; Kenneth
G. Thompson; motion to set aside
judgment and to set Idate for
trial; defendant's accompanying
affidavit gives reasons for peti
tion. . 1
Probate Court
Ida Cawrse guardianship; coun
ty i treasurer ordered to pay
Charles Cawrse, executor $240.44
held on deposit to ward's account.
Fred M. Mitchell estate; final
account of Ruth M. Myers, execu
trix, shows receipts and disburse
ments of $1405; March 25 set for
final hearing. j
Rosa Stalzer estate; petition of
F. J. Stalzer, administrator, for
permission to sell real property;
hearing set for March 23.
James M. Marks guardianship;
L. R. McGinnis, guardian author
ized to pay E. R. Woods $200 as
special attorney's fee In i connec
tion with litigation for guardian
ship. Rawle Hurst Corson Sihger es
tate; Kenneth Randall nrimed ad
ministrator and Sam Fi Speer
stra, Evelyn. Aspinwall and Lil
lian Davis, appraisers, of $1500
property; a will drawn kx Penn
sylvania directs sale of property
and division of the proceeds be
tween three uncles and an aunt.
Nick Beer estate; Pionfer Trust
company named executor! of $3000
In real property, and RoyJ Nelson,
George H. Grabenhorst and E. H.
Thompson, appraisers. -
Justice Court '.
James A. Ferguson, no! operat
or's license, -fined $1 and $40
costs and commitment issued.
J. H. Plank, non-support, de
fendant bound over to grand jury
Jchnssa Ilencriall Church I
Center Summer and
" Subject: Th I Most Perfect Low 'Any NcScn
" Ever Had. Ia It the United. States? ;
- - - - j . i ! ' i ' "
Is conscience or feeling a safe guide? Are we under the law
' or under grace? Why do most churches teach that we should
obey the law of God? Why do some preachers teach it was
. nailed to the cross? .Can a person be -saved by keeping the
. law? Will a person he lost if he does not obey the law? Are
the ten commandments out of date today? What becomes of
: the law when we art under the NEW COVENANT?
-. ' . - - ' ;---- - ;i t
:-;:;...V- ENJOY . THIS MEETING '7-' i ' . "-. ' 4
Song Service at -7:$t COME " Brtag Year; Questions
- . .
Versatile Pastor
1 -i
V t -. - -
Famed Divine "
To Lead Rally
Early reports indicate a prob-
able capacity crowd of youth from
Marion, Polk and Yamhill coun
ties to hear Dr. Dan Poling at the
Salem high school auditorium next
Thursday night,; Don Dour is
chairman of the rally committee, '
said Friday. I j
The rally will be at 8 pjn, pre
ceded by a dinner in the high
school cafeteria at 6:S0. Reserva
tions for the dinner must be in to
Famed Divine 24 "church .
Douris by Tuesday. Those who at
tend the dinner. ; will have seats
in the auditorium assured.
Dr. Poling, world president of
the Christian Endeavor, is pastor
of the; Baptist Temple in Philadel
phia as Well as editor xX. the Chris
tian Herald. During" the coming
week he will be a member of the
national preaching j mission in
Portland. j
Poling was born irt Oregon and
attended Dallas college, where he
was a football player, track man
and boxerv He served- in the World
war. " ""- I
Hiiinan (Drama -
To Be Given
I j i j . ?
"Conversion " by: Esther C"
AyeriUV' a moving drama with a 1
pathetic human interest story set A:
in a profoundly reliaious atmos- -
phere. will be - given Sunday
night at 7:30 at the I Knight Me
morial j church, J9th and Ferry
streets. I i
Players are J. J. Thomnsnn
Alice Rlggs, Ethel Thompson, Lee
Nieswander, Alma Yantis and
James Thompson j
A mixed quartet, singing gospel
hymns,' "The Ninety and Nine"
and "Ye Must Be Born Again,"
will furnish the bsclurround and
atmosphere for 4he drama.
u 1
Army Speaker
Major Herbert Caj-roll, for 40
years associated with the Salva
tion Anmy since his Ifirst contact
with that organization as a sailor
on a sailing vessel i in the Ha
waiian Islands, will conduct serv
ices for? the next eight tiays, in
eluding three Sunday services, at
the army citadel ;on ! State street.
Majot Carroll 1 has just com
pleted. series of talks at Port
land, lie is a talented musician
on the bid five string banjo, and
will enliven - his lectures for the
young people by rnusic and chalk
talks.! i
J . T
: - s i "
at preliminary hearing, released
on own! recognizance;
j Municipal Court ' .
Kenneth Anderson, disorderly
condut fined $10.
txr jcna, 4J j j worm zoin
street:! Violation .M of I basic rule:
fined ; S2.50. , . I i
Joei t iHarris, Brooklyn. NY;
drunk ens ess: 30-dav sentence sus
pended j On condition he leave
town, i " j t
Heed StsJ r- ;f P, M.
f !